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Current File : //usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/__pycache__/problem_report.cpython-312.pyc


�!fV�����dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl	Zddl
ddlZddlZddl
ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZdZdZGd�de�ZGd�d	e�ZGd
�de�Zdeed
efd�Zdeeded
eefd�Z d�Z!deeded
eefd�Z"deed
e#e$eee%ffd�Z&ejNGd�d��Z(Gd�d�Z)Gd�dejT�Z+y)z(Store, load, and handle problem reports.�N)�	Generator�Iterable�Iterators�s(�/�c�,��eZdZdZdedef�fd�Z�xZS)�MalformedProblemReportz�Raised when a problem report violates the crash report format.

    This exception might be raised when the keys of the report are not ASCII.
    �message�argsc�.��t�|�d|�d�g|���y)NzMalformed problem report: z$. Is this a proper .crash text file?)�super�__init__)�selfrr	�	__class__s   ��0/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/problem_report.pyrzMalformedProblemReport.__init__,s+���
���(��	�22�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�str�objectr�
__classcell__�rs@rrr&s ����

rrc��eZdZdZy)�_SizeLimitExceededz>Raised internally to signal a value that is too big to encode.N)rrrr�rrrr4s��Hrrc�J�eZdZdZdeeddfd�Zdeefd�Zdeefd�Zy)�_EntryParserz�Iterator over entries in RFC822 formatted files.

    This iterator reads ahead one line to determine the boundaries between
    the entries. Each returned entry is a line-based iterator.
    �iterator�returnNc�.�||_d|_d|_y)NT)r�	next_line�
rs  rrz_EntryParser.__init__?s�� ��
�'+�����rc#��K�|jsJ�|j��d|_|jD]'}|jd�r|���||_d|_yd|_y�w)z$Iterate over all lines of one entry.N� T)r!r�
�lines  r�entry_iteratorz_EntryParser.entry_iteratorDsa�����~�~��~��n�n������M�M�	�D����t�$��
	����s�A"A$c��|js|j�D]}�|jst|j�|_d|_|j�S)NF)r"r'r!�nextr)r
�_s  r�__next__z_EntryParser.__next__QsQ������(�(�*�
��~�~�!�$�-�-�0�D�N�����"�"�$�$r)	rrrrr�bytesrr'r+rrrrr8s>�����%���T��
�����%�(�5�/�%rr�entryrc#�K�|D]}	tj|����y#tj$r}t	t|��d�d}~wwxYw�w�N)�base64�	b64decode�binascii�Errorrr)r-r&�errors   r�_base64_decoderr5[sQ�����?��	?��"�"�4�(�(�?���~�~�	?�(��U��4�$�>��	?�s$�A�#�A�A�A�A�Ar&c���|d}d}|dzr|||dzz
}||d	S)
z0Strip gzip header from line and return the rest.��
���r��Nr)r&�flags�offsets   r�_strip_gzip_headerr@cs�����G�E�
�F��q�y��$�v�,��"�"���q�y��6�l�a���a�K�F��6�l�a���!����r�z��6�l�a���a�K�F��6�l�a���!����q�y��!������=�r�
r:���r=)�strip�len�endswith)r-rAr&�lengths    r�
��Y�F��$���A�:��K��=�=����q��*���c�$�i�!�m�#�F��q�r�(�N��c�$�i�!�m�#�F�$�s�A3A5c�n�	ddl}|j�S#t$r}td|�d��d�d}~wwxYw)Nrz$Failed to import zstandard library: z#. Please install python3-zstandard.)�	zstandard�ImportError�RuntimeError�ZstdDecompressor)rKr4s  r�_get_zstandard_decompressorrO�sP�����%�%�'�'�����2�5�'�:1�
��	���s��	4�/�4�first_blockc#�K�t�j�}|j|���|D]}|j|����y�wr/)rO�
decompress)r-rP�decompressor�blocks    r�_zstandard_decoderrV�sH����.�0�>�>�@�L�
.�.��-���%�%�e�,�,�-�s�AA	c�r�t|�}	|jdd�\}}	|j	d�}|j�d	k(}|rt|�}nt||�}|||fS#t$r!td|j	d���d��d�wxYw#t
z�Parse the given entry and return key and value.

