Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /sbin/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //sbin/usb_modeswitch_dispatcher


# Wrapper (tcl) for usb_modeswitch, called from
# /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules
# (part of data pack "usb-modeswitch-data") via
# /lib/udev/usb_modeswitch
# Does ID check on newly discovered USB devices and calls
# the mode switching program with the matching parameter
# file from /usr/share/usb_modeswitch
# Part of usb-modeswitch-2.6.1 package, 2020/07/10
# (C) Josua Dietze 2009 - 2020
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details:
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt

set arg0 [lindex $argv 0]
if [regexp {\.tcl$} $arg0] {
	if [file exists $arg0] {
		set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
		source $arg0

# Setting of these switches is done in the global config
# file (/etc/usb_modeswitch.conf) if available

set flags(logging) 0
set flags(noswitching) 0
set flags(stordelay) 0
set flags(nombim) 0

set flags(logwrite) 0
# also settable in device config files
set flags(nombim) 0
set flags(althuawei) 0

# Execution starts at file bottom

proc {Main} {argv argc} {

global scsi usb config match device flags setup devdir loginit

set flags(config) ""

# arg0: optional custom location of configuration file
# arg1: the "kernel name" for the device to switch (udev: %k)
# The parameter "bus id" for the device (udev: %b) is now deprecated
# From version 2.5.0 upward %b is removed by udev sh script
# which can handle old and new udev params ('%b/%k' and '%k')

Log "Raw parameters: $argv"
set device "noname"
set arg0 ""
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $argv]} {incr i} {
	set option [lindex $argv $i]
	switch -glob -- $option {
		"--config-file" {
			if [regexp {config-file=(\"[^\"]+\"|[^ ]+)} $option d param] {
				set arg0 [string trim $param {"}]
			} else {
				set arg0 [lindex $argv $i+1]
		"--switch-mode" {
			if [regexp {switch-mode=(.+)} $option d param] {
				set arg1 $param
			} else {
				set arg1 [lindex $argv $i+1]
Log "[ParseGlobalConfig $arg0]"
set flags(logwrite) 1

# The facility to add a symbolic link pointing to the
# ttyUSB port which provides interrupt transfer, i.e.
# the port to connect through.
# Will check for interrupt endpoint in ttyUSB port (lowest if
# there is more than one); if found, return "gsmmodem[n]" name
# to udev for symlink creation

# This is run once for every port of LISTED devices by
# a udev rule

if {[lindex $argv 0] == "--symlink-name"} {
	puts -nonewline [SymLinkName [lindex $argv 1]]

if {$flags(stordelay) > 0} {
	SetStorageDelay $flags(stordelay)

if [info exists arg1] {
	if {[string length $arg1] == 0} {
		Log "\nNo device provided for mode-switching. Exit"
} else {
	Log "\nNo command option given. Exit"

if {![regexp {(.*?):.*$} $arg1 d device]} {
	if {![regexp {([0-9]+-[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*.*)} $arg1 d device]} {
		Log "Could not determine device dir from udev values! Exit"

set setup(dbdir) /usr/share/usb_modeswitch
set setup(dbdir_etc) /etc/usb_modeswitch.d
if {![file exists $setup(dbdir)] && ![file exists $setup(dbdir_etc)]} {
	Log "\nError: no config database found in /usr/share or /etc. Exit"

set bindir /usr/sbin
set devList1 {}
set devList2 {}
set ifChk 0

set devdir /sys/bus/usb/devices/$device
if {![file isdirectory $devdir]} {
	Log "Top device directory not found ($devdir)! Exit"
Log "Use top device dir $devdir"

set iface 0
Log "Check class of first interface ..."
set config(class) [IfClass 0 $devdir]
if {$config(class) < 0} {
	Log " No access to first interface. Exit"
Log " Interface class is $config(class)."

set ifdir [file tail [IfDir $iface $devdir]]
regexp {:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$} $ifdir d iface

# Mapping of the short string identifiers (in the config
# file names) to the long name used here
# If we need them it's a snap to add new attributes here!

set match(sVe) scsi(vendor)
set match(sMo) scsi(model)
set match(sRe) scsi(rev)
set match(uMa) usb(manufacturer)
set match(uPr) usb(product)
set match(uSe) usb(serial)

