Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/infra/jogos/blocos-1/dist/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/infra/jogos/blocos-1/dist/stage.web.js |
/* * Stage.js 0.8.10 * * @copyright 2017 Ali Shakiba http://shakiba.me/stage.js * @license The MIT License */ !function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.Stage=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = require("../lib/"); module.exports.internal = {}; require("../lib/canvas"); module.exports.internal.Image = require("../lib/image"); require("../lib/anim"); require("../lib/str"); require("../lib/layout"); require("../lib/addon/tween"); module.exports.Mouse = require("../lib/addon/mouse"); module.exports.Math = require("../lib/util/math"); module.exports._extend = require("../lib/util/extend"); module.exports._create = require("../lib/util/create"); require("../lib/loader/web"); },{"../lib/":11,"../lib/addon/mouse":3,"../lib/addon/tween":4,"../lib/anim":5,"../lib/canvas":7,"../lib/image":10,"../lib/layout":12,"../lib/loader/web":13,"../lib/str":18,"../lib/util/create":22,"../lib/util/extend":24,"../lib/util/math":26}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ function _identity(x) { return x; } var _cache = {}; var _modes = {}; var _easings = {}; function Easing(token) { if (typeof token === "function") { return token; } if (typeof token !== "string") { return _identity; } var fn = _cache[token]; if (fn) { return fn; } var match = /^(\w+)(-(in|out|in-out|out-in))?(\((.*)\))?$/i.exec(token); if (!match || !match.length) { return _identity; } var easing = _easings[match[1]]; var mode = _modes[match[3]]; var params = match[5]; if (easing && easing.fn) { fn = easing.fn; } else if (easing && easing.fc) { fn = easing.fc.apply(easing.fc, params && params.replace(/\s+/, "").split(",")); } else { fn = _identity; } if (mode) { fn = mode.fn(fn); } // TODO: It can be a memory leak with different `params`. _cache[token] = fn; return fn; } Easing.add = function(data) { // TODO: create a map of all { name-mode : data } var names = (data.name || data.mode).split(/\s+/); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i]; if (name) { (data.name ? _easings : _modes)[name] = data; } } }; Easing.add({ mode: "in", fn: function(f) { return f; } }); Easing.add({ mode: "out", fn: function(f) { return function(t) { return 1 - f(1 - t); }; } }); Easing.add({ mode: "in-out", fn: function(f) { return function(t) { return t < .5 ? f(2 * t) / 2 : 1 - f(2 * (1 - t)) / 2; }; } }); Easing.add({ mode: "out-in", fn: function(f) { return function(t) { return t < .5 ? 1 - f(2 * (1 - t)) / 2 : f(2 * t) / 2; }; } }); Easing.add({ name: "linear", fn: function(t) { return t; } }); Easing.add({ name: "quad", fn: function(t) { return t * t; } }); Easing.add({ name: "cubic", fn: function(t) { return t * t * t; } }); Easing.add({ name: "quart", fn: function(t) { return t * t * t * t; } }); Easing.add({ name: "quint", fn: function(t) { return t * t * t * t * t; } }); Easing.add({ name: "sin sine", fn: function(t) { return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2); } }); Easing.add({ name: "exp expo", fn: function(t) { return t == 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)); } }); Easing.add({ name: "circle circ", fn: function(t) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); } }); Easing.add({ name: "bounce", fn: function(t) { return t < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * t * t : t < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75 : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375; } }); Easing.add({ name: "poly", fc: function(e) { return function(t) { return Math.pow(t, e); }; } }); Easing.add({ name: "elastic", fc: function(a, p) { p = p || .45; a = a || 1; var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / a); return function(t) { return 1 + a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p); }; } }); Easing.add({ name: "back", fc: function(s) { s = typeof s !== "undefined" ? s : 1.70158; return function(t) { return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s); }; } }); module.exports = Easing; },{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ if (typeof DEBUG === "undefined") DEBUG = true; require("../core")._load(function(stage, elem) { Mouse.subscribe(stage, elem); }); // TODO: capture mouse Mouse.CLICK = "click"; Mouse.START = "touchstart mousedown"; Mouse.MOVE = "touchmove mousemove"; Mouse.END = "touchend mouseup"; Mouse.CANCEL = "touchcancel mousecancel"; Mouse.subscribe = function(stage, elem) { if (stage.mouse) { return; } stage.mouse = new Mouse(stage, elem); // `click` events are synthesized from start/end events on same nodes // `mousecancel` events are synthesized on blur or mouseup outside element elem.addEventListener("touchstart", handleStart); elem.addEventListener("touchend", handleEnd); elem.addEventListener("touchmove", handleMove); elem.addEventListener("touchcancel", handleCancel); elem.addEventListener("mousedown", handleStart); elem.addEventListener("mouseup", handleEnd); elem.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMove); document.addEventListener("mouseup", handleCancel); window.addEventListener("blur", handleCancel); var clicklist = [], cancellist = []; function handleStart(event) { event.preventDefault(); stage.mouse.locate(event); // DEBUG && console.log('Mouse Start: ' + event.type + ' ' + mouse); stage.mouse.publish(event.type, event); stage.mouse.lookup("click", clicklist); stage.mouse.lookup("mousecancel", cancellist); } function handleMove(event) { event.preventDefault(); stage.mouse.locate(event); stage.mouse.publish(event.type, event); } function handleEnd(event) { event.preventDefault(); // up/end location is not available, last one is used instead // DEBUG && console.log('Mouse End: ' + event.type + ' ' + mouse); stage.mouse.publish(event.type, event); if (clicklist.length) { // DEBUG && console.log('Mouse Click: ' + clicklist.length); stage.mouse.publish("click", event, clicklist); } cancellist.length = 0; } function handleCancel(event) { if (cancellist.length) { // DEBUG && console.log('Mouse Cancel: ' + event.type); stage.mouse.publish("mousecancel", event, cancellist); } clicklist.length = 0; } }; function Mouse(stage, elem) { if (!(this instanceof Mouse)) { // old-style mouse subscription return; } var ratio = stage.viewport().ratio || 1; stage.on("viewport", function(size) { ratio = size.ratio || ratio; }); this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.toString = function() { return (this.x | 0) + "x" + (this.y | 0); }; this.locate = function(event) { locateElevent(elem, event, this); this.x *= ratio; this.y *= ratio; }; this.lookup = function(type, collect) { this.type = type; this.root = stage; this.event = null; collect.length = 0; this.collect = collect; this.root.visit(this.visitor, this); }; this.publish = function(type, event, targets) { this.type = type; this.root = stage; this.event = event; this.collect = false; this.timeStamp = Date.now(); if (type !== "mousemove" && type !== "touchmove") { DEBUG && console.log(this.type + " " + this); } if (targets) { while (targets.length) if (this.visitor.end(targets.shift(), this)) break; targets.length = 0; } else { this.root.visit(this.visitor, this); } }; this.visitor = { reverse: true, visible: true, start: function(node, mouse) { return !node._flag(mouse.type); }, end: function(node, mouse) { // mouse: event/collect, type, root rel.raw = mouse.event; rel.type = mouse.type; rel.timeStamp = mouse.timeStamp; rel.abs.x = mouse.x; rel.abs.y = mouse.y; var listeners = node.listeners(mouse.type); if (!listeners) { return; } node.matrix().inverse().map(mouse, rel); if (!(node === mouse.root || node.hitTest(rel))) { return; } if (mouse.collect) { mouse.collect.push(node); } if (mouse.event) { var cancel = false; for (var l = 0; l < listeners.length; l++) { cancel = listeners[l].call(node, rel) ? true : cancel; } return cancel; } } }; } // TODO: define per mouse object with get-only x and y var rel = {}, abs = {}; defineValue(rel, "clone", function(obj) { obj = obj || {}, obj.x = this.x, obj.y = this.y; return obj; }); defineValue(rel, "toString", function() { return (this.x | 0) + "x" + (this.y | 0) + " (" + this.abs + ")"; }); defineValue(rel, "abs", abs); defineValue(abs, "clone", function(obj) { obj = obj || {}, obj.x = this.x, obj.y = this.y; return obj; }); defineValue(abs, "toString", function() { return (this.x | 0) + "x" + (this.y | 0); }); function defineValue(obj, name, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, name, { value: value }); } function locateElevent(el, ev, loc) { // pageX/Y if available? if (ev.touches && ev.touches.length) { loc.x = ev.touches[0].clientX; loc.y = ev.touches[0].clientY; } else { loc.x = ev.clientX; loc.y = ev.clientY; } var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); loc.x -= rect.left; loc.y -= rect.top; loc.x -= el.clientLeft | 0; loc.y -= el.clientTop | 0; return loc; } module.exports = Mouse; },{"../core":8}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ var Easing = require("./easing"); var Class = require("../core"); var Pin = require("../pin"); Class.prototype.tween = function(duration, delay, append) { if (typeof duration !== "number") { append = duration, delay = 0, duration = 0; } else if (typeof delay !