Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/infra/fusioninventory/lib/lazy.js-0.5.1/spec/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/infra/fusioninventory/lib/lazy.js-0.5.1/spec/lazy_spec.js |
describe("Lazy", function() { it("wraps an array which can be easily unwrapped", function() { var result = Lazy(people); expect(result.toArray()).toEqual(people); }); it("has no effect if wrapping an already-lazy collection", function() { var doubleWrapped = Lazy(Lazy(people)); expect(doubleWrapped.toArray()).toEqual(people); }); describe("define", function() { it("requires custom sequences to implement at least getIterator or each", function() { expect(function() { Lazy.Sequence.define("blah", {}); }).toThrow(); }); it("assigns functionality to the Sequence prototype", function() { var HodorSequence = Lazy.Sequence.define("hodor", { each: function(fn) { return this.parent.each(function(e) { return fn("hodor"); }); } }); expect(Lazy([1, 2, 3]).hodor().toArray()).toEqual(["hodor", "hodor", "hodor"]); }); }); describe("generate", function() { it("allows generation of arbitrary sequences", function() { var sequence = Lazy.generate(function(i) { return i; }) .drop(1) .take(3) .toArray(); expect(sequence).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); it("can be iterated just like any other sequence", function() { var randomNumbers = Lazy.generate(function(i) { return Math.random(); }); // Iterate over the numbers until there's a number > 0.5. randomNumbers.each(function(x) { if (x > 0.5) { return false; } }); }); it("provides 'random access'", function() { var naturalNumbers = Lazy.generate(function(i) { return i + 1; }); expect(naturalNumbers.get(9)).toEqual(10); }); it("has an undefined length", function() { var naturalNumbers = Lazy.generate(function(i) { return i + 1; }); expect(naturalNumbers.length()).toBeUndefined(); }); it("does let you specify a length if you want", function() { var oneThroughFive = Lazy.generate(function(i) { return i + 1; }, 5).toArray(); expect(oneThroughFive).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }); }); describe("range", function() { it("returns a sequence from 0 to stop (exclusive), incremented by 1", function() { expect(Lazy.range(5).toArray()).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); }); it("returns a sequence from start to stop, incremented by 1", function() { expect(Lazy.range(2, 7).toArray()).toEqual([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); }); it("returns a sequence from start to stop, incremented by step", function() { expect(Lazy.range(0, 30, 5).toArray()).toEqual([0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]); }); it("returns an empty sequence when start is equal to or greater than stop", function() { expect(Lazy.range(0).toArray()).toEqual([]); }); }); describe("async", function() { createAsyncTest("creates a sequence that can be iterated over asynchronously", { getSequence: function() { return Lazy(people).async().map(Person.getName); }, expected: ["David", "Mary", "Lauren", "Adam", "Daniel", "Happy"] }); it("on an already-asynchronous sequence, returns the same sequence", function() { var asyncSequence = Lazy(people).async(); expect(asyncSequence.async()).toBe(asyncSequence); }); describe("when interval is undefined", function() { var context = typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : window; if (typeof setImmediate === "function") { it("uses setImmediate if available", function() { var personCount = 0; runs(function() { spyOn(context, "setImmediate").andCallThrough(); Lazy(people).async().each(function() { ++personCount; }); }); waitsFor(function() { return personCount === people.length; }); runs(function() { expect(context.setImmediate).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(context.setImmediate.callCount).toBeGreaterThan(people.length); }); }); } else { it("otherwise, uses setTimeout", function() { var personCount = 0; runs(function() { spyOn(context, "setTimeout").andCallThrough(); Lazy(people).async().each(function() { ++personCount; }); }); waitsFor(function() { return personCount === people.length; }); runs(function() { expect(context.setTimeout).