Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/infra/fusioninventory/inc/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/infra/fusioninventory/inc/wakeonlan.class.php |
<?php /** * FusionInventory * * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 by the FusionInventory Development Team. * * http://www.fusioninventory.org/ * https://github.com/fusioninventory/fusioninventory-for-glpi * http://forge.fusioninventory.org/ * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * LICENSE * * This file is part of FusionInventory project. * * FusionInventory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FusionInventory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with FusionInventory. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This file is used to manage the wake on lan of computers by the agent. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * @package FusionInventory * @author David Durieux * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2023 FusionInventory team * @license AGPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0-standalone.html * @link http://www.fusioninventory.org/ * @link https://github.com/fusioninventory/fusioninventory-for-glpi * */ if (!defined('GLPI_ROOT')) { die("Sorry. You can't access directly to this file"); } /** * Manage the wake on lan of computers by the agent. */ class PluginFusioninventoryWakeonlan extends PluginFusioninventoryCommunication { /** * Prepare a taskjob * Get all devices and put in taskjobstate each task for each device for * each agent * * @global object $DB * @param integer $taskjobs_id * @return string */ function prepareRun($taskjobs_id) { global $DB; $pfTask = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfTaskjoblog = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $uniqid = uniqid(); $pfTaskjob->getFromDB($taskjobs_id); $pfTask->getFromDB($pfTaskjob->fields['plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id']); $communication = $pfTask->fields['communication']; $a_definitions = importArrayFromDB($pfTaskjob->fields['definition']); $a_computers_to_wake = []; foreach ($a_definitions as $definition) { $itemtype = key($definition); $items_id = current($definition); switch ($itemtype) { case 'Computer': $a_computers_to_wake[] = $items_id; break; case 'PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroup': $group = new PluginFusioninventoryDeployGroup; $group->getFromDB($items_id); switch ($group->getField('type')) { case 'STATIC': $query = "SELECT items_id FROM glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_deploygroups_staticdatas WHERE groups_id = '$items_id' AND itemtype = 'Computer'"; $res = $DB->query($query); while ($row = $DB->fetchAssoc($res)) { $a_computers_to_wake[] = $row['items_id']; } break; case 'DYNAMIC': $query = "SELECT fields_array FROM glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_deploygroups_dynamicdatas WHERE groups_id = '$items_id' LIMIT 1"; $res = $DB->query($query); $row = $DB->fetchAssoc($res); if (isset($_GET)) { $get_tmp = $_GET; } if (isset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount"]['Computer'])) { unset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount"]['Computer']); } if (isset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount2"]['Computer'])) { unset($_SESSION["glpisearchcount2"]['Computer']); } $_GET = importArrayFromDB($row['fields_array']); $_GET["glpisearchcount"] = count($_GET['field']); if (isset($_GET['field2'])) { $_GET["glpisearchcount2"] = count($_GET['field2']); } $pfSearch = new PluginFusioninventorySearch(); Search::manageGetValues('Computer'); $glpilist_limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']; $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] = 999999999; $result = $pfSearch->constructSQL('Computer', $_GET); $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] = $glpilist_limit; while ($data=$DB->fetchArray($result)) { $a_computers_to_wake[] = $data['id']; } if (count($get_tmp) > 0) { $_GET = $get_tmp; } break; } } } $a_actions = importArrayFromDB($pfTaskjob->fields['action']); $a_agentList = []; if ((!strstr($pfTaskjob->fields['action'], '".1"')) AND (!strstr($pfTaskjob->fields['action'], '".2"'))) { foreach ($a_actions as $a_action) { if ((!in_array('.1', $a_action)) && (!in_array('.2', $a_action))) { $agent_id = current($a_action); if ($pfAgent->getFromDB($agent_id)) { if ($communication == 'pull') { $a_agentList[] = $agent_id; } else { if ($pfTaskjob->isAgentAlive('1', $agent_id)) { $a_agentList[] = $agent_id; } } } } } } else if (strstr($pfTaskjob->fields['action'], '".1"')) { /* * Case 3 : dynamic agent */ $a_agentList = $this->getAgentsSubnet(count($a_computers_to_wake), $communication); } else if (in_array('.2', $a_actions)) { /* * Case 4 : dynamic agent same subnet */ $subnet = ''; foreach ($a_computers_to_wake as $items_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `glpi_networkports` WHERE `items_id`='".$items_id."' AND `itemtype`='Computer' AND `mac`!