Direktori : /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptdaemon/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptdaemon/__pycache__/enums.cpython-312.pyc |
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PKGS_KEEP�EXIT_SUCCESS�EXIT_CANCELLED�EXIT_FAILED�EXIT_UNFINISHED�ERROR_PACKAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED�ERROR_REPO_DOWNLOAD_FAILED�ERROR_DEP_RESOLUTION_FAILED�ERROR_KEY_NOT_INSTALLED�ERROR_KEY_NOT_REMOVED� ERROR_NO_LOCK�ERROR_NO_CACHE�ERROR_NO_PACKAGE�ERROR_PACKAGE_UPTODATE�ERROR_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED�ERROR_PACKAGE_ALREADY_INSTALLED�"ERROR_NOT_REMOVE_ESSENTIAL_PACKAGE�ERROR_DAEMON_DIED�ERROR_PACKAGE_MANAGER_FAILED�ERROR_CACHE_BROKEN�ERROR_PACKAGE_UNAUTHENTICATED�ERROR_INCOMPLETE_INSTALL�ERROR_UNREADABLE_PACKAGE_FILE�ERROR_INVALID_PACKAGE_FILE�ERROR_SYSTEM_ALREADY_UPTODATE�ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED� ERROR_LICENSE_KEY_INSTALL_FAILED�!ERROR_LICENSE_KEY_DOWNLOAD_FAILED�ERROR_AUTH_FAILED�ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED� ERROR_UNKNOWN�STATUS_SETTING_UP�STATUS_WAITING�STATUS_WAITING_MEDIUM�!STATUS_WAITING_CONFIG_FILE_PROMPT�STATUS_WAITING_LOCK�STATUS_RUNNING�STATUS_LOADING_CACHE�STATUS_DOWNLOADING�STATUS_COMMITTING�STATUS_CLEANING_UP�STATUS_RESOLVING_DEP�STATUS_FINISHED�STATUS_CANCELLING�STATUS_QUERY�STATUS_DOWNLOADING_REPO�STATUS_AUTHENTICATING� ROLE_UNSET�ROLE_INSTALL_PACKAGES�ROLE_INSTALL_FILE�ROLE_UPGRADE_PACKAGES�ROLE_UPGRADE_SYSTEM�ROLE_UPDATE_CACHE�ROLE_REMOVE_PACKAGES�ROLE_COMMIT_PACKAGES�ROLE_ADD_VENDOR_KEY_FILE�"ROLE_ADD_VENDOR_KEY_FROM_KEYSERVER�ROLE_REMOVE_VENDOR_KEY�ROLE_FIX_INCOMPLETE_INSTALL�ROLE_FIX_BROKEN_DEPENDS�ROLE_ADD_REPOSITORY�ROLE_ENABLE_DISTRO_COMP� ROLE_CLEAN�ROLE_RECONFIGURE� ROLE_PK_QUERY�ROLE_ADD_LICENSE_KEY� DOWNLOAD_DONE�DOWNLOAD_AUTH_ERROR�DOWNLOAD_ERROR�DOWNLOAD_FETCHING� DOWNLOAD_IDLE�DOWNLOAD_NETWORK_ERROR�PKG_INSTALLING�PKG_CONFIGURING�PKG_REMOVING�PKG_PURGING� PKG_UPGRADING�PKG_RUNNING_TRIGGER�PKG_DISAPPEARING�PKG_PREPARING_REMOVE�PKG_PREPARING_INSTALL�PKG_PREPARING_PURGErY � PKG_INSTALLED�PKG_REMOVED� PKG_PURGED� PKG_UNPACKING�PKG_UNKNOWN�get_status_icon_name_from_enum�get_role_icon_name_from_enum�#get_status_animation_name_from_enum�get_package_status_from_enum�!get_role_localised_past_from_enum�get_exit_string_from_enum�$get_role_localised_present_from_enum�get_role_error_from_enum�get_error_description_from_enum�get_error_string_from_enum�get_status_string_from_enum�get_download_status_from_enum� Nc �. � t j d| � S )N� aptdaemon)�gettext�dgettext)�msgs �1/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptdaemon/enums.py�_rr G s � ����K��-�-� � � � � � � zexit-successzexit-cancelledzexit-failedzexit-previous-failedzexit-unfinishedzerror-package-download-failedzerror-repo-download-failedzerror-dep-resolution-failedzerror-key-not-installedzerror-key-not-removedz error-no-lockzerror-no-cachezerror-no-packagezerror-package-uptodatezerror-package-already-installedzerror-package-not-installedzerror-not-remove-essentialzerror-daemon-diedzerror-package-manager-failedzerror-cache-brokenzerror-package-unauthenticatedzerror-incomplete-installzerror-unreadable-package-filezerror-invalid-package-filezerror-not-supportedz!error-license-key-download-failedz error-license-key-install-failedzerror-system-already-uptodatezerror-not-authorizedzerror-auth-failedz error-unknownzstatus-setting-upzstatus-queryzstatus-waitingzstatus-waiting-mediumz!status-waiting-config-file-promptzstatus-waiting-lockzstatus-runningzstatus-loading-cachezstatus-downloading-repozstatus-downloadingzstatus-committingzstatus-cleaning-upzstatus-resolving-depzstatus-finishedzstatus-cancellingzstatus-authenticatingz pkg-unpackingzpkg-preparing-installz pkg-installedzpkg-installingzpkg-preparing-configurezpkg-configuringzpkg-preparing-removalzpkg-removingzpkg-removedzpkg-preparing-purgezpkg-purgingz pkg-purgedzpkg-running-triggerzpkg-disappearingz pkg-upgradingzpkg-unknownz role-unsetz role-pk-queryzrole-install-packageszrole-install-filezrole-upgrade-packageszrole-upgrade-systemzrole-update-cachezrole-remove-packageszrole-commit-packageszrole-add-vendor-key-filez"role-add-vendor-key-from-keyserverzrole-remove-vendor-keyzrole-fix-incomplete-installzrole-fix-broken-dependszrole-add-repositoryzrole-enable-distro-compzrole-reconfigurez role-cleanzrole-add-license-keyz