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?��^�>�	�P�dZddlmZmZgZddlmZddlmZddl	m
mZmZe
�ZGd�d	e�ZGd
�dede
Symbolic constant support, including collections and constants with text,
numeric, and bit flag values.
�)�division�absolute_import)�partial)�count)�and_�or_�xorc�:�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
y	)
�	_Constanta�
    @ivar _index: A C{int} allocated from a shared counter in order to keep
        track of the order in which L{_Constant}s are instantiated.

    @ivar name: A C{str} giving the name of this constant; only set once the
        constant is initialized by L{_ConstantsContainer}.

    @ivar _container: The L{_ConstantsContainer} subclass this constant belongs
        to; C{None} until the constant is initialized by that subclass.
_container�_constantOrder�_index��selfs �7/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/constantly/_constants.py�__init__z_Constant.__init__!s�����$�&���c�P�d|jj�d|j�d�S)zq
        Return text identifying both which constant this is and which
        collection it belongs to.
        �<�=�>)r�__name__�namers r�__repr__z_Constant.__repr__&s��
        Implements C{<}.  Order is defined by instantiation order.

        @param other: An object.

        @return: C{NotImplemented} if C{other} is not a constant belonging to
            the same container as this constant, C{True} if this constant is
            defined before C{other}, otherwise C{False}.
isinstance�	__class__r�NotImplementedr�r�others  r�__lt__z_Constant.__lt__.�=���5�$�.�.�1����5�#3�#3�3�!�!��{�{�U�\�\�)�)rc��t||j�r|j|jk(stS||uxs|j|jkS)aP
        Implements C{<=}.  Order is defined by instantiation order.

        @param other: An object.

        @return: C{NotImplemented} if C{other} is not a constant belonging to
            the same container as this constant, C{True} if this constant is
            defined before or equal to C{other}, otherwise C{False}.
        rr"s  r�__le__z_Constant.__le__@�F���5�$�.�.�1����5�#3�#3�3�!�!��u�}�:����e�l�l� :�:rc��t||j�r|j|jk(stS|j|jkDS)aB
        Implements C{>}.  Order is defined by instantiation order.

        @param other: An object.

        @return: C{NotImplemented} if C{other} is not a constant belonging to
            the same container as this constant, C{True} if this constant is
            defined after C{other}, otherwise C{False}.
        rr"s  r�__gt__z_Constant.__gt__Rr%rc��t||j�r|j|jk(stS||uxs|j|jkDS)aO
        Implements C{>=}.  Order is defined by instantiation order.

        @param other: An object.

        @return: C{NotImplemented} if C{other} is not a constant belonging to
            the same container as this constant, C{True} if this constant is
            defined after or equal to C{other}, otherwise C{False}.
        rr"s  r�__ge__z_Constant.__ge__dr(rc� �||_||_y)ao
        Complete the initialization of this L{_Constant}.

        @param container: The L{_ConstantsContainer} subclass this constant is
            part of.

        @param name: The name of this constant in its container.

        @param value: The value of this constant; not used, as named constants
            have no value apart from their identity.
        N)rr)r�	containerr�values    r�_realizez_Constant._realizevs��$�����	rN)r�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrr$r'r*r,r0�rrrrs+��	�'�
    L{_ConstantsContainerType} is a metaclass for creating constants container
    c����tt|�||||�}t|dd�}|�|Sg}|j	�D]a\}}t||j�s�|j�td|�d|j����|j|j||f��ci}t|�D]0\}	}
        Create a new constants container class.

        If C{attributes} includes a value of C{None} for the C{"_constantType"}
        key, the new class will not be initialized as a constants container and
        it will behave as a normal class.

        @param name: The name of the container class.
        @type name: L{str}

        @param bases: A tuple of the base classes for the new container class.
        @type bases: L{tuple} of L{_ConstantsContainerType} instances

        @param attributes: The attributes of the new container class, including
            any constants it is to contain.
        @type attributes: L{dict}
_constantTypeNzCannot use z! as the value of an attribute on )�superr6�__new__�getattr�itemsrr8r�
attributes�cls�constantType�	constants�
enumerants�index�	enumerantr/r s
            �rr:z_ConstantsContainerType.__new__�s���$�+�T�:��$��z�+��
�s�O�T�:�����J��	�",�"2�"2�"4�	H��T�:��*�c�&7�&7�8��(�(�4�$�&����6�7�7�� � �*�"3�"3�T�:�!F�G�
�.4�Y�.?�	/�*�U�I�z��(�(��J�?�E�����Y��6�$.�J�y�!�	/�%����
__classcell__)r s@rr6r6�s����/�/rr6c�J�eZdZdZdZd�Zed��Zed��Zed��Z	y)�_ConstantsContainera�
    L{_ConstantsContainer} is a class with attributes used as symbolic
    constants.  It is up to subclasses to specify what kind of constants are

    @cvar _constantType: Specified by a L{_ConstantsContainer} subclass to
        specify the type of constants allowed by that subclass.

