Direktori : /usr/bin/ |
Current File : //usr/bin/hp-doctor |
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) Copyright 2012-2020 HP Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Amarnath Chitumalla # __version__ = '1.0' __title__ = 'Self Diagnse Utility and Healing Utility' __mod__ = 'hp-doctor' __doc__ = """Tool checks for the deprecated, plug-in, dependencies, queues, permission issues and provides self diagnose steps""" # global import import getopt import os import sys import getpass #local import from base.g import * from base.strings import * try: from base import utils, tui, module,queues, os_utils, services, smart_install except ImportError as e: if 'cupsext' in e.args[0] : check_extension_module_env('cupsext') else: log.exception("") sys.exit(1) from installer.core_install import * from check import DependenciesCheck USAGE = [(__doc__, "", "name", True), ("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]" % __mod__, "", "summary", True), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_MODE, ("Run in interactive mode:", "-i or --interactive (Default)", "option", False), # ("Run in graphical UI mode:", "-u or --gui (future use)", "option", False), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_OPTIONS, utils.USAGE_HELP, utils.USAGE_LOGGING1, utils.USAGE_LOGGING2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING3, # ("Non-interactive mode:","-n(Without asking permissions)(future use)","option",False), # ("Perform the task for the given device id:","-d<device id>(future use)","option",False), # ("Take options from the file instead of command line:","-f<file> (future use)","option",False) ] ##########################global variables ##########################3 MODE = INTERACTIVE_MODE DEVICE_URI = None PERFORM_IN_NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE=False LOG_LEVEL=None VALID_AUTHENTICATION = False IS_RESTART_REQ = False DONOT_CLOSE_TERMINAL=False SUMMARY_ONLY = False #################################### functions ######################### def usage(typ='text'): if typ == 'text': utils.log_title(__title__, __version__) utils.format_text(USAGE, typ, __title__, __mod__, __version__) clean_exit(2) def append_options(cmd): if MODE == INTERACTIVE_MODE: cmd += " -i " elif MODE == GUI_MODE: cmd += " -u " if PERFORM_IN_NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE: cmd += " -n " if LOG_LEVEL: cmd += " -l%s"%LOG_LEVEL # Adding quiet mode option.. cmd += " -s " return cmd def authenticate(core): global VALID_AUTHENTICATION if not services.running_as_root() and VALID_AUTHENTICATION == False: ###TBD # if MODE == GUI_MODE: # GUI passwrd query.. # else: if core.passwordObj.getAuthType() == "sudo": tui.title("ENTER SUDO PASSWORD") else: tui.title("ENTER ROOT/SUPERUSER PASSWORD") VALID_AUTHENTICATION = core.check_password() else: VALID_AUTHENTICATION = True if not VALID_AUTHENTICATION: log.error("3 incorrect attempts. (or) Insufficient permissions(i.e. try with sudo user).\nExiting.") clean_exit(3) return VALID_AUTHENTICATION def install_plugin(core): plugin_sts = core.get_plugin_status() if plugin_sts == PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH: ok,user_input =tui.enter_choice("Found Plugin version mismatch. Press 'y' to re-install the plugin(y=yes*, n=no):",['y', 'n'], 'y') elif plugin_sts == PLUGIN_FILES_CORRUPTED: ok,user_input =tui.enter_choice("Plugins corrupted. Press 'y' to re-install the plugin(y=yes*, n=no):",['y', 'n'], 'y') elif plugin_sts == PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED: ok,user_input =tui.enter_choice("Plugin's are missing. Press 'y' to install the plugin(y=yes*, n=no):",['y', 'n'], 'y') elif plugin_sts == PLUGIN_INSTALLED: log.info("Plugin's already installed") return True else: log.info("No plug-in printers are configured.") return True if ok and user_input == 'y': # authenticate(core) cmd='hp-plugin' cmd = append_options(cmd) sts = os_utils.execute(cmd) if sts == 0: return True else: log.info(log.bold("Failed to install Plugin. Please run 'hp-plugin' command to install plugin manually")) return False def deprecated_check(core): if core.validate_distro_version(): log.debug("This distro is supported.") log.info("No Deprecated items are found") else: log.error("This distro (i.e %s %s) is either deprecated or not yet supported."%(core.distro_name, core.distro_version)) ok,user_input =tui.enter_choice(log.red("The diagnosis is limited on unsupported platforms. Do you want to continue?(y=yes*, n=no):"),['y', 'n'], 'y') if not ok or user_input !='y': clean_exit(2) def display_missing_dependencies(required_dependencies=[],optional_dependencies=[], missing_cmd=[]): if len(required_dependencies): log.info(log.bold("Missing Required Dependencies")) log.info(log.bold('-'*len("Missing Required Dependencies"))) for packages_to_install in required_dependencies: if 'cups' in packages_to_install: log.error("'%s' package is missing or '%s' service is not running."