Mini Shell

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_QM_ACQUIRE_DROPWERR_IPSEC_IKE_QUEUE_DROP_NO_MMWERR_IPSEC_IKE_DROP_NO_RESPONSEWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_KEY_USAGEWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_CERT_TYPEWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SIGNATUREWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_PROPWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_TRANSWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_CERTWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_CERT_REQWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_HASHWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_SIGWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_NONCEWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_NOTIFYWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_DELETEWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_VENDORWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_PAYLOADWERR_IPSEC_IKE_SOFT_SA_TORN_DOWNWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PEER_CRL_FAILEDWERR_IPSEC_IKE_ADD_UPDATE_KEY_FAILEDWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_SITUATIONWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASH_ALGWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_HASH_SIZEWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_ENCRYPT_ALGWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_AUTH_ALGWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_RESPONDER_LIFETIME_NOTIFYWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_CERT_KEYLENWERR_IPSEC_IKE_NEGOTIATION_DISABLEDWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PEER_MM_ASSUMED_INVALIDWERR_IPSEC_IKE_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_MISMATCHWERR_IPSEC_IKE_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE_IDWERR_IPSEC_IKE_DOS_COOKIE_SENTWERR_IPSEC_IKE_CGA_AUTH_FAILEDWERR_IPSEC_IKE_PROCESS_ERR_NATOAWERR_IPSEC_IKE_INVALID_MM_FOR_QMWERR_IPSEC_IKE_TOO_MANY_FILTERSWERR_SXS_INVALID_ACTCTXDATA_FORMATWERR_SXS_MANIFEST_FORMAT_ERRORWERR_SXS_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DISABLEDWERR_SXS_THREAD_QUERIES_DISABLEDWERR_SXS_PROCESS_DEFAULT_ALREADY_SETWERR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING_GROUPWERR_SXS_INVALID_XML_NAMESPACE_URIWERR_SXS_ROOT_MANIFEST_DEPENDENCY_OT_INSTALLEDWERR_SXS_LEAF_MANIFEST_DEPENDENCY_NOT_INSTALLEDWERR_SXS_INVALID_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTEWERR_SXS_MANIFEST_MISSING_REQUIRED_DEFAULT_NAMESPACEWERR_SXS_MANIFEST_INVALID_REQUIRED_DEFAULT_NAMESPACEWERR_SXS_PRIVATE_MANIFEST_CROSS_PATH_WITH_REPARSE_POINTWERR_SXS_DUPLICATE_WINDOWCLASS_NAMEWERR_SXS_DUPLICATE_ASSEMBLY_NAMEWERR_SXS_XML_E_BADSTARTNAMECHARWERR_SXS_XML_E_BADCHARINSTRINGWERR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGWHITESPACEWERR_SXS_XML_E_EXPECTINGTAGENDWERR_SXS_XML_E_MISSINGSEMICOLONWERR_SXS_XML_E_UNBALANCEDPARENWERR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTED_WHITESPACEWERR_SXS_XML_E_INCOMPLETE_ENCODINGWERR_SXS_XML_E_EXPECTINGCLOSEQUOTEWERR_SXS_XML_E_MULTIPLE_COLONSWERR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_DECIMALWERR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_HEXIDECIMALWERR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_UNICODEWERR_SXS_XML_E_WHITESPACEORQUESTIONMARKWERR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTEDENDTAGWERR_SXS_XML_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTEWERR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDATROOTLEVELWERR_SXS_XML_E_BADPEREFINSUBSETWERR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDSTARTTAGWERR_SXS_XML_E_UNCLOSEDCOMMENTWERR_SXS_XML_E_RESERVEDNAMESPACEWERR_SXS_XML_E_INVALIDENCODINGWERR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_STANDALONEWERR_SXS_XML_E_UNEXPECTED_STANDALONEWERR_SXS_XML_E_INVALID_VERSIONWERR_SXS_PROTECTION_RECOVERY_FAILEDWERR_SXS_PROTECTION_PUBLIC_KEY_OO_SHORTWERR_SXS_PROTECTION_CATALOG_NOT_VALIDWERR_SXS_UNTRANSLATABLE_HRESULTWERR_SXS_PROTECTION_CATALOG_FILE_MISSINGWERR_SXS_MISSING_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTEWERR_SXS_INVALID_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAMEWERR_SXS_CORRUPT_ACTIVATION_STACKWERR_SXS_MULTIPLE_DEACTIVATIONWERR_SXS_PROCESS_TERMINATION_REQUESTEDWERR_SXS_RELEASE_ACTIVATION_ONTEXTWERR_SXS_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_EMPTYWERR_SXS_INVALID_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUEWERR_SXS_INVALID_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_NAMEWERR_SXS_IDENTITY_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTEWERR_MALFORMED_SUBSTITUTION_STRINGWERR_SXS_INCORRECT_PUBLIC_KEY_OKENWERR_UNMAPPED_SUBSTITUTION_STRINGWERR_SXS_COMPONENT_STORE_CORRUPTWERR_ADVANCED_INSTALLER_FAILEDWERR_SXS_MANIFEST_IDENTITY_SAME_BUT_CONTENTS_DIFFERENTWERR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_IS_NOT_A_DEPLOYMENTWERR_SXS_FILE_NOT_PART_OF_ASSEMBLYWERR_SXS_SETTING_NOT_REGISTEREDWERR_SXS_TRANSACTION_CLOSURE_INCOMPLETEWERR_EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_NOT_FOUNDWERR_EVT_EVENT_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUNDWERR_EVT_INVALID_PUBLISHER_NAMEWERR_EVT_SUBSCRIPTION_TO_DIRECT_CHANNELWERR_EVT_QUERY_RESULT_INVALID_POSITIONWERR_EVT_FILTER_UNEXPECTEDTOKENWERR_EVT_INVALID_OPERATION_OVER_ENABLED_DIRECT_CHANNELWERR_EVT_INVALID_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_VALUEWERR_EVT_INVALID_PUBLISHER_PROPERTY_VALUEWERR_EVT_CHANNEL_CANNOT_ACTIVATEWERR_EVT_UNRESOLVED_VALUE_INSERTWERR_EVT_UNRESOLVED_PARAMETER_INSERTWERR_EVT_EVENT_DEFINITION_NOT_OUNDWERR_EVT_MESSAGE_LOCALE_NOT_FOUNDWERR_EVT_CANNOT_OPEN_CHANNEL_OF_QUERYWERR_EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CANNOT_ACTIVATEWERR_MUI_INVALID_ULTIMATEFALLBACK_NAMEWERR_MUI_INTLSETTINGS_UILANG_NOT_INSTALLEDWERR_MUI_INTLSETTINGS_INVALID_LOCALE_NAMEWERR_MCA_INVALID_CAPABILITIES_STRINGWERR_MCA_MONITOR_VIOLATES_MCCS_SPECIFICATIONWERR_MCA_MCCS_VERSION_MISMATCHWERR_MCA_UNSUPPORTED_MCCS_VERSIONWERR_MCA_INVALID_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_RETURNEDWERR_MCA_UNSUPPORTED_COLOR_TEMPERATUREThe operation completed successfully.The system cannot find the file specified.The system cannot find the path specified.The system cannot open the file.The storage control blocks were destroyed.Not enough storage is available to process this command.The storage control block address is invalid.An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.The system cannot find the drive specified.The directory cannot be removed.The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.The system cannot find the device specified.The device does not recognize the command.Data error (cyclic redundancy check).The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect.The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk.The specified disk cannot be accessed.The drive cannot find the sector requested.The system cannot write to the specified device.The system cannot read from the specified device.A device attached to the system is not functioning.The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.The wrong disk is in the drive. Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1.Too many files opened for sharing.Windows cannot find the network path. Verify that the network path is correct and the destination computer is not busy or turned off. If Windows still cannot find the network path, contact your network administrator.You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. Go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name, and then try again.The network path was not found.The specified network resource or device is no longer available.The network BIOS command limit has been reached.A network adapter hardware error occurred.The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.An unexpected network error occurred.The remote adapter is not compatible.Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server.Your file waiting to be printed was deleted.The specified network name is no longer available.The network resource type is not correct.The network name cannot be found.The name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded.The network BIOS session limit was exceeded.The remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started.No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because the computer has accepted the maximum number of connections.The specified printer or disk device has been paused.The directory or file cannot be created.Storage to process this request is not available.The local device name is already in use.The specified network password is not correct.A write fault occurred on the network.The system cannot start another process at this time.Cannot create another system semaphore.The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process.The semaphore is set and cannot be closed.The semaphore cannot be set again.Cannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time.The previous ownership of this semaphore has ended.The program stopped because an alternate disk was not inserted.The disk is in use or locked by another process.The system cannot open the device or file specified.There is not enough space on the disk.No more internal file identifiers are available.The target internal file identifier is incorrect.The Input Output Control (IOCTL) call made by the application program is not correct.The verify-on-write switch parameter value is not correct.The system does not support the command requested.This function is not supported on this system.The semaphore time-out period has expired.The data area passed to a system call is too small.The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.The system call level is not correct.The specified module could not be found.The specified procedure could not be found.There are no child processes to wait for.The %1 application cannot be run in Win32 mode.Attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other than raw disk I/O.An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file.The file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file.A JOIN or SUBST command cannot be used for a drive that contains previously joined drives.An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been joined.An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been substituted.The system tried to delete the JOIN of a drive that is not joined.The system tried to delete the substitution of a drive that is not substituted.The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.The system tried to substitute a drive to a directory on a substituted drive.The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a substituted drive.The system tried to SUBST a drive to a directory on a joined drive.The system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time.The system cannot join or substitute a drive to or for a directory on the same drive.The directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory.The path specified is being used in a substitute.Not enough resources are available to process this command.The path specified cannot be used at this time.An attempt was made to join or substitute a drive for which a directory on the drive is the target of a previous substitute.System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.The number of specified semaphore events for DosMuxSemWait is not correct.DosMuxSemWait did not execute; too many semaphores are already set.The DosMuxSemWait list is not correct.The volume label you entered exceeds the label character limit of the destination file system.The recipient process has refused the signal.The segment is already discarded and cannot be locked.The segment is already unlocked.The address for the thread ID is not correct.One or more arguments are not correct.The specified path is invalid.No more threads can be created in the system.Unable to lock a region of a file.The requested resource is in use.A lock request was not outstanding for the supplied cancel region.The file system does not support atomic changes to the lock type.The system detected a segment number that was not correct.The operating system cannot run %1.Cannot create a file when that file already exists.The flag passed is not correct.The specified system semaphore name was not found.%1 is not a valid Win32 application.The operating system cannot run this application program.The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.The code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64 KB.The system could not find the environment option that was entered.No process in the command subtree has a signal handler.The file name or extension is too long.The asterisk (*) or question mark (?) global file name characters are entered incorrectly, or too many global file name characters are specified.The signal being posted is not correct.The signal handler cannot be set.The segment is locked and cannot be reallocated.Too many dynamic-link modules are attached to this program or dynamic-link module.Cannot nest calls to LoadModule.This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.The image file %1 is signed, unable to modify.The image file %1 is strong signed, unable to modify.This file is checked out or locked for editing by another user.The file must be checked out before saving changes.The file type being saved or retrieved has been blocked.The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved.Access denied. Before opening files in this location, you must first browse to the website and select the option to sign in automatically.Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus.This file contains a virus and cannot be opened. Due to the nature of this virus, the file has been removed from this location.No process is on the other end of the pipe.The specified extended attribute name was invalid.The extended attributes are inconsistent.The copy functions cannot be used.The directory name is invalid.The extended attributes did not fit in the buffer.The extended attribute file on the mounted file system is corrupt.The extended attribute table file is full.The specified extended attribute handle is invalid.The mounted file system does not support extended attributes.Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller.Too many posts were made to a semaphore.Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.An invalid oplock acknowledgment was received by the system.The volume is too fragmented to complete this operation.The file cannot be opened because it is in the process of being deleted.The system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for %2.The scope specified was not found.No action was taken because a system reboot is required.The shutdown operation failed.The maximum number of sessions has been reached.The thread is already in background processing mode.The thread is not in background processing mode.The process is already in background processing mode.The process is not in background processing mode.Attempt to access invalid address.User profile cannot be loaded.Arithmetic result exceeded 32 bits.There is a process on the other end of the pipe.Waiting for a process to open the other end of the pipe.Application verifier has found an error in the current process.An error occurred in the ABIOS subsystem.A warning occurred in the WX86 subsystem.An error occurred in the WX86 subsystem.An attempt was made to cancel or set a timer that has an associated asynchronous procedure call (APC) and the subject thread is not the thread that originally set the timer with an associated APC routine.An invalid or unaligned stack was encountered during an unwind operation.An invalid unwind target was encountered during an unwind operation.Invalid object attributes specified to NtCreatePort or invalid port attributes specified to NtConnectPort.Length of message passed to NtRequestPort or NtRequestWaitReplyPort was longer than the maximum message allowed by the port.An attempt was made to lower a quota limit below the current usage.An attempt was made to attach to a device that was already attached to another device.An attempt was made to execute an instruction at an unaligned address, and the host system does not support unaligned instruction references.The passed ACL did not contain the minimum required information.The number of active profiling objects is at the maximum and no more can be started.Used to indicate that an operation cannot continue without blocking for I/O.Indicates that a thread attempted to terminate itself by default (called NtTerminateThread with NULL) and it was the last thread in the current process.If an MM error is returned that is not defined in the standard FsRtl filter, it is converted to one of the following errors that is guaranteed to be in the filter. In this case, information is lost; however, the filter correctly handles the exception.A malformed function table was encountered during an unwind operation.Indicates that an attempt was made to assign protection to a file system file or directory and one of the SIDs in the security descriptor could not be translated into a GUID that could be stored by the file system. This causes the protection attempt to fail, which might cause a file creation attempt to fail.Indicates that an attempt was made to grow a local domain table (LDT) by setting its size, or that the size was not an even number of selectors.Indicates that the starting value for the LDT information was not an integral multiple of the selector size.Indicates that the user supplied an invalid descriptor when trying to set up LDT descriptors.Indicates a process has too many threads to perform the requested action. For example, assignment of a primary token can be performed only when a process has zero or one threads.An attempt was made to operate on a thread within a specific process, but the thread specified is not in the process specified.The Netlogon service cannot start because another Netlogon service running in the domain conflicts with the specified role.On applicable Windows Server releases, the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database is significantly out of synchronization with the copy on the domain controller. A complete synchronization is required.The NtCreateFile API failed. This error should never be returned to an application, it is a place holder for the Windows LAN Manager Redirector to use in its internal error mapping routines.{Privilege Failed} The I/O permissions for the process could not be changed.{Application Exit by CTRL+C} The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C.{Missing System File} The required system file %hs is bad or missing.{Application Error} The exception %s (0x%08lx) occurred in the application at location 0x%08lx.{Application Error} The application failed to initialize properly (0x%lx). Click OK to terminate the application.{Unable to Create Paging File} The creation of the paging file %hs failed (%lx). The requested size was %ld.The hash for the image cannot be found in the system catalogs. The image is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering.{No Paging File Specified} No paging file was specified in the system configuration.{EXCEPTION} A real-mode application issued a floating-point instruction, and floating-point hardware is not present.An event pair synchronization operation was performed using the thread-specific client/server event pair object, but no event pair object was associated with the thread.A domain server has an incorrect configuration.An illegal character was encountered. For a multibyte character set, this includes a lead byte without a succeeding trail byte. For the Unicode character set, this includes the characters 0xFFFF and 0xFFFE.The Unicode character is not defined in the Unicode character set installed on the system.The paging file cannot be created on a floppy disk.The system bios failed to connect a system interrupt to the device or bus for which the device is connected.This operation is only allowed for the primary domain controller (PDC) of the domain.An attempt was made to acquire a mutant such that its maximum count would have been exceeded.A volume has been accessed for which a file system driver is required that has not yet been loaded.{Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file): %hs or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.{Unexpected Failure in DebugActiveProcess} An unexpected failure occurred while processing a DebugActiveProcess API request. Choosing OK will terminate the process, and choosing Cancel will ignore the error.{Fatal System Error} The %hs system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x%08x (0x%08x 0x%08x). The system has been shut down.{Data Not Accepted} The transport driver interface (TDI) client could not handle the data received during an indication.The NT Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) encountered a hard error.{Cancel Timeout} The driver %hs failed to complete a canceled I/O request in the allotted time.{Reply Message Mismatch} An attempt was made to reply to a local procedure call (LPC) message, but the thread specified by the client ID in the message was not waiting on that message.{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs. The data has been lost. This error might be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Try to save this file elsewhere.The parameters passed to the server in the client/server shared memory window were invalid. Too much data might have been put in the shared memory window.The stream is not a tiny stream.The request must be handled by the stack overflow code.Internal OFS status codes indicating how an allocation operation is handled. Either it is retried after the containing onode is moved or the extent stream is converted to a large stream.The attempt to find the object found an object matching by ID on the volume but it is out of the scope of the handle used for the operation.The bucket array must be grown. Retry transaction after doing so.The user/kernel marshaling buffer has overflowed.The supplied variant structure contains invalid data.The specified buffer contains ill-formed data.{Audit Failed} An attempt to generate a security audit failed.The timer resolution was not previously set by the current process.There is insufficient account information to log you on.{Invalid DLL Entrypoint} The dynamic link library %hs is not written correctly. The stack pointer has been left in an inconsistent state. The entry point should be declared as WINAPI or STDCALL. Select YES to fail the DLL load. Select NO to continue execution. Selecting NO can cause the application to operate incorrectly.{Invalid Service Callback Entrypoint} The %hs service is not written correctly. The stack pointer has been left in an inconsistent state. The callback entry point should be declared as WINAPI or STDCALL. Selecting OK will cause the service to continue operation. However, the service process might operate incorrectly.There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network.{Low On Registry Space} The system has reached the maximum size allowed for the system part of the registry. Additional storage requests will be ignored.A callback return system service cannot be executed when no callback is active.The password provided is too short to meet the policy of your user account. Choose a longer password.The policy of your user account does not allow you to change passwords too frequently. This is done to prevent users from changing back to a familiar, but potentially discovered, password. If you feel your password has been compromised, contact your administrator immediately to have a new one assigned.You have attempted to change your password to one that you have used in the past. The policy of your user account does not allow this. Select a password that you have not previously used.The specified compression format is unsupported.The specified hardware profile configuration is invalid.The specified Plug and Play registry device path is invalid.The specified quota list is internally inconsistent with its descriptor.{Windows Evaluation Notification} The evaluation period for this installation of Windows has expired. This system will shut down in 1 hour. To restore access to this installation of Windows, upgrade this installation using a licensed distribution of this product.{Illegal System DLL Relocation} The system DLL %hs was relocated in memory. The application will not run properly. The relocation occurred because the DLL %hs occupied an address range reserved for Windows system DLLs. The vendor supplying the DLL should be contacted for a new DLL.{DLL Initialization Failed} The application failed to initialize because the window station is shutting down.The validation process needs to continue on to the next step.There are no more matches for the current index enumeration.The range could not be added to the range list because of a conflict.The server process is running under a SID different than that required by the client.A group marked use for deny only cannot be enabled.{EXCEPTION} Multiple floating point faults.{EXCEPTION} Multiple floating point traps.The requested interface is not supported.{System Standby Failed} The driver %hs does not support standby mode. Updating this driver might allow the system to go to standby mode.The system file %1 has become corrupt and has been replaced.{Virtual Memory Minimum Too Low} Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications might be denied. For more information, see Help.A device was removed so enumeration must be restarted.{Fatal System Error} The system image %s is not properly signed. The file has been replaced with the signed file. The system has been shut down.Device will not start without a reboot.There is not enough power to complete the requested operation.The system is in the process of shutting down.An attempt to remove a process DebugPort was made, but a port was not already associated with the process.This version of Windows is not compatible with the behavior version of directory forest, domain, or domain controller.The specified range could not be found in the range list.The driver was not loaded because the system is booting into safe mode.The driver was not loaded because it failed its initialization call.The device encountered an error while applying power or reading the device configuration. This might be caused by a failure of your hardware or by a poor connection.The create operation failed because the name contained at least one mount point that resolves to a volume to which the specified device object is not attached.The device object parameter is either not a valid device object or is not attached to the volume specified by the file name.A machine check error has occurred. Check the system event log for additional information.There was an error [%2] processing the driver database.The system hive size has exceeded its limit.The driver could not be loaded because a previous version of the driver is still in memory.{Volume Shadow Copy Service} Wait while the Volume Shadow Copy Service prepares volume %hs for hibernation.The system has failed to hibernate (the error code is %hs). Hibernation will be disabled until the system is restarted.The requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation.An assertion failure has occurred.An error occurred in the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) subsystem.A device is missing in the system BIOS MultiProcessor Specification (MPS) table. This device will not be used. Contact your system vendor for system BIOS update.A translator failed to translate resources.An interrupt request (IRQ) translator failed to translate resources.Driver %2 returned invalid ID for a child device (%3).{Kernel Debugger Awakened} the system debugger was awakened by an interrupt.{Handles Closed} Handles to objects have been automatically closed because of the requested operation.{Too Much Information} The specified ACL contained more information than was expected.This warning level status indicates that the transaction state already exists for the registry subtree, but that a transaction commit was previously aborted. The commit has NOT been completed, but it has not been rolled back either (so it can still be committed if desired).{Media Changed} The media might have changed.{GUID Substitution} During the translation of a GUID to a Windows SID, no administratively defined GUID prefix was found. A substitute prefix was used, which will not compromise system security. However, this might provide more restrictive access than intended.The create operation stopped after reaching a symbolic link.A long jump has been executed.The Plug and Play query operation was not successful.A frame consolidation has been executed.{Registry Hive Recovered} Registry hive (file): %hs was corrupted and it has been recovered. Some data might have been lost.The application is attempting to run executable code from the module %hs. This might be insecure. An alternative, %hs, is available. Should the application use the secure module %hs?The application is loading executable code from the module %hs. This is secure, but might be incompatible with previous releases of the operating system. An alternative, %hs, is available. Should the application use the secure module %hs?Debugger did not handle the exception.Debugger cannot provide handle.Debugger printed exception on control C.Debugger received Routing Information Protocol (RIP) exception.Debugger received control break.Debugger command communication exception.{Object Exists} An attempt was made to create an object and the object name already existed.{Thread Suspended} A thread termination occurred while the thread was suspended. The thread was resumed and termination proceeded.{Image Relocated} An image file could not be mapped at the address specified in the image file. Local fixes must be performed on this image.This informational level status indicates that a specified registry subtree transaction state did not yet exist and had to be created.{Segment Load} A virtual DOS machine (VDM) is loading, unloading, or moving an MS-DOS or Win16 program segment image. An exception is raised so a debugger can load, unload, or track symbols and breakpoints within these 16-bit segments.{Invalid Current Directory} The process cannot switch to the startup current directory %hs. Select OK to set current directory to %hs, or select CANCEL to exit.{Redundant Read} To satisfy a read request, the NT fault-tolerant file system successfully read the requested data from a redundant copy. This was done because the file system encountered a failure on a member of the fault-tolerant volume, but it was unable to reassign the failing area of the device.{Redundant Write} To satisfy a write request, the Windows NT operating system fault-tolerant file system successfully wrote a redundant copy of the information. This was done because the file system encountered a failure on a member of the fault-tolerant volume, but it was not able to reassign the failing area of the device.{Machine Type Mismatch} The image file %hs is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine. Select OK to continue, or CANCEL to fail the DLL load.{Partial Data Received} The network transport returned partial data to its client. The remaining data will be sent later.{Expedited Data Received} The network transport returned data to its client that was marked as expedited by the remote system.{Partial Expedited Data Received} The network transport returned partial data to its client and this data was marked as expedited by the remote system. The remaining data will be sent later.{TDI Event Done} The TDI indication has completed successfully.{TDI Event Pending} The TDI indication has entered the pending state.The specified registry key is referenced by a predefined handle.{Page Unlocked} The page protection of a locked page was changed to 'No Access' and the page was unlocked from memory and from the process.{Page Locked} One of the pages to lock was already locked.The value already corresponds with a Win 32 error code.{Machine Type Mismatch} The image file %hs is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine.A yield execution was performed and no thread was available to run.The resume flag to a timer API was ignored.The arbiter has deferred arbitration of these resources to its parent.The inserted CardBus device cannot be started because of a configuration error on %hs"."The CPUs in this multiprocessor system are not all the same revision level. To use all processors the operating system restricts itself to the features of the least capable processor in the system. If problems occur with this system, contact the CPU manufacturer to see if this mix of processors is supported.The system was put into hibernation.The system was resumed from hibernation.Windows has detected that the system firmware (BIOS) was updated (previous firmware date = %2, current firmware date %3).A device driver is leaking locked I/O pages, causing system degradation. The system has automatically enabled a tracking code to try and catch the culprit.The call failed because the handle associated with it was closed.The requested operation requires elevation.A reparse should be performed by the object manager because the name of the file resulted in a symbolic link.An open/create operation completed while an oplock break is underway.A new volume has been mounted by a file system.This success level status indicates that the transaction state already exists for the registry subtree, but that a transaction commit was previously aborted. The commit has now been completed.This indicates that a notify change request has been completed due to closing the handle which made the notify change request.{Connect Failure on Primary Transport} An attempt was made to connect to the remote server %hs on the primary transport, but the connection failed. The computer was able to connect on a secondary transport.Page fault was a transition fault.Page fault was a demand zero fault.Page fault was satisfied by reading from a secondary storage device.Cached page was locked during operation.Crash dump exists in paging file.Specified buffer contains all zeros.The device has succeeded a query-stop and its resource requirements have changed.The translator has translated these resources into the global space and no further translations should be performed.A process being terminated has no threads to terminate.The specified process is not part of a job.The specified process is part of a job.