Direktori : /proc/self/root/sbin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/sbin/aspell-autobuildhash |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # script for aspell hash autorebuild in Debian systems # # Copyright 2004-2022 Agustin Martin Domingo <agmartin@debian.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; my $debug; my $dry_run; my $force; my $triggered; my $usrlibdir = "/usr/lib/aspell"; my $usrsharedir = "/usr/share/aspell"; my $varlibdir = "/var/lib/aspell"; my $compatdir = "$varlibdir"; my $datadir = "$usrlibdir"; # The data dir my $program = "aspell-autobuildhash"; sub usage { print STDERR "\nUsage:\taspell-autobuildhash [options]\n" . "\n" . "Options:\n" . "\t--debug Show debugging info about aspell-autobuildhash\n" . "\t internal work. Will also enable aspell affix validation.\n" . "\t--dry-run Show what would be done, but do nothing real.\n" . "\t--force Do the job regardless of versions comparisons.\n" . "\t--triggered Tell the script that is run in the triggers stage.\n"; } sub debugprint { print STDERR "@_\n" if $debug; } sub mymessage{ my $lang = shift; my $message = join(" ",@_); my $question = "dictionaries-common/ispell-autobuildhash-message"; subst($question,"xxpell","aspell"); subst($question,"XXpell","Aspell"); subst($question,"hashfile","$lang"); subst($question,"errormsg","$message"); fset ($question,"seen","false"); title("dictionaries-common: Running aspell-autobuildhash"); input("critical",$question); go (); } sub myerror { mymessage @_; exit 1; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle autorebuilding # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub autorebuild { my $lang = shift || # The dictionary name myerror("aspell-autobuildhash","No argument passed to function autorebuild"); my $old_remove_data = shift; my $aspell_compat = shift; # aspell compat file my $langsfile = "$usrsharedir/$lang.contents"; # The subdicts file my $options = " --per-conf=/dev/null "; # Make sure no personal conf is used at all my %new_remove_data = (); my @sublangs = (); $options .= " --dont-validate-affixes " unless $debug; myerror "$program: aspell data dir $datadir does not exist" unless ( -d $datadir ); # Import registered removal data. foreach my $entry ( keys %{$old_remove_data} ){ $new_remove_data{$entry}++; $new_remove_data{'fake-remove'}{$entry}++; } # Check if there is a contents file for this compat name if ( -e $langsfile ){ open (my $LANGSFILE, "< $langsfile") || die "Could not open $langsfile for reading"; @sublangs = <$LANGSFILE>; close $LANGSFILE; } else { push @sublangs, $lang; } chomp @sublangs; foreach ( @sublangs ){ next if m/^\s*$/; next if m/^\s*\#/; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; my $sublang = $_; my $base = "$usrsharedir/$sublang"; # The wordlist basename my $hash = "$varlibdir/$sublang.rws"; # The hash file my $link = "$usrlibdir/$sublang.rws"; # The link to the hash file my $msg = ''; my $unpack = ''; my $show_aspell_compat = $debug ? " (compat: $aspell_compat)" : ""; print STDERR "aspell-autobuildhash: processing: $lang [$sublang]$show_aspell_compat.\n"; if ( -e "$base.mwl.gz" ){ $unpack = "zcat $base.mwl.gz"; } elsif ( -e "$base.wl.gz") { $unpack = "zcat $base.wl.gz"; } elsif ( -e "$base.cwl.gz") { $unpack = "zcat $base.cwl.gz | precat"; } else { mymessage($lang,"$program: Could not find any of $base.