Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/basic/ScriptForge/
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Current File : //usr/lib/libreoffice/share/basic/ScriptForge/SF_Session.xba

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="SF_Session" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM =======================================================================================================================
REM ===			The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project.				===
REM ===					Full documentation is available on https://help.libreoffice.org/								===
REM =======================================================================================================================

Option Compatible
Option Explicit

&apos;&apos;&apos;	SF_Session
&apos;&apos;&apos;	==========
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Singleton class implementing the &quot;ScriptForge.Session&quot; service
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Implemented as a usual Basic module
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Gathers diverse general-purpose properties and methods about :
&apos;&apos;&apos;			- installation/execution environment
&apos;&apos;&apos;			- UNO introspection utilities
&apos;&apos;&apos;			- clipboard management
&apos;&apos;&apos;			- invocation of external scripts or programs
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Service invocation example:
&apos;&apos;&apos;			Dim session As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;			session = CreateScriptService(&quot;Session&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Detailed user documentation:
&apos;&apos;&apos;			https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/en-US/text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_session.html?DbPAR=BASIC

REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS

Const CALCFUNCERROR				=	&quot;CALCFUNCERROR&quot;		&apos;	Calc function execution failed
Const NOSCRIPTERROR				=	&quot;NOSCRIPTERROR&quot;		&apos;	Script could not be located
Const SCRIPTEXECERROR			=	&quot;SCRIPTEXECERROR&quot;	&apos;	Exception during script execution
Const WRONGEMAILERROR			=	&quot;WRONGEMAILERROR&quot;	&apos;	Wrong email address
Const SENDMAILERROR				=	&quot;SENDMAILERROR&quot;		&apos;	Mail could not be sent
Const UNKNOWNFILEERROR			=	&quot;UNKNOWNFILEERROR&quot;	&apos;	Source file does not exist

REM ============================================================ MODULE CONSTANTS

&apos;&apos;&apos;	Script locations
&apos;&apos;&apos;	================
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Use next constants as Scope argument when invoking next methods:
&apos;&apos;&apos;			ExecuteBasicScript()
&apos;&apos;&apos;			ExecutePythonScript()
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Example:
&apos;&apos;&apos;			session.ExecuteBasicScript(session.SCRIPTISEMBEDDED, &quot;Standard.myModule.myFunc&quot;, etc)

Const cstSCRIPTISEMBEDDED		= &quot;document&quot;				&apos; a library of the document						(BASIC + PYTHON)
Const cstSCRIPTISAPPLICATION	= &quot;application&quot;				&apos; a shared library								(BASIC)
Const cstSCRIPTISPERSONAL		= &quot;user&quot;					&apos; a library of My Macros						(PYTHON)
Const cstSCRIPTISPERSOXT		= &quot;user:uno_packages&quot;		&apos; an extension for the current user				(PYTHON)
Const cstSCRIPTISSHARED			= &quot;share&quot;					&apos; a library of LibreOffice Macros				(PYTHON)
Const cstSCRIPTISSHAROXT		= &quot;share:uno_packages&quot;		&apos; an extension for all users					(PYTHON)
Const cstSCRIPTISOXT			= &quot;uno_packages&quot;			&apos; an extension but install params are unknown	(PYTHON)

&apos;&apos;&apos;	To build or to parse scripting framework URI&apos;s
Const cstScript1				= &quot;vnd.sun.star.script:&quot;
Const cstScript2				= &quot;?language=&quot;
Const cstScript3				= &quot;&amp;location=&quot;

REM ===================================================== CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Dispose() As Variant
	Set Dispose = Nothing
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Array Explicit destructor

REM ================================================================== PROPERTIES

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ObjectType As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Only to enable object representation
	ObjectType = &quot;SF_Session&quot;
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.ObjectType

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ServiceName As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Internal use
	ServiceName = &quot;ScriptForge.Session&quot;
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Array.ServiceName

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Convenient constants
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SCRIPTISAPPLICATION

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Convenient constants
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SCRIPTISEMBEDDED

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get SCRIPTISOXT As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Convenient constants
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SCRIPTISOXT

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Convenient constants
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SCRIPTISPERSONAL

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get SCRIPTISPERSOXT As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Convenient constants
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SCRIPTISPERSOXT

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get SCRIPTISSHARED As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Convenient constants
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SCRIPTISSHARED

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get SCRIPTISSHAROXT As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Convenient constants
End Property	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SCRIPTISSHAROXT