    Return the key and a line iterator over the value. Also return a
    boolean if the entry is base64 encoded (i.e. is a binary value).
    �:r:zLine �backslashreplace)�errorsz? does not contain a colon for separating the key from the valueN�ASCIIsbase64)
ValueErrorr�decode�UnicodeDecodeErrorrrEr5rI)r-rA�key_in_bytes�first_line_value�keyr4�base64_encoded�value_iterators        r�_parse_entryre�s����e��J��+5�+;�+;�D�!�+D�(��'�;��!�!�'�*��&�+�+�-��:�N��(��/��&�u�.>�?�����.�.��%��$��J�%�%�-?�%�@�C�&�
��		����;�$�S��Z�0�d�:��;�s"�A&�B�&*B�	B6�B1�1B6c�P�eZdZUdZeed<deddfd�Zd�Zdee	fd�Z
defd�Zy)	�CompressedFilez�Represents a ProblemReport value which points to a compressed file.

    The file is expected to be compressed with gzip or zstandard.
rhs  rrzCompressedFile.__init__�s�� ��
� $�T�]�]�D� 9��rc�R�t|d�r|jj�yy)Nrl)�hasattrrl�close�r
s r�__del__zCompressedFile.__del__�s$���4�+�,��!�!�'�'�)�-rc#�RK�	|jjd�}|sy|���#�w)z?Iterate over the compressed content of the file in 1 MB chunks.�N)rl�read)r
rUs  r�iter_compressedzCompressedFile.iter_compressed�s/������)�)�.�.�w�7�E����K�	�s�%'c�b�tj|jtjd��S)z?Check if the compressed file is readable by the effective user.T)�
effective_ids)�os�accessrh�R_OKrps r�is_readablezCompressedFile.is_readable�s���y�y�������t�D�Dr)
rrrrr�__annotations__rrqrr,ru�boolr{rrrrgrg�sD���
*���%���E�T�Errgc	���eZdZdZ			ddedzdedzdedzddfd�Zdeddfd�Zdefd	�Z	defd
edeedeefd��Z
�Zdej ddfd�Zdefd�Zdeefd�Zy)�CompressedValuez�Represent a ProblemReport value which is gzip or zstandard compressed.

    By default, compressed values are in gzip format. Earlier versions of
    problem_report used zlib format (without gzip header).
    N�value�name�compressed_valuerc�H�||_||_|r|j|�yy)zAInitialize an empty CompressedValue object with an optional name.N)r�r��	set_value)r
r�r�r�s    rrzCompressedValue.__init__�s'��!1�����	���N�N�5�!�rc���tj�}tj|jd|d��5}|j|�ddd�|j
�|_y#1swY�xYw)zSet uncompressed value.�wbr��mode�fileobj�mtimeN)�io�BytesIO�gzip�GzipFiler��write�getvaluer�)r
r��out�gzs    rr�zCompressedValue.set_value�sS���j�j�l��
F�	�"��H�H�U�O�	� #������	�	�s�A(�(A1c�H�|j�J�t|j�S)z=Return size of the compressed (but not base64 encoded) value.)r�rFrps r�get_compressed_sizez#CompressedValue.get_compressed_size�s%���$�$�0�0�0��4�(�(�)�)rc�4�|j�dzdzdzS)aReturn the size needed on disk to store the compressed value.

