Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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|�e�'���dZddlZddlmZejd�Zejdejejzejz�Z	ejdejejzejz�Zejdej�Z
Gd�d	e�ZGd
�de�Zd d�Zd!d
�Zd!d�Zd!d�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�ZiZd�Zd�Zd"d�Zd#d�ZGd�d�Z d�Z!d�Z"d�Z#Gd�de�Z$y)$z�

    Utility functions.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
TextIOWrapperz[/\\ ]z�
     (?: \s+      # optional in HTML5
ClassNotFoundzCRaised if one of the lookup functions didn't find a matching class.N��__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__���//usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pygments/util.pyrrs��Mrrc��eZdZdZy)�OptionErrorz�
    This exception will be raised by all option processing functions if
    the type or value of the argument is not correct.
    Nrrrr
rr"s��rrc��|j||�}|r|j�}||vr.td|�ddjt	t
    If the key `optname` from the dictionary is not in the sequence
    `allowed`, raise an error, otherwise return it.
    zValue for option z must be one of z, )�get�lowerr�join�map�str)�options�optname�allowed�default�normcase�strings      r
�W���"�D�I�I�c�#�w�.?�$@�B�C�	C��Mrc�4�|j||�}t|t�r|St|t�rt|�St|t�std|�d|�d���|j
�dvrytd|�d|�d���)	a@
    Intuitively, this is `options.get(optname, default)`, but restricted to
    Boolean value. The Booleans can be represented as string, in order to accept
    Boolean value from the command line arguments. If the key `optname` is
    present in the dictionary `options` and is not associated with a Boolean,
    raise an `OptionError`. If it is absent, `default` is returned instead.

    The valid string values for ``True`` are ``1``, ``yes``, ``true`` and
    ``on``, the ones for ``False`` are ``0``, ``no``, ``false`` and ``off``
    (matched case-insensitively).
Invalid type � for option z%; use 1/0, yes/no, true/false, on/off)�1�yes�true�onT)�0�no�false�offF�Invalid value )r�
isinstance�bool�intrrr�rrrrs    r
�get_bool_optr-6s����[�[��'�
�	�F�C�	 ��F�|��
$��$�g�/�0�	0�
����5�	5��	����6�	6���$�g�/�0�	0rc��|j||�}	t|�S#t$rtd|�d|�d���t$rtd|�d|�d���wxYw)z?As :func:`get_bool_opt`, but interpret the value as an integer.rrz ; you must give an integer valuer()rr+�	TypeErrorr�
ValueErrorr,s    r
*�F�	0��6�{����0��$�g�/�0�	0��0��$�g�/�0�	0�0�s	�
f�rt	|�St
    If the key `optname` from the dictionary `options` is a string,
    split it at whitespace and return it. If it is already a list
    or a tuple, it is returned as a list.
    rrz; you must give a list value)rr)r�split�list�tupler)rrr�vals    r
�get_list_optr7csY���+�+�g�w�
'�C��#�s���y�y�{��	�C�$���	'��C�y���!�7�,�-�	-rc� �|jsyg}|jj�j�D]6}|j�r#|jd|j�z��6ndj	|�j�S)N�� )r
splitlines�appendr�lstrip)�obj�res�lines   r
�C����!�!�#�.�.�0����:�:�<��J�J�s�T�Z�Z�\�)�*��	�
�7�7�3�<��� � rc�F���fd�}�j|_t|�S)zAReturn a static text analyser function that returns float values.c	���	�|�}|sy	tdtdt|���S#t$rYywxYw#tt
f$rYywxYw)Ngg�?)�	Exception�min�max�floatr0r/)�text�rv�fs  �r
�text_analysez%make_analysator.<locals>.text_analyse�sb���	��4��B���	��s�C��U�2�Y�/�0�0���	��	���I�&�	��	�s�.�=�	:�:�A�A)r
�staticmethod)rKrLs` r
��9�9�L����%�%rc���|jd�}|dk\r|d|j�}n|j�}|jd�r�	tj	|ddj��D�cgc]}|r|jd�s|��c}d}tjd	|ztj�}|j|��y
ycc}w#t$rYywxYw)a�Check if the given regular expression matches the last part of the
    shebang if one exists.

        >>> from pygments.util import shebang_matches
        >>> shebang_matches('#!/usr/bin/env python', r'python(2\.\d)?')
        >>> shebang_matches('#!/usr/bin/python2.4', r'python(2\.\d)?')
        >>> shebang_matches('#!/usr/bin/python-ruby', r'python(2\.\d)?')
        >>> shebang_matches('#!/usr/bin/python/ruby', r'python(2\.\d)?')
        >>> shebang_matches('#!/usr/bin/startsomethingwith python',
        ...                 r'python(2\.\d)?')

    It also checks for common windows executable file extensions::

        >>> shebang_matches('#!C:\\Python2.4\\Python.exe', r'python(2\.\d)?')