REM ============================================================== PUBLIC METHODS

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ExecuteBasicScript(Optional ByVal Scope As Variant _
										, Optional ByVal Script As Variant _
										, ParamArray pvArgs As Variant _
										) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Execute the Basic script given as a string and return the value returned by the script
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Scope: &quot;Application&quot; (default) or &quot;Document&quot; (NOT case-sensitive)
&apos;&apos;&apos;			(or use one of the SCRIPTIS... public constants above)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Script: library.module.method (Case sensitive)
&apos;&apos;&apos;			library =&gt; The library may be not loaded yet
&apos;&apos;&apos;			module =&gt; Must not be a class module
&apos;&apos;&apos;			method =&gt; Sub or Function
&apos;&apos;&apos;			Read https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/DevGuide/Scripting_Framework#Scripting_Framework_URI_Specification
&apos;&apos;&apos;		pvArgs: the arguments of the called script
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		The value returned by the call to the script
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		NOSCRIPTERROR		The script could not be found
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.ExecuteBasicScript(, &quot;XrayTool._Main.Xray&quot;, someuno)	&apos;	Sub: no return expected

Dim oScript As Object			&apos;	Script to be invoked
Dim vReturn As Variant			&apos;	Returned value

Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.ExecuteBasicScript&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[Scope], Script, arg0[, arg1] ...&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch

	vReturn = Empty

	If IsMissing(Scope) Or IsEmpty(Scope) Then Scope = SCRIPTISAPPLICATION
	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Scope, &quot;Scope&quot;, V_STRING _
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Script, &quot;Script&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	&apos;	Execute script
	Set oScript = SF_Session._GetScript(&quot;Basic&quot;, Scope, Script)
	On Local Error GoTo CatchExec
	If Not IsNull(oScript) Then vReturn = oScript.Invoke(pvArgs, Array(), Array())

	ExecuteBasicScript = vReturn
	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
	SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(SCRIPTEXECERROR, &quot;Script&quot;, Script, Error$)
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.ExecuteBasicScript

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ExecuteCalcFunction(Optional ByVal CalcFunction As Variant _
										, ParamArray pvArgs As Variant _
										) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Execute a Calc function by its (english) name and based on the given arguments
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		CalcFunction: the english name of the function to execute
&apos;&apos;&apos;		pvArgs: the arguments of the called function
&apos;&apos;&apos;			Each argument must be either a string, a numeric value
&apos;&apos;&apos;			or an array of arrays combining those types
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		The (string or numeric) value or the array of arrays returned by the call to the function
&apos;&apos;&apos;		When the arguments contain arrays, the function is executed as an array function
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Wrong arguments generate an error
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		CALCFUNCERROR			&apos;	Execution error in calc function
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.ExecuteCalcFunction(&quot;AVERAGE&quot;, 1, 5, 3, 7) returns 4
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.ExecuteCalcFunction(&quot;ABS&quot;, Array(Array(-1,2,3),Array(4,-5,6),Array(7,8,-9)))(2)(2) returns 9
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.ExecuteCalcFunction(&quot;LN&quot;, -3) generates an error

Dim oCalc As Object				&apos;	Give access to the com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess service
Dim vReturn As Variant			&apos;	Returned value
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.ExecuteCalcFunction&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;CalcFunction, arg0[, arg1] ...&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
	vReturn = Empty

	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CalcFunction, &quot;CalcFunction&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	&apos;	Execute function
	Set oCalc = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;FunctionAccess&quot;)
	&apos;	Intercept calls from Python when no arguments. Example NOW()
	If UBound(pvArgs) = 0 Then
		If IsEmpty(pvArgs(0)) Then pvArgs = Array()
	End If
	On Local Error GoTo CatchCall
	vReturn = oCalc.callFunction(UCase(CalcFunction), pvArgs())

	ExecuteCalcFunction = vReturn
	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
	SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(CALCFUNCERROR, CalcFunction)
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.ExecuteCalcFunction

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ExecutePythonScript(Optional ByVal Scope As Variant _
										, Optional ByVal Script As Variant _
										, ParamArray pvArgs As Variant _
										) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Execute the Python script given as a string and return the value returned by the script
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Scope: one of the SCRIPTIS... public constants above (default = &quot;share&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Script:	 (Case sensitive)
&apos;&apos;&apos;				&quot;library/module.py$method&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos;				or &quot;module.py$method&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos;				or &quot;myExtension.oxt|myScript|module.py$method&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos;			library =&gt; The library may be not loaded yet
&apos;&apos;&apos;			myScript =&gt; The directory containing the python module
&apos;&apos;&apos;			module.py =&gt; The python module
&apos;&apos;&apos;			method =&gt; The python function
&apos;&apos;&apos;			Read https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/DevGuide/Scripting_Framework#Scripting_Framework_URI_Specification
&apos;&apos;&apos;		pvArgs: the arguments of the called script
&apos;&apos;&apos;			Date arguments are converted to iso format. However dates in arrays are not converted
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		The value(s) returned by the call to the script. If &gt;1 values, enclosed in an array
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		NOSCRIPTERROR		The script could not be found
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.ExecutePythonScript(session.SCRIPTISSHARED, &quot;Capitalise.py$getNewString&quot;, &quot;Abc&quot;) returns &quot;abc&quot;

