Direktori : /proc/self/root/bin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/bin/hp-setup |
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) Copyright 2003-2015 HP Development Company, L.P. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Author: Don Welch # __version__ = '9.0' __title__ = 'Printer/Fax Setup Utility' __mod__ = 'hp-setup' __doc__ = "Installs HPLIP printers and faxes in the CUPS spooler. Tries to automatically determine the correct PPD file to use. Allows the printing of a testpage. Performs basic fax parameter setup." # Std Lib import sys import getopt import time import os.path import re import os import gzip try: import readline except ImportError: pass # Local from base.g import * from base import device, utils, tui, models, module, services, os_utils from prnt import cups from base.sixext.moves import input from base.sixext import to_unicode, from_unicode_to_str try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError as e: log.debug(e) from base.utils import dyn_import_mod as import_module pm = None def plugin_download_callback(c, s, t): pm.update(int(100*c*s/t), utils.format_bytes(c*s)) def clean_exit(code = 0): cups.releaseCupsInstance() sys.exit(code) nickname_pat = re.compile(r'''\*NickName:\s*\"(.*)"''', re.MULTILINE) USAGE = [ (__doc__, "", "name", True), ("Usage: %s [MODE] [OPTIONS] [SERIAL NO.|USB bus:device|IP|DEVNODE]" % __mod__, "", "summary", True), utils.USAGE_MODE, utils.USAGE_GUI_MODE, utils.USAGE_INTERACTIVE_MODE, utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_OPTIONS, ("Automatic mode:", "-a or --auto (-i mode only)", "option", False), ("To specify the port on a multi-port JetDirect:", r"--port=<port> (Valid values are 1\*, 2, and 3. \*default)", "option", False), ("No testpage in automatic mode:", "-x (-i mode only)", "option", False), ("To specify a CUPS printer queue name:", "-p<printer> or --printer=<printer> (-i mode only)", "option", False), ("To specify a CUPS fax queue name:", "-f<fax> or --fax=<fax> (-i mode only)", "option", False), ("Type of queue(s) to install:", r"-t<typelist> or --type=<typelist>. <typelist>: print*, fax\* (\*default) (-i mode only)", "option", False), ("To specify the device URI to install:", "-d<device> or --device=<device> (--qt4 mode only)", "option", False), ("Remove printers or faxes instead of setting-up:", "-r or --rm or --remove", "option", False), utils.USAGE_LANGUAGE, utils.USAGE_LOGGING1, utils.USAGE_LOGGING2, utils.USAGE_LOGGING3, utils.USAGE_HELP, ("[SERIAL NO.|USB ID|IP|DEVNODE]", "", "heading", False), ("USB bus:device (usb only):", """"xxx:yyy" where 'xxx' is the USB bus and 'yyy' is the USB device. (Note: The ':' and all leading zeros must be present.)""", 'option', False), ("", "Use the 'lsusb' command to obtain this information.", "option", False), ("IPs (network only):", 'IPv4 address "a.b.c.d" or "hostname"', "option", False), ("DEVNODE (parallel only):", '"/dev/parportX", X=0,1,2,...', "option", False), ("SERIAL NO. (usb and parallel only):", '"serial no."', "option", True), utils.USAGE_EXAMPLES, ("Setup using GUI mode:", "$ hp-setup", "example", False), ("Setup using GUI mode, specifying usb:", "$ hp-setup -b usb", "example", False), ("Setup using GUI mode, specifying an IP:", "$ hp-setup", "example", False), ("One USB printer attached, automatic:", "$ hp-setup -i -a", "example", False), ("USB, IDs specified:", "$ hp-setup -i 001:002", "example", False), ("Network:", "$ hp-setup -i", "example", False), ("Network, Jetdirect port 2:", "$ hp-setup -i --port=2", "example", False), ("Parallel:", "$ hp-setup -i /dev/parport0", "example", False), ("USB or parallel, using serial number:", "$ hp-setup -i US12345678A", "example", False), ("USB, automatic:", "$ hp-setup -i --auto 001:002", "example", False), ("Parallel, automatic, no testpage:", "$ hp-setup -i -a -x /dev/parport0", "example", False), ("Parallel, choose device:", "$ hp-setup -i -b par", "example", False), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_NOTES, ("1. If no serial number, USB ID, IP, or device node is specified, the USB and parallel busses will be probed for devices.", "", 'note', False), ("2. Using 'lsusb' to obtain USB IDs: (example)", "", 'note', False), (" $ lsusb", "", 'note', False), (" Bus 003 Device 011: ID 03f0:c202 Hewlett-Packard", "", 'note', False), (" $ hp-setup --auto 003:011", "", 'note', False), (" (Note: You may have to run 'lsusb' from /sbin or another location. Use '$ locate lsusb' to determine this.)", "", 'note', True), ("3. Parameters -a, -f, -p, or -t are not valid in GUI (-u) mode.", "", 'note', True), utils.USAGE_SPACE, utils.USAGE_SEEALSO, ("hp-makeuri", "", "seealso", False), ("hp-probe", "", "seealso", False), ] mod = module.Module(__mod__, __title__, __version__, __doc__, USAGE, (INTERACTIVE_MODE, GUI_MODE), (UI_TOOLKIT_QT3, UI_TOOLKIT_QT4, UI_TOOLKIT_QT5), run_as_root_ok=True) opts, device_uri, printer_name, mode, ui_toolkit, loc = \ mod.parseStdOpts('axp:P:f:t:b:d:rq', ['ttl=', 'filter=', 'search=', 'find=', 'method=', 'time-out=', 'timeout=', 'printer=', 'fax=', 'type=', 'port=', 'auto', 'device=', 'rm', 'remove'], handle_device_printer=False) selected_device_name = None printer_name = None fax_name = None bus = None setup_print = True setup_fax = True makeuri = None auto = False testpage_in_auto_mode = True jd_port = 1 remove = False ignore_plugin_check = False for o, a in opts: if o == '-x': testpage_in_auto_mode = False elif o in ('-P', '-p', '--printer'): printer_name = a elif o in ('-f', '--fax'): fax_name = a elif o in ('-d', '--device'): device_uri = a elif o in ('-b', '--bus'): bus = [x.lower().strip() for x in a.split(',')] if not device.validateBusList(bus, False): mod.usage(error_msg=['Invalid bus name']) elif o in ('-t', '--type'): setup_fax, setup_print = False, False a = a.strip().lower() for aa in a.split(','): if aa.strip() not in ('print', 'fax'): mod.usage(error_msg=['Invalid type.']) if aa.strip() == 'print': setup_print = True elif aa.strip() == 'fax': if not prop.fax_build: log.error("Cannot enable fax setup - HPLIP not built with fax enabled.") else: setup_fax = True elif o == '--port': try: jd_port = int(a) except ValueError: #log.error("Invalid port number. Must be between 1 and 3 inclusive.") mod.usage(error_msg=['Invalid port number. Must be between 1 and 3 inclusive.']) elif o in ('-a', '--auto'): auto = True elif o in ('-r', '--rm', '--remove'): remove = True elif o in ('-q'): ignore_plugin_check = True try: param = mod.args[0] except IndexError: param = '' log.debug("param=%s" % param) if printer_name is not None: selected_device_name = printer_name else: if fax_name is not None: selected_device_name = fax_name log.debug("selected_device_name=%s" % selected_device_name) if mode == GUI_MODE: if selected_device_name is not None: log.warning("-p or -f option is not supported") if ui_toolkit == 'qt3': if not utils.canEnterGUIMode(): log.error("%s requires GUI support (try running with --qt4). Also, try using interactive (-i) mode." % __mod__) clean_exit(1) else: if not utils.canEnterGUIMode4(): log.error("%s requires GUI support (try running with --qt3). Also, try using interactive (-i) mode." % __mod__) clean_exit(1) if mode == GUI_MODE: if ui_toolkit == 'qt3': try: from qt import * from ui import setupform except ImportError: log.error("Unable to load Qt3 support. Is it installed?") clean_exit(1) if remove: log.warn("-r/--rm/--remove not supported in qt3 mode.") app = QApplication(sys.argv) QObject.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()")) if loc is None: loc = user_conf.get('ui', 'loc', 'system') if loc.lower() == 'system': loc = str(QTextCodec.locale()) log.debug("Using system locale: %s" % loc) if loc.lower() != 'c': e = 'utf8' try: l, x = loc.split('.') loc = '.'.join([l, e]) except ValueError: l = loc loc = '.'.join([loc, e]) log.debug("Trying to load .qm file for %s locale." % loc) trans = QTranslator(None) qm_file = 'hplip_%s.qm' % l log.debug("Name of .qm file: %s" % qm_file) loaded = trans.load(qm_file, prop.localization_dir) if loaded: app.installTranslator(trans) else: loc = 'c' if loc == 'c': log.debug("Using default 'C' locale") else: log.debug("Using locale: %s" % loc) QLocale.setDefault(QLocale(loc)) prop.locale = loc try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale.normalize(loc)) except locale.Error: pass try: w = setupform.SetupForm(bus, param, jd_port) except Error: log.error("Unable to connect to HPLIP I/O. Please (re)start HPLIP and try again.") clean_exit(1) app.setMainWidget(w) w.show() app.exec_loop() cups.releaseCupsInstance() else: # qt4 # if utils.ui_status[1] == "PyQt4": # try: # from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMessageBox # from ui4.setupdialog import SetupDialog # except ImportError as e: # log.error(e) # clean_exit(1) # elif utils.ui_status[1] == "PyQt5": # try: # from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox # from ui5.setupdialog import SetupDialog # except ImportError as e: # log.error(e) # clean_exit(1) # else: # log.error("Unable to load Qt support. Is it installed?") # clean_exit(1) QApplication, ui_package = utils.import_dialog(ui_toolkit) ui = import_module(ui_package + ".setupdialog") app = QApplication(sys.argv) log.debug("Sys.argv=%s printer_name=%s param=%s jd_port=%s device_uri=%s remove=%s" % (sys.argv, printer_name, param, jd_port, device_uri, remove)) dlg = ui.SetupDialog(None, param, jd_port, device_uri, remove) dlg.show() try: log.debug("Starting GUI Event Loop...") app.exec_() except KeyboardInterrupt: clean_exit(0) else: # INTERACTIVE_MODE try: try: from base import password except ImportError: log.warn("Failed to import Password Object") else: cups.setPasswordCallback(password.showPasswordPrompt) #Removing Queue if remove: tui.header("REMOVING PRINT/FAX QUEUE") sts, printer_name, device_uri = mod.getPrinterName(selected_device_name,None,['hp','hpfax']) selected_device_name = printer_name log.info (log.bold("Removing '%s : %s' Queue"%(printer_name, device_uri))) status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.delPrinter, INTERACTIVE_MODE, '', None, selected_device_name) if cups.IPP_OK == status: log.info("Successfully deleted %s Print/Fax queue"%selected_device_name) utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_REMOVED,device_uri, printer_name) clean_exit(0) else: log.error("Failed to delete %s Print/Fax queue. Error : %s"%(selected_device_name,status_str)) clean_exit(1) if not auto: log.info("(Note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press <enter> to accept the default.)") log.info("") # ******************************* MAKEURI if param: device_uri, sane_uri, fax_uri = device.makeURI(param, jd_port) # ******************************* CONNECTION TYPE CHOOSER if not device_uri and bus is None: bus = tui.connection_table() if bus is None: clean_exit(0) log.info("\nUsing connection type: %s" % bus[0]) log.info("") # ******************************* DEVICE CHOOSER if not device_uri: log.debug("\nDEVICE CHOOSER setup_fax=%s, setup_print=%s" % (setup_fax, setup_print)) device_uri = mod.getDeviceUri(devices = device.probeDevices(bus)) if not device_uri: clean_exit(0) # ******************************* QUERY MODEL AND COLLECT PPDS log.info(log.bold("\nSetting up device: %s\n" % device_uri)) log.info("") print_uri = device_uri.replace("hpfax:", "hp:") fax_uri = device_uri.replace("hp:", "hpfax:") back_end, is_hp, bus, model, \ serial, dev_file, host, zc, port = \ device.parseDeviceURI(device_uri) log.debug("Model=%s" % model) mq = device.queryModelByURI(device_uri) if not mq or mq.get('support-type', SUPPORT_TYPE_NONE) == SUPPORT_TYPE_NONE: log.error("Unsupported printer model.") clean_exit(1) if mq.get('fax-type', FAX_TYPE_NONE) in (FAX_TYPE_NONE, FAX_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED) and setup_fax: #log.warning("Cannot setup fax - device does not have fax feature.") setup_fax = False # ******************************* PLUGIN norm_model = models.normalizeModelName(model).lower() plugin = mq.get('plugin', PLUGIN_NONE) if ignore_plugin_check is False and plugin > PLUGIN_NONE: from installer import pluginhandler pluginObj = pluginhandler.PluginHandle() plugin_sts = pluginObj.getStatus() if plugin_sts != pluginhandler.PLUGIN_INSTALLED: if plugin_sts == pluginhandler.PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH: tui.header("UPDATING PLUGIN") else: tui.header("PLUG-IN INSTALLATION") hp_plugin = utils.which('hp-plugin') if hp_plugin: cmd = "hp-plugin -i" if os_utils.execute(cmd) != 0: log.error("Failed to install Plugin.") log.error("The device you are trying to setup requires a binary plug-in. Some functionalities may not work as expected without plug-ins. Please run 'hp-plugin' as normal user to install plug-ins.Visit http://hplipopensource.com for more infomation.") clean_exit(1) ppds = cups.getSystemPPDs() default_model = utils.xstrip(model.replace('series', '').replace('Series', ''), '_') installed_print_devices = device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hp']) for d in list(installed_print_devices.keys()): for p in installed_print_devices[d]: log.debug("found print queue '%s'" % p) installed_fax_devices = device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hpfax']) for d in