Direktori : /usr/bin/X11/ |
Current File : //usr/bin/X11/hp-logcapture |
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) Copyright 2003-2015 HP Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Amarnath Chitumalla # from __future__ import print_function __version__ = '1.0' __title__ = 'HPLIP logs capture Utility' __mod__ = 'hp-logcapture' __doc__ = """Captures the HPLIP log files.""" import os import sys import getopt import glob import datetime from base.g import * from base import utils,tui,module, os_utils from base.sixext import to_string_utf8 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from installer.core_install import * CUPS_FILE='/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' CUPS_BACKUP_FILE='/etc/cups/cupsd.conf_orginal' LOG_FOLDER_PATH='./' LOG_FOLDER_NAME='hplip_troubleshoot_logs' LOG_FILES=LOG_FOLDER_PATH + LOG_FOLDER_NAME TMP_DIR = "/var/spool/cups/tmp" USER_NAME ="" USERS={} ################ is_journal() function ############## #Capture logs from system journal for Fedora 21 onwards def is_journal(): core = CoreInstall(MODE_INSTALLER, INTERACTIVE_MODE) core.get_distro() distro_name = core.distro_name distro_ver = core.distro_version if distro_name == "fedora" and distro_ver >=" 21" : journal = True else: journal = False return journal ############ enable_log() function ############ #This function changes CUPS conf log level to debug and restarts CUPS service. def enable_log(): result = False cmd='cp -f %s %s'%(CUPS_FILE,CUPS_BACKUP_FILE) log.debug("Backup CUPS conf file. cmd =%s"%cmd) sts,out=utils.run(cmd) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to take back cups file=%s"%CUPS_FILE) #check if cups is log level enabled or disable cmd="grep 'LogLevel warn' %s"%CUPS_FILE log.debug ("cmd= %s"%cmd) sts,out=utils.run(cmd) if sts == 0: cmd = "sed -i 's/LogLevel.*warn/LogLevel debug\rhpLogLevel 15/' %s "%CUPS_FILE log.debug("Changing 'Log level' to debug. cmd=%s"%cmd) sts= os.system(cmd) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to update Loglevel to Debug in cups=%s"%CUPS_FILE) cmd=None if utils.which('service'): cmd = os.path.join(utils.which('service'), 'service')+" cups restart" elif utils.which('systemctl'): cmd = os.path.join(utils.which('systemctl'), 'systemctl')+" restart %s.service"%service_name elif os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/cups'): cmd = "/etc/init.d/cups restart" else: log.error("service command not found.. Please restart cups manually..") if cmd: log.debug("CUPS restart cmd = %s"%cmd) sts,out = utils.run(cmd) if sts == 0: result = True return result ############ restore_loglevels() function ############ #This function restores CUPS conf file to previous value and restarts CUPS service. def restore_loglevels(): result = False cmd='cp -f %s %s'%(CUPS_BACKUP_FILE,CUPS_FILE) log.debug("Restoring CUPS conf file. cmd=%s"%cmd) sts, out = utils.run(cmd) if sts == 0: cmd='rm -f %s'%CUPS_BACKUP_FILE log.debug("Removing Temporary file.. cmd=%s"%cmd) sts,out = utils.run(cmd) if sts != 0: log.warn("Failed to remove the Temporary backup file=%s"%CUPS_BACKUP_FILE) else: log.error("Failed to restore cups config file = %s"%CUPS_FILE) log.debug("Restarting CUPS service") cmd=None if utils.which('service'): cmd = os.path.join(utils.which('service'), 'service')+" cups restart" elif utils.which('systemctl'): cmd = os.path.join(utils.which('systemctl'), 'systemctl')+" restart %s.service"%service_name elif os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/cups'): cmd = "/etc/init.d/cups restart" else: log.error("service command not found.. Please restart cups manually..") if cmd: log.debug("CUPS restart cmd = %s"%cmd) sts,out = utils.run(cmd) if sts == 0: result = True return result def usage(typ='text'): if typ == 'text': utils.log_title(__title__, __version__) utils.format_text(USAGE, typ, __title__, __mod__, __version__) sys.exit(0) def backup_clearLog(strLog): if os.path.exists(strLog): iArch =1 while os.path.exists("%s.%d"%(strLog, iArch)) or os.path.exists("%s.%d.gz"%(strLog, iArch)): iArch +=1 sts,out = utils.run('cp %s %s.%d'%(strLog, strLog, iArch)) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to archive %s log file"%strLog) else: cmd = 'cat /dev/null > %s' % strLog sts = os_utils.execute(cmd) if sts != 0: log.warn("Failed to clear the %s log file"%strLog) if utils.which('gzip'): sts,out = utils.run ('gzip %s.%d'%(strLog, iArch)) if sts != 0: log.info("Existing %s log file copied to %s.%d"%(strLog, strLog, iArch)) else: log.info("Existing %s log file copied to %s.%d.gz"%(strLog, strLog, iArch)) else: log.info("Existing %s log file copied to %s.