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Mini Shell

Direktori : /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/basic/Euro/
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Current File : //usr/lib/libreoffice/share/basic/Euro/Common.xba

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Common" script:language="StarBasic"> REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Public DialogModel as Object
Public DialogConvert as Object
Public DialogPassword as Object
Public PasswordModel as Object

Sub	RetrieveDocumentObjects()
	CurMimeType = Tools.GetDocumentType(oDocument)
	If Instr(1, CurMimeType, &quot;calc&quot;) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
	    oSheets = oDocument.Sheets
		oSheet = oDocument.Sheets.GetbyIndex(0)
		oAddressRanges = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges&quot;)
	End If
    &apos; Retrieve the indices for the cellformatations
    oFormats = oDocument.NumberFormats
End Sub

Sub CancelTask()
&apos;	If Not DocDisposed Then
&apos;		ReprotectSheets()
&apos;	End If
	If DialogModel.Step = 3 And (Not bCancelTask) Then
		If Msgbox(sMsgCancelConversion, 36, sMsgCancelTitle) = 6 Then
			bCancelTask = True
			bCancelTask = False
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Function ConvertDocument()
	GoOn = True
&apos;	DocDisposed = True
	If Instr(1, CurMimeType, &quot;calc&quot;) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
		bDocHasProtectedSheets = CheckSheetProtection(oSheets)
		If bDocHasProtectedSheets Then
			bDocHasProtectedSheets = UnprotectSheetsWithPassword(oSheets, bDoUnProtect)
		End If
		If Not bDocHasProtectedSheets Then
			If Not bRangeListDefined Then
				TotCellCount = 0
			End If
			RangeIndex = Ubound(RangeList())
			If RangeIndex &gt; -1 Then
				ConvertThehardWay(RangeList(), True, False)
			End If
			bRangeListDefined = False
		End If
		DialogModel.ProgressBar.ProgressValue = 10  &apos; oStatusline.SetValue(10)
		DialogModel.ProgressBar.ProgressValue = 80  &apos; oStatusline.SetValue(80)
	End If
	On Local Error Goto 0
End Function

Sub SwitchNumberFormat(oObject as Object, oFormats as object)
Dim nFormatLanguage as Integer
Dim nFormatDecimals as Integer
Dim nFormatLeading as Integer
Dim bFormatLeading as Integer
Dim bFormatNegRed as Integer
Dim bFormatThousands as Integer
Dim i as Integer
Dim aNewStr as String
Dim iNumberFormat as Long
Dim AddToList as Boolean
Dim sOldCurrSymbol as String
	On Local Error Resume Next
	iNumberFormat = oObject.NumberFormat
	On Local Error GoTo NOKEY
	aFormat() = oFormats.getByKey(iNumberFormat)
	On Local Error GoTo 0
	sOldCurrSymbol = aFormat.CurrencySymbol
	If sOldCurrSymbol = CurrValue(CurrIndex,5) Then
		aSimpleStr = &quot;0 [$EUR]&quot;
		aSimpleStr = &quot;0 [$&quot; &amp; sEuroSign &amp; aFormat.CurrencyExtension &amp; &quot;]&quot;
	End If

	nSimpleKey = Numberformat(oFormats, aSimpleStr, oLocale)
	&apos; set new Currency format with according settings
	nFormatDecimals = 2
	nFormatLeading = aFormat.LeadingZeros
	bFormatNegRed = aFormat.NegativeRed
	bFormatThousands = aFormat.ThousandsSeparator
	aNewStr = oFormats.generateFormat( nSimpleKey, aFormat.Locale, bFormatThousands, bFormatNegRed, nFormatDecimals, nFormatLeading)
	oObject.NumberFormat = Numberformat(oFormats, aNewStr, aFormat.Locale)
	If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
		Resume CLERROR
	End If
End Sub

Function Numberformat( oFormats as Object, aFormatStr as String, oLocale as Object)
Dim nRetkey 
Dim l as String
Dim c as String
	nRetKey = oFormats.queryKey( aFormatStr, oLocale, True )
	If nRetKey = -1 Then
		l = oLocale.Language
		c = oLocale.Country
		nRetKey = oFormats.addNew( aFormatStr, oLocale )
		If nRetKey = -1 Then nRetKey = 0
	End If
	Numberformat = nRetKey
End Function

