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isinstance�PVector)�v�other�operators   r�compare_pvectorr s-���A�H�H�J�*�U�G�2L�����X�X�RW�X�Xrc�"�|�|St||�Sr)�slice)�index�stops  r�_index_or_slicer%s���|�������rc�$��eZdZdZdZ�fd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
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    Support structure for PVector that implements structural sharing for vectors using a trie.
    )�_count�_shift�_root�_tail�_tail_offset�__weakref__c���tt|�|�}||_||_||_||_|jt|j�z
|_|Sr)	�superr'�__new__r(r)r*r+�lenr,)�clsr�shift�root�tail�self�	__class__s      �rr0zPythonPVector.__new__%sP����]�C�0��5����������
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}tj||�|tzS�Nr)rr"�startr$�step�_EMPTY_PVECTOR�extendrr(r'�	_node_for�BIT_MASK�r6r#s  r�__getitem__zPythonPVector.__getitem__3s���e�U�#��{�{�"�u�z�z�'9�e�j�j�>P���"�(�(�����u�)=�>�>��1�9��T�[�[� �E��&�&�t�U�3�E�H�4D�E�Erc�$�|j|�Sr)r@�r6rs  r�__add__zPythonPVector.__add__Cs���{�{�5�!�!rc�R�djt|j���S)Nzpvector({0}))�format�strrr9s r�__repr__zPythonPVector.__repr__Fs���$�$�S�����%7�8�8rc�"�|j�Sr)rKr9s r�__str__zPythonPVector.__str__Is���}�}��rc�4�t|j��Sr)�iterrr9s r�__iter__zPythonPVector.__iter__Ls���D�K�K�M�"�"rc�&�|j|�Sr)�__eq__rFs  r�__ne__zPythonPVector.__ne__Qs���;�;�u�%�%�%rc��||uxsCt|d�xr|jt|�k(xrt||tj
�S)Nr:)�hasattrr(r1r r�eqrFs  rrRzPythonPVector.__eq__Ts\���u�}�H���	�!:�!X�t�{�{�c�RW�j�?X�!H�^m�nr�ty�|D�|G�|G�_H�	Hrc�8�t||tj�Sr)r r�gtrFs  r�__gt__zPythonPVector.__gt__W����t�U�H�K�K�8�8rc�8�t||tj�Sr)r r�ltrFs  r�__lt__zPythonPVector.__lt__ZrZrc�8�t||tj�Sr)r r�gerFs  r�__ge__zPythonPVector.__ge__]rZrc�8�t||tj�Sr)r r�lerFs  r�__le__zPythonPVector.__le__`rZrc��|dks|turtS|dk(r|Stj||j�z�S�Nrr)r?r@r�r6�timess  r�__mul__zPythonPVector.__mul__cs>���A�:���/�!�!��A�:��K��$�$�U�T�[�[�]�%:�;�;rc�r�|r$|tz}|D]}|j|||��y|j|�yr)�SHIFT�
_fill_listr@)r6�noder3�the_list�ns     rrkzPythonPVector._fill_listns;����U�N�E��
�O�O�D�!rc��g}|j|j|j|�|j|j�|S)zK
        The fastest way to convert the vector into a python list.
        )rkr*r)r@r+)r6rms  rrzPythonPVector.tolistvs6��������
        Returns the content as a python tuple.
        )�tuplerr9s r�_totuplezPythonPVector._totuples���T�[�[�]�#�#rc�4�t|j��Sr)�hashrrr9s r�__hash__zPythonPVector.__hash__�s���D�M�M�O�$�$rc��t||�Srr
�r6�transformationss  rrzPythonPVector.transform�s�����/�/rc�0�t|j�ffSr)�pvectorrr9s r�
__reduce__zPythonPVector.__reduce__�s�������(�(�(rc���t|�dzrtd��|j�}tdt|�d�D]}||dz|||<�|j	�S)N�z)mset expected an even number of argumentsrr)r1�	TypeError�evolver�range�
persistent)r6�argsr�is    r�msetzPythonPVector.mset�sg���t�9�q�=��G�H�H��,�,�.���q�#�d�)�Q�'�	)�A�#�A�a�C�y�G�D��G��	)��!�!�#�#rc�^�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
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�Zd�Zy)�PythonPVector.Evolver)	r(r)r*r+r,�_dirty_nodes�_extra_tail�
_orig_pvectorc�&�|j|�yr)�_reset�r6rs  r�__init__zPythonPVector.Evolver.__init__�s
���K�K��Nrc��t|t�s!tdt|�jz��|dkr%||j
Stj||�|tzS)N�-'%s' object cannot be interpreted as an indexr)rrr~�type�__name__r(r1r�r'rArBrCs  rrDz!PythonPVector.Evolver.__getitem__�s����e�X�.�� O�RV�W\�R]�Rf�Rf� f�g�g��q�y�����s�4�+;�+;�'<�<�<���{�{�e�I�d�k�k�C��8H�8H�4I�&I�I��'�'�����(;�<�<� �*�*�4��7���8H�I�Irc���|j|_|j|_|j|_|j|_|j|_i|_i|_g|_||_yr)	r(r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r�r�s  rr�zPythonPVector.Evolver._reset�sZ���(�(�D�K��(�(�D�K����D�J����D�J� !���D�� "�D��!#�D��!�D��!"�D�rc�<�|jj|�|Sr)r��append)r6�elements  rr�zPythonPVector.Evolver.append�s�����#�#�G�,��Krc�<�|jj|�|Sr)r�r@)r6�iterables  rr@zPythonPVector.Evolver.extend�s�����#�#�H�-��Krc��|||<|Sr�)r6r#rs   r�setzPythonPVector.Evolver.set�s���D��K��Krc�8�t|t�s!tdt|�jz��|dkr%||j