{mwl,wl,cwl}.gz"); return; } #$unpack = "$unpack | aspell clean strict"; my $command = "$unpack | aspell $options --local-data-dir=$datadir --lang=$lang create master $hash"; if ( $dry_run ){ print STDERR "$command\n"; $new_remove_data{'fake-remove'}{"$hash"}++; $new_remove_data{'fake-remove'}{"$link"}++; } else { debugprint(" - command: $command"); if ( system ("$command") == 0 ){ $new_remove_data{'remove'}{$hash}++; if ( -w "$usrlibdir" ){ symlink($hash,$link) unless -e $link; } else { print STDERR "$program warning: Non writable \"$usrlibdir\". Not setting symlink"; } if ( -l "$link" ){ # Make sure link is recorded $new_remove_data{'remove'}{"$link"}++; } } else { $msg = "$program: Could not build the hash file for $sublang" ; } } if ( $msg ){ # Do not break postinst if hash cannot be built mymessage ($lang,$msg); # Just inform about that return; } } $new_remove_data{'status'} = "ok"; return \%new_remove_data; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get aspell compat version # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_aspell_compat { my $aspell_compat; my $aspellcompatfile = "/usr/share/aspell/aspell.compat"; if ( -e $aspellcompatfile ){ open (my $COMPAT,"$aspellcompatfile"); chomp ( $aspell_compat = <$COMPAT> ); close $COMPAT; } return $aspell_compat; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The main program # --------------------------------------------------------------------- use Debian::DictionariesCommon qw(dico_checkroot dico_activate_trigger); use Getopt::Long; # Options processing GetOptions ('debug' => \$debug, 'dry-run' => \$dry_run, 'force' => \$force, 'triggered' => \$triggered ) or usage(); # Check if we are root dico_checkroot() unless $dry_run; # Honour 'DICT_COMMON_DEBUG' environment variable. unless ( $debug ){ $debug++ if defined $ENV{'DICT_COMMON_DEBUG'}; } my %old_remove_data = (); my $aspell_compat = get_aspell_compat(); unless ( $triggered or $force ) { exit if dico_activate_trigger("aspell-autobuildhash"); } $force++ unless $aspell_compat; if ( system("command -v aspell >/dev/null" ) == 0 ){ foreach my $compat ( <$compatdir/*.compat> ){ my $lang = $compat; $lang =~ s/\.compat$//; $lang =~ s/.*\///; # Parse compat file open (my $COMPAT,"$compat"); my $lang_compat = <$COMPAT>; close $COMPAT; chomp $lang_compat if $lang_compat; $lang_compat = 0 unless $lang_compat; # Parse dict remove file if available my $remove_file = "$varlibdir/$lang.remove"; my %old_remove_data = (); if ( -e "$remove_file" ){ open (my $REMOVE,"$remove_file"); while (<$REMOVE>){ chomp; next if m/^\s*$/; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; if ( -e "$_" ){ $old_remove_data{$_}++; } else { debugprint "$program: \"$_\" in $remove_file not found. Upgrading info."; } } close $REMOVE; } # if ( $force || $aspell_compat ne $lang_compat ){ print STDERR "--\n" if ( $debug or $dry_run ); debugprint "$lang => compat: \"$compat\", aspell_compat: [$aspell_compat]; lang_compat: [$lang_compat]"; my $new_remove_data = autorebuild($lang,\%old_remove_data,$aspell_compat); if ( defined $new_remove_data->{'status'} ){ my $newcompat = $aspell_compat || 0; if ( $dry_run ){ print STDERR "$newcompat > $compat\n"; print STDERR "Remove: \n", join("\n",sort keys %{$new_remove_data->{'fake-remove'}}) ,"\n"; } else { # Update compat file open (my $COMPAT,">","$compat"); print $COMPAT "$newcompat\n"; close $COMPAT; debugprint "Updated $compat to $newcompat"; # Update remove file open (my $REMOVE,">","$remove_file") or die "$program: Could not open \"$remove_file\" for write."; print $REMOVE join("\n",sort keys %{$new_remove_data->{'remove'}}),"\n"; close $REMOVE; } } else { debugprint " *=* $compat not updated because of an error"; } } } } else { debugprint "$program: aspell is not installed. Doing nothing"; } __END__ =head1 NAME B<aspell-autobuildhash> - Autobuilding aspell hash files for some dicts =head1 SYNOPSIS aspell-autobuildhash [--force] Options: --debug Show extra info about aspell-autobuildhash internal work. Will also enable aspell affix validation. --dry-run Show what would be done, but do nothing real. --force Rebuild the hash file for all dicts providing a compat file skipping the test. --triggered Tell the script that is run in the triggers stage. =head1 DESCRIPTION B<aspell-autobuildhash> is a script that will manage aspell hash files autobuild, intended to be called from the dictionaries-common tools. Depending on the aspell compatibility level and on the