== "number") { append = delay, delay = 0; } if (!this._tweens) { this._tweens = []; var ticktime = 0; this.tick(function(elapsed, now, last) { if (!this._tweens.length) { return; } // ignore old elapsed var ignore = ticktime != last; ticktime = now; if (ignore) { return true; } var head = this._tweens[0]; var next = head.tick(this, elapsed, now, last); if (next && head === this._tweens[0]) { this._tweens.shift(); } if (typeof next === "function") { try { next.call(this); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } if (typeof next === "object") { this._tweens.unshift(next); } return true; }, true); } this.touch(); if (!append) { this._tweens.length = 0; } var tween = new Tween(this, duration, delay); this._tweens.push(tween); return tween; }; function Tween(owner, duration, delay) { this._end = {}; this._duration = duration || 400; this._delay = delay || 0; this._owner = owner; this._time = 0; } Tween.prototype.tick = function(node, elapsed, now, last) { this._time += elapsed; if (this._time < this._delay) { return; } var time = this._time - this._delay; if (!this._start) { this._start = {}; for (var key in this._end) { this._start[key] = this._owner.pin(key); } } var p, over; if (time < this._duration) { p = time / this._duration; over = false; } else { p = 1; over = true; } if (typeof this._easing == "function") { p = this._easing(p); } var q = 1 - p; for (var key in this._end) { this._owner.pin(key, this._start[key] * q + this._end[key] * p); } if (over) { return this._next || this._done || true; } }; Tween.prototype.tween = function(duration, delay) { return this._next = new Tween(this._owner, duration, delay); }; Tween.prototype.duration = function(duration) { this._duration = duration; return this; }; Tween.prototype.delay = function(delay) { this._delay = delay; return this; }; Tween.prototype.ease = function(easing) { this._easing = Easing(easing); return this; }; Tween.prototype.done = function(fn) { this._done = fn; return this; }; Tween.prototype.hide = function() { this.done(function() { this.hide(); }); return this; }; Tween.prototype.remove = function() { this.done(function() { this.remove(); }); return this; }; Tween.prototype.pin = function(a, b) { if (typeof a === "object") { for (var attr in a) { pinning(this._owner, this._end, attr, a[attr]); } } else if (typeof b !== "undefined") { pinning(this._owner, this._end, a, b); } return this; }; function pinning(node, map, key, value) { if (typeof node.pin(key) === "number") { map[key] = value; } else if (typeof node.pin(key + "X") === "number" && typeof node.pin(key + "Y") === "number") { map[key + "X"] = value; map[key + "Y"] = value; } } Pin._add_shortcuts(Tween); /** * @deprecated Use .done(fn) instead. */ Tween.prototype.then = function(fn) { this.done(fn); return this; }; /** * @deprecated NOOP */ Tween.prototype.clear = function(forward) { return this; }; module.exports = Tween; },{"../core":8,"../pin":16,"./easing":2}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); require("./pin"); require("./loop"); var create = require("./util/create"); var math = require("./util/math"); Class.anim = function(frames, fps) { var anim = new Anim(); anim.frames(frames).gotoFrame(0); fps && anim.fps(fps); return anim; }; Anim._super = Class; Anim.prototype = create(Anim._super.prototype); // TODO: replace with atlas fps or texture time Class.Anim = { FPS: 15 }; function Anim() { Anim._super.call(this); this.label("Anim"); this._textures = []; this._fps = Class.Anim.FPS; this._ft = 1e3 / this._fps; this._time = -1; this._repeat = 0; this._index = 0; this._frames = []; var lastTime = 0; this.tick(function(t, now, last) { if (this._time < 0 || this._frames.length <= 1) { return; } // ignore old elapsed var ignore = lastTime != last; lastTime = now; if (ignore) { return true; } this._time += t; if (this._time < this._ft) { return true; } var n = this._time / this._ft | 0; this._time -= n * this._ft; this.moveFrame(n); if (this._repeat > 0 && (this._repeat -= n) <= 0) { this.stop(); this._callback && this._callback(); return false; } return true; }, false); } Anim.prototype.fps = function(fps) { if (typeof fps === "undefined") { return this._fps; } this._fps = fps > 0 ? fps : Class.Anim.FPS; this._ft = 1e3 / this._fps; return this; }; /** * @deprecated Use frames */ Anim.prototype.setFrames = function(a, b, c) { return this.frames(a, b, c); }; Anim.prototype.frames = function(frames) { this._index = 0; this._frames = Class.texture(frames).array(); this.touch(); return this; }; Anim.prototype.length = function() { return this._frames ? this._frames.length : 0; }; Anim.prototype.gotoFrame = function(frame, resize) { this._index = math.rotate(frame, this._frames.length) | 0; resize = resize || !this._textures[0]; this._textures[0] = this._frames[this._index]; if (resize) { this.pin("width", this._textures[0].width); this.pin("height", this._textures[0].height); } this.touch(); return this; }; Anim.prototype.moveFrame = function(move) { return this.gotoFrame(this._index + move); }; Anim.prototype.repeat = function(repeat, callback) { this._repeat = repeat * this._frames.length - 1; this._callback = callback; this.play(); return this; }; Anim.prototype.play = function(frame) { if (typeof frame !== "undefined") { this.gotoFrame(frame); this._time = 0; } else if (this._time < 0) { this._time = 0; } this.touch(); return this; }; Anim.prototype.stop = function(frame) { this._time = -1; if (typeof frame !== "undefined") { this.gotoFrame(frame); } return this; }; },{"./core":8,"./loop":14,"./pin":16,"./util/create":22,"./util/math":26}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ if (typeof DEBUG === "undefined") DEBUG = true; var Class = require("./core"); var Texture = require("./texture"); var extend = require("./util/extend"); var create = require("./util/create"); var is = require("./util/is"); var string = require("./util/string"); // name : atlas var _atlases_map = {}; // [atlas] var _atlases_arr = []; // TODO: print subquery not found error // TODO: index textures Class.atlas = function(def) { var atlas = is.fn(def.draw) ? def : new Atlas(def); if (def.name) { _atlases_map[def.name] = atlas; } _atlases_arr.push(atlas); deprecated(def, "imagePath"); deprecated(def, "imageRatio"); var url = def.imagePath; var ratio = def.imageRatio || 1; if (is.string(def.image)) { url = def.image; } else if (is.hash(def.image)) { url = def.image.src || def.image.url; ratio = def.image.ratio || ratio; } url && Class.preload(function(done) { url = Class.resolve(url); DEBUG && console.log("Loading atlas: " + url); var imageloader = Class.config("image-loader"); imageloader(url, function(image) { DEBUG && console.log("Image loaded: " + url); atlas.src(image, ratio); done(); }, function(err) { DEBUG && console.log("Error loading atlas: " + url, err); done(); }); }); return atlas; }; Atlas._super = Texture; Atlas.prototype = create(Atlas._super.prototype); function Atlas(def) { Atlas._super.call(this); var atlas = this; deprecated(def, "filter"); deprecated(def, "cutouts"); deprecated(def, "sprites"); deprecated(def, "factory"); var map = def.map || def.filter; var ppu = def.ppu || def.ratio || 1; var trim = def.trim || 0; var textures = def.textures; var factory = def.factory; var cutouts = def.cutouts || def.sprites; function make(def) { if (!def || is.fn(def.draw)) { return def; } def = extend({}, def); if (is.fn(map)) { def = map(def); } if (ppu != 1) { def.x *= ppu, def.y *= ppu; def.width *= ppu, def.height *= ppu; def.top *= ppu, def.bottom *= ppu; def.left *= ppu, def.right *= ppu; } if (trim != 0) { def.x += trim, def.y += trim; def.width -= 2 * trim, def.height -= 2 * trim; def.top -= trim, def.bottom -= trim; def.left -= trim, def.right -= trim; } var texture = atlas.pipe(); texture.top = def.top, texture.bottom = def.bottom; texture.left = def.left, texture.right = def.right; texture.src(def.x, def.y, def.width, def.height); return texture; } function find(query) { if (textures) { if (is.fn(textures)) { return textures(query); } else if (is.hash(textures)) { return textures[query]; } } if (cutouts) { // deprecated var result = null, n = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cutouts.length; i++) { if (string.startsWith(cutouts[i].name, query)) { if (n === 0) { result = cutouts[i]; } else if (n === 1) { result = [ result, cutouts[i] ]; } else { result.push(cutouts[i]); } n++; } } if (n === 0 && is.fn(factory)) { result = function(subquery) { return factory(query + (subquery ? subquery : "")); }; } return result; } } this.select = function(query) { if (!query) { // TODO: if `textures` is texture def, map or fn? return new Selection(this.pipe()); } var found = find(query); if (found) { return new Selection(found, find, make); } }; } var nfTexture = new Texture(); nfTexture.x = nfTexture.y = nfTexture.width = nfTexture.height = 0; nfTexture.pipe = nfTexture.src = nfTexture.dest = function() { return this; }; nfTexture.draw = function() {}; var nfSelection = new Selection(nfTexture); function Selection(result, find, make) { function link(result, subquery) { if (!result) { return nfTexture; } else if (is.fn(result.draw)) { return result; } else if (is.hash(result) && is.number(result.width) && is.number(result.height) && is.fn(make)) { return make(result); } else if (is.hash(result) && is.defined(subquery)) { return link(result[subquery]); } else if (is.fn(result)) { return link(result(subquery)); } else if (is.array(result)) { return link(result[0]); } else if (is.string(result) && is.fn(find)) { return link(find(result)); } } this.one = function(subquery) { return link(result, subquery); }; this.array = function(arr) { var array = is.array(arr) ? arr : []; if (is.array(result)) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { array[i] = link(result[i]); } } else { array[0] = link(result); } return array; }; } Class.texture = function(query) { if (!is.string(query)) { return new Selection(query); } var result = null, atlas, i; if ((i = query.indexOf(":")) > 0 && query.length > i + 1) { atlas = _atlases_map[query.slice(0, i)]; result = atlas && atlas.select(query.slice(i + 1)); } if (!result && (atlas = _atlases_map[query])) { result = atlas.select(); } for (i = 0; !result && i < _atlases_arr.length; i++) { result = _atlases_arr[i].select(query); } if (!result) { console.error("Texture not found: " + query); result = nfSelection; } return result; }; function deprecated(hash, name, msg) { if (name in hash) console.log(msg ? msg.replace("%name", name) : "'" + name + "' field of texture atlas is deprecated."); } module.exports = Atlas; },{"./core":8,"./texture":19,"./util/create":22,"./util/extend":24,"./util/is":25,"./util/string":29}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); var Texture = require("./texture"); Class.canvas = function(type, attributes, callback) { if (typeof type === "string") { if (typeof attributes === "object") {} else { if (typeof attributes === "function") { callback = attributes; } attributes = {}; } } else { if (typeof type === "function") { callback = type; } attributes = {}; type = "2d"; } var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext(type, attributes); var texture = new Texture(canvas); texture.context = function() { return context; }; texture.size = function(width, height, ratio) { ratio = ratio || 1; canvas.width = width * ratio; canvas.height = height * ratio; this.src(canvas, ratio); return this; }; texture.canvas = function(fn) { if (typeof fn === "function") { fn.call(this, context); } else if (typeof fn === "undefined" && typeof callback === "function") { callback.call(this, context); } return this; }; if (typeof callback === "function") { callback.call(texture, context); } return texture; }; },{"./core":8,"./texture":19}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ if (typeof DEBUG === "undefined") DEBUG = true; var stats = require("./util/stats"); var extend = require("./util/extend"); var is = require("./util/is"); var _await = require("./util/await"); stats.create = 0; function Class(arg) { if (!(this instanceof Class)) { if (is.fn(arg)) { return Class.app.apply(Class, arguments); } else if (is.object(arg)) { return Class.atlas.apply(Class, arguments); } else { return arg; } } stats.create++; for (var i = 0; i < _init.length; i++) { _init[i].call(this); } } var _init = []; Class._init = function(fn) { _init.push(fn); }; var _load = []; Class._load = function(fn) { _load.push(fn); }; var _config = {}; Class.config = function() { if (arguments.length === 1 && is.string(arguments[0])) { return _config[arguments[0]]; } if (arguments.length === 1 && is.object(arguments[0])) { extend(_config, arguments[0]); } if (arguments.length === 2 && is.string(arguments[0])) { _config[(arguments[0], arguments[1])]; } }; var _app_queue = []; var _preload_queue = []; var _stages = []; var _loaded = false; var _paused = false; Class.app = function(app, opts) { if (!_loaded) { _app_queue.push(arguments); return; } DEBUG && console.log("Creating app..."); var loader = Class.config("app-loader"); loader(function(stage, canvas) { DEBUG && console.log("Initing app..."); for (var i = 0; i < _load.length; i++) { _load[i].call(this, stage, canvas); } app(stage, canvas); _stages.push(stage); DEBUG && console.log("Starting app..."); stage.start(); }, opts); }; var loading = _await(); Class.preload = function(load) { if (typeof load === "string") { var url = Class.resolve(load); if (/\.js($|\?|\#)/.test(url)) { DEBUG && console.log("Loading script: " + url); load = function(callback) { loadScript(url, callback); }; } } if (typeof load !== "function") { return; } // if (!_started) { // _preload_queue.push(load); // return; // } load(loading()); }; Class.start = function(config) { DEBUG && console.log("Starting..."); Class.config(config); // DEBUG && console.log('Preloading...'); // _started = true; // while (_preload_queue.length) { // var load = _preload_queue.shift(); // load(loading()); // } loading.then(function() { DEBUG && console.log("Loading apps..."); _loaded = true; while (_app_queue.length) { var args = _app_queue.shift(); Class.app.apply(Class, args); } }); }; Class.pause = function() { if (!_paused) { _paused = true; for (var i = _stages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _stages[i].pause(); } } }; Class.resume = function() { if (_paused) { _paused = false; for (var i = _stages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _stages[i].resume(); } } }; Class.create = function() { return new Class(); }; Class.resolve = function() { if (typeof window === "undefined" || typeof document === "undefined") { return function(url) { return url; }; } var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); function getScriptSrc() { // HTML5 if (document.currentScript) { return document.currentScript.src; } // IE>=10 var stack; try { var err = new Error(); if (err.stack) { stack = err.stack; } else { throw err; } } catch (err) { stack = err.stack; } if (typeof stack === "string") { stack = stack.split("\n"); // Uses the last line, where the call started for (var i = stack.length; i--; ) { var url = stack[i].match(/(\w+\:\/\/[^\/]*?\/.+?)(:\d+)(:\d+)?/); if (url) { return url[1]; } } } // IE<11 if (scripts.length && "readyState" in scripts[0]) { for (var i = scripts.length; i--; ) { if (scripts[i].readyState === "interactive") { return scripts[i].src; } } } return location.href; } return function(url) { if (/^\.\//.test(url)) { var src = getScriptSrc(); var base = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); url = base + url.substring(2); } return url; }; }(); module.exports = Class; function loadScript(src, callback) { var el = document.createElement("script"); el.addEventListener("load", function() { callback(); }); el.addEventListener("error", function(err) { callback(err || "Error loading script: " + src); }); el.src = src; el.id = "preload-" + Date.now(); document.body.appendChild(el); } },{"./util/await":21,"./util/extend":24,"./util/is":25,"./util/stats":28}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ require("./util/event")(require("./core").prototype, function(obj, name, on) { obj._flag(name, on); }); },{"./core":8,"./util/event":23}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); require("./pin"); require("./loop"); var repeat = require("./util/repeat"); var create = require("./util/create"); module.exports = Image; Class.image = function(image) { var img = new Image(); image && img.image(image); return img; }; Image._super = Class; Image.prototype = create(Image._super.prototype); function Image() { Image._super.call(this); this.label("Image"); this._textures = []; this._image = null; } /** * @deprecated Use image */ Image.prototype.setImage = function(a, b, c) { return this.image(a, b, c); }; Image.prototype.image = function(image) { this._image = Class.texture(image).one(); this.pin("width", this._image ? this._image.width : 0); this.pin("height", this._image ? this._image.height : 0); this._textures[0] = this._image.pipe(); this._textures.length = 1; return this; }; Image.prototype.tile = function(inner) { this._repeat(false, inner); return this; }; Image.prototype.stretch = function(inner) { this._repeat(true, inner); return this; }; Image.prototype._repeat = function(stretch, inner) { var self = this; this.untick(this._repeatTicker); this.tick(this._repeatTicker = function() { if (this._mo_stretch == this._pin._ts_transform) { return; } this._mo_stretch = this._pin._ts_transform; var width = this.pin("width"); var height = this.pin("height"); this._textures.length = repeat(this._image, width, height, stretch, inner, insert); }); function insert(i, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) { var repeat = self._textures.length > i ? self._textures[i] : self._textures[i] = self._image.pipe(); repeat.src(sx, sy, sw, sh); repeat.dest(dx, dy, dw, dh); } }; },{"./core":8,"./loop":14,"./pin":16,"./util/create":22,"./util/repeat":27}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = require("./core"); module.exports.Matrix = require("./matrix"); module.exports.Texture = require("./texture"); require("./atlas"); require("./tree"); require("./event"); require("./pin"); require("./loop"); require("./root"); },{"./atlas":6,"./core":8,"./event":9,"./loop":14,"./matrix":15,"./pin":16,"./root":17,"./texture":19,"./tree":20}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); require("./pin"); require("./loop"); var create = require("./util/create"); Class.row = function(align) { return Class.create().row(align).label("Row"); }; Class.prototype.row = function(align) { this.sequence("row", align); return this; }; Class.column = function(align) { return Class.create().column(align).label("Row"); }; Class.prototype.column = function(align) { this.sequence("column", align); return this; }; Class.sequence = function(type, align) { return Class.create().sequence(type, align).label("Sequence"); }; Class.prototype.sequence = function(type, align) { this._padding = this._padding || 0; this._spacing = this._spacing || 0; this.untick(this._layoutTiker); this.tick(this._layoutTiker = function() { if (this._mo_seq == this._ts_touch) { return; } this._mo_seq = this._ts_touch; var alignChildren = this._mo_seqAlign != this._ts_children; this._mo_seqAlign = this._ts_children; var width = 0, height = 0; var child, next = this.first(true); var first = true; while (child = next) { next = child.next(true); child.matrix(true); var w = child.pin("boxWidth"); var h = child.pin("boxHeight"); if (type == "column") { !first && (height += this._spacing); child.pin("offsetY") != height && child.pin("offsetY", height); width = Math.max(width, w); height = height + h; alignChildren && child.pin("alignX", align); } else if (type == "row") { !first && (width += this._spacing); child.pin("offsetX") != width && child.pin("offsetX", width); width = width + w; height = Math.max(height, h); alignChildren && child.pin("alignY", align); } first = false; } width += 2 * this._padding; height += 2 * this._padding; this.pin("width") != width && this.pin("width", width); this.pin("height") != height && this.pin("height", height); }); return this; }; Class.box = function() { return Class.create().box().label("Box"); }; Class.prototype.box = function() { this._padding = this._padding || 0; this.untick(this._layoutTiker); this.tick(this._layoutTiker = function() { if (this._mo_box == this._ts_touch) { return; } this._mo_box = this._ts_touch; var width = 0, height = 0; var child, next = this.first(true); while (child = next) { next = child.next(true); child.matrix(true); var w = child.pin("boxWidth"); var h = child.pin("boxHeight"); width = Math.max(width, w); height = Math.max(height, h); } width += 2 * this._padding; height += 2 * this._padding; this.pin("width") != width && this.pin("width", width); this.pin("height") != height && this.pin("height", height); }); return this; }; Class.layer = function() { return Class.create().layer().label("Layer"); }; Class.prototype.layer = function() { this.untick(this._layoutTiker); this.tick(this._layoutTiker = function() { var parent = this.parent(); if (parent) { var width = parent.pin("width"); if (this.pin("width") != width) { this.pin("width", width); } var height = parent.pin("height"); if (this.pin("height") != height) { this.pin("height", height); } } }, true); return this; }; // TODO: move padding to pin Class.prototype.padding = function(pad) { this._padding = pad; return this; }; Class.prototype.spacing = function(space) { this._spacing = space; return this; }; },{"./core":8,"./loop":14,"./pin":16,"./util/create":22}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Default loader for web. */ if (typeof DEBUG === "undefined") DEBUG = true; var Class = require("../core"); Class._supported = function() { var elem = document.createElement("canvas"); return elem.getContext && elem.getContext("2d") ? true : false; }(); window.addEventListener("load", function() { DEBUG && console.log("On load."); if (Class._supported) { Class.start(); } }, false); Class.config({ "app-loader": AppLoader, "image-loader": ImageLoader }); function AppLoader(app, configs) { configs = configs || {}; var canvas = configs.canvas, context = null, full = false; var width = 0, height = 0, ratio = 1; if (typeof canvas === "string") { canvas = document.getElementById(canvas); } if (!canvas) { canvas = document.getElementById("cutjs") || document.getElementById("stage"); } if (!canvas) { full = true; DEBUG && console.log("Creating Canvas..."); canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.style.position = "absolute"; canvas.style.top = "0"; canvas.style.left = "0"; var body = document.body; body.insertBefore(canvas, body.firstChild); } context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; var backingStoreRatio = context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || context.msBackingStorePixelRatio || context.oBackingStorePixelRatio || context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1; ratio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio; var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { return window.setTimeout(callback, 1e3 / 60); }; DEBUG && console.log("Creating stage..."); var root = Class.root(requestAnimationFrame, render); function render() { context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); root.render(context); } root.background = function(color) { canvas.style.backgroundColor = color; return this; }; app(root, canvas); resize(); window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", resize, false); function resize() { if (full) { // screen.availWidth/Height? width = window.innerWidth > 0 ? window.innerWidth : screen.width; height = window.innerHeight > 0 ? window.innerHeight : screen.height; canvas.style.width = width + "px"; canvas.style.height = height + "px"; } else { width = canvas.clientWidth; height = canvas.clientHeight; } width *= ratio; height *= ratio; if (canvas.width === width && canvas.height === height) { return; } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; DEBUG && console.log("Resize: " + width + " x " + height + " / " + ratio); root.viewport(width, height, ratio); render(); } } function ImageLoader(src, success, error) { DEBUG && console.log("Loading image: " + src); var image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { success(image); }; image.onerror = error; image.src = src; } },{"../core":8}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); require("./pin"); var stats = require("./util/stats"); Class.prototype._textures = null; Class.prototype._alpha = 1; Class.prototype.render = function(context) { if (!this._visible) { return; } stats.node++; var m = this.matrix(); context.setTransform(m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f); // move this elsewhere! this._alpha = this._pin._alpha * (this._parent ? this._parent._alpha : 1); var alpha = this._pin._textureAlpha * this._alpha; if (context.globalAlpha != alpha) { context.globalAlpha = alpha; } if (this._textures !== null) { for (var i = 0, n = this._textures.length; i < n; i++) { this._textures[i].draw(context); } } if (context.globalAlpha != this._alpha) { context.globalAlpha = this._alpha; } var child, next = this._first; while (child = next) { next = child._next; child.render(context); } }; Class.prototype._tickBefore = null; Class.prototype._tickAfter = null; Class.prototype.MAX_ELAPSE = Infinity; Class.prototype._tick = function(elapsed, now, last) { if (!this._visible) { return; } if (elapsed > this.MAX_ELAPSE) { elapsed = this.MAX_ELAPSE; } var ticked = false; if (this._tickBefore !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < this._tickBefore.length; i++) { stats.tick++; var tickFn = this._tickBefore[i]; ticked = tickFn.call(this, elapsed, now, last) === true || ticked; } } var child, next = this._first; while (child = next) { next = child._next; if (child._flag("_tick")) { ticked = child._tick(elapsed, now, last) === true ? true : ticked; } } if (this._tickAfter !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < this._tickAfter.length; i++) { stats.tick++; var tickFn = this._tickAfter[i]; ticked = tickFn.call(this, elapsed, now, last) === true || ticked; } } return ticked; }; Class.prototype.tick = function(ticker, before) { if (typeof ticker !== "function") { return; } if (before) { if (this._tickBefore === null) { this._tickBefore = []; } this._tickBefore.push(ticker); } else { if (this._tickAfter === null) { this._tickAfter = []; } this._tickAfter.push(ticker); } this._flag("_tick", this._tickAfter !== null && this._tickAfter.length > 0 || this._tickBefore !== null && this._tickBefore.length > 0); }; Class.prototype.untick = function(ticker) { if (typeof ticker !== "function") { return; } var i; if (this._tickBefore !== null && (i = this._tickBefore.indexOf(ticker)) >= 0) { this._tickBefore.splice(i, 1); } if (this._tickAfter !== null && (i = this._tickAfter.indexOf(ticker)) >= 0) { this._tickAfter.splice(i, 1); } }; Class.prototype.timeout = function(fn, time) { this.setTimeout(fn, time); }; Class.prototype.setTimeout = function(fn, time) { function timer(t) { if ((time -= t) < 0) { this.untick(timer); fn.call(this); } else { return true; } } this.tick(timer); return timer; }; Class.prototype.clearTimeout = function(timer) { this.untick(timer); }; },{"./core":8,"./pin":16,"./util/stats":28}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ function Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.reset(a, b, c, d, e, f); } Matrix.prototype.toString = function() { return "[" + this.a + ", " + this.b + ", " + this.c + ", " + this.d + ", " + this.e + ", " + this.f + "]"; }; Matrix.prototype.clone = function() { return new Matrix(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f); }; Matrix.prototype.reset = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this._dirty = true; if (typeof a === "object") { this.a = a.a, this.d = a.d; this.b = a.b, this.c = a.c; this.e = a.e, this.f = a.f; } else { this.a = a || 1, this.d = d || 1; this.b = b || 0, this.c = c || 0; this.e = e || 0, this.f = f || 0; } return this; }; Matrix.prototype.identity = function() { this._dirty = true; this.a = 1; this.b = 0; this.c = 0; this.d = 1; this.e = 0; this.f = 0; return this; }; Matrix.prototype.rotate = function(angle) { if (!angle) { return this; } this._dirty = true; var u = angle ? Math.cos(angle) : 1; // android bug may give bad 0 values var v = angle ? Math.sin(angle) : 0; var a = u * this.a - v * this.b; var b = u * this.b + v * this.a; var c = u * this.c - v * this.d; var d = u * this.d + v * this.c; var e = u * this.e - v * this.f; var f = u * this.f + v * this.e; this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.e = e; this.f = f; return this; }; Matrix.prototype.translate = function(x, y) { if (!x && !y) { return this; } this._dirty = true; this.e += x; this.f += y; return this; }; Matrix.prototype.scale = function(x, y) { if (!