Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/infra/fusioninventory/inc/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/infra/fusioninventory/inc/agentmodule.class.php |
<?php /** * FusionInventory * * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 by the FusionInventory Development Team. * * http://www.fusioninventory.org/ * https://github.com/fusioninventory/fusioninventory-for-glpi * http://forge.fusioninventory.org/ * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * LICENSE * * This file is part of FusionInventory project. * * FusionInventory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FusionInventory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with FusionInventory. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This file is used to manage the modules of agents * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * @package FusionInventory * @author David Durieux * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2023 FusionInventory team * @license AGPL License 3.0 or (at your option) any later version * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0-standalone.html * @link http://www.fusioninventory.org/ * @link https://github.com/fusioninventory/fusioninventory-for-glpi * */ if (!defined('GLPI_ROOT')) { die("Sorry. You can't access directly to this file"); } /** * Manage (enable or not) the modules in the agent. */ class PluginFusioninventoryAgentmodule extends CommonDBTM { /** * The right name for this class * * @var string */ static $rightname = "plugin_fusioninventory_agent"; /** * Get the tab name used for item * * @param object $item the item object * @param integer $withtemplate 1 if is a template form * @return string name of the tab */ function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { if ($item->getType()=='PluginFusioninventoryConfig') { return __('Agents modules', 'fusioninventory'); } else if ($item->getType()=='PluginFusioninventoryAgent') { return __('Agents modules', 'fusioninventory'); } return ''; } /** * Display the content of the tab * * @param object $item * @param integer $tabnum number of the tab to display * @param integer $withtemplate 1 if is a template form * @return boolean */ static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0) { if ($item->getType()=='PluginFusioninventoryConfig') { $pfAgentmodule = new self(); $pfAgentmodule->showForm(0); return true; } else if ($item->getType()=='PluginFusioninventoryAgent') { $pfAgentmodule = new self(); $pfAgentmodule->showFormAgentException($item->fields['id']); return true; } return false; } /** * Display form to configure modules in agents * * @return boolean true if no problem */ function showForm($id, $options = []) { $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $a_modules = $this->find(); foreach ($a_modules as $data) { echo "<form name='form_ic' method='post' action='". Toolbox::getItemTypeFormURL(__CLASS__)."'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th width='130'>".__('Module', 'fusioninventory')."</th>"; echo "<th width='180'>".__('Activation (by default)', 'fusioninventory')."</th>"; echo "<th>".__('Exceptions', 'fusioninventory')."</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; $a_methods = PluginFusioninventoryStaticmisc::getmethods(); $modulename = $data["modulename"]; foreach ($a_methods as $datamod) { if ((strtolower($data["modulename"]) == strtolower($datamod['method'])) || isset($datamod['task']) && (strtolower($data["modulename"]) == strtolower($datamod['task']))) { if (isset($datamod['name'])) { $modulename = $datamod['name']; } break; } } // Hack for snmpquery if ($data["modulename"] == 'SNMPQUERY') { $modulename = __('Network inventory (SNMP)', 'fusioninventory'); } // Hack for deploy if ($data["modulename"] == 'DEPLOY') { $modulename = __('Package deployment', 'fusioninventory'); } echo "<td align='center'><strong>".$modulename."</strong></td>"; echo "<td align='center'>"; $checked = $data['is_active']; Html::showCheckbox(['name' => 'activation', 'value' => '1', 'checked' => $checked]); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width='45%'>"; $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($data['exceptions']); $a_used = []; foreach ($a_agentList as $agent_id) { $a_used[] = $agent_id; } Dropdown::show("PluginFusioninventoryAgent", ["name" => "agent_to_add[]", "used" => $a_used]); echo "</td>"; echo "<td align='center'>"; echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='agent_add' value='" . __s('Add') . " >>'>"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<input type='submit' class='submit' name='agent_delete' value='<< " . __s('Delete') . "'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td width='45%'>"; echo "<select size='6' name='agent_to_delete[]'>"; foreach ($a_agentList as $agent_id) { $pfAgent->getFromDB($agent_id); echo "<option value='".$agent_id."'>".$pfAgent->getName()."</option>"; } echo "</select>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class='tab_bg_2 center' colspan='3'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='update' value=\"".__s('Update')."\" class='submit'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo Html::hidden('id', ['value' => $data['id']]); Html::closeForm(); echo "<br/>"; } return true; } /** * Display form to configure activation of modules in agent form (in tab) * * @global array $CFG_GLPI * @param integer $agents_id id of the agent */ function showFormAgentException($agents_id) { $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $pfAgent->getFromDB($agents_id); $canedit = $pfAgent->can($agents_id, UPDATE); echo "<br/>"; if ($canedit) { echo "<form name='form_ic' method='post' action='".Plugin::getWebDir('fusioninventory'). "/front/agentmodule.form.php'>"; } echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>".