Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hamcrest/core/core/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hamcrest/core/core/__pycache__/issame.cpython-312.pyc |
� ���e@ � � � d dl mZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ dZdZ dZ ed� Z G d � d ee � Zdedee fd �Z y)� )�TypeVar)�BaseMatcher)�Description)�MatcherzJon ReidzCopyright 2011 hamcrest.orgzBSD, see License.txt�Tc �P � e Zd Zdeddfd�Zdedefd�Zdeddfd�Zded eddfd �Z y)�IsSame�obj�returnNc � � || _ y �N��object)�selfr s �;/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hamcrest/core/core/issame.py�__init__zIsSame.__init__ s � ���� �itemc � � || j u S r r )r r s r �_matcheszIsSame._matches s � ��t�{�{�"�"r �descriptionc �� � |j d� j t t | j � � � j d� j | j � y )Nzsame instance as � )�append_text�hex�idr �append_description_of)r r s r �describe_tozIsSame.describe_to sF � ���� 3�4�@�@��R����_�AU�V�b�b�� � � ���� ,r �mismatch_descriptionc � � |j d� |�2|j t t |� � � j d� |j |� y )Nzwas r )r r r r )r r r s r �describe_mismatchzIsSame.describe_mismatch sE � ��(�(��0��� �,�,�S��D��]�;�G�G��L��2�2�4�8r ) �__name__� __module__�__qualname__r r �boolr r r r! � r r r r sU � ��A� �$� �#�Q� #�4� #�-�{� -�t� -� 9�a� 9�{� 9�t� 9r r r r c � � t | � S )a Matches if evaluated object is the same instance as a given object. :param obj: The object to compare against as the expected value. This matcher invokes the ``is`` identity operator to determine if the evaluated object is the the same object as ``obj``. )r )r s r � same_instancer( ! s � � �#�;�r N)�typingr �hamcrest.core.base_matcherr �hamcrest.core.descriptionr �hamcrest.core.matcherr � __author__� __copyright__�__license__r r r( r&