    @cvar _enumerants: A C{dict} mapping the names of constants (eg
        L{NamedConstant} instances) found in the class definition to those
        Classes representing constants containers are not intended to be

        The class object itself is used directly.
        z may not be instantiated.)�	TypeErrorr)rDs rr:z_ConstantsContainer.__new__�s������G�H�Hrc��tS)a�
        Construct the value for a new constant to add to this container.

        @param name: The name of the constant to create.

        @param descriptor: An instance of a L{_Constant} subclass (eg
            L{NamedConstant}) which is assigned to C{name}.

        @return: L{NamedConstant} instances have no value apart from identity,
            so return a meaningless dummy value.
        )�_unspecified)rDrrGs   rr@z$_ConstantsContainer._constantFactory�s
���rc�L�||jvrt||�St|��)a�
        Retrieve a constant by its name or raise a C{ValueError} if there is no
        constant associated with that name.

        @param name: A C{str} giving the name of one of the constants defined
            by C{cls}.

        @raise ValueError: If C{name} is not the name of one of the constants
            defined by C{cls}.

        @return: The L{NamedConstant} associated with C{name}.
        )rAr;r=)rDrs  r�lookupByNamez _ConstantsContainer.lookupByName�s(���3�?�?�"��3��%�%����rc�d�|jj�}tt|d����S)z�
        Iteration over a L{Names} subclass results in all of the constants it

        @return: an iterator the elements of which are the L{NamedConstant}
            instances defined in the body of this L{Names} subclass.
)r)rGs r�<lambda>z3_ConstantsContainer.iterconstants.<locals>.<lambda>s��Z�5F�5F�r)�key)rA�values�iterr?)rDrFs  r�
iterconstantsz!_ConstantsContainer.iterconstantss0���O�O�*�*�,�	���9�"F�G�I�	Ir)
rr1r2r3r8r:�classmethodr@rSrZr4rrrMrM�sR����M�I���������$�I��IrrM�c��eZdZdZy)�
    L{NamedConstant} defines an attribute to be a named constant within a
    collection defined by a L{Names} subclass.

    L{NamedConstant} is only for use in the definition of L{Names}
    subclasses.  Do not instantiate L{NamedConstant} elsewhere and do not
    subclass it.
    A L{Names} subclass contains constants which differ only in their names and
    L{ValueConstant} defines an attribute to be a named constant within a
    collection defined by a L{Values} subclass.

    L{ValueConstant} is only for use in the definition of L{Values} subclasses.
    Do not instantiate L{ValueConstant} elsewhere and do not subclass it.
�rrr/�rr/s  rrzValueConstant.__init__0������4� ���
rN)rr1r2r3rr4rrrbrb(s���rrbc�$�eZdZdZeZed��Zy)�Valuesza
    A L{Values} subclass contains constants which are associated with arbitrary
        Retrieve a constant by its value or raise a C{ValueError} if there is
        no constant associated with that value.

        @param value: The value of one of the constants defined by C{cls}.

        @raise ValueError: If C{value} is not the value of one of the constants
            defined by C{cls}.

        @return: The L{ValueConstant} associated with C{value}.
        )rZr/r=)rDr/�constants   r�
lookupByValuezValues.lookupByValue=s:���)�)�+�	 �H��~�~��&���	 ����rN)rr1r2r3rbr8r[rkr4rrrhrh6s ���"�M�� �� rrhc���||j|j�}||j|j�}t�}|j|j||�|S)a�
    Implement a binary operator for a L{FlagConstant} instance.

    @param op: A two-argument callable implementing the binary operation.  For
        example, C{operator.or_}.

    @param left: The left-hand L{FlagConstant} instance.
    @param right: The right-hand L{FlagConstant} instance.