%d"%(strLog, strLog, iArch)) USAGE = [(__doc__, "", "name", True), ("Usage: [su -c /sudo] %s [USER INFO] [OPTIONS]" % __mod__, "", "summary", True), ("e.g. su -c '%s'"%__mod__,"","summary",True), ("[USER INFO]", "", "heading", False), ("User name for which logs to be collected:", "--user=<username> ", "option", False), utils.USAGE_OPTIONS, utils.USAGE_HELP, utils.USAGE_LOGGING1, utils.USAGE_LOGGING2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING3, ] ######## Main ####### try: mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, USAGE, (INTERACTIVE_MODE,),run_as_root_ok=True, quiet=True) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts('hl:g:r', ['help', 'help-rest', 'help-man', 'help-desc', 'logging=', 'debug','user='],handle_device_printer=False) except getopt.GetoptError as e: log.error(e.msg) usage() if os.getenv("HPLIP_DEBUG"): log.set_level('debug') for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif o == '--help-rest': usage('rest') elif o == '--help-man': usage('man') elif o == '--help-desc': print(__doc__, end=' ') clean_exit(0,False) elif o in ('-l', '--logging'): log_level = a.lower().strip() if not log.set_level(log_level): usage() elif o in ('-g', '--debug'): log.set_level('debug') elif o == '--user': USER_NAME = a if os.getuid() != 0: log.error("logCapture needs root permissions since cups service restart requires....") sys.exit() if not USER_NAME: pout = Popen(["who"], stdout=PIPE) output = to_string_utf8(pout.communicate()[0]) if output: USER_NAME = output.split(' ')[0] if not USER_NAME: log.error("Failed to get the user name. Try again by passing '--user' option") sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(TMP_DIR): TMP_DIR = "/tmp" cmd = "mkdir -p %s"%LOG_FILES log.debug("Creating temporary logs folder =%s"%cmd) sts, out = utils.run(cmd) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to create directory =%s. Exiting"%LOG_FILES) sys.exit(1) sts,out = utils.run('chmod 755 %s'%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to change permissions for %s."%(LOG_FILES)) USERS[USER_NAME]="/home/"+USER_NAME+"/.hplip" USERS['root']="/root/.hplip" for u in USERS: sts, out = utils.run('mkdir -p %s/%s'%(LOG_FILES,u)) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to create directory =%s. Exiting"%LOG_FILES) sys.exit(1) sts,out = utils.run('chmod 755 %s/%s'%(LOG_FILES,u)) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to change permissions for %s/%s."%(LOG_FILES,u)) enable_log() #### Clearing previous logs.. ########### if not is_journal(): ok,user_input = tui.enter_choice("Archiving system logs (i.e. syslog, message, error_log). Press (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit):",['y', 'n','q'], 'y') if not ok or user_input == "q": restore_loglevels() log.warn("User exit") sys.exit(1) if ok and user_input == "y": backup_clearLog('/var/log/syslog') backup_clearLog('/var/log/messages') backup_clearLog('/var/log/cups/error_log') ######## Waiting for user to completed job ####### while 1: log_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') log.info(log.bold("\nPlease perform the tasks (Print, scan, fax) for which you need to collect the logs.")) ok,user_input =tui.enter_choice("Are you done with tasks?. Press (y=yes*, q=quit):",['y','q'], 'y') if ok and user_input == "y": break; elif not ok or user_input == "q": restore_loglevels() log.warn("User exit") sys.exit(1) ######## Copying logs to Temporary log folder ####### sts,out = utils.run('hp-check') if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to run hp-check command") log.debug("Copying logs to Temporary folder =%s"%LOG_FILES) if not is_journal(): if os.path.exists('/var/log/syslog'): sts,out = utils.run ('cp -f /var/log/syslog %s/syslog.log'%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to capture %s log file."%("/var/log/syslog")) if os.path.exists('/var/log/messages'): sts,out = utils.run('cp -f /var/log/messages %s/messages.log'%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to capture %s log file."%("/var/log/messages")) if os.path.exists('/var/log/cups/error_log'): sts,out = utils.run('cp -f /var/log/cups/error_log %s/cups_error_log.log'%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to capture %s log file."%("/var/log/cups/error_log")) else: log.debug("Collecting cups logs from system journal") cmd = "journalctl -u cups.service -e --since '%s' " %log_time sts = os.system(cmd + "> %s/cups_error.log"%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to capture logs from journal") log.debug("Collecting messages from system journal") cmd = "journalctl --since '%s' " %log_time sts = os.system(cmd + "> %s/messages.log"%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to capture messages from journal") for u in USERS: sts = os.system('cp -f %s/*.log %s/%s 2>/devnull '%(USERS[u],LOG_FILES,u)) sts,out = utils.run('mv -f ./hp-check.log %s'%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to capture %s log files."%("./hp-check.log")) cmd = 'chmod 666 %s/*.log' % LOG_FILES sts = os_utils.execute(cmd) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to change permissions for %s."%(LOG_FILES)) ######## Compressing log files ####### cmd = 'tar -zcf %s.tar.gz %s'%(LOG_FOLDER_NAME,LOG_FILES) log.debug("Compressing logs. cmd =%s"%cmd) sts_compress,out = utils.run(cmd) if sts_compress != 0: log.error("Failed to compress %s folder."%(LOG_FILES)) else: log.debug("Changing Permissions of ./%s.tar.gz "%LOG_FOLDER_NAME) sts,out = utils.run('chmod 666 -R ./%s.tar.gz'%(LOG_FOLDER_NAME)) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to change permissions for %s.tar.gz."%(LOG_FILES)) log.debug("Removing Temporary log files..") sts,out = utils.run('rm -rf %s'%LOG_FILES) if sts != 0: log.error("Failed to remove temporary files. Remove manually."%(LOG_FILES)) restore_loglevels() log.info("") log.info("") if sts_compress == 0: log.info(log.bold("Logs are saved as %s/%s.tar.gz"%( os.getcwd(),LOG_FOLDER_NAME))) log.info(log.bold("Please create a bug @https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+filebug and upload this log file.")) else: log.info(log.bold("Logs are saved as %s/%s"%(os.getcwd(),LOG_FOLDER_NAME))) log.info("")