        The compressed value will be base64 encoded when written to disk
        which adds an overhead of 1/3 plus up to 2 bytes of padding. Additional
        spaces and newlines are ignored in this calculation.
        r=r7r9)r�rps r�get_on_disk_sizez CompressedValue.get_on_disk_size�s"���)�)�+�a�/�A�5��:�:rr-c#��K�t|d�}|�y|jt�rt||�Ed{���y|jt�rAtjt
j�}|jt|����n'tj�}|j|���|D]}|j|����|j���y7���w)z5Decode the given compressed value (iterator version).N)r)r%�ZSTANDARD_MAGIC_NUMBERrV�GZIP_HEADER_START�zlibrR�	MAX_WBITSrSr@�flush)r-rUrTs   r�decode_compressed_streamz(CompressedValue.decode_compressed_stream�s������U�D�!���=�����2�3�)�%��7�7�7�����-�.��-�-�t�~�~�o�>�L��)�)�*<�U�*C�D�D� �-�-�/�L��)�)�%�0�0��	1�E��)�)�%�0�0�	1�� � �"�"�
8�s�4C(�C&�B0C(c�\�|j�J�|jjt�r#t�j	|j�S|jjt
j|j�Stj|j�S)zReturn uncompressed value.)r�r%r�rOrSr�r�r�rps r�	get_valuezCompressedValue.get_values����$�$�0�0�0�� � �+�+�,B�C�.�0�;�;�D�<Q�<Q�R�R�� � �+�+�,=�>��?�?�4�#8�#8�9�9����t�4�4�5�5r�filec�N�|jsJ�|jjt�r:t�}|j	tj|j�|�y|jjt�retjtj|j���5}	|jd�}|sn|j|��&	ddd�y|jtj|j��y#1swY�8xYw)z5Write uncompressed value into given file-like object.N)r�rs)r�r%r�rO�copy_streamr�r�r�r�r�rtr�r�rS)r
r�rTr�rUs     rr�zCompressedValue.writes����$�$�$�$�� � �+�+�,B�C�6�8�L��$�$�R�Z�Z��0E�0E�%F��M��� � �+�+�,=�>����r�z�z�$�2G�2G�'H�I�
�R���G�G�G�,�E� ���J�J�u�%�	�

�s�:)D�D$c���|jsJ�|jjt�r/tt	j
|j��S)z$Return length of uncompressed value.�<L���Nr)r�r%r��int�struct�unpackrFr�rps r�__len__zCompressedValue.__len__4s`���$�$�$�$�� � �+�+�,=�>��v�}�}�T�4�+@�+@���+E�F�q�I�J�J��4�>�>�#�$�$rc�>�|j�j�S)z.Behaves like splitlines() for a normal string.)r��
splitlinesrps rr�zCompressedValue.splitlines<s���~�~��*�*�,�,r)NNN)rrrrr,rrr�r�r�r��staticmethodrr�r��typing�BinaryIOr�r��listr�rrrrr�s����#��)-�	
"� �$�,�	

;�#�;��#����#�H�U�O�#��#�*	6�5�	6�;�&�/�/�;�d�;�*%��%�-�D��K�-rrc	�F��eZdZdZd,dededzddf�fd�
Zdeeddfd�Z		d-d	eje
ee
jdzdeedzddfd
�Zd	eje
jzdeeezdeddfd�Zdeefd�Zdedzfd�Zdefd�Zedeezdefd��Zedeezdeezfd��Z	d.deedzdeeeeezezezffd�Zd/d	e
jdeddfd�Zdedeeeeeffd�Z d	e
jdeddfd�Z!ed	e
jdedeeddfd ��Z"dede#eddffd!�Z$d	e
jdeddfd"�Z%d/d#ed$eddfd%�Z&				d0d&�Z'd'ed(ee(zezezezddfd)�Z)deefd*�Z*ed	e+ddfd+��Z,�xZ-S)1�
ProblemReportz1Class to store, load, and handle problem reports.N�problem_type�daterc�t��|�tj�}t�|�
||d��t	�|_y)z�Initialize a fresh problem report.

        problem_type can be 'Crash', 'Packaging', 'KernelCrash' or
        'KernelOops'. date is the desired date/time string; if
        None (default), the current local time is used.
        N)�ProblemType�Date)�time�asctimerr�set�old_keys)r
r�r�rs   �rrzProblemReport.__init__Ds2����<��<�<�>�D�
r�tagsc��|j�}|j|�}djt|��|d<y)z/Add tags to the report. Duplicates are dropped.� �TagsN)�get_tags�union�join�sorted)r
r��current_tags�new_tagss    r�add_tagszProblemReport.add_tagsRs4���}�}����%�%�d�+���x�x��x� 0�1��V�rr��binary�
key_filterc���|j|�|jj�|rt|�}nd}t	|�D]�}t|�\}}}|�||vr�|r�|durd|j|<n�|dk(r*t
|dj|���|j|<nn|jdjtj|���|j|<n-|jdj|��|j|<|���|j|�t|�dk(s��nt|jj��|_
y)a�Initialize problem report from a file-like object.