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(context.setTimeout.callCount).toBeGreaterThan(people.length); }); }); } }); describe("the object returned by each()", function() { it("provides a cancel() method, which will stop iteration", function() { var evens = Lazy([1, 3, 5]).map(increment).async(50), result = [], handle; runs(function() { handle = evens.each(function(even) { result.push(even); }); }); waitsFor(function() { return result.length > 0; }); runs(function() { handle.cancel(); }); waits(150); runs(function() { expect(result).toEqual([2]) }); }); it("provides an error callback via onError", function() { var rebelSequence = Lazy([1, 2, 3]).async(50), errorCallback = jasmine.createSpy(), handle; runs(function() { handle = rebelSequence.each(function(x) { throw "Oh no, I'm throwing an exception!"; }); handle.onError(errorCallback); }) waitsFor(toBeCalled(errorCallback)); runs(function() { expect(errorCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); }); describe("toObject", function() { it("converts an array of pairs into an object", function() { var pairs = Lazy(people).map(function(p) { return [p.getName(), p]; }); expect(pairs.toObject()).toEqual({ "David": david, "Mary": mary, "Lauren": lauren, "Adam": adam, "Daniel": daniel, "Happy": happy }); }); }); describe("toArray", function() { it("for an object, creates an array of key/value pairs", function() { var pairs = Lazy({ foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR" }).toArray(); expect(pairs).toEqual([["foo", "FOO"], ["bar", "BAR"]]); }) }); describe("keys", function() { it("iterates over the keys (property names) of an object", function() { var keys = Lazy({ foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR" }).keys().toArray(); expect(keys).toEqual(["foo", "bar"]); }); }); describe("values", function() { it("iterates over the values of an object", function() { var keys = Lazy({ foo: "FOO", bar: "BAR" }).values().toArray(); expect(keys).toEqual(["FOO", "BAR"]); }); }); describe("each", function() { it("passes an index along with each element", function() { expect(Lazy(people)).toPassToEach(1, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }); }); describe("where", function() { var peopleDtos; beforeEach(function() { peopleDtos = Lazy(people).map(Person.toDto).toArray(); Person.reset(people); }); it("returns all of the elements with the specified key-value pairs", function() { var namedDavid = Lazy(peopleDtos).where({ name: "David" }).toArray(); expect(namedDavid).toEqual([{ name: "David", age: 63, gender: "M" }]); }); }); describe("assign", function() { it("creates a sequence from updating the object with new values", function() { var people = { parent: david, child: daniel }; var result = Lazy(people).assign({ parent: mary }); expect(result.toObject()).toEqual({ parent: mary, child: daniel }); }); }); describe("functions", function() { it("creates a sequence comprising the function properties of an object", function() { var walk = function() {}; var gobble = function() {}; var turkey = { size: 100, weight: 100, walk: walk, gobble: gobble }; var result = Lazy(turkey).functions(); expect(result.toArray()).toEqual(["walk", "gobble"]); }); }); describe("invert", function() { it("swaps the keys/values of an object", function() { var object = { foo: "bar", marco: "polo" }; var result = Lazy(object).invert(); expect(result.toObject()).toEqual({ bar: "foo", polo: "marco" }); }); }); describe("pick", function() { it("picks only the listed properties from the object", function() { var object = { foo: "bar", marco: "polo" }; var result = Lazy(object).pick(["marco"]); expect(result.toObject()).toEqual({ marco: "polo" }); }); }); describe("omit", function() { it("does the opposite of pick", function() { var object = { foo: "bar", marco: "polo" }; var result = Lazy(object).omit(["marco"]); expect(result.toObject()).toEqual({ foo: "bar" }); }); }); describe("all", function() { it("returns true if the condition holds true for every element", function() { var allPeople = Lazy(people).all(function(x) { return x instanceof Person; }); expect(allPeople).toBe(true); }); it("returns false if the condition does not hold true for every element", function() { var allMales = Lazy(people).all(Person.isMale); expect(allMales).toBe(false); }); }); describe("any", function() { it("returns true if the condition holds true for any element", function() { var anyMales = Lazy(people).any(Person.isMale); expect(anyMales).toBe(true); }); it("returns false if the condition does not hold true for any element", function() { var anyUnknownGender = Lazy(people).any(function(x) { return x.getGender() === "?"; }); expect(anyUnknownGender).toBe(false); }); }); describe("first", function() { it("returns the first element in the collection", function() { var firstGirl = Lazy(people).filter(Person.isFemale).first(); expect(firstGirl).toEqual(mary); }); it("returns the first N elements in the collection", function() { var firstTwo = Lazy(people).first(2).toArray(); expect(firstTwo).toEqual([david, mary]); }); }); describe("last", function() { it("returns the last element in the collection", function() { var lastBoy = Lazy(people).filter(Person.isMale).last(); expect(lastBoy).toEqual(daniel); }); it("returns the last N elements in the collection", function() { var