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 * Command-line interface parser that will make you smile.
 * - http://docopt.org
 * - Repository and issue-tracker: https://github.com/docopt/docopt.php
 * - Licensed under terms of MIT license (see LICENSE-MIT)
 * - Copyright (c) 2013 Vladimir Keleshev, vladimir@keleshev.com
 *                      Blake Williams, <code@shabbyrobe.org>

namespace Docopt;

 * Return true if all cased characters in the string are uppercase and there is
 * at least one cased character, false otherwise.
 * Python method with no known equivalent in PHP.
function is_upper($string) {
    return preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $string) && !preg_match('/[a-z]/', $string);

 * Return True if any element of the iterable is true. If the iterable is empty, return False.
 * Python method with no known equivalent in PHP.
function any($iterable) {
   foreach ($iterable as $element) {
      if ($element) {
          return true;
    return false;

 * The PHP version of this function doesn't work properly if the values aren't scalar.
function array_count_values($array) {
    $counts = [];
   foreach ($array as $v) {
      if ($v && is_scalar($v)) {
          $key = $v;
      } else if (is_object($v)) {
          $key = spl_object_hash($v);
      } else {
         $key = serialize($v);

      if (!isset($counts[$key])) {
          $counts[$key] = [$v, 1];
      } else {
    return $counts;

 * The PHP version of this doesn't support array iterators
function array_filter($input, $callback, $reKey = false) {
   if ($input instanceof \ArrayIterator) {
       $input = $input->getArrayCopy();

    $filtered = \array_filter($input, $callback);
   if ($reKey) {
      $filtered = array_values($filtered);
    return $filtered;

 * The PHP version of this doesn't support array iterators
function array_merge() {
    $values = func_get_args();
    $resolved = [];
   foreach ($values as $v) {
      if ($v instanceof \ArrayIterator) {
          $resolved[] = $v->getArrayCopy();
      } else {
         $resolved[] = $v;
    return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $resolved);

function ends_with($str, $test) {
    $len = strlen($test);
    return substr_compare($str, $test, -$len, $len) === 0;

function get_class_name($obj) {
    $cls = get_class($obj);
    return substr($cls, strpos($cls, '\\')+1);

function dump($val) {
   if (is_array($val) || $val instanceof \Traversable) {
      echo '[';
      $cur = [];
      foreach ($val as $i) {
          $cur[] = $i->dump();
      echo implode(', ', $cur);
      echo ']';
   } else {
      echo $val->dump();

function dump_scalar($scalar) {
   if ($scalar === null) {
       return 'None';
   } else if ($scalar === false) {
       return 'False';
   } else if ($scalar === true) {
       return 'True';
   } else if (is_int($scalar) || is_float($scalar)) {
       return $scalar;
   } else {
      return "'$scalar'";

 * Error in construction of usage-message by developer
class LanguageError extends \Exception

 * Exit in case user invoked program with incorrect arguments.
 * DocoptExit equivalent.
class ExitException extends \RuntimeException
   public static $usage;

   public $status;

   public function __construct($message = null, $status = 1) {
      $this->status = $status;


class Pattern

   public function __toString() {
      return serialize($this);

   public function hash() {
      return crc32((string)$this);

   public function fix() {
      return $this;

     * Make pattern-tree tips point to same object if they are equal.
   public function fixIdentities($uniq = null) {
      if (!isset($this->children) || !$this->children) {
          return $this;

      if (!$uniq) {
         $uniq = array_unique($this->flat());

      foreach ($this->children as $i=>$c) {
         if (!$c instanceof ParentPattern) {
            if (!in_array($c, $uniq)) {
               // Not sure if this is a true substitute for 'assert c in uniq'
               throw new \UnexpectedValueException();
            $this->children[$i] = $uniq[array_search($c, $uniq)];
         } else {

     * Fix elements that should accumulate/increment values.
   public function fixRepeatingArguments() {
      $either = [];
      foreach ($this->either()->children as $c) {
         $either[] = $c->children;

      foreach ($either as $case) {
         $case = array_map(
               function($value) { return $value[0]; },
             array_filter(array_count_values($case), function($value) { return $value[1] > 1; })

         foreach ($case as $e) {
            if ($e instanceof Argument || ($e instanceof Option && $e->argcount)) {
               if (!$e->value) {
                  $e->value = [];
               } else if (!is_array($e->value) && !$e->value instanceof \Traversable) {
                  $e->value = preg_split('/\s+/', $e->value);
            if ($e instanceof Command || ($e instanceof Option && $e->argcount == 0)) {
               $e->value = 0;

      return $this;

