Direktori : /proc/self/root/bin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/bin/perli11ndoc |
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use v5.10; # for '//' use open qw/:utf8 :std/; use utf8; use Config qw//; use File::Find qw//; use File::Spec qw//; use XML::LibXML qw//; { my $have_display; BEGIN { if (!@ARGV) { local $@; $have_display = eval {use Gtk3; Gtk3::init_check ()}; } } my $parser = GirParser->new; if (!@ARGV && $have_display) { my @girs = find_girs (); my $gui = GirGUI->new ($parser, @girs); $gui->run; exit; } if (!@ARGV) { die 'Usage: perli11ndoc <library name>[::<element name>[::<element name>]]'; } my $pattern = $ARGV[0]; my ($lib_pattern, @element_patterns) = split /::/, $pattern; my $gir = find_gir ($lib_pattern); $parser->open ($gir); if (!@element_patterns) { print $parser->format_namespace; } else { print $parser->format_search_results (@element_patterns); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub find_gir { my ($lib_pattern) = @_; if ($lib_pattern !~ /^([^\d\-]+)-?(\d(?:\.\d)?)?$/) { die "Cannot recognize the library name\n"; } my $name_wanted = $1; my $version_wanted = $2; if (defined $version_wanted && $version_wanted !~ /\./) { $version_wanted .= '.0'; } my $match_func = sub { if (defined $version_wanted) { return $_ eq "$name_wanted-$version_wanted.gir"; } else { return $_ =~ /^\Q$name_wanted\E-\d+\.\d+\.gir$/; } }; my @girs = find_girs ($match_func); if (@girs == 0) { die "Could not find any matching GIR file\n"; } if (@girs > 1) { my $girs_string = join (', ', map { $_->{path} } @girs); die "Found multiple matching GIR files: $girs_string; please be more specific\n"; } return $girs[0]->{path}; } sub find_girs { my ($match_func) = @_; $match_func //= sub { 1 }; my @prefixes = ('/usr'); my @env_vars = ( {name => 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', extra_depth => 1}, # /<prefix>/lib => /<prefix> {name => 'GI_TYPELIB_PATH', extra_depth => 2}, # /<prefix>/lib/girepository-1.0 => /<prefix> ); foreach my $env_var (@env_vars) { next unless exists $ENV{$env_var->{name}}; my @dirs = split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{$env_var->{name}}; foreach my $dir (@dirs) { my @dir_parts = File::Spec->splitdir ($dir); my $prefix = File::Spec->catdir ( @dir_parts[0 .. ($#dir_parts-$env_var->{extra_depth})]); if (-d $prefix) { push @prefixes, Cwd::abs_path ($prefix); } } } my %seen; my @search_dirs = grep { !$seen{$_}++ && -d $_ } map { $_ . '/share/gir-1.0' } @prefixes; my @girs; File::Find::find (sub { if ($_ =~ m/\.gir$/ && $match_func->($_)) { push @girs, {path => $File::Find::name, dir => $File::Find::dir, file => $_}; } }, @search_dirs); return @girs; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # --- GirParser ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package GirParser; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my ($class) = @_; return bless {}, $class } sub open { my ($self, $gir) = @_; $self->{gir} = $gir; $self->{parser} = XML::LibXML->new; $self->{dom} = $self->{parser}->load_xml (location => $gir); $self->{xpc} = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new; $self->{xpc}->registerNs ('core', 'http://www.gtk.org/introspection/core/1.0'); $self->{repository} = $self->{dom}->documentElement; my $namespace_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:namespace', $self->{repository}); if ($namespace_list->size != 1) { die 'Can only handle a single namespace'; } $self->{namespace} = $namespace_list->pop; $self->{basename} = $self->construct_basename; } sub construct_basename { my ($self) = @_; my $name = $self->find_attribute ($self->{namespace}, 'name'); my $version = $self->find_attribute ($self->{namespace}, 'version'); $version =~ s/.0$//; $version = '' if $version eq '1'; return $name . $version; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub find_attribute { my ($self, $element, $attribute) = @_; my $attribute_list = $element->find ("\@$attribute"); return if $attribute_list->size != 1; return $attribute_list->pop->value; } sub find_full_element_name { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $name = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'name'); return () unless defined $name; if ($name =~ /\./) { die "Unexpected fully qualified name '$name' encountered; aborting\n"; } my $package = ''; my $current_element = $element; while (1) { my $parent = $current_element->parentNode; last unless defined $parent; if ($parent->nodeName eq 'namespace') { $package = $self->{basename} . '::' . $package; last; } $package = $self->find_attribute ($parent, 'name') . '::' . $package; $current_element = $parent; } my $full_name = $package . $name; $package =~ s/::$//; return ($package, $name, $full_name); } sub find_node_by_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; my $match_list = $self->{xpc}->find ($path, $self->{namespace}); if ($match_list->size < 1) { die "Cannot find a matching element for the path $path\n"; } if ($match_list->size > 1) { die "Found more than one matching element for the path $path\n"; } return $match_list->pop; } sub find_parameters_and_return_value { my ($self, $element) = @_; my (@in, @out); my $parameter_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:parameters/core:parameter', $element); foreach my $parameter ($parameter_list->get_nodelist) { my $direction = $self->find_attribute ($parameter, 'direction') // 'in'; if ($direction eq 'inout' || $direction eq 'out') { push @out, $parameter; } if ($direction eq 'inout' || $direction eq 'in') { push @in, $parameter; } } my $retval = undef; my $retval_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:return-value', $element); if ($retval_list->size == 1) { $retval = $retval_list->[0]; if (defined $retval) { if ($self->find_type_name ($retval) eq 'none') { $retval = undef; } } } return (\@in, $retval, \@out); } sub find_type_name { my ($self, $element) = @_; # arrays my $array_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:array', $element); if ($array_list->size == 1) { my $array = $array_list->pop; my $prefix = 'reference to array of '; my $child_type_name = $self->find_type_name ($array); return $prefix . $child_type_name; } # callbacks my $callback_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:callback', $element); if ($callback_list->size == 1) { my $callback = $callback_list->pop; my ($in, $retval, $out) = $self->find_parameters_and_return_value ($callback); unshift @$out, $retval if defined $retval; my $in_list = join ', ', map { $self->find_type_name ($_) } @$in; my $out_list = join ', ', map { $self->find_type_name ($_) } @$out; my $in_text = $in_list ne '' ? "in: $in_list" : ''; my $out_text = $out_list ne '' ? "; out: $out_list" : ''; return "callback ($in_text$out_text)"; } # bare types my $type_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:type', $element); return '[unknown type]' unless $type_list->size == 1; my $type = $type_list->pop; return $self->find_attribute ($type, 'name'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub enumerate_namespace { my ($self, $descend) = @_; $descend //= 0; my @class_and_interface_sub_categories = ( [Constructors => 'core:constructor'], [Methods => 'core:method'], [Functions => 'core:function'], [Signals => 'glib:signal'], [Properties => 'core:property'], [Fields => 'core:field'], ['Virtual methods' => 'core:virtual-method'], ); my @record_sub_categories = ( [Constructors => 'core:constructor'], [Methods => 'core:method'], [Functions => 'core:function'], [Fields => 'core:field'], ); my @enum_and_bitfield_sub_categories = ( [Functions => 'core:function'], ); my @categories = ( [Classes => 'core:class', \@class_and_interface_sub_categories, sub { shift =~ /Accessible$/ }], [Interfaces => 'core:interface', \@class_and_interface_sub_categories], [Records => 'core:record', \@record_sub_categories, sub { shift =~ /(?:Class|Iface|Interface|Private)$/ }], [Enumerations => 'core:enumeration', \@enum_and_bitfield_sub_categories], [Bitfields => 'core:bitfield', \@enum_and_bitfield_sub_categories], [Functions => 'core:function'], [Callbacks => 'core:callback'], [Constants => 'core:constant'], [Aliases => 'core:alias', undef, sub { shift =~ /_autoptr$/ }], ['Classes for accessibility' => 'core:class', \@class_and_interface_sub_categories, sub { shift !~ /Accessible$/ }], ['Records for object classes' => 'core:record', \@record_sub_categories, sub { shift !~ /Class$/ }], ['Records for interfaces' => 'core:record', \@record_sub_categories, sub { shift !~ /(?:Iface|Interface)$/ }], ); my @results; foreach my $category (@categories) { my $heading = $category->[0]; my $path = $category->[1]; my $sub_categories = $category->[2] // undef; my $skip = $category->[3] // sub { 0 }; # accept all by default my $list = $self->{xpc}->find ($path, $self->{namespace}); next if $list->size == 0; my @entries; foreach my $node ($list->get_nodelist) { my $node_path = $node->nodePath; my $name = $self->find_attribute ($node, 'name'); next if $skip->($name); my @sub_results; if ($descend && defined $sub_categories) { foreach my $sub_category (@$sub_categories) { my $sub_heading = $sub_category->[0]; my $sub_path = $sub_category->[1]; my $sub_list = $self->{xpc}->find ($sub_path, $node); next if $sub_list->size == 0; my @sub_entries; foreach my $sub_node ($sub_list->get_nodelist) { my $sub_path = $sub_node->nodePath; my $sub_name = $self->find_attribute ($sub_node, 'name'); push @sub_entries, {path => $sub_path, name => $sub_name}; } push @sub_results, [$sub_heading => \@sub_entries]; } } push @entries, {path => $node_path, name => $name, sub_results => \@sub_results}; } next unless @entries; push @results, [$heading => \@entries]; } return \@results; } sub format_namespace { my ($self) = @_; my $text = ''; my $name = $self->find_attribute ($self->{namespace}, 'name'); my $version = $self->find_attribute ($self->{namespace}, 'version'); $text .= "NAMESPACE\n\n $name $version => " . $self->{basename} . "\n\n"; my $results = $self->enumerate_namespace; foreach my $results (@$results) { my $heading = uc $results->[0]; my $entries = $results->[1]; next unless @$entries; $text .= "$heading\n\n"; foreach my $entry (@$entries) { $text .= sprintf " [%s](%s)\n", $entry->{name}, $entry->{path}; } $text .= "\n"; } $text =~ s/\n\n\Z/\n/; return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_search_results { my ($self, @search_terms) = @_; die 'Can only handle up to two search terms' if @search_terms > 2; my $query = @search_terms == 1 ? "*[\@name='$search_terms[0]']" : "*[\@name='$search_terms[0]']/*[\@name='$search_terms[1]']"; my $match_list = $self->{xpc}->find ($query, $self->{namespace}); if ($match_list->size == 0) { die "Cannot find a matching element for the search terms @search_terms\n"; } my @matches = $match_list->get_nodelist; if (@matches > 1) { my $matches_string = join (', ', map { $self->format_full_element_name ($_) } @matches); die "Found two many matches: $matches_string; please be more specific\n"; } my $match = $matches[0]; return $self->format_node ($match); } sub format_node_by_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; my $node = $self->find_node_by_path ($path); return $self->format_node ($node); } sub format_node_name_by_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; my $node = $self->find_node_by_path ($path); return $self->format_full_element_name ($node); } sub format_node { my ($self, $node) = @_; my %categories = ( alias => 'format_alias', bitfield => 'format_bitfield', callback => 'format_callback', class => 'format_class', constant => 'format_constant', constructor => 'format_constructor', enumeration => 'format_enumeration', field => 'format_field', function => 'format_function', method => 'format_method', property => 'format_property', interface => 'format_interface', record => 'format_record', 'glib:signal' => 'format_signal', 'virtual-method' => 'format_virtual_method', ); my $type = $node->nodeName; my $handler = $categories{$type}; if (!defined $handler) { die "Unknown node type '$type' encountered; aborting\n"; } return $self->$handler ($node); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_alias { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $full_name = $self->format_full_element_name ($element); my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($element); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); $text .= "ALIAS\n\n $full_name = $full_type_name\n"; $text .= $self->format_description ($element); return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_bitfield { my ($self, $element) = @_; return $self->format_bitfield_and_enumeration ($element, 'BITFIELD'); } sub format_enumeration { my ($self, $element) = @_; return $self->format_bitfield_and_enumeration ($element, 'ENUMERATION'); } sub format_bitfield_and_enumeration { my ($self, $element, $heading) = @_; my $text = ''; my $full_name = $self->format_full_element_name ($element); $text .= "$heading\n\n $full_name\n"; $text .= $self->format_description ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_members ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_functions ($element, 'FUNCTIONS'); return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_callable { my ($self, $element, $heading, $synopsis_format, $flags_formatter) = @_; $flags_formatter //= 'format_callable_flags'; my $text = ''; my ($package, $name, $full_name) = $self->find_full_element_name ($element); my $flags = $self->$flags_formatter ($element); $text .