Function CheckFormatType( FormatObject as object)
Dim i as Integer
Dim LocCurrIndex as Integer
Dim nFormatFormatString as String
Dim FormatLangID as Integer
Dim sFormatCurrExt as String
Dim oFormatofObject() as Object

	&apos; Retrieve the Format of the Object
	On Local Error GoTo NOKEY
	oFormatofObject = oFormats.getByKey(FormatObject.NumberFormat)
	On Local Error GoTo 0			
  	If NOT INT(oFormatofObject.Type) AND com.sun.star.util.NumberFormat.CURRENCY Then
		CheckFormatType = False
		Exit Function
	End If
	If FieldInArray(CurrSymbolList(),2,oFormatofObject.CurrencySymbol) Then
		&apos; If the Currencysymbol of the object is the one needed, then check the Currency extension
		sFormatCurrExt = oFormatofObject.CurrencyExtension

		If FieldInList(CurExtension(),2,sFormatCurrExt) Then
			&apos; The Currency - extension also fits
			CheckFormatType = True
			&apos; The Currency - symbol is Euro-conforming (like &apos;DEM&apos;), so there is no Currency-Extension
			CheckFormatType = oFormatofObject.CurrencySymbol = CurrsymbolList(2)
		End If
		&apos; The Currency Symbol of the object is not the desired one
		If oFormatofObject.CurrencySymbol = &quot;&quot; Then
			&apos; Format is &quot;automatic&quot;
			CheckFormatType = CheckLocale(oFormatofObject.Locale)
			CheckFormatType = False
		End If
	End If

	If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
		CheckFormatType = False
		Resume CLERROR
	End If
End Function

Sub StartConversion()
	GoOn = True
	Select Case DialogModel.Step
		Case 1
			If DialogModel.chkComplete.State = 1 Then
			End If
		Case 2
			bCancelTask = False
			If InitializeThirdStep() Then
				bCancelTask = True
			End If
		Case 3
	End Select
End Sub

Sub IncreaseStatusValue(AddStatusValue as Integer)
	StatusValue = Int(StatusValue + AddStatusValue)
	If DialogModel.Step = 3 Then
		DialogModel.ProgressBar.ProgressValue = StatusValue
	End If
End Sub

Sub SelectCurrency()
Dim AddtoList as Boolean
Dim NullList()
Dim OldCurrIndex as Integer
	bRangeListDefined = False
	OldCurrIndex = CurrIndex
	CurrIndex = DialogModel.lstCurrencies.SelectedItems(0)
	If OldCurrIndex &lt;&gt; CurrIndex Then
		CurExtension(0) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,0,2)
		CurExtension(1) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,1,2)
		CurExtension(2) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,2,2)
		If DialogModel.Step = 1 Then
			EnableStep1DialogControls(False,False, False)
			If DialogModel.optCellTemplates.State = 1 Then
				EnableStep1DialogControls(False, False, False)
			ElseIf ((DialogModel.optSheetRanges.State = 1) OR (DialogModel.optDocRanges.State = 1)) AND (DialogModel.Step = 1) Then
				If Ubound(RangeList()) = -1 Then
					DialogModel.lstSelection.StringItemList() = NullList()
				End If
			ElseIf DialogModel.optSelRange.State= 1 Then
				&apos;Preselected Range
			End If
			EnableStep1DialogControls(True, True, True)
		ElseIf DialogModel.Step = 2 Then
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Sub FillUpCurrencyListbox()
Dim i as Integer
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
	MaxIndex = Ubound(CurrValue(),1)
	Dim LocList(MaxIndex) as String
	For i = 0 To MaxIndex
		LocList(i) = CurrValue(i,0)
	Next i
	DialogModel.lstCurrencies.StringItemList() = LocList()
	If CurrIndex &gt; -1 Then
		SelectListboxItem(DialogModel.lstCurrencies, CurrIndex)
	End If
End Sub

Sub InitializeProgressbar()
	CurCellCount = 0
	If Not IsNull(oStatusLine) Then
		oStatusline.Start(sStsPROGRESS, 100)
		DialogModel.ProgressBar.ProgressValue = 0
	End If
	StatusValue = 0
End Sub

Sub	EndStatusLine()
	If Not IsNull(oStatusLine) Then
		DialogModel.ProgressBar.ProgressValue = 100
	End If
End Sub

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0