     * Transform pattern into an equivalent, with only top-level Either.
   public function either() {
      // Currently the pattern will not be equivalent, but more "narrow",
      // although good enough to reason about list arguments.
      $ret = [];
      $groups = [[$this]];
      while ($groups) {
         $children = array_pop($groups);
         $types = [];
         foreach ($children as $c) {
            if (is_object($c)) {
               $cls = get_class($c);
               $types[] = substr($cls, strrpos($cls, '\\')+1);

         if (in_array('Either', $types)) {
            $either = null;
            foreach ($children as $c) {
               if ($c instanceof Either) {
                  $either = $c;

            unset($children[array_search($either, $children)]);
            foreach ($either->children as $c) {
               $groups[] = array_merge([$c], $children);
         } else if (in_array('Required', $types)) {
            $required = null;
            foreach ($children as $c) {
               if ($c instanceof Required) {
                  $required = $c;
            unset($children[array_search($required, $children)]);
            $groups[] = array_merge($required->children, $children);
         } else if (in_array('Optional', $types)) {
            $optional = null;
            foreach ($children as $c) {
               if ($c instanceof Optional) {
                  $optional = $c;
            unset($children[array_search($optional, $children)]);
            $groups[] = array_merge($optional->children, $children);
         } else if (in_array('AnyOptions', $types)) {
            $optional = null;
            foreach ($children as $c) {
               if ($c instanceof AnyOptions) {
                  $optional = $c;
            unset($children[array_search($optional, $children)]);
            $groups[] = array_merge($optional->children, $children);
         } else if (in_array('OneOrMore', $types)) {
            $oneormore = null;
            foreach ($children as $c) {
               if ($c instanceof OneOrMore) {
                  $oneormore = $c;
            unset($children[array_search($oneormore, $children)]);
            $groups[] = array_merge($oneormore->children, $oneormore->children, $children);
         } else {
            $ret[] = $children;

      $rs = [];
      foreach ($ret as $e) {
         $rs[] = new Required($e);
      return new Either($rs);

   public function name() {

   public function __get($name) {
      if ($name == 'name') {
          return $this->name();
      } else {
         throw new \BadMethodCallException("Unknown property $name");


class ChildPattern extends Pattern

   public function flat($types = []) {
      $types = is_array($types) ? $types : [$types];

      if (!$types || in_array(get_class_name($this), $types)) {
          return [$this];
      } else {
         return [];

   public function match($left, $collected = null) {
      if (!$collected) {
         $collected = [];

      list ($pos, $match) = $this->singleMatch($left);
      if (!$match) {
          return [false, $left, $collected];

      $left_ = $left;
      $left_ = array_values($left_);

      $name = $this->name;
      $sameName = array_filter($collected, function ($a) use ($name) { return $name == $a->name; }, true);

      if (is_int($this->value) || is_array($this->value) || $this->value instanceof \Traversable) {
         if (is_int($this->value)) {
             $increment = 1;
         } else {
            $increment = is_string($match->value) ? [$match->value] : $match->value;

         if (!$sameName) {
            $match->value = $increment;
            return [true, $left_, array_merge($collected, [$match])];

         if (is_array($increment) || $increment instanceof \Traversable) {
             $sameName[0]->value = array_merge($sameName[0]->value, $increment);
         } else {
            $sameName[0]->value += $increment;

         return [true, $left_, $collected];

      return [true, $left_, array_merge($collected, [$match])];


class ParentPattern extends Pattern
   public $children = [];

   public function __construct($children = null) {
      if (!$children) {
          $children = [];
      } else if ($children instanceof Pattern) {
          $children = [$children];

      foreach ($children as $c) {
         $this->children[] = $c;

   public function flat($types = []) {
      $types = is_array($types) ? $types : [$types];
      if (in_array(get_class_name($this), $types)) {
          return [$this];