        If binary is False, binary data is not loaded; the dictionary key is
        created, but its value will be an empty string. If it is True, it is
        transparently uncompressed and available as dictionary byte array
        values. If binary is 'compressed', the compressed value is retained,
        and the dictionary value will be a CompressedValue object. This is
        useful if the compressed value is still useful (to avoid recompression
        if the file needs to be written back).

        file needs to be opened in binary mode.

        If key_filter is given, only those keys will be loaded.

        Files are in RFC822 format, but with case sensitive keys.
        NFr�r)r�r�r)�_assert_bin_mode�data�clearr�rrerr��_try_unicoder��removerF�keysr�)	r
r�r�r��remaining_keysr-rbrrcs	         r�loadzProblemReport.loadXs6��,	
���d�#��	�	����� ��_�N�!�N�!�$�'�	�E�,8��,?�)�C��>��)�c��.G����U�?�%)�D�I�I�c�N��|�+�%4� �3�8�8�H�3E�&�D�I�I�c�N�&*�%6�%6�����!I�!I�(�!S�T�&�D�I�I�c�N�
"&�!2�!2�3�8�8�H�3E�!F��	�	�#���)��%�%�c�*��~�&�!�+��/	�2�D�I�I�N�N�,�-��
r�bin_keys�	directoryc���|j|�t|t�r|g}t|�}i}t	|�D]�}t|�\}}}	||vr�|	||<|j
|�|	s�0tjj||�}
d�5}tj|�D]}|j|��	ddd���|rtddj|��d���d|j!�vr5|j#�D��cgc]\}}|dus�|��}}}t%|�d���y#1swY�sxYw#t$r}
wwxYwcc}}w)	z�Extract only given binary elements from the problem report.

        Binary elements like kernel crash dumps can be very big. This method
        extracts directly files without loading the report into memory.
        r�Nzunable to open zCannot find z, z
 in reportFz has no binary content)r��
r�r�r��missing_keys�	b64_blockr-rbrrc�key_pathr�rUr4�item�elementr�s                 r�extract_keyszProblemReport.extract_keys�s��	
���d�#��h��$� �z�H��H�~���	�!�$�'�	G�E�,8��,?�)�C��>��,�&��+�I�c�N�����$�!���w�w�|�|�I�s�3�H�
G��(�D�)�)�S�!0�!I�!I�(�!S�)���	�	�%�(�)�)��	G�$��\�$�)�)�L�*A�)B�*�M�N�N��I�$�$�&�&�/8���/@�U�m�d�G�G�u�DT�T�U�E�U���w�&<�=�>�>�'�)�)���
G��Vs<�E�,D9�E�E%�#E%�9E	�>E�	E"�E�E"c�X�d|vr
t�St|djd��S)zReturn the set of tags.r�r�)r�r\rps rr�zProblemReport.get_tags�s+������5�L��4��<�%�%�c�*�+�+rc�.�tjtj�}		tjtjd�t	tjtj|d���tjtj|�S#t$r'Ytjtj|�ywxYw#tjtj|�wxYw#tj$rYywxYw)zhGet timestamp (seconds since epoch) from Date field.

        Return None if it is not present.
�locale�	getlocale�LC_TIME�	setlocaler�r��mktime�strptimer�r3)r
orig_ctimes  r�
get_timestampzProblemReport.get_timestamp�s����%�%�f�n�n�5�
�		�
=�� � �����5��4�;�;�t�}�}�T�&�\�'B�C�D�� � �����<���
��� � �����<�
��� � �����<���|�|�	��	�sB�AB"�=$C>�"	C�+C�,$C>�C�C�&C;�;C>�>D�Dc�&�d|j�vS)z~Check if the report has any keys which were not loaded.

        This could happen when using binary=False in load().
        N)r�rps r�has_removed_fieldsz ProblemReport.has_removed_fields�s��
�t�{�{�}�$�$r�stringc�t�t|t�r(|D]#}|dks�	t|�j�r�#yy)z0Check if the given strings contains binary data.� TF)r�r,�chr�isspace)r��cs  r�	is_binaryzProblemReport.is_binary�s9���f�e�$��
 �rr�c��t|t�r#|j|�s	|jd�S|S#t$r|cYSwxYw)z*Try to convert bytearray value to Unicode.�UTF-8)r�r,r�r^r_)�clsr�s  rr�zProblemReport._try_unicode�sJ���e�U�#�C�M�M�%�,@�
��|�|�G�,�,����&�
���
�s�6�A�Ar�c#�RK�|r/tt|j��t|�z�}nt|j��}dD]*}||vs�|j|�|j	d|��,|D]%}|jd�r�||}|��|||f���'y�w)aIterate over all non-internal items sorted.

