Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/louis/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/louis/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-312.pyc |
� ��f�Q � � � d Z ddlmZmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZm Z m Z mZmZm Z mZmZmZ ddlmZmZ eecZZed Zedk( Zej1 � Zded z z Zerd n e� Zdedz z Zd � Zd5d�ZdZeefd�Z eejB � eejD _# e ej0 _# e ee� ee � ee� ee � ee� ee� e fejH _% e ee� ee � ee� ee � ee� ee� ee � ee � ee � e fejL _% e ee� ee � ee� ee � ee� ee� e fejN _% e ee� ee � ee� ee � ee� ee� ee � ee � ee � e fejP _% e ee� e ee� e fejR _% efejT _% eefejV _% eefejX _% e ee� ee� e e fejZ _% e ee� ee� e e fej\ _% ede e� Z/dej` _# dejb _# e fejb _% d� Z2d� Z3d6d�Z4d7d�Z5d6d�Z6d7d�Z7d8d�Z8d� Z9d� Z:d� Z;d� Z<d8d�Z=d� Z>d� Z?dZ@d xZAxZBZCd xZDxZEZFdxZGxZHZIdZJd!ZKd"ZLd#ZMd$ZNd%ZOd&ZPd'ZQd(ZRd)ZSd ZTd ZUdZVd"ZWd#ZXd$ZYeYZZd%Z[dZ\d*Z]d+Z^d,Z_d-Z`d.Zad/Zbe\e]e^e_e`eaebfZcedd0k( r ee e2� � ee e4d1gd2d3�4� � yy# e$ r e e cZZY ��$w xY w)9a� Liblouis Python ctypes bindings These bindings allow you to use the liblouis braille translator and back-translator library from within Python. This documentation is only related to the Python helper. Please see the liblouis documentation for more information. Most of these functions take a C{tableList} argument which specifies a list of translation tables to use. Please see the liblouis documentation concerning the C{tableList} parameter to the C{lou_translateString} function for information about how liblouis searches for these tables. @author: Michael Curran <mick@kulgan.net> @author: James Teh <jamie@jantrid.net> @author: Eitan Isaacson <eitan@ascender.com> @author: Michael Whapples <mwhapples@aim.com> @author: Davy Kager <mail@davykager.nl> @author: Leonard de Ruijter <alderuijter@gmail.com> @author: Babbage B.V. <info@babbage.com> @author: Andre-Abush Clause <dev@andreabc.net> � )�getfilesystemencoding�platform�version_info)�register) �c_ushort� CFUNCTYPE�cdll�c_char_p�c_char�c_int�POINTER�byref�create_string_buffer)�WINFUNCTYPE�windllzliblouis.so.20�win32� � �mbcsz utf_%d_le� c � � dj | D �cg c]2 }t |t � r|j t � n t |� ��4 c}� S c c}w )z*Creates a tables string for liblouis calls� ,)�join� isinstance�str�encode�fileSystemEncoding�bytes)� tablesList�xs �0/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/louis/__init__.py�_createTablesStringr"