Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pexpect/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pexpect/__pycache__/pty_spawn.cpython-312.pyc |
� ��e� � �� � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dl Z d dl mZ ddlm Z mZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZmZ ed� � Zej0 d d k\ Z G d � de� Zd� Zy) � N)�contextmanager)�use_native_pty_fork� )�ExceptionPexpect�EOF�TIMEOUT)� SpawnBase)�which�split_command_line�select_ignore_interrupts�poll_ignore_interruptsc # �p K � d�� y# t j $ r} t | j � �d} ~ ww xY w�w)z;Turn ptyprocess errors into our own ExceptionPexpect errorsN)� ptyprocess�PtyProcessErrorr �args)�es �3/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pexpect/pty_spawn.py�_wrap_ptyprocess_errr s2 � �� �(� ���%�%� (�����'�'��(�s �6� �6�3�.�3�6� c �N � � e Zd ZdZeZg dddddddddddddf� fd� Zd � Zg ddfd �Zd� Zd(d�Z d � Z d)d�Zd� Zd� Z d*� fd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd+d�Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zed� � Zej2 d� � Zd� Zd,d�Zd� Zd� Zd � Zd!� Zd"� Z e!d#� ddfd$�Z"d%� Z#d&� Z$ d-d'�Z%� xZ&S ).�spawnzjThis is the main class interface for Pexpect. Use this class to start and control child applications. � i� NFT�strictc �� �� t t | � |||||| �� t j | _ t j | _ t j | _ d| _ || _ || _ | | _ | | _ t j j � j d� | _ |�d| _ d| _ d| _ || _ y| j) ||||� || _ y)a� This is the constructor. The command parameter may be a string that includes a command and any arguments to the command. For example:: child = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/ftp') child = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/ssh user@example.com') child = pexpect.spawn('ls -latr /tmp') You may also construct it with a list of arguments like so:: child = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/ftp', []) child = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/ssh', ['user@example.com']) child = pexpect.spawn('ls', ['-latr', '/tmp']) After this the child application will be created and will be ready to talk to. For normal use, see expect() and send() and sendline(). Remember that Pexpect does NOT interpret shell meta characters such as redirect, pipe, or wild cards (``>``, ``|``, or ``*``). This is a common mistake. If you want to run a command and pipe it through another command then you must also start a shell. For example:: child = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash -c "ls -l | grep LOG > logs.txt"') child.expect(pexpect.EOF) The second form of spawn (where you pass a list of arguments) is useful in situations where you wish to spawn a command and pass it its own argument list. This can make syntax more clear. For example, the following is equivalent to the previous example:: shell_cmd = 'ls -l | grep LOG > logs.txt' child = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash', ['-c', shell_cmd]) child.expect(pexpect.EOF) The maxread attribute sets the read buffer size. This is maximum number of bytes that Pexpect will try to read from a TTY at one time. Setting the maxread size to 1 will turn off buffering. Setting the maxread value higher may help performance in cases where large amounts of output are read back from the child. This feature is useful in conjunction with searchwindowsize. When the keyword argument *searchwindowsize* is None (default), the full buffer is searched at each iteration of receiving incoming data. The default number of bytes scanned at each iteration is very large and may be reduced to collaterally reduce search cost. After :meth:`~.expect` returns, the full buffer attribute remains up to size *maxread* irrespective of *searchwindowsize* value. When the keyword argument ``timeout`` is specified as a number, (default: *30*), then :class:`TIMEOUT` will be raised after the value specified has elapsed, in seconds, for any of the :meth:`~.expect` family of method calls. When None, TIMEOUT will not be raised, and :meth:`~.expect` may block indefinitely until match. The logfile member turns on or off logging. All input and output will be copied to the given file object. Set logfile to None to stop logging. This is the default. Set logfile to sys.stdout to echo everything to standard output. The logfile is flushed after each write. Example log input and output to a file:: child = pexpect.spawn('some_command') fout = open('mylog.txt','wb') child.logfile = fout Example log to stdout:: # In Python 2: child = pexpect.spawn('some_command') child.logfile = sys.stdout # In Python 3, we'll use the ``encoding`` argument to decode data # from the subprocess and handle it as unicode: child = pexpect.spawn('some_command', encoding='utf-8') child.logfile = sys.stdout The logfile_read and logfile_send members can be used to separately log the input from the child and output sent to the child. Sometimes you don't want to see everything you write to the child. You only want to log what the child sends back. For example:: child = pexpect.spawn('some_command') child.logfile_read = sys.stdout You will need to pass an encoding to spawn in the above code if you are using Python 3. To separately log output sent to the child use logfile_send:: child.logfile_send = fout If ``ignore_sighup`` is True, the child process will ignore SIGHUP signals. The default is False from Pexpect 4.0, meaning that SIGHUP will be handled normally by the child. The delaybeforesend helps overcome a weird behavior that many users were experiencing. The typical problem was that a user would expect() a "Password:" prompt and then immediately call sendline() to send the password. The user would then see that their password was echoed back to them. Passwords don't normally echo. The problem is caused by the fact that most applications print out the "Password" prompt and then turn off stdin echo, but if you send your password before the application turned off echo, then you get your password echoed. Normally this wouldn't be a problem when interacting with a human at a real keyboard. If you introduce a slight delay just before writing then this seems to clear up the problem. This was such a common problem for many users that I decided that the default pexpect behavior should be to sleep just before writing to the child application. 1/20th of a second (50 ms) seems to be enough to clear up the problem. You can set delaybeforesend to None to return to the old behavior. Note that spawn is clever about finding commands on your path. It uses the same logic that "which" uses to find executables. If you wish to get the exit status of the child you must call the close() method. The exit or signal status of the child will be stored in self.exitstatus or self.signalstatus. If the child exited normally then exitstatus will store the exit return code and signalstatus will be None. If the child was terminated abnormally with a signal then signalstatus will store the signal value and exitstatus will be None:: child = pexpect.spawn('some_command') child.close() print(child.exitstatus, child.signalstatus) If you need more detail you can also read the self.status member which stores the status returned by os.waitpid. You can interpret this using os.WIFEXITED/os.WEXITSTATUS or os.WIFSIGNALED/os.TERMSIG. The echo attribute may be set to False to disable echoing of input. As a pseudo-terminal, all input echoed by the "keyboard" (send() or sendline()) will be repeated to output. For many cases, it is not desirable to have echo enabled, and it may be later disabled using setecho(False) followed by waitnoecho(). However, for some platforms such as Solaris, this is not possible, and should be disabled immediately on spawn. If preexec_fn is given, it will be called in the child process before launching the given command. This is useful to e.g. reset inherited signal handlers. The dimensions attribute specifies the size of the pseudo-terminal as seen by the subprocess, and is specified as a two-entry tuple (rows, columns). If this is unspecified, the defaults in ptyprocess will apply. The use_poll attribute enables using select.poll() over select.select() for socket handling. This is handy if your system could have > 1024 fds )�timeout�maxread�searchwindowsize�logfile�encoding�codec_errors�d �irixNz<pexpect factory incomplete>)�superr �__init__�pty�STDIN_FILENO� STDOUT_FILENO� STDERR_FILENO�str_last_chars�cwd�env�echo� ignore_sighup�sys�platform�lower� startswith�_spawn__irix_hack�commandr �name�_spawn�use_poll)�selfr3 r r r r r r* r+ r- r, � preexec_fnr r � dimensionsr6 � __class__s �r r$ zspawn.__init__$ s� �� �r �e�T�#�G�W�Wg�,3�h�Ua� $� c��,�,��� �.�.��� �.�.���!����������� �*����<�<�-�-�/�:�:�6�B����?��D�L��D�I�6�D�I� !�� � �K�K���z�:�>� �� � c � � g }|j t | � � |j dt | j � z � |j d| j ��� |j d| j �d| j | j d ��� |j d| j �d| j r| j | j d nd��� |j d| j ��� |j d | j ��� |j d t | j � z � |j dt | j � z � t | d� r'|j d t | j � z � |j dt | j � z � |j dt | j � z � |j dt | j � z � |j dt | j"