download-donezdownload-auth-errorzdownload-errorzdownload-fetchingz download-idlezdownload-network-errorzaptdaemon-cleanupzaptdaemon-resolve�aptdaemon-workingzaptdaemon-downloadzaptdaemon-update-cachezaptdaemon-waitz aptdaemon-addzaptdaemon-deletezaptdaemon-upgradezsystem-software-updatezaptdaemon-action-cleaning-upzaptdaemon-action-resolvingzaptdaemon-action-downloadingzaptdaemon-action-updating-cachezaptdaemon-action-waitingzInstalled filezInstalled packageszAdded key from filez Updated cachezSearch donezRemoved trusted keyzRemoved packageszUpdated packageszUpgraded systemzApplied changesz Repaired incomplete installationzRepaired broken dependencieszAdded software sourcez%Enabled component of the distributionz Removed downloaded package fileszReconfigured installed packages� � Successful�Canceled�FailedzInstalling filezInstalling packageszAdding key from filezUpdating cachezRemoving trusted keyzRemoving packageszUpdating packageszUpgrading systemzApplying changesz!Repairing incomplete installationzRepairing installed softwarezAdding software sourcez&Enabling component of the distributionz!Removing downloaded package filesz Reconfiguring installed packages� Searchingz'Installation of the package file failedzInstallation of software failedz=Adding the key to the list of trusted software vendors failedz#Refreshing the software list failedz8Removing the vendor from the list of trusted ones failedzRemoving software failedzUpdating software failedzUpgrading the system failedz Applying software changes failedz(Repairing incomplete installation failedz$Repairing broken dependencies failedzAdding software source failedz-Enabling component of the distribution failedz(Removing downloaded package files failedz Search failedzAdding license keyzCheck your Internet connection.z�Check if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems. Furthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -fzCThe selected file may not be a GPG key file or it might be corrupt.zRThe selected key couldn't be removed. Check that you provided a valid fingerprint.z�Check if you are currently running another software management tool, e.g. Synaptic or aptitude. Only one tool is allowed to make changes at a time.ztThis is a serious problem. Try again later. If this problem appears again, please report an error to the developers.zWCheck the spelling of the package name, and that the appropriate repository is enabled.z#There isn't any need for an update.z(There isn't any need for an installationz#There isn't any need for a removal.zLYou requested to remove a package which is an essential part of your system.zQThe connection to the daemon was lost. Most likely the background daemon crashed.z9The installation or removal of a software package failed.z'The requested feature is not supported.z�There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.z�This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.z?This requires installing packages from unauthenticated sources.z�The installation could have failed because of an error in the corresponding software package or it was cancelled in an unfriendly way. You have to repair this before you can install or remove any further software.zKPlease copy the file to your local computer and check the file permissions.z�The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.z�The downloaded license key which is required to run this piece of software is not valid or could not be installed correctly. See the details for more information.z3All available upgrades have already been installed.z}The license key which allows you to use this piece of software could not be downloaded. Please check your network connection.z>You don't have the required privileges to perform this action.z�You either provided a wrong password or cancelled the authorization. Furthermore there could also be a technical reason for this error if you haven't seen a password dialog: your desktop environment doesn't provide a PolicyKit session agent.z Failed to download package filesz)Failed to download repository informationz'Package dependencies cannot be resolvedzThe package system is brokenzKey was not installedzKey was not removedz"Failed to lock the package managerzFailed to load the package listzPackage does not existzPackage is already up to datezPackage is already installedzPackage isn't installedz)Failed to remove essential system packagez&Task cannot be monitored or