    Parameters (``'-f'`` or ``'--foo'`` are ignored so ``'perl'`` does
    the same as ``'perl -e'``)

    Note that this method automatically searches the whole string (eg:
    the regular expression is wrapped in ``'^$'``)
first_line�x�founds      r
�I�I�d�O�E���z��&�5�\�'�'�)�
����T�"�	� -� 3� 3�J�q�r�N�4H�4H�4J� K�5�1��!�,�,�s�"3��5�57�9�E��
�8�5�@�"�-�-�P���<�<���*����5���	��	�s$�
(C�5C�C�C�	C"�!C"c���tj|�}|�y|jd�}tj|tj
|j��duS)z�Check if the doctype matches a regular expression (if present).

    Note that this method only checks the first part of a DOCTYPE.
    eg: 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"'
    NF�)�doctype_lookup_rer[�grouprXrY�I�matchr;)rIr\�m�doctypes    r
�doctype_matchesrj�sT��	� � ��&�A��y���g�g�a�j�G�
�:�:�e�R�T�T�"�(�(�����9��E�Erc��t|d�S)z3Check if the file looks like it has a html doctype.�html)rj)rIs r
�html_doctype_matchesrm�s���4��)�)rc���tj|�ryt|�}	t|S#t$rAt
|dd�du}|t|<|cYSwxYw)z2Check if a doctype exists or if we have some tags.TNi�)�xml_decl_rerg�hash�_looks_like_xml_cache�KeyErrorrdr[�tag_re)rI�keyrhrJs    r
�t�*�C��$�S�)�)�����$�$�T�*���=��
3��%'��c�"��	�
�s�,� A6�%A6�5A6c�"�d|dz	zd|dzzfS)zoGiven a unicode character code with length greater than 16 bits,
    return the two 16 bit surrogate pair.
i�i�r)�cs r
�a�2�g���1�u�9�!5�7�7rc�P�g}d|zdz}d|dzzdz}|j||zdz�|r|D]}|j||zdz��n5|D]0}t|dz�}|j||ddz|d	zdz��2|j|d
z�dj|�S)z)Formats a sequence of strings for output.r:�rcz = (�,�"N���rS�)rP)r=�reprr)	�var_name�seq�raw�indent_level�lines�base_indent�inner_indent�i�rs	         r
�format_linesr��s����E���$�q�(�K��,��*�+�a�/�L�	�L�L��x�'�&�0�1�
��	1�A��L�L���)�C�/�0�	1��	>�A��Q��W�
�A��L�L���#�2��.��2��6��<�=�	>�
�L�L��s�"�#��9�9�U��rc��g}t�}|D]-}||vs||vr�|j|�|j|��/|S)za
    Returns a list with duplicates removed from the iterable `it`.

    Order is preserved.
    )�setr=�add)�it�already_seen�lst�seenr�s     r
�����9��\�)���
������	�
�Jrc��eZdZdZd�Zy)�Futurez�Generic class to defer some work.

    Handled specially in RegexLexerMeta, to support regex string construction at
    first use.
    c��t��N)�NotImplementedError��selfs r
Future.gets��!�!rN)rrr	r
rrrr
r�r�s���
"rr�c��	|jd�}|dfS#t$rX	ddl}|j�}|j�}||fcYS#ttf$r|jd�}|dfcYcYSwxYwwxYw)z�Decode *text* with guessed encoding.

    First try UTF-8; this should fail for non-UTF-8 encodings.
    Then try the preferred locale encoding.
    Fall back to latin-1, which always works.
    zutf-8rN�latin1)�decode�UnicodeDecodeError�locale�getpreferredencoding�LookupError)rIr��prefencodings   r
�guess_decoder�s���"��{�{�7�#���W�}����"�	"��!�6�6�8�L��;�;�=�D���%�%��"�K�0�	"��;�;�x�(�D���>�!�	"��
"�s,��	A8�'A�A8�$A4�/A8�3A4�4A8c��t|dd�r*	|j|j�}||jfSt	|�S#t$r
Yt	|�SwxYw)z�Decode *text* coming from terminal *term*.

    First try the terminal encoding, if given.
    Then try UTF-8.  Then try the preferred locale encoding.
    Fall back to latin-1, which always works.
    �encodingN)�getattrr�r�r�r�)rI�terms  r
�guess_decode_from_terminalr�.sd���t�Z��&�	'��;�;�t�}�}�-�D�����&�&������	"�	������		�s�A�	A�Ac�\�t|dd�r|jSddl}|j�S)z7Return our best guess of encoding for the given *term*.r�Nr)r�r�r�r�)r�r�s  r
�terminal_encodingr�?s*���t�Z��&��}�}����&�&�(�(rc��eZdZd�Zy)�UnclosingTextIOWrapperc�$�|j�yr�)�flushr�s r
�closezUnclosingTextIOWrapper.closeIs���
�rN)rrr	r�rrr
r�r�Gs��rr�)NFr�)Fr)r)%r
rX�iorrYrV�DOTALL�	MULTILINE�VERBOSErdrZrsrfror0rrErrr-r1r7rBrNrarjrmrqruryr�r�r�r�r�r�r�rrr
��B�J�J� ��Y�Y������
����/��M�M�B�I�I�-����<�
>���b�j�j�-�r�t�t�4��N�J�N��)���0�>0�-�"	!�&�"*�Z
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0