k�rn�n|jj|tz	�}|r
|||tz<y||jk\r�t|j�|jvr\t!|j�|_d|jt|j�<|j|j|tz	<||j|tz<y|j#|j$|j&||�|_y|j
|j�zkr nn||j||j
|j�zk(r|jj)|�yt+d|����)Nr�rT�Index out of range: )rrr~r�r�r(r1r�r��getrjrBr,�idr+r��list�_do_setr)r*r��
IndexError)r6r#rrls    r�__setitem__z!PythonPVector.Evolver.__setitem__�s����e�X�.�� O�RV�W\�R]�Rf�Rf� f�g�g��q�y�����s�4�+;�+;�'<�<�<���E�'�D�K�K�'��)�)�-�-�e�u�n�=���-0�D���)�*��d�/�/�/��$�*�*�~�T�->�->�>�%)�$�*�*�%5��
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z	<|S||z	tz}|j
||||�||<|S)NTr)r�r�r�rBr�rjr��r6�levelrlr�r�ret�	sub_indexs       rr�zPythonPVector.Evolver._do_set�s����$�x�4�,�,�,����4�j��-1��!�!�"�S�'�*���z�$'��A��L�!�14��"�"�1��:�.�
�J��%�Z�8�3�	�!%���e�e�m�T�)�_�a�QT�!U��I���Jrc��||=|Srr�rCs  r�deletezPythonPVector.Evolver.delete�s���U���Krc�,�|jr{t|j|j|j|j
�}|j|j�|jt�||_|j|=yr)r�r'r(r)r*r+rr@r�r�r?)r6�key�ls   r�__delitem__z!PythonPVector.Evolver.__delitem__�sh���!�!�!�$�+�+�t�{�{�D�J�J��
�S�Z�Z�\������)�)�*����N�+�#$�� �� � ��%rc��|j}|j�r`t|j|j|j
|j�j|j�}|j|�|Sr)
r��is_dirtyr'r(r)r*r+r@r�r�)r6�results  rr�z PythonPVector.Evolver.persistent�sY���'�'�F��}�}��&�t�{�{�D�K�K����T�Z�Z�X�_�_�`d�`p�`p�q�����F�#��Mrc�F�|jt|j�zSr)r(r1r�r9s rr:zPythonPVector.Evolver.__len__s���;�;��T�%5�%5�!6�6�6rc�H�t|jxs|j�Sr)�boolr�r�r9s rr�zPythonPVector.Evolver.is_dirtys����)�)�=�T�-=�-=�>�>rN)r��
__module__�__qualname__�	__slots__r�rDr�r�r@r�r�r�r�r�r�r:r�r�rr�Evolverr��sM��F�	�	�
	J�		#�	�	�	�	F�4	� 	�	&�	�	7�	?rr�c�,�tj|�Sr)r'r�r9s rrzPythonPVector.evolver
kr�nn�||jk\rMt|j�}|||tz<t|j
k(r|j|�Std|����)Nr�rr�)rrr~r�r�r(r,r�r+rBr'r)r*r�r�r�)r6r�r�new_tails    rr�zPythonPVector.set
�!�X�&��K�d�ST�g�N^�N^�^�_�_��q�5�
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||||�||<|Sr<)r�rBr�rjr�s       rr�zPythonPVector._do_set%s\���4�j���A�:� #�C��H���
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dt�D]}|||z	tz}�|Std|����)Nrr�)	r(r,r+r*r�r)rjrBr�)�pvector_liker�rlr�s    rrAzPythonPVector._node_for/s�����'�L�'�'�'��L�-�-�-�#�)�)�)��%�%�D��|�2�2�A��v�>�
5��K��Q�8�9�9rc�H�|j}|jtz	d|jzkDr?|j|j	|j|j
�}||fS�Nr)r)r(rjr*�	_new_pathr+�
_push_tail)r6�	new_shift�new_roots   r�_create_new_rootzPythonPVector._create_new_root=s����K�K�	�
�K�K�5� �Q�$�+�+�%5�6��
�$K�L�H����I���"�"����t�{�{�D�J�J��
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BRANCH_FACTORr�r�r'r(r)r*r�)r6rr�r�r�s     rr�zPythonPVector.appendIs}���t�z�z�?�]�*��D�J�J�'�H��O�O�C� � ����q��$�+�+�t�z�z�8�T�T�#�3�3�5���)��T�[�[�1�_�i��C�5�I�Irc�D�|dk(r|S|j|tz
|�gSr<)r�rj)r6r�rls   rr�zPythonPVector._new_pathSs&���A�:��K����u�u�}�d�3�4�4rc�L�|j�\|_|_g|_yr)r�r*r)r+r9s r�_mutating_insert_tailz#PythonPVector._mutating_insert_tailYs ��"&�"7�"7�"9���
max_delta_len�delta�	delta_lens      r�_mutating_fill_tailz!PythonPVector._mutating_fill_tail]sY��%��D�J�J��7�
����� 6�7���
���%� ���J�	����y� ���	�!�!rc��d}t|�}||krD|j||�}t|j�tk(r|j	�||kr�D|j
|_yr<)r1r�r+r�r�r(r,)r6r�r��sequence_lens    r�_mutating_extendzPythonPVector._mutating_extendesk�����8�}���|�#��-�-�f�h�?�F��4�:�:��-�/��*�*�,��|�#�
t|�}|r*|j	|d�}|j|dd�|S|Sre)rr'rr�r�r�)r6�objr��
new_vectors    rr@zPythonPVector.extendosR��'�s�M�:�C�J�J�L��S�	������Q�q�T�*�J��'�'��!�"��.����rc�6�t|�}|tk(r|j|�|S|jdz
|z	tz}t|�|kDr"|j
        if parent is leaf, insert node,
        else does it map to an existing child? ->
             node_to_insert = push node one more level
        else alloc new path