(x - 1) && !(y - 1)) { return this; } this._dirty = true; this.a *= x; this.b *= y; this.c *= x; this.d *= y; this.e *= x; this.f *= y; return this; }; Matrix.prototype.skew = function(x, y) { if (!x && !y) { return this; } this._dirty = true; var a = this.a + this.b * x; var b = this.b + this.a * y; var c = this.c + this.d * x; var d = this.d + this.c * y; var e = this.e + this.f * x; var f = this.f + this.e * y; this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.e = e; this.f = f; return this; }; Matrix.prototype.concat = function(m) { this._dirty = true; var n = this; var a = n.a * m.a + n.b * m.c; var b = n.b * m.d + n.a * m.b; var c = n.c * m.a + n.d * m.c; var d = n.d * m.d + n.c * m.b; var e = n.e * m.a + m.e + n.f * m.c; var f = n.f * m.d + m.f + n.e * m.b; this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.e = e; this.f = f; return this; }; Matrix.prototype.inverse = Matrix.prototype.reverse = function() { if (this._dirty) { this._dirty = false; this.inversed = this.inversed || new Matrix(); var z = this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c; this.inversed.a = this.d / z; this.inversed.b = -this.b / z; this.inversed.c = -this.c / z; this.inversed.d = this.a / z; this.inversed.e = (this.c * this.f - this.e * this.d) / z; this.inversed.f = (this.e * this.b - this.a * this.f) / z; } return this.inversed; }; Matrix.prototype.map = function(p, q) { q = q || {}; q.x = this.a * p.x + this.c * p.y + this.e; q.y = this.b * p.x + this.d * p.y + this.f; return q; }; Matrix.prototype.mapX = function(x, y) { if (typeof x === "object") y = x.y, x = x.x; return this.a * x + this.c * y + this.e; }; Matrix.prototype.mapY = function(x, y) { if (typeof x === "object") y = x.y, x = x.x; return this.b * x + this.d * y + this.f; }; module.exports = Matrix; },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); var Matrix = require("./matrix"); var iid = 0; Class._init(function() { this._pin = new Pin(this); }); Class.prototype.matrix = function(relative) { if (relative === true) { return this._pin.relativeMatrix(); } return this._pin.absoluteMatrix(); }; Class.prototype.pin = function(a, b) { if (typeof a === "object") { this._pin.set(a); return this; } else if (typeof a === "string") { if (typeof b === "undefined") { return this._pin.get(a); } else { this._pin.set(a, b); return this; } } else if (typeof a === "undefined") { return this._pin; } }; function Pin(owner) { this._owner = owner; this._parent = null; // relative to parent this._relativeMatrix = new Matrix(); // relative to stage this._absoluteMatrix = new Matrix(); this.reset(); } Pin.prototype.reset = function() { this._textureAlpha = 1; this._alpha = 1; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._scaleX = 1; this._scaleY = 1; this._skewX = 0; this._skewY = 0; this._rotation = 0; // scale/skew/rotate center this._pivoted = false; this._pivotX = null; this._pivotY = null; // self pin point this._handled = false; this._handleX = 0; this._handleY = 0; // parent pin point this._aligned = false; this._alignX = 0; this._alignY = 0; // as seen by parent px this._offsetX = 0; this._offsetY = 0; this._boxX = 0; this._boxY = 0; this._boxWidth = this._width; this._boxHeight = this._height; // TODO: also set for owner this._ts_translate = ++iid; this._ts_transform = ++iid; this._ts_matrix = ++iid; }; Pin.prototype._update = function() { this._parent = this._owner._parent && this._owner._parent._pin; // if handled and transformed then be translated if (this._handled && this._mo_handle != this._ts_transform) { this._mo_handle = this._ts_transform; this._ts_translate = ++iid; } if (this._aligned && this._parent && this._mo_align != this._parent._ts_transform) { this._mo_align = this._parent._ts_transform; this._ts_translate = ++iid; } return this; }; Pin.prototype.toString = function() { return this._owner + " (" + (this._parent ? this._parent._owner : null) + ")"; }; // TODO: ts fields require refactoring Pin.prototype.absoluteMatrix = function() { this._update(); var ts = Math.max(this._ts_transform, this._ts_translate, this._parent ? this._parent._ts_matrix : 0); if (this._mo_abs == ts) { return this._absoluteMatrix; } this._mo_abs = ts; var abs = this._absoluteMatrix; abs.reset(this.relativeMatrix()); this._parent && abs.concat(this._parent._absoluteMatrix); this._ts_matrix = ++iid; return abs; }; Pin.prototype.relativeMatrix = function() { this._update(); var ts = Math.max(this._ts_transform, this._ts_translate, this._parent ? this._parent._ts_transform : 0); if (this._mo_rel == ts) { return this._relativeMatrix; } this._mo_rel = ts; var rel = this._relativeMatrix; rel.identity(); if (this._pivoted) { rel.translate(-this._pivotX * this._width, -this._pivotY * this._height); } rel.scale(this._scaleX, this._scaleY); rel.skew(this._skewX, this._skewY); rel.rotate(this._rotation); if (this._pivoted) { rel.translate(this._pivotX * this._width, this._pivotY * this._height); } // calculate effective box if (this._pivoted) { // origin this._boxX = 0; this._boxY = 0; this._boxWidth = this._width; this._boxHeight = this._height; } else { // aabb var p, q; if (rel.a > 0 && rel.c > 0 || rel.a < 0 && rel.c < 0) { p = 0, q = rel.a * this._width + rel.c * this._height; } else { p = rel.a * this._width, q = rel.c * this._height; } if (p > q) { this._boxX = q; this._boxWidth = p - q; } else { this._boxX = p; this._boxWidth = q - p; } if (rel.b > 0 && rel.d > 0 || rel.b < 0 && rel.d < 0) { p = 0, q = rel.b * this._width + rel.d * this._height; } else { p = rel.b * this._width, q = rel.d * this._height; } if (p > q) { this._boxY = q; this._boxHeight = p - q; } else { this._boxY = p; this._boxHeight = q - p; } } this._x = this._offsetX; this._y = this._offsetY; this._x -= this._boxX + this._handleX * this._boxWidth; this._y -= this._boxY + this._handleY * this._boxHeight; if (this._aligned && this._parent) { this._parent.relativeMatrix(); this._x += this._alignX * this._parent._width; this._y += this._alignY * this._parent._height; } rel.translate(this._x, this._y); return this._relativeMatrix; }; Pin.prototype.get = function(key) { if (typeof getters[key] === "function") { return getters[key](this); } }; // TODO: Use defineProperty instead? What about multi-field pinning? Pin.prototype.set = function(a, b) { if (typeof a === "string") { if (typeof setters[a] === "function" && typeof b !== "undefined") { setters[a](this, b); } } else if (typeof a === "object") { for (b in a) { if (typeof setters[b] === "function" && typeof a[b] !== "undefined") { setters[b](this, a[b], a); } } } if (this._owner) { this._owner._ts_pin = ++iid; this._owner.touch(); } return this; }; var getters = { alpha: function(pin) { return pin._alpha; }, textureAlpha: function(pin) { return pin._textureAlpha; }, width: function(pin) { return pin._width; }, height: function(pin) { return pin._height; }, boxWidth: function(pin) { return pin._boxWidth; }, boxHeight: function(pin) { return pin._boxHeight; }, // scale : function(pin) { // }, scaleX: function(pin) { return pin._scaleX; }, scaleY: function(pin) { return pin._scaleY; }, // skew : function(pin) { // }, skewX: function(pin) { return pin._skewX; }, skewY: function(pin) { return pin._skewY; }, rotation: function(pin) { return pin._rotation; }, // pivot : function(pin) { // }, pivotX: function(pin) { return pin._pivotX; }, pivotY: function(pin) { return pin._pivotY; }, // offset : function(pin) { // }, offsetX: function(pin) { return pin._offsetX; }, offsetY: function(pin) { return pin._offsetY; }, // align : function(pin) { // }, alignX: function(pin) { return pin._alignX; }, alignY: function(pin) { return pin._alignY; }, // handle : function(pin) { // }, handleX: function(pin) { return pin._handleX; }, handleY: function(pin) { return pin._handleY; } }; var setters = { alpha: function(pin, value) { pin._alpha = value; }, textureAlpha: function(pin, value) { pin._textureAlpha = value; }, width: function(pin, value) { pin._width_ = value; pin._width = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, height: function(pin, value) { pin._height_ = value; pin._height = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, scale: function(pin, value) { pin._scaleX = value; pin._scaleY = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, scaleX: function(pin, value) { pin._scaleX = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, scaleY: function(pin, value) { pin._scaleY = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, skew: function(pin, value) { pin._skewX = value; pin._skewY = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, skewX: function(pin, value) { pin._skewX = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, skewY: function(pin, value) { pin._skewY = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, rotation: function(pin, value) { pin._rotation = value; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, pivot: function(pin, value) { pin._pivotX = value; pin._pivotY = value; pin._pivoted = true; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, pivotX: function(pin, value) { pin._pivotX = value; pin._pivoted = true; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, pivotY: function(pin, value) { pin._pivotY = value; pin._pivoted = true; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; }, offset: function(pin, value) { pin._offsetX = value; pin._offsetY = value; pin._ts_translate = ++iid; }, offsetX: function(pin, value) { pin._offsetX = value; pin._ts_translate = ++iid; }, offsetY: function(pin, value) { pin._offsetY = value; pin._ts_translate = ++iid; }, align: function(pin, value) { this.alignX(pin, value); this.alignY(pin, value); }, alignX: function(pin, value) { pin._alignX = value; pin._aligned = true; pin._ts_translate = ++iid; this.handleX(pin, value); }, alignY: function(pin, value) { pin._alignY = value; pin._aligned = true; pin._ts_translate = ++iid; this.handleY(pin, value); }, handle: function(pin, value) { this.handleX(pin, value); this.handleY(pin, value); }, handleX: function(pin, value) { pin._handleX = value; pin._handled = true; pin._ts_translate = ++iid; }, handleY: function(pin, value) { pin._handleY = value; pin._handled = true; pin._ts_translate = ++iid; }, resizeMode: function(pin, value, all) { if (all) { if (value == "in") { value = "in-pad"; } else if (value == "out") { value = "out-crop"; } scaleTo(pin, all.resizeWidth, all.resizeHeight, value); } }, resizeWidth: function(pin, value, all) { if (!all || !all.resizeMode) { scaleTo(pin, value, null); } }, resizeHeight: function(pin, value, all) { if (!all || !all.resizeMode) { scaleTo(pin, null, value); } }, scaleMode: function(pin, value, all) { if (all) { scaleTo(pin, all.scaleWidth, all.scaleHeight, value); } }, scaleWidth: function(pin, value, all) { if (!all || !all.scaleMode) { scaleTo(pin, value, null); } }, scaleHeight: function(pin, value, all) { if (!all || !all.scaleMode) { scaleTo(pin, null, value); } }, matrix: function(pin, value) { this.scaleX(pin, value.a); this.skewX(pin, value.c / value.d); this.skewY(pin, value.b / value.a); this.scaleY(pin, value.d); this.offsetX(pin, value.e); this.offsetY(pin, value.f); this.rotation(pin, 0); } }; function scaleTo(pin, width, height, mode) { var w = typeof width === "number"; var h = typeof height === "number"; var m = typeof mode === "string"; pin._ts_transform = ++iid; if (w) { pin._scaleX = width / pin._width_; pin._width = pin._width_; } if (h) { pin._scaleY = height / pin._height_; pin._height = pin._height_; } if (w && h && m) { if (mode == "out" || mode == "out-crop") { pin._scaleX = pin._scaleY = Math.max(pin._scaleX, pin._scaleY); } else if (mode == "in" || mode == "in-pad") { pin._scaleX = pin._scaleY = Math.min(pin._scaleX, pin._scaleY); } if (mode == "out-crop" || mode == "in-pad") { pin._width = width / pin._scaleX; pin._height = height / pin._scaleY; } } } Class.prototype.scaleTo = function(a, b, c) { if (typeof a === "object") c = b, b = a.y, a = a.x; scaleTo(this._pin, a, b, c); return this; }; // Used by Tween class Pin._add_shortcuts = function(Class) { Class.prototype.size = function(w, h) { this.pin("width", w); this.pin("height", h); return this; }; Class.prototype.width = function(w) { if (typeof w === "undefined") { return this.pin("width"); } this.pin("width", w); return this; }; Class.prototype.height = function(h) { if (typeof h === "undefined") { return this.pin("height"); } this.pin("height", h); return this; }; Class.prototype.offset = function(a, b) { if (typeof a === "object") b = a.y, a = a.x; this.pin("offsetX", a); this.pin("offsetY", b); return this; }; Class.prototype.rotate = function(a) { this.pin("rotation", a); return this; }; Class.prototype.skew = function(a, b) { if (typeof a === "object") b = a.y, a = a.x; else if (typeof b === "undefined") b = a; this.pin("skewX", a); this.pin("skewY", b); return this; }; Class.prototype.scale = function(a, b) { if (typeof a === "object") b = a.y, a = a.x; else if (typeof b === "undefined") b = a; this.pin("scaleX", a); this.pin("scaleY", b); return this; }; Class.prototype.alpha = function(a, ta) { this.pin("alpha", a); if (typeof ta !== "undefined") { this.pin("textureAlpha", ta); } return this; }; }; Pin._add_shortcuts(Class); module.exports = Pin; },{"./core":8,"./matrix":15}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); require("./pin"); require("./loop"); var stats = require("./util/stats"); var create = require("./util/create"); var extend = require("./util/extend"); Root._super = Class; Root.prototype = create(Root._super.prototype); Class.root = function(request, render) { return new Root(request, render); }; function Root(request, render) { Root._super.call(this); this.label("Root"); var paused = true; var self = this; var lastTime = 0; var loop = function(now) { if (paused === true) { return; } stats.tick = stats.node = stats.draw = 0; var last = lastTime || now; var elapsed = now - last; lastTime = now; var ticked = self._tick(elapsed, now, last); if (self._mo_touch != self._ts_touch) { self._mo_touch = self._ts_touch; render(self); request(loop); } else if (ticked) { request(loop); } else { paused = true; } stats.fps = elapsed ? 1e3 / elapsed : 0; }; this.start = function() { return this.resume(); }; this.resume = function() { if (paused) { this.publish("resume"); paused = false; request(loop); } return this; }; this.pause = function() { if (!paused) { this.publish("pause"); } paused = true; return this; }; this.touch_root = this.touch; this.touch = function() { this.resume(); return this.touch_root(); }; } Root.prototype.background = function(color) { // to be implemented by loaders return this; }; Root.prototype.viewport = function(width, height, ratio) { if (typeof width === "undefined") { return extend({}, this._viewport); } this._viewport = { width: width, height: height, ratio: ratio || 1 }; this.viewbox(); var data = extend({}, this._viewport); this.visit({ start: function(node) { if (!node._flag("viewport")) { return true; } node.publish("viewport", [ data ]); } }); return this; }; // TODO: static/fixed viewbox Root.prototype.viewbox = function(width, height, mode) { if (typeof width === "number" && typeof height === "number") { this._viewbox = { width: width, height: height, mode: /^(in|out|in-pad|out-crop)$/.test(mode) ? mode : "in-pad" }; } var box = this._viewbox; var size = this._viewport; if (size && box) { this.pin({ width: box.width, height: box.height }); this.scaleTo(size.width, size.height, box.mode); } else if (size) { this.pin({ width: size.width, height: size.height }); } return this; }; },{"./core":8,"./loop":14,"./pin":16,"./util/create":22,"./util/extend":24,"./util/stats":28}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); require("./pin"); require("./loop"); var create = require("./util/create"); var is = require("./util/is"); Class.string = function(frames) { return new Str().frames(frames); }; Str._super = Class; Str.prototype = create(Str._super.prototype); function Str() { Str._super.call(this); this.label("String"); this._textures = []; } /** * @deprecated Use frames */ Str.prototype.setFont = function(a, b, c) { return this.frames(a, b, c); }; Str.prototype.frames = function(frames) { this._textures = []; if (typeof frames == "string") { frames = Class.texture(frames); this._item = function(value) { return frames.one(value); }; } else if (typeof frames === "object") { this._item = function(value) { return frames[value]; }; } else if (typeof frames === "function") { this._item = frames; } return this; }; /** * @deprecated Use value */ Str.prototype.setValue = function(a, b, c) { return this.value(a, b, c); }; Str.prototype.value = function(value) { if (typeof value === "undefined") { return this._value; } if (this._value === value) { return this; } this._value = value; if (value === null) { value = ""; } else if (typeof value !== "string" && !is.array(value)) { value = value.toString(); } this._spacing = this._spacing || 0; var width = 0, height = 0; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var image = this._textures[i] = this._item(value[i]); width += i > 0 ? this._spacing : 0; image.dest(width, 0); width = width + image.width; height = Math.max(height, image.height); } this.pin("width", width); this.pin("height", height); this._textures.length = value.length; return this; }; },{"./core":8,"./loop":14,"./pin":16,"./util/create":22,"./util/is":25}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ var stats = require("./util/stats"); var math = require("./util/math"); function Texture(image, ratio) { if (typeof image === "object") { this.src(image, ratio); } } Texture.prototype.pipe = function() { return new Texture(this); }; /** * Signatures: (image), (x, y, w, h), (w, h) */ Texture.prototype.src = function(x, y, w, h) { if (typeof x === "object") { var image = x, ratio = y || 1; this._image = image; this._sx = this._dx = 0; this._sy = this._dy = 0; this._sw = this._dw = image.width / ratio; this._sh = this._dh = image.height / ratio; this.width = image.width / ratio; this.height = image.height / ratio; this.ratio = ratio; } else { if (typeof w === "undefined") { w = x, h = y; } else { this._sx = x, this._sy = y; } this._sw = this._dw = w; this._sh = this._dh = h; this.width = w; this.height = h; } return this; }; /** * Signatures: (x, y, w, h), (x, y) */ Texture.prototype.dest = function(x, y, w, h) { this._dx = x, this._dy = y; this._dx = x, this._dy = y; if (typeof w !