Dim oScript As Object			&apos;	Script to be invoked
Dim vArg As Variant				&apos;	Individual argument
Dim vReturn As Variant			&apos;	Returned value
Dim i As Long

Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.ExecutePythonScript&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[Scope], Script, arg0[, arg1] ...&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch

	vReturn = Empty

	If IsError(Scope) Or IsMissing(Scope) Then Scope = SCRIPTISSHARED
	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Scope, &quot;Scope&quot;, V_STRING _
				) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Script, &quot;Script&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	&apos;	Filter date arguments - NB: dates in arrays are not filtered
	For i = 0 To UBound(pvArgs)		&apos;	pvArgs always zero-based
		vArg = pvArgs(i)
		If VarType(vArg) = V_DATE Then pvArgs(i) = SF_Utils._CDateToIso(vArg)
	Next i

	&apos;	Intercept alternate Python helpers file when relevant
	With _SF_
		If SF_String.StartsWith(Script, .PythonHelper) And Len(.PythonHelper2) &gt; 0 Then
			Script = .PythonHelper2 &amp; Mid(Script, Len(.PythonHelper) + 1)
		End If
	End With
	&apos;	Find script
	Set oScript = SF_Session._GetScript(&quot;Python&quot;, Scope, Script)

	&apos;	Execute script
	If Not IsNull(oScript) Then
		vReturn = oScript.Invoke(pvArgs(), Array(), Array())
		&apos;	Remove surrounding array when single returned value
		If IsArray(vReturn) Then
			If UBound(vReturn) = 0 Then vReturn = vReturn(0)
		End If
	End If

	ExecutePythonScript = vReturn
	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.ExecutePythonScript

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetPDFExportOptions() As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Return the actual values of the PDF export options
&apos;&apos;&apos;	The PDF options are described on https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/API/Tutorials/PDF_export
&apos;&apos;&apos;	PDF options are set at each use of the Export as ... PDF command by the user and kept
&apos;&apos;&apos;	permanently until their reset by script or by a new export
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		A ScriptForge dictionary instance listing the 40+ properties and their value
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Dim dict As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Set dict = session.GetPDFExportOptions()
&apos;&apos;&apos;		MsgBox dict.Item(&quot;Quality&quot;)

Dim vDict As Variant				&apos;	Returned value
Dim oConfig As Object				&apos;	com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider
Dim oNodePath As Object				&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim oOptions As Object				&apos;	configmgr.RootAccess
Dim vOptionNames As Variant			&apos;	Array of PDF options names
Dim vOptionValues As Variant		&apos;	Array of PDF options values
Dim i As Long

Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.GetPDFExportOptions&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
	Set vDict = Nothing

	SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)

	&apos;	Get the (read-only) internal PDF options
	Set oConfig = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;ConfigurationProvider&quot;)
	Set oNodePath = SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;nodepath&quot;, &quot;/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Filter/PDF/Export/&quot;)
	Set oOptions = oConfig.createInstanceWithArguments(&quot;com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess&quot;, Array(oNodePath))

	&apos;	Copy the options into a ScriptForge dictionary
	Set vDict = CreateScriptService(&quot;dictionary&quot;)
	vOptionNames = oOptions.getElementNames()
	vOptionValues = oOptions.getPropertyValues(vOptionNames)
	For i = 0 To UBound(vOptionNames)
		vDict.Add(vOptionNames(i), vOptionValues(i))
	Next i

	GetPDFExportOptions = vDict
	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.GetPDFExportOptions

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Return the actual value of the given property
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		The actual value of the property
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Exceptions
&apos;&apos;&apos;		ARGUMENTERROR		The property does not exist

Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.GetProperty&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;PropertyName&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
	GetProperty = Null

	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, &quot;PropertyName&quot;, V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
	End If

	Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
		Case Else
	End Select

	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.GetProperty

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function HasUnoMethod(Optional ByRef UnoObject As Variant _
									, Optional ByVal MethodName As Variant _
									) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns True if a UNO object contains the given method
&apos;&apos;&apos; Code-snippet derived from XRAY
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		UnoObject: the object to identify
&apos;&apos;&apos;		MethodName: the name of the method as a string. The search is case-sensitive
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		False when the method is not found or when an argument is invalid

Dim oIntrospect As Object		&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.Introspection
Dim oInspect As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.XIntrospectionAccess
Dim bMethod As Boolean			&apos;	Return value
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.HasUnoMethod&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;UnoObject, MethodName&quot;

	SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)

	bMethod = False
	If VarType(UnoObject) &lt;&gt; V_OBJECT Then GoTo Finally
	If IsNull(UnoObject) Then GoTo Finally
	If VarType(MethodName) &lt;&gt; V_STRING Then GoTo Finally
	If MethodName = Space(Len(MethodName)) Then GoTo Finally

	On Local Error GoTo Catch
	Set oIntrospect = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;Introspection&quot;)
	Set oInspect = oIntrospect.inspect(UnoObject)
	bMethod = oInspect.hasMethod(MethodName, com.sun.star.beans.MethodConcept.ALL)

	HasUnoMethod = bMethod
	Exit Function
	On Local Error GoTo 0
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.HasUnoMethod

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function HasUnoProperty(Optional ByRef UnoObject As Variant _
									, Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant _
									) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns True if a UNO object contains the given property
&apos;&apos;&apos; Code-snippet derived from XRAY
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		UnoObject: the object to identify
&apos;&apos;&apos;		PropertyName: the name of the property as a string. The search is case-sensitive
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		False when the property is not found or when an argument is invalid

Dim oIntrospect As Object		&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.Introspection
Dim oInspect As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.XIntrospectionAccess
Dim bProperty As Boolean		&apos;	Return value
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.HasUnoProperty&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;UnoObject, PropertyName&quot;

	SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)

	bProperty = False
	If VarType(UnoObject) &lt;&gt; V_OBJECT Then GoTo Finally
	If IsNull(UnoObject) Then GoTo Finally
	If VarType(PropertyName) &lt;&gt; V_STRING Then GoTo Finally
	If PropertyName = Space(Len(PropertyName)) Then GoTo Finally

	On Local Error GoTo Catch
	Set oIntrospect = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;Introspection&quot;)
	Set oInspect = oIntrospect.inspect(UnoObject)
	bProperty = oInspect.hasProperty(PropertyName, com.sun.star.beans.PropertyConcept.ALL)

	HasUnoProperty = bProperty
	Exit Function
	On Local Error GoTo 0
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.HasUnoProperty

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Methods() As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Return the list of public methods of the Session service as an array

	Methods = Array( _
					&quot;ExecuteBasicScript&quot; _
					, &quot;ExecuteCalcFunction&quot; _
					, &quot;ExecutePythonScript&quot; _
					, &quot;HasUnoMethod&quot; _
					, &quot;HasUnoProperty&quot; _
					, &quot;OpenURLInBrowser&quot; _
					, &quot;RunApplication&quot; _
					, &quot;SendMail&quot; _
					, &quot;UnoMethods&quot; _
					, &quot;UnoObjectType&quot; _
					, &quot;UnoProperties&quot; _
					, &quot;WebService&quot; _

End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.Methods

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub OpenURLInBrowser(Optional ByVal URL As Variant)
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Opens a URL in the default browser
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		URL: The URL to open in the browser
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.OpenURLInBrowser(&quot;https://docs.python.org/3/library/webbrowser.html&quot;)

Const cstPyHelper = &quot;$&quot; &amp; &quot;_SF_Session__OpenURLInBrowser&quot;

Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.OpenURLInBrowser&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;URL&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch

	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(URL, &quot;URL&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	ExecutePythonScript(SCRIPTISSHARED, _SF_.PythonHelper &amp; cstPyHelper, URL)

	Exit Sub
	GoTo Finally
End Sub			&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.OpenURLInBrowser

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Properties() As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Return the list or properties as an array

	Properties = Array( _

End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.Properties

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function RunApplication(Optional ByVal Command As Variant _
									, Optional ByVal Parameters As Variant _
									) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Executes an arbitrary system command
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Command: The command to execute
&apos;&apos;&apos;			This may be an executable file or a document which is registered with an application
&apos;&apos;&apos;			so that the system knows what application to launch for that document
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Parameters: a list of space separated parameters as a single string
&apos;&apos;&apos;			The method does not validate the given parameters, but only passes them to the specified command
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		True if success
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.RunApplication(&quot;Notepad.exe&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.RunApplication(&quot;C:\myFolder\myDocument.odt&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.RunApplication(&quot;kate&quot;, &quot;/home/me/install.txt&quot;)	&apos;	(Linux)