      $flat = [];
      foreach ($this->children as $c) {
         $flat = array_merge($flat, $c->flat($types));
      return $flat;

   public function dump() {
      $out = get_class_name($this).'(';
      $cd = [];
      foreach ($this->children as $c) {
         $cd[] = $c->dump();
      $out .= implode(', ', $cd).')';
      return $out;


class Argument extends ChildPattern
   public $name;
   public $value;

   public function __construct($name, $value = null) {
      $this->name = $name;
      $this->value = $value;

   public function singleMatch($left) {
      foreach ($left as $n=>$p) {
         if ($p instanceof Argument) {
            return [$n, new Argument($this->name, $p->value)];

      return [null, null];

   public static function parse($source) {
      $name = null;
      $value = null;

      if (preg_match_all('@(<\S*?>)@', $source, $matches)) {
         $name = $matches[0][0];
      if (preg_match_all('@\[default: (.*)\]@i', $source, $matches)) {
         $value = $matches[0][1];

      return new static($name, $value);

   public function dump() {
      return "Argument('".dump_scalar($this->name)."', ".dump_scalar($this->value)."')";


class Command extends Argument
   public $name;
   public $value;

   public function __construct($name, $value = false) {
      $this->name = $name;
      $this->value = $value;

   function singleMatch($left) {
      foreach ($left as $n=>$p) {
         if ($p instanceof Argument) {
            if ($p->value == $this->name) {
                return [$n, new Command($this->name, true)];
            } else {
      return [null, null];


class Option extends ChildPattern
   public $short;
   public $long;

   public function __construct($short = null, $long = null, $argcount = 0, $value = false) {
      if ($argcount != 0 && $argcount != 1) {
          throw new \InvalidArgumentException();

      $this->short = $short;
      $this->long = $long;
      $this->argcount = $argcount;
      $this->value = $value;

      // Python checks "value is False". maybe we should check "$value === false"
      if (!$value && $argcount) {
          $this->value = null;

   public static function parse($optionDescription) {
      $short = null;
      $long = null;
      $argcount = 0;
      $value = false;

      $exp = explode('  ', trim($optionDescription), 2);
      $options = $exp[0];
      $description = isset($exp[1]) ? $exp[1] : '';

      $options = str_replace(',', ' ', str_replace('=', ' ', $options));
      foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $options) as $s) {
         if (strpos($s, '--')===0) {
             $long = $s;
         } else if ($s && $s[0] == '-') {
             $short = $s;
         } else {
            $argcount = 1;

      if ($argcount) {
         $value = null;
         if (preg_match('@\[default: (.*)\]@i', $description, $match)) {
            $value = $match[1];

      return new static($short, $long, $argcount, $value);

   public function singleMatch($left) {
      foreach ($left as $n=>$p) {
         if ($this->name == $p->name) {
            return [$n, $p];
      return [null, null];

   public function name() {
      return $this->long ?: $this->short;

   public function dump() {
      return "Option('{$this->short}', ".dump_scalar($this->long).", ".dump_scalar($this->argcount).", ".dump_scalar($this->value).")";


class Required extends ParentPattern

   public function match($left, $collected = null) {
      if (!$collected) {
          $collected = [];

      $l = $left;
      $c = $collected;

      foreach ($this->children as $p) {
         list ($matched, $l, $c) = $p->match($l, $c);
         if (!$matched) {
             return [false, $left, $collected];

      return [true, $l, $c];


class Optional extends ParentPattern

   public function match($left, $collected = null) {
      if (!$collected) {
          $collected = [];

      foreach ($this->children as $p) {
         list($m, $left, $collected) = $p->match($left, $collected);

      return [true, $left, $collected];


 * Marker/placeholder for [options] shortcut.
class AnyOptions extends Optional

class OneOrMore extends ParentPattern

   public function match($left, $collected = null) {
      if (count($this->children) != 1) {
          throw new \UnexpectedValueException();

      if (!$collected) {
          $collected = [];

      $l = $left;
      $c = $collected;

      $lnew = [];
      $matched = true;
      $times = 0;

      while ($matched) {
         // could it be that something didn't match but changed l or c?
         list ($matched, $l, $c) = $this->children[0]->match($l, $c);
         if ($matched) {
            $times += 1;
         if ($lnew == $l) {
         $lnew = $l;

      if ($times >= 1) {
          return [true, $l, $c];
      } else {
         return [false, $left, $collected];


class Either extends ParentPattern

   public function match($left, $collected = null) {
      if (!$collected) {
          $collected = [];