    @return: A new L{FlagConstant} instance representing the result of the
    )r/�names�FlagConstantr0r)�op�left�rightr/rm�results      r�_flagOprsQsL��
�t�z�z�5�;�;�'�E��t�z�z�5�;�;�'�E�
�O�O�D�O�O�U�E�2��Mrc�N�eZdZdZefd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
d�Zd	�Zd
Zy)rna
    L{FlagConstant} defines an attribute to be a flag constant within a
    collection defined by a L{Flags} subclass.

    L{FlagConstant} is only for use in the definition of L{Flags} subclasses.
    Do not instantiate L{FlagConstant} elsewhere and do not subclass it.
rdres  rrzFlagConstant.__init__nrfrc���t|t�r|}t|g�}n3t|�dk(r|\}n ddj	t|��zdz}tj||||�||_||_	y)aR
        Complete the initialization of this L{FlagConstant}.

        This implementation differs from other C{_realize} implementations in
        that a L{FlagConstant} may have several names which apply to it, due to
        flags being combined with various operators.

        @param container: The L{Flags} subclass this constant is part of.

        @param names: When a single-flag value is being initialized, a C{str}
            giving the name of that flag.  This is the case which happens when
            a L{Flags} subclass is being initialized and L{FlagConstant}
            instances from its body are being realized.  Otherwise, a C{set} of
            C{str} giving names of all the flags set on this L{FlagConstant}
            instance.  This is the case when two flags are combined using C{|},
            for example.
r�str�set�len�joinr?rr0r/rm)rr.rmr/rs     rr0zFlagConstant._realizessn��$�e�S�!��D����L�E�
        Define C{|} on two L{FlagConstant} instances to create a new
        L{FlagConstant} instance with all flags set in either instance set.
        )rsrr"s  r�__or__zFlagConstant.__or__�s��
        Define C{&} on two L{FlagConstant} instances to create a new
        L{FlagConstant} instance with only flags set in both instances set.
        )rsrr"s  r�__and__zFlagConstant.__and__�s��
        Define C{^} on two L{FlagConstant} instances to create a new
        L{FlagConstant} instance with only flags set on exactly one instance
        )rsr	r"s  r�__xor__zFlagConstant.__xor__�s���s�D�%�(�(rc���t�}|j|jt�d�|jj	�D]$}|j
zdk(s� ||z}�&|S)z�
        Define C{~} on a L{FlagConstant} instance to create a new
        L{FlagConstant} instance with all flags not set on this instance set.
        r)rnr0rr|rZr/)rrr�flags   r�
������������2��O�O�1�1�3�	�D��z�z�D�J�J�&�!�+��$���	��
        @return: An iterator of flags set on this instance set.
)rrS)�.0rrs  �r�	<genexpr>z(FlagConstant.__iter__.<locals>.<genexpr>�s �����J�t����,�,�T�2�J�s�%()rmrs`r�__iter__zFlagConstant.__iter__�s���K�t�z�z�J�Jrc��t||z�S)z�
        @param flag: The flag to test for membership in this instance

        @return: C{True} if C{flag} is in this instance set, else
        )�bool)rr�s  r�__contains__zFlagConstant.__contains__�s���D�4�K� � rc�,�t|j�S)zL
        @return: C{False} if this flag's value is 0, else C{True}.
        )r�r/rs r�__nonzero__zFlagConstant.__nonzero__�s���D�J�J��rN)rr1r2r3rQrr0r�r�r�r�r�r�r��__bool__r4rrrnrnfsA���*��
�K�	!� �
    A L{Flags} subclass contains constants which can be combined using the
    common bitwise operators (C{|}, C{&}, etc) similar to a I{bitvector} from a
    language like C.

        For L{FlagConstant} instances with no explicitly defined value, assign
        the next power of two as its value.

        @param name: The name of the constant to create.

        @param descriptor: An instance of a L{FlagConstant} which is assigned
            to C{name}.

        @return: Either the value passed to the C{descriptor} constructor, or
            the next power of 2 value which will be assigned to C{descriptor},
            relative to the value of the last defined L{FlagConstant}.
        rw)r/rQ�_value)rDrrGr/s    rr@zFlags._constantFactory�sM�����|�+��J�J�E��J�J�1��J����$�$�E��!��C�J��rN)	rr1r2r3rnr8r�r[r@r4rrr�r��s%���
__future__rr�__all__�	functoolsr�	itertoolsr�operatorrrr	�objectrQ�nextrr�typer6rMr^r`rbrhrsrnr�r4rr�<module>r�s���
����#�#��x����u�w�'��m��m�b4�d�4�~II�1�"�v�i��D�II�Z�I��"��"�
� �
 � �6�*i�9�i�Z�F�r

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0