Dim bReturn As Boolean			&apos;	Returned value
Dim oShell As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.system.SystemShellExecute
Dim sCommand As String			&apos;	Command as an URL
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.RunApplication&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;Command, [Parameters]&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
	bReturn = False

	If IsMissing(Parameters) Then Parameters = &quot;&quot;
	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Command, &quot;Command&quot;) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Parameters, &quot;Parameters&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	Set oShell = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;SystemShellExecute&quot;)
	sCommand = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(Command)
	oShell.execute(sCommand, Parameters, com.sun.star.system.SystemShellExecuteFlags.DEFAULTS)
	bReturn = True

	RunApplication = bReturn
	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.RunApplication

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub SendMail(Optional ByVal Recipient As Variant _
						, Optional ByRef Cc As Variant _
						, Optional ByRef Bcc As Variant _
						, Optional ByVal Subject As Variant _
						, Optional ByRef Body As Variant _
						, Optional ByVal FileNames As Variant _
						, Optional ByVal EditMessage As Variant _
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Send a message (with or without attachments) to recipients from the user&apos;s mail client
&apos;&apos;&apos;	The message may be edited by the user before sending or, alternatively, be sent immediately
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Recipient: an email addresses (To recipient)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Cc: a comma-delimited list of email addresses (carbon copy)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Bcc: a comma-delimited list of email addresses (blind carbon copy)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Subject: the header of the message
&apos;&apos;&apos;		FileNames: a comma-separated list of filenames to attach to the mail. SF_FileSystem naming conventions apply
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Body: the unformatted text of the message
&apos;&apos;&apos;		EditMessage: when True (default) the message is editable before being sent
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		UNKNOWNFILEERROR		File does not exist
&apos;&apos;&apos;		WRONGEMAILERROR			String not recognized as an email address
&apos;&apos;&apos;		SENDMAILERROR			System error, probably no mail client

Dim sEmail As String				&apos;	An single email address
Dim sFile As String					&apos;	A single file name
Dim sArg As String					&apos;	Argument name
Dim vCc As Variant					&apos;	Array alias of Cc
Dim vBcc As Variant					&apos;	Array alias of Bcc
Dim vFileNames As Variant			&apos;	Array alias of FileNames
Dim oMailService As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.system.SimpleCommandMail or com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail
Dim oMail As Object					&apos;	com.sun.star.system.XSimpleMailClient
Dim oMessage As Object				&apos;	com.sun.star.system.XSimpleMailMessage
Dim lFlag As Long					&apos;	com.sun.star.system.SimpleMailClientFlags.XXX
Dim ARR As Object	: ARR = ScriptForge.SF_Array
Dim i As Long
Const cstComma = &quot;,&quot;, cstSemiColon = &quot;;&quot;
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.SendMail&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;Recipient, [Cc=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [Bcc=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [Subject=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [FileNames=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [Body=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [EditMessage=True]&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch

	If IsMissing(Cc) Or IsEmpty(Cc) Then Cc = &quot;&quot;
	If IsMissing(Bcc) Or IsEmpty(Bcc) Then Bcc = &quot;&quot;
	If IsMissing(Subject) Or IsEmpty(Subject) Then Subject = &quot;&quot;
	If IsMissing(FileNames) Or IsEmpty(FileNames) Then FileNames = &quot;&quot;
	If IsMissing(Body) Or IsEmpty(Body) Then Body = &quot;&quot;
	If IsMissing(EditMessage) Or IsEmpty(EditMessage) Then EditMessage = True

	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Recipient, &quot;Recipient&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Cc, &quot;Cc&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Bcc, &quot;Bcc&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Subject, &quot;Subject&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(FileNames, &quot;FileNames&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Body, &quot;Body&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(EditMessage, &quot;EditMessage&quot;, V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	&apos;	Check email addresses
	sArg = &quot;Recipient&quot;	:	sEmail = Recipient
	If Not SF_String.IsEmail(sEmail) Then GoTo CatchEmail
	sArg = &quot;Cc&quot;			:	vCc = ARR.TrimArray(Split(Cc, cstComma))
	For Each sEmail In vCc
		If Not SF_String.IsEmail(sEmail) Then GoTo CatchEmail
	Next sEmail
	sArg = &quot;Bcc&quot;		:	vBcc = ARR.TrimArray(Split(Bcc, cstComma))
	For Each sEmail In vBcc
		If Not SF_String.IsEmail(sEmail) Then GoTo CatchEmail
	Next sEmail