list(installed_fax_devices.keys()): for f in installed_fax_devices[d]: log.debug("found fax queue '%s'" % f) # ******************************* PRINT QUEUE SETUP if setup_print: tui.header("PRINT QUEUE SETUP") if not auto and print_uri in installed_print_devices: log.warning("One or more print queues already exist for this device: %s." % ', '.join(installed_print_devices[print_uri])) ok, setup_print = tui.enter_yes_no("\nWould you like to install another print queue for this device", 'n') if not ok: clean_exit(0) if setup_print: if auto: printer_name = default_model printer_default_model = default_model installed_printer_names = device.getSupportedCUPSPrinterNames(['hp']) # Check for duplicate names if (device_uri in installed_print_devices and printer_default_model in installed_print_devices[device_uri]) \ or (printer_default_model in installed_printer_names): i = 2 while True: t = printer_default_model + "_%d" % i if (t not in installed_printer_names) and(device_uri not in installed_print_devices or t not in installed_print_devices[device_uri]): printer_default_model += "_%d" % i break i += 1 if not auto: if printer_name is None: while True: printer_name = input(log.bold("\nPlease enter a name for this print queue (m=use model name:'%s'*, q=quit) ?" % printer_default_model)) if printer_name.lower().strip() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) if not printer_name or printer_name.lower().strip() == 'm': printer_name = printer_default_model name_ok = True for d in list(installed_print_devices.keys()): for p in installed_print_devices[d]: if printer_name == p: log.error("A print queue with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.") name_ok = False break for d in list(installed_fax_devices.keys()): for f in installed_fax_devices[d]: if printer_name == f: log.error("A fax queue with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.") name_ok = False break for c in printer_name: if c in cups.INVALID_PRINTER_NAME_CHARS: log.error("Invalid character '%s' in printer name. Please enter a name that does not contain this character." % c) name_ok = False if name_ok: break else: printer_name = printer_default_model log.info("Using queue name: %s" % printer_name) default_model = utils.xstrip(model.replace('series', '').replace('Series', ''), '_') log.info("Locating PPD file... Please wait.") print_ppd = cups.getPPDFile2(mq, default_model, ppds) enter_ppd = False if print_ppd is None: enter_ppd = True log.error("Unable to find an appropriate PPD file.") else: print_ppd, desc = print_ppd log.info("\nFound PPD file: %s" % print_ppd) log.info("Description: %s" % desc) # if not auto: log.info("\nNote: The model number may vary slightly from the actual model number on the device.") ok, ans = tui.enter_yes_no("\nDoes this PPD file appear to be the correct one") if not ok: clean_exit(0) if not ans: enter_ppd = True if enter_ppd: enter_ppd = False ok, enter_ppd = tui.enter_yes_no("\nWould you like to specify the path to the correct PPD file to use", 'n') if not ok: clean_exit(0) if enter_ppd: ok = False while True: user_input = input(log.bold("\nPlease enter the full filesystem path to the PPD file to use (q=quit) :")) if user_input.lower().strip() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) file_path = user_input if os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.isfile(file_path): if file_path.endswith('.gz'): nickname = gzip.GzipFile(file_path, 'r').read(4096) else: nickname = open(file_path, 'r').read(4096) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: nickname = nickname.decode('utf-8') try: desc = nickname_pat.search(nickname).group(1) except AttributeError: desc = '' if desc: log.info("Description for the file: %s" % desc) else: log.error("No PPD 'NickName' found. This file may not be a valid PPD file.") ok, ans = tui.enter_yes_no("\nUse this file") if not ok: clean_exit(0) if ans: print_ppd = file_path else: log.error("File not found or not an appropriate (PPD) file.") if ok: break else: log.error("PPD file required. Setup cannot continue. Exiting.") clean_exit(1) if auto: location, info = '', '%s Device (Automatically setup by HPLIP)'%(default_model.replace('_',' ')) else: while True: location = input(log.bold("Enter a location description for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if location.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break while True: info = input(log.bold("Enter additonal information or notes for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if info.