      $outcomes = [];
      foreach ($this->children as $p) {
         list ($matched, $dump1, $dump2) = $outcome = $p->match($left, $collected);
         if ($matched) {
             $outcomes[] = $outcome;
      if ($outcomes) {
         // return min(outcomes, key=lambda outcome: len(outcome[1]))
         $min = null;
         $ret = null;
         foreach ($outcomes as $o) {
            $cnt = count($o[1]);
            if ($min === null || $cnt < $min) {
               $min = $cnt;
               $ret = $o;
         return $ret;
      } else {
         return [false, $left, $collected];


class TokenStream extends \ArrayIterator
   public $error;

   public function __construct($source, $error) {
      if (!is_array($source)) {
          $source = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($source));


      $this->error = $error;

   function move() {
      $item = $this->current();
      return $item;

   function raiseException($message) {
      $class = __NAMESPACE__.'\\'.$this->error;
      throw new $class($message);


 * long ::= '--' chars [ ( ' ' | '=' ) chars ] ;
function parse_long($tokens, \ArrayIterator $options) {
    $token = $tokens->move();
    $exploded = explode('=', $token, 2);
   if (count($exploded) == 2) {
      $long = $exploded[0];
      $eq = '=';
      $value = $exploded[1];
   } else {
      $long = $token;
      $eq = null;
      $value = null;

   if (strpos($long, '--') !== 0) {
       throw new \UnexpectedValueExeption();

   if (!$value) {
      $value = null;

    $similar = array_filter($options, function($o) use ($long) { return $o->long && $o->long == $long; }, true);
   if ('ExitException' == $tokens->error && !$similar) {
       $similar = array_filter($options, function($o) use ($long) { return $o->long && strpos($o->long, $long)===0; }, true);

   if (count($similar) > 1) {
      // might be simply specified ambiguously 2+ times?
      $tokens->raiseException("$long is not a unique prefix: ".implode(', ', array_map(function($o) { return $o->long; }, $similar)));
   } else if (count($similar) < 1) {
      $argcount = $eq == '=' ? 1 : 0;
      $o = new Option(null, $long, $argcount);
      $options[] = $o;
      if ($tokens->error == 'ExitException') {
         $o = new Option(null, $long, $argcount, $argcount ? $value : true);
   } else {
      $o = new Option($similar[0]->short, $similar[0]->long, $similar[0]->argcount, $similar[0]->value);
      if ($o->argcount == 0) {
         if ($value !== null) {
            $tokens->raiseException("{$o->long} must not have an argument");
      } else {
         if ($value === null) {
            if ($tokens->current() === null) {
               $tokens->raiseException("{$o->long} requires argument");
            $value = $tokens->move();
      if ($tokens->error == 'ExitException') {
         $o->value = $value !== null ? $value : true;

    return [$o];

 * shorts ::= '-' ( chars )* [ [ ' ' ] chars ] ;
function parse_shorts($tokens, \ArrayIterator $options) {
    $token = $tokens->move();

   if (strpos($token, '-') !== 0 || strpos($token, '--') === 0) {
       throw new \UnexpectedValueExeption();

    $left = ltrim($token, '-');
    $parsed = [];
   while ($left != '') {
      $short = '-'.$left[0];
      $left = substr($left, 1);
      $similar = [];
      foreach ($options as $o) {
         if ($o->short == $short) {
             $similar[] = $o;

      $similarCnt = count($similar);
      if ($similarCnt > 1) {
         $tokens->raiseException("$short is specified ambiguously $similarCnt times");
      } else if ($similarCnt < 1) {
         $o = new Option($short, null, 0);
         $options[] = $o;
         if ($tokens->error == 'ExitException') {
             $o = new Option($short, null, 0, true);
      } else {
         $o = new Option($short, $similar[0]->long, $similar[0]->argcount, $similar[0]->value);
         $value = null;
         if ($o->argcount != 0) {
            if ($left == '') {
               if ($tokens->current() === null) {
                   $tokens->raiseException("$short requires argument");
               $value = $tokens->move();
            } else {
               $value = $left;
               $left = '';
         if ($tokens->error == 'ExitException') {
            $o->value = $value !== null ? $value : true;
      $parsed[] = $o;

    return $parsed;

function parse_pattern($source, \ArrayIterator $options) {
    $tokens = new TokenStream(preg_replace('@([\[\]\(\)\|]|\.\.\.)@', ' $1 ', $source), 'LanguageError');