        The most interesting fields will be returned first. The remaining
        items will be returned in alphabetical order. Keys starting with
        an underscore are considered internal and are skipped. Also values
        that are None will be skipped.

        If keys is provided, only those keys will be iterated over.
        )�	Traceback�
r�rbr�s    r�sorted_itemszProblemReport.sorted_items�s�������#�d�i�i�k�*�S��Y�6�7�D��$�)�)�+�&�D�
	$�C��d�{����C� ����A�s�#�
	$��	!�C��~�~�c�"����I�E��}���t�C�y�.� �	!�s
�AB'�AB'�only_newc��|j|�|j|�\}}|D]}|j||��|D]}|j||��y)a�Write information into the given file-like object.

        If only_new is True, only keys which have been added since the last
        load() are written (i. e. those returned by new_keys()).

        If a value is a string, it is written directly. Otherwise it must be a
        tuple of the form (file, encode=True, limit=None, fail_on_empty=False).
        The first argument can be a file name or a file-like object,
        which will be read and its content will become the value of this key.
        'encode' specifies whether the contents will be
        gzip compressed and base64-encoded (this defaults to True). If limit is
        set to a positive integer, the file is not attached if it's larger
        than the given limit, and the entire key will be removed. If
        fail_on_empty is True, reading zero bytes will cause an OSError.

        file needs to be opened in binary mode.

        Files are written in RFC822 format.
r�r�asckeys�binkeys�ks      rr�zProblemReport.writesi��(	
���d�#��0�0��:�����	,�A��"�"�4��+�	,��	D�A��:�:�4��C�	Drc�8�g}g}|jj�D]�}|r||jvr�|j|}t|d�r5|j	|�r|j|��R|j|��dt
|ttf�s%t|�dk\r|ds|j|���|j|���|j�d|vr#|jd�|jdd�|j�||fS)zySort keys into ASCII non-ASCII/binary attachment ones, so that
        the base64 ones appear last in the report
rrrr�vs      rrzProblemReport._get_sorted_keys/s������������!�	"�A��A����.���	�	�!��A��q�&�!��>�>�!�$��N�N�1�%��N�N�1�%��q�>�?�"C�D���F�a�K��!�����q�!����q�!�#	"�&	�����G�#��N�N�=�)��N�N�1�m�,��������rrbc��|j|}t|d�s�t|�dk\r|d�|d}nd}t|�dk\xr|d}t|dd�r|dj�}n(t	|dd�5}|j�}ddd�|rt|�dk(rtd|z��|�t|�|kDr|j|=yt
|t�r|jd	�}|j|jd
��d|vr3|jd�|j|jdd
��n"|jd�|j|�|jd�y#1swY��xYw)Nr	r7r=r9rrtrj�did not get any data for field r�r[rCs:
 s: )r�rnrFrtrkr�r�r�encoder��replace)r
r�rbr�limit�
fail_on_empty�fs       rrzProblemReport._write_ascii_itemOsX���I�I�c�N���q�&�!��1�v��{�q��t�/��!�������F�a�K�0�A�a�D�M��q��t�V�$��a�D�I�I�K���!�A�$��%�!������A�!���Q��1���?�#�E�F�F�� �S��V�e�^��I�I�c�N���a�������!�A��
�3�:�:�g�&�'��A�:��J�J�w���J�J�q�y�y���/�0��J�J�u���J�J�q�M��
�5��-!�!�s�>E?�?F�chunksc�f�|j�}	|j|�d�jd��|D]7}|jd�|jtj|���9|jd�y#t
|�|j|��wxYw)zCWrite out binary chunks as a base64-encoded RFC822 multiline field.z: base64r[rrCN)�tellr�rr0�	b64encode�	Exception�seek�truncate)r�rbr�reset_position�chunks     r�!_write_binary_item_base64_encodedz/ProblemReport._write_binary_item_base64_encodedvs���
�����		��J�J�#��h�'�.�.�w�7�8��
�J�J�u����	��I�I�n�%��M�M�.�)��	�s�A0B�-B0c	#�K�|j|}t|t�r|j�Ed{���yt|t�r|j
��ytdz|jd�zdz}|��tjd�}tjdtjtjtjd�}d}t|d�r>|t|�z
}tj||�}|j!|�}|�r	|���nd}t|�d	k\r
}t|dd�r|d}	nt#|dd�}		|	j%d
�}|r|��nn�pt|dd�s|	j)�t|�dk\r'|d	r"|dk(rt+d|�dt-|d�����|j/�}
��y7��J�w)aGenerator taking the value out of self.data and outputing it
        in compressed chunks of binary data.