# Now reading the USB attributes
if {![ReadUSBAttrs $devdir]} {
	Log "USB attributes not found in sysfs tree. Exit"
set config(vendor) $usb(idVendor)
set config(product) $usb(idProduct)

if $flags(logging) {
	Log "\n----------------\nUSB values from sysfs:"
	foreach attr {manufacturer product serial} {
		Log "  $attr\t$usb($attr)"
	Log "----------------"

if $flags(noswitching) {
	SysLog "usb_modeswitch: switching disabled, no action for $usb(idVendor):$usb(idProduct)"
	Log "\nSwitching globally disabled. Exit"

if {$usb(bNumConfigurations) == "1"} {
	set configParam "-u -1"
	Log "bNumConfigurations is 1 - don't check for active configuration"
} else {
	set configParam ""

# Check (and switch) for operating system if Huawei device present

set flags(os) "linux"
if {$usb(idVendor) == "12d1" && [regexp -nocase {android} [exec cat /proc/version]]} {
	set flags(os) "android"
if {$flags(os) == "android"} {
	set configList [ConfigGet conflist $usb(idVendor):#android]
} else {
	set configList [ConfigGet conflist $usb(idVendor):$usb(idProduct)]

if {[llength $configList] == 0} {
	Log "Aargh! Config file missing for $usb(idVendor):$usb(idProduct)! Exit"
Log "ConfigList: $configList"

# Check if there is more than one config file for this USB ID,
# which would make an attribute test necessary. If so, check if
# SCSI values are needed

set scsiNeeded 0
if {[llength $configList] > 1} {
	if [regexp {:s} $configList] {
		set scsiNeeded 1
if $scsiNeeded {
	if [ReadSCSIAttrs $devdir:$iface] {
		Log "----------------\nSCSI values from sysfs:"
		foreach attr {vendor model rev} {
			Log " $attr\t$scsi($attr)"
		Log "----------------"
	} else {
		Log "Could not get SCSI attributes, exclude devices with SCSI match"
} else {
	Log "SCSI attributes not needed, move on"

# Now check for a matching config file. Matching is done
# by MatchDevice

set report ""
foreach mconfig $configList {

	# skipping installer leftovers like "*.rpmnew"
	if [regexp {\.(dpkg|rpm)} $mconfig] {continue}

	Log "Check config: $mconfig"
	if [MatchDevice $mconfig] {
		Log "! matched. Read config data"
		set flags(config) [ConfigGet conffile $mconfig]
	} else {
		Log "* no match, don't use this config"
if {$flags(config) == ""} {
	Log "No matching config file found. Exit"

ParseDeviceConfig $flags(config)

if [regexp -nocase {0x([0-9a-f]+)} $config(TargetClass) d tc] {
	if {$tc == $config(class)} {
		Log "Class of interface 0 matches target. Do nothing"
		set report "ok:busdev"

if [string length $usb(busnum)] {
	set busParam "-b [string trimleft $usb(busnum) 0]"
	set devParam "-g [string trimleft $usb(devnum) 0]"
} else {
	set busParam ""
	set devParam ""
if [regexp -nocase $flags(os) $flags(config)] {
	Log "Note: Using generic manufacturer configuration for \"$flags(os)\""
if $flags(althuawei) {
	regsub {HuaweiNewMode} $flags(config) {HuaweiAltMode} flags(config)
	Log "Alternative Huawei mode set globally, modify config"
if $flags(nombim) {
	set config(NoMBIMCheck) 1
if {$config(NoMBIMCheck)==0 && $usb(bNumConfigurations) > 1} {
	Log "Device may have an MBIM configuration, check driver ..."
	if [CheckMBIM] {
		Log " driver for MBIM devices is available"
		Log "Find MBIM configuration number ..."
		if [catch {set cfgno [exec /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -j -Q $busParam $devParam -v $usb(idVendor) -p $usb(idProduct)]} err] {
			Log "Error when trying to find MBIM configuration, switch to legacy modem mode"
		} else {
			set cfgno [string trim $cfgno]
			if {$cfgno > 0} {
				set config(Configuration) $cfgno
				set flags(config) "Configuration=$cfgno"
			} else {
				Log " No MBIM configuration found, switch to legacy modem mode"
	} else {
		Log " no MBIM driver found, switch to legacy modem mode"
if [PantechAutoSwitch] {
	Log "Waiting for Pantech auto-modeswitch"
	set report "ok:busdev"
if {$config(Configuration) == 0} {
	Log "Config file contains dummy method, do nothing. Exit"
# General wait - some devices need this
after 500

