Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/platypus/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/platypus/figures.py |
#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details #history https://hg.reportlab.com/hg-public/reportlab/log/tip/src/reportlab/platypus/figures.py """This includes some demos of platypus for use in the API proposal""" __version__='3.3.0' import os from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle from reportlab.lib.utils import recursiveImport, strTypes from reportlab.platypus import Frame from reportlab.platypus import Flowable from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER from reportlab.lib.validators import isColor from reportlab.lib.colors import toColor from reportlab.lib.styles import _baseFontName, _baseFontNameI captionStyle = ParagraphStyle('Caption', fontName=_baseFontNameI, fontSize=10, alignment=TA_CENTER) class Figure(Flowable): def __init__(self, width, height, caption="", captionFont=_baseFontNameI, captionSize=12, background=None, captionTextColor=toColor('black'), captionBackColor=None, border=None, spaceBefore=12, spaceAfter=12, captionGap=None, captionAlign='centre', captionPosition='bottom', hAlign='CENTER', ): Flowable.__init__(self) self.width = width self.figureHeight = height self.caption = caption self.captionFont = captionFont self.captionSize = captionSize self.captionTextColor = captionTextColor self.captionBackColor = captionBackColor self.captionGap = captionGap or 0.5*captionSize self.captionAlign = captionAlign self.captionPosition = captionPosition self._captionData = None self.captionHeight = 0 # work out later self.background = background self.border = border self.spaceBefore = spaceBefore self.spaceAfter = spaceAfter self.hAlign=hAlign self._getCaptionPara() #Larry Meyn's fix - otherwise they all get the number of the last chapter. def _getCaptionPara(self): caption = self.caption captionFont = self.captionFont captionSize = self.captionSize captionTextColor = self.captionTextColor captionBackColor = self.captionBackColor captionAlign = self.captionAlign captionPosition = self.captionPosition if self._captionData!=(caption,captionFont,captionSize,captionTextColor,captionBackColor,captionAlign,captionPosition): self._captionData = (caption,captionFont,captionSize,captionTextColor,captionBackColor,captionAlign,captionPosition) if isinstance(caption,Paragraph): self.captionPara = caption elif isinstance(caption,strTypes): self.captionStyle = ParagraphStyle( 'Caption', fontName=captionFont, fontSize=captionSize, leading=1.2*captionSize, textColor = captionTextColor, backColor = captionBackColor, #seems to be getting ignored spaceBefore=self.captionGap, alignment=TA_LEFT if captionAlign=='left' else TA_RIGHT if captionAlign=='right' else TA_CENTER, ) #must build paragraph now to get sequencing in synch with rest of story self.captionPara = Paragraph(self.caption, self.captionStyle) else: raise ValueError('Figure caption of type %r is not a string or Paragraph' % type(caption)) def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): # try to get the caption aligned if self.caption: self._getCaptionPara() w, h = self.captionPara.wrap(self.width, availHeight - self.figureHeight) self.captionHeight = h + self.captionGap self.height = self.captionHeight + self.figureHeight if w>self.width: self.width = w else: self.height = self.figureHeight if self.hAlign in ('CENTER','CENTRE',TA_CENTER): self.dx = 0.5 * (availWidth - self.width) elif self.hAlign in ('RIGHT',TA_RIGHT): self.dx = availWidth - self.width else: self.dx = 0 return (self.width, self.height) def draw(self): self.canv.translate(self.dx, 0) if self.caption and self.captionPosition=='bottom': self.canv.translate(0, self.captionHeight) if self.background: self.drawBackground() if self.border: self.drawBorder() self.canv.saveState() self.drawFigure() self.canv.restoreState() if self.caption: if self.captionPosition=='bottom': self.canv.translate(0, -self.captionHeight) else: self.canv.translate(0, self.figureHeight+self.captionGap) self._getCaptionPara() self.drawCaption() def drawBorder(self): self.canv.drawBoundary(self.border,0,0,self.width, self.figureHeight) def _doBackground(self, color): self.canv.saveState() self.canv.setFillColor(self.background) self.canv.rect(0, 0, self.width, self.figureHeight, fill=1) self.canv.restoreState() def drawBackground(self): """For use when using a figure on a differently coloured background. Allows you to specify a colour to be used as a background for the figure.""" if isColor(self.background): self._doBackground(self.background) else: try: c = toColor(self.background) self._doBackground(c) except: pass def drawCaption(self): self.captionPara.drawOn(self.canv, 0, 0) def drawFigure(self): pass def drawPage(canvas,x, y, width, height): #draws something which looks like a page pth = canvas.beginPath() corner = 0.05*width # shaded backdrop offset a little canvas.setFillColorRGB(0.5,0.5,0.5) canvas.rect(x + corner, y - corner, width, height, stroke=0, fill=1) #'sheet of paper' in light yellow canvas.setFillColorRGB(1,1,0.9) canvas.setLineWidth(0) canvas.rect(x, y, width, height, stroke=1, fill=1) #reset canvas.setFillColorRGB(0,0,0) canvas.setStrokeColorRGB(0,0,0) class PageFigure(Figure): """Shows a blank page in a frame, and draws on that. Used in illustrations of how PLATYPUS works.""" def __init__(self, background=None): Figure.