        return  node_to_insert placed in copy of parent
        r)r�rjr�r(rBr1r�r�)r6r��parent�	tail_noder�r�s      rr�zPythonPVector._push_tailzs����6�l���E�>��J�J�y�!��J��k�k�A�o�%�/�8�;�	��v�;��"�!�_�_�U�U�]�F�9�<M�y�Y�C�	�N��J��
rc�J�|j�j|g|��i|��Sr)rr#�r6�valuer��kwargss    rr#zPythonPVector.index�s%��"�t�{�{�}�"�"�5�:�4�:�6�:�:rc�@�|j�j|�Sr)rr�r6r�s  rrzPythonPVector.count�s���{�{�}�"�"�5�)�)rc�f�|j�}|t||�=tj|�Sr)rr%r?r@)r6r#r$r�s    rr�zPythonPVector.delete�s-���K�K�M��
�o�e�T�*�+��$�$�Q�'�'rc�n�|j�}|j|�tj|�Sr)r�remover?r@)r6r�r�s   rr�zPythonPVector.remove�s)���K�K�M��	������$�$�Q�'�'rr)/r�r�r��__doc__r�r0r:rDrGrKrMrPrSrRrYr]r`rcrh�__rmul__rkrrrrurr{r��objectr�rr�r��staticmethodrAr�r�r�r�r�r�r@r�r#rr�r��
__classcell__)r7s@rr'r's�����V�I�	��F� "�9��#�
&�H�9�9�9�9�<��H�"��$�%�0�)�$�n?�&�n?�`+�:�0��:��:�
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(rr'c��eZdZdZed��Zed��Zed��Zed��Zed��Z	ed��Z
ed��Zed	��Zed
ed��Zed��Zed
    Persistent vector implementation. Meant as a replacement for the cases where you would normally
    use a Python list.