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break log.info(log.bold("\nAdding print queue to CUPS:")) log.info("Device URI: %s" % print_uri) log.info("Queue name: %s" % printer_name) log.info("PPD file: %s" % print_ppd) log.info("Location: %s" % location) log.info("Information: %s" % info) if not os.path.exists(print_ppd): # assume foomatic: or some such add_prnt_args = (printer_name, print_uri, location, '', print_ppd, info) else: add_prnt_args = (printer_name, print_uri, location, print_ppd, '', info) status, status_str = cups.cups_operation(cups.addPrinter, INTERACTIVE_MODE, '', None, *add_prnt_args) log.debug("addPrinter() returned (%d, %s)" % (status, status_str)) log.debug(device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hp'])) if status != cups.IPP_OK: log.error("Printer queue setup failed. Error : %s "%status_str) clean_exit(1) else: # sending Event to add this device in hp-systray utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_ADDED,print_uri, printer_name) # Updating firmware download for supported devices. if ignore_plugin_check is False and mq.get('fw-download', False): try: d = device.Device(print_uri) except Error: log.error("Error opening device. Firmware download is Failed.") else: if d.downloadFirmware(): log.info("Firmware download successful.\n") else: log.error("Firmware download is Failed.") d.close() # ******************************* FAX QUEUE SETUP if setup_fax and not prop.fax_build: log.error("Cannot setup fax - HPLIP not built with fax enabled.") setup_fax = False if setup_fax: try: from fax import fax except ImportError: # This can fail on Python < 2.3 due to the datetime module setup_fax = False log.warning("Fax setup disabled - Python 2.3+ required.") log.info("") if setup_fax: tui.header("FAX QUEUE SETUP") if not auto and fax_uri in installed_fax_devices: log.warning("One or more fax queues already exist for this device: %s." % ', '.join(installed_fax_devices[fax_uri])) ok, setup_fax = tui.enter_yes_no("\nWould you like to install another fax queue for this device", 'n') if not ok: clean_exit(0) if setup_fax: if auto: # or fax_name is None: fax_name = default_model + '_fax' fax_default_model = default_model + '_fax' installed_fax_names = device.getSupportedCUPSPrinterNames(['hpfax']) # Check for duplicate names if (fax_uri in installed_fax_devices and fax_default_model in installed_fax_devices[fax_uri]) \ or (fax_default_model in installed_fax_names): i = 2 while True: t = fax_default_model + "_%d" % i if (t not in installed_fax_names) and (fax_uri not in installed_fax_devices or t not in installed_fax_devices[fax_uri]): fax_default_model += "_%d" % i break i += 1 if not auto: if fax_name is None: while True: fax_name = input(log.bold("\nPlease enter a name for this fax queue (m=use model name:'%s'*, q=quit) ?" % fax_default_model)) if fax_name.lower().strip() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) if not fax_name or fax_name.lower().strip() == 'm': fax_name = fax_default_model name_ok = True for d in list(installed_print_devices.keys()): for p in installed_print_devices[d]: if fax_name == p: log.error("A print queue with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.") name_ok = False break for d in list(installed_fax_devices.keys()): for f in installed_fax_devices[d]: if fax_name == f: log.error("A fax queue with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.") name_ok = False break for c in fax_name: if c in (' ', '#', '/', '%'): log.error("Invalid character '%s' in fax name. Please enter a name that does not contain this character." % c) name_ok = False if name_ok: break else: fax_name = fax_default_model log.info("Using queue name: %s" % fax_name) fax_ppd,fax_ppd_type,nick = cups.getFaxPPDFile(mq, fax_name) if not fax_ppd: log.error("Unable to find HP fax PPD file! Please check you HPLIP installation and try again.") clean_exit(1) if auto: location, info = '', '%s Fax Device (Automatically setup by HPLIP)'%(default_model.replace('_',' ')) else: while True: location = input(log.bold("Enter a location description for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if location.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break while True: info = input(log.bold("Enter additonal information or notes for this printer (q=quit) ?")) if info.