if {$config(WaitBefore) != ""} {
	Log "Delay time of $config(WaitBefore) seconds"
	append config(WaitBefore) "000"
	after $config(WaitBefore)

if {$report == ""} {
	# Now we are actually switching
	if $flags(logging) {
		Log "Command line:\nusb_modeswitch -W -D $configParam $busParam $devParam -v $usb(idVendor) -p $usb(idProduct) -f \$flags(config)"
		catch {set report [exec /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -W -D $configParam $busParam $devParam -v $usb(idVendor) -p $usb(idProduct) -f "$flags(config)" 2>@1]} report
		Log "\nVerbose debug output of usb_modeswitch and libusb follows"
		Log "(Note that some USB errors are to be expected in the process)"
		Log "--------------------------------"
		Log $report
		Log "--------------------------------"
		Log "(end of usb_modeswitch output)\n"
	} else {
		catch {set report [exec /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -Q -D $configParam $busParam $devParam -v $usb(idVendor) -p $usb(idProduct) -f "$flags(config)" 2>@1]} report

# Switching is complete; success checking was either
# done by usb_modeswitch and logged via syslog OR bus/dev
# parameter were used; then we do check for success HERE

if {$config(Configuration) != ""} {
	set ifdir [regsub {(\d):\d+\.0} $ifdir "\\1:$config(Configuration).0"]

if [regexp {ok:busdev} $report] {
	if [CheckSuccess $devdir] {
		Log "Mode switching was successful, found $usb(idVendor):$usb(idProduct) ($usb(manufacturer): $usb(product))"
		SysLog "usb_modeswitch: switched to $usb(idVendor):$usb(idProduct) on [format %03d $usb(busnum)]/[format %03d $usb(devnum)]"
	} else {
		Log "\nTarget config not matching - current values are"
		Log "\nMode switching may have failed. Exit"
} else {
	if {![file isdirectory $devdir]} {
		Log "Device directory in sysfs is gone! Something went wrong, abort"
	if {![regexp {ok:} $report]} {
		Log "\nCore program reported switching failure. Exit"
	# Give the device another second if it's not fully back yet
	if {![file exists $devdir/idProduct]} {
		after 1000
	ReadUSBAttrs $devdir $ifdir

# driver binding removed !!

if {[string length "$usb(idVendor)$usb(idProduct)"] < 8} {
	if {![regexp {ok:(\w{4}):(\w{4})} $report d usb(idVendor) usb(idProduct)]} {
		Log "No target vendor/product ID found or given, can't continue. Abort"
# wait for drivers to bind
after 500
if {[llength [glob -nocomplain $devdir/$ifdir/ttyUSB*]] > 0} {
	Log "Serial USB driver bound to interface 0\n will try to guess and symlink modem port on next connect"
	AddToList link_list $usb(idVendor):$usb(idProduct)

# In newer kernels there is a switch to avoid the use of a device
# reset (e.g. from usb-storage) which would possibly switch back
# a mode-switching device to initial mode
if [regexp {ok:} $report] {
	Log "Check for AVOID_RESET_QUIRK kernel attribute"
	if [file exists $devdir/avoid_reset_quirk] {
		if [catch {exec echo "1" >$devdir/avoid_reset_quirk 2>/dev/null} err] {
			Log " Error setting the attribute: $err"
		} else {
			Log " AVOID_RESET_QUIRK activated"
	} else {
		Log " not present in this kernel"

Log "\nAll done, exit\n"

# end of proc {Main}

proc {ReadSCSIAttrs} {topdir} {

global scsi
set counter 0
set sysdir $topdir
Log "Check storage tree in sysfs ..."
while {$counter < 20} {
	Log " loop $counter/20"
	if {![file isdirectory $sysdir]} {
		# Device is gone. Unplugged? Switched by kernel?
		Log " sysfs device tree is gone; abort SCSI value check"
		return 0
	# Searching the storage/SCSI tree; might take a while
	if {[set dirList [glob -nocomplain $topdir/host*]] != ""} {
		set sysdir [lindex $dirList 0]
		if {[set dirList [glob -nocomplain $sysdir/target*]] != ""} {
			set sysdir [lindex $dirList 0]
			regexp {.*target(.*)} $sysdir d subdir
			if {[set dirList [glob -nocomplain $sysdir/$subdir*]] != ""} {
				set sysdir [lindex $dirList 0]
				if [file exists $sysdir/vendor] {
					Log " Storage tree is ready"
	after 500
	incr counter
if {$counter == 20} {
	Log "SCSI tree not found; you may want to check if this path/file exists:"
	Log "$sysdir/vendor\n"
	return 0