== "undefined") { this._dw = w, this._dh = h; this.width = w, this.height = h; } return this; }; Texture.prototype.draw = function(context, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { var image = this._image; if (image === null || typeof image !== "object") { return; } var sx = this._sx, sy = this._sy; var sw = this._sw, sh = this._sh; var dx = this._dx, dy = this._dy; var dw = this._dw, dh = this._dh; if (typeof x3 !== "undefined") { x1 = math.limit(x1, 0, this._sw), x2 = math.limit(x2, 0, this._sw - x1); y1 = math.limit(y1, 0, this._sh), y2 = math.limit(y2, 0, this._sh - y1); sx += x1, sy += y1, sw = x2, sh = y2; dx = x3, dy = y3, dw = x4, dh = y4; } else if (typeof x2 !== "undefined") { dx = x1, dy = y1, dw = x2, dh = y2; } else if (typeof x1 !== "undefined") { dw = x1, dh = y1; } var ratio = this.ratio || 1; sx *= ratio, sy *= ratio, sw *= ratio, sh *= ratio; try { if (typeof image.draw === "function") { image.draw(context, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh); } else { stats.draw++; context.drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh); } } catch (ex) { if (!image._draw_failed) { console.log("Unable to draw: ", image); console.log(ex); image._draw_failed = true; } } }; module.exports = Texture; },{"./util/math":26,"./util/stats":28}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ var Class = require("./core"); var is = require("./util/is"); var iid = 0; // TODO: do not clear next/prev/parent on remove Class.prototype._label = ""; Class.prototype._visible = true; Class.prototype._parent = null; Class.prototype._next = null; Class.prototype._prev = null; Class.prototype._first = null; Class.prototype._last = null; Class.prototype._attrs = null; Class.prototype._flags = null; Class.prototype.toString = function() { return "[" + this._label + "]"; }; /** * @deprecated Use label() */ Class.prototype.id = function(id) { return this.label(id); }; Class.prototype.label = function(label) { if (typeof label === "undefined") { return this._label; } this._label = label; return this; }; Class.prototype.attr = function(name, value) { if (typeof value === "undefined") { return this._attrs !== null ? this._attrs[name] : undefined; } (this._attrs !== null ? this._attrs : this._attrs = {})[name] = value; return this; }; Class.prototype.visible = function(visible) { if (typeof visible === "undefined") { return this._visible; } this._visible = visible; this._parent && (this._parent._ts_children = ++iid); this._ts_pin = ++iid; this.touch(); return this; }; Class.prototype.hide = function() { return this.visible(false); }; Class.prototype.show = function() { return this.visible(true); }; Class.prototype.parent = function() { return this._parent; }; Class.prototype.next = function(visible) { var next = this._next; while (next && visible && !next._visible) { next = next._next; } return next; }; Class.prototype.prev = function(visible) { var prev = this._prev; while (prev && visible && !prev._visible) { prev = prev._prev; } return prev; }; Class.prototype.first = function(visible) { var next = this._first; while (next && visible && !next._visible) { next = next._next; } return next; }; Class.prototype.last = function(visible) { var prev = this._last; while (prev && visible && !prev._visible) { prev = prev._prev; } return prev; }; Class.prototype.visit = function(visitor, data) { var reverse = visitor.reverse; var visible = visitor.visible; if (visitor.start && visitor.start(this, data)) { return; } var child, next = reverse ? this.last(visible) : this.first(visible); while (child = next) { next = reverse ? child.prev(visible) : child.next(visible); if (child.visit(visitor, data)) { return true; } } return visitor.end && visitor.end(this, data); }; Class.prototype.append = function(child, more) { if (is.array(child)) for (var i = 0; i < child.length; i++) append(this, child[i]); else if (typeof more !== "undefined") // deprecated for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) append(this, arguments[i]); else if (typeof child !== "undefined") append(this, child); return this; }; Class.prototype.prepend = function(child, more) { if (is.array(child)) for (var i = child.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) prepend(this, child[i]); else if (typeof more !== "undefined") // deprecated for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) prepend(this, arguments[i]); else if (typeof child !== "undefined") prepend(this, child); return this; }; Class.prototype.appendTo = function(parent) { append(parent, this); return this; }; Class.prototype.prependTo = function(parent) { prepend(parent, this); return this; }; Class.prototype.insertNext = function(sibling, more) { if (is.array(sibling)) for (var i = 0; i < sibling.length; i++) insertAfter(sibling[i], this); else if (typeof more !== "undefined") // deprecated for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) insertAfter(arguments[i], this); else if (typeof sibling !== "undefined") insertAfter(sibling, this); return this; }; Class.prototype.insertPrev = function(sibling, more) { if (is.array(sibling)) for (var i = sibling.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) insertBefore(sibling[i], this); else if (typeof more !== "undefined") // deprecated for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) insertBefore(arguments[i], this); else if (typeof sibling !== "undefined") insertBefore(sibling, this); return this; }; Class.prototype.insertAfter = function(prev) { insertAfter(this, prev); return this; }; Class.prototype.insertBefore = function(next) { insertBefore(this, next); return this; }; function append(parent, child) { _ensure(child); _ensure(parent); child.remove(); if (parent._last) { parent._last._next = child; child._prev = parent._last; } child._parent = parent; parent._last = child; if (!parent._first) { parent._first = child; } child._parent._flag(child, true); child._ts_parent = ++iid; parent._ts_children = ++iid; parent.touch(); } function prepend(parent, child) { _ensure(child); _ensure(parent); child.remove(); if (parent._first) { parent._first._prev = child; child._next = parent._first; } child._parent = parent; parent._first = child; if (!parent._last) { parent._last = child; } child._parent._flag(child, true); child._ts_parent = ++iid; parent._ts_children = ++iid; parent.touch(); } function insertBefore(self, next) { _ensure(self); _ensure(next); self.remove(); var parent = next._parent; var prev = next._prev; next._prev = self; prev && (prev._next = self) || parent && (parent._first = self); self._parent = parent; self._prev = prev; self._next = next; self._parent._flag(self, true); self._ts_parent = ++iid; self.touch(); } function insertAfter(self, prev) { _ensure(self); _ensure(prev); self.remove(); var parent = prev._parent; var next = prev._next; prev._next = self; next && (next._prev = self) || parent && (parent._last = self); self._parent = parent; self._prev = prev; self._next = next; self._parent._flag(self, true); self._ts_parent = ++iid; self.touch(); } Class.prototype.remove = function(child, more) { if (typeof child !== "undefined") { if (is.array(child)) { for (var i = 0; i < child.length; i++) _ensure(child[i]).remove(); } else if (typeof more !== "undefined") { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) _ensure(arguments[i]).remove(); } else { _ensure(child).remove(); } return this; } if (this._prev) { this._prev._next = this._next; } if (this._next) { this._next._prev = this._prev; } if (this._parent) { if (this._parent._first === this) { this._parent._first = this._next; } if (this._parent._last === this) { this._parent._last = this._prev; } this._parent._flag(this, false); this._parent._ts_children = ++iid; this._parent.touch(); } this._prev = this._next = this._parent = null; this._ts_parent = ++iid; // this._parent.touch(); return this; }; Class.prototype.empty = function() { var child, next = this._first; while (child = next) { next = child._next; child._prev = child._next = child._parent = null; this._flag(child, false); } this._first = this._last = null; this._ts_children = ++iid; this.touch(); return this; }; Class.prototype.touch = function() { this._ts_touch = ++iid; this._parent && this._parent.touch(); return this; }; /** * Deep flags used for optimizing event distribution. */ Class.prototype._flag = function(obj, name) { if (typeof name === "undefined") { return this._flags !