{Volume Shadow Copy Service} The system is now ready for hibernation.A file system or file system filter driver has successfully completed an FsFilter operation.The specified interrupt vector was already connected.The specified interrupt vector is still connected.An operation is blocked waiting for an oplock.An exception occurred in a user mode callback and the kernel callback frame should be removed.Compression is disabled for this volume.The data provider cannot fetch backward through a result set.The data provider cannot scroll backward through a result set.The data provider requires that previously fetched data is released before asking for more data.The data provider was not able to interpret the flags set for a column binding in an accessor.One or more errors occurred while processing the request.The implementation is not capable of performing the request.The client of a component requested an operation that is not valid given the state of the component instance.A version number could not be parsed.The iterator's start position is invalid.The hardware has reported an uncorrectable memory error.The attempted operation required self-healing to be enabled.The Desktop heap encountered an error while allocating session memory. There is more information in the system event log.The system power state is transitioning from %2 to %3.The system power state is transitioning from %2 to %3 but could enter %4.A thread is getting dispatched with MCA EXCEPTION because of MCA.Access to %1 is monitored by policy rule %2.Access to %1 has been restricted by your administrator by policy rule %2.A valid hibernation file has been invalidated and should be abandoned.{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs; the data has been lost. This error can be caused by network connectivity issues. Try to save this file elsewhere.{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs; the data has been lost. This error was returned by the server on which the file exists. Try to save this file elsewhere.{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs; the data has been lost. This error can be caused if the device has been removed or the media is write-protected.Access to the extended attribute was denied.The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.Overlapped I/O event is not in a signaled state.Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.Invalid access to memory location.Error performing in-page operation.Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.The window cannot act on the sent message.Cannot complete this function.The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Be sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.The requested operation cannot be performed in full-screen mode.An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.The configuration registry database is corrupt.The configuration registry key is invalid.The configuration registry key could not be opened.The configuration registry key could not be read.The configuration registry key could not be written.One of the files in the registry database had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful.The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry data is corrupted, or the system's memory image of the file is corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted.An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed and cannot be recovered. The registry could not read in, write out, or flush one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry.The system attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion.System could not allocate the required space in a registry log.Cannot create a symbolic link in a registry key that already has subkeys or values.Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.A notify change request is being completed and the information is not being returned in the caller's buffer. The caller now needs to enumerate the files to find the changes.A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on.The requested control is not valid for this service.The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.A thread could not be created for the service.The service database is locked.An instance of the service is already running.The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified.The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.Circular service dependency was specified.The specified service does not exist as an installed service.The service cannot accept control messages at this time.The service has not been started.The service process could not connect to the service controller.An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.The database specified does not exist.The service has returned a service-specific error code.The process terminated unexpectedly.The dependency service or group failed to start.The service did not start due to a logon failure.After starting, the service stopped responding in a start-pending state.The specified service database lock is invalid.The specified service has been marked for deletion.The specified service already exists.The system is currently running with the last-known-good configuration.The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.The current boot has already been accepted for use as the last-known-good control set.No attempts to start the service have been made since the last boot.The name is already in use as either a service name or a service display name.The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.Failure actions can only be set for Win32 services, not for drivers.This service runs in the same process as the service control manager. Therefore, the service control manager cannot take action if this service's process terminates unexpectedly.No recovery program has been configured for this service.The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.This service cannot be started in Safe Mode.The physical end of the tape has been reached.A tape access reached a filemark.The beginning of the tape or a partition was encountered.A tape access reached the end of a set of files.Tape could not be partitioned.When accessing a new tape of a multivolume partition, the current block size is incorrect.Tape partition information could not be found when loading a tape.Unable to lock the media eject mechanism.The media in the drive might have changed.No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multibyte code page.A DLL initialization routine failed.A system shutdown is in progress.Unable to abort the system shutdown because no shutdown was in progress.The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.No serial device was successfully initialized. The serial driver will unload.Unable to open a device that was sharing an IRQ with other devices. At least one other device that uses that IRQ was already opened.A serial I/O operation was completed by another write to the serial port. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER reached zero.)A serial I/O operation completed because the time-out period expired. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER did not reach zero.)No ID address mark was found on the floppy disk.Mismatch between the floppy disk sector ID field and the floppy disk controller track address.The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver.The floppy disk controller returned inconsistent results in its registers.While accessing the hard disk, a recalibrate operation failed, even after retries.While accessing the hard disk, a disk operation failed even after retries.While accessing the hard disk, a disk controller reset was needed, but that also failed.Physical end of tape encountered.Not enough server storage is available to process this command.A potential deadlock condition has been detected.The base address or the file offset specified does not have the proper alignment.An attempt to change the system power state was vetoed by another application or driver.The system BIOS failed an attempt to change the system power state.An attempt was made to create more links on a file than the file system supports.The specified program requires a newer version of Windows.The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program.Cannot start more than one instance of the specified program.The specified program was written for an earlier version of Windows.One of the library files needed to run this application is damaged.No application is associated with the specified file for this operation.An error occurred in sending the command to the application.One of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found.The current process has used all of its system allowance of handles for Windows manager objects.The message can be used only with synchronous operations.The indicated source element has no media.The indicated destination element already contains media.The indicated element does not exist.The indicated element is part of a magazine that is not present.The indicated device requires re-initialization due to hardware errors.The device has indicated that cleaning is required before further operations are attempted.The device has indicated that its door is open.There was no match for the specified key in the index.The property set specified does not exist on the object.The point passed to GetMouseMovePoints is not in the buffer.The tracking (workstation) service is not running.The volume ID could not be found.Unable to remove the file to be replaced.Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced has retained its original name.Unable to move the replacement file to the file to be replaced. The file to be replaced has been renamed using the backup name.The volume change journal is being deleted.The volume change journal is not active.A file was found, but it might not be the correct file.The journal entry has been deleted from the journal.A system shutdown has already been scheduled.The system shutdown cannot be initiated because there are other users logged on to the computer.The specified device name is invalid.The device is not currently connected but it is a remembered connection.The local device name has a remembered connection to another network resource.The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist, or the network provider is not currently available. Try retyping the path or contact your network administrator.The specified network provider name is invalid.Unable to open the network connection profile.The network connection profile is corrupted.Cannot enumerate a noncontainer.An extended error has occurred.The format of the specified group name is invalid.The format of the specified computer name is invalid.The format of the specified event name is invalid.The format of the specified domain name is invalid.The format of the specified service name is invalid.The format of the specified network name is invalid.The format of the specified share name is invalid.The format of the specified password is invalid.The format of the specified message name is invalid.The format of the specified message destination is invalid.Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.An attempt was made to establish a session to a network server, but there are already too many sessions established to that server.The workgroup or domain name is already in use by another computer on the network.The network is not present or not started.The operation was canceled by the user.The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open.The remote system refused the network connection.The network connection was gracefully closed.The network transport endpoint already has an address associated with it.An address has not yet been associated with the network endpoint.An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection.An invalid operation was attempted on an active network connection.The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.No service is operating at the destination network endpoint on the remote system.The network connection was aborted by the local system.The operation could not be completed. A retry should be performed.A connection to the server could not be made because the limit on the number of concurrent connections for this account has been reached.Attempting to log on during an unauthorized time of day for this account.The account is not authorized to log on from this station.The network address could not be used for the operation requested.The service is already registered.The specified service does not exist.The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated.The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist.Continue with work in progress.An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation when initialization has already been completed.The specified site does not exist.A domain controller with the specified name already exists.This operation is supported only when you are connected to the server.The group policy framework should call the extension even if there are no changes.The specified user does not have a valid profile.This operation is not supported on a computer running Windows Server 2003 operating system for Small Business Server.The server machine is shutting down.The remote system is not available. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.The security identifier provided is not from an account domain.The security identifier provided does not have a domain component.AppHelp dialog canceled, thus preventing the application from starting.This program is blocked by Group Policy. For more information, contact your system administrator.A program attempt to use an invalid register value. Normally caused by an uninitialized register. This error is Itanium specific.The share is currently offline or does not exist.The Kerberos protocol encountered an error while validating the KDC certificate during smartcard logon. There is more information in the system event log.The Kerberos protocol encountered an error while attempting to utilize the smartcard subsystem.The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you.The machine is locked and cannot be shut down without the force option.An application-defined callback gave invalid data when called.The Group Policy framework should call the extension in the synchronous foreground policy refresh.This driver has been blocked from loading.A DLL referenced a module that was neither a DLL nor the process's executable image.Windows cannot open this program because it has been disabled.Windows cannot open this program because the license enforcement system has been tampered with or become corrupted.The current thread has already been converted to a fiber.The current thread has already been converted from a fiber.The system detected an overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application. This overrun could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this application.Data present in one of the parameters is more than the function can operate on.An attempt to perform an operation on a debug object failed because the object is in the process of being deleted.An attempt to delay-load a .dll or get a function address in a delay-loaded .dll failed.%1 is a 16-bit application. You do not have permissions to execute 16-bit applications. Check your permissions with your system administrator.Insufficient information exists to identify the cause of failure.The parameter passed to a C runtime function is incorrect.The operation occurred beyond the valid data length of the file.The service start failed because one or more services in the same process have an incompatible service SID type setting. A service with a restricted service SID type can only coexist in the same process with other services with a restricted SID type.The process hosting the driver for this device has been terminated.An operation attempted to exceed an implementation-defined limit.Either the target process, or the target thread's containing process, is a protected process.The service notification client is lagging too far behind the current state of services in the machine.An operation failed because the storage quota was exceeded.An operation failed because the content was blocked.A privilege that the service requires to function properly does not exist in the service account configuration. The Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in (Services.msc) and the Local Security Settings MMC snap-in (Secpol.msc) can be used to view the service configuration and the account configuration.Indicates a particular SID cannot be assigned as the label of an object.Not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller.Some mapping between account names and SIDs was not done.No system quota limits are specifically set for this account.No encryption key is available. A well-known encryption key was returned.The password is too complex to be converted to a LAN Manager password. The LAN Manager password returned is a null string.The revision level is unknown.Indicates two revision levels are incompatible.This SID cannot be assigned as the owner of this object. 0x0000051C ERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUP This SID cannot be assigned as the primary group of an object.An attempt has been made to operate on an impersonation token by a thread that is not currently impersonating a client.There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.A specified logon session does not exist. It might already have been terminated.A specified privilege does not exist.A required privilege is not held by the client.The name provided is not a properly formed account name.The specified account already exists.The specified account does not exist.The specified group already exists.The specified group does not exist.Either the specified user account is already a member of the specified group, or the specified group cannot be deleted because it contains a member.The specified user account is not a member of the specified group account.The last remaining administration account cannot be disabled or deleted.Unable to update the password. The value provided as the current password is incorrect.Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password contains values that are not allowed in passwords.Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet the length, complexity, or history requirements of the domain.Logon failure: Unknown user name or bad password.Logon failure: User account restriction. Possible reasons are blank passwords not allowed, logon hour restrictions, or a policy restriction has been enforced.Logon failure: Account logon time restriction violation.Logon failure: User not allowed to log on to this computer.Logon failure: The specified account password has expired.Logon failure: Account currently disabled.No mapping between account names and SIDs was done.Too many local user identifiers (LUIDs) were requested at one time.The sub-authority part of an SID is invalid for this particular use.The security descriptor structure is invalid.The inherited ACL or ACE could not be built.The server is currently disabled.The server is currently enabled.The value provided was an invalid value for an identifier authority.No more memory is available for security information updates.The specified attributes are invalid, or incompatible with the attributes for the group as a whole.Either a required impersonation level was not provided, or the provided impersonation level is invalid.Cannot open an anonymous level security token.The validation information class requested was invalid.The type of the token is inappropriate for its attempted use.Unable to perform a security operation on an object that has no associated security.Configuration information could not be read from the domain controller, either because the machine is unavailable, or access has been denied.The SAM or local security authority (LSA) server was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.The domain was in the wrong state to perform the security operation.This operation is only allowed for the PDC of the domain.The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.The specified domain already exists.An attempt was made to exceed the limit on the number of domains per server.Unable to complete the requested operation because of either a catastrophic media failure or a data structure corruption on the disk.Generic access types were contained in an access mask that should already be mapped to nongeneric types.A security descriptor is not in the right format (absolute or self-relative).The requested action is restricted for use by logon processes only. The calling process has not registered as a logon process.Cannot start a new logon session with an ID that is already in use.A specified authentication package is unknown.The logon session is not in a state that is consistent with the requested operation.The logon session ID is already in use.A logon request contained an invalid logon type value.Unable to impersonate using a named pipe until data has been read from that pipe.The transaction state of a registry subtree is incompatible with the requested operation.An internal security database corruption has been encountered.Cannot perform this operation on built-in accounts.Cannot perform this operation on this built-in special group.Cannot perform this operation on this built-in special user.The user cannot be removed from a group because the group is currently the user's primary group.The token is already in use as a primary token.The specified local group does not exist.The specified account name is not a member of the group.The specified account name is already a member of the group.The specified local group already exists.Logon failure: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.The maximum number of secrets that can be stored in a single system has been exceeded.The length of a secret exceeds the maximum length allowed.The local security authority database contains an internal inconsistency.During a logon attempt, the user's security context accumulated too many SIDs.A cross-encrypted password is necessary to change a user password.A member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist.A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type.Too many SIDs have been specified.A cross-encrypted password is necessary to change this user password.Indicates an ACL contains no inheritable components.The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.There is no user session key for the specified logon session.The service being accessed is licensed for a particular number of connections. No more connections can be made to the service at this time because the service has accepted the maximum number of connections.Logon failure: The target account name is incorrect.Mutual authentication failed. The server's password is out of date at the domain controller.There is a time and/or date difference between the client and server.This operation cannot be performed on the current domain.Invalid accelerator table handle.Invalid handle to a multiple-window position structure.Cannot create a top-level child window.Invalid window; it belongs to other thread.Hot key is already registered.Using private DIALOG window words.The list box identifier was not found.Thread does not have a clipboard open.The window is not a valid dialog window.Invalid message for a combo box because it does not have an edit control.The window is not a combo box.Invalid device context (DC) handle.Cannot set nonlocal hook without a module handle.This hook procedure can only be set globally.The journal hook procedure is already installed.The hook procedure is not installed.Invalid message for single-selection list box.LB_SETCOUNT sent to non-lazy list box.This list box does not support tab stops.Cannot destroy object created by another thread.Child windows cannot have menus.The window does not have a system menu.Invalid system-wide (SPI_*) parameter.All handles to windows in a multiple-window position structure must have the same parent.The window is not a child window.Cannot process a message from a window that is not a multiple document interface (MDI) window.The window does not have scroll bars.Scroll bar range cannot be greater than MAXLONG.Cannot show or remove the window in the way specified.Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.Invalid keyboard layout handle.This operation requires an interactive window station.This operation returned because the time-out period expired.The symbolic link cannot be followed because its type is disabled.This application does not support the current operation on symbolic links.The event log file is corrupted.No event log file could be opened, so the event logging service did not start.The event log file has changed between read operations.The specified task name is invalid.The specified task index is invalid.The specified thread is already joining a task.The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.Fatal error during installation.Installation suspended, incomplete.This action is valid only for products that are currently installed.Handle is in an invalid state.The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.Component qualifier not present.The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported.Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.There was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface. Contact your support personnel.Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and that you can write to it.The language of this installation package is not supported by your system.Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.Function could not be executed.Function failed during execution.Invalid or unknown table specified.Data supplied is of wrong type.Data of this type is not supported.The Windows Installer service failed to start. Contact your support personnel.The Temp folder is on a drive that is full or is inaccessible. Free up space on the drive or verify that you have write permission on the Temp folder.This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor.Component not used on this computer.This update package could not be opened. Verify that the update package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer update package.This update package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer update package.This update package cannot be processed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.Invalid command-line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help.Only administrators have permission to add, remove, or configure server software during a Terminal Services remote session. If you want to install or configure software on the server, contact your network administrator.The requested operation completed successfully. The system will be restarted so the changes can take effect.The upgrade cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded might be missing, or the upgrade might update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade.The update package is not permitted by a software restriction policy.One or more customizations are not permitted by a software restriction policy.The Windows Installer does not permit installation from a Remote Desktop Connection.Uninstallation of the update package is not supported.The update is not applied to this product.No valid sequence could be found for the set of updates.Update removal was disallowed by policy.The XML update data is invalid.Windows Installer does not permit updating of managed advertised products. At least one feature of the product must be installed before applying the update.The Windows Installer service is not accessible in Safe Mode. Try again when your computer is not in Safe Mode or you can use System Restore to return your machine to a previous good state.The string binding is invalid.The binding handle is not the correct type.The binding handle is invalid.The RPC protocol sequence is not supported.The RPC protocol sequence is invalid.The endpoint format is invalid.The network address is invalid.The time-out value is invalid.The object UUID) was not found.The object UUID) has already been registered.The type UUID has already been registered.The RPC server is already listening.No protocol sequences have been registered.The RPC server is not listening.There are no protocol sequences.The endpoint cannot be created.Not enough resources are available to complete this operation.The RPC server is unavailable.The RPC server is too busy to complete this operation.The network options are invalid.There are no RPCs active on this thread.The RPC failed and did not execute.An RPC protocol error occurred.Access to the HTTP proxy is denied.The transfer syntax is not supported by the RPC server.The UUID type is not supported.The binding does not contain an entry name.The name syntax is not supported.No network address is available to use to construct a UUID.The authentication type is unknown.The maximum number of calls is too small.The RPC protocol sequence was not found.The procedure number is out of range.The binding does not contain any authentication information.The authentication service is unknown.The authentication level is unknown.The security context is invalid.The authorization service is unknown.The server endpoint cannot perform the operation.There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.No interfaces have been exported.The version option is invalid.The name service is unavailable.The network address family is invalid.The requested operation is not supported.No security context is available to allow impersonation.An internal error occurred in an RPC.The RPC server attempted an integer division by zero.An addressing error occurred in the RPC server.A floating-point operation at the RPC server caused a division by zero.A floating-point underflow occurred at the RPC server.A floating-point overflow occurred at the RPC server.The list of RPC servers available for the binding of auto handles has been exhausted.Unable to open the character translation table file.The file containing the character translation table has fewer than 512 bytes.A null context handle was passed from the client to the host during an RPC.The context handle changed during an RPC.The binding handles passed to an RPC do not match.The stub is unable to get the RPC handle.A null reference pointer was passed to the stub.The enumeration value is out of range.The supplied user buffer is not valid for the requested operation.The disk media is not recognized. It might not be formatted.The workstation does not have a trust secret.The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.An RPC is already in progress for this thread.An attempt was made to log on, but the network logon service was not started.The user's account has expired.The redirector is in use and cannot be unloaded.The specified printer driver is already installed.The specified port is unknown.The printer driver is unknown.The print processor is unknown.The specified separator file is invalid.The specified priority is invalid.The printer command is invalid.The specified data type is invalid.The environment specified is invalid.The account used is an interdomain trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.The account used is a computer account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.The account used is a server trust account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.The name or SID of the domain specified is inconsistent with the trust information for that domain.The server is in use and cannot be unloaded.The specified image file did not contain a resource section.The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.The specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file.Not enough quota is available to process this command.No interfaces have been registered.The binding handle does not contain all the required information.A communications failure occurred during an RPC.The requested authentication level is not supported.No principal name is registered.The error specified is not a valid Windows RPC error code.A UUID that is valid only on this computer has been allocated.A security package-specific error occurred.Invalid operation on the encoding/decoding handle.Incompatible version of the serializing package.Incompatible version of the RPC stub.The RPC pipe object is invalid or corrupted.An invalid operation was attempted on an RPC pipe object.The group member was not found.The endpoint mapper database entry could not be created.The object UUID is the nil UUID.The specified time is invalid.The specified form name is invalid.The specified form size is invalid.The specified printer handle is already being waited on.The specified printer has been deleted.The state of the printer is invalid.The user's password must be changed before logging on the first time.Could not find the domain controller for this domain.The referenced account is currently locked out and cannot be logged on to.The object exporter specified was not found.The object specified was not found.The object set specified was not found.Some data remains to be sent in the request buffer.Invalid asynchronous RPC handle.Invalid asynchronous RPC call handle for this operation.The RPC pipe object has already been closed.The RPC call completed before all pipes were processed.No more data is available from the RPC pipe.No site name is available for this machine.The file cannot be accessed by the system.The name of the file cannot be resolved by the system.The entry is not of the expected type.Not all object UUIDs could be exported to the specified entry.The interface could not be exported to the specified entry.The specified profile entry could not be added.The specified profile element could not be added.The specified profile element could not be removed.The group element could not be added.The group element could not be removed.The printer driver is not compatible with a policy enabled on your computer that blocks Windows NT 4.0 operating system drivers.The context has expired and can no longer be used.The current user's delegated trust creation quota has been exceeded.The total delegated trust creation quota has been exceeded.The current user's delegated trust deletion quota has been exceeded.Logon failure: The machine you are logging on to is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine.Remote connections to the Print Spooler are blocked by a policy set on your machine.The specified driver is invalid.The window style or class attribute is invalid for this operation.The requested metafile operation is not supported.The requested transformation operation is not supported.The requested clipping operation is not supported.The specified color management module is invalid.The specified color profile is invalid.The specified tag was not found.A required tag is not present.The specified tag is already present.The specified color profile is not associated with any device.The specified color profile was not found.The specified color space is invalid.Image Color Management is not enabled.There was an error while deleting the color transform.The specified color transform is invalid.The specified transform does not match the bitmap's color space.The specified named color index is not present in the profile.The specified profile is intended for a device of a different type than the specified device.The workstation driver is not installed.The server could not be located.An internal error occurred. The network cannot access a shared memory segment.A network resource shortage