compatibility level used for the hash file if present, will decide whether it must be rebuilt or not. This script will only work on aspell packages prepared to use it, it will do nothing for other aspell dict packages. =head1 OPTIONS --debug Show some extra information about aspell-autobuildhash internal work. Will also enable aspell affix validation. --dry-run Show what would be done, but do nothing real. --force Rebuild the hash file for all dicts providing a compat file regardless of the compatibility levels found. --triggered Tell the script that is run in the triggers stage. When run under dpkg control, do not try to set the 'aspell-autobuildhash' trigger, but run real B<aspell-autobuildhash> code. When not run under dpkg control, real code will always be run and '--triggered' option has no real effect. =head1 PACKAGE MAINTAINERS To use this system, B<aspell-autobuildhash> expects a F<$lang.compat> file in F</var/lib/aspell> (I<$lang> stands for the lang basename with variant if any, e.g. I<$lang> is something like I<gl-minimos> or I<en>)) containing aspell compatibility version for last successful build or "0" or en empty file if hash is to be rebuild, as is for dictionary installation and upgrades. When upgrading B<aspell>, script will check if version in I<$lang.compat> is different from I<aspell.compat> and rebuild if so, updating I<$lang.compat> with the new value. Wordlists should previously be compressed either with gzip (and their extensions set as F<.mwl.gz> or F<.wl.gz>) or preferably first with aspell prezip and then gzipped (with F<.cwl.gz> extension). This applies both for plain wordlists and munched wordlists (in the ispell way) if you use affix compression. If your package will provide a single hash, install prezipped+gzipped wordlist as F</usr/share/aspell/$lang.cwl.gz> or, if prezip is not used, as F</usr/share/aspell/$lang.mwl.gz>. If your package will provide more than one aspell hash for the same $lang, you will need to place each compressed wordlist as e.g. F</usr/share/aspell/$subdict.cwl.gz>, and the common F<$lang.compat> as above. Then create a F</usr/share/aspell/$lang.contents> file with the base names of the subdicts, one in a line. For English that will contain, amongst other possible lines en-common en-variant_0 en-variant_1 en-variant_2 en_CA-w_accents-only No need to use this file if a single hash is being created. Dictionaries-common scripts will call internally this script and create a single hash file at F</var/lib/ispell/$lang.rws>, or hash files at F</var/lib/ispell/$subdict.rws>. You must set a symlink to that files from F</usr/lib/aspell/$lang.rws> or F</usr/lib/aspell/$subdict.rws> as appropriate. Aspell dictionary packages using this script must make sure that I<$lang.compat> is reset on every new install/upgrade, so hash is rebuilt. They must also make sure that I<$lang.compat> and all of F</var/lib/aspell/$lang.rws> or F</var/lib/aspell/$subdict.rws> are removed on package removal. As of version C<1.10>, B<installdeb-aspell> script will understand C<'auto-compat'> and C<'auto-contents'> fields in F<$dict.info-aspell> file to help with this by adding needed debhelper snippets. Put in that entry the base name(s) of your compat and contents file(s) and carefully check resulting maintainer scripts after build. Note that you are no longer suggested to ship empty files at any of F</var/lib/aspell/$lang.compat>, F</var/lib/aspell/$lang.rws> or F</var/lib/aspell/$subdict.rws>, but explicitly create/update them on install and explicitly remove them on removal. B<aspell> maintainer should also call this script from package postinst. When comparing versions it will get the aspell version from file F</usr/share/aspell/aspell.compat>. =head1 AUTHORS Agustin Martin <agmartin@debian.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Agustin Martin <agmartin@debian.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =cut