= "$heading\n\n $full_name$flags\n"; my ($in, $retval, $out) = $self->find_parameters_and_return_value ($element); # --- synopsis --- my @in_names = map { '$' . $self->find_attribute ($_, 'name') } @$in; my @out_names = map { '$' . $self->find_attribute ($_, 'name') } @$out; if (defined $retval) { unshift @out_names, '$retval'; } my $in_list = join ', ', @in_names; my $in_list_pre_comma = @in_names > 0 ? ", $in_list" : ''; my $in_list_post_comma = @in_names > 0 ? "$in_list, " : ''; my $out_list = join ', ', @out_names; my $out_list_parens = @out_names > 1 ? "($out_list)" : $out_list; my $out_list_assign = @out_names > 0 ? "$out_list_parens = " : ''; my $synopsis = $synopsis_format; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[PACKAGE\]\]/$package/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[NAME\]\]/$name/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[NAME_UC\]\]/uc $name/ge; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[FULL_NAME\]\]/$full_name/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[IN_LIST\]\]/$in_list/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[IN_LIST_PRE_COMMA\]\]/$in_list_pre_comma/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[IN_LIST_POST_COMMA\]\]/$in_list_post_comma/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[OUT_LIST\]\]/$out_list/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[OUT_LIST_PARENS\]\]/$out_list_parens/g; $synopsis =~ s/\[\[OUT_LIST_ASSIGN\]\]/$out_list_assign/g; $text .= "\nSYNOPSIS\n\n $synopsis\n"; # --- description --- $text .= $self->format_description ($element); # --- in --- if (@$in) { $text .= "\nPARAMETERS\n\n"; foreach my $parameter (@$in) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($parameter, 'name'); my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($parameter); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); $text .= " • $name: $full_type_name\n"; my $doc = $self->format_docs ($parameter, ' '); if (defined $doc) { $text .= "$doc\n"; } $text .= "\n"; } $text =~ s/\n\n\Z/\n/; } # --- retval & out --- my $retval_type_name = 'none'; if (defined $retval) { $retval_type_name = $self->find_type_name ($retval); } if ($retval_type_name ne 'none' || @$out) { $text .= "\nRETURN VALUES\n\n"; if ($retval_type_name ne 'none') { my $full_retval_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($retval_type_name); $text .= " • $full_retval_type_name\n"; my $doc = $self->format_docs ($retval, ' '); if (defined $doc) { $text .= "$doc\n\n"; } } if (@$out) { foreach my $parameter (@$out) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($parameter, 'name'); my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($parameter); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); $text .= " • $name: $full_type_name\n"; my $doc = $self->format_docs ($parameter, ' '); if (defined $doc) { $text .= "$doc\n\n"; } } } $text =~ s/\n\n\Z/\n/; } return $text; } sub format_callback { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $synopsis_format = <<'__EOS__'; sub { my ([[IN_LIST]]) = @_; ... return [[OUT_LIST_PARENS]]; } __EOS__ return $self->format_callable ($element, 'CALLBACK', $synopsis_format); } sub format_constructor { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $synopsis_format = '$object = [[PACKAGE]]->[[NAME]] ([[IN_LIST]])'; return $self->format_callable ($element, 'CONSTRUCTOR', $synopsis_format); } sub format_function { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $synopsis_format = '[[OUT_LIST_ASSIGN]][[FULL_NAME]] ([[IN_LIST]])'; return $self->format_callable ($element, 'FUNCTION', $synopsis_format); } sub format_method { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $synopsis_format = '[[OUT_LIST_ASSIGN]]$object->[[NAME]] ([[IN_LIST]])'; # Treat methods of class structs as functions. { my $parent = $element->parentNode; if ($parent->nodeName eq 'record' && defined $self->find_attribute ($parent, 'glib:is-gtype-struct-for')) { $synopsis_format = '[[OUT_LIST_ASSIGN]][[FULL_NAME]] ($package[[IN_LIST_PRE_COMMA]])'; } } return $self->format_callable ($element, 'METHOD', $synopsis_format); } sub format_signal { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $synopsis_format = <<'__EOS__'; $object->signal_connect ('[[NAME]]' => sub { my ($object, [[IN_LIST_POST_COMMA]]$data) = @_; ... return [[OUT_LIST_PARENS]]; }, $data); __EOS__ return $self->format_callable ($element, 'SIGNAL', $synopsis_format, 'format_signal_flags'); } sub format_virtual_method { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $synopsis_format = <<'__EOS__'; sub [[NAME_UC]] { my ($object[[IN_LIST_PRE_COMMA]]) = @_; ... return [[OUT_LIST_PARENS]]; } __EOS__ return $self->format_callable ($element, 'VIRTUAL METHOD', $synopsis_format, 'format_virtual_method_flags'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_class { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $format_hierarchy_and_interfaces = sub { my @parents; my $current_element = $element; while (1) { my $parent_name = $self->find_attribute ($current_element, 'parent'); last unless defined $parent_name; unshift @parents, $self->format_full_type_name ($parent_name); # Stop if the parent is fully qualified, i.e., if it points elsewhere. last if $parent_name =~ /\./; my $parent_list = $self->{xpc}->find ("core:class[\@name='$parent_name']", $self->{namespace}); if ($parent_list->size != 1) { die "Found no or too many classes with name '$parent_name'\n"; } $current_element = $parent_list->pop; } my @children; my $name = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'name'); my $children_list = $self->{xpc}->find ("core:class[\@parent='$name']", $self->{namespace}); foreach my $child ($children_list->get_nodelist) { push @children, $self->format_full_element_name ($child); } my $hierarchy_text = ''; if (@parents || @children) { push @parents, $self->format_full_element_name ($element); $hierarchy_text = "\nHIERARCHY\n\n"; my $hook = '╰── '; # thanks, devhelp my $spacer = ' ' x length $hook; for (my $i = 0; $i < @parents; $i++) { $hierarchy_text .= ' ' . ($i > 0 ? (($spacer x ($i-1)) . $hook) : '') . $parents[$i] . "\n"; } foreach my $child (@children) { $hierarchy_text .= ' ' . $spacer x $#parents . $hook . $child . "\n"; } } my $impl_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:implements', $element); my $impl_text = $self->format_full_type_names ($impl_list, 'IMPLEMENTED INTERFACES'); return $hierarchy_text . $impl_text; }; return $self->format_class_and_interface ($element, 'CLASS', $format_hierarchy_and_interfaces); } sub format_interface { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $format_prerequisites_and_implementations = sub { my $prereq_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:prerequisite', $element); my $prereq_text = $self->format_full_type_names ($prereq_list, 'PREREQUISITES'); my $name = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'name'); my $impl_list = $self->{xpc}->find ("core:class[./core:implements[\@name='$name']]", $self->{namespace}); my $impl_text = $self->format_full_type_names ($impl_list, 'KNOWN IMPLEMENTATIONS'); return $prereq_text . $impl_text; }; return $self->format_class_and_interface ($element, 'INTERFACE', $format_prerequisites_and_implementations); } sub format_class_and_interface { my ($self, $element, $heading, $intro) = @_; my $text = ''; my $full_name = $self->format_full_element_name ($element); $text .