        Throws a _SizeLimitExceeded exception if the value exceeds its specified
        size limit, in which case it will also remove the value from self.data entirely.
        Ns�r��r�rr	r7r=rtrjrsz,Binary data bigger than the limit ({limit}b)r9rz from r�l��)r�r�rgrurr�r�rr��crc32�compressobj�DEFLATEDr��
rbr��gzip_header�crc�bc�size�outblockrrrUs           r�_generate_compressed_chunksz)ProblemReport._generate_compressed_chunks�su�����	�	�#����e�^�,��,�,�.�.�.���e�_�-��)�)�5�5�5��(�(�(���-�
�	����j�j��o��
W�����5�&�!��C��J��D��*�*�U�C�(�C��{�{�5�)�H�����E��5�z�Q��5��8�#7��a����u�Q�x��(��!�H����q��4�(������w�����E�
�"���j�j���,���$��e�|� �I�I�c�N�0�J����!�{�{�5�1�H��&���� �5��8�V�,����	��5�z�Q��5��8��1�9�!�9�#��f�S��q��]�O�T���
Jc�h�	|j|||j|��y#t$rYywxYw)z?Write the binary keys with gzip compression and base64 encodingN)rr-r)r
r�rbs   rrz7ProblemReport._write_binary_item_compressed_and_encoded�s;��	��2�2��c�4�;�;�C�@�
��"�	��	�s�"%�	1�1�
keep_timesc��tj|�}	t|d�5}tj|d�|j	|�ddd�|r,tj
||j|jf�tj||j�y#1swY�XxYw#|r,tj
||j|jf�tj||j�wxYw)aAdd this report's data to an already existing report file.

        The file will be temporarily chmod'ed to 000 to prevent frontends
        from picking up a hal-updated report file. If keep_times
        is True, then the file's atime and mtime restored after updating.
        �abrN)	rx�statrk�chmodr��utime�st_atime�st_mtime�st_mode)r
r/r0�st�reports     r�add_to_existingzProblemReport.add_to_existing�s����W�W�Z�
 ��	-��j�$�'�
#������b�k�k�2�;�;�%?�@��H�H�Z����,�

#�������b�k�k�2�;�;�%?�@��H�H�Z����,�s#�B.�(B"�B.�"B+�'B.�.AC>c�~	�|j|�t|jj��}d}g}d|vr#|j	d�|jdd�|r6d}	|D]/}
|vs�|j	|
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t|dd�r|d}nt|dd�}|jd	�r|j�}
notj�}tj |d
|d��5}	|jd�}|r|j#|�nn�'	ddd�|j%�}
|j'�n;|j)|�r*|jd	�r|}
nt||�j}
d�}|jd	�r|j3dd|��n|j3dd|d	z��|j5|
�t*j6j9|�|j;|����t=|�}t
|t>�r|jAdd�}t
|tB�sJ�t=|jE��}|dkr%|dk(r |jG�}||dz|zdzz
}|jd�s|dz
}||jI�jKdd�dzz
}���t*j,jLjO|d��}|j3dd|dz��|j;|���t*j,jLjO|d��}|j3dd�|jd|�t*j,jPjS�}|r*|jU�D]\}}|j3||��|D]}|jW|��|j#|jY�j[d��|j#d�y#1swY��5xYw)a�Write MIME/Multipart RFC 2822 formatted data into file.

        file must be a file-like object, not a path.  It needs to be opened in
        binary mode.