__('Module', 'fusioninventory')."</th>"; echo "<th>Activation</th>"; echo "<th>".__('Module', 'fusioninventory')."</th>"; echo "<th>Activation</th>"; echo "</tr>"; $a_modules = $this->find(); $i = 0; $a_methods = PluginFusioninventoryStaticmisc::getmethods(); foreach ($a_modules as $data) { if ($i == 0) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; } $modulename = $data["modulename"]; foreach ($a_methods as $datamod) { if ((strtolower($data["modulename"]) == strtolower($datamod['method'])) || isset($datamod['task']) && (strtolower($data["modulename"]) == strtolower($datamod['task']))) { if (isset($datamod['name'])) { $modulename = $datamod['name']; } break; } } // Hack for snmpquery if ($data["modulename"] == 'SNMPQUERY') { $modulename = __('Network inventory (SNMP)', 'fusioninventory'); } // Hack for deploy if ($data["modulename"] == 'DEPLOY') { $modulename = __('Package deployment', 'fusioninventory'); } echo "<td width='50%'>".$modulename." :</td>"; echo "<td align='center'>"; $checked = $data['is_active']; $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($data['exceptions']); if (in_array($agents_id, $a_agentList)) { if ($checked == 1) { $checked = 0; } else { $checked = 1; } } Html::showCheckbox(['name' => "activation-".$data["modulename"], 'value' => '1', 'checked' => $checked]); echo "</td>"; if ($i == 1) { echo "</tr>"; $i = -1; } $i++; } if ($i == 1) { echo "<td></td>"; echo "<td></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } if ($canedit) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class='tab_bg_2 center' colspan='4'>"; echo Html::hidden('id', ['value' => $agents_id]); echo "<input type='submit' name='updateexceptions' ". "value=\"".__('Update')."\" class='submit'>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; Html::closeForm(); } else { echo "</table>"; } } /** * Get global activation status of a module * * @param string $module_name name of module * @return array information of module activation */ function getActivationExceptions($module_name) { $a_modules = $this->find(['modulename' => $module_name], [], 1); return current($a_modules); } /** * Get list of agents have this module activated * * @param string $module_name name of the module * @return array id list of agents */ function getAgentsCanDo($module_name) { $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); if ($module_name == 'SNMPINVENTORY') { $module_name = 'SNMPQUERY'; } $agentModule = $this->getActivationExceptions($module_name); $where = []; if ($agentModule['is_active'] == 0) { $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($agentModule['exceptions']); if (count($a_agentList) > 0) { $ips = []; $i = 0; foreach ($a_agentList as $agent_id) { if ($i> 0) { $ips[] = $agent_id; } $i++; } if (count($ips) > 0) { $where = ['id' => $ips]; } if (isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'])) { $where += getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($pfAgent->getTable()); } } else { return []; } } else { $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($agentModule['exceptions']); if (count($a_agentList) > 0) { $ips = []; $i = 0; foreach ($a_agentList as $agent_id) { if ($i> 0) { $ips[] = $agent_id; } $i++; } if (count($ips) > 0) { $where = ['id' => ['NOT' => $ips]]; } if (isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities_string'])) { $where += getEntitiesRestrictCriteria($pfAgent->getTable()); } } } $a_agents = $pfAgent->find($where); return $a_agents; } /** * Get if agent has this module enabled * * @param string $module_name module name * @param integer $agents_id id of the agent * @return boolean true if enabled, otherwise false */ function isAgentCanDo($module_name, $agents_id) { $agentModule = $this->getActivationExceptions($module_name); if ($agentModule['is_active'] == 0) { $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($agentModule['exceptions']); if (in_array($agents_id, $a_agentList)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $a_agentList = importArrayFromDB($agentModule['exceptions']); if (in_array($agents_id, $a_agentList)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * Generate the server module URL to send to agent * * @param string $modulename name of the module * @param integer $entities_id id of the entity * @return string the URL generated */ static function getUrlForModule($modulename, $entities_id = -1) { $fi_dir = '/'.Plugin::getWebDir('fusioninventory', false); // Get current entity URL if it exists ... $pfEntity = new PluginFusioninventoryEntity(); $baseUrl = $pfEntity->getValue('agent_base_url', $entities_id); if (! empty($baseUrl)) { PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::logIfExtradebug( "pluginFusioninventory-agent-url", "Entity ".$entities_id.", agent base URL: ".$baseUrl ); if ($baseUrl != 'N/A') { return $baseUrl.$fi_dir.'/b/'.strtolower($modulename).'/'; } } // ... else use global plugin configuration parameter. if (strlen($pfEntity->getValue('agent_base_url', $entities_id))<10) { PluginFusioninventoryCommunicationRest::sendError(); exit; // die ("agent_base_url is unset!\n"); } PluginFusioninventoryToolbox::logIfExtradebug( "pluginFusioninventory-agent-url", "Global configuration URL: ".$pfEntity->getValue('agent_base_url', $entities_id) ); // Construct the path to the JSON back from the agent_base_url. // agent_base_url is the initial URL used by the agent return $pfEntity->getValue('agent_base_url', $entities_id).$fi_dir.'/b/'.strtolower($modulename).'/'; } /** * Get list of all modules * * @return array list of name of modules */ static function getModules() { $a_modules = []; $a_data = getAllDataFromTable(PluginFusioninventoryAgentmodule::getTable()); foreach ($a_data as $data) { $a_modules[] = $data['modulename']; } return $a_modules; } }