__init__(self, 3*inch, 3*inch) self.caption = 'Figure 1 - a blank page' self.captionStyle = captionStyle self.background = background def drawVirtualPage(self): pass def drawFigure(self): drawPage(self.canv, 0.625*inch, 0.25*inch, 1.75*inch, 2.5*inch) self.canv.translate(0.625*inch, 0.25*inch) self.canv.scale(1.75/8.27, 2.5/11.69) self.drawVirtualPage() class PlatPropFigure1(PageFigure): """This shows a page with a frame on it""" def __init__(self): PageFigure.__init__(self) self.caption = "Figure 1 - a page with a simple frame" def drawVirtualPage(self): demo1(self.canv) class FlexFigure(Figure): """Base for a figure class with a caption. Can grow or shrink in proportion""" def __init__(self, width, height, caption, background=None, captionFont='Helvetica-Oblique',captionSize=8, captionTextColor=colors.black, shrinkToFit=1, growToFit=1, spaceBefore=12, spaceAfter=12, captionGap=9, captionAlign='centre', captionPosition='top', scaleFactor=None, hAlign='CENTER', border=1, ): Figure.__init__(self, width, height, caption, captionFont=captionFont, captionSize=captionSize, background=None, captionTextColor=captionTextColor, spaceBefore = spaceBefore, spaceAfter = spaceAfter, captionGap=captionGap, captionAlign=captionAlign, captionPosition=captionPosition, hAlign=hAlign, border=border, ) self.shrinkToFit = shrinkToFit #if set and wrap is too tight, shrinks self.growToFit = growToFit #if set and wrap is too small, grows self.scaleFactor = scaleFactor self._scaleFactor = None self.background = background def _scale(self,availWidth,availHeight): "Rescale to fit according to the rules, but only once" if self._scaleFactor is None or self.width>availWidth or self.height>availHeight: w, h = Figure.wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight) captionHeight = h - self.figureHeight if self.scaleFactor is None: #scale factor None means auto self._scaleFactor = min(availWidth/self.width,(availHeight-captionHeight)/self.figureHeight) else: #they provided a factor self._scaleFactor = self.scaleFactor if self._scaleFactor<1 and self.shrinkToFit: self.width = self.width * self._scaleFactor - 0.0001 self.figureHeight = self.figureHeight * self._scaleFactor elif self._scaleFactor>1 and self.growToFit: self.width = self.width*self._scaleFactor - 0.0001 self.figureHeight = self.figureHeight * self._scaleFactor def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): self._scale(availWidth,availHeight) return Figure.wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight) def split(self, availWidth, availHeight): self._scale(availWidth,availHeight) return Figure.split(self, availWidth, availHeight) class ImageFigure(FlexFigure): """Image with a caption below it""" def __init__(self, filename, caption, background=None,scaleFactor=None,hAlign='CENTER',border=None): assert os.path.isfile(filename), 'image file %s not found' % filename from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader w, h = ImageReader(filename).getSize() self.filename = filename FlexFigure.__init__(self, w, h, caption, background,scaleFactor=scaleFactor,hAlign=hAlign,border=border) def drawFigure(self): self.canv.drawImage(self.filename, 0, 0,self.width, self.figureHeight) class DrawingFigure(FlexFigure): """Drawing with a caption below it. Clunky, scaling fails.""" def __init__(self, modulename, classname, caption, baseDir=None, background=None): module = recursiveImport(modulename, baseDir) klass = getattr(module, classname) self.drawing = klass() FlexFigure.