    Do not instantiate directly, instead use the factory functions :py:func:`v` and :py:func:`pvector` to
    create an instance.

    Heavily influenced by the persistent vector available in Clojure. Initially this was more or
    less just a port of the Java code for the Clojure vector. It has since been modified and to
    some extent optimized for usage in Python.

    The vector is organized as a trie, any mutating method will return a new vector that contains the changes. No
    updates are done to the original vector. Structural sharing between vectors are applied where possible to save
    space and to avoid making complete copies.

    This structure corresponds most closely to the built in list type and is intended as a replacement. Where the
    semantics are the same (more or less) the same function names have been used but for some cases it is not possible,
    for example assignments.

    The PVector implements the Sequence protocol and is Hashable.

    Inserts are amortized O(1). Random access is log32(n) where n is the size of the vector.

    The following are examples of some common operations on persistent vectors:

    >>> p = v(1, 2, 3)
    >>> p2 = p.append(4)
    >>> p3 = p2.extend([5, 6, 7])
    >>> p
    pvector([1, 2, 3])
    >>> p2
    pvector([1, 2, 3, 4])
    >>> p3
    pvector([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
    >>> p3[5]
    >>> p.set(1, 99)
    pvector([1, 99, 3])
        >>> len(v(1, 2, 3))
        Nr�r9s rr:zPVector.__len__���rc��y)z�
        Get value at index. Full slicing support.

        >>> v1 = v(5, 6, 7, 8)
        >>> v1[2]
        >>> v1[1:3]
        pvector([6, 7])
        Nr�rCs  rrDzPVector.__getitem__�r�rc��y)zm
        >>> v1 = v(1, 2)
        >>> v2 = v(3, 4)
        >>> v1 + v2
        pvector([1, 2, 3, 4])
        Nr�rFs  rrGzPVector.__add__�r�rc��y)zY
        >>> v1 = v(1, 2)
        >>> 3 * v1
        pvector([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])
        Nr�rfs  rrhzPVector.__mul__�r�rc��y)zo
        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3)
        >>> v2 = v(1, 2, 3)
        >>> hash(v1) == hash(v2)
        Nr�r9s rruzPVector.__hash__�r�rc��y)a~
        Create a new evolver for this pvector. The evolver acts as a mutable view of the vector
        with "transaction like" semantics. No part of the underlying vector i updated, it is still
        fully immutable. Furthermore multiple evolvers created from the same pvector do not
        interfere with each other.

        You may want to use an evolver instead of working directly with the pvector in the
        following cases:

        * Multiple updates are done to the same vector and the intermediate results are of no
          interest. In this case using an evolver may be a more efficient and easier to work with.
        * You need to pass a vector into a legacy function or a function that you have no control
          over which performs in place mutations of lists. In this case pass an evolver instance
          instead and then create a new pvector from the evolver once the function returns.

        The following example illustrates a typical workflow when working with evolvers. It also
        displays most of the API (which i kept small by design, you should not be tempted to
        use evolvers in excess ;-)).

        Create the evolver and perform various mutating updates to it:

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        >>> e = v1.evolver()
        >>> e[1] = 22
        >>> _ = e.append(6)
        >>> _ = e.extend([7, 8, 9])
        >>> e[8] += 1
        >>> len(e)

        The underlying pvector remains the same:

        >>> v1
        pvector([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

        The changes are kept in the evolver. An updated pvector can be created using the
        persistent() function on the evolver.

        >>> v2 = e.persistent()
        >>> v2
        pvector([1, 22, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10])

        The new pvector will share data with the original pvector in the same way that would have
        been done if only using operations on the pvector.
        Nr�r9s rrzPVector.evolver�r�rc��y)aY
        Return a new vector with elements in specified positions replaced by values (multi set).

        Elements on even positions in the argument list are interpreted as indexes while
        elements on odd positions are considered values.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3)
        >>> v1.mset(0, 11, 2, 33)
        pvector([11, 2, 33])
        Nr�)r6r�s  rr�zPVector.mset(r�rc��y)a�
        Return a new vector with element at position i replaced with val. The original vector remains unchanged.

