Direktori : /snap/core22/current/usr/share/python-babel-localedata/locale-data/ |
Current File : //snap/core22/current/usr/share/python-babel-localedata/locale-data/en_CA.dat |
�}q (X locale_idqX en_CAqX territoriesq}qX languagesq}q(X ar_001qX Modern Standard ArabicqX bnq X Bengaliq X de_ATqX Austrian GermanqX de_CHq X Swiss High GermanqX en_AUqX Australian EnglishqX en_CAqX Canadian EnglishqX en_GBqX British EnglishqX en_USqX American EnglishqX es_419qX Latin American SpanishqX es_ESqX European SpanishqX es_MXqX Mexican SpanishqX fa_AFqX DariqX fr_CAqX Canadian Frenchq X fr_CHq!X Swiss Frenchq"X mfeq#X Mauritianq$X nl_BEq%X Flemishq&X pt_BRq'X Brazilian Portugueseq(X pt_PTq)X European Portugueseq*X ro_MDq+X Moldovanq,X sr_MEq-X Montenegrinq.X sw_CDq/X Congo Swahiliq0X tvlq1X Tuvaluanq2X zh_Hansq3X Simplified Chineseq4X zh_Hantq5X Traditional Chineseq6uX variantsq7}q8X scriptsq9}q:X list_patternsq;}q<(X standard-narrowq=}q>(X endq?X {0}, and {1}q@X 2qAX {0} and {1}qBuX standard-shortqC}qDX endqEX {0}, and {1}qFsuX week_dataqG}qHX first_dayqIKsX zone_formatsqJ}qKX regionqLX %s Daylight Saving TimeqMsX time_zonesqN}qO(X Pacific/HonoluluqP}qQX shortqR}qS(X genericqTX HSTqUX standardqVX HSTqWX daylightqXX HDTqYusX Asia/RangoonqZ}q[X cityq\X Rangoonq]suX meta_zonesq^}q_(X Alaskaq`}qahR}qb(hTX AKTqchVX AKSTqdhXX AKDTqeusX America_Centralqf}qghR}qh(hTX CTqihVX CSTqjhXX CDTqkusX America_Easternql}qmhR}qn(hTX ETqohVX ESTqphXX EDTqqusX America_Mountainqr}qshR}qt(hTX MTquhVX MSTqvhXX MDTqwusX America_Pacificqx}qyhR}qz(hTX PTq{hVX PSTq|hXX PDTq}usX Atlanticq~}qhR}q�(hTX ATq�hVX ASTq�hXX ADTq�usX Hawaii_Aleutianq�}q�hR}q�(hTX HATq�hVX HASTq�hXX HADTq�usX Newfoundlandq�}q�hR}q�(hTX NTq�hVX NSTq�hXX NDTq�usuX monthsq�}q�X formatq�}q�X abbreviatedq�}q�(KX Jan.q�KX Feb.q�KX Mar.q�KX Apr.q�KX Mayq�KX Jun.q�KX Jul.q�KX Aug.q�K X Sep.q�K X Oct.q�KX Nov.q�KX Dec.q�ussX daysq�}q�X formatq�}q�X abbreviatedq�}q�(KX Sun.q�K X Mon.q�KX Tue.q�KX Wed.q�KX Thu.q�KX Fri.q�KX Sat.q�ussX quartersq�}q�X erasq�}q�X day_periodsq�}q�(X formatq�}q�(X abbreviatedq�}q�(X amq�X a.m.q�X pmq�X p.m.q�uX narrowq�}q�(X midnightq�X midq�X amq�X amq�X noonq�X nq�X pmq�X pmq�X morning1q�X morq�X afternoon1q�X aftq�X evening1q�X eveq�X night1q�X nightq�uX wideq�}q�(X amq�X a.m.q�X pmq�X p.m.q�uuX stand-aloneq�}q�(X abbreviatedq�}q�(X amq�X a.m.q�X pmq�X p.m.q�uX narrowq�}q�(X midnightq�X midq�X amq�X a.m.q�X pmq�X pmq�X morning1q�X morq�X afternoon1q�X aftq�X evening1q�X eveq�X night1q�X nightq�uX wideq�}q�(X amq�X a.m.q�X pmq�X p.m.q�uuuX date_formatsq�}q�(X fullq�cbabel.dates DateTimePattern q�)�q�}q�(X patternq�X EEEE, MMMM d, yq�X formatq�X %(EEEE)s, %(MMMM)s %(d)s, %(y)sq�ubX longq�h�)�q�}q�(h�X MMMM d, yr h�X %(MMMM)s %(d)s, %(y)sr ubX mediumr h�)�r }r (h�X MMM d, yr h�X %(MMM)s %(d)s, %(y)sr ubX shortr h�)�r }r (h�X y-MM-ddr h�X %(y)s-%(MM)s-%(dd)sr ubuX time_formatsr }r (X fullr h�)�r }r (h�X h:mm:ss a zzzzr h�X"