Log "Read SCSI values ..."
foreach attr {vendor model rev} {
	if [file exists $sysdir/$attr] {
		set rc [open $sysdir/$attr r]
		set scsi($attr) [read -nonewline $rc]
		close $rc
	} else {
		set scsi($attr) ""
		Log "Warning: SCSI attribute \"$attr\" not found."
return 1

# end of proc {ReadSCSIAttrs}

proc {ReadUSBAttrs} {dir args} {

global usb

set attrList {idVendor idProduct bConfigurationValue manufacturer product serial devnum busnum bNumConfigurations}
set mandatoryList {idVendor idProduct bNumConfigurations}
set result 1
if {$args != ""} {
	lappend attrList "$args/bInterfaceClass"
	lappend mandatoryList "$args/bInterfaceClass"
foreach attr $attrList {
	if [file exists $dir/$attr] {
		set rc [open $dir/$attr r]
		set usb($attr) [string trim [read -nonewline $rc]]
		close $rc
	} else {
		set usb($attr) ""
		if {[lsearch $mandatoryList $attr] > -1} {
			set result 0
		if {$attr == "serial"} {continue}
		Log "   Warning: USB attribute \"$attr\" not found"
return $result

# end of proc {ReadUSBAttrs}

proc {MatchDevice} {config} {

global scsi usb match

set devinfo [file tail $config]
set infoList [split $devinfo :]
set stringList [lrange $infoList 2 end]
if {[llength $stringList] == 0} {return 1}

foreach teststring $stringList {
	if {$teststring == "?"} {return 0}
	set tokenList [split $teststring =]
	set id [lindex $tokenList 0]
	set matchstring [lindex $tokenList 1]
	set blankstring ""
	regsub -all {_} $matchstring { } blankstring
	Log "match $match($id)"
	Log "  string1 (exact):  $matchstring"
	Log "  string2 (blanks): $blankstring"
	Log " device string: [set $match($id)]"
	if {!([string match *$matchstring* [set $match($id)]] || [string match *$blankstring* [set $match($id)]])} {
		return 0
return 1

# end of proc {MatchDevice}

proc {ParseGlobalConfig} {path} {

global flags
set configFile ""
if [string length $path] {
	set places [list $path]
} else {
	set places [list /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf /etc/sysconfig/usb_modeswitch /etc/default/usb_modeswitch]
foreach cfg $places {
	if [file exists $cfg] {
		set configFile $cfg
if {$configFile == ""} {return "No configuration file found, using defaults"}

set rc [open $configFile r]
while {![eof $rc]} {
	gets $rc line
	if [regexp {^#} [string trim $line]] {continue}
	if [regexp {DisableMBIMGlobal\s*=\s*([^\s]+)} $line d val] {
		set flags(nombim) [regexp -nocase {1|yes|true} $val]
	if [regexp {DisableSwitching\s*=\s*([^\s]+)} $line d val] {
		set flags(noswitching) [regexp -nocase {1|yes|true} $val]
	if [regexp {EnableLogging\s*=\s*([^\s]+)} $line d val] {
		set flags(logging) [regexp -nocase {1|yes|true} $val]
	if [regexp {SetStorageDelay\s*=\s*([^\s]+)} $line d val] {
		if [regexp {\d+} $val] {
			set flags(stordelay) $val
	if [regexp {HuaweiAltModeGlobal\s*=\s*([^\s]+)} $line d val] {
		set flags(althuawei) [regexp -nocase {1|yes|true} $val]

return "Use global config file: $configFile"

# end of proc {ParseGlobalConfig}

proc ParseDeviceConfig {cfg} {

global config
set config(WaitBefore) ""
set config(TargetVendor) ""
set config(TargetProduct) ""
set config(TargetClass) ""
set config(Configuration) ""
set config(NoMBIMCheck) 0
set config(PantechMode) 0
set config(CheckSuccess) 20

foreach pname [lsort [array names config]] {
	if [regexp -line "^\[^# \]*?$pname.*?= *(0x(\\w+)|\"(\[0-9a-fA-F,\]+)\"|(\[0-9\]+)) *\$" $cfg d config($pname)] {
#		Log "config: $pname set to $config($pname)"

set config(WaitBefore) [string trimleft $config(WaitBefore) 0]