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) # TODO: Validate chars break log.info(log.bold("\nAdding fax queue to CUPS:")) log.info("Device URI: %s" % fax_uri) log.info("Queue name: %s" % fax_name) log.info("PPD file: %s" % fax_ppd) log.info("Location: %s" % location) log.info("Information: %s" % info) cups.setPasswordPrompt("You do not have permission to add a fax device.") if not os.path.exists(fax_ppd): # assume foomatic: or some such status, status_str = cups.addPrinter(fax_name, fax_uri, location, '', fax_ppd, info) else: status, status_str = cups.addPrinter(fax_name, fax_uri, location, fax_ppd, '', info) log.debug("addPrinter() returned (%d, %s)" % (status, status_str)) log.debug(device.getSupportedCUPSDevices(['hpfax'])) if status != cups.IPP_OK: log.error("Fax queue setup failed. Error : %s"%status_str) clean_exit(1) else: # sending Event to add this device in hp-systray utils.sendEvent(EVENT_CUPS_QUEUES_ADDED,fax_uri, fax_name) # ******************************* FAX HEADER SETUP tui.header("FAX HEADER SETUP") if auto: setup_fax = False else: while True: user_input = input(log.bold("\nWould you like to perform fax header setup (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ?")).strip().lower() if user_input == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) if not user_input: user_input = 'y' setup_fax = (user_input == 'y') if user_input in ('y', 'n', 'q'): break log.error("Please enter 'y' or 'n'") if setup_fax: d = fax.getFaxDevice(fax_uri, disable_dbus=True) try: d.open() except Error: log.error("Unable to communicate with the device. Please check the device and try again.") else: try: tries = 0 ok = True while True: tries += 1 try: current_phone_num = str(d.getPhoneNum()) current_station_name = to_unicode(d.getStationName()) except Error: log.error("Could not communicate with device. Device may be busy. Please wait for retry...") time.sleep(5) ok = False if tries > 12: break else: ok = True break if ok: while True: if current_phone_num: phone_num = input(log.bold("\nEnter the fax phone number for this device (c=use current:'%s'*, q=quit) ?" % current_phone_num)) else: phone_num = input(log.bold("\nEnter the fax phone number for this device (q=quit) ?")) if phone_num.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) if current_phone_num and (not phone_num or phone_num.strip().lower() == 'c'): phone_num = current_phone_num if len(phone_num) > 50: log.error("Phone number length is too long (>50 characters). Please enter a shorter number.") continue ok = True for x in phone_num: if x not in '0123456789-(+) ': log.error("Invalid characters in phone number. Please only use 0-9, -, (, +, and )") ok = False break if not ok: continue break while True: if current_station_name: station_name = input(log.bold("\nEnter the name and/or company for this device (c=use current:'%s'*, q=quit) ?"%from_unicode_to_str(current_station_name))) else: station_name = input(log.bold("\nEnter the name and/or company for this device (q=quit) ?")) if station_name.strip().lower() == 'q': log.info("OK, done.") clean_exit(0) if current_station_name and (not station_name or station_name.strip().lower() == 'c'): station_name = current_station_name ### Here station_name can be unicode or utf-8 sequence. ### making sure to convert data to unicode for all the cases. try: station_name.encode('utf-8') except (UnicodeEncodeError,UnicodeDecodeError): station_name = station_name.decode('utf-8') if len(station_name) > 50: log.error("Name/company length is too long (>50 characters). Please enter a shorter name/company.") continue break try: d.setStationName(station_name) d.setPhoneNum(phone_num) except Error: log.error("Could not communicate with device. Device may be busy.") else: log.info("\nParameters sent to device.") finally: d.close() # ******************************* TEST PAGE if setup_print: print_test_page = False tui.header("PRINTER TEST PAGE") if auto: if testpage_in_auto_mode: print_test_page = True else: ok, print_test_page = tui.enter_yes_no("\nWould you like to print a test page") if not ok: clean_exit(0) if print_test_page: path = utils.which('hp-testpage') if printer_name: param = "-p%s" % printer_name else: param = "-d%s" % print_uri if len(path) > 0: cmd = 'hp-testpage -i %s' % param else: cmd = 'python ./testpage.py -i %s' % param os_utils.execute(cmd) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.error("User exit") cups.releaseCupsInstance() log.info("") log.info("Done.")