Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/orca/__pycache__/
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Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/orca/__pycache__/cmdnames.cpython-312.pyc


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have been put in their own module so that we can present them in
the correct language when users change the synthesizer language
on the fly without having to reload a bunch of modules.z$Id$z
$Revision$z$Date$zRCopyright (c) 2004-2009 Sun Microsystems Inc.Copyright (c) 2010-2013 The Orca Team�LGPL�)�_z%Route the pointer to the current itemz.Perform left click on current flat review itemz/Perform right click on current flat review itemzSpeak entire documentz%Speak entire window using flat reviewz&Perform the basic Where Am I operationz)Perform the detailed Where Am I operationzSpeak the current selectionzSpeak link detailszPresent the default buttonzPresent the status barzPresent the title barzOpen the Find dialogzShow actions menuz(Search for the next instance of a stringz,Search for the previous instance of a stringzEnter and exit flat review modez4Toggle restricting flat review to the current objectz%Move flat review to the home positionz$Move flat review to the end positionz6Move flat review to the beginning of the previous linez"Speak the current flat review linez"Spell the current flat review linez/Phonetically spell the current flat review linez2Move flat review to the beginning of the next linez-Move flat review to the previous item or wordz*Speak the current flat review item or wordz*Spell the current flat review item or wordz7Phonetically spell the current flat review item or wordz)Move flat review to the next item or wordz3Move flat review to the word above the current wordz$Speak the current flat review objectz3Move flat review to the word below the current wordz*Move flat review to the previous characterz'Speak the current flat review characterz4Phonetically speak the current flat review characterz8Speak unicode value of the current flat review characterz&Move flat review to the next characterz'Move flat review to the end of the linez#Move flat review to the bottom leftz4Copy the contents under flat review to the clipboardz6Append the contents under flat review to the clipboardzShow flat review contentszCToggle whether to read just the current table cell or the whole rowz>Read the attributes associated with the current text characterz#Pan the braille display to the leftz$Pan the braille display to the rightz$Return to object with keyboard focusz"Turn contracted braille on and offzProcess a cursor routing keyz&Mark the beginning of a text selectionz Mark the end of a text selectionz2Enter learn mode.  Press escape to exit learn modezDecrease the speech ratezIncrease the speech ratezDecrease the speech pitchzIncrease the speech pitchzIncrease the speech volumezDecrease the speech volumezToggle the silencing of speechz-Toggle sleep mode for the current applicationzToggle speech verbosity levelzQuit the screen readerz,Display the preferences configuration dialogz8Display the application preferences configuration dialogz4Toggle the speaking of indentation and justificationzChange spoken number stylez/Cycle to the next speaking of punctuation levelz$Cycle to the next speech synthesizerz"Cycle to the next settings profilez&Cycle to the next capitalization stylez Cycle to the next key echo levelz!Cycle the debug level at run timez4Bookmark where am I with respect to current positionz Go to previous bookmark locationzGo to bookmarkzGo to next bookmark locationzAdd bookmarkzSave bookmarkszToggle mouse review modezPresent battery statuszPresent CPU and memory usagezPresent current timezPresent current datez+Present size and location of current objectz3Pass the next command on to the current applicationz.Speak and braille a previous chat room messagez6Toggle whether we announce when our buddies are typingz>Toggle whether we provide chat room specific message historieszJToggle whether we prefix chat room messages with the name of the chat roomz	Line Leftz
Line RightzLine Upz	Line Down�FreezezTop LeftzBottom LeftzCursor PositionzSix DotszCursor Routingz	Cut BeginzCut Linez!Present last notification messagez"Present notification messages listz%Present previous notification messagez!Present next notification messagezGo to next characterzGo to previous characterzGo to next wordzGo to previous wordzGo to next linezGo to previous linezGo to the top of the filezGo to the bottom of the filezGo to the beginning of the linezGo to the end of the linezGo to the next objectzGo to the previous objectz*Cause the current combo box to be expandedz8Switch between native and screen-reader caret navigationz&Advance live region politeness settingz/Set default live region politeness level to offzReview live region announcementzMonitor live regionsz4Move focus into and away from the current mouse overz,Set the row to use as dynamic column headersz Clear the dynamic column headersz,Set the column to use as dynamic row headerszClear the dynamic row headersz&Present the contents of the input linez!Toggle structural navigation keyszToggle table navigation keyszGo to previous blockquotezGo to next blockquotezDisplay a list of blockquoteszGo to previous buttonzGo to next buttonzDisplay a list of buttonszGo to previous check boxzGo to next check boxzDisplay a list of check boxeszGo to previous clickablezGo to next clickablezDisplay a list of clickableszGo to previous combo boxzGo to next combo boxzGo to start of containerzGo to end of containerzDisplay a list of combo boxeszGo to previous entryzGo to next entryzDisplay a list of entrieszGo to previous form fieldzGo to next form fieldzDisplay a list of form fieldszGo to previous headingzGo to next headingzDisplay a list of headingsz"Go to previous heading at level %dzGo to next heading at level %dz&Display a list of headings at level %dzGo to previous internal framezGo to next internal framez!Display a list of internal frameszGo to previous imagezGo to next imagezDisplay a list of imageszGo to previous landmarkzGo to next landmarkzDisplay a list of landmarkszGo to previous large objectzGo to next large objectzDisplay a list of large objectszGo to previous linkzGo to next linkzDisplay a list of linkszGo to previous listzGo to next listzDisplay a list of listszGo to previous list itemzGo to next list itemzDisplay a list of list itemszGo to previous live regionzGo to next live regionz5Go to the last live region which made an announcementz4Go to the parent of the object with navigator focus.z9Go to the first child of the object with navigator focus.z:Go to the next sibling of the object with navigator focus.z>Go to the previous sibling of the object with navigator focus.z)Click on the object with navigator focus.z$Toggle simplified object navigation.zGo to previous paragraphzGo to next paragraphzDisplay a list of paragraphszGo to previous radio buttonzGo to next radio buttonzDisplay a list of radio buttonszGo to previous separatorzGo to next separatorzGo to previous tablezGo to next tablezDisplay a list of tableszGo down one cellzGo to the first cell in a tablezGo to the last cell in a tablezGo left one cellzGo right one cellzGo up one cellzGo to the beginning of the rowzGo to the end of the rowzGo to the top of the columnzGo to the bottom of the columnzToggle layout modez)Switch between browse mode and focus modezEnable sticky focus modezEnable sticky browse modezGo to previous unvisited linkzGo to next unvisited linkz!Display a list of unvisited linkszGo to previous visited linkzGo to next visited linkzDisplay a list of visited linksN)��__doc__�__id__�__version__�__date__�
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0