        If a value is a string or a CompressedValue, it is written directly.
        Otherwise it must be a tuple containing the source file and an optional
        boolean value (in that order); the first argument can be a file name or
        a file-like object, which will be read and its content will become the
        value of this key.  The file will be gzip compressed, unless the key
        already ends in .gz.

        attach_treshold specifies the maximum number of lines for a value to be
        included into the first inline text part. All bigger values (as well as
        all non-ASCII ones) will become an attachment, as well as text
        values bigger than 1 kB.

        Extra MIME preamble headers can be specified, too, as a dictionary.

        skip_keys is a set/list specifying keys which are filtered out and not
        written to the destination file.

        priority_fields is a set/list specifying the order in which keys should
        appear in the destination file.
        �r�rr:Nr	rtrjz.gzr�r�rs�applicationzx-gzipzContent-Disposition�
attachment)rhr�ri�z: �
rFr,r^rr��rstriprEr�text�MIMEText�	multipart�
MIMEMultipartr��attach�	as_stringr)r
extra_headers�	skip_keys�priority_fieldsr�rL�attachments�counter�priority_fieldrr�attach_valuerr�r�rU�attr+�lines�msg�as                       r�
���d�#��d�i�i�n�n�&�'�������D� ��K�K�
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&�$'�<�<�>�L����	�����"��:�:�e�$�#$�L�#2�1�a�#8�#I�#I�L���j�j�o�o�.�.�}�h�G���:�:�e�$��N�N�#8�,�QR�N�S��N�N�-�|�a�%�i�#������-����,�,�S�1��"�"�3�'��1�v���a��'�����)�4�A�!�!�S�)�)�)��A�L�L�N�+���4�<�E�Q�J����
�A��A��H�q�L�4�/�/�D��T�\�e��&>��A��J�&�D��:�:�d�+��T�	���A�G�G�I�-�-�d�E�:�T�A�A�D� �*�*�/�/�2�2�1�w�2�G�C��N�N�-�|�a�&�j�#�� �&�&�s�+�[M	,�`�j�j�o�o�&�&�t�g�&�>�����,�h�7����1�c�"��j�j�"�"�0�0�2���%�+�+�-�
%��	�A��J�J�q�M�	�	
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�5��K&�&�s�)R2�2R<	rrc��t|d�sJ�|jdd�jdd�jdd�j�std|�d���t	|t
tf�szt|d�snt	|t�rOt|�dk(s#t|�d	k\r3t|�d
kr%|ddvrt|dd�st|dd
�std|�d���|jj||�S)N�isalnum�.r=�-r*zkey 'zT' contains invalid characters (only numbers, letters, '.', '_', and '-' are allowed)r:r=r9>FTrrtzvalue for key z7 must be a string, CompressedValue, or a file reference)rnrr`r]r�rgr�tuplerF�	TypeErrorr��__setitem__)r
rrs   rrezProblemReport.__setitem__�s	���q�)�$�$�$��y�y��b�!�)�)�#�r�2�:�:�3��C�K�K�M����s�J�K��
�q�>�?�;�<��q�)�$��1�e�$���F�a�K��A��!���A��!���!��
�8M��Q�q�T�9�-���1��v�1F�� ���$'�(��
S)z�Return newly added keys.

        Return the set of keys which have been added to the report since it
        was constructed or loaded.
        )r�r�r�r�rps r�new_keyszProblemReport.new_keys�s#���4�9�9�>�>�#�$�t�}�}�4�4rc�*�t|d�rJd��y)z0Assert that given file object is in binary mode.�encodingz"file stream must be in binary modeN)rn)r�s rr�zProblemReport._assert_bin_mode�s���4��,�R�.R�R�,�,r)�CrashN)TNr/)F)�NNN).rrrrrrrr�r�r�r�r�r}�Literalr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r,r��classmethodr�rrcrr�r�r�rrrrr-rr;r^rgrergrr�rrs@rr�r�As���;�(�S�(�#��*�(�PT�(�2�X�c�]�2�t�2�7;�+/�	6.��m�m�f�o�o�-�6.��v�~�~�l�3�3�6.��S�M�D�(�	6.�

�6.�p(?��m�m�f�o�o�-�(?��3�-�#�%�(?��	(?�

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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0