	&apos;	Check file existence
	If Len(FileNames) &gt; 0 Then
		vFileNames = ARR.TrimArray(Split(FileNames, cstComma))
		For i = 0 To UBound(vFileNames)
			sFile = vFileNames(i)
			If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(sFile, &quot;FileNames&quot;) Then GoTo Finally
			If Not SF_FileSystem.FileExists(sFile) Then GoTo CatchNotExists
			vFileNames(i) = ConvertToUrl(sFile)
		Next i
		vFileNames = Array()
	End If

	&apos;	Initialize the mail service
	Set oMailService = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;MailService&quot;)
	If IsNull(oMailService) Then GoTo CatchMail
	Set oMail = oMailService.querySimpleMailClient()
	If IsNull(oMail) Then GoTo CatchMail
	Set oMessage = oMail.createSimpleMailMessage()
	If IsNull(oMessage) Then GoTo CatchMail

	&apos;	Feed the new mail message
	With oMessage
		If Subject &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then .setSubject(Subject)
		If UBound(vCc) &gt;= 0 Then .setCcRecipient(vCc)
		If UBound(vBcc) &gt;= 0 Then .setBccRecipient(vBcc)
		.Body = Iif(Len(Body) = 0, &quot; &quot;, Body)		&apos;	Body must not be the empty string ??
	End With
	lFlag = Iif(EditMessage, com.sun.star.system.SimpleMailClientFlags.DEFAULTS, com.sun.star.system.SimpleMailClientFlags.NO_USER_INTERFACE)

	&apos;	Send using the mail service
	oMail.sendSimpleMailMessage(oMessage, lFlag)

	Exit Sub
	GoTo Finally
	SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(WRONGEMAILERROR, sArg, sEmail)
	GoTo Finally
	SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, &quot;FileNames&quot;, sFile)
	GoTo Finally
	GoTo Finally
End Sub			&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SendMail

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SetPDFExportOptions(Optional ByRef PDFOptions As Variant) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Modify the actual values of the PDF export options from an options dictionary
&apos;&apos;&apos;	The PDF options are described on https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/API/Tutorials/PDF_export
&apos;&apos;&apos;	PDF options are set at each use of the Export as ... PDF command by the user and kept
&apos;&apos;&apos;	permanently until their reset by script (like this one) or by a new export
&apos;&apos;&apos;	The changed options are applicable on any subsequent ExportToPDF user command or to any SaveAsPDF script execution
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		PDFOptions: a ScriptForge dictionary object
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		True when successful
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Dim dict As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Set dict = session.GetPDFExportOptions()
&apos;&apos;&apos;		dict.ReplaceItem(&quot;Quality&quot;, 50)
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.SetPDFExportOptions(dict)

Dim bSetPDF As Boolean				&apos;	Returned value
Dim oConfig As Object				&apos;	com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider
Dim oNodePath As Object				&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim oOptions As Object				&apos;	configmgr.RootAccess
Dim vOptionNames As Variant			&apos;	Array of PDF options names
Dim vOptionValues As Variant		&apos;	Array of PDF options values
Dim oDict As Object					&apos;	Alias of PDFOptions
Dim i As Long

Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.SetPDFExportOptions&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;PDFOptions&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
	bSetPDF = False

	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PDFOptions, &quot;PDFOptions&quot;, V_OBJECT, , , &quot;DICTIONARY&quot;) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	&apos;	Get the (updatable) internal PDF options
	Set oConfig = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;ConfigurationProvider&quot;)
	Set oNodePath = SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;nodepath&quot;, &quot;/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Filter/PDF/Export/&quot;)
	Set oOptions = oConfig.createInstanceWithArguments(&quot;com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess&quot;, Array(oNodePath))

	&apos;	Copy the options from the ScriptForge dictionary in argument to property values
	Set oDict = PDFOptions
	oOptions.setPropertyValues(oDict.Keys, oDict.Items)

	bSetPDF = True

	SetPDFExportOptions = bSetPDF
	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SetPDFExportOptions

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant _
								, Optional ByRef Value As Variant _
								) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Set a new value to the given property
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
&apos;&apos;&apos;		Value: its new value
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Exceptions
&apos;&apos;&apos;		ARGUMENTERROR		The property does not exist

Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.SetProperty&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;PropertyName, Value&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
	SetProperty = False