='' "; $result = $DB->query($sql); if ($result) { while ($data=$DB->fetchArray($result)) { $subnet = $data['subnet']; } } } if ($subnet != '') { $a_agentList = $this->getAgentsSubnet(count($a_computers_to_wake), $communication, $subnet); } } if (count($a_agentList) == '0') { $a_input = []; $a_input['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id'] = $taskjobs_id; $a_input['state'] = 1; $a_input['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = 0; $a_input['itemtype'] = 'Computer'; $a_input['items_id'] = 0; $a_input['uniqid'] = $uniqid; $Taskjobstates_id = $pfTaskjobstate->add($a_input); //Add log of taskjob $a_input['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id'] = $Taskjobstates_id; $a_input['state'] = 7; $a_input['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $pfTaskjoblog->add($a_input); $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($Taskjobstates_id, 0, 'Computer', 1, "Unable to find agent to run this job"); } else { $nb_computers = ceil(count($a_computers_to_wake) / count($a_agentList)); $a_input = []; $a_input['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobs_id'] = $taskjobs_id; $a_input['state'] = 0; $a_input['itemtype'] = 'Computer'; $a_input['uniqid'] = $uniqid; while (count($a_computers_to_wake) != 0) { $agent_id = array_pop($a_agentList); $a_input['plugin_fusioninventory_agents_id'] = $agent_id; for ($i=0; $i < $nb_computers; $i++) { //Add jobstate and put status $a_input['items_id'] = array_pop($a_computers_to_wake); $Taskjobstates_id = $pfTaskjobstate->add($a_input); //Add log of taskjob $a_input['plugin_fusioninventory_taskjobstates_id'] = $Taskjobstates_id; $a_input['state'] = 7; $a_input['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $pfTaskjoblog->add($a_input); unset($a_input['state']); if ($communication == "push") { $_SESSION['glpi_plugin_fusioninventory']['agents'][$agent_id] = 1; } } } } $pfTaskjob->fields['status'] = 1; $pfTaskjob->update($pfTaskjob->fields); return $uniqid; } /** * When agent contact server, this function send datas to agent * * @param object $jobstate * @return string */ function run($jobstate) { $pfTaskjobstate = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjobstate(); $pfTaskjoblog = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjoblog(); $NetworkPort = new NetworkPort(); $sxml_option = $this->message->addChild('OPTION'); $sxml_option->addChild('NAME', 'WAKEONLAN'); $changestate = 0; // foreach ($taskjobstates as $jobstate) { $data = $jobstate->fields; $a_networkPort = $NetworkPort->find(['itemtype' => 'Computer', 'items_id' => $data['items_id']]); $computerip = 0; foreach ($a_networkPort as $datanetwork) { //if ($datanetwork['ip'] != "") { if ($datanetwork['mac'] != '') { $computerip++; $sxml_param = $sxml_option->addChild('PARAM'); $sxml_param->addAttribute('MAC', $datanetwork['mac']); //$sxml_param->addAttribute('IP', $datanetwork['ip']); if ($changestate == '0') { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatus($data['id'], 1); $pfTaskjoblog->addTaskjoblog($data['id'], '0', 'Computer', '1', ''); $changestate = $pfTaskjobstate->fields['id']; } else { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($data['id'], $data['items_id'], $data['itemtype'], 0, "Merged with ".$changestate); } // Update taskjobstate (state = 3 : finish); Because we haven't return of agent on this action $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($data['id'], $data['items_id'], $data['itemtype'], 0, 'WakeOnLan have not return state'); } //} } if ($computerip == '0') { $pfTaskjobstate->changeStatusFinish($data['id'], $data['items_id'], $data['itemtype'], 1, "No IP found on the computer"); } //} return $this->message; } /** * Get agents on the subnet * * @global object $DB * @param integer $nb_computers * @param string $communication * @param string $subnet * @return array */ function getAgentsSubnet($nb_computers, $communication, $subnet = '') { global $DB; $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $pfAgentmodule = new PluginFusioninventoryAgentmodule(); $OperatingSystem = new OperatingSystem(); // Number of computers min by agent $nb_computerByAgentMin = 20; $nb_agentsMax = ceil($nb_computers / $nb_computerByAgentMin); // Get ids of operating systems which can make real wakeonlan $a_os = $OperatingSystem->find(['name' => ['LIKE', '%Linux%']]); $osfind = '('; $i = 0; foreach ($a_os as $os_id=>$data) { $comma = ''; if ($i > 0) { $comma = ', '; } $osfind .= $comma.$os_id; $i++; } $osfind .= ')'; $pass_count = 1; if ($osfind == '()') { $osfind = ''; } else { $pass_count++; $osfind = 'AND operatingsystems_id IN '.$osfind; } $a_agentList = []; for ($pass = 0; $pass < $pass_count; $pass++) { if ($pass == "1") { // It's not linux $osfind = str_replace('AND operatingsystems_id IN ', 'AND operatingsystems_id NOT IN ', $osfind); } if ($subnet != '') { $subnet = " AND subnet='".$subnet."' "; } $a_agents = $pfAgentmodule->getAgentsCanDo('WAKEONLAN'); $a_agentsid = []; foreach ($a_agents as $a_agent) { $a_agentsid[] = $a_agent['id']; } if (count($a_agentsid) == '0') { return $a_agentList; } $where = " AND `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_agents`.`ID` IN ("; $where .= implode(', ', $a_agentsid); $where .= ") AND `ip` != '' "; $query = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_agents`.`id` as `a_id`, ip, subnet, token FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_agents` LEFT JOIN `glpi_networkports` ON `glpi_networkports`.`items_id` = `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_agents`.`items_id` LEFT JOIN `glpi_computers` ON `glpi_computers`.`id` = `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_agents`.`items_id` WHERE `glpi_networkports`.`itemtype`='Computer' ".$subnet." ".$osfind." ".$where." "; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { while ($data=$DB->fetchArray($result)) { if ($communication == 'push') { if ($pfTaskjob->isAgentAlive(1, $data['a_id'])) { if (!in_array($a_agentList, $data['a_id'])) { $a_agentList[] = $data['a_id']; if (count($a_agentList) >= $nb_agentsMax) { return $a_agentList; } } } } else if ($communication == 'pull') { if (!in_array($a_agentList, $data['a_id'])) { $a_agentList[] = $data['a_id']; if (count($a_agentList) > $nb_agentsMax) { return $a_agentList; } } } } } } return $a_agentList; } }