occurred.This operation is not supported on workstations.The network connection was made successfully, but the user had to be prompted for a password other than the one originally specified.The network connection was made successfully using default credentials.The Server service is not started.The device or directory does not exist.The operation is invalid on a redirected resource.The name has already been shared.The server is currently out of the requested resource.Requested addition of items exceeds the maximum allowed.The Peer service supports only two simultaneous users.The API return buffer is too small.An error occurred when opening or reading the configuration file.A general network error occurred.The Workstation service is in an inconsistent state. Restart the computer before restarting the Workstation service.The Workstation service has not been started.The requested information is not available.The server is not configured for transactions.The requested API is not supported on the remote server.The computer name already exists on the network. Change it and reboot the computer.The specified component could not be found in the configuration information.The specified parameter could not be found in the configuration information.A line in the configuration file is too long.The printer destination cannot be found.The printer destination already exists.The print queue already exists.No more printers can be added.No more print jobs can be added.No more printer destinations can be added.This printer destination is idle and cannot accept control operations.This printer destination request contains an invalid control function.The print processor is not responding.This operation cannot be performed on the print destination in its current state.This operation cannot be performed on the print queue in its current state.This operation cannot be performed on the print job in its current state.A spooler memory allocation failure occurred.The device driver does not exist.The data type is not supported by the print processor.The print processor is not installed.The requested service has already been started.The service does not respond to control actions.The service is not responding to the control function.The configuration file contains an invalid service program name.The service could not be controlled in its present state.The requested pause or stop is not valid for this service.The service control dispatcher could not find the service name in the dispatch table.The service control dispatcher pipe read failed.A thread for the new service could not be created.This workstation is already logged on to the LAN.The workstation is not logged on to the LAN.The user name or group name parameter is invalid.The password parameter is invalid.The logon processor did not add the message alias.The logoff processor did not delete the message alias.A centralized logon server conflict occurred.The server is configured without a valid user path.An error occurred while loading or running the logon script.The logon server was not specified. The computer will be logged on as STANDALONE.The logon server could not be found.There is already a logon domain for this computer.The logon server could not validate the logon.The security database could not be found.The group name could not be found.The user name could not be found.The resource name could not be found.The user account already exists.The resource permission list already exists.This operation is allowed only on the PDC of the domain.The security database has not been started.There are too many names in the user accounts database.The limit of 64 entries per resource was exceeded.Deleting a user with a session is not allowed.The parent directory could not be located.Unable to add to the security database session cache segment.This operation is not allowed on this special group.This user is not cached in the user accounts database session cache.The user already belongs to this group.The user does not belong to this group.This user account is undefined.This user account has expired.The user is not allowed to log on from this workstation.The user is not allowed to log on at this time.The password of this user has expired.The password of this user cannot change.This password cannot be used now.The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity, and password history requirements.The password of this user is too recent to change.The security database is corrupted.No updates are necessary to this replicant network or local security database.This replicant database is outdated; synchronization is required.The network connection could not be found.This device is currently being shared.The computer name could not be added as a message alias. The name might already exist on the network.The Messenger service is already started.The Messenger service failed to start.The message alias could not be found on the network.This message alias has already been forwarded.This message alias has been added but is still forwarded.This message alias already exists locally.The maximum number of added message aliases has been exceeded.The computer name could not be deleted.Messages cannot be forwarded back to the same workstation.An error occurred in the domain message processor.The message was sent, but the recipient has paused the Messenger service.The message was sent but not received.The message alias is currently in use. Try again later.The Messenger service has not been started.The name is not on the local computer.The forwarded message alias could not be found on the network.The message alias table on the remote station is full.Messages for this alias are not currently being forwarded.The broadcast message was truncated.This is an invalid device name.A duplicate message alias exists on the network.This message alias will be deleted later.The message alias was not successfully deleted from all networks.This operation is not supported on computers with multiple networks.This shared resource does not exist.A session does not exist with that computer name.There is not an open file with that identification number.A failure occurred when executing a remote administration command.A failure occurred when opening a remote temporary file.The data returned from a remote administration command has been truncated to 64 KB.This device cannot be shared as both a spooled and a nonspooled resource.The information in the list of servers might be incorrect.The computer is not active in this domain.The share must be removed from the Distributed File System (DFS) before it can be deleted.The operation is invalid for this device.This device name list is invalid.The queue priority is invalid.There are no shared communication devices.The queue you specified does not exist.This list of devices is invalid.The requested device is invalid.This device is already in use by the spooler.This device is already in use as a communication device.This computer name is invalid.The string and prefix specified are too long.This path component is invalid.Could not determine the type of input.The buffer for types is not big enough.Profile files cannot exceed 64 KB.The start offset is out of range.The system cannot delete current connections to network resources.The system was unable to parse the command line in this file.An error occurred while loading the profile file.Errors occurred while saving the profile file. The profile was partially saved.This log file has changed between reads.The source path cannot be a directory.The destination path is illegal.The source and destination paths are on different servers.The Run server you requested is paused.An error occurred when communicating with a Run server.An error occurred when starting a background process.The shared resource you are connected to could not be found.The LAN adapter number is invalid.There are open files on the connection.Active connections still exist.This share name or password is invalid.The device is being accessed by an active process.The drive letter is in use locally.The specified client is already registered for the specified event.An invalid or nonexistent alert name was raised.The alert recipient is invalid.A user's session with this server has been deleted.The log file does not contain the requested record number.The user accounts database is not configured correctly.This operation is not permitted when the Net Logon service is running.This operation is not allowed on the last administrative account.Could not set logon information for this user.The Net Logon service has not been started.Unable to add to the user accounts database.This server's clock is not synchronized with the PDC's clock.A password mismatch has been detected.The server identification does not specify a valid server.The session identification does not specify a valid session.The connection identification does not specify a valid connection.There is no space for another entry in the table of available servers.The server has reached the maximum number of sessions it supports.The server has reached the maximum number of connections it supports.The server cannot open more files because it has reached its maximum number.There are no alternate servers registered on this server.Try the down-level (remote admin protocol) version of API instead.The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) driver could not be accessed by the UPS service.The UPS service is not configured correctly.The UPS service could not access the specified Comm Port.The UPS indicated a line fail or low battery situation. Service not started.The UPS service failed to perform a system shut down.The program below returned an MS-DOS error code.The program below needs more memory.The program below called an unsupported MS-DOS function.The workstation failed to boot.No loader is specified in the boot-block definition file.NetBIOS returned an error: The network control blocks (NCBs) and Server Message Block (SMB) are dumped above.Image parameter substitution failed.Too many image parameters cross disk sector boundaries.The image was not generated from an MS-DOS disk formatted with /S.Remote boot will be restarted later.The call to the Remoteboot server failed.Cannot connect to the Remoteboot server.Cannot open image file on the Remoteboot server.Connecting to the Remoteboot server.Remote boot service was stopped, check the error log for the cause of the problem.Remote boot startup failed; check the error log for the cause of the problem.A second connection to a Remoteboot resource is not allowed.The browser service was configured with MaintainServerList=No.Service failed to start because none of the network adapters started with this service.Service failed to start due to bad startup information in the registry.Service failed to start because its database is absent or corrupt.Service failed to start because the RPLFILES share is absent.Service failed to start because the RPLUSER group is absent.Cannot enumerate service records.Workstation record information has been corrupted.Workstation record was not found.Workstation name is in use by some other workstation.Profile record information has been corrupted.Profile name is in use by some other profile.There are workstations using this profile.Configuration record information has been corrupted.Configuration record was not found.Adapter ID record information has been corrupted.An internal service error has occurred.Vendor ID record information has been corrupted.Boot block record information has been corrupted.The user account for this workstation record is missing.The RPLUSER local group could not be found.Boot block record was not found.Chosen profile is incompatible with this workstation.Chosen network adapter ID is in use by some other workstation.There are profiles using this configuration.There are workstations, profiles, or configurations using this boot block.Service failed to back up the Remoteboot database.Vendor name is in use by some other vendor record.The boot name or vendor ID is in use by some other boot block record.The configuration name is in use by some other configuration.The internal database maintained by the DFS service is corrupt.One of the records in the internal DFS database is corrupt.There is no DFS name whose entry path matches the input entry path.A root or link with the given name already exists.The server share specified is already shared in the DFS.The indicated server share does not support the indicated DFS namespace.The operation is not valid in this portion of the namespace.The operation is ambiguous because the link has multiple servers.The specified rename target path is invalid.The specified DFS link is offline.The specified server is not a server for this link.A cycle in the DFS name was detected.The operation is not supported on a server-based DFS.This link is already supported by the specified server share.Cannot remove the last server share supporting this root or link.The operation is not supported for an inter-DFS link.The internal state of the DFS Service has become inconsistent.The DFS Service has been installed on the specified server.The DFS data being reconciled is identical.The DFS root cannot be deleted. Uninstall DFS if required.A child or parent directory of the share is already in a DFS.This machine is already joined to a domain.This machine is not currently joined to a domain.This machine is a domain controller and cannot be unjoined from a domain.The destination domain controller does not support creating machine accounts in organizational units (OUs).The specified workgroup name is invalid.The specified computer name is incompatible with the default language used on the domain controller.The specified computer account could not be found.This version of Windows cannot be joined to a domain.The password must change at the next logon.The password does not meet the complexity policy.The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLLs.The specified print monitor is unknown.The specified printer driver is currently in use.A StartDocPrinter call was not issued.An AddJob call was not issued.The specified print processor has already been installed.The specified print monitor has already been installed.The specified print monitor does not have the required functions.The specified print monitor is currently in use.The requested operation is not allowed when there are jobs queued to the printer.The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the system is rebooted.The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the service is restarted.The printer driver is known to be unreliable.The printer driver is known to harm the system.The specified printer driver package is currently in use.Unable to find a core driver package that is required by the printer driver package.The requested operation failed. A system reboot is required to roll back changes made.The requested operation failed. A system reboot has been initiated to roll back changes made.The specified printer driver was not found on the system and needs to be downloaded.The specified printer cannot be shared.Reissue the given operation as a cached I/O operation.Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) encountered an error while processing the command.The local WINS cannot be deleted.The importation from the file failed.The backup failed. Was a full backup done before?The backup failed. Check the directory to which you are backing the database.The name does not exist in the WINS database.Replication with a nonconfigured partner is not allowed.The version of the supplied content information is not supported.The supplied content information is malformed.The requested data cannot be found in local or peer caches.No more data is available or required.The supplied object has not been initialized.The supplied object has already been initialized.A shutdown operation is already in progress.The supplied object has already been invalidated.An element already exists and was not replaced.Cannot cancel the requested operation as it has already been completed.Cannot perform the requested operation because it has already been carried out.An operation accessed data beyond the bounds of valid data.The requested version is not supported.A configuration value is invalid.PeerDist Service is still initializing and will be available shortly.The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client has obtained an IP address that is already in use on the network. The local interface will be disabled until the DHCP client can obtain a new address.The GUID passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.The data item ID passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider.The WMI request could not be completed and should be retried.The WMI data provider could not be located.The WMI data provider references an instance set that has not been registered.The WMI data block or event notification has already been enabled.The WMI data block is no longer available.The WMI data service is not available.The WMI data provider failed to carry out the request.The WMI Managed Object Format (MOF) information is not valid.The WMI registration information is not valid.The WMI data block or event notification has already been disabled.The WMI data item or data block is read-only.The WMI data item or data block could not be changed.The media identifier does not represent a valid medium.The library identifier does not represent a valid library.The media pool identifier does not represent a valid media pool.The drive and medium are not compatible, or they exist in different libraries.The medium currently exists in an offline library and must be online to perform this operation.The operation cannot be performed on an offline library.The library, drive, or media pool is empty.The library, drive, or media pool must be empty to perform this operation.No media is currently available in this media pool or library.A resource required for this operation is disabled.The media identifier does not represent a valid cleaner.The drive cannot be cleaned or does not support cleaning.The object identifier does not represent a valid object.Unable to read from or write to the database.The medium is not compatible with the device or media pool.The resource required for this operation does not exist.The operation identifier is not valid.The media is not mounted or ready for use.The device is not ready for use.The operator or administrator has refused the request.The drive identifier does not represent a valid drive.Library is full. No slot is available for use.The transport cannot access the medium.Unable to load the medium into the drive.Unable to retrieve the drive status.Unable to retrieve the slot status.Unable to retrieve status about the transport.Cannot use the transport because it is already in use.Unable to open or close the inject/eject port.Unable to eject the medium because it is in a drive.A cleaner slot is already reserved.A cleaner slot is not reserved.The cleaner cartridge has performed the maximum number of drive cleanings.Unexpected on-medium identifier.The last remaining item in this group or resource cannot be deleted.The message provided exceeds the maximum size allowed for this parameter.The volume contains system or paging files.The media type cannot be removed from this library because at least one drive in the library reports it can support this media type.This offline media cannot be mounted on this system because no enabled drives are present that can be used.A cleaner cartridge is present in the tape library.Cannot use the IEport because it is not empty.The remote storage service was not able to recall the file.The remote storage service is not operational at this time.The remote storage service encountered a media error.The file or directory is not a reparse point.The reparse point attribute cannot be set because it conflicts with an existing attribute.The data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.The tag present in the reparse point buffer is invalid.There is a mismatch between the tag specified in the request and the tag present in the reparse point.Single Instance Storage (SIS) is not available on this volume.The operation cannot be completed because other resources depend on this resource.The cluster resource dependency cannot be found.The cluster resource cannot be made dependent on the specified resource because it is already dependent.The cluster resource is not online.A cluster node is not available for this operation.The cluster resource is not available.The cluster resource could not be found.The cluster is being shut down.A cluster node cannot be evicted from the cluster unless the node is down or it is the last node.The object is already in the list.The cluster group is not available for any new requests.The cluster group could not be found.The operation could not be completed because the cluster group is not online.The operation failed because either the specified cluster node is not the owner of the resource, or the node is not a possible owner of the resource.The operation failed because either the specified cluster node is not the owner of the group, or the node is not a possible owner of the group.The cluster resource could not be created in the specified resource monitor.The cluster resource could not be brought online by the resource monitor.The operation could not be completed because the cluster resource is online.The cluster resource could not be deleted or brought offline because it is the quorum resource.The cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it is not capable of being a quorum resource.The cluster software is shutting down.The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.The properties were stored but not all changes will take effect until the next time the resource is brought online.The cluster could not make the specified resource a quorum resource because it does not belong to a shared storage class.The cluster resource could not be deleted because it is a core resource.The quorum resource failed to come online.The quorum log could not be created or mounted successfully.The record could not be written to the cluster log because it exceeds the maximum size.The cluster log exceeds its maximum size.No checkpoint record was found in the cluster log.The minimum required disk space needed for logging is not available.The cluster node failed to take control of the quorum resource because the resource is owned by another active node.A cluster network is not available for this operation.All cluster nodes must be running to perform this operation.The cluster node is not valid.The cluster node already exists.A node is in the process of joining the cluster.The cluster node was not found.The cluster local node information was not found.The cluster network already exists.The cluster network was not found.The cluster network interface already exists.The cluster network interface was not found.The cluster request is not valid for this object.The cluster network provider is not valid.The cluster node is not reachable.The cluster node is not a member of the cluster.A cluster join operation is not in progress.The cluster network is not valid.The cluster IP address is already in use.The cluster node is not paused.No cluster security context is available.The cluster network is not configured for internal cluster communication.The cluster node is already up.The cluster node is already down.The cluster network is already online.The cluster network is already offline.The cluster node is already a member of the cluster.The cluster network is the only one configured for internal cluster communication between two or more active cluster nodes. The internal communication capability cannot be removed from the network.One or more cluster resources depend on the network to provide service to clients. The client access capability cannot be removed from the network.This operation cannot be performed on the cluster resource because it is the quorum resource. This quorum resource cannot be brought offline and its possible owners list cannot be modified.The cluster quorum resource is not allowed to have any dependencies.The cluster resource cannot be brought online. The owner node cannot run this resource.The cluster node is not ready to perform the requested operation.The cluster node is shutting down.The cluster join operation was aborted.The cluster join operation failed due to incompatible software versions between the joining node and its sponsor.This resource cannot be created because the cluster has reached the limit on the number of resources it can monitor.The system configuration changed during the cluster join or form operation. The join or form operation was aborted.The specified resource type was not found.The specified node does not support a resource of this type. This might be due to version inconsistencies or due to the absence of the resource DLL on this node.The specified resource name is not supported by this resource DLL. This might be due to a bad (or changed) name supplied to the resource DLL.No authentication package could be registered with the RPC server.You cannot bring the group online because the owner of the group is not in the preferred list for the group. To change the owner node for the group, move the group.The join operation failed because the cluster database sequence number has changed or is incompatible with the locker node. This can happen during a join operation if the cluster database was changing during the join.The resource monitor will not allow the fail operation to be performed while the resource is in its current state. This can happen if the resource is in a pending state.A non-locker code received a request to reserve the lock for making global updates.The quorum disk could not be located by the cluster service.The backed-up cluster database is possibly corrupt.A DFS root already exists in this cluster node.An attempt to modify a resource property failed because it conflicts with another existing property.An operation was attempted that is incompatible with the current membership state of the node.The quorum resource does not contain the quorum log.The membership engine requested shutdown of the cluster service on this node.The join operation failed because the cluster instance ID of the joining node does not match the cluster instance ID of the sponsor node.A matching cluster network for the specified IP address could not be found.The actual data type of the property did not match the expected data type of the property.The cluster node was evicted from the cluster successfully, but the node was not cleaned up. To determine what clean-up steps failed and how to recover, see the Failover Clustering application event log using Event Viewer.Two or more parameter values specified for a resource's properties are in conflict.This computer cannot be made a member of a cluster.This computer cannot be made a member of a cluster because it does not have the correct version of Windows installed.A cluster cannot be created with the specified cluster name because that cluster name is already in use. Specify a different name for the cluster.The cluster configuration action has already been committed.The cluster configuration action could not be rolled back.The drive letter assigned to a system disk on one node conflicted with the drive letter assigned to a disk on another node.One or more nodes in the cluster are running a version of Windows that does not support this operation.The name of the corresponding computer account does not match the network name for this resource.No network adapters are available.The cluster node has been poisoned.The group is unable to accept the request because it is moving to another node.The resource type cannot accept the request because it is too busy performing another operation.The call to the cluster resource DLL timed out.The address is not valid for an IPv6 Address resource. A global IPv6 address is required, and it must match a cluster network. Compatibility addresses are not permitted.An internal cluster error occurred. A call to an invalid function was attempted.A parameter value is out of acceptable range.A network error occurred while sending data to another node in the cluster. The number of bytes transmitted was less than required.An invalid cluster registry operation was attempted.An input string of characters is not properly terminated.An input string of characters is not in a valid format for the data it represents.An internal cluster error occurred. A cluster database transaction was attempted while a transaction was already in progress.An internal cluster error occurred. There was an attempt to commit a cluster database transaction while no transaction was in progress.An internal cluster error occurred. Data was not properly initialized.An error occurred while reading from a stream of data. An unexpected number of bytes was returned.An error occurred while writing to a stream of data. The required number of bytes could not be written.An error occurred while deserializing a stream of cluster data.One or more property values for this resource are in conflict with one or more property values associated with its dependent resources.A quorum of cluster nodes was not present to form a cluster.The cluster network is not valid for an IPv6 address resource, or it does not match the configured address.The cluster network is not valid for an IPv6 tunnel resource. Check the configuration of the IP Address resource on which the IPv6 tunnel resource depends.Quorum resource cannot reside in the available storage group.The specified file could not be encrypted.The specified file could not be decrypted.The specified file is encrypted and the user does not have the ability to decrypt it.There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system.The required encryption driver is not loaded for this system.The file was encrypted with a different encryption driver than is currently loaded.There are no Encrypting File System (EFS) keys defined for the user.The specified file is not encrypted.The specified file is not in the defined EFS export format.The specified file is read-only.The directory has been disabled for encryption.The server is not trusted for remote encryption operation.Recovery policy configured for this system contains invalid recovery certificate.The encryption algorithm used on the source file needs a bigger key buffer than the one on the destination file.The disk partition does not support file encryption.This machine is disabled for file encryption.A newer system is required to decrypt this encrypted file.The remote server sent an invalid response for a file being opened with client-side encryption.Client-side encryption is not supported by the remote server even though it claims to support it.File is encrypted and should be opened in client-side encryption mode.A new encrypted file is being created and a $EFS needs to be provided.The SMB client requested a client-side extension (CSE) file system control (FSCTL) on a non-CSE file.The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently availableThe Task Scheduler service must be configured to run in the System account to function properly. Individual tasks can be configured to run in other accounts.The log service encountered an invalid log sector.The log service encountered a log sector with invalid block parity.The log service encountered a remapped log sector.The log service encountered a partial or incomplete log block.The log service encountered an attempt to access data outside the active log range.The log service user marshaling buffers are exhausted.The log service encountered an attempt to read from a marshaling area with an invalid read context.The log service encountered an invalid log restart area.The log service encountered an invalid log block version.The log service encountered an invalid log block.The log service encountered an attempt to read the log with an invalid read mode.The log service encountered a log stream with no restart area.The log service encountered a corrupted metadata file.The log service encountered a metadata file that could not be created by the log file system.The log service encountered a metadata file with inconsistent data.The log service encountered an attempt to erroneous allocate or dispose reservation space.The log service cannot delete a log file or file system container.The log service has reached the maximum allowable containers allocated to a log file.The log service has attempted to read or write backward past the start of the log.The log policy could not be installed because a policy of the same type is already present.The log policy in question was not installed at the time of the request.The installed set of policies on the log is invalid.A policy on the log in question prevented the operation from completing.Log space cannot be reclaimed because the log is pinned by the archive tail.The log record is not a record in the log file.The number of reserved log records or the adjustment of the number of reserved log records is invalid.The reserved log space or the adjustment of the log space is invalid.A new or existing archive tail or base of the active log is invalid.The log could not be set to the requested size.The log is multiplexed; no direct writes to the physical log are allowed.The operation failed because the log is a dedicated log.The operation requires an archive context.The operation requires a non-ephemeral log, but the log is ephemeral.The log must have at least two containers before it can be read from or written to.A log client has already registered on the stream.A log client has not been registered on the stream.A request has already been made to handle the log full condition.The log service encountered an error when attempting to read from a log container.The log service encountered an error when attempting to write to a log container.The log service encountered an error when attempting to open a log container.The log service encountered an invalid container state when attempting a requested action.The log service is not in the correct state to perform a requested action.The log space cannot be reclaimed because the log is pinned.The log metadata flush failed.Security on the log and its containers is inconsistent.Records were appended to the log or reservation changes were made, but the log could not be flushed.The log is pinned due to reservation consuming most of the log space. Free some reserved records to make space available.The transaction handle associated with this operation is not valid.The requested operation was made in the context of a transaction that is no longer active.The requested operation is not valid on the transaction object in its current state.The caller has called a response API, but the response is not expected because the transaction manager did not issue the corresponding request to the caller.It is too late to perform the requested operation because the transaction has already been aborted.It is too late to perform the requested operation because the transaction