	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, &quot;PropertyName&quot;, V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
	End If

	Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
		Case Else
	End Select

	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.SetProperty

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function UnoMethods(Optional ByRef UnoObject As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns a list of the methods callable from an UNO object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Code-snippet derived from XRAY
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		UnoObject: the object to identify
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		A zero-based sorted array. May be empty

Dim oIntrospect As Object		&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.Introspection
Dim oInspect As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.XIntrospectionAccess
Dim vMethods As Variant			&apos;	Array of com.sun.star.reflection.XIdlMethod
Dim vMethod As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.reflection.XIdlMethod
Dim lMax As Long				&apos;	UBounf of vMethods
Dim vMethodsList As Variant		&apos;	Return value
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.UnoMethods&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;UnoObject&quot;

	SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)

	vMethodsList = Array()
	If VarType(UnoObject) &lt;&gt; V_OBJECT Then GoTo Finally
	If IsNull(UnoObject) Then GoTo Finally

	On Local Error GoTo Catch
	Set oIntrospect = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;Introspection&quot;)
	Set oInspect = oIntrospect.inspect(UnoObject)
	vMethods = oInspect.getMethods(com.sun.star.beans.MethodConcept.ALL)

	&apos;	The names must be extracted from com.sun.star.reflection.XIdlMethod structures
	lMax = UBound(vMethods)
	If lMax &gt;= 0 Then
		ReDim vMethodsList(0 To lMax)
		For i = 0 To lMax
			vMethodsList(i) = vMethods(i).Name
		Next i
		vMethodsList = SF_Array.Sort(vMethodsList, CaseSensitive := True)
	End If

	UnoMethods = vMethodsList
	Exit Function
	On Local Error GoTo 0
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.UnoMethods

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function UnoObjectType(Optional ByRef UnoObject As Variant) As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Identify the UNO type of an UNO object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Code-snippet derived from XRAY
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		UnoObject: the object to identify
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		com.sun.star. ... as a string
&apos;&apos;&apos;		a zero-length string if identification was not successful

Dim oObjDesc As Object			&apos;	_ObjectDescriptor type
Dim sObjectType As String		&apos;	Return value
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.UnoObjectType&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;UnoObject&quot;

	SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)

	sObjectType = &quot;&quot;
	If VarType(UnoObject) &lt;&gt; V_OBJECT Then GoTo Finally
	If IsNull(UnoObject) Then GoTo Finally

	Set oObjDesc = SF_Utils._VarTypeObj(UnoObject)
	If oObjDesc.iVarType = V_UNOOBJECT Then sObjectType = oObjDesc.sObjectType

	UnoObjectType = sObjectType
	Exit Function
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.UnoObjectType

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function UnoProperties(Optional ByRef UnoObject As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns a list of the properties of an UNO object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Code-snippet derived from XRAY
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		UnoObject: the object to identify
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		A zero-based sorted array. May be empty

Dim oIntrospect As Object		&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.Introspection
Dim oInspect As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.XIntrospectionAccess
Dim vProperties As Variant		&apos;	Array of com.sun.star.beans.Property
Dim vProperty As Object			&apos;	com.sun.star.beans.Property
Dim lMax As Long				&apos;	UBounf of vProperties
Dim vPropertiesList As Variant	&apos;	Return value
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.UnoProperties&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;UnoObject&quot;

	SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)

	vPropertiesList = Array()
	If VarType(UnoObject) &lt;&gt; V_OBJECT Then GoTo Finally
	If IsNull(UnoObject) Then GoTo Finally

	On Local Error GoTo Catch
	Set oIntrospect = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;Introspection&quot;)
	Set oInspect = oIntrospect.inspect(UnoObject)
	vProperties = oInspect.getProperties(com.sun.star.beans.PropertyConcept.ALL)

	&apos;	The names must be extracted from com.sun.star.beans.Property structures
	lMax = UBound(vProperties)
	If lMax &gt;= 0 Then
		ReDim vPropertiesList(0 To lMax)
		For i = 0 To lMax
			vPropertiesList(i) = vProperties(i).Name
		Next i
		vPropertiesList = SF_Array.Sort(vPropertiesList, CaseSensitive := True)
	End If

	UnoProperties = vPropertiesList
	Exit Function
	On Local Error GoTo 0
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.UnoProperties

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function WebService(Optional ByVal URI As Variant) As String
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Get some web content from a URI
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		URI: URI text of the web service
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		The web page content of the URI
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		CALCFUNCERROR
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		session.WebService(&quot;wiki.documentfoundation.org/api.php?&quot; _
&apos;&apos;&apos;			&amp; &quot;hidebots=1&amp;days=7&amp;limit=50&amp;action=feedrecentchanges&amp;feedformat=rss&quot;)