lastTwo = Lazy(people).last(2).toArray(); expect(lastTwo).toEqual([daniel, happy]); }); it("iterates from the tail if possible", function() { Lazy(people).map(Person.getGender).last(); expect(Person.objectsTouched).toEqual(1); }); }); describe("reduce", function() { it("aggregates the values in the collection according to some function", function() { var sumOfAges = Lazy(people).map(Person.getAge).reduce(function(sum, age) { return sum + age; }, 0); expect(sumOfAges).toEqual(240); }); it("traverses the collection from left to right", function() { var firstInitials = Lazy(people).reduce(function(array, person) { array.push(person.getName().charAt(0)); return array; }, []); expect(firstInitials).toEqual(["D", "M", "L", "A", "D", "H"]); }); it("if no memo is given, starts with the head and reduces over the tail", function() { var familyAcronym = Lazy(people) .map(Person.getName) .map(function(name) { return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); }) .reduce(function(acronym, initial) { acronym += initial; return acronym; }); expect(familyAcronym).toEqual("DMLADH"); }); it("passes the index of each element into the accumulator function", function() { var sumOfIndices = Lazy(people).reduce(function(sum, p, i) { return sum + i; }, 0); expect(sumOfIndices).toEqual(0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5); }); }); describe("reduceRight", function() { it("traverses the collection from right to left", function() { var firstInitials = Lazy(people).reduceRight(function(array, person) { array.push(person.getName().charAt(0)); return array; }, []); expect(firstInitials).toEqual(["H", "D", "A", "L", "M", "D"]); }); it("passes indices in reverse order", function() { var sumOfIndices = Lazy(people).reduceRight(function(str, p, i) { return str + i; }, ""); expect(sumOfIndices).toEqual("543210"); }); }); describe("indexOf", function() { it("returns the index of the specified element in the collection", function() { expect(Lazy(people).indexOf(adam)).toEqual(3); }); }); describe("lastIndexOf", function() { it("returns the last index of the specified element in the collection", function() { var numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0]; expect(Lazy(numbers).lastIndexOf(1)).toEqual(5); }); it("traverses the collection from the tail end", function() { var names = Lazy(people).map(Person.getName); expect(Lazy(names).lastIndexOf("Daniel")).toEqual(4); // should only have touched Happy and Daniel expect(Person.objectsTouched).toEqual(2); }); }); describe("contains", function() { it("returns true if the collection contains the specified element", function() { expect(Lazy(people).contains(adam)).toBe(true); }); it("returns false if the collection does not contain the specified element", function() { expect(Lazy(people).contains(new Person("Joe", 25, "M"))).toBe(false); }); }); describe("chaining methods together", function() { ensureLaziness(function() { Lazy(people) .filter(Person.isFemale) .map(Person.getName) .reverse() .drop(1) .take(2) .uniq(); }); it("applies the effects of all chained methods", function() { var girlNames = Lazy(people) .filter(Person.isFemale) .map(Person.getName) .reverse() .drop(1) .take(2) .uniq() .toArray(); expect(girlNames).toEqual(["Lauren", "Mary"]); }); describe("filter -> take", function() { it("only ever touches as many objects as necessary", function() { var firstMale = Lazy(people) .filter(Person.isMale) .map(Person.getGender) .take(1) .toArray(); expect(firstMale).toEqual(["M"]); expect(Person.objectsTouched).toEqual(1); }); }); describe("take -> map", function() { it("maps the items taken (just making sure)", function() { var firstTwoGenders = Lazy(people) .take(2) .map(Person.getGender) .toArray(); expect(firstTwoGenders).toEqual(["M", "F"]); }); }); describe("map -> map -> map", function() { function getAgeGroup(age) { return age < 50 ? "young" : "old"; } function getFirstLetter(str) { return str.charAt(0); } it("only creates one array from the combination of maps", function() { var ages = Lazy(people) .map(Person.getAge) .map(getAgeGroup) .map(getFirstLetter); ages.toArray(); expect(arraysCreated).toEqual(1); }); }); }); // ----- Tests for experimental functionality ----- xdescribe("parsing JSON", function() { it("translates a JSON array of strings", function() { var json = JSON.stringify(["foo", "bar", "baz"]); expect(Lazy.parse(json).toArray()).toEqual(["foo", "bar", "baz"]); }); it("translates a JSON array of integers", function() { var json = JSON.stringify([1, 22, 333]); expect(Lazy.parse(json).toArray()).toEqual([1, 22, 333]); }); it("translates a JSON array of floats", function() { var json = JSON.stringify([1.2, 34.56]); expect(Lazy.parse(json).toArray()).toEqual([1.2, 34.56]); }); }); });