== null && this._flags[obj] || 0; } if (typeof obj === "string") { if (name) { this._flags = this._flags || {}; if (!this._flags[obj] && this._parent) { this._parent._flag(obj, true); } this._flags[obj] = (this._flags[obj] || 0) + 1; } else if (this._flags && this._flags[obj] > 0) { if (this._flags[obj] == 1 && this._parent) { this._parent._flag(obj, false); } this._flags[obj] = this._flags[obj] - 1; } } if (typeof obj === "object") { if (obj._flags) { for (var type in obj._flags) { if (obj._flags[type] > 0) { this._flag(type, name); } } } } return this; }; /** * @private */ Class.prototype.hitTest = function(hit) { if (this.attr("spy")) { return true; } return hit.x >= 0 && hit.x <= this._pin._width && hit.y >= 0 && hit.y <= this._pin._height; }; function _ensure(obj) { if (obj && obj instanceof Class) { return obj; } throw "Invalid node: " + obj; } module.exports = Class; },{"./core":8,"./util/is":25}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function() { var count = 0; function fork(fn, n) { count += n = typeof n === "number" && n >= 1 ? n : 1; return function() { fn && fn.apply(this, arguments); if (n > 0) { n--, count--, call(); } }; } var then = []; function call() { if (count === 0) { while (then.length) { setTimeout(then.shift(), 0); } } } fork.then = function(fn) { if (count === 0) { setTimeout(fn, 0); } else { then.push(fn); } }; return fork; }; },{}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ if (typeof Object.create == "function") { module.exports = function(proto, props) { return Object.create.call(Object, proto, props); }; } else { module.exports = function(proto, props) { if (props) throw Error("Second argument is not supported!"); if (typeof proto !== "object" || proto === null) throw Error("Invalid prototype!"); noop.prototype = proto; return new noop(); }; function noop() {} } },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(prototype, callback) { prototype._listeners = null; prototype.on = prototype.listen = function(types, listener) { if (!types || !types.length || typeof listener !== "function") { return this; } if (this._listeners === null) { this._listeners = {}; } var isarray = typeof types !== "string" && typeof types.join === "function"; if (types = (isarray ? types.join(" ") : types).match(/\S+/g)) { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var type = types[i]; this._listeners[type] = this._listeners[type] || []; this._listeners[type].push(listener); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(this, type, true); } } } return this; }; prototype.off = function(types, listener) { if (!types || !types.length || typeof listener !== "function") { return this; } if (this._listeners === null) { return this; } var isarray = typeof types !== "string" && typeof types.join === "function"; if (types = (isarray ? types.join(" ") : types).match(/\S+/g)) { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var type = types[i], all = this._listeners[type], index; if (all && (index = all.indexOf(listener)) >= 0) { all.splice(index, 1); if (!all.length) { delete this._listeners[type]; } if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(this, type, false); } } } } return this; }; prototype.listeners = function(type) { return this._listeners && this._listeners[type]; }; prototype.publish = function(name, args) { var listeners = this.listeners(name); if (!listeners || !listeners.length) { return 0; } for (var l = 0; l < listeners.length; l++) { listeners[l].apply(this, args); } return listeners.length; }; prototype.trigger = function(name, args) { this.publish(name, args); return this; }; }; },{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(base) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var obj = arguments[i]; for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { base[key] = obj[key]; } } } return base; }; },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var objProto = Object.prototype; var owns = objProto.hasOwnProperty; var toStr = objProto.toString; var NON_HOST_TYPES = { "boolean": 1, number: 1, string: 1, undefined: 1 }; var hexRegex = /^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$/; var is = module.exports = {}; is.a = is.an = is.type = function(value, type) { return typeof value === type; }; is.defined = function(value) { return typeof value !== "undefined"; }; is.empty = function(value) { var type = toStr.call(value); var key; if ("[object Array]" === type || "[object Arguments]" === type || "[object String]" === type) { return value.length === 0; } if ("[object Object]" === type) { for (key in value) { if (owns.call(value, key)) { return false; } } return true; } return !value; }; is.equal = function(value, other) { if (value === other) { return true; } var type = toStr.call(value); var key; if (type !== toStr.call(other)) { return false; } if ("[object Object]" === type) { for (key in value) { if (!is.equal(value[key], other[key]) || !(key in other)) { return false; } } for (key in other) { if (!is.equal(value[key], other[key]) || !(key in value)) { return false; } } return true; } if ("[object Array]" === type) { key = value.length; if (key !== other.length) { return false; } while (--key) { if (!is.equal(value[key], other[key])) { return false; } } return true; } if ("[object Function]" === type) { return value.prototype === other.prototype; } if ("[object Date]" === type) { return value.getTime() === other.getTime(); } return false; }; is.instance = function(value, constructor) { return value instanceof constructor; }; is.nil = function(value) { return value === null; }; is.undef = function(value) { return typeof value === "undefined"; }; is.array = function(value) { return "[object Array]" === toStr.call(value); }; is.emptyarray = function(value) { return is.array(value) && value.length === 0; }; is.arraylike = function(value) { return !!value && !is.boolean(value) && owns.call(value, "length") && isFinite(value.length) && is.number(value.length) && value.length >= 0; }; is.boolean = function(value) { return "[object Boolean]" === toStr.call(value); }; is.element = function(value) { return value !== undefined && typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && value instanceof HTMLElement && value.nodeType === 1; }; is.fn = function(value) { return "[object Function]" === toStr.call(value); }; is.number = function(value) { return "[object Number]" === toStr.call(value); }; is.nan = function(value) { return !is.number(value) || value !== value; }; is.object = function(value) { return "[object Object]" === toStr.call(value); }; is.hash = function(value) { return is.object(value) && value.constructor === Object && !value.nodeType && !value.setInterval; }; is.regexp = function(value) { return "[object RegExp]" === toStr.call(value); }; is.string = function(value) { return "[object String]" === toStr.call(value); }; is.hex = function(value) { return is.string(value) && (!value.length || hexRegex.test(value)); }; },{}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ var create = require("./create"); var native = Math; module.exports = create(Math); module.exports.random = function(min, max) { if (typeof min === "undefined") { max = 1, min = 0; } else if (typeof max === "undefined") { max = min, min = 0; } return min == max ? min : native.random() * (max - min) + min; }; module.exports.rotate = function(num, min, max) { if (typeof min === "undefined") { max = 1, min = 0; } else if (typeof max === "undefined") { max = min, min = 0; } if (max > min) { num = (num - min) % (max - min); return num + (num < 0 ? max : min); } else { num = (num - max) % (min - max); return num + (num <= 0 ? min : max); } }; module.exports.limit = function(num, min, max) { if (num < min) { return min; } else if (num > max) { return max; } else { return num; } }; module.exports.length = function(x, y) { return native.sqrt(x * x + y * y); }; },{"./create":22}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(img, owidth, oheight, stretch, inner, insert) { var width = img.width; var height = img.height; var left = img.left; var right = img.right; var top = img.top; var bottom = img.bottom; left = typeof left === "number" && left === left ? left : 0; right = typeof right === "number" && right === right ? right : 0; top = typeof top === "number" && top === top ? top : 0; bottom = typeof bottom === "number" && bottom === bottom ? bottom : 0; width = width - left - right; height = height - top - bottom; if (!inner) { owidth = Math.max(owidth - left - right, 0); oheight = Math.max(oheight - top - bottom, 0); } var i = 0; if (top > 0 && left > 0) insert(i++, 0, 0, left, top, 0, 0, left, top); if (bottom > 0 && left > 0) insert(i++, 0, height + top, left, bottom, 0, oheight + top, left, bottom); if (top > 0 && right > 0) insert(i++, width + left, 0, right, top, owidth + left, 0, right, top); if (bottom > 0 && right > 0) insert(i++, width + left, height + top, right, bottom, owidth + left, oheight + top, right, bottom); if (stretch) { if (top > 0) insert(i++, left, 0, width, top, left, 0, owidth, top); if (bottom > 0) insert(i++, left, height + top, width, bottom, left, oheight + top, owidth, bottom); if (left > 0) insert(i++, 0, top, left, height, 0, top, left, oheight); if (right > 0) insert(i++, width + left, top, right, height, owidth + left, top, right, oheight); // center insert(i++, left, top, width, height, left, top, owidth, oheight); } else { // tile var l = left, r = owidth, w; while (r > 0) { w = Math.min(width, r), r -= width; var t = top, b = oheight, h; while (b > 0) { h = Math.min(height, b), b -= height; insert(i++, left, top, w, h, l, t, w, h); if (r <= 0) { if (left) insert(i++, 0, top, left, h, 0, t, left, h); if (right) insert(i++, width + left, top, right, h, l + w, t, right, h); } t += h; } if (top) insert(i++, left, 0, w, top, l, 0, w, top); if (bottom) insert(i++, left, height + top, w, bottom, l, t, w, bottom); l += w; } } return i; }; },{}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = {}; },{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports.startsWith = function(str, sub) { return typeof str === "string" && typeof sub === "string" && str.substring(0, sub.length) == sub; }; },{}]},{},[1])(1) });