Dim sReturn As String			&apos;	Returned value
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Session.WebService&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;URI&quot;

	If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
	sReturn = &quot;&quot;

	If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
		If Not SF_Utils._Validate(URI, &quot;URI&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
	End If

	sReturn = SF_Session.ExecuteCalcFunction(&quot;WEBSERVICE&quot;, URI)

	WebService = sReturn
	Exit Function
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session.WebService

REM =========================================================== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _ExecuteScript(ByVal psScript As String _
									, Optional ByRef pvArg As Variant _
									) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Execute the script expressed in the scripting framework_URI notation
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		psScript: read https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/DevGuide/Scripting_Framework#Scripting_Framework_URI_Specification
&apos;&apos;&apos;		pvArg: the unique argument to pass to the called script.
&apos;&apos;&apos;			It is often an event object that triggered the execution of the script.
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		The return value after the script execution. May be ignored for events

Dim sScope As String			&apos;	The scope part of the script URI
Dim sLanguage As String			&apos;	The language part of the script URI
Dim sScript As String			&apos;	The script part of the script URI
Dim vStrings As Variant			&apos;	Array of strings: (script, language, scope)
Const cstComma = &quot;,&quot;

	If ScriptForge.SF_String.StartsWith(psScript, cstScript1) Then
		&apos;	Parse script
		vStrings = Split( _
						Replace( _
							Replace(Mid(psScript, Len(cstScript1) + 1), cstScript2, cstComma) _
							, cstScript3, cstComma) _
						, cstComma)
		sScript = vStrings(0)	:	sLanguage = vStrings(1)	:	sScope = vStrings(2)
		&apos;	Execute script
		If UCase(sLanguage) = &quot;BASIC&quot; Then
			_ExecuteScript = ExecuteBasicScript(sScope, sScript, pvArg)
		Else	&apos;	Python
			_ExecuteScript = ExecutePythonScript(sScope, sScript, pvArg)
		End If
	End If

End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session._ExecuteScript

REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _GetScript(ByVal psLanguage As String _
								, ByVal psScope As String _
								, ByVal psScript As String _
								) As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Get the adequate script provider and from there the requested script
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Called by ExecuteBasicScript() and ExecutePythonScript()
&apos;&apos;&apos;		The execution of the script is done by the caller
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		psLanguage: Basic or Python
&apos;&apos;&apos;		psScope: one of the SCRIPTISxxx constants
&apos;&apos;&apos;			The SCRIPTISOXT constant is an alias for 2 cases, extension either
&apos;&apos;&apos;			installed for one user only, or for all users
&apos;&apos;&apos;			Managed here by trial and error
&apos;&apos;&apos;		psScript: Read https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/DevGuide/Scripting_Framework#Scripting_Framework_URI_Specification
&apos;&apos;&apos;	Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos;		A com.sun.star.script.provider.XScript object

Dim sScript As String			&apos;	The complete script string
Dim oScriptProvider As Object	&apos;	Script provider singleton
Dim oScript As Object			&apos;	Return value

	&apos;	Build script string
	sScript = cstScript1 &amp; psScript &amp; cstScript2 &amp; psLanguage &amp; cstScript3 &amp; LCase(psScope)

	&apos;	Find script
	Set oScript = Nothing
	&apos;	Python only: installation of extension is determined by user =&gt; unknown to script author
	If psScope = SCRIPTISOXT Then	&apos;		=&gt; Trial and error
		On Local Error GoTo ForAllUsers
		sScript = cstScript1 &amp; psScript &amp; cstScript2 &amp; psLanguage &amp; cstScript3 &amp; SCRIPTISPERSOXT
		Set oScriptProvider = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;ScriptProvider&quot;, SCRIPTISPERSOXT)
		Set oScript = oScriptProvider.getScript(sScript)
	End If
	On Local Error GoTo CatchNotFound
	If IsNull(oScript) Then
		Set oScriptProvider = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;ScriptProvider&quot;, psScope)
		Set oScript = oScriptProvider.getScript(sScript)
	End If

	_GetScript = oScript
	Exit Function
	SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOSCRIPTERROR, psLanguage, &quot;Scope&quot;, psScope, &quot;Script&quot;, psScript)
	GoTo Finally
End Function	&apos;	ScriptForge.SF_Session._GetScript

REM =============================================== END OF SCRIPTFORGE.SF_SESSION

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