has already been committed.The transaction manager was unable to be successfully initialized. Transacted operations are not supported.The specified resource manager made no changes or updates to the resource under this transaction.The resource manager has attempted to prepare a transaction that it has not successfully joined.The transaction object already has a superior enlistment, and the caller attempted an operation that would have created a new superior. Only a single superior enlistment is allowed.The resource manager tried to register a protocol that already exists.The attempt to propagate the transaction failed.The requested propagation protocol was not registered as a CRM.The buffer passed in to PushTransaction or PullTransaction is not in a valid format.The current transaction context associated with the thread is not a valid handle to a transaction object.The specified transaction object could not be opened because it was not found.The specified resource manager object could not be opened because it was not found.The specified enlistment object could not be opened because it was not found.The specified transaction manager object could not be opened because it was not found.The specified resource manager was unable to create an enlistment because its associated transaction manager is not online.The specified transaction manager was unable to create the objects contained in its log file in the ObjectB namespace. Therefore, the transaction manager was unable to recover.The function attempted to use a name that is reserved for use by another transaction.Transaction support within the specified file system resource manager is not started or was shut down due to an error.The metadata of the resource manager has been corrupted. The resource manager will not function.The specified directory does not contain a resource manager.The remote server or share does not support transacted file operations.The requested log size is invalid.The object (file, stream, link) corresponding to the handle has been deleted by a transaction savepoint rollback.The specified file miniversion was not found for this transacted file open.The specified file miniversion was found but has been invalidated. The most likely cause is a transaction savepoint rollback.A miniversion can only be opened in the context of the transaction that created it.It is not possible to open a miniversion with modify access.It is not possible to create any more miniversions for this stream.The remote server sent mismatching version numbers or FID for a file opened with transactions.The handle has been invalidated by a transaction. The most likely cause is the presence of memory mapping on a file, or an open handle when the transaction ended or rolled back to savepoint.There is no transaction metadata on the file.The file cannot be recovered because a handle is still open on it.The transaction outcome is unavailable because the resource manager responsible for it is disconnected.The request was rejected because the enlistment in question is not a superior enlistment.The transactional resource manager is already consistent. Recovery is not needed.The transactional resource manager has already been started.The file cannot be opened in a transaction because its identity depends on the outcome of an unresolved transaction.The operation cannot be performed because another transaction is depending on the fact that this property will not change.The operation would involve a single file with two transactional resource managers and is therefore not allowed.The $Txf directory must be empty for this operation to succeed.The operation would leave a transactional resource manager in an inconsistent state and is, therefore, not allowed.The operation could not be completed because the transaction manager does not have a log.A rollback could not be scheduled because a previously scheduled rollback has already been executed or is queued for execution.The transactional metadata attribute on the file or directory is corrupt and unreadable.The encryption operation could not be completed because a transaction is active.This object is not allowed to be opened in a transaction.An attempt to create space in the transactional resource manager's log failed. The failure status has been recorded in the event log.Memory mapping (creating a mapped section) to a remote file under a transaction is not supported.Transaction metadata is already present on this file and cannot be superseded.A transaction scope could not be entered because the scope handler has not been initialized.Promotion was required to allow the resource manager to enlist, but the transaction was set to disallow it.This file is open for modification in an unresolved transaction and can be opened for execution only by a transacted reader.The request to thaw frozen transactions was ignored because transactions were not previously frozen.Transactions cannot be frozen because a freeze is already in progress.The target volume is not a snapshot volume. This operation is only valid on a volume mounted as a snapshot.The savepoint operation failed because files are open on the transaction. This is not permitted.Windows has discovered corruption in a file, and that file has since been repaired. Data loss might have occurred.The sparse operation could not be completed because a transaction is active on the file.The call to create a transaction manager object failed because the Tm Identity stored in the logfile does not match the Tm Identity that was passed in as an argument.I/O was attempted on a section object that has been floated as a result of a transaction ending. There is no valid data.The transactional resource manager cannot currently accept transacted work due to a transient condition, such as low resources.The transactional resource manager had too many transactions outstanding that could not be aborted. The transactional resource manager has been shut down.The specified session name is invalid.The specified protocol driver is invalid.The specified protocol driver was not found in the system path.The specified terminal connection driver was not found in the system path.A registry key for event logging could not be created for this session.A service with the same name already exists on the system.A close operation is pending on the session.There are no free output buffers available.The MODEM.INF file was not found.The modem name was not found in the MODEM.INF file.The modem did not accept the command sent to it. Verify that the configured modem name matches the attached modem.The modem did not respond to the command sent to it. Verify that the modem is properly cabled and turned on.Carrier detect has failed or carrier has been dropped due to disconnect.Dial tone not detected within the required time. Verify that the phone cable is properly attached and functional.Busy signal detected at remote site on callback.Voice detected at remote site on callback.The specified session cannot be found.The specified session name is already in use.The requested operation cannot be completed because the terminal connection is currently busy processing a connect, disconnect, reset, or delete operation.An attempt has been made to connect to a session whose video mode is not supported by the current client.The application attempted to enable DOS graphics mode. DOS graphics mode is not supported.Your interactive logon privilege has been disabled. Contact your administrator.The requested operation can be performed only on the system console. This is most often the result of a driver or system DLL requiring direct console access.The client failed to respond to the server connect message.Disconnecting the console session is not supported.Reconnecting a disconnected session to the console is not supported.The request to control another session remotely was denied.The requested session access is denied.The specified terminal connection driver is invalid.The requested session cannot be controlled remotely. This might be because the session is disconnected or does not currently have a user logged on.The requested session is not configured to allow remote control.Your request to connect to this terminal server has been rejected. Your terminal server client license number is currently being used by another user. Call your system administrator to obtain a unique license number.Your request to connect to this terminal server has been rejected. Your terminal server client license number has not been entered for this copy of the terminal server client. Contact your system administrator.The number of connections to this computer is limited and all connections are in use right now. Try connecting later or contact your system administrator.The client you are using is not licensed to use this system. Your logon request is denied.The system license has expired. Your logon request is denied.Remote control could not be terminated because the specified session is not currently being remotely controlled.The remote control of the console was terminated because the display mode was changed. Changing the display mode in a remote control session is not supported.Activation has already been reset the maximum number of times for this installation. Your activation timer will not be cleared.Remote logons are currently disabled.You do not have the proper encryption level to access this session.The user %s\%s is currently logged on to this computer. Only the current user or an administrator can log on to this computer.The user %s\%s is already logged on to the console of this computer. You do not have permission to log in at this time. To resolve this issue, contact %s\%s and have them log off.Unable to log you on because of an account restriction.The RDP component %2 detected an error in the protocol stream and has disconnected the client.The Client Drive Mapping Service has connected on terminal connection.The Client Drive Mapping Service has disconnected on terminal connection.The terminal server security layer detected an error in the protocol stream and has disconnected the client.The target session is incompatible with the current session.The file replication service API was called incorrectly.The file replication service cannot be started.The file replication service cannot be stopped.The file replication service API terminated the request. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service terminated the request. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot be contacted. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because authenticated RPC is not available. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because the user has insufficient privileges on the domain controller. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot satisfy the request because authenticated RPC is not available on the domain controller. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot communicate with the file replication service on the domain controller. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service on the domain controller cannot communicate with the file replication service on this computer. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot populate the system volume because of an internal error. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot populate the system volume because of an internal time-out. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service cannot process the request. The system volume is busy with a previous request.The file replication service cannot stop replicating the system volume because of an internal error. The event log might contain more information.The file replication service detected an invalid parameter.An error occurred while installing the directory service. For more information, see the event log.The directory service evaluated group memberships locally.The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist.The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid.The attribute type specified to the directory service is not defined.The specified directory service attribute or value already exists.The directory service is busy.The directory service is unavailable.The directory service was unable to allocate a relative identifier.The directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers.The requested operation could not be performed because the directory service is not the master for that type of operation.The directory service was unable to initialize the subsystem that allocates relative identifiers.The requested operation did not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of the object.The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.The directory service cannot perform the requested operation on the relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute of an object.The directory service detected an attempt to modify the object class of an object.The requested cross-domain move operation could not be performed.Unable to contact the global catalog (GC) server.The policy object is shared and can only be modified at the root.The policy object does not exist.The requested policy information is only in the directory service.A domain controller promotion is currently active.A domain controller promotion is not currently active.The time limit for this request was exceeded.The size limit for this request was exceeded.The administrative limit for this request was exceeded.The compare response was false.The compare response was true.The requested authentication method is not supported by the server.A more secure authentication method is required for this server.The authentication mechanism is unknown.A referral was returned from the server.The server does not support the requested critical extension.This request requires a secure connection.A constraint violation occurred.There is no such object on the server.An invalid dn syntax has been specified.There is an alias dereferencing problem.The server is unwilling to process the request.The operation affects multiple DSAs.The server is not operational.An encoding error has occurred.A decoding error has occurred.The search filter cannot be recognized.One or more parameters are illegal.The specified method is not supported.The specified control is not supported by the server.A referral loop was detected by the client.The preset referral limit was exceeded.The search requires a SORT control.The search results exceed the offset range specified.The root object must be the head of a naming context. The root object cannot have an instantiated parent.The add replica operation cannot be performed. The naming context must be writable to create the replica.A reference to an attribute that is not defined in the schema occurred.The maximum size of an object has been exceeded.An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use.An attempt was made to add an object of a class that does not have an RDN defined in the schema.An attempt was made to add an object using an RDN that is not the RDN defined in the schema.None of the requested attributes were found on the objects.The attribute specified in the operation is not present on the object.Illegal modify operation. Some aspect of the modification is not permitted.The specified object is too large.The specified instance type is not valid.The operation must be performed at a master DSA.The object class attribute must be specified.A required attribute is missing.An attempt was made to modify an object to include an attribute that is not legal for its class.The specified attribute is already present on the object.The specified attribute is not present, or has no values.Multiple values were specified for an attribute that can have only one value.A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values.The specified value already exists.The attribute cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.The attribute value cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.The specified root object cannot be a subreference.Chained evaluation is not permitted.The operation could not be performed because the object's parent is either uninstantiated or deleted.Having a parent that is an alias is not permitted. Aliases are leaf objects.The object and parent must be of the same type, either both masters or both replicas.The operation cannot be performed because child objects exist. This operation can only be performed on a leaf object.The aliased object is missing.The object name has bad syntax.An alias is not permitted to refer to another alias.The alias cannot be dereferenced.The operation is out of scope.The operation cannot continue because the object is in the process of being removed.The DSA object cannot be deleted.A directory service error has occurred.The operation can only be performed on an internal master DSA object.The object must be of class DSA.Insufficient access rights to perform the operation.The object cannot be added because the parent is not on the list of possible superiors.Access to the attribute is not permitted because the attribute is owned by the SAM.The directory service encountered an error parsing a name.The directory service cannot get the attribute type for a name.The name does not identify an object; the name identifies a phantom.The security descriptor is too short.The security descriptor is invalid.Failed to create name for deleted object.The parent of a new subreference must exist.The object must be a naming context.It is not permitted to add an attribute that is owned by the system.The class of the object must be structural; you cannot instantiate an abstract class.The schema object could not be found.A local object with this GUID (dead or alive) already exists.The operation cannot be performed on a back link.The cross-reference for the specified naming context could not be found.The operation could not be performed because the directory service is shutting down.The directory service request is invalid.The role owner attribute could not be read.The requested Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) operation failed. The current FSMO holder could not be contacted.Modification of a distinguished name across a naming context is not permitted.The attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system.Only the replicator can perform this function.The specified class is not defined.The specified class is not a subclass.The name reference is invalid.A cross-reference already exists.It is not permitted to delete a master cross-reference.Subtree notifications are only supported on naming context (NC) heads.Notification filter is too complex.Schema update failed: Duplicate RDN.Schema update failed: Duplicate OID.Schema update failed: Duplicate Message Application Programming Interface (MAPI) identifier.Schema update failed: Duplicate schema ID GUID.Schema update failed: Duplicate LDAP display name.Schema update failed: Range-Lower less than Range-Upper.Schema update failed: Syntax mismatch.Schema deletion failed: Attribute is used in the Must-Contain list.Schema deletion failed: Attribute is used in the May-Contain list.Schema update failed: Attribute in May-Contain list does not exist.Schema update failed: Attribute in the Must-Contain list does not exist.Schema update failed: Class in the Aux Class list does not exist or is not an auxiliary class.Schema update failed: Class in the Poss-Superiors list does not exist.Schema update failed: Class in the subclass of the list does not exist or does not satisfy hierarchy rules.Schema update failed: Rdn-Att-Id has wrong syntax.Schema deletion failed: Class is used as an auxiliary class.Schema deletion failed: Class is used as a subclass.Schema deletion failed: Class is used as a Poss-Superior.Schema update failed in recalculating validation cache.The tree deletion is not finished. The request must be made again to continue deleting the tree.The requested delete operation could not be performed.Cannot read the governs class identifier for the schema record.The attribute schema has bad syntax.The attribute could not be cached.The class could not be cached.The attribute could not be removed from the cache.The class could not be removed from the cache.The distinguished name attribute could not be read.No superior reference has been configured for the directory service. The directory service is, therefore, unable to issue referrals to objects outside this forest.The instance type attribute could not be retrieved.An internal error has occurred.A database error has occurred.The governsID attribute is missing.An expected attribute is missing.The specified naming context is missing a cross-reference.A security checking error has occurred.Schema allocation failed. Check if the machine is running low on memory.Failed to obtain the required syntax for the attribute schema.The GC verification failed. The GC is not available or does not support the operation. Some part of the directory is currently not available.The replication operation failed because of a schema mismatch between the servers involved.The DSA object could not be found.The naming context could not be found.The naming context could not be found in the cache.The child object could not be retrieved.The modification was not permitted for security reasons.The operation cannot replace the hidden record.The hierarchy file is invalid.The attempt to build the hierarchy table failed.The directory configuration parameter is missing from the registry.The attempt to count the address book indices failed.The allocation of the hierarchy table failed.The directory service encountered an internal failure.The directory service encountered an unknown failure.A root object requires a class of "top".This directory server is shutting down, and cannot take ownership of new floating single-master operation roles.The directory service is missing mandatory configuration information and is unable to determine the ownership of floating single-master operation roles.The directory service was unable to transfer ownership of one or more floating single-master operation roles to other servers.The replication operation failed.An invalid parameter was specified for this replication operation.The directory service is too busy to complete the replication operation at this time.The DN specified for this replication operation is invalid.The naming context specified for this replication operation is invalid.The DN specified for this replication operation already exists.The replication system encountered an internal error.The replication operation encountered a database inconsistency.The server specified for this replication operation could not be contacted.The replication operation encountered an object with an invalid instance type.The replication operation failed to allocate memory.The replication operation encountered an error with the mail system.The replication reference information for the target server already exists.The replication reference information for the target server does not exist.The naming context cannot be removed because it is replicated to another server.The replication operation encountered a database error.The naming context is in the process of being removed or is not replicated from the specified server.Replication access was denied.The requested operation is not supported by this version of the directory service.The replication RPC was canceled.The source server is currently rejecting replication requests.The destination server is currently rejecting replication requests.The replication operation failed due to a collision of object names.The replication source has been reinstalled.The replication operation failed because a required parent object is missing.The replication operation was preempted.The replication synchronization attempt was abandoned because of a lack of updates.The replication operation was terminated because the system is shutting down.A synchronization attempt failed because the destination DC is currently waiting to synchronize new partial attributes from the source. This condition is normal if a recent schema change modified the partial attribute set. The destination partial attribute set is not a subset of the source partial attribute set.The replication synchronization attempt failed because a master replica attempted to sync from a partial replica.The server specified for this replication operation was contacted, but that server was unable to contact an additional server needed to complete the operation.The version of the directory service schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of the directory service on this computer.Schema update failed: An attribute with the same link identifier already exists.Name translation: Generic processing error.Name translation: Could not find the name or insufficient right to see name.Name translation: Input name mapped to more than one output name.Name translation: The input name was found but not the associated output format.Name translation: Unable to resolve completely, only the domain was found.Name translation: Unable to perform purely syntactical mapping at the client without going out to the wire.Modification of a constructed attribute is not allowed.The OM-Object-Class specified is incorrect for an attribute with the specified syntax.The replication request has been posted; waiting for a reply.The requested operation requires a directory service, and none was available.The LDAP display name of the class or attribute contains non-ASCII characters.The requested search operation is only supported for base searches.The search failed to retrieve attributes from the database.The schema update operation tried to add a backward link attribute that has no corresponding forward link.The source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object's epoch number. Either the source or the destination does not have the latest version of the object.The source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object's current name. Either the source or the destination does not have the latest version of the object.The source and destination for the cross-domain move operation are identical. The caller should use a local move operation instead of a cross-domain move operation.The source and destination for a cross-domain move do not agree on the naming contexts in the forest. Either the source or the destination does not have the latest version of the Partitions container.The destination of a cross-domain move is not authoritative for the destination naming context.The source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the identity of the source object. Either the source or the destination does not have the latest version of the source object.The object being moved across domains is already known to be deleted by the destination server. The source server does not have the latest version of the source object.Another operation that requires exclusive access to the PDC FSMO is already in progress.A cross-domain move operation failed because two versions of the moved object exist—one each in the source and destination domains. The destination object needs to be removed to restore the system to a consistent state.This object cannot be moved across domain boundaries either because cross-domain moves for this class are not allowed, or the object has some special characteristics, for example, a trust account or a restricted relative identifier (RID), that prevent its move.Cannot move objects with memberships across domain boundaries because, once moved, this violates the membership conditions of the account group. Remove the object from any account group memberships and retry.A naming context head must be the immediate child of another naming context head, not of an interior node.The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context name because it does not hold a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Ensure that the domain naming master role is held by a server that is configured as a GC server, and that the server is up-to-date with its replication partners. (Applies only to Windows 2000 operating system domain naming masters.)Destination domain must be in native mode.The operation cannot be performed because the server does not have an infrastructure container in the domain of interest.Cross-domain moves of nonempty account groups is not allowed.Cross-domain moves of nonempty resource groups is not allowed.The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The ambiguous name resolution (ANR) bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode or Teletex strings.Tree deletions starting at an object that has an NC head as a descendant are not allowed.The directory service failed to lock a tree in preparation for a tree deletion because the tree was in use.The directory service failed to identify the list of objects to delete while attempting a tree deletion.SAM initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Directory Services Restore Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.Only an administrator can modify the membership list of an administrative group.Cannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account.An attempt was made to modify the base schema.Adding a new mandatory attribute to an existing class, deleting a mandatory attribute from an existing class, or adding an optional attribute to the special class Top that is not a backlink attribute (directly or through inheritance, for example, by adding or deleting an auxiliary class) is not allowed.Schema update is not allowed on this DC because the DC is not the schema FSMO role owner.An object of this class cannot be created under the schema container. You can only create Attribute-Schema and Class-Schema objects under the schema container.The replica or child install failed to get the objectVersion attribute on the schema container on the source DC. Either the attribute is missing on the schema container or the credentials supplied do not have permission to read it.The replica or child install failed to read the objectVersion attribute in the SCHEMA section of the file schema.ini in the System32 directory.The specified group type is invalid.You cannot nest global groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled.You cannot nest local groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled.A global group cannot have a local group as a member.A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.A global group cannot have a cross-domain member.A local group cannot have another cross domain local group as a member.A group with primary members cannot change to a security-disabled group.The schema cache load failed to convert the string default security descriptor (SD) on a class-schema object.Only DSAs configured to be GC servers should be allowed to hold the domain naming master FSMO role. (Applies only to Windows 2000 servers.)The DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure.While processing a change to the DNS host name for an object, the SPN values could not be kept in sync.The Security Descriptor attribute could not be read.The object requested was not found, but an object with that key was found.The syntax of the linked attribute being added is incorrect. Forward links can only have syntax,, and, and backlinks can only have syntax needs to get the boot password.SAM needs to get the boot key from the floppy disk.Directory Service cannot start.Directory Services could not start.The connection between client and server requires packet privacy or better.The source domain cannot be in the same forest as the destination.The destination domain MUST be in the forest.The operation requires that destination domain auditing be enabled.The operation could not locate a DC for the source domain.The source object must be a group or user.The source object's SID already exists in the destination forest.The source and destination object must be of the same type.SAM initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Safe Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.Schema information could not be included in the replication request.The replication operation could not be completed due to a schema incompatibility.The replication operation could not be completed due to a previous schema incompatibility.The replication update could not be applied because either the source or the destination has not yet received information regarding a recent cross-domain move operation.The requested domain could not be deleted because there exist domain controllers that still host this domain.The requested operation can be performed only on a GC server.A local group can only be a member of other local groups in the same domain.Foreign security principals cannot be members of universal groups.The attribute is not allowed to be replicated to the GC because of security reasons.The checkpoint with the PDC could not be taken because too many modifications are currently being processed.The operation requires that source domain auditing be enabled.Security principal objects can only be created inside domain naming contexts.An SPN could not be constructed because the provided host name is not in the necessary format.A filter was passed that uses constructed attributes.The unicodePwd attribute value must be enclosed in quotation marks.Your computer could not be joined to the domain. You have exceeded the maximum number of computer accounts you are allowed to create in this domain. Contact your system administrator to have this limit reset or increased.For security reasons, the operation must be run on the destination DC.For security reasons, the source DC must be NT4SP4 or greater.Critical directory service system objects cannot be deleted during tree deletion operations. The tree deletion might have been partially performed.Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system. You can use the Recovery Console to further diagnose the system.SAM initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system. You can use the Recovery Console to further diagnose the system.The version of the operating system installed is incompatible with the current forest functional level. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become a domain controller in this forest.The version of the operating system installed is incompatible with the current domain functional level. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become a domain controller in this domain.The version of the operating system installed on this server no longer supports the current forest functional level. You must raise the forest functional level before this server can become a domain controller in this forest.The version of the operating system installed on this server no longer supports the current domain functional level. You must raise the domain functional level before this server can become a domain controller in this domain.The version of the operating system installed on this server is incompatible with the functional level of the domain or forest.The functional level of the domain (or forest) cannot be raised to the requested value because one or more domain controllers in the domain (or forest) are at a lower, incompatible functional level.The forest functional level cannot be raised to the requested value because one or more domains are still in mixed-domain mode. All domains in the forest must be in native mode for you to raise the forest functional level.The sort order requested is not supported.The requested name already exists as a unique identifier.The machine account was created before Windows NT 4.0. The account needs to be re-created.The database is out of version store.Unable to continue operation because multiple conflicting controls were used.Unable to find a valid security descriptor reference domain for this partition.Schema update failed: The link identifier is reserved.Schema update failed: There are no link identifiers available.An account group cannot have a universal group as a member.Rename or move operations on naming context heads or read-only objects are not allowed.Move operations on objects in the schema naming context are not allowed.A system flag has been set on the object that does not allow the object to be moved or renamed.This object is not allowed to change its grandparent container. Moves are not forbidden on this object, but are restricted to sibling containers.Unable to resolve completely; a referral to another forest was generated.The requested action is not supported on a standard server.Could not access a partition of the directory service located on a remote server. Make sure at least one server is running for the partition in question.The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context (or partition) name because it does not hold a replica, nor can it contact a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Ensure that the parent naming context is properly registered in the DNS, and at least one replica of this naming context is reachable by the domain naming master.The thread limit for this request was exceeded.The GC server is not in the closest site.The directory service cannot derive an SPN with which to mutually authenticate the target server because the corresponding server object in the local DS database has no serverReference attribute.The directory service failed to enter single-user mode.The directory service cannot parse the script because of a syntax error.The directory service cannot process the script because of an error.The directory service cannot perform the requested operation because the servers involved are of different replication epochs (which is usually related to a domain rename that is in progress).The directory service binding must be renegotiated due to a change in the server extensions information.The operation is not allowed on a disabled cross-reference.Schema update failed: No values for msDS-IntId are available.Schema update failed: Duplicate msDS-IntId. Retry the operation.Schema deletion failed: Attribute is used in rDNAttID.The directory service failed to authorize the request.The directory service cannot process the script because it is invalid.The remote create cross-reference operation failed on the domain naming master FSMO. The operation's error is in the extended data.A cross-reference is in use locally with the same name.The directory service cannot derive an SPN with which to mutually authenticate the target server because the server's domain has been deleted from the forest.Writable NCs prevent this DC from demoting.The requested object has a nonunique identifier and cannot be retrieved.Insufficient attributes were given to create an object. This object might not exist because it might have been deleted and the garbage already collected.The group cannot be converted due to attribute restrictions on the requested group type.Cross-domain moves of nonempty basic application groups is not allowed.Cross-domain moves of nonempty query-based application groups is not allowed.The FSMO role ownership could not be verified because its directory partition did not replicate successfully with at least one replication partner.The target container for a redirection of a well-known object container cannot already be a special container.The directory service cannot perform the requested operation because a domain rename operation is in progress.The directory service detected a child partition below the requested partition name. The partition hierarchy must be created in a top down method.The directory service cannot replicate with this server because the time since the last replication with this server has exceeded the tombstone lifetime.The requested operation is not allowed on an object under the system container.The LDAP server's network send queue has filled up because the client is not processing the results of its requests fast enough. No more requests will be processed until the client catches up. If the client does not catch up then it will be disconnected.The scheduled replication did not take place because the system was too busy to execute the request within the schedule window. The replication queue is overloaded. Consider reducing the number of partners or decreasing the scheduled replication frequency.At this time, it cannot be determined if the branch replication policy is available on the hub domain controller. Retry at a later time to account for replication latencies.The site settings object for the specified site does not exist.The local account store does not contain secret material for the specified account.Could not find a writable domain controller in the domain.The server object for the domain controller does not exist.The NTDS Settings object for the domain controller does not exist.The requested search operation is not supported for attribute scoped query (ASQ) searches.A required audit event could not be generated for the operation.The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The subtree index bit is valid only on single-valued attributes.The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The tuple index bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode strings.The replication operation failed because the target object referenced by a link value is recycled.The functional level of the domain (or forest) cannot be lowered to the requested value.The operation failed because the SPN value provided for addition/modification is not unique forest-wide.The operation failed because the UPN value provided for addition/modification is not unique forest-wide.DNS server unable to interpret format.DNS request not supported by name server.DNS name that should not exist, does exist.DNS resource record (RR) set that should not exist, does exist.DNS RR set that should to exist, does not exist.DNS server not authoritative for zone.DNS name in update or prereq is not in zone.DNS signature failed to verify.DNS signature validity expired.No records found for given DNS query.Try DNS operation again later.Record for given name and type is not unique.DNS name does not comply with RFC specifications.DNS name is a fully qualified DNS name.DNS name is dotted (multilabel).DNS name is a single-part name.DNS name contains an invalid character.The operation requested is not permitted on a DNS root server.The record could not be created because this part of the DNS namespace has been delegated to another server.The DNS server could not find a set of root hints.The DNS server found root hints but they were not consistent across all adapters.The specified value is too small for this parameter.The specified value is too large for this parameter.This operation is not allowed while the DNS server is loading zones in the background. Try again later.The operation requested is not permitted on against a DNS server running on a read-only DC.DNS zone information not available.Invalid operation for DNS zone.Invalid DNS zone configuration.DNS zone has no start of authority (SOA) record.DNS zone has no Name Server (NS) record.DNS automatic zone already exists.Secondary DNS zone requires master IP address.NBTSTAT initialization call failed.A conditional forwarding zone already exists for that name.This zone must be configured with one or more master DNS server IP addresses.The operation cannot be performed because this zone is shut down.The primary DNS zone requires a data file.Invalid data file name for the DNS zone.Failed to open the data file for the DNS zone.Failed to write the data file for the DNS zone.Failure while reading datafile for DNS zone.A CNAME record already exists for the given name.Record is only at DNS zone root.Secondary DNS zone data error.Could not create DNS cache data.Could not create pointer (PTR) record.DNS zone already exists in the directory service.DNS server not creating or reading the boot file for the directory service integrated DNS zone.DNS AXFR (zone transfer) complete.Secure update call needs to continue update request.TCP/IP network protocol not installed.No DNS servers configured for local system.The specified directory partition does not exist.The specified directory partition already exists.This DNS server is not enlisted in the specified directory partition.This DNS server is already enlisted in the specified directory partition.The directory partition is not available at this time. Wait a few minutes and try again.The application directory partition operation failed. The domain controller holding the domain naming master role is down or unable to service the request or is not running Windows Server 2003.A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.The file handle supplied is not valid.An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call.An invalid argument was supplied.A nonblocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.A blocking operation is currently executing.An operation was attempted on a nonblocking socket that already had an operation in progress.An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket.A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself.A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested.An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call.The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists.The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family.The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced.The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists.An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used.Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.The requested address is not valid in its context.A socket operation encountered a dead network.A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress.An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.A connect request was made on an already connected socket.A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied.A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call.Too many references to a kernel object.A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or the established connection failed because the connected host failed to respond.No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.Name or name component was too long.A socket operation failed because the destination host was down.A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.Cannot remove a directory that is not empty.A Windows Sockets implementation might have a limit on the number of applications that can use it simultaneously.File handle reference is no longer available.Item is not available locally.WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable.The Windows Sockets version requested is not supported.Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed.Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate that the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence.No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext.A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled.The procedure call table is invalid.The requested service provider is invalid.The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized.A system call that should never fail has failed.No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified namespace.The specified class was not found.A database query failed because it was actively refused.This is usually a temporary error during host name resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.A nonrecoverable error occurred during a database lookup.The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.At least one reserve has arrived.At least one path has arrived.Error due to lack of resources.Rejected for administrative reasons—bad credentials.There is a problem with some part of the filterspec or provider-specific buffer in general.There is a problem with some part of the flowspec.General quality of serve (QOS) error.An invalid or unrecognized service type was found in the flowspec.An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS structure.Invalid QOS provider-specific buffer.An invalid QOS filter style was used.An invalid QOS filter type was used.An incorrect number of QOS FILTERSPECs were specified in the FLOWDESCRIPTOR.An object with an invalid ObjectLength field was specified in the QOS provider-specific buffer.An incorrect number of flow descriptors was specified in the QOS structure.An unrecognized object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.An invalid policy object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.An invalid QOS flow descriptor was found in the flow descriptor list.An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.An invalid FILTERSPEC was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.An invalid shape discard mode object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.An invalid shaping rate object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.A reserved policy element was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer.The specified quick mode policy already exists.The specified quick mode policy was not found.The specified quick mode policy is being used.The specified main mode policy already exists.The specified main mode policy was not found.The specified main mode policy is being used.The specified main mode filter already exists.The specified main mode filter was not found.The specified transport mode filter already exists.The specified transport mode filter does not exist.The specified main mode authentication list exists.The specified main mode authentication list was not found.The specified main mode authentication list is being used.The specified default main mode policy was not found.The specified default main mode authentication list was not found.The specified default quick mode policy was not found.The specified tunnel mode filter exists.The specified tunnel mode filter was not found.The main mode filter is pending deletion.The transport filter is pending deletion.The tunnel filter is pending deletion.The main mode policy is pending deletion.The main mode authentication bundle is pending deletion.The quick mode policy is pending deletion.The main mode policy was successfully added, but some of the requested offers are not supported.The quick mode policy was successfully added, but some of the requested offers are not supported.Starts the list of frequencies of various IKE Win32 error codes encountered during negotiations.The IKE authentication credentials are unacceptable.The IKE security attributes are unacceptable.The IKE negotiation is in progress.The IKE failed to find a valid machine certificate. Contact your network security administrator about installing a valid certificate in the appropriate certificate store.The IKE security association (SA) was deleted by a peer before it was completely established.The IKE SA was deleted before it was completely established.The negotiation request sat in the queue too long.There was no response from a peer.The negotiation took too long.The certificate revocation check failed.Invalid certificate key usage.The IKE negotiation failed because the machine certificate used does not have a private key. IPsec certificates require a private key. Contact your network security administrator about a certificate that has a private key.There was a failure in the Diffie-Hellman computation.Failed to authenticate using Kerberos.The peer's certificate did not have a public key.Error processing the error payload.Error processing the SA payload.Error processing the proposal payload.Error processing the transform payload.Error processing the key exchange payload.Error processing the ID payload.Error processing the certification payload.Error processing the certificate request payload.Error processing the hash payload.Error processing the signature payload.Error processing the nonce payload.Error processing the notify payload.Error processing the delete payload.Error processing the VendorId payload.Peer failed to send valid machine certificate.Certification revocation check of peer's certificate failed.New policy invalidated SAs formed with the old policy.There is no available main mode IKE policy.Failed to enabled trusted computer base (TCB) privilege.Failed to obtain the security function table dispatch address from the SSPI.Failed to query the Kerberos package to obtain the max token size.Failed to obtain the Kerberos server credentials for the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service. Kerberos authentication will not function. The most likely reason for this is lack of domain membership. This is normal if your computer is a member of a workgroup.Failed to determine the SSPI principal name for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service (QueryCredentialsAttributes).Failed to obtain a new service provider interface (SPI) for the inbound SA from the IPsec driver. The most common cause for this is that the driver does not have the correct filter. Check your policy to verify the filters.Failed to add an SA to the IPSec driver. The most common cause for this is if the IKE negotiation took too long to complete. If the problem persists, reduce the load on the faulting machine.Invalid digital object identifier (DOI).Invalid authentication algorithm.Invalid certificate signature.A temporary state was created to perform reinitialization. This is not a real failure.The lifetime value received in the Responder Lifetime Notify is below the Windows 2000 configured minimum value. Fix the policy on the peer machine.Key length in the certificate is too small for configured security requirements.Maximum number of established MM SAs to peer exceeded.The IKE received a policy that disables negotiation.Reached maximum quick mode limit for the main mode. New main mode will be started.Main mode SA lifetime expired or the peer sent a main mode delete.Main mode SA assumed to be invalid because peer stopped responding.Certificate does not chain to a trusted root in IPsec policy.Received unexpected message ID.Received invalid AuthIP user mode attributes.Sent DOS cookie notify to initiator.The IKE service is shutting down.Could not verify the binding between the color graphics adapter (CGA) address and the certificate.Error processing the NatOA payload.The parameters of the main mode are invalid for this quick mode.The quick mode SA was expired by the IPsec driver.Too many dynamically added IKEEXT filters were detected.Ends the list of frequencies of various IKE Win32 error codes encountered during negotiations.The requested section was not present in the activation context.The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. See the application event log for more detail.The application binding data format is invalid.The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.The manifest file does not begin with the required tag and format information.The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors.The application attempted to activate a disabled activation context.The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context.A component version required by the application conflicts with another active component version.The type requested activation context section does not match the query API used.Lack of system resources has required isolated activation to be disabled for the current thread of execution.An attempt to set the process default activation context failed because the process default activation context was already set.The encoding group identifier specified is not recognized.The encoding requested is not recognized.The manifest contains a reference to an invalid URI.The application manifest contains a reference to a dependent assembly that is not installed.The manifest for an assembly used by the application has a reference to a dependent assembly that is not installed.The manifest contains an attribute for the assembly identity that is not valid.The manifest is missing the required default namespace specification on the assembly element.The manifest has a default namespace specified on the assembly element but its value is not urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"."The private manifest probed has crossed the reparse-point-associated path.Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have files by the same name.Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have window classes with the same name.Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM server CLSIDs.Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have proxies for the same COM interface IIDs.Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM type library TLBIDs.Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM ProgIDs.Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest are different versions of the same component, which is not permitted.A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest.The policy manifest contains one or more syntax errors.Manifest Parse Error: A string literal was expected, but no opening quotation mark was found.Manifest Parse Error: Incorrect syntax was used in a comment.Manifest Parse Error: A name started with an invalid character.Manifest Parse Error: A name contained an invalid character.Manifest Parse Error: A string literal contained an invalid character.Manifest Parse Error: Invalid syntax for an XML declaration.Manifest Parse Error: An Invalid character was found in text content.Manifest Parse Error: Required white space was missing.Manifest Parse Error: The angle bracket (>) character was expected.Manifest Parse Error: A semicolon (;) was expected.Manifest Parse Error: Unbalanced parentheses.Manifest Parse Error: Internal error.Manifest Parse Error: Whitespace is not allowed at this location.Manifest Parse Error: End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding.Manifest Parse Error: Missing parenthesis.Manifest Parse Error: A single (') or double (") quotation mark is missing.Manifest Parse Error: Multiple colons are not allowed in a name.Manifest Parse Error: Invalid character for decimal digit.Manifest Parse Error: Invalid character for hexadecimal digit.Manifest Parse Error: Invalid Unicode character value for this platform.Manifest Parse Error: Expecting whitespace or question mark (?).Manifest Parse Error: End tag was not expected at this location.Manifest Parse Error: The following tags were not closed: %1.Manifest Parse Error: Duplicate attribute.Manifest Parse Error: Only one top-level element is allowed in an XML document.Manifest Parse Error: Invalid at the top level of the document.Manifest Parse Error: Invalid XML declaration.Manifest Parse Error: XML document must have a top-level element.Manifest Parse Error: Unexpected end of file.Manifest Parse Error: Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset.Manifest Parse Error: Element was not closed.Manifest Parse Error: End element was missing the angle bracket (>) character.Manifest Parse Error: A string literal was not closed.Manifest Parse Error: A comment was not closed.Manifest Parse Error: A declaration was not closed.Manifest Parse Error: A CDATA section was not closed.Manifest Parse Error: The namespace prefix is not allowed to start with the reserved string xml"."Manifest Parse Error: System does not support the specified encoding.Manifest Parse Error: Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.Manifest Parse Error: The name "xml" is reserved and must be lowercase.Manifest Parse Error: The stand-alone attribute must have the value "yes" or "no".Manifest Parse Error: The stand-alone attribute cannot be used in external entities.Manifest Parse Error: Invalid version number.Manifest Parse Error: Missing equal sign (=) between the attribute and the attribute value.Assembly Protection Error: Unable to recover the specified assembly.Assembly Protection Error: The public key for an assembly was too short to be allowed.Assembly Protection Error: The catalog for an assembly is not valid, or does not match the assembly's manifest.An HRESULT could not be translated to a corresponding Win32 error code.Assembly Protection Error: The catalog for an assembly is missing.The supplied assembly identity is missing one or more attributes that must be present in this context.The supplied assembly identity has one or more attribute names that contain characters not permitted in XML names.The referenced assembly could not be found.The activation context activation stack for the running thread of execution is corrupt.The application isolation metadata for this process or thread has become corrupt.The activation context being deactivated is not the most recently activated one.The activation context being deactivated is not active for the current thread of execution.The activation context being deactivated has already been deactivated.A component used by the isolation facility has requested to terminate the process.A kernel mode component is releasing a reference on an activation context.The activation context of the system default assembly could not be generated.The value of an attribute in an identity is not within the legal range.The name of an attribute in an identity is not within the legal range.An identity contains two definitions for the same attribute.The identity string is malformed. This might be due to a trailing comma, more than two unnamed attributes, a missing attribute name, or a missing attribute value.A string containing localized substitutable content was malformed. Either a dollar sign ($) was followed by something other than a left parenthesis or another dollar sign, or a substitution's right parenthesis was not found.The public key token does not correspond to the public key specified.A substitution string had no mapping.The component must be locked before making the request.The component store has been corrupted.An advanced installer failed during setup or servicing.The character encoding in the XML declaration did not match the encoding used in the document.The identities of the manifests are identical, but the contents are different.The component identities are different.The assembly is not a deployment.The file is not a part of the assembly.The size of the manifest exceeds the maximum allowed.The setting is not registered.One or more required members of the transaction are not present.The specified channel path is invalid.The specified query is invalid.The publisher metadata cannot be found in the resource.The template for an event definition cannot be found in the resource (error = %1).The specified publisher name is invalid.The event data raised by the publisher is not compatible with the event template definition in the publisher's manifest.The specified channel could not be found. Check channel configuration.The specified XML text was not well-formed. See extended error for more details.The caller is trying to subscribe to a direct channel which is not allowed. The events for a direct channel go directly to a log file and cannot be subscribed to.The query result is stale or invalid. This might be due to the log being cleared or rolling over after the query result was created. Users should handle this code by releasing the query result object and reissuing the query.Query result is currently at an invalid position.Registered Microsoft XML (MSXML) does not support validation.An expression can only be followed by a change-of-scope operation if it itself evaluates to a node set and is not already part of some other change-of-scope operation.Cannot perform a step operation from a term that does not represent an element set.Left side arguments to binary operators must be either attributes, nodes, or variables and right side arguments must be constants.A step operation must involve either a node test or, in the case of a predicate, an algebraic expression against which to test each node in the node set identified by the preceding node set can be evaluated.This data type is currently unsupported.A syntax error occurred at position %1!d!This operator is unsupported by this implementation of the filter.The token encountered was unexpected.The requested operation cannot be performed over an enabled direct channel. The channel must first be disabled before performing the requested operation.Channel property %1!s! contains an invalid value. The value has an invalid type, is outside the valid range, cannot be updated, or is not supported by this type of channel.Publisher property %1!s! contains an invalid value. The value has an invalid type, is outside the valid range, cannot be updated, or is not supported by this type of publisher.The channel fails to activate.The xpath expression exceeded supported complexity. Simplify it or split it into two or more simple expressions.The message resource is present but the message is not found in the string or message table.The message ID for the desired message could not be found.The substitution string for the insert index (%1) could not be found.The description string for the parameter reference (%1) could not be found.The maximum number of replacements has been reached.The event definition could not be found for the event ID (%1).The locale-specific resource for the desired message is not present.The resource is too old to be compatible.The resource is too new to be compatible.The channel at index %1 of the query cannot be opened.The publisher has been disabled and its resource is not available. This usually occurs when the publisher is in the process of being uninstalled or upgraded.The subscription fails to activate.The log of the subscription is in a disabled state and events cannot be forwarded to it. The log must first be enabled before the subscription can be activated.The resource loader failed to find the Multilingual User Interface (MUI) file.The resource loader failed to load the MUI file because the file failed to pass validation.The release candidate (RC) manifest is corrupted with garbage data, is an unsupported version, or is missing a required item.The RC manifest has an invalid culture name.The RC Manifest has an invalid ultimate fallback name.The resource loader cache does not have a loaded MUI entry.The user stopped resource enumeration.User interface language installation failed.The monitor returned a DDC/CI capabilities string that did not comply with the ACCESS.bus 3.0, DDC/CI 1.1, or MCCS 2 Revision 1 specification.The monitor's VCP version (0xDF) VCP code returned an invalid version value.The monitor does not comply with the MCCS specification it claims to support.The MCCS version in a monitor's mccs_ver capability does not match the MCCS version the monitor reports when the VCP version (0xDF) VCP code is used.The monitor configuration API works only with monitors that support the MCCS 1.0, MCCS 2.0, or MCCS 2.0 Revision 1 specifications.An internal monitor configuration API error occurred.The monitor returned an invalid monitor technology type. CRT, plasma, and LCD (TFT) are examples of monitor technology types. This error implies that the monitor violated the MCCS 2.0 or MCCS 2.0 Revision 1 specification.The SetMonitorColorTemperature() caller passed a color temperature to it that the current monitor did not support. CRT, plasma, and LCD (TFT) are examples of monitor technology types. This error implies that the monitor violated the MCCS 2.0 or MCCS 2.0 Revision 1 specification.The requested system device cannot be identified due to multiple indistinguishable devices potentially matching the identification criteria.The requested system device cannot be found.The underlying file was converted to compound file format.The storage operation should block until more data is available.The storage operation should retry immediately.The notified event sink will not influence the storage operation.Multiple opens prevent consolidated (commit succeeded).HRES_STG_S_CONSOLIDATIONFAILEDConsolidation of the storage file failed (commit succeeded).Consolidation of the storage file is inappropriate (commit succeeded).Use the registry database to provide the requested information.HRES_DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORSHRES_CACHE_S_FORMATETC_NOTSUPPORTEDHRES_CACHE_S_SOMECACHES_NOTUPDATEDHRES_OLEOBJ_S_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOWVerb number is valid but verb cannot be done now.Message is too long; some of it had to be truncated before displaying.HRES_CONVERT10_S_NO_PRESENTATIONUnable to convert OLESTREAM to IStorage.Common prefix is this moniker.Common prefix is input moniker.Common prefix is both monikers.HRES_MK_S_MONIKERALREADYREGISTEREDMoniker is already registered in running object table.HRES_EVENT_S_SOME_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILEDAn event was able to invoke some, but not all, of the subscribers.An event was delivered, but there were no subscribers.The task is ready to run at its next scheduled time.The task is currently running.The task will not run at the scheduled times because it has been disabled.HRES_SCHED_S_TASK_NO_MORE_RUNSThere are no more runs scheduled for this task.HRES_SCHED_S_TASK_NOT_SCHEDULEDOne or more of the properties that are needed to run this task on a schedule have not been set.The last run of the task was terminated by the user.HRES_SCHED_S_TASK_NO_VALID_TRIGGERSEither the task has no triggers, or the existing triggers are disabled or not set.Event triggers do not have set run times.HRES_SCHED_S_SOME_TRIGGERS_FAILEDThe task is registered, but not all specified triggers will start the task.HRES_SCHED_S_BATCH_LOGON_PROBLEMThe task is registered, but it might fail to start. Batch logon privilege needs to be enabled for the task principal.An asynchronous operation was specified. The operation has begun, but its outcome is not known yet.The method call succeeded because the transaction was read-only.The transaction was successfully aborted. However, this is a coordinated transaction, and a number of enlisted resources were aborted outright because they could not support abort-retaining semantics.No changes were made during this call, but the sink wants another chance to look if any other sinks make further changes.HRES_XACT_S_MADECHANGESCONTENTThe sink is content and wants the transaction to proceed. Changes were made to one or more resources during this call.The sink is for the moment and wants the transaction to proceed, but if other changes are made following this return by other event sinks, this sink wants another chance to look.The transaction was successfully aborted. However, the abort was nonretaining.An abort operation was already in progress.The resource manager has performed a single-phase commit of the transaction.The local transaction has not aborted.HRES_XACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGERThe resource manager has requested to be the coordinator (last resource manager) for the transaction.Not all the requested interfaces were available.The specified machine name was not found in the cache.The function completed successfully, but it must be called again to complete the context.The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be called.HRES_SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUEThe function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the context.The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known information.HRES_SEC_I_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALSThe credentials supplied were not complete and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context.The context data must be renegotiated with the peer.There is no LSA mode context associated with this context.A signature operation must be performed before the user can authenticate.HRES_CRYPT_I_NEW_PROTECTION_REQUIREDThe protected data needs to be reprotected.The requested operation is pending completion.The requested operation was aborted by the client.The stream was purposefully stopped before completion.The requested operation has caused the source to rebuffer.The requested operation has caused the source to degrade codec quality.The transcryptor object has reached end of file.HRES_NS_S_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCHAn upgrade is needed for the theme manager to correctly show this skin. Skin reports version: %.1f.An error occurred in one of the UI components.HRES_NS_S_WMP_LOADED_GIF_IMAGESuccessfully loaded a GIF file.HRES_NS_S_WMP_LOADED_PNG_IMAGESuccessfully loaded a PNG file.HRES_NS_S_WMP_LOADED_BMP_IMAGESuccessfully loaded a BMP file.HRES_NS_S_WMP_LOADED_JPG_IMAGESuccessfully loaded a JPG file.HRES_NS_S_WMG_FORCE_DROP_FRAMEThe specified stream has already been rendered.HRES_NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEPARTIALMATCHThe specified type partially matches this pin type.HRES_NS_S_WMR_PINTYPEFULLMATCHThe specified type fully matches this pin type.HRES_NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_FRAMEThe timestamp is late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping this frame.HRES_NS_S_WMG_ADVISE_DROP_TO_KEYFRAMEThe timestamp is severely late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping everything up to the next key frame.HRES_NS_S_NEED_TO_BUY_BURN_RIGHTSNo burn rights. You will be prompted to buy burn rights when you try to burn this file to an audio CD.