= "$heading\n\n $full_name\n"; $text .= $intro->(); $text .= $self->format_description ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_constructors ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_methods ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_functions ($element, 'CLASS FUNCTIONS'); $text .= $self->format_sub_signals ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_properties ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_fields ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_virtual_methods ($element); return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_constant { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $full_name = $self->format_full_element_name ($element); my $value = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'value'); my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($element); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); $text .= "CONSTANT\n\n $full_name = $value ($full_type_name)\n"; $text .= $self->format_description ($element); return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_field { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $full_name = $self->format_full_element_name ($element); my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($element); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); my $flags = $self->format_field_flags ($element); $text .= "FIELD\n\n $full_name: $full_type_name$flags\n"; $text .= $self->format_description ($element); return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_property { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $full_name = $self->format_full_element_name ($element); my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($element); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); my $flags = $self->format_property_flags ($element); $text .= "PROPERTY\n\n $full_name: $full_type_name$flags\n"; $text .= $self->format_description ($element); return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_record { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $full_name = $self->format_full_element_name ($element); $text .= "RECORD\n\n $full_name\n"; $text .= $self->format_description ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_fields ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_constructors ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_methods ($element); $text .= $self->format_sub_functions ($element, 'FUNCTIONS'); return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_sub_constructors { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $ctor_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:constructor', $element); if ($ctor_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\nCONSTRUCTORS\n\n"; foreach my $ctor ($ctor_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($ctor, 'name'); my $path = $ctor->nodePath; my $flags = $self->format_callable_flags ($ctor, qw/introspectable version/); $text .= " • [$name]($path)$flags\n"; } } return $text; } sub format_sub_fields { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $field_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:field', $element); if ($field_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\nFIELDS\n\n"; foreach my $field ($field_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($field, 'name'); my $path = $field->nodePath; my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($field); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); my $flags = $self->format_field_flags ($field, qw/introspectable/); $text .= " • [$name]($path): $full_type_name$flags\n"; } } return $text; } sub format_sub_functions { my ($self, $element, $heading) = @_; my $text = ''; my $function_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:function', $element); if ($function_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\n$heading\n\n"; foreach my $function ($function_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($function, 'name'); my $path = $function->nodePath; my $flags = $self->format_callable_flags ($function, qw/introspectable version/); $text .= " • [$name]($path)$flags\n"; } } return $text; } sub format_sub_members { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $member_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:member', $element); if ($member_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\nMEMBERS\n"; foreach my $member ($member_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($member, 'name'); my $value = $self->find_attribute ($member, 'value'); $text .= "\n • $name = $value\n"; my $doc = $self->format_docs ($member, ' '); if (defined $doc) { $text .= "$doc\n"; } } } return $text; } sub format_sub_methods { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $method_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:method', $element); if ($method_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\nMETHODS\n\n"; foreach my $method ($method_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($method, 'name'); my $path = $method->nodePath; my $flags = $self->format_callable_flags ($method, qw/introspectable version/); $text .= " • [$name]($path)$flags\n"; } } return $text; } sub format_sub_properties { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $property_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:property', $element); if ($property_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\nPROPERTIES\n\n"; foreach my $property ($property_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($property, 'name'); my $path = $property->nodePath; my $type_name = $self->find_type_name ($property); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); my $flags = $self->format_property_flags ($property, qw/version/); $text .= " • [$name]($path): $full_type_name$flags\n"; } } return $text; } sub format_sub_signals { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $signal_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('glib:signal', $element); if ($signal_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\nSIGNALS\n\n"; foreach my $signal ($signal_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($signal, 'name'); my $path = $signal->nodePath; my $flags = $self->format_signal_flags ($signal, qw/version/); $text .= " • [$name]($path)$flags\n"; } } return $text; } sub format_sub_virtual_methods { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $text = ''; my $vfunc_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:virtual-method', $element); if ($vfunc_list->size > 0) { $text .