    $result = parse_expr($tokens, $options);
   if ($tokens->current() != null) {
      $tokens->raiseException('unexpected ending: '.implode(' ', $tokens));
    return new Required($result);

 * expr ::= seq ( '|' seq )* ;
function parse_expr($tokens, \ArrayIterator $options) {
    $seq = parse_seq($tokens, $options);
   if ($tokens->current() != '|') {
       return $seq;

    $result = null;
   if (count($seq) > 1) {
       $result = [new Required($seq)];
   } else {
      $result = $seq;

   while ($tokens->current() == '|') {
      $seq = parse_seq($tokens, $options);
      if (count($seq) > 1) {
          $result[] = new Required($seq);
      } else {
         $result = array_merge($result, $seq);

   if (count($result) > 1) {
       return new Either($result);
   } else {
      return $result;

 * seq ::= ( atom [ '...' ] )* ;
function parse_seq($tokens, \ArrayIterator $options) {
    $result = [];
    $not = [null, '', ']', ')', '|'];
   while (!in_array($tokens->current(), $not, true)) {
      $atom = parse_atom($tokens, $options);
      if ($tokens->current() == '...') {
         $atom = [new OneOrMore($atom)];
      if ($atom instanceof \ArrayIterator) {
          $atom = $atom->getArrayCopy();
      if ($atom) {
         $result = array_merge($result, $atom);
    return $result;

 * atom ::= '(' expr ')' | '[' expr ']' | 'options'
 *       | long | shorts | argument | command ;
function parse_atom($tokens, \ArrayIterator $options) {
    $token = $tokens->current();
    $result = [];
   if ($token == '(' || $token == '[') {

      static $index;
      if (!$index) {
         $index = ['('=>[')', __NAMESPACE__.'\Required'], '['=>[']', __NAMESPACE__.'\Optional']];
      list ($matching, $pattern) = $index[$token];

      $result = new $pattern(parse_expr($tokens, $options));
      if ($tokens->move() != $matching) {
          $tokens->raiseException("Unmatched '$token'");

      return [$result];
   } else if ($token == 'options') {
      return [new AnyOptions];
   } else if (strpos($token, '--') === 0 && $token != '--') {
      return parse_long($tokens, $options);
   } else if (strpos($token, '-') === 0 && $token != '-' && $token != '--') {
      return parse_shorts($tokens, $options);
   } else if (strpos($token, '<') === 0 && ends_with($token, '>') || is_upper($token)) {
      return [new Argument($tokens->move())];
   } else {
      return [new Command($tokens->move())];

 * Parse command-line argument vector.
 * If options_first:
 *     argv ::= [ long | shorts ]* [ argument ]* [ '--' [ argument ]* ] ;
 * else:
 *     argv ::= [ long | shorts | argument ]* [ '--' [ argument ]* ] ;
function parse_argv($tokens, \ArrayIterator $options, $optionsFirst = false) {
    $parsed = [];

   while ($tokens->current() !== null) {
      if ($tokens->current() == '--') {
         foreach ($tokens as $v) {
            $parsed[] = new Argument(null, $v);
         return $parsed;
      } else if (strpos($tokens->current(), '--')===0) {
         $parsed = array_merge($parsed, parse_long($tokens, $options));
      } else if (strpos($tokens->current(), '-')===0 && $tokens->current() != '-') {
         $parsed = array_merge($parsed, parse_shorts($tokens, $options));
      } else if ($optionsFirst) {
         return array_merge($parsed, array_map(function($v) { return new Argument(null, $v); }, $tokens));
      } else {
         $parsed[] = new Argument(null, $tokens->move());
    return $parsed;