controlledzPackage operation failedz+Requires installation of untrusted packagesz+Previous installation hasn't been completedzThe package is of bad qualityz Package file could not be openedzNot supported featurez"Failed to download the license keyz!Failed to install the license keyz The system is already up to datezYou could not be authorizedz*You are not allowed to perform this actionzAn unhandlable error occuredzWaiting for service to start�WaitingzWaiting for required mediumz+Waiting for other software managers to quitz%Waiting for configuration file promptzRunning task�DownloadingzQuerying software sourceszCleaning upzResolving dependencies�Finished� CancellingzLoading software listzWaiting for authenticationz Installing %szConfiguring %szRemoving %szCompletely removing %szNoting disappearance of %sz$Running post-installation trigger %szUpgrading %szUnpacking %szPreparing installation of %szPreparing configuration of %szPreparing removal of %sz Preparing complete removal of %szInstalled %szCompletely removed %sz Removed %s�DonezAuthentication failed�Fetching�IdlezNetwork isn't availablec �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get the icon name for a transaction status. :param enum: The transaction status enum, e.g. :data:`STATUS_WAITING`. :returns: The icon name string. rz )� _ICONS_STATUS�KeyError��enums rq r_ r_ ? s$ � �#��T�"�"��� #�"�#�� � � �c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get an icon to represent the role of a transaction. :param enum: The transaction role enum, e.g. :data:`ROLE_UPDATE_CACHE`. :returns: The icon name string. rz )�_ICONS_ROLEr� r� s rq r` r` K s$ � �#��4� � ��� #�"�#�r� c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get an animation to represent a transaction status. :param enum: The transaction status enum, e.g. :data:`STATUS_WAITING`. :returns: The animation name string. N)�_ANIMATIONS_STATUSr� r� s rq ra ra W s$ � ��!�$�'�'��� ���r� c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get the description of a completed transaction action. :param enum: The transaction role enum, e.g. :data:`ROLE_UPDATE_CACHE`. :returns: The description string. N)� _PAST_ROLEr� r� s rq rc rc c s$ � ���$����� ���r� c �$ � t | S # Y yxY w)z�Get the description of a transaction exit status. :param enum: The transaction exit status enum, e.g. :data:`EXIT_FAILED`. :returns: The description string. N)�_STRING_EXITr� s rq rd rd o s � ���D�!�!����s � �c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get the description of a present transaction action. :param enum: The transaction role enum, e.g. :data:`ROLE_UPDATE_CACHE`. :returns: The description string. N)� _PRESENT_ROLEr� r� s rq re re { s$ � ���T�"�"��� ���r� c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get the description of a failed transaction action. :param enum: The transaction role enum, e.g. :data:`ROLE_UPDATE_CACHE`. :returns: The description string. N)�_ERROR_ROLEr� r� s rq rf rf � s$ � ���4� � ��� ���r� c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get a long description of an error. :param enum: The transaction error enum, e.g. :data:`ERROR_NO_LOCK`. :returns: The description string. N)�_DESCS_ERRORr� r� s rq rg rg � s$ � ���D�!�!��� ���r� c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get a short description of an error. :param enum: The transaction error enum, e.g. :data:`ERROR_NO_LOCK`. :returns: The description string. N)�_STRINGS_ERRORr� r� s rq rh rh � s$ � ���d�#�#��� ���r� c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get the description of a transaction status. :param enum: The transaction status enum, e.g. :data:`STATUS_WAITING`. :returns: The description string. N)�_STRINGS_STATUSr� r� s rq ri ri � s$ � ���t�$�$��� ���r� c �J � t | S # t $ r t d� cY S w xY w)z�Get the description of a package status. :param enum: The download status enum, e.g. :data:`PKG_INSTALLING`. :returns: The description string. z Processing %s)�STRINGS_PKG_STATUSr� rr r� s rq rb rb � s, � �"�!�$�'�'��� "���!�!�"�s � �"�"c �4 � t | S # t $ r Y yw xY w)z�Get the description of a download status. :param enum: The download status enum, e.g. :data:`DOWNLOAD_DONE`. :returns: The description string. N)�STRINGS_DOWNLOADr� r� s rq rj rj � s$ � ����%�%��� ���r� )|�__doc__� __author__�__all__rn rr r r r r r r r r r r �EXIT_PREVIOUS_FAILEDr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r! r# r"