# end of proc {ParseDeviceConfig}

proc ConfigGet {command config} {

global setup usb flags

switch $command {

	conflist {
		# Unpackaged configs first; sorting is essential for priority
		set configList [lsort -decreasing [glob -nocomplain $setup(dbdir_etc)/$config*]]
		set configList [concat $configList [lsort -decreasing [glob -nocomplain $setup(dbdir)/$config*]]]
		eval lappend configList [glob -nocomplain $setup(dbdir)/$usb(idVendor):#$flags(os)]
		if [file exists $setup(dbdir)/configPack.tar.gz] {
			Log "Found packed config collection $setup(dbdir)/configPack.tar.gz"
			if [catch {set packedList [exec tar -tzf $setup(dbdir)/configPack.tar.gz 2>/dev/null]} err] {
				Log "Error: problem opening config package; tar returned\n $err"
				return {}
			set packedList [split $packedList \n]
			set packedConfigList [lsort -decreasing [lsearch -glob -all -inline $packedList $config*]]
			lappend packedConfigList [lsearch -inline $packedList $usb(idVendor):#$flags(os)]
			# Now add packaged configs with a mark, again sorted for priority
			foreach packedConfig $packedConfigList {
				lappend configList "pack/$packedConfig"
		return $configList
	conffile {
		if [regexp {^pack/} $config] {
			set config [regsub {pack/} $config {}]
			Log "Extract config $config from collection $setup(dbdir)/configPack.tar.gz"
			set configContent [exec tar -xzOf $setup(dbdir)/configPack.tar.gz $config 2>/dev/null]
		} else {
			if [regexp [list $setup(dbdir_etc)] $config] {
				Log "Use config file from override folder $setup(dbdir_etc)"
				SysLog "usb_modeswitch: use overriding config file $config; make sure this is intended"
				SysLog "usb_modeswitch: please report any new or corrected settings; otherwise, check for outdated files"
			set rc [open $config r]
			set configContent [read $rc]
			close $rc
		return $configContent

# end of proc {ConfigGet}

proc {Log} {msg} {

global flags device loginit

if {$flags(logwrite) == 0} {append loginit $msg\n}
if {$flags(logging) == 0} {return}

if $flags(logwrite) {
	if [string length $loginit] {
		exec echo "\nUSB_ModeSwitch log from [clock format [clock seconds]]" >/var/log/usb_modeswitch_$device
		exec echo "$loginit" >>/var/log/usb_modeswitch_$device
		set loginit ""
	exec echo $msg >>/var/log/usb_modeswitch_$device
} else {
	append loginit "\n$msg"

# end of proc {Log}

# Writing the log file and exit
proc {SafeExit} {} {

global flags
set flags(logwrite) 1
Log ""

# end of proc {SafeExit}

proc {SymLinkName} {path} {
global device flags

proc {hasInterrupt} {ifDir} {
	if {[llength [glob -nocomplain $ifDir/ttyUSB*]] == 0} {
		Log "  no ttyUSB interface - skip endpoint check"
		return 0
	foreach epDir [glob -nocomplain $ifDir/ep_*] {
		set e [file tail $epDir]
		Log "  check $e ..."
		if [file exists $epDir/type] {
			set rc [open $epDir/type r]
			set type [read $rc]
			close $rc
			if [regexp {Interrupt} $type] {
				Log "  $e has interrupt transfer type"
				return 1
	return 0

# In case the device path is returned as /class/tty/ttyUSB,
# get the USB device path from linked tree "device"
set linkpath /sys$path/device
if [file exists $linkpath] {
	if {[file type $linkpath] == "link"} {
		set rawpath [file readlink $linkpath]
		set trimpath [regsub -all {\.\./} $rawpath {}]
 		if [file isdirectory /sys/$trimpath] {
			append loginit "\n Use path $path\n"
			set path /$trimpath
if {![regexp {([0-9]+-[0-9]+[\.0-9]*:[^/]*).*(ttyUSB[0-9]+)} $path d myDev myPort]} {
	if $flags(logging) {
		set device [clock clicks]
		Log "This is not a ttyUSB port. Abort"
	return ""

set device ttyUSB_$myDev
set flags(logwrite) 1
Log "My name is $myPort\n"

if {![regexp {(.*?[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/ttyUSB} /sys$path d ifRoot ifNum]} {
	Log "Could not find interface in path\n $path. Abort"
	return ""

set ifDir $ifRoot.$ifNum

Log "Check my endpoints ...\n in $ifDir"
if [hasInterrupt $ifDir] {
	Log "\n--> I am an interrupt port"
	set rightPort 1
} else {
	Log "\n--> I am not an interrupt port\n"
	set rightPort 0