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTCLEARABORTFailed to clear playlist because it was aborted by user.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTREMOVEITEMABORTFailed to remove item in the playlist since it was aborted by user.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_CREATION_PENDINGPlaylist is being generated asynchronously.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_MEDIA_VALIDATION_PENDINGValidation of the media is pending.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_SECONDARY_SEGMENTS_IGNOREDEncountered more than one Repeat block during ASX processing.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_COMMAND_NOT_AVAILABLECurrent state of WMP disallows calling this method or property.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NAME_AUTO_GENERATEDName for the playlist has been auto generated.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_IMPORT_MISSING_ITEMSThe imported playlist does not contain all items from the original.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_COLLAPSED_TO_SINGLE_MEDIAThe M3U playlist has been ignored because it only contains one item.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_MEDIA_CHILD_PLAYLIST_OPEN_PENDINGThe open for the child playlist associated with this media is pending.HRES_NS_S_WMPCORE_MORE_NODES_AVAIABLEMore nodes support the interface requested, but the array for returning them is full.Backup or Restore successful!.HRES_NS_S_WMPBR_PARTIALSUCCESSTransfer complete with limitations.HRES_NS_S_WMPEFFECT_TRANSPARENTRequest to the effects control to change transparency status to transparent.Request to the effects control to change transparency status to opaque.The requested application pane is performing an operation and will not be released.HRES_NS_S_TRACK_BUY_REQUIRES_ALBUM_PURCHASEThe file is only available for purchase when you buy the entire album.HRES_NS_S_NAVIGATION_COMPLETE_WITH_ERRORSThere were problems completing the requested navigation. There are identifiers missing in the catalog.HRES_NS_S_TRACK_ALREADY_DOWNLOADEDHRES_NS_S_PUBLISHING_POINT_STARTED_WITH_FAILED_SINKSThe publishing point successfully started, but one or more of the requested data writer plug-ins failed.HRES_NS_S_DRM_LICENSE_ACQUIREDStatus message: The license was acquired.Status message: The security upgrade has been completed.HRES_NS_S_DRM_MONITOR_CANCELLEDStatus message: License monitoring has been canceled.HRES_NS_S_DRM_ACQUIRE_CANCELLEDStatus message: License acquisition has been canceled.The track is burnable and had no playlist burn limit.HRES_NS_S_DRM_BURNABLE_TRACK_WITH_PLAYLIST_RESTRICTIONThe track is burnable but has a playlist burn limit.HRES_NS_S_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATIONA security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this media file.Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer.Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. To continue, you must restart your computer.The IO was completed by a filter.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_NOT_PINNEDNo mode is pinned on the specified VidPN source or target.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_PREFERRED_MODESpecified mode set does not specify preference for one of its modes.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DATASET_IS_EMPTYSpecified data set (for example, mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, and topology) is empty.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_MORE_ELEMENTS_IN_DATASETSpecified data set (for example, mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, and topology) does not contain any more elements.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_CONTENT_GEOMETRY_TRANSFORMATION_NOT_PINNEDSpecified content transformation is not pinned on the specified VidPN present path.Property value will be ignored.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INDICATION_REQUIREDThe request will be completed later by a Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) status indication.The VolumeSequenceNumber of a MOVE_NOTIFICATION request is incorrect.The VolumeID in a request was not found in the server's ServerVolumeTable.A notification was sent to the LnkSvrMessage method, but the RequestMachine for the request was not the VolumeOwner for a VolumeID in the request.HRES_TRK_S_NOTIFICATION_QUOTA_EXCEEDEDThe server received a MOVE_NOTIFICATION request, but the FileTable size limit has already been reached.The Title Server %1 is running.Content Server %1 (%2) is starting.Content Server %1 (%2) is running.Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, is running.HRES_NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_STARTEDStarted rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.HRES_NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_FINISHEDFinished rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.HRES_NS_I_DISK_REBUILD_ABORTEDAborted rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the data stream limit to %2 streams.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 started disk %2.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped disk %2.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped Content Server %2.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted user session %2 from the system.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted obsolete connection %2 from the system.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 started rebuilding disk %2.Event initialization failed, there will be no MCM events.A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the maximum bandwidth limit to %2 bps.Content Server %1 (%2) has established its link to Content Server %3.Restripe operation has started.Restripe operation has completed.Content disk %1 (%2) on Content Server %3 has been restriped out.Content server %1 (%2) has been restriped out.Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has been offlined.HRES_NS_I_PLAYLIST_CHANGE_RECEDINGThe playlist change occurred while receding.Forcing a switch to a pending header on start.There is already an existing packetizer plugin for the stream.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DRIVER_MISMATCHThe kernel driver detected a version mismatch between it and the user mode driver.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNKNOWN_CHILD_STATUSChild device presence was not reliably detected.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_LEADLINK_START_DEFERREDStarting the lead-link adapter has been deferred temporarily.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_POLLING_TOO_FREQUENTLYThe display adapter is being polled for children too frequently at the same polling level.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_START_DEFERREDStarting the adapter has been deferred temporarily.The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.HRES_CO_E_INIT_SHARED_ALLOCATORGet shared memory allocator failure.HRES_CO_E_INIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATORUnable to initialize class cache.Unable to initialize remote procedure call (RPC) services.HRES_CO_E_INIT_TLS_SET_CHANNEL_CONTROLCannot set thread local storage channel control.HRES_CO_E_INIT_TLS_CHANNEL_CONTROLCould not allocate thread local storage channel control.HRES_CO_E_INIT_UNACCEPTED_USER_ALLOCATORThe user-supplied memory allocator is unacceptable.HRES_CO_E_INIT_SCM_MUTEX_EXISTSThe OLE service mutex already exists.HRES_CO_E_INIT_SCM_FILE_MAPPING_EXISTSThe OLE service file mapping already exists.HRES_CO_E_INIT_SCM_MAP_VIEW_OF_FILEUnable to map view of file for OLE service.HRES_CO_E_INIT_SCM_EXEC_FAILUREFailure attempting to launch OLE service.HRES_CO_E_INIT_ONLY_SINGLE_THREADEDThere was an attempt to call CoInitialize a second time while single-threaded.A Remote activation was necessary but was not allowed.A Remote activation was necessary, but the server name provided was invalid.HRES_CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITYThe class is configured to run as a security ID different from the caller.Use of OLE1 services requiring Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Windows is disabled.A RunAs specification must be <domain name>\<user name> or simply <user name>.HRES_CO_E_CREATEPROCESS_FAILUREThe server process could not be started. The path name might be incorrect.HRES_CO_E_RUNAS_CREATEPROCESS_FAILUREThe server process could not be started as the configured identity. The path name might be incorrect or unavailable.The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the user name and password.HRES_CO_E_LAUNCH_PERMSSION_DENIEDThe client is not allowed to launch this server.HRES_CO_E_START_SERVICE_FAILUREThe service providing this server could not be started.HRES_CO_E_REMOTE_COMMUNICATION_FAILUREThis computer was unable to communicate with the computer providing the server.HRES_CO_E_SERVER_START_TIMEOUTThe server did not respond after being launched.The registration information for this server is inconsistent or incomplete.The registration information for this interface is inconsistent or incomplete.The operation attempted is not supported.A Microsoft Software Installer error was encountered.HRES_CO_E_ATTEMPT_TO_CREATE_OUTSIDE_CLIENT_CONTEXTThe specified activation could not occur in the client context as specified.Activations on the server are paused.Activations on the server are not paused.The component or application containing the component has been disabled.The common language runtime is not available.The thread-pool rejected the submitted asynchronous work.The server started, but it did not finish initializing in a timely fashion.HRES_CO_E_NO_SECCTX_IN_ACTIVATEUnable to complete the call because there is no COM+ security context inside IObjectControl.Activate.The provided tracker configuration is invalid.The provided thread pool configuration is invalid.The provided side-by-side configuration is invalid.The server principal name (SPN) obtained during security negotiation is malformed.Call was canceled by the message filter.HRES_RPC_E_CANTPOST_INSENDCALLThe caller is dispatching an intertask SendMessage call and cannot call out via PostMessage.HRES_RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INASYNCCALLThe caller is dispatching an asynchronous call and cannot make an outgoing call on behalf of this call.HRES_RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INEXTERNALCALLIt is illegal to call out while inside message filter.HRES_RPC_E_CONNECTION_TERMINATEDThe connection terminated or is in a bogus state and can no longer be used. Other connections are still valid.The callee (the server, not the server application) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call might have executed.The caller (client) disappeared while the callee (server) was processing a call.The data packet with the marshaled parameter data is incorrect.The call was not transmitted properly; the message queue was full and was not emptied after yielding.HRES_RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTMARSHAL_DATAThe client RPC caller cannot marshal the parameter data due to errors (such as low memory).HRES_RPC_E_CLIENT_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATAThe client RPC caller cannot unmarshal the return data due to errors (such as low memory).HRES_RPC_E_SERVER_CANTMARSHAL_DATAThe server RPC callee cannot marshal the return data due to errors (such as low memory).HRES_RPC_E_SERVER_CANTUNMARSHAL_DATAThe server RPC callee cannot unmarshal the parameter data due to errors (such as low memory).Received data is invalid. The data might be server or client data.A particular parameter is invalid and cannot be (un)marshaled.There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation.The callee (the server, not the server application) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute.Could not allocate some required resource (such as memory or events)HRES_RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREADAttempted to make calls on more than one thread in single-threaded mode.The requested interface is not registered on the server object.RPC could not call the server or could not return the results of calling the server.The server threw an exception.Cannot change thread mode after it is set.The method called does not exist on the server.The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.The object invoked chose not to process the call now. Try again later.HRES_RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATERThe message filter indicated that the application is busy.HRES_RPC_E_SERVERCALL_REJECTEDThe message filter rejected the call.A call control interface was called with invalid data.HRES_RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALLAn outgoing call cannot be made because the application is dispatching an input-synchronous call.The application called an interface that was marshaled for a different thread.CoInitialize has not been called on the current thread.The version of OLE on the client and server machines does not match.OLE received a packet with an invalid header.OLE received a packet with an invalid extension.The requested object or interface does not exist.The requested object does not exist.OLE has sent a request and is waiting for a reply.OLE is waiting before retrying a request.Call context cannot be accessed after call completed.Impersonate on unsecure calls is not supported.Security must be initialized before any interfaces are marshaled or unmarshaled. It cannot be changed after initialized.HRES_RPC_E_NO_GOOD_SECURITY_PACKAGESNo security packages are installed on this machine, the user is not logged on, or there are no compatible security packages between the client and server.Remote calls are not allowed for this process.The marshaled interface data packet (OBJREF) has an invalid or unknown format.No context is associated with this call. This happens for some custom marshaled calls and on the client side of the call.There are no synchronize objects to wait on.Full subject issuer chain Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) principal name expected from the server.Principal name is not a valid Microsoft standard (msstd) name.Unable to impersonate DCOM client.Unable to obtain server's security context.HRES_CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENTHREADTOKENUnable to open the access token of the current thread.HRES_CO_E_FAILEDTOGETTOKENINFOUnable to obtain user information from an access token.HRES_CO_E_TRUSTEEDOESNTMATCHCLIENTThe client who called IAccessControl::IsAccessPermitted was not the trustee provided to the method.HRES_CO_E_FAILEDTOQUERYCLIENTBLANKETUnable to obtain the client's security blanket.Unable to set a discretionary access control list (ACL) into a security descriptor.The system function AccessCheck returned false.Either NetAccessDel or NetAccessAdd returned an error code.HRES_CO_E_WRONGTRUSTEENAMESYNTAXOne of the trustee strings provided by the user did not conform to the <Domain>\<Name> syntax and it was not the *" string".One of the security identifiers provided by the user was invalid.Unable to convert a wide character trustee string to a multiple-byte trustee string.Unable to find a security identifier that corresponds to a trustee string provided by the user.The system function LookupAccountSID failed.Unable to find a trustee name that corresponds to a security identifier provided by the user.The system function LookupAccountName failed.Unable to set or reset a serialization handle.Unable to obtain the Windows directory.Unable to close a serialization handle or a file handle.The number of access control entries (ACEs) in an ACL exceeds the system limit.Not all the DENY_ACCESS ACEs are arranged in front of the GRANT_ACCESS ACEs in the stream.HRES_CO_E_INCOMPATIBLESTREAMVERSIONThe version of ACL format in the stream is not supported by this implementation of IAccessControl.HRES_CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENPROCESSTOKENUnable to open the access token of the server process.Unable to decode the ACL in the stream provided by the user.The COM IAccessControl object is not initialized.Call Cancellation is disabled.Does not support a collection.Field name not defined in the record.Old format or invalid type library.Error accessing the OLE registry.HRES_TYPE_E_QUALIFIEDNAMEDISALLOWEDInvalid forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type.Name already exists in the library.Unknown language code identifier (LCID).HRES_TYPE_E_DLLFUNCTIONNOTFOUNDFunction not defined in specified DLL.Wrong module kind for the operation.Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy.Incorrect inheritance depth in standard OLE hmember.Error creating unique .tmp file.Error loading type library or DLL.HRES_TYPE_E_INCONSISTENTPROPFUNCSInconsistent property functions.Circular dependency between types and modules.Unable to perform requested operation.The path %1 could not be found.There are insufficient resources to open another file.Attempted an operation on an invalid object.There is insufficient memory available to complete operation.There are no more entries to return.HRES_STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTEDAn error occurred during a seek operation.A disk error occurred during a write operation.A disk error occurred during a read operation.A share violation has occurred.A lock violation has occurred.There is insufficient disk space to complete operation.Illegal write of non-simple property to simple property set.An application programming interface (API) call exited abnormally.The file %1 is not a valid compound file.HRES_STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTIONThat function is not implemented.Attempted to use an object that is busy.The storage has been changed since the last commit.Attempted to use an object that has ceased to exist.The compound file %1 was produced with an incompatible version of storage.The compound file %1 was produced with a newer version of storage.Share.exe or equivalent is required for operation.HRES_STG_E_NOTFILEBASEDSTORAGEIllegal operation called on non-file based storage.Illegal operation called on object with extant marshalings.The docfile has been corrupted.OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address.The compound file is too large for the current implementation.The compound file was not created with the STGM_SIMPLE flag.The file download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomplete.The file download has been terminated.HRES_STG_E_STATUS_COPY_PROTECTION_FAILUREGeneric Copy Protection Error.HRES_STG_E_CSS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURECopy Protection Error—DVD CSS Authentication failed.HRES_STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_PRESENTCopy Protection Error—The given sector does not have a valid CSS key.HRES_STG_E_CSS_KEY_NOT_ESTABLISHEDCopy Protection Error—DVD session key not established.HRES_STG_E_CSS_SCRAMBLED_SECTORCopy Protection Error—The read failed because the sector is encrypted.HRES_STG_E_CSS_REGION_MISMATCHCopy Protection Error—The current DVD's region does not correspond to the region setting of the drive.Copy Protection Error—The drive's region setting might be permanent or the number of user resets has been exhausted.Cannot enumerate any more because the associated data is missing.This implementation does not take advises.There is no connection for this connection ID.Need to run the object to perform this operation.There is no cache to operate on.Linked object's source class has changed.Not able to get the moniker of the object.Not able to bind to the source.Object is static; operation not allowed.HRES_OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLEDUser canceled out of the Save dialog box.compobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll initialized.Object is not in any of the inplace active states.Not able to perform the operation because object is not given storage yet.Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structure.The tdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure is invalid.Object does not support IViewObject interface.Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered.HRES_DRAGDROP_E_ALREADYREGISTEREDThis window has already been registered as a drop target.Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote).HRES_CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLEClassFactory cannot supply requested class.Class is not licensed for use.Could not read key from registry.Could not write key to registry.Could not find the key in the registry.HRES_REGDB_E_BADTHREADINGMODELThreading model entry is not valid.No package in the software installation data in Active Directory meets this criteria.Deleting this will break the referential integrity of the software installation data in Active Directory.The CLSID was not found in the software installation data in Active Directory.The software installation data in Active Directory is corrupt.There is no software installation data in Active Directory.There is no software installation data object in Active Directory.HRES_CS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTSThe software installation data object in Active Directory already exists.The path to the software installation data in Active Directory is not correct.A network error interrupted the operation.HRES_CS_E_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe size of this object exceeds the maximum size set by the administrator.The schema for the software installation data in Active Directory does not match the required schema.An error occurred in the software installation data in Active Directory.Space for tools is not available.HRES_CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_GETHRES_CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_PUTHRES_CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_FMTContents of the OLESTREAM not in correct format.HRES_CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_BITMAP_TO_DIBThere was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the bitmap to a device-independent bitmap (DIB).Contents of the IStorage not in correct format.HRES_CONVERT10_E_STG_NO_STD_STREAMContents of IStorage is missing one of the standard streams.HRES_CONVERT10_E_STG_DIB_TO_BITMAPThere was an error in a Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) call while converting the DIB to a bitmap.Moniker needs to be connected manually.HRES_MK_E_INTERMEDIATEINTERFACENOTSUPPORTEDIntermediate operation failed.User input required for operation to succeed.Moniker does not refer to storage.Moniker could not be enumerated.CoInitialize has not been called.CoInitialize has already been called.Class of object cannot be determined.Application cannot be run more than once.Wrong operating system or operating system version for application.Object is not connected to server.Application was launched, but it did not register a class factory.HRES_EVENT_E_ALL_SUBSCRIBERS_FAILEDAn event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers.A syntax error occurred trying to evaluate a query string.An invalid field name was used in a query string.HRES_EVENT_E_INTERNALEXCEPTIONAn unexpected exception was raised.An unexpected internal error was detected.HRES_EVENT_E_INVALID_PER_USER_SIDThe owner security identifier (SID) on a per-user subscription does not exist.A user-supplied component or subscriber raised an exception.An interface has too many methods to fire events from.HRES_EVENT_E_MISSING_EVENTCLASSA subscription cannot be stored unless its event class already exists.Not all the objects requested could be removed.HRES_EVENT_E_COMPLUS_NOT_INSTALLEDCOM+ is required for this operation, but it is not installed.HRES_EVENT_E_CANT_MODIFY_OR_DELETE_UNCONFIGURED_OBJECTCannot modify or delete an object that was not added using the COM+ Administrative SDK.HRES_EVENT_E_CANT_MODIFY_OR_DELETE_CONFIGURED_OBJECTCannot modify or delete an object that was added using the COM+ Administrative SDK.HRES_EVENT_E_INVALID_EVENT_CLASS_PARTITIONThe event class for this subscription is in an invalid partition.HRES_EVENT_E_PER_USER_SID_NOT_LOGGED_ONThe owner of the PerUser subscription is not logged on to the system specified.HRES_SCHED_E_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUNDOne or more of the properties that are needed to run this task have not been set.There is no running instance of the task.HRES_SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_INSTALLEDThe Task Scheduler service is not installed on this computer.The task object could not be opened.The object is either an invalid task object or is not a task object.HRES_SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_NOT_SETNo account information could be found in the Task Scheduler security database for the task indicated.HRES_SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_NAME_NOT_FOUNDUnable to establish existence of the account specified.HRES_SCHED_E_ACCOUNT_DBASE_CORRUPTCorruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database; the database has been reset.HRES_SCHED_E_NO_SECURITY_SERVICESTask Scheduler security services are available only on Windows NT operating system.HRES_SCHED_E_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_VERSIONThe task object version is either unsupported or invalid.HRES_SCHED_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACCOUNT_OPTIONThe task has been configured with an unsupported combination of account settings and run-time options.HRES_SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNINGThe Task Scheduler service is not running.The task XML contains an unexpected node.The task XML contains an element or attribute from an unexpected namespace.The task XML contains a value that is incorrectly formatted or out of range.The task XML is missing a required element or attribute.The task XML contains too many nodes of the same type.HRES_SCHED_E_PAST_END_BOUNDARYThe task cannot be started after the trigger's end boundary.An instance of this task is already running.HRES_SCHED_E_USER_NOT_LOGGED_ONThe task will not run because the user is not logged on.HRES_SCHED_E_INVALID_TASK_HASHThe task image is corrupt or has been tampered with.HRES_SCHED_E_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLEThe Task Scheduler service is not available.The Task Scheduler service is too busy to handle your request. Try again later.The Task Scheduler service attempted to run the task, but the task did not run due to one of the constraints in the task definition.HRES_XACT_E_ALREADYOTHERSINGLEPHASEAnother single phase resource manager has already been enlisted in this transaction.A retaining commit or abort is not supported.The transaction failed to commit for an unknown reason. The transaction was aborted.Cannot call commit on this transaction object because the calling application did not initiate the transaction.Instead of committing, the resource heuristically aborted.Instead of aborting, the resource heuristically committed.Some of the states of the resource were committed while others were aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions.Some of the states of the resource might have been committed while others were aborted, likely because of heuristic decisions.The requested isolation level is not valid or supported.The transaction manager does not support an asynchronous operation for this method.Unable to enlist in the transaction.The requested semantics of retention of isolation across retaining commit and abort boundaries cannot be supported by this transaction implementation, or isoFlags was not equal to 0.There is no resource presently associated with this enlistment.The transaction failed to commit due to the failure of optimistic concurrency control in at least one of the resource managers.The transaction has already been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted.An invalid combination of flags was specified.The resource manager ID is not associated with this transaction or the transaction manager.This method was called in the wrong state.The indicated unit of work does not match the unit of work expected by the resource manager.An enlistment in a transaction already exists.An import object for the transaction could not be found.The transaction cookie is invalid.The transaction status is in doubt. A communication failure occurred, or a transaction manager or resource manager has failed.A time-out was specified, but time-outs are not supported.The requested operation is already in progress for the transaction.The transaction has already been aborted.The Transaction Manager returned a log full error.The transaction manager is not available.A connection with the transaction manager was lost.A request to establish a connection with the transaction manager was denied.Resource manager reenlistment to determine transaction status timed out.HRES_XACT_E_TIP_CONNECT_FAILEDThe transaction manager failed to establish a connection with another Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) transaction manager.HRES_XACT_E_TIP_PROTOCOL_ERRORThe transaction manager encountered a protocol error with another TIP transaction manager.The transaction manager could not propagate a transaction from another TIP transaction manager.HRES_XACT_E_DEST_TMNOTAVAILABLEThe transaction manager on the destination machine is not available.The transaction manager has disabled its support for TIP.HRES_XACT_E_NETWORK_TX_DISABLEDThe transaction manager has disabled its support for remote or network transactions.HRES_XACT_E_PARTNER_NETWORK_TX_DISABLEDThe partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote or network transactions.The transaction manager has disabled its support for XA transactions.HRES_XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_READ_DTC_CONFIGMicrosoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) was unable to read its configuration information.HRES_XACT_E_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DTC_PROXYMSDTC was unable to load the DTC proxy DLL.The local transaction has aborted.The specified CRM clerk was not found. It might have completed before it could be held.The specified CRM clerk does not exist.HRES_XACT_E_RECOVERYINPROGRESSRecovery of the CRM log file is still in progress.The transaction has completed, and the log records have been discarded from the log file. They are no longer available.lsnToRead is outside of the current limits of the logThe COM+ Compensating Resource Manager has records it wishes to replay.HRES_XACT_E_CONNECTION_REQUEST_DENIEDThe request to connect to the specified transaction coordinator was denied.HRES_XACT_E_TOOMANY_ENLISTMENTSThe maximum number of enlistments for the specified transaction has been reached.A resource manager with the same identifier is already registered with the specified transaction coordinator.The prepare request given was not eligible for single-phase optimizations.HRES_XACT_E_RECOVERYALREADYDONERecoveryComplete has already been called for the given resource manager.The interface call made was incorrect for the current state of the protocol.The xa_open call failed for the XA resource.The xa_recover call failed for the XA resource.The logical unit of work specified cannot be found.The specified logical unit of work already exists.Subordinate creation failed. The specified logical unit of work was not connected.A transaction with the given identifier already exists.HRES_XACT_E_LU_NO_RECOVERY_PROCESSThe LU Recovery process is down.The resource is currently recovering.HRES_XACT_E_LU_RECOVERY_MISMATCHThere was a mismatch in driving recovery.An error occurred with the XA resource.The root transaction wanted to commit, but the transaction aborted.The COM+ component on which the method call was made has a transaction that has already aborted or is in the process of aborting.There is no Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) object context.The component is configured to use synchronization, and this method call would cause a deadlock to occur.The component is configured to use synchronization, and a thread has timed out waiting to enter the context.You made a method call on a COM+ component that has a transaction that has already committed or aborted.The specified role was not configured for the application.COM+ was unable to talk to the MSDTC.An unexpected error occurred during COM+ activation.HRES_CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_EVENTLOGGEDCOM+ activation failed. Check the event log for more information.HRES_CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_CATALOGERRORCOM+ activation failed due to a catalog or configuration error.HRES_CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_TIMEOUTCOM+ activation failed because the activation could not be completed in the specified amount of time.HRES_CO_E_INITIALIZATIONFAILEDCOM+ activation failed because an initialization function failed. Check the event log for more information.The requested operation requires that just-in-time (JIT) be in the current context, and it is not.The requested operation requires that the current context have a transaction, and it does not.HRES_CO_E_THREADINGMODEL_CHANGEDThe components threading model has changed after install into a COM+ application. Re-install component.Internet Information Services (IIS) intrinsics not available. Start your work with IIS.An attempt to write a cookie failed.An attempt to use a database generated a database-specific error.The COM+ component you created must use object pooling to work.The COM+ component you created must use object construction to work correctly.The COM+ component requires synchronization, and it is not configured for it.The TxIsolation Level property for the COM+ component being created is stronger than the TxIsolationLevel for the root.HRES_CO_E_CALL_OUT_OF_TX_SCOPE_NOT_ALLOWEDThe component attempted to make a cross-context call between invocations of EnterTransactionScope and ExitTransactionScope. This is not allowed. Cross-context calls cannot be made while inside a transaction scope.HRES_CO_E_EXIT_TRANSACTION_SCOPE_NOT_CALLEDThe component made a call to EnterTransactionScope, but did not make a corresponding call to ExitTransactionScope before returning.The server does not have enough memory for the new channel.The server cannot support a client request for a dynamic virtual channel.One or more arguments are invalid.Attempt to create a class object failed.OLE service could not bind object.RPC communication failed with OLE service.OLE service could not communicate with the object server.Moniker path could not be normalized.Object server is stopping when OLE service contacts it.An invalid root block pointer was specified.An allocation chain contained an invalid link pointer.The requested allocation size was too large.The activation requires a display name to be present under the class identifier (CLSID) key.HRES_CO_E_RUNAS_VALUE_MUST_BE_AAAThe activation requires that the RunAs value for the application is Activate As Activator.The class is not configured to support elevated activation.Key not valid for use in specified state.Hash not valid for use in specified state.Insufficient memory available for the operation.Invalid provider type specified.Provider's public key is invalid.The provider type, as registered, is invalid.The key set, as registered, is invalid.Provider type does not match registered value.The digital signature file is corrupt.Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly.Provider DLL could not be found.The keyset parameter is invalid.Provider could not perform the action because the context was acquired as silent.HRES_NTE_TOKEN_KEYSET_STORAGE_FULLThe security token does not have storage space available for an additional container.The profile for the user is a temporary profile.The key parameters could not be set because the configuration service provider (CSP) uses fixed parameters.The supplied handle is invalid.The buffer supplied to a function was too small.The supplied buffers overlap incorrectly.The specified data could not be decrypted.An internal consistency check failed.This operation requires input from the user.The cryptographic provider does not support Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC).HRES_SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORYNot enough memory is available to complete this request.The handle specified is invalid.HRES_SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTIONThe function requested is not supported.The specified target is unknown or unreachable.The Local Security Authority (LSA) cannot be contacted.The requested security package does not exist.The caller is not the owner of the desired credentials.The security package failed to initialize and cannot be installed.The token supplied to the function is invalid.The security package is not able to marshal the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failed.The per-message quality of protection is not supported by the security package.The security context does not allow impersonation of the client.HRES_SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALSThe credentials supplied to the package were not recognized.No credentials are available in the security package.The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered.The message supplied for verification is out of sequence.HRES_SEC_E_NO_AUTHENTICATING_AUTHORITYNo authority could be contacted for authentication.The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified.HRES_SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_CREDENTIALSThe credentials supplied were not complete and could not be verified. The context could not be initialized.The buffers supplied to a function was too small.The target principal name is incorrect.The clocks on the client and server machines are skewed.The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate.The received certificate has expired.The specified data could not be encrypted.The client and server cannot communicate because they do not possess a common algorithm.HRES_SEC_E_SECURITY_QOS_FAILEDThe security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (for example, mutual authentication or delegation).HRES_SEC_E_UNFINISHED_CONTEXT_DELETEDA security context was deleted before the context was completed. This is considered a logon failure.The client is trying to negotiate a context and the server requires user-to-user but did not send a ticket granting ticket (TGT) reply.Unable to accomplish the requested task because the local machine does not have an IP addresses.HRES_SEC_E_WRONG_CREDENTIAL_HANDLEThe supplied credential handle does not match the credential associated with the security context.HRES_SEC_E_CRYPTO_SYSTEM_INVALIDThe cryptographic system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable.HRES_SEC_E_MAX_REFERRALS_EXCEEDEDThe number of maximum ticket referrals has been exceeded.The local machine must be a Kerberos domain controller (KDC), and it is not.HRES_SEC_E_STRONG_CRYPTO_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe other end of the security negotiation requires strong cryptographics, but it is not supported on the local machine.HRES_SEC_E_TOO_MANY_PRINCIPALSThe KDC reply contained more than one principal name.Expected to find PA data for a hint of what etype to use, but it was not found.HRES_SEC_E_PKINIT_NAME_MISMATCHThe client certificate does not contain a valid user principal name (UPN), or does not match the client name in the logon request. Contact your administrator.HRES_SEC_E_SMARTCARD_LOGON_REQUIREDSmart card logon is required and was not used.HRES_SEC_E_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESSHRES_SEC_E_KDC_INVALID_REQUESTAn invalid request was sent to the KDC.HRES_SEC_E_KDC_UNABLE_TO_REFERThe KDC was unable to generate a referral for the service requested.The encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC.HRES_SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_PREAUTHAn unsupported pre-authentication mechanism was presented to the Kerberos package.HRES_SEC_E_DELEGATION_REQUIREDThe requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation, and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation.Client's supplied Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) channel bindings were incorrect.The received certificate was mapped to multiple accounts.The certificate is not valid for the requested usage.HRES_SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_REVOKEDThe smart card certificate used for authentication has been revoked. Contact your system administrator. The event log might contain additional information.HRES_SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTEDAn untrusted certification authority (CA) was detected while processing the smart card certificate used for authentication. Contact your system administrator.HRES_SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_CThe revocation status of the smart card certificate used for authentication could not be determined. Contact your system administrator.HRES_SEC_E_PKINIT_CLIENT_FAILUREThe smart card certificate used for authentication was not trusted. Contact your system administrator.HRES_SEC_E_SMARTCARD_CERT_EXPIREDThe smart card certificate used for authentication has expired. Contact your system administrator.HRES_SEC_E_NO_S4U_PROT_SUPPORTThe Kerberos subsystem encountered an error. A service for user protocol requests was made against a domain controller that does not support services for users.HRES_SEC_E_CROSSREALM_DELEGATION_FAILUREAn attempt was made by this server to make a Kerberos-constrained delegation request for a target outside the server's realm. This is not supported and indicates a misconfiguration on this server's allowed-to-delegate-to list. Contact your administrator.HRES_SEC_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE_KDCThe revocation status of the domain controller certificate used for smart card authentication could not be determined. The system event log contains additional information. Contact your system administrator.HRES_SEC_E_ISSUING_CA_UNTRUSTED_KDCAn untrusted CA was detected while processing the domain controller certificate used for authentication. The system event log contains additional information. Contact your system administrator.The domain controller certificate used for smart card logon has expired. Contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log.The domain controller certificate used for smart card logon has been revoked. Contact your system administrator with the contents of your system event log.One or more of the parameters passed to the function were invalid.The client policy does not allow credential delegation to the target server.The client policy does not allow credential delegation to the target server with NLTM only authentication.An error occurred while performing an operation on a cryptographic message.Unknown cryptographic algorithm.The object identifier is poorly formatted.Invalid cryptographic message type.HRES_CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_ENCODINGUnexpected cryptographic message encoding.HRES_CRYPT_E_AUTH_ATTR_MISSINGThe cryptographic message does not contain an expected authenticated attribute.The hash value is not correct.HRES_CRYPT_E_ALREADY_DECRYPTEDThe content of the cryptographic message has already been decrypted.The content of the cryptographic message has not been decrypted yet.HRES_CRYPT_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUNDThe enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient.HRES_CRYPT_E_ISSUER_SERIALNUMBERInvalid issuer or serial number.Cannot find the original signer.HRES_CRYPT_E_ATTRIBUTES_MISSINGThe cryptographic message does not contain all of the requested attributes.HRES_CRYPT_E_STREAM_MSG_NOT_READYThe streamed cryptographic message is not ready to return data.HRES_CRYPT_E_STREAM_INSUFFICIENT_DATAThe streamed cryptographic message requires more data to complete the decode operation.The length specified for the output data was insufficient.An error occurred during the encode or decode operation.An error occurred while reading or writing to a file.Cannot find object or property.The object or property already exists.No provider was specified for the store or object.The specified certificate is self-signed.The previous certificate or certificate revocation list (CRL) context was deleted.Cannot find the requested object.HRES_CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPEThe certificate does not have a property that references a private key.Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption.Cannot find the certificate and private key to use for decryption.Not a cryptographic message or the cryptographic message is not formatted correctly.The signed cryptographic message does not have a signer for the specified signer index.Final closure is pending until additional frees or closes.HRES_CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_DLLNo DLL or exported function was found to verify revocation.HRES_CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECKThe revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate.HRES_CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINEThe revocation function was unable to check revocation because the revocation server was offline.HRES_CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_REVOCATION_DATABASEThe certificate is not in the revocation server's database.HRES_CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRINGThe string contains a non-numeric character.HRES_CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRINGThe string contains a nonprintable character.HRES_CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRINGThe string contains a character not in the 7-bit ASCII character set.HRES_CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRINGThe string contains an invalid X500 name attribute key, object identifier (OID), value, or delimiter.The dwValueType for the CERT_NAME_VALUE is not one of the character strings. Most likely it is either a CERT_RDN_ENCODED_BLOB or CERT_TDN_OCTED_STRING.The Put operation cannot continue. The file needs to be resized. However, there is already a signature present. A complete signing operation must be done.HRES_CRYPT_E_SECURITY_SETTINGSThe cryptographic operation failed due to a local security option setting.HRES_CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_DLLNo DLL or exported function was found to verify subject usage.HRES_CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_CHECKThe called function was unable to perform a usage check on the subject.HRES_CRYPT_E_VERIFY_USAGE_OFFLINEThe called function was unable to complete the usage check because the server was offline.The subject was not found in a certificate trust list (CTL).HRES_CRYPT_E_NO_TRUSTED_SIGNERNone of the signers of the cryptographic message or certificate trust list is trusted.HRES_CRYPT_E_MISSING_PUBKEY_PARAThe public key's algorithm parameters are missing.OSS Certificate encode/decode error code base.OSS ASN.1 Error: Output Buffer is too small.OSS ASN.1 Error: Signed integer is encoded as a unsigned integer.OSS ASN.1 Error: Unknown ASN.1 data type.OSS ASN.1 Error: Output buffer is too small; the decoded data has been truncated.OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid data.OSS ASN.1 Error: Invalid argument.OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode version mismatch.OSS ASN.1 Error: Out of memory.OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode error.OSS ASN.1 Error: Internal error.HRES_OSS_INDEFINITE_NOT_SUPPORTEDOSS ASN.1 Error: Unsupported BER indefinite-length encoding.OSS ASN.1 Error: Access violation.HRES_OSS_ACCESS_SERIALIZATION_ERROROSS ASN.1 Error: Multithreading conflict.OSS ASN.1 Error: Encode/Decode function not implemented.HRES_OSS_CANT_OPEN_TRACE_WINDOWOSS ASN.1 Error: Trace file error.OSS ASN.1 Error: Function not implemented.OSS ASN.1 Error: Program link error.HRES_OSS_TRACE_FILE_ALREADY_OPENHRES_OSS_COPIER_DLL_NOT_LINKEDHRES_OSS_CONSTRAINT_DLL_NOT_LINKEDHRES_OSS_COMPARATOR_DLL_NOT_LINKEDHRES_OSS_COMPARATOR_CODE_NOT_LINKEDHRES_OSS_MEM_MGR_DLL_NOT_LINKEDHRES_OSS_BERDER_DLL_NOT_LINKEDOSS ASN.1 Error: System resource error.HRES_OSS_CANT_CLOSE_TRACE_FILEASN1 Certificate encode/decode error code base.ASN1 internal encode or decode error.ASN1 function not supported for this protocol data unit (PDU).ASN1 bad arguments to function call.ASN1 skipped unknown extensions.HRES_CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSUBJECTThe request subject name is invalid or too long.HRES_CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUSThe request's current status does not allow this operation.The requested property value is empty.HRES_CERTSRV_E_INVALID_CA_CERTIFICATEThe CA's certificate contains invalid data.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SERVER_SUSPENDEDCertificate service has been suspended for a database restore operation.HRES_CERTSRV_E_ENCODING_LENGTHThe certificate contains an encoded length that is potentially incompatible with older enrollment software.The operation is denied. The user has multiple roles assigned, and the CA is configured to enforce role separation.HRES_CERTSRV_E_RESTRICTEDOFFICERThe operation is denied. It can only be performed by a certificate manager that is allowed to manage certificates for the current requester.HRES_CERTSRV_E_KEY_ARCHIVAL_NOT_CONFIGUREDCannot archive private key. The CA is not configured for key archival.Cannot archive private key. The CA could not verify one or more key recovery certificates.HRES_CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUEST_KEY_ARCHIVALThe request is incorrectly formatted. The encrypted private key must be in an unauthenticated attribute in an outermost signature.HRES_CERTSRV_E_NO_CAADMIN_DEFINEDAt least one security principal must have the permission to manage this CA.HRES_CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_CERT_ATTRIBUTEThe request contains an invalid renewal certificate attribute.An attempt was made to open a CA database session, but there are already too many active sessions. The server needs to be configured to allow additional sessions.HRES_CERTSRV_E_ALIGNMENT_FAULTA memory reference caused a data alignment fault.The permissions on this CA do not allow the current user to enroll for certificates.HRES_CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_DENIEDThe permissions on the certificate template do not allow the current user to enroll for this type of certificate.HRES_CERTSRV_E_DOWNLEVEL_DC_SSL_OR_UPGRADEThe contacted domain controller cannot support signed Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) traffic. Update the domain controller or configure Certificate Services to use SSL for Active Directory access.HRES_CERTSRV_E_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_TYPEThe requested certificate template is not supported by this CA.The request contains no certificate template information.HRES_CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_CONFLICTThe request contains conflicting template information.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_REQUIREDThe request is missing a required Subject Alternate name extension.HRES_CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_REQUIREDThe request is missing a required private key for archival by the server.The request is missing a required SMIME capabilities extension.HRES_CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_SUBJECTThe request was made on behalf of a subject other than the caller. The certificate template must be configured to require at least one signature to authorize the request.HRES_CERTSRV_E_BAD_TEMPLATE_VERSIONThe request template version is newer than the supported template version.HRES_CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_POLICY_REQUIREDThe template is missing a required signature policy attribute.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_POLICY_REQUIREDThe request is missing required signature policy information.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_COUNTThe request is missing one or more required signatures.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_REJECTEDOne or more signatures did not include the required application or issuance policies. The request is missing one or more required valid signatures.HRES_CERTSRV_E_ISSUANCE_POLICY_REQUIREDThe request is missing one or more required signature issuance policies.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_UPN_REQUIREDThe UPN is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_GUID_REQUIREDThe Active Directory GUID is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DNS_REQUIREDThe Domain Name System (DNS) name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject Alternate name.HRES_CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_UNEXPECTEDThe request includes a private key for archival by the server, but key archival is not enabled for the specified certificate template.The public key does not meet the minimum size required by the specified certificate template.HRES_CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_EMAIL_REQUIREDThe email name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject Alternate name.HRES_CERTSRV_E_UNKNOWN_CERT_TYPEOne or more certificate templates to be enabled on this CA could not be found.HRES_CERTSRV_E_CERT_TYPE_OVERLAPThe certificate template renewal period is longer than the certificate validity period. The template should be reconfigured or the CA certificate renewed.HRES_CERTSRV_E_TOO_MANY_SIGNATURESThe certificate template requires too many return authorization (RA) signatures. Only one RA signature is allowed.HRES_CERTSRV_E_RENEWAL_BAD_PUBLIC_KEYThe key used in a renewal request does not match one of the certificates being renewed.The endorsement key certificate is not valid.HRES_CERTSRV_E_KEY_ATTESTATIONKey attestation did not succeed.HRES_XENROLL_E_KEY_NOT_EXPORTABLEHRES_XENROLL_E_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_CERTYou cannot add the root CA certificate into your local store.HRES_XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_NOT_FOUNDThe key archival hash attribute was not found in the response.HRES_XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_UNEXPECTED_KA_HASHAn unexpected key archival hash attribute was found in the response.HRES_XENROLL_E_RESPONSE_KA_HASH_MISMATCHThere is a key archival hash mismatch between the request and the response.HRES_XENROLL_E_KEYSPEC_SMIME_MISMATCHSigning certificate cannot include SMIME extension.A system-level error occurred while verifying trust.The certificate for the signer of the message is invalid or not found.One of the counter signatures was invalid.The signature of the certificate cannot be verified.The time-stamp signature or certificate could not be verified or is malformed.The digital signature of the object did not verify.HRES_TRUST_E_BASIC_CONSTRAINTSA certificate's basic constraint extension has not been observed.HRES_TRUST_E_FINANCIAL_CRITERIAThe certificate does not meet or contain the Authenticode financial extensions.Tried to reference a part of the file outside the proper range.Could not retrieve an object from the file.Could not find the head table in the file.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_MAGICNUMBERThe magic number in the head table is incorrect.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_OFFSET_TABLEThe offset table has incorrect values.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_TAGORDERDuplicate table tags or the tags are out of alphabetical order.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_LONGWORDA table does not start on a long word boundary.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_BAD_FIRST_TABLE_PLACEMENTFirst table does not appear after header information.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_TABLES_OVERLAPHRES_MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_PADBYTESToo many pad bytes between tables, or pad bytes are not 0.File is too small to contain the last table.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_TABLE_CHECKSUMA table checksum is incorrect.The file checksum is incorrect.The signature does not have the correct attributes for the policy.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_FAILED_HINTS_CHECKThe file did not pass the hints check.The file is not an OpenType file.Failed on a file operation (such as open, map, read, or write).A call to a CryptoAPI function failed.There is a bad version number in the file.HRES_MSSIPOTF_E_DSIG_STRUCTUREThe structure of the DSIG table is incorrect.A check failed in a partially constant table.Some kind of structural error.HRES_ERROR_CRED_REQUIRES_CONFIRMATIONThe requested credential requires confirmation.The trust verification action specified is not supported by the specified trust provider.HRES_TRUST_E_SUBJECT_FORM_UNKNOWNThe form specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified trust provider.HRES_TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTEDThe subject is not trusted for the specified action.Error due to problem in ASN.1 encoding process.Error due to problem in ASN.1 decoding process.Reading/writing extensions where attributes are appropriate, and vice versa.Unspecified cryptographic failure.The size of the data could not be determined.The size of the indefinite-sized data could not be determined.This object does not read and write self-sizing data.No signature was present in the subject.A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the time stamp in the signed file.HRES_CERT_E_VALIDITYPERIODNESTINGThe validity periods of the certification chain do not nest correctly.A certificate that can only be used as an end entity is being used as a CA or vice versa.A path length constraint in the certification chain has been violated.A certificate contains an unknown extension that is marked "critical".A certificate is being used for a purpose other than the ones specified by its CA.A parent of a given certificate did not issue that child certificate.A certificate is missing or has an empty value for an important field, such as a subject or issuer name.A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate that is not trusted by the trust provider.A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority.A certificate was explicitly revoked by its issuer.The certification path terminates with the test root that is not trusted with the current policy settings.HRES_CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILUREThe revocation process could not continue—the certificates could not be checked.The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value.HRES_TRUST_E_EXPLICIT_DISTRUSTThe certificate was explicitly marked as untrusted by the user.A certification chain processed correctly, but one of the CA certificates is not trusted by the policy provider.The certificate has invalid policy.The certificate has an invalid name. The name is not included in the permitted list or is explicitly excluded.HRES_NS_W_SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LIMITThe maximum filebitrate value specified is greater than the server's configured maximum bandwidth.HRES_NS_W_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMITThe maximum bandwidth value specified is less than the maximum filebitrate.Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, will be failed because it is catatonic.HRES_NS_I_CATATONIC_AUTO_UNFAILDisk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, auto online from catatonic state.HRES_SPAPI_E_EXPECTED_SECTION_NAMEA non-empty line was encountered in the INF before the start of a section.HRES_SPAPI_E_BAD_SECTION_NAME_LINEA section name marker in the information file (INF) is not complete or does not exist on a line by itself.HRES_SPAPI_E_SECTION_NAME_TOO_LONGAn INF section was encountered whose name exceeds the maximum section name length.The syntax of the INF is invalid.The style of the INF is different than what was requested.HRES_SPAPI_E_SECTION_NOT_FOUNDThe required section was not found in the INF.The required line was not found in the INF.The files affected by the installation of this file queue have not been backed up for uninstall.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_CLASSThe INF or the device information set or element does not have an associated install class.The INF or the device information set or element does not match the specified install class.An existing device was found that is a duplicate of the device being manually installed.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_DRIVER_SELECTEDThere is no driver selected for the device information set or element.HRES_SPAPI_E_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe requested device registry key does not exist.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_DEVINST_NAMEThe device instance name is invalid.The install class is not present or is invalid.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVINST_ALREADY_EXISTSThe device instance cannot be created because it already exists.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_NOT_REGISTEREDThe operation cannot be performed on a device information element that has not been registered.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_REG_PROPERTYThe device property code is invalid.The INF from which a driver list is to be built does not exist.The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree.HRES_SPAPI_E_CANT_LOAD_CLASS_ICONThe icon representing this install class cannot be loaded.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_CLASS_INSTALLERThe class installer registry entry is invalid.The class installer has indicated that the default action should be performed for this installation request.The operation does not require any files to be copied.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_HWPROFILEThe specified hardware profile does not exist.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_DEVICE_SELECTEDThere is no device information element currently selected for this device information set.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_LIST_LOCKEDThe operation cannot be performed because the device information set is locked.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVINFO_DATA_LOCKEDThe operation cannot be performed because the device information element is locked.The specified path does not contain any applicable device INFs.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_CLASSINSTALL_PARAMSNo class installer parameters have been set for the device information set or element.The operation cannot be performed because the file queue is locked.HRES_SPAPI_E_BAD_SERVICE_INSTALLSECTA service installation section in this INF is invalid.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_CLASS_DRIVER_LISTThere is no class driver list for the device information element.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_ASSOCIATED_SERVICEThe installation failed because a function driver was not specified for this device instance.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACEThere is presently no default device interface designated for this interface class.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVEThe operation cannot be performed because the device interface is currently active.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVEDThe operation cannot be performed because the device interface has been removed from the system.HRES_SPAPI_E_BAD_INTERFACE_INSTALLSECTAn interface installation section in this INF is invalid.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_CLASSThis interface class does not exist in the system.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRINGThe reference string supplied for this interface device is invalid.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_MACHINENAMEThe specified machine name does not conform to Universal Naming Convention (UNCs).HRES_SPAPI_E_REMOTE_COMM_FAILUREA general remote communication error occurred.HRES_SPAPI_E_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLEThe machine selected for remote communication is not available at this time.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_CONFIGMGR_SERVICESThe Plug and Play service is not available on the remote machine.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_PROPPAGE_PROVIDERThe property page provider registry entry is invalid.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACEThe requested device interface is not present in the system.HRES_SPAPI_E_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIREDThe device's co-installer has additional work to perform after installation is complete.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_COINSTALLERThe device's co-installer is invalid.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_COMPAT_DRIVERSThere are no compatible drivers for this device.There is no icon that represents this device or device type.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_INF_LOGCONFIGA logical configuration specified in this INF is invalid.The class installer has denied the request to install or upgrade this device.HRES_SPAPI_E_INVALID_FILTER_DRIVEROne of the filter drivers installed for this device is invalid.HRES_SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_NT_DRIVERThe driver selected for this device does not support Windows XP operating system.HRES_SPAPI_E_NON_WINDOWS_DRIVERThe driver selected for this device does not support Windows.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_CATALOG_FOR_OEM_INFThe third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVINSTALL_QUEUE_NONNATIVEAn invalid attempt was made to use a device installation file queue for verification of digital signatures relative to other platforms.The device cannot be disabled.HRES_SPAPI_E_CANT_REMOVE_DEVINSTThe device could not be dynamically removed.Cannot copy to specified target.Driver is not intended for this platform.Operation not allowed in WOW64.HRES_SPAPI_E_SET_SYSTEM_RESTORE_POINTThe operation involving unsigned file copying was rolled back, so that a system restore point could be set.HRES_SPAPI_E_INCORRECTLY_COPIED_INFAn INF was copied into the Windows INF directory in an improper manner.The Security Configuration Editor (SCE) APIs have been disabled on this embedded product.HRES_SPAPI_E_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTIONAn unknown exception was encountered.HRES_SPAPI_E_PNP_REGISTRY_ERRORA problem was encountered when accessing the Plug and Play registry database.HRES_SPAPI_E_REMOTE_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTEDThe requested operation is not supported for a remote machine.HRES_SPAPI_E_NOT_AN_INSTALLED_OEM_INFThe specified file is not an installed original equipment manufacturer (OEM) INF.HRES_SPAPI_E_INF_IN_USE_BY_DEVICESOne or more devices are presently installed using the specified INF.HRES_SPAPI_E_DI_FUNCTION_OBSOLETEThe requested device install operation is obsolete.HRES_SPAPI_E_NO_AUTHENTICODE_CATALOGA file could not be verified because it does not have an associated catalog signed via Authenticode.HRES_SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_DISALLOWEDAuthenticode signature verification is not supported for the specified INF.HRES_SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUSTED_PUBLISHERThe INF was signed with an Authenticode catalog from a trusted publisher.HRES_SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHEDThe publisher of an Authenticode-signed catalog has not yet been established as trusted.HRES_SPAPI_E_AUTHENTICODE_PUBLISHER_NOT_TRUSTEDThe publisher of an Authenticode-signed catalog was not established as trusted.HRES_SPAPI_E_SIGNATURE_OSATTRIBUTE_MISMATCHThe software was tested for compliance with Windows logo requirements on a different version of Windows and might not be compatible with this version.HRES_SPAPI_E_ONLY_VALIDATE_VIA_AUTHENTICODEThe file can be validated only by a catalog signed via Authenticode.