%(packages_to_install,'cups')) else: log.error("'%s' package is missing/incompatible "%packages_to_install) if len(optional_dependencies): log.info(log.bold("Missing Optional Dependencies")) log.info(log.bold('-'*len("Missing Optional Dependencies"))) for packages_to_install in optional_dependencies: log.error("'%s' package is missing/incompatible "%packages_to_install) if len(missing_cmd): log.info(log.bold("Missing Commands")) log.info(log.bold('-'*len("Missing Commands"))) for cmd in missing_cmd: log.error("'%s' is missing"%cmd) def clean_exit(exit_code=0): mod.unlockInstance() if DONOT_CLOSE_TERMINAL: log.info("\n\nPlease close this terminal manually. ") try: while 1: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass sys.exit(exit_code) #################################### Main ######################### log.set_module(__mod__) try: mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, USAGE, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT3, UI_TOOLKIT_QT4, UI_TOOLKIT_QT5), True) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts('hl:gnid:f:w', ['summary-only','help', 'help-rest', 'help-man', 'help-desc', 'interactive', 'gui', 'lang=','logging=', 'debug'], handle_device_printer=False) except getopt.GetoptError as e: log.error(e.msg) usage() if os.getenv("HPLIP_DEBUG"): log.set_level('debug') LOG_LEVEL = 'debug' for o, a in opts: if o == '-n': MODE = NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE PERFORM_IN_NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE = True log.warn("NON_INTERACTIVE mode is not yet supported.") #TBD usage() elif o == '-d': DEVICE_URI=a elif o in ('-u', '--gui'): log.warn("GUI is not yet supported.") #TBD usage() elif o == '-f': log.warn("Option from file is not yet supported") #TBD usage() elif o in ('-l', '--logging'): LOG_LEVEL = a.lower().strip() if not log.set_level(LOG_LEVEL): usage() elif o == '-w': DONOT_CLOSE_TERMINAL = True elif o == '--summary-only': SUMMARY_ONLY = True try: if os.geteuid() == 0: log.error("%s %s" %(__mod__, queryString(ERROR_RUNNING_AS_ROOT))) sys.exit(1) mod.lockInstance('') mod.quiet= False mod.showTitle() log_file = os.path.normpath('%s/hp-doctor.log'%prop.user_dir) if os.path.exists(log_file): try: os.remove(log_file) except OSError: pass log.set_logfile(log_file) log.set_where(log.LOG_TO_CONSOLE_AND_FILE) log.debug("Upgrade log saved in: %s" % log.bold(log_file)) log.debug("") if PERFORM_IN_NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE and os.geteuid() != 0: log.error("Non Interactive mode should be run in root mode.") clean_exit(1) ui_toolkit = sys_conf.get('configure','ui-toolkit') dep = DependenciesCheck(MODE_CHECK,INTERACTIVE_MODE,ui_toolkit) dep.core.init() log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking for Deprecated items....")) deprecated_check(dep.core) log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking for HPLIP updates....")) upgrade_cmd = utils.which('hp-upgrade',True) if upgrade_cmd: #checking for latest version of HPLIP. upgrade_cmd = append_options(upgrade_cmd) sts = os_utils.execute(upgrade_cmd) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to upgrade latest HPLIP. Is hp-upgrade already running (i.e. foreground or background)?") else: log.error("Failed to locate hp-upgrade utility") ### Dependency check log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking for Dependencies....")) if SUMMARY_ONLY: num_errors, num_warns = dep.validate(DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, True) else: num_errors, num_warns = dep.validate(DEPENDENCY_RUN_AND_COMPILE_TIME, False) if num_errors or num_warns: if dep.get_required_deps() or dep.get_optional_deps() or dep.get_cmd_to_run(): display_missing_dependencies(dep.get_required_deps(),dep.get_optional_deps(), dep.get_cmd_to_run()) authenticate(dep.core) dep.core.install_missing_dependencies(INTERACTIVE_MODE,dep.get_required_deps(),dep.get_optional_deps(), dep.get_cmd_to_run()) log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking Permissions....")) # if not core.get_missing_user_grps() and not core.get_disable_selinux_status(): # if not core.get_disable_selinux_status(): # log.info("Permissions are correct.") # if core.get_missing_user_grps(): # log.info(log.bold("Missing User Groups")) # log.info(log.bold('-'*len("Missing User Groups"))) # log.info("%s"%core.get_missing_user_grps()) # authenticate(core) # if core.add_groups_to_user(core.get_missing_user_grps(), core.get_user_grp_cmd()): # IS_RESTART_REQ = True # if core.get_disable_selinux_status(): # log.info(log.bold("SELinux Status")) # log.info(log.bold('-'*len("SELinux Status"))) # log.info("SELinux is enabled. Needs to be disabled") # authenticate(core) # if core.disable_SELinux(): # IS_RESTART_REQ = True log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking for Configured Queues....")) queues.main_function(dep.core.passwordObj, MODE,ui_toolkit, False, DEVICE_URI) log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking for HP Properitery Plugin's....")) ### Check for Plugin Printers install_plugin(dep) smart_ins_dev_list = smart_install.get_smartinstall_enabled_devices() if smart_ins_dev_list: log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking for 'CD-ROM'/'Smart Install' Detected Devices....")) url, tool_name = smart_install.get_SmartInstall_tool_info() for printer in smart_ins_dev_list: log.error("Smart Install is Enabled in '%s' Printer. This needs to be disabled."%printer) log.info(log.bold("\nRefer link '%s' to disable Smart Install manually.\n"%(url))) comm_err_dev = dep.get_communication_error_devs() if comm_err_dev: log.info(log.bold("\n\nChecking for Printer Status....")) for printer in comm_err_dev: log.error("'%s' Printer is either Powered-OFF or Failed to communicate."%printer) log.info(log.bold("Turn On Printer and re-run %s"%__mod__)) if IS_RESTART_REQ: log.info(log.bold("\nPlease reboot the system before performing any function.")) log.info(log.bold("\nDiagnose completed...\n")) log.info("") log.info("") log.info("More information on Troubleshooting,How-To's and Support is available on http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html") clean_exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.error("User exit") clean_exit(1)