# There are devices with more than one interrupt interface.
# Assume that the lowest of these is usable. Check all
# possible lower interfaces

if { $rightPort && ($ifNum > 0) } {
	Log "\nLook for lower ports with interrupt endpoints"
	for {set i 0} {$i < $ifNum} {incr i} {
		set ifDir $ifRoot.$i
		Log " in ifDir $ifDir ..."
		if [hasInterrupt $ifDir] {
			Log "\n--> found an interrupt interface below me\n"
			set rightPort 0
if {$rightPort == 0} {
	Log "Return empty name and exit"
	return ""

Log "\n--> No interrupt interface below me\n"

cd /dev
set idx 2
set symlinkName "gsmmodem"
while {$idx < 256} {
	if {![file exists $symlinkName]} {
		set placeholder [open /dev/$symlinkName w]
		close $placeholder
	set symlinkName gsmmodem$idx
	incr idx
if {$idx == 256} {return ""}

Log "Return symlink name \"$symlinkName\" and exit"
return $symlinkName

# end of proc {SymLinkName}

# Add USB ID to list of devices needing later treatment
proc {AddToList} {name id} {

set listfile /var/lib/usb_modeswitch/$name
if [file exists $listfile] {
	set rc [open $listfile r]
	set buffer [read $rc]
	close $rc
	if [string match *$id* $buffer] {
	set idList [split [string trim $buffer] \n]
lappend idList $id
set buffer [join $idList "\n"]
if [catch {set lc [open $listfile w]}] {return}
puts $lc $buffer
close $lc

# end of proc {AddToList}

proc {CheckSuccess} {devdir} {

global config usb flags

# For Cisco AM10, target device not on same port
if {$usb(idVendor) == "1307" && $usb(idProduct) == "1169"} {
	set devdir [string range $devdir 0 end-1]2
set ifdir [file tail [IfDir 0 $devdir]]
if {[string length $config(TargetClass)] || [string length $config(Configuration)]} {
	set config(TargetVendor) $usb(idVendor)
	set config(TargetProduct) $usb(idProduct)
Log "Check success of mode switch for max. $config(CheckSuccess) seconds ..."

set expected 1
for {set i 1} {$i <= $config(CheckSuccess)} {incr i} {
	after 1000 
	if {![file isdirectory $devdir]} {
		Log " Wait for device file system ($i sec.) ..."
	} else {
		Log " Read attributes ..."
	set ifdir [IfDir 0 $devdir]
	if {$ifdir == ""} {continue}
	set ifdir [file tail $ifdir]
	if {![ReadUSBAttrs $devdir $ifdir]} {
		Log " Essential attributes are missing, continue wait ..."
	if [string length $config(Configuration)] {
		if {$usb(bConfigurationValue) != $config(Configuration)} {continue}
	if [string length $config(TargetClass)] {
		if {![regexp -nocase $usb($ifdir/bInterfaceClass) $config(TargetClass)]} {
			if {$config(class) != $usb($ifdir/bInterfaceClass} {
				set expected 0
			} else {continue}
	if {![regexp -nocase $usb(idVendor) $config(TargetVendor)]} {
		if {![regexp -nocase $usb(idVendor) $config(vendor)]} {
			set expected 0
		} else {continue}
	if {![regexp -nocase $usb(idProduct) $config(TargetProduct)]} {
		if {![regexp -nocase $usb(idProduct) $config(product)]} {
			set expected 0
		} else {continue}
	# Arriving here means that device attributes have changed
	if $expected {
		Log " All attributes matched"
	} else {
		if [regexp -nocase {/[0-9a-f]+:#} $flags(config)] {
			Log " idProduct has changed after generic mode-switch, assume success"
		} else {
			if [regexp {HuaweiAltMode} $flags(config)] {
				Log " Alternative target attributes found, assume success"
			} else {
				Log " Attributes are different but target values are unexpected:"
if {$i > 20} {return 0} else {return 1}