= "\nVIRTUAL METHODS\n\n"; foreach my $vfunc ($vfunc_list->get_nodelist) { my $name = $self->find_attribute ($vfunc, 'name'); my $path = $vfunc->nodePath; my $flags = $self->format_virtual_method_flags ($vfunc); $text .= " • [$name]($path)$flags\n"; } } return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_deprecation_docs { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $deprecated = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'deprecated') // 0; return unless $deprecated; my $text = ''; my $version = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'deprecated-version'); if (defined $version) { $text .= "Deprecated since: $version."; } my $doc_dep_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:doc-deprecated', $element); if ($doc_dep_list->size == 1) { $text .= ' ' . $doc_dep_list->pop->textContent; } return if $text eq ''; return $text; } sub format_description { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $docs = $self->format_docs ($element); return defined $docs ? "\nDESCRIPTION\n\n$docs\n" : ''; } sub format_docs { my ($self, $element, $indent) = @_; $indent //= ' '; my $text = ''; # The normal docs. my $docs_list = $self->{xpc}->find ('core:doc', $element); if ($docs_list->size == 1) { $text .= $docs_list->pop->textContent; } # The version constraint. my $ver = $self->format_version_constraint ($element); $text .= "\n\n$ver\n" if defined $ver; # The deprecation docs. my $dep = $self->format_deprecation_docs ($element); $text .= "\n\n$dep\n" if defined $dep; return if $text eq ''; # Extract code blocks so that they are not wrapped. my $code_block_pattern = qr/\|\[\n?(.*?)\n?\]\|/s; my $empty_code_block = '|[]|'; my $empty_code_block_pattern = qr/\|\[\]\|/; my @code_blocks = $text =~ m/$code_block_pattern/g; $text =~ s/$code_block_pattern/$empty_code_block/g; # Remove leading white space as fill() otherwise takes it for starting a new # paragraph. Do this after the code block extraction to preserve their # indentation. $text =~ s/^[ \t]+//mg; require Text::Wrap; my $formatted_text = Text::Wrap::fill ($indent, $indent, $text); while ($formatted_text =~ m/$empty_code_block_pattern/g) { my $code_block = shift @code_blocks; $code_block =~ s/^/$indent/mg; my $divider = '-' x (76-length($indent)); my $formatted_code_block = "\n$indent$divider\n$code_block\n$indent$divider"; $formatted_text =~ s/(?:\n)?(?:$indent)?$empty_code_block_pattern/$formatted_code_block/; } return $formatted_text; } sub format_full_element_name { my ($self, $element) = @_; my (undef, undef, $full_name) = $self->find_full_element_name ($element); return $full_name; } sub format_full_type_name { my ($self, $name) = @_; if ($name =~ /\./) { # fully qualified $name =~ s/\./::/g; return $name; } if ($name =~ /^[A-Z]/) { # local return $self->{basename} . '::' . $name; } return $name; # global } sub format_full_type_names { my ($self, $list, $heading) = @_; my $text = ''; if ($list->size > 0) { $text .= "\n$heading\n\n"; foreach my $node ($list->get_nodelist) { my $type_name = $self->find_attribute ($node, 'name'); my $full_type_name = $self->format_full_type_name ($type_name); $text .= " • $full_type_name\n"; } } return $text; } sub format_version_constraint { my ($self, $element) = @_; my $version = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'version'); return if !defined $version; return "Since: $version."; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub format_flags { my ($self, $element, $available, $wanted) = @_; $wanted //= []; my @texts; foreach my $flag (@$available) { my $name = $flag->[0]; my $default = $flag->[1]; my $formatter = $flag->[2]; if (@$wanted) { next unless grep { $_ eq $name } @$wanted; } my $value = $self->find_attribute ($element, $name) // $default; my $text = $formatter->($value); push @texts, $text if defined $text; } return '' unless @texts; return ' [' . join (', ', @texts) . ']'; } sub format_callable_flags { my ($self, $element, @wanted) = @_; # name, default, formatter my @available = ( ['introspectable', 1, sub { !$_[0] ? 'NOT INTROSPECTABLE' : undef }], ['deprecated', 0, sub { $_[0] ? "deprecated" : undef }], ['moved-to', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "moved to $_[0]" : undef }], ['shadowed-by', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "shadowed by $_[0]" : undef }], # FIXME: Format $_[0] properly. ['throws', 0, sub { $_[0] ? "throws" : undef }], ['version', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "available since $_[0]" : undef }], ['shadows', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "shadows $_[0]" : undef }], # FIXME: Format $_[0] properly. ); return $self->format_flags ($element, \@available, \@wanted); } sub format_field_flags { my ($self, $element, @wanted) = @_; # name, default, formatter my @available = ( ['introspectable', 1, sub { !$_[0] ? 'NOT INTROSPECTABLE' : undef }], ['readable', 1, sub { $_[0] ? 'readable' : undef }], ['writable', 1, sub { $_[0] ? 'writable' : undef }], ); return $self->format_flags ($element, \@available, \@wanted); } sub format_property_flags { my ($self, $element, @wanted) = @_; my @available = ( ['deprecated', 0, sub { $_[0] ? "deprecated" : undef }], ['version', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "available since $_[0]" : undef }], ['readable', 1, sub { $_[0] ? 'readable' : undef }], ['writable', 0, sub { $_[0] ? 'writable' : undef }], ); return $self->format_flags ($element, \@available, \@wanted); } sub format_signal_flags { my ($self, $element, @wanted) = @_; # name, default, formatter my @available = ( ['deprecated', 0, sub { $_[0] ? "deprecated" : undef }], ['version', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "available since $_[0]" : undef }], ['when', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "$_[0]" : undef }], ['no-recurse', 0, sub { $_[0] ? "no recurse" : undef }], ['detailed', 0, sub { $_[0] ? "detailed" : undef }], ); return $self->format_flags ($element, \@available, \@wanted); } sub format_virtual_method_flags { my ($self, $element, @wanted) = @_; my $name = $self->find_attribute ($element, 'name'); my @available = ( ['introspectable', 1, sub { !$_[0] ? 'NOT INTROSPECTABLE' : undef }], ['invoker', undef, sub { defined $_[0] && $_[0] ne $name ? "invoked by $_[0]" : undef }], ['version', undef, sub { defined $_[0] ? "available since $_[0]" : undef }], ); return $self->format_flags ($element, \@available, \@wanted); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # --- GirGUI ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package GirGUI; use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename qw//; sub TRUE () {1} sub FALSE () {0} sub FILE_MENU_COL_TEXT () { 0 } sub FILE_MENU_COL_FILE () { 1 } sub FILE_MENU_COL_DIR () { 2 } sub FILE_MENU_COL_PATH () { 3 } sub FILE_MENU_COL_IS_SENSITIVE () { 4 } sub GIR_VIEW_COL_TEXT () { 0 } sub GIR_VIEW_COL_PATH () { 1 } sub GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_CATEGORY () { 2 } sub GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_VISIBLE () { 3 } sub new { my ($class, $parser, @girs) = @_; if (!Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION (3, 10, 0)) { die "Need gtk+ >= 3.10 for the GUI\n"; } my $self = bless { parser => $parser, }, $class; my $window = Gtk3::Window->new; $self->setup_file_menu (@girs); $self->setup_gir_view; $self->setup_search_entry; $self->setup_path_bar; $self->setup_result_view; my $gir_view_window = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new; $gir_view_window->add ($self->{gir_view}); my $result_view_window = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new; $result_view_window->add ($self->{result_view}); my $side_box = Gtk3::Box->new ('vertical', 2); $side_box->pack_start ($self->{file_menu}, FALSE, FALSE, 0); $side_box->pack_start ($gir_view_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0); $side_box->pack_start ($self->{search_entry}, FALSE, FALSE, 0); $side_box->set (margin => 2); my $result_box = Gtk3::Box->new ('vertical', 0); $result_box->pack_start ($self->{path_bar}, FALSE, FALSE, 0); $result_box->pack_start ($result_view_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0); my $paned = Gtk3::Paned->new ('horizontal'); $paned->pack1 ($side_box, TRUE, TRUE); $paned->pack2 ($result_box, TRUE, TRUE); $paned->set_position (300); $window->add ($paned); $window->signal_connect (delete_event => sub { $self->quit; }); $window->set_default_geometry (900, 800); my $accel_group = Gtk3::AccelGroup->new; $accel_group->connect (Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_q (), qw/control-mask/, [], sub { $self->quit; return Gtk3::EVENT_STOP (); }); $accel_group->connect (Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_k (), qw/control-mask/, [], sub { $self->{search_entry}->grab_focus; return Gtk3::EVENT_STOP (); }); $window->add_accel_group ($accel_group); $self->{window} = $window; return $self; } sub filter_gir_view { my ($self, $criterion) = @_; my $view = $self->{gir_view}; my $model = $self->{gir_model}; my $filter_model = $self->{gir_filter_model}; if (!defined $criterion || $criterion eq '') { # Make everything visible. $model->foreach (sub { my (undef, undef, $iter) = @_; $model->set ($iter, GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_VISIBLE, TRUE); return FALSE; # continue }); # Scroll to selected element. my $selection = $view->get_selection; my ($selected_model, $selected_iter) = $selection->get_selected; if (defined $selected_iter) { my $selected_path = $selected_model->get_path ($selected_iter); $view->scroll_to_cell ($selected_path, undef, FALSE, 0.5, 0.5); } } else { my $re; if ($criterion =~ m|\A/.+/\z|) { $criterion =~ s|\A/(.+)/\z|$1|; $re = qr/$criterion/; } else { $re = qr/\Q$criterion\E/i; } my $check_tree; $check_tree = sub { my ($iter) = @_; my @children = map { $model->iter_nth_child ($iter, $_) } 0..$model->iter_n_children ($iter); foreach my $child (@children) { my ($text, $is_cat) = $model->get ($child, GIR_VIEW_COL_TEXT, GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_CATEGORY); if ($is_cat || $text !~ $re) { # no match $model->set ($child, GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_VISIBLE, FALSE); $check_tree->($child); # descend } else { # match # Make the element and all its parents visible. my $cur = $child; do { $model->set ($cur, GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_VISIBLE, TRUE); } while (defined ($cur = $model->iter_parent ($cur))); # Expand the matching element and all its parents. $view->expand_to_path ( $filter_model->convert_child_path_to_path ( $model->get_path ($child))); # No need to descend as we want all children of matching elements to # be visible. (All elements are visible by default.) } } }; $check_tree->(undef); # start with the virtual root node } } sub display_results { my ($self, $results) = @_; my $b = $self->{result_buffer}; $b->delete ($b->get_start_iter (), $b->get_end_iter ()); my $iter = $b->get_start_iter (); my $insert_part = sub { my ($start, $end) = @_; $b->insert ($iter, substr ($results, $start, $end - $start)); }; my ($prev_match_start, $prev_match_end) = (0, 0); while ($results =~ m/\[([^\n\]]+)\]\(([^\n\)]+)\)/g) { my ($link_text, $link_target) = ($1, $2); my ($match_start, $match_end) = ($-[0], $+[0]); if ($match_start != $prev_match_end) { $insert_part->($prev_match_end, $match_start); } my $tag = $b->create_tag (undef, foreground => 'blue'); $tag->{__target} = $link_target; $b->insert_with_tags ($iter, $link_text, $tag); ($prev_match_start, $prev_match_end) = ($match_start, $match_end); } my $end_offset = length ($results); if ($prev_match_end != $end_offset) { $insert_part->($prev_match_end, $end_offset); } } sub run { my ($self) = @_; $self->{window}->show_all; Gtk3::main (); } sub setup_file_menu { my ($self, @girs) = @_; my $file_model = Gtk3::TreeStore->new (qw/Glib::String Glib::String Glib::String Glib::String Glib::Boolean/); my $file_menu = Gtk3::ComboBox->new_with_model ($file_model); my $renderer = Gtk3::CellRendererText->new; $file_menu->pack_start ($renderer, TRUE); $file_menu->set_attributes ($renderer, text => FILE_MENU_COL_TEXT, sensitive => FILE_MENU_COL_IS_SENSITIVE); $file_menu->set_id_column (FILE_MENU_COL_PATH); my $prompt = '<Select GIR>'; $file_model->set ($file_model->append, FILE_MENU_COL_TEXT, $prompt, FILE_MENU_COL_IS_SENSITIVE, FALSE); $file_menu->set_active (0); my %dirs; $dirs{$_->{dir}}++ for @girs; my $n_dirs = scalar keys %dirs; foreach my $gir (sort { $a->{file} cmp $b->{file} } @girs) { my $text = File::Basename::fileparse ($gir->{file}, qr/\.gir$/); if ($n_dirs > 1) { my $dir = $gir->{dir}; $dir =~ s|/share/gir-1\.0$||; $text .= ' (' . $dir . ')'; } $file_model->set ($file_model->append, FILE_MENU_COL_TEXT, $text, FILE_MENU_COL_FILE, $gir->{file}, FILE_MENU_COL_DIR, $gir->{dir}, FILE_MENU_COL_PATH, $gir->{path}, FILE_MENU_COL_IS_SENSITIVE, TRUE); } $file_menu->signal_connect (changed => sub { my (undef, $iter) = $file_menu->get_active_iter; $self->{parser}->open ($file_model->get ($iter, FILE_MENU_COL_PATH)); $self->update_gir_view; }); $self->{file_menu} = $file_menu; } sub setup_gir_view { my ($self) = @_; my $gir_model = Gtk3::TreeStore->new (qw/Glib::String Glib::String Glib::Boolean Glib::Boolean/); my $gir_filter_model = Gtk3::TreeModelFilter->new ($gir_model); $gir_filter_model->set_visible_column (GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_VISIBLE); my $gir_view = Gtk3::TreeView->new_with_model ($gir_filter_model); $gir_view->insert_column_with_attributes ( GIR_VIEW_COL_TEXT, 'Element', Gtk3::CellRendererText->new, text => GIR_VIEW_COL_TEXT); $gir_view->set_headers_visible (FALSE); $gir_view->signal_connect (key_press_event => sub { my (undef, $event) = @_; if ($event->keyval == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Left () || $event->keyval == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Right ()) { my $selection = $gir_view->get_selection; my ($model, $iter) = $selection->get_selected; if (defined $iter) { my $path = $model->get_path ($iter); if ($event->keyval == Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Left ()) { $gir_view->collapse_row ($path); } else { $gir_view->expand_row ($path, FALSE); } } return Gtk3::EVENT_STOP (); } return Gtk3::EVENT_PROPAGATE (); }); $gir_view->get_selection->signal_connect (changed => sub { $self->go_to_selection unless $self->{suppress_gir_view_selection_changes}; }); $self->{gir_model} = $gir_model; $self->{gir_filter_model} = $gir_filter_model; $self->{gir_view} = $gir_view; } sub setup_path_bar { my ($self) = @_; my $path_bar = PathBar->new (orientation => 'horizontal', spacing => 2); $path_bar->set_update_func (sub { my ($name, $path) = @_; $self->update_results ($path); }); $self->{path_bar} = $path_bar; } sub setup_search_entry { my ($self) = @_; my $wait_time_ms = 500; my $search_entry = Gtk3::SearchEntry->new; $search_entry->signal_connect (search_changed => sub { # Use a timeout which is reset when the search text changes so that we do # not filter the view too often. if (defined $search_entry->{__timer_id}) { Glib::Source->remove ($search_entry->{__timer_id}); } $search_entry->{__timer_id} = Glib::Timeout->add ($wait_time_ms, sub { $self->filter_gir_view ($search_entry->get_text); $search_entry->{__timer_id} = undef; return Glib::SOURCE_REMOVE (); }); }); $self->{search_entry} = $search_entry; } sub setup_result_view { my ($self) = @_; my $result_buffer = Gtk3::TextBuffer->new (undef); my $result_view = Gtk3::TextView->new_with_buffer ($result_buffer); $result_view->set (editable => FALSE, margin => 2); my $display = $result_view->get_display (); $result_view->{__hand_cursor} = Gtk3::Gdk::Cursor->new_from_name ($display, 'pointer'); $result_view->{__regular_cursor} = Gtk3::Gdk::Cursor->new_from_name ($display, 'text'); my $hovering_over_link = sub { my ($event) = @_; my ($x, $y) = $result_view->window_to_buffer_coords ('widget', $event->x, $event->y); my $iter = $result_view->get_iter_at_location ($x, $y); if (!$iter) { return; } my $tags = $iter->get_tags (); foreach my $tag (@$tags) { if (defined $tag->{__target}) { return $tag; } } return; }; $result_view->{__hovering} = FALSE; $result_view->signal_connect (motion_notify_event => sub { my ($result_view, $event) = @_; my $hovering = defined $hovering_over_link->($event); if ($result_view->{__hovering} != $hovering) { $result_view->{__hovering} = $hovering; $result_view->get_window ('text')->set_cursor ( $hovering ? $result_view->{__hand_cursor} : $result_view->{__regular_cursor}); } return Gtk3::EVENT_PROPAGATE (); }); my $handle_button = sub { my ($event, $cb) = @_; if ($event->button == Gtk3::Gdk::BUTTON_PRIMARY ()) { my $tag = $hovering_over_link->($event); if (defined $tag) { if (defined $cb) { $cb->($tag); } return Gtk3::EVENT_STOP (); } } return Gtk3::EVENT_PROPAGATE (); }; $result_view->signal_connect (button_press_event => sub { my ($result_view, $event) = @_; return $handle_button->($event); }); $result_view->signal_connect (button_release_event => sub { my ($result_view, $event) = @_; return $handle_button->($event, sub { $self->go_to_path ($_[0]->{__target}); }); }); $self->{result_buffer} = $result_buffer; $self->{result_view} = $result_view; } sub update_gir_view { my ($self) = @_; $self->{suppress_gir_view_selection_changes} = TRUE; $self->{gir_model}->clear; $self->{search_entry}->set_text (''); $self->{path_bar}->clear; my $inserter = sub { my ($iter, $text, $path, $is_cat, $is_vis) = @_; $self->{gir_model}->set ($iter, GIR_VIEW_COL_TEXT, $text, GIR_VIEW_COL_PATH, $path, GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_CATEGORY, $is_cat, GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_VISIBLE, $is_vis); }; my $results = $self->{parser}->enumerate_namespace (TRUE); foreach my $result (@$results) { my $heading = $result->[0]; my $entries = $result->[1]; my $heading_iter = $self->{gir_model}->append; $inserter->($heading_iter, $heading, undef, TRUE, TRUE); next unless defined $entries; foreach my $entry (@$entries) { my $iter = $self->{gir_model}->append ($heading_iter); $inserter->($iter, $entry->{name}, $entry->{path}, FALSE, TRUE); next unless defined $entry->{sub_results}; foreach my $sub_result (@{$entry->{sub_results}}) { my $sub_heading = $sub_result->[0]; my $sub_entries = $sub_result->[1]; my $sub_heading_iter = $self->{gir_model}->append ($iter); $inserter->($sub_heading_iter, $sub_heading, undef, TRUE, TRUE); next unless defined $sub_entries; foreach my $sub_entry (@$sub_entries) { my $sub_iter = $self->{gir_model}->append ($sub_heading_iter); $inserter->($sub_iter, $sub_entry->{name}, $sub_entry->{path}, FALSE, TRUE); } } } } $self->{suppress_gir_view_selection_changes} = FALSE; $self->display_results ($self->{parser}->format_namespace); } sub go_to_selection { my ($self) = @_; my $selection = $self->{gir_view}->get_selection; my ($model, $iter) = $selection->get_selected; if (!defined $iter) { $self->display_results ($self->{parser}->format_namespace); } elsif (!$model->get ($iter, GIR_VIEW_COL_IS_CATEGORY)) { my $path = $model->get ($iter, GIR_VIEW_COL_PATH); $self->go_to_path ($path); } } sub go_to_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; my $name = $self->{parser}->format_node_name_by_path ($path); $self->{path_bar}->append ($name, $path); # indirectly calls update_results } sub update_results { my ($self, $path) = @_; $self->display_results ($self->{parser}->format_node_by_path ($path)); # Show and select the correponding tree entry. $self->{gir_model}->foreach (sub { my ($model, $tree_path, $iter) = @_; my $this_path = $model->get ($iter, GIR_VIEW_COL_PATH); if (defined $this_path && $this_path eq $path) { $self->{gir_view}->expand_to_path ($tree_path); $self->{gir_view}->scroll_to_cell ($tree_path, undef, FALSE, 0.0, 0.0); $self->{suppress_gir_view_selection_changes} = TRUE; { $self->{gir_view}->get_selection ()->select_path ($tree_path); } $self->{suppress_gir_view_selection_changes} = FALSE; return TRUE; # stop } return FALSE; # continue }); } sub quit { my ($self) = @_; Gtk3::main_quit (); } package PathBar; # The BEGIN { eval } dance is to support not loading Gtk3 in text mode. BEGIN { eval {use Glib::Object::Subclass qw/Gtk3::Box/;} } sub TRUE () {1} sub FALSE () {0} sub INIT_INSTANCE { my ($self) = @_; my $back_button = Gtk3::Button->new; $back_button->set_image ( Gtk3::Image->new_from_icon_name ('go-previous-symbolic', 'button')); $back_button->set_sensitive (FALSE); $back_button->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $self->{path_label}->go_back }); my $forward_button = Gtk3::Button->new; $forward_button->set_image ( Gtk3::Image->new_from_icon_name ('go-next-symbolic', 'button')); $forward_button->set_sensitive (FALSE); $forward_button->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $self->{path_label}->go_forward }); my $nav_box = Gtk3::Box->new ('horizontal', 2); $nav_box->pack_start ($back_button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); $nav_box->pack_start ($forward_button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); $nav_box->get_style_context->add_class ('linked'); my $path_label = PathLabel->new; $path_label->set_update_func (sub { my ($name, $path) = @_; $self->update_buttons; if (defined $self->{update_func}) { $self->{update_func}->($name, $path); } }); $self->pack_start ($nav_box, FALSE, FALSE, 0); $self->pack_start (Gtk3::VSeparator->new, FALSE, FALSE, 0); $self->pack_start ($path_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0); $self->set (margin => 2); $self->{back_button} = $back_button; $self->{forward_button} = $forward_button; $self->{path_label} = $path_label; return $self; } sub clear { my ($self) = @_; $self->{path_label}->clear (); $self->update_buttons (); } sub append { my ($self, $name, $path) = @_; $self->{path_label}->append ($name, $path); } sub set_update_func { my ($self, $func) = @_; $self->{update_func} = $func; } sub update_buttons { my ($self) = @_; $self->{back_button}->set_sensitive ($self->{path_label}->can_go_back); $self->{forward_button}->set_sensitive ($self->{path_label}->can_go_forward); } package PathLabel; # The BEGIN { eval } dance is to support not loading Gtk3 in text mode. BEGIN { eval {use Glib::Object::Subclass qw/Gtk3::Label/;} } sub TRUE () {1} sub FALSE () {0} sub INIT_INSTANCE { my ($self) = @_; $self->signal_connect (activate_link => sub { my (undef, $index) = @_; $self->{current_child} = $index; $self->update; return Gtk3::EVENT_STOP (); }); $self->set_track_visited_links (FALSE); $self->clear (); } sub clear { my ($self) = @_; $self->{children} = []; $self->{current_child} = undef; $self->{natural_width} = 0; $self->update (); } sub append { my ($self, $name, $path) = @_; my $cur = $self->{current_child}; # If the new entry is equal to the current entry, do nothing. if (defined $cur) { my $child = $self->{children}->[$cur]; if ($child->{name} eq $name && $child->{path} eq $path) { return; } } # If the current entry is not the last entry, remove all entries after the # current one before appending the new entry. if (defined $cur && $cur < $#{$self->{children}}) { splice @{$self->{children}}, $cur+1; } push @{$self->{children}}, {name => $name, path => $path}; $self->{current_child} = $#{$self->{children}}; $self->update; } sub can_go_back { my ($self) = @_; return defined $self->{current_child} && $self->{current_child} > 0; } sub can_go_forward { my ($self) = @_; return defined $self->{current_child} && $self->{current_child} < $#{$self->{children}}; } sub go_back { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->{current_child} > 0; $self->{current_child}--; $self->update; } sub go_forward { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->{current_child} < $#{$self->{children}}; $self->{current_child}++; $self->update; } sub set_update_func { my ($self, $func) = @_; $self->{update_func} = $func; } sub update { my ($self) = @_; $self->set_markup ($self->_format_children); if (defined $self->{current_child} && defined $self->{update_func}) { my $child = $self->{children}->[$self->{current_child}]; $self->{update_func}->($child->{name}, $child->{path}); } } sub GET_PREFERRED_WIDTH { #say 'GET_PREFERRED_WIDTH'; my ($self) = @_; (undef, $self->{natural_width}) = $self->SUPER::GET_PREFERRED_WIDTH; return (0, 0); } sub SIZE_ALLOCATE { #say 'SIZE_ALLOCATE'; my ($self, $allocation) = @_; if ($self->{natural_width} > $allocation->{width}) { my @selected = ($self->{current_child}); while (1) { my @candidates = @selected; if ($selected[0] > 0) { unshift @candidates, $selected[0]-1; } if ($selected[-1] < $#{$self->{children}}) { push @candidates, $selected[-1]+1; } $self->set_markup ($self->_format_children (@candidates)); my ($ink_rect, $logical_rect) = $self->get_layout->get_extents; my $text_width = $logical_rect->{width}/Pango::SCALE (); if ($text_width > $allocation->{width}) { last; } else { @selected = @candidates; } } $self->set_markup ($self->_format_children (@selected)); } $self->SUPER::SIZE_ALLOCATE ($allocation); } # Use undef as an indicator for left-out children. sub _add_omission_markers { my ($self, @indices) = @_; if (!@indices) { return @indices; } if ($indices[0] > 0) { unshift @indices, undef; } if ($indices[-1] < $#{$self->{children}}) { push @indices, undef; } return @indices; } sub _format_child { my ($self, $index) = @_; return '…' unless defined $index; my $name = $self->{children}->[$index]->{name}; my $markup = $index == $self->{current_child} ? "<b>$name</b>" : "<a href='$index'>$name</a>"; return $markup; } sub _format_children { my ($self, @indices) = @_; if (!@indices) { @indices = 0..$#{$self->{children}}; } @indices = $self->_add_omission_markers (@indices); return join ' ▸ ', map { $self->_format_child ($_) } @indices; } __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME perli11ndoc - view documentation of installed libraries bound using Glib::Object::Introspection =head1 ABSTRACT perli11ndoc allows you to view Perl documentation for Glib libraries bound to Perl using Glib::Object::Introspection. Glib::Object::Introspection uses the gobject-introspection and libffi projects to dynamically create Perl bindings for a wide variety of libraries. Examples include gtk+, webkit, libsoup and many more. All libraries currently installed will be shown with Perl-specific documentation and examples. Where Glib::Object::Introspection differs from the C library, differences are pointed out and the Perl-specific interface is defined. =head1 DEPENDENCIES perli11ndoc requires that XML::LibXML be installed to run. It also requires that the corresponding C library headers be installed on the system to provide documentation. For instance, on a Debian-based system you would need libgtk-3-dev to see the Perl introspected documentation for Gtk3. =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item perl-Glib: L<Glib> =item gobject-introspection: L<http://live.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection> =item libffi: L<http://sourceware.org/libffi/> =item Glib::Object::Introspection: L<https://metacpan.org/pod/Glib::Object::Introspection> =back =head1 AUTHORS =over =item Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi at linux intel com> =item muppet <scott asofyet org> =item Torsten Schönfeld <kaffeetisch at gmx de> =back =head1 LICENSE This utility is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). For more information, see http://www.fsf.org/licenses/lgpl.txt =cut