function parse_defaults($doc) {
    $splitTmp = array_slice(preg_split('@\n[ ]*(<\S+?>|-\S+?)@', $doc, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE), 1);
    $split = [];
   for ($cnt = count($splitTmp), $i=0; $i < $cnt; $i+=2) {
      $split[] = $splitTmp[$i] . (isset($splitTmp[$i+1]) ? $splitTmp[$i+1] : '');
    $options = new \ArrayIterator();
   foreach ($split as $s) {
      if (strpos($s, '-') === 0) {
          $options[] = Option::parse($s);
    return $options;

function printable_usage($doc) {
    $usageSplit = preg_split("@([Uu][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]:)@", $doc, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

   if (count($usageSplit) < 3) {
       throw new LanguageError('"usage:" (case-insensitive) not found.');
   } else if (count($usageSplit) > 3) {
       throw new LanguageError('More than one "usage:" (case-insensitive).');

    $split = preg_split("@\n\s*\n@", implode('', array_slice($usageSplit, 1)));

    return trim($split[0]);

function formal_usage($printableUsage) {
    $pu = array_slice(preg_split('/\s+/', $printableUsage), 1);

    $ret = [];
   foreach (array_slice($pu, 1) as $s) {
      if ($s == $pu[0]) {
          $ret[] = ') | (';
      } else {
         $ret[] = $s;

    return '( '.implode(' ', $ret).' )';

function extras($help, $version, $options, $doc) {
    $ofound = false;
    $vfound = false;
   foreach ($options as $o) {
      if ($o->value && ($o->name == '-h' || $o->name == '--help')) {
          $ofound = true;
      if ($o->value && $o->name == '--version') {
          $vfound = true;
   if ($help && $ofound) {
      \ExitException::$usage = null;
      throw new \ExitException($doc, 0);
   if ($version && $vfound) {
      \ExitException::$usage = null;
      throw new \ExitException($version, 0);

 * API compatibility with python docopt
function docopt($doc, $params = []) {
    $argv = [];
   if (isset($params['argv'])) {
      $argv = $params['argv'];
    $h = new Handler($params);
    return $h->handle($doc, $argv);

 * Use a class in PHP because we can't autoload functions yet.
class Handler
   public $exit = true;
   public $help = true;
   public $optionsFirst = false;
   public $version;

   public function __construct($options = []) {
      foreach ($options as $k=>$v) {
          $this->$k = $v;

   function handle($doc, $argv = null) {
      try {
         if (!$argv && isset($_SERVER['argv'])) {
             $argv = array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1);

         \ExitException::$usage = printable_usage($doc);
         $options = parse_defaults($doc);

         $formalUse = formal_usage(\ExitException::$usage);
         $pattern = parse_pattern($formalUse, $options);
         $argv = parse_argv(new TokenStream($argv, 'ExitException'), $options, $this->optionsFirst);
         foreach ($pattern->flat('AnyOptions') as $ao) {
            $docOptions = parse_defaults($doc);
            $ao->children = array_diff((array)$docOptions, $pattern->flat('Option'));

         extras($this->help, $this->version, $argv, $doc);

         list($matched, $left, $collected) = $pattern->fix()->match($argv);
         if ($matched && !$left) {
            $return = [];
            foreach (array_merge($pattern->flat(), $collected) as $a) {
               $name = $a->name;
               if ($name) {
                   $return[$name] = $a->value;
            return new Response($return);
         throw new \ExitException();
      } catch (\ExitException $ex) {
         return new Response(null, $ex->status, $ex->getMessage());

   function handleExit(\ExitException $ex) {
      if ($this->exit) {
         echo $ex->getMessage().PHP_EOL;


class Response implements \ArrayAccess, \IteratorAggregate
   public $status;
   public $output;
   public $args;

   public function __construct($args, $status = 0, $output = '') {
      $this->args = $args ?: [];
      $this->status = $status;
      $this->output = $output;

   public function __get($name) {
      if ($name == 'success') {
          return $this->status === 0;
      } else {
         throw new \BadMethodCallException("Unknown property $name");

   public function offsetExists($offset) {
      return isset($this->args[$offset]);

   public function offsetGet($offset) {
      return $this->args[$offset];

   public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
      $this->args[$offset] = $value;

   public function offsetUnset($offset) {

   public function getIterator () {
      return new \ArrayIterator($this->args);


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0