# end of proc {CheckSuccess}

proc {IfDir} {iface devdir} {

set files [glob -nocomplain $devdir/*]
set iffiles [lsort [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $files {^.*/[^/]*[0-9]+\.[0-9]$}]]
set sorted [concat $iffiles [lsort [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $files {^.*/[^/]*[0-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]$}]]]
if {[llength $sorted] == 0} {
	return ""
set ifdir [lindex $sorted $iface]
if {![string length $ifdir] || ![file isdirectory $ifdir]} {
	return ""
return $ifdir

# end of proc {IfDir}

proc {IfClass} {iface devdir} {

set ifdir [IfDir $iface $devdir]

if {![file exists $ifdir/bInterfaceClass]} {
	return -1
set rc [open $ifdir/bInterfaceClass r]
set c [read $rc]
close $rc
return [string trim $c]

# end of proc {IfClass}

proc {ShowUsage} {} {
	puts "Dispatcher for 'usb_modeswitch'; usually run by udev, not intended for interactive operation"
	puts "Usage: usb_modeswitch_dispatcher [--config-file=<path>] --switch-mode=<device kernel name>"
	puts "       usb_modeswitch_dispatcher --symlink-name=<sys path to device>"
# end of proc {ShowUsage}

proc {SysLog} {msg} {

global flags
if {![info exists flags(logger)]} {
	set flags(logger) ""
	foreach fn {/bin/logger /usr/bin/logger} {
		if [file exists $fn] {
			set flags(logger) $fn
	Log "Logger is $flags(logger)"
if {$flags(logger) == ""} {
	Log "Can't add system message, no syslog helper found"
catch {exec $flags(logger) -p syslog.notice "$msg" 2>/dev/null}

# end of proc {SysLog}

proc {SetStorageDelay} {secs} {

Log "Adjust delay for USB storage devices ..."
set attrib /sys/module/usb_storage/parameters/delay_use
if {![file exists $attrib]} {
	Log "Error: could not find delay_use attribute"
if [catch {set ch [open $attrib r+]} err] {
	Log "Error: could not access delay_use attribute: $err"
if {[read $ch] < $secs} {
	seek $ch 0 start
	puts -nonewline $ch $secs
	Log " Delay set to $secs seconds\n"
} else {
	Log " Current value is higher than $secs. Leave it alone\n"
close $ch

# end of proc {SetStorageDelay}

proc {CheckMBIM} {} {

set kversion [exec uname -r]
if [llength [glob -nocomplain /lib/modules/$kversion/kernel/drivers/net/usb/cdc_mbim*]] {return 1}
if [file exists /sys/bus/usb/drivers/cdc_mbim] {return 1}
return 0

# end of proc {CheckMBIM}

proc {CheckQMI} {} {

set kversion [exec uname -r]
if [llength [glob -nocomplain /lib/modules/$kversion/kernel/drivers/net/usb/qmi_wwan*]] {return 1}
if [file exists /sys/bus/usb/drivers/cdc_mbim] {return 1}
return 0

# end of proc {CheckQMI}

proc {PantechAutoSwitch} {} {

global config flags
if {$config(PantechMode) == 3} {return 1}
if {$config(PantechMode) == 1} {
	if {"$config(vendor):$config(product)" == "10a9:6080"} {
		set flags(config) [regsub {PantechMode *= *1} $flags(config) "PantechMode=2"]
		Log " PantechMode changed to 2"
		return 0
	} elseif [CheckQMI] {
		set flags(config) [regsub {PantechMode *= *1} $flags(config) "PantechMode=4"]
		Log " PantechMode changed to 4"
		return 0
	} else {
		return 1
} else {return 0}

# end of proc {PantechAutoSwitch}

proc {LogAttributes} {} {

global flags usb
if $flags(logging) {
	set attrList {idVendor idProduct bConfigurationValue manufacturer product serial}
	foreach attr [lsort [array names usb]] {
		Log "    [format %-26s $attr:] $usb($attr)"

# end of proc {LogAttributes}

proc {HasFF} {devdir} {

set i 0
while {[set dir [IfDir $i $devdir]] != ""} {
	set c [exec cat $dir/bInterfaceClass]
	if {$c == "ff"} {return 1}
	incr i
return 0

# end of proc {HasFF}

# The actual entry point
Main $argv $argc

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0