        Setting a value one step beyond the end of the vector is equal to appending. Setting beyond that will
        result in an IndexError.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3)
        >>> v1.set(1, 4)
        pvector([1, 4, 3])
        >>> v1.set(3, 4)
        pvector([1, 2, 3, 4])
        >>> v1.set(-1, 4)
        pvector([1, 2, 4])
        Nr�)r6r�rs   rr�zPVector.set5r�rc��y)z�
        Return a new vector with val appended.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2)
        >>> v1.append(3)
        pvector([1, 2, 3])
        Nr�)r6rs  rr�zPVector.appendFr�rc��y)z�
        Return a new vector with all values in obj appended to it. Obj may be another
        PVector or any other Iterable.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3)
        >>> v1.extend([4, 5])
        pvector([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        Nr�)r6r�s  rr@zPVector.extendPr�rc��y)z�
        Return first index of value. Additional indexes may be supplied to limit the search to a
        sub range of the vector.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3, 4, 3)
        >>> v1.index(3)
        >>> v1.index(3, 3, 5)
        Nr�r�s    rr#z
        Return the number of times that value appears in the vector.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 4, 3, 4)
        >>> v1.count(4)
        Nr�r�s  rrz
        Transform arbitrarily complex combinations of PVectors and PMaps. A transformation
        consists of two parts. One match expression that specifies which elements to transform
        and one transformation function that performs the actual transformation.

        >>> from pyrsistent import freeze, ny
        >>> news_paper = freeze({'articles': [{'author': 'Sara', 'content': 'A short article'},
        ...                                   {'author': 'Steve', 'content': 'A slightly longer article'}],
        ...                      'weather': {'temperature': '11C', 'wind': '5m/s'}})
        >>> short_news = news_paper.transform(['articles', ny, 'content'], lambda c: c[:25] + '...' if len(c) > 25 else c)
        >>> very_short_news = news_paper.transform(['articles', ny, 'content'], lambda c: c[:15] + '...' if len(c) > 15 else c)
        >>> very_short_news.articles[0].content
        'A short article'
        >>> very_short_news.articles[1].content
        'A slightly long...'

        When nothing has been transformed the original data structure is kept

        >>> short_news is news_paper
        >>> very_short_news is news_paper
        >>> very_short_news.articles[0] is news_paper.articles[0]
        Nr�rws  rrzPVector.transformrr�rNc��y)z�
        Delete a portion of the vector by index or range.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        >>> v1.delete(1)
        pvector([1, 3, 4, 5])
        >>> v1.delete(1, 3)
        pvector([1, 4, 5])
        Nr�)r6r#r$s   rr�zPVector.delete�r�rc��y)z�
        Remove the first occurrence of a value from the vector.

        >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3, 2, 1)
        >>> v2 = v1.remove(1)
        >>> v2
        pvector([2, 3, 2, 1])
        >>> v2.remove(1)
        pvector([2, 3, 2])
        Nr�r�s  rr�zPVector.remove�r�rr)r�r�r�r�rr:rDrGrhrurr�r�r�r@r#rrr�r�r�rrrr�s5��'�R�����	��	��������������-��-�^�
����� ���������
���������6�	��	��
rr)�	metaclassc�,�tj|�S)z�
    Create a new persistent vector containing the elements in iterable.

    >>> v1 = pvector([1, 2, 3])
    >>> v1
    pvector([1, 2, 3])
    )r?r@)r�s r�python_pvectorr��s��� � ��*�*r�PYRSISTENT_NO_C_EXTENSION�rzc��t|�S)z�
    Create a new persistent vector containing all parameters to this function.

    >>> v1 = v(1, 2, 3)
    >>> v1
    pvector([1, 2, 3])
    r�)�elementss rrr�s���8��r)r�)#�abcrr�collections.abcrr�numbersrr�typingrr	�pyrsistent._transformationsrrrr�rBrjr r%r�r'rr?�registerr��os�environr�rz�pvectorcr��ImportErrorrr�rr�<module>rs��'�.���#�1��v��&����
��1����(���Y��@(�F�@(�DD�g�d�m�g�D�N�q�%��R�0�����������'������'��+�	�
�	�z�z�~�~�1�2� ��$�����g�i��)�
��	���G��	�s�+AC3�3D�?D

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0