__init__(self, self.drawing.width, self.drawing.height, caption, background) self.growToFit = 1 def drawFigure(self): self.canv.scale(self._scaleFactor, self._scaleFactor) self.drawing.drawOn(self.canv, 0, 0) try: from rlextra.pageCatcher.pageCatcher import restoreForms, storeForms, storeFormsInMemory, restoreFormsInMemory _hasPageCatcher = 1 except ImportError: _hasPageCatcher = 0 if _hasPageCatcher: #################################################################### # # PageCatcher plugins # These let you use our PageCatcher product to add figures # to other documents easily. #################################################################### class PageCatcherCachingMixIn: "Helper functions to cache pages for figures" def getFormName(self, pdfFileName, pageNo): #naming scheme works within a directory only dirname, filename = os.path.split(pdfFileName) root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) return '%s_page%d' % (root, pageNo) def needsProcessing(self, pdfFileName, pageNo): "returns 1 if no forms or form is older" formName = self.getFormName(pdfFileName, pageNo) if os.path.exists(formName + '.frm'): formModTime = os.stat(formName + '.frm')[8] pdfModTime = os.stat(pdfFileName)[8] return (pdfModTime > formModTime) else: return 1 def processPDF(self, pdfFileName, pageNo): formName = self.getFormName(pdfFileName, pageNo) storeForms(pdfFileName, formName + '.frm', prefix= formName + '_', pagenumbers=[pageNo]) #print 'stored %s.frm' % formName return formName + '.frm' class cachePageCatcherFigureNonA4(FlexFigure, PageCatcherCachingMixIn): """PageCatcher page with a caption below it. Size to be supplied.""" # This should merge with PageFigure into one class that reuses # form information to determine the page orientation... def __init__(self, filename, pageNo, caption, width, height, background=None): self.dirname, self.filename = os.path.split(filename) if self.dirname == '': self.dirname = os.curdir self.pageNo = pageNo self.formName = self.getFormName(self.filename, self.pageNo) + '_' + str(pageNo) FlexFigure.__init__(self, width, height, caption, background) def drawFigure(self): self.canv.saveState() if not self.canv.hasForm(self.formName): restorePath = self.dirname + os.sep + self.filename #does the form file exist? if not, generate it. formFileName = self.getFormName(restorePath, self.pageNo) + '.frm' if self.needsProcessing(restorePath, self.pageNo): #print 'preprocessing PDF %s page %s' % (restorePath, self.pageNo) self.processPDF(restorePath, self.pageNo) names = restoreForms(formFileName, self.canv) self.canv.scale(self._scaleFactor, self._scaleFactor) self.canv.doForm(self.formName) self.canv.restoreState() class cachePageCatcherFigure(cachePageCatcherFigureNonA4): """PageCatcher page with a caption below it. Presumes A4, Portrait. This needs our commercial PageCatcher product, or you'll get a blank.""" def __init__(self, filename, pageNo, caption, width=595, height=842, background=None): cachePageCatcherFigureNonA4.__init__(self, filename, pageNo, caption, width, height, background=background) class PageCatcherFigureNonA4(FlexFigure): """PageCatcher page with a caption below it. Size to be supplied.""" # This should merge with PageFigure into one class that reuses # form information to determine the page orientation... _cache = {} def __init__(self, filename, pageNo, caption, width, height, background=None, caching=None): fn = self.filename = filename self.pageNo = pageNo fn = fn.replace(os.sep,'_').replace('/','_').replace('\\','_').replace('-','_').replace(':','_') self.prefix = fn.replace('.','_')+'_'+str(pageNo)+'_' self.formName = self.prefix + str(pageNo) self.caching = caching FlexFigure.__init__(self, width, height, caption, background) def drawFigure(self): if not self.canv.hasForm(self.formName): if self.filename in self._cache: f,data = self._cache[self.filename] else: f = open(self.filename,'rb') pdf = f.read() f.close() f, data = storeFormsInMemory(pdf, pagenumbers=[self.pageNo], prefix=self.prefix) if self.caching=='memory': self._cache[self.filename] = f, data f = restoreFormsInMemory(data, self.canv) self.canv.saveState() self.canv.scale(self._scaleFactor, self._scaleFactor) self.canv.doForm(self.formName) self.canv.restoreState() class PageCatcherFigure(PageCatcherFigureNonA4): """PageCatcher page with a caption below it. Presumes A4, Portrait. This needs our commercial PageCatcher product, or you'll get a blank.""" def __init__(self, filename, pageNo, caption, width=595, height=842, background=None, caching=None): PageCatcherFigureNonA4.__init__(self, filename, pageNo, caption, width, height, background=background, caching=caching) def demo1(canvas): frame = Frame( 2*inch, # x 4*inch, # y at bottom 4*inch, # width 5*inch, # height showBoundary = 1 # helps us see what's going on ) bodyStyle = ParagraphStyle('Body', fontName=_baseFontName, fontSize=24, leading=28, spaceBefore=6) para1 = Paragraph('Spam spam spam spam. ' * 5, bodyStyle) para2 = Paragraph('Eggs eggs eggs. ' * 5, bodyStyle) mydata = [para1, para2] #this does the packing and drawing. The frame will consume #items from the front of the list as it prints them frame.addFromList(mydata,canvas) def test1(): c = Canvas('figures.pdf') f = Frame(inch, inch, 6*inch, 9*inch, showBoundary=1) v = PlatPropFigure1() v.captionTextColor = toColor('blue') v.captionBackColor = toColor('lightyellow') f.addFromList([v],c) c.save() if __name__ == '__main__': test1()