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INSTALLER_NOT_READYOne of the installers for this device cannot perform the installation at this time.HRES_SPAPI_E_DRIVER_STORE_ADD_FAILEDA problem was encountered while attempting to add the driver to the store.HRES_SPAPI_E_DEVICE_INSTALL_BLOCKEDThe installation of this device is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.HRES_SPAPI_E_DRIVER_INSTALL_BLOCKEDThe installation of this driver is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.The specified INF is the wrong type for this operation.HRES_SPAPI_E_FILE_HASH_NOT_IN_CATALOGThe hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering.HRES_SPAPI_E_DRIVER_STORE_DELETE_FAILEDA problem was encountered while attempting to delete the driver from the store.HRES_SPAPI_E_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOWAn unrecoverable stack overflow was encountered.HRES_SPAPI_E_ERROR_NOT_INSTALLEDNo installed components were detected.The action was canceled by an SCardCancel request.The supplied handle was invalid.HRES_SCARD_E_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more of the supplied parameters could not be properly interpreted.Registry startup information is missing or invalid.Not enough memory available to complete this command.An internal consistency timer has expired.HRES_SCARD_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERThe data buffer to receive returned data is too small for the returned data.The specified reader name is not recognized.The user-specified time-out value has expired.HRES_SCARD_E_SHARING_VIOLATIONThe smart card cannot be accessed because of other connections outstanding.The operation requires a smart card, but no smart card is currently in the device.The specified smart card name is not recognized.The system could not dispose of the media in the requested manner.The requested protocols are incompatible with the protocol currently in use with the smart card.The reader or smart card is not ready to accept commands.One or more of the supplied parameters values could not be properly interpreted.The action was canceled by the system, presumably to log off or shut down.An internal communications error has been detected.An internal error has been detected, but the source is unknown.An automatic terminal recognition (ATR) obtained from the registry is not a valid ATR string.An attempt was made to end a nonexistent transaction.HRES_SCARD_E_READER_UNAVAILABLEThe specified reader is not currently available for use.The operation has been aborted to allow the server application to exit.The peripheral component interconnect (PCI) Receive buffer was too small.HRES_SCARD_E_READER_UNSUPPORTEDThe reader driver does not meet minimal requirements for support.The reader driver did not produce a unique reader name.The smart card does not meet minimal requirements for support.The smart card resource manager is not running.The smart card resource manager has shut down.An unexpected card error has occurred.No primary provider can be found for the smart card.The requested order of object creation is not supported.HRES_SCARD_E_UNSUPPORTED_FEATUREThis smart card does not support the requested feature.The identified directory does not exist in the smart card.The identified file does not exist in the smart card.The supplied path does not represent a smart card directory.The supplied path does not represent a smart card file.Access is denied to this file.The smart card does not have enough memory to store the information.There was an error trying to set the smart card file object pointer.The supplied PIN is incorrect.An unrecognized error code was returned from a layered component.HRES_SCARD_E_NO_SUCH_CERTIFICATEThe requested certificate does not exist.HRES_SCARD_E_CERTIFICATE_UNAVAILABLEThe requested certificate could not be obtained.HRES_SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLECannot find a smart card reader.A communications error with the smart card has been detected. Retry the operation.The requested key container does not exist on the smart card.The smart card resource manager is too busy to complete this operation.The reader cannot communicate with the smart card, due to ATR configuration conflicts.HRES_SCARD_W_UNRESPONSIVE_CARDThe smart card is not responding to a reset.Power has been removed from the smart card, so that further communication is not possible.The smart card has been reset, so any shared state information is invalid.The smart card has been removed, so that further communication is not possible.HRES_SCARD_W_SECURITY_VIOLATIONAccess was denied because of a security violation.The card cannot be accessed because the wrong PIN was presented.The card cannot be accessed because the maximum number of PIN entry attempts has been reached.The end of the smart card file has been reached.HRES_SCARD_W_CANCELLED_BY_USERThe action was canceled by the user.HRES_SCARD_W_CARD_NOT_AUTHENTICATEDNo PIN was presented to the smart card.Errors occurred accessing one or more objects—the ErrorInfo collection contains more detail.One or more of the object's properties are missing or invalid.The object was not found in the catalog.HRES_COMADMIN_E_ALREADYINSTALLEDThe object is already registered.HRES_COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_WRITEFAILAn error occurred writing to the application file.HRES_COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_READFAILAn error occurred reading the application file.HRES_COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_VERSIONInvalid version number in application file.HRES_COMADMIN_E_APPLICATIONEXISTSThe application is already installed.An error occurred copying the file.One or more users are not valid.HRES_COMADMIN_E_INVALIDUSERIDSOne or more users in the application file are not valid.HRES_COMADMIN_E_NOREGISTRYCLSIDThe component's CLSID is missing or corrupt.HRES_COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYPROGIDThe component's programmatic ID is missing or corrupt.HRES_COMADMIN_E_AUTHENTICATIONLEVELUnable to set required authentication level for update request.HRES_COMADMIN_E_USERPASSWDNOTVALIDThe identity or password set on the application is not valid.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CLSIDORIIDMISMATCHApplication file CLSIDs or instance identifiers (IIDs) do not match corresponding DLLs.HRES_COMADMIN_E_REMOTEINTERFACEInterface information is either missing or changed.HRES_COMADMIN_E_DLLREGISTERSERVERDllRegisterServer failed on component install.No server file share available.HRES_COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYLIBIDThe registered TypeLib ID is not valid.HRES_COMADMIN_E_APPDIRNOTFOUNDApplication install directory not found.HRES_COMADMIN_E_REGISTRARFAILEDErrors occurred while in the component registrar.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_DOESNOTEXISTHRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_LOADDLLFAILHRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_GETCLASSOBJGetClassObject failed in the DLL.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_CLASSNOTAVAILThe DLL does not support the components listed in the TypeLib.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_BADTLBThe TypeLib could not be loaded.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOTINSTALLABLEThe file does not contain components or component information.Changes to this object and its subobjects have been disabled.The delete function has been disabled for this object.The server catalog version is not supported.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_LOCKEDThe component move was disallowed because the source or destination application is either a system application or currently locked against changes.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_BAD_DESTThe component move failed because the destination application no longer exists.The system was unable to register the TypeLib.This operation cannot be performed on the system application.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOREGISTRARThe component registrar referenced in this file is not available.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COREQCOMPINSTALLEDA component in the same DLL is already installed.HRES_COMADMIN_E_SERVICENOTINSTALLEDHRES_COMADMIN_E_PROPERTYSAVEFAILEDOne or more property settings are either invalid or in conflict with each other.The object you are attempting to add or rename already exists.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMPONENTEXISTSHRES_COMADMIN_E_REGFILE_CORRUPTThe registration file is corrupt.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PROPERTY_OVERFLOWThe property value is too large.Object was not found in registry.HRES_COMADMIN_E_OBJECTNOTPOOLABLEHRES_COMADMIN_E_APPLID_MATCHES_CLSIDA CLSID with the same GUID as the new application ID is already installed on this machine.HRES_COMADMIN_E_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXISTA role assigned to a component, interface, or method did not exist in the application.HRES_COMADMIN_E_START_APP_NEEDS_COMPONENTSYou must have components in an application to start the application.HRES_COMADMIN_E_REQUIRES_DIFFERENT_PLATFORMThis operation is not enabled on this platform.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_APP_PROXYApplication proxy is not exportable.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_START_APPFailed to start application because it is either a library application or an application proxy.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_SYS_APPSystem application is not exportable.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CANT_SUBSCRIBE_TO_COMPONENTCannot subscribe to this component (the component might have been imported).HRES_COMADMIN_E_EVENTCLASS_CANT_BE_SUBSCRIBERAn event class cannot also be a subscriber component.HRES_COMADMIN_E_LIB_APP_PROXY_INCOMPATIBLELibrary applications and application proxies are incompatible.HRES_COMADMIN_E_BASE_PARTITION_ONLYThis function is valid for the base partition only.HRES_COMADMIN_E_START_APP_DISABLEDYou cannot start an application that has been disabled.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_DUPLICATE_PARTITION_NAMEThe specified partition name is already in use on this computer.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_INVALID_PARTITION_NAMEThe specified partition name is invalid. Check that the name contains at least one visible character.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_PARTITION_IN_USEThe partition cannot be deleted because it is the default partition for one or more users.HRES_COMADMIN_E_FILE_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILESThe partition cannot be exported because one or more components in the partition have the same file name.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_IMPORTED_COMPONENTS_NOT_ALLOWEDApplications that contain one or more imported components cannot be installed into a nonbase partition.HRES_COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_APPLICATION_NAMEThe application name is not unique and cannot be resolved to an application ID.HRES_COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_PARTITION_NAMEThe partition name is not unique and cannot be resolved to a partition ID.HRES_COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTINITIALIZEDThe COM+ registry database has not been initialized.The COM+ registry database is not open.HRES_COMADMIN_E_REGDB_SYSTEMERRThe COM+ registry database detected a system error.HRES_COMADMIN_E_REGDB_ALREADYRUNNINGThe COM+ registry database is already running.HRES_COMADMIN_E_MIG_VERSIONNOTSUPPORTEDThis version of the COM+ registry database cannot be migrated.HRES_COMADMIN_E_MIG_SCHEMANOTFOUNDThe schema version to be migrated could not be found in the COM+ registry database.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_BITNESSMISMATCHThere was a type mismatch between binaries.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_UNACCEPTABLEBITNESSA binary of unknown or invalid type was provided.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_WRONGAPPBITNESSThere was a type mismatch between a binary and an application.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_PAUSE_RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe application cannot be paused or resumed.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CAT_SERVERFAULTThe COM+ catalog server threw an exception during execution.HRES_COMQC_E_APPLICATION_NOT_QUEUEDOnly COM+ applications marked "queued" can be invoked using the "queue" moniker.HRES_COMQC_E_NO_QUEUEABLE_INTERFACESAt least one interface must be marked "queued" to create a queued component instance with the "queue" moniker.HRES_COMQC_E_QUEUING_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLEMessage Queuing is required for the requested operation and is not installed.HRES_COMQC_E_NO_IPERSISTSTREAMUnable to marshal an interface that does not support IPersistStream.The message is improperly formatted or was damaged in transit.An unauthenticated message was received by an application that accepts only authenticated messages.HRES_COMQC_E_UNTRUSTED_ENQUEUERThe message was requeued or moved by a user not in the QC Trusted User "role".HRES_MSDTC_E_DUPLICATE_RESOURCECannot create a duplicate resource of type Distributed Transaction Coordinator.HRES_COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_PARENT_MISSINGOne of the objects being inserted or updated does not belong to a valid parent collection.HRES_COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXISTOne of the specified objects cannot be found.HRES_COMADMIN_E_APP_NOT_RUNNINGThe specified application is not currently running.HRES_COMADMIN_E_INVALID_PARTITIONThe partitions specified are not valid.HRES_COMADMIN_E_SVCAPP_NOT_POOLABLE_OR_RECYCLABLECOM+ applications that run as Windows NT service cannot be pooled or recycled.One or more users are already assigned to a local partition set.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLELIBRARYAPPSLibrary applications cannot be recycled.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLESERVICEAPPSApplications running as Windows NT services cannot be recycled.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PROCESSALREADYRECYCLEDThe process has already been recycled.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PAUSEDPROCESSMAYNOTBERECYCLEDA paused process cannot be recycled.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CANTMAKEINPROCSERVICELibrary applications cannot be Windows NT services.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PROGIDINUSEBYCLSIDThe ProgID provided to the copy operation is invalid. The ProgID is in use by another registered CLSID.HRES_COMADMIN_E_DEFAULT_PARTITION_NOT_IN_SETThe partition specified as the default is not a member of the partition set.HRES_COMADMIN_E_RECYCLEDPROCESSMAYNOTBEPAUSEDA recycled process cannot be paused.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_ACCESSDENIEDAccess to the specified partition is denied.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_MSI_ONLYOnly application files (*.msi files) can be installed into partitions.HRES_COMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_1_0_FORMATApplications containing one or more legacy components cannot be exported to 1.0 format.HRES_COMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_NONBASE_PARTITIONSLegacy components cannot exist in nonbase partitions.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_SOURCEA component cannot be moved (or copied) from the System Application, an application proxy, or a nonchangeable application.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_DESTA component cannot be moved (or copied) to the System Application, an application proxy or a nonchangeable application.HRES_COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_PRIVATEA private component cannot be moved (or copied) to a library application or to the base partition.HRES_COMADMIN_E_BASEPARTITION_REQUIRED_IN_SETThe Base Application Partition exists in all partition sets and cannot be removed.HRES_COMADMIN_E_CANNOT_ALIAS_EVENTCLASSAlas, Event Class components cannot be aliased.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PRIVATE_ACCESSDENIEDAccess is denied because the component is private.The specified SAFER level is invalid.HRES_COMADMIN_E_REGISTRY_ACCESSDENIEDThe specified user cannot write to the system registry.HRES_COMADMIN_E_PARTITIONS_DISABLEDCOM+ partitions are currently disabled.HRES_ERROR_FLT_NO_HANDLER_DEFINEDA handler was not defined by the filter for this operation.HRES_ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALREADY_DEFINEDA context is already defined for this object.HRES_ERROR_FLT_INVALID_ASYNCHRONOUS_REQUESTAsynchronous requests are not valid for this operation.HRES_ERROR_FLT_DISALLOW_FAST_IODisallow the Fast IO path for this operation.HRES_ERROR_FLT_INVALID_NAME_REQUESTAn invalid name request was made. The name requested cannot be retrieved at this time.HRES_ERROR_FLT_NOT_SAFE_TO_POST_OPERATIONPosting this operation to a worker thread for further processing is not safe at this time because it could lead to a system deadlock.HRES_ERROR_FLT_NOT_INITIALIZEDThe Filter Manager was not initialized when a filter tried to register. Be sure that the Filter Manager is being loaded as a driver.HRES_ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_READYThe filter is not ready for attachment to volumes because it has not finished initializing (FltStartFiltering has not been called).HRES_ERROR_FLT_POST_OPERATION_CLEANUPThe filter must clean up any operation-specific context at this time because it is being removed from the system before the operation is completed by the lower drivers.The Filter Manager had an internal error from which it cannot recover; therefore, the operation has been failed. This is usually the result of a filter returning an invalid value from a preoperation callback.HRES_ERROR_FLT_DELETING_OBJECTThe object specified for this action is in the process of being deleted; therefore, the action requested cannot be completed at this time.HRES_ERROR_FLT_MUST_BE_NONPAGED_POOLNonpaged pool must be used for this type of context.HRES_ERROR_FLT_DUPLICATE_ENTRYA duplicate handler definition has been provided for an operation.The callback data queue has been disabled.Do not attach the filter to the volume at this time.Do not detach the filter from the volume at this time.HRES_ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_ALTITUDE_COLLISIONAn instance already exists at this altitude on the volume specified.HRES_ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_NAME_COLLISIONAn instance already exists with this name on the volume specified.HRES_ERROR_FLT_FILTER_NOT_FOUNDThe system could not find the filter specified.HRES_ERROR_FLT_VOLUME_NOT_FOUNDThe system could not find the volume specified.HRES_ERROR_FLT_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUNDThe system could not find the instance specified.HRES_ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALLOCATION_NOT_FOUNDNo registered context allocation definition was found for the given request.HRES_ERROR_FLT_INVALID_CONTEXT_REGISTRATIONAn invalid parameter was specified during context registration.HRES_ERROR_FLT_NAME_CACHE_MISSThe name requested was not found in the Filter Manager name cache and could not be retrieved from the file system.HRES_ERROR_FLT_NO_DEVICE_OBJECTThe requested device object does not exist for the given volume.HRES_ERROR_FLT_VOLUME_ALREADY_MOUNTEDThe specified volume is already mounted.HRES_ERROR_FLT_ALREADY_ENLISTEDThe specified Transaction Context is already enlisted in a transaction.HRES_ERROR_FLT_CONTEXT_ALREADY_LINKEDThe specified context is already attached to another object.HRES_ERROR_FLT_NO_WAITER_FOR_REPLYNo waiter is present for the filter's reply to this message.HRES_ERROR_HUNG_DISPLAY_DRIVER_THREAD{Display Driver Stopped Responding} The %hs display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to report this failure to Microsoft.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_NO_DESCRIPTORMonitor descriptor could not be obtained.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_UNKNOWN_DESCRIPTOR_FORMATFormat of the obtained monitor descriptor is not supported by this release.HRES_DWM_E_COMPOSITIONDISABLED{Desktop Composition is Disabled} The operation could not be completed because desktop composition is disabled.HRES_DWM_E_REMOTING_NOT_SUPPORTED{Some Desktop Composition APIs Are Not Supported While Remoting} Some desktop composition APIs are not supported while remoting. The operation is not supported while running in a remote session.HRES_DWM_E_NO_REDIRECTION_SURFACE_AVAILABLE{No DWM Redirection Surface is Available} The Desktop Window Manager (DWM) was unable to provide a redirection surface to complete the DirectX present.HRES_DWM_E_NOT_QUEUING_PRESENTS{DWM Is Not Queuing Presents for the Specified Window} The window specified is not currently using queued presents.This is an error mask to convert Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware errors to Win32 errors.The index to a Platform Configuration Register (PCR), DIR, or other register is incorrect.One or more parameters are bad.An operation completed successfully but the auditing of that operation failed.The clear disable flag is set and all clear operations now require physical access.The target command has been disabled.The ordinal was unknown or inconsistent.The ability to install an owner is disabled.The key handle cannot be interpreted.The key handle points to an invalid key.Unacceptable encryption scheme.Migration authorization failed.PCR information could not be interpreted.There is no storage root key (SRK) set.An encrypted blob is invalid or was not created by this TPM.The TPM has insufficient internal resources to perform the requested action.A random string was too short.The TPM does not have the space to perform the operation.The named PCR value does not match the current PCR value.The paramSize argument to the command has the incorrect value.There is no existing SHA-1 thread.The calculation is unable to proceed because the existing SHA-1 thread has already encountered an error.Self-test has failed and the TPM has shut down.The authorization for the second key in a two-key function failed authorization.The tag value sent to for a command is invalid.An I/O error occurred transmitting information to the TPM.The encryption process had a problem.The decryption process did not complete.The TPM does not have an endorsement key (EK) installed.The usage of a key is not allowed.The submitted entity type is not allowed.The command was received in the wrong sequence relative to TPM_Init and a subsequent TPM_Startup.Signed data cannot include additional DER information.The key properties in TPM_KEY_PARMs are not supported by this TPM.The migration properties of this key are incorrect.The signature or encryption scheme for this key is incorrect or not permitted in this situation.The size of the data (or blob) parameter is bad or inconsistent with the referenced key.A mode parameter is bad, such as capArea or subCapArea for TPM_GetCapability, physicalPresence parameter for TPM_PhysicalPresence, or migrationType for TPM_CreateMigrationBlob.Either the physicalPresence or physicalPresenceLock bits have the wrong value.The TPM cannot perform this version of the capability.The TPM does not allow for wrapped transport sessions.HRES_TPM_E_AUDITFAIL_UNSUCCESSFULTPM audit construction failed and the underlying command was returning a failure code also.HRES_TPM_E_AUDITFAIL_SUCCESSFULTPM audit construction failed and the underlying command was returning success.Attempt to reset a PCR that does not have the resettable attribute.Attempt to reset a PCR register that requires locality and the locality modifier not part of command transport.Make identity blob not properly typed.When saving context identified resource type does not match actual resource.The TPM is attempting to execute a command only available when in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode.The command is attempting to use an invalid family ID.The permission to manipulate the NV storage is not available.The operation requires a signed command.Wrong operation to load an NV key.NV_LoadKey blob requires both owner and blob authorization.The NV area is locked and not writable.The locality is incorrect for the attempted operation.The NV area is read-only and cannot be written to.There is no protection on the write to the NV area.The family count value does not match.The NV area has already been written to.The NV area attributes conflict.The structure tag and version are invalid or inconsistent.The key is under control of the TPM owner and can only be evicted by the TPM owner.The counter handle is incorrect.The write is not a complete write of the area.The gap between saved context counts is too large.The maximum number of NV writes without an owner has been exceeded.No operator AuthData value is set.The resource pointed to by context is not loaded.The delegate administration is locked.Attempt to manage a family other then the delegated family.Delegation table management not enabled.HRES_TPM_E_TRANSPORT_NOTEXCLUSIVEThere was a command executed outside an exclusive transport session.Attempt to context save an owner evict controlled key.The DAA command has no resources available to execute the command.The consistency check on DAA parameter inputData0 has failed.The consistency check on DAA parameter inputData1 has failed.HRES_TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_SETTINGSThe consistency check on DAA_issuerSettings has failed.The consistency check on DAA_tpmSpecific has failed.The atomic process indicated by the submitted DAA command is not the expected process.HRES_TPM_E_DAA_ISSUER_VALIDITYThe issuer's validity check has detected an inconsistency.The consistency check on w has failed.Too many contexts held by the TPM.HRES_TPM_E_MA_TICKET_SIGNATUREMigration authority signature validation failure.Migration destination not authenticated.Incorrect migration authority.Attempt to revoke the EK and the EK is not revocable.There is no room in the context list for additional contexts.The specified handle was not found.The TPM returned a duplicate handle and the command needs to be resubmitted.HRES_TPM_E_EMBEDDED_COMMAND_BLOCKEDThe command within the transport was blocked.HRES_TPM_E_EMBEDDED_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTEDThe command within the transport is not supported.The TPM is too busy to respond to the command immediately, but the command could be resubmitted at a later time.SelfTestFull has not been run.The TPM is currently executing a full self-test.HRES_TPM_E_DEFEND_LOCK_RUNNINGThe TPM is defending against dictionary attacks and is in a time-out period.An internal software error has been detected.One or more input parameters are bad.HRES_TBS_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTERA specified output pointer is bad.The specified context handle does not refer to a valid context.HRES_TBS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERA specified output buffer is too small.An error occurred while communicating with the TPM.HRES_TBS_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAMOne or more context parameters are invalid.HRES_TBS_E_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNINGThe TPM Base Services (TBS) is not running and could not be started.HRES_TBS_E_TOO_MANY_TBS_CONTEXTSA new context could not be created because there are too many open contexts.A new virtual resource could not be created because there are too many open virtual resources.HRES_TBS_E_SERVICE_START_PENDINGThe TBS service has been started but is not yet running.The physical presence interface is not supported.The input or output buffer is too large.The command buffer is not in the correct state.The command buffer does not contain enough data to satisfy the request.The command buffer cannot contain any more data.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTEROne or more output parameters was null or invalid.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more input parameters are invalid.Not enough memory was available to satisfy the request.HRES_TPMAPI_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLThe specified buffer was too small.An internal error was detected.The caller does not have the appropriate rights to perform the requested operation.HRES_TPMAPI_E_AUTHORIZATION_FAILEDThe specified authorization information was invalid.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLEThe specified context handle was not valid.HRES_TPMAPI_E_TBS_COMMUNICATION_ERRORAn error occurred while communicating with the TBS.HRES_TPMAPI_E_TPM_COMMAND_ERRORThe TPM returned an unexpected result.HRES_TPMAPI_E_MESSAGE_TOO_LARGEThe message was too large for the encoding scheme.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_ENCODINGThe encoding in the binary large object (BLOB) was not recognized.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_SIZEHRES_TPMAPI_E_ENCRYPTION_FAILEDThe encryption operation failed.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_PARAMSThe key parameters structure was not valid.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_MIGRATION_AUTHORIZATION_BLOBThe requested supplied data does not appear to be a valid migration authorization BLOB.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_INDEXThe specified PCR index was invalid.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_DELEGATE_BLOBThe data given does not appear to be a valid delegate BLOB.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAMSOne or more of the specified context parameters was not valid.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_KEY_BLOBThe data given does not appear to be a valid key BLOB.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_PCR_DATAThe specified PCR data was invalid.HRES_TPMAPI_E_INVALID_OWNER_AUTHThe format of the owner authorization data was invalid.HRES_TBSIMP_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLThe context could not be cleaned up.HRES_TBSIMP_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLEThe specified context handle is invalid.HRES_TBSIMP_E_INVALID_CONTEXT_PARAMAn invalid context parameter was specified.No entry with the specified key was found.HRES_TBSIMP_E_DUPLICATE_VHANDLEThe specified virtual handle matches a virtual handle already in use.HRES_TBSIMP_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_POINTERThe pointer to the returned handle location was null or invalid.HRES_TBSIMP_E_INVALID_PARAMETEROne or more parameters are invalid.The RPC subsystem could not be initialized.HRES_TBSIMP_E_SCHEDULER_NOT_RUNNINGThe TBS scheduler is not running.HRES_TBSIMP_E_COMMAND_CANCELEDThere was not enough memory to fulfill the request.HRES_TBSIMP_E_LIST_NO_MORE_ITEMSThe specified list is empty, or the iteration has reached the end of the list.The specified item was not found in the list.HRES_TBSIMP_E_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACEThe TPM does not have enough space to load the requested resource.HRES_TBSIMP_E_NOT_ENOUGH_TPM_CONTEXTSThere are too many TPM contexts in use.The TBS does not recognize the specified ordinal.HRES_TBSIMP_E_RESOURCE_EXPIREDThe requested resource is no longer available.HRES_TBSIMP_E_INVALID_RESOURCEThe resource type did not match.HRES_TBSIMP_E_NOTHING_TO_UNLOADNo new entries can be added to the hash table.HRES_TBSIMP_E_TOO_MANY_TBS_CONTEXTSA new TBS context could not be created because there are too many open contexts.HRES_TBSIMP_E_TOO_MANY_RESOURCESHRES_TBSIMP_E_PPI_NOT_SUPPORTEDHRES_TBSIMP_E_TPM_INCOMPATIBLETBS is not compatible with the version of TPM found on the system.A general error was detected when attempting to acquire the BIOS response to a physical presence command.The user failed to confirm the TPM operation request.The BIOS failure prevented the successful execution of the requested TPM operation (for example, invalid TPM operation request, BIOS communication error with the TPM).The BIOS does not support the physical presence interface.A Data Collector Set was not found.Unable to start Data Collector Set because there are too many folders.Not enough free disk space to start Data Collector Set.Data Collector Set already exists.HRES_PLA_E_DCS_SINGLETON_REQUIREDThe current configuration for this Data Collector Set requires that it contain exactly one Data Collector.HRES_PLA_E_CREDENTIALS_REQUIREDA user account is required to commit the current Data Collector Set properties.Data Collector Set is not running.HRES_PLA_E_CONFLICT_INCL_EXCL_APIA conflict was detected in the list of include and exclude APIs. Do not specify the same API in both the include list and the exclude list.HRES_PLA_E_NETWORK_EXE_NOT_VALIDThe executable path specified refers to a network share or UNC path.HRES_PLA_E_EXE_ALREADY_CONFIGUREDThe executable path specified is already configured for API tracing.The executable path specified does not exist. Verify that the specified path is correct.Data Collector already exists.HRES_PLA_E_DCS_START_WAIT_TIMEOUTThe wait for the Data Collector Set start notification has timed out.HRES_PLA_E_DC_START_WAIT_TIMEOUTThe wait for the Data Collector to start has timed out.HRES_PLA_E_REPORT_WAIT_TIMEOUTThe wait for the report generation tool to finish has timed out.Duplicate items are not allowed.HRES_PLA_E_EXE_FULL_PATH_REQUIREDWhen specifying the executable to trace, you must specify a full path to the executable and not just a file name.HRES_PLA_E_INVALID_SESSION_NAMEThe session name provided is invalid.HRES_PLA_E_PLA_CHANNEL_NOT_ENABLEDThe Event Log channel Microsoft-Windows-Diagnosis-PLA/Operational must be enabled to perform this operation.HRES_PLA_E_TASKSCHED_CHANNEL_NOT_ENABLEDThe Event Log channel Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler must be enabled to perform this operation.The volume must be unlocked before it can be used.The volume is fully decrypted and no key is available.The firmware does not support using a TPM during boot.The firmware does not use a TPM to perform initial program load (IPL) measurement.HRES_FVE_E_NO_BOOTSECTOR_METRICThe master boot record (MBR) is not TPM-aware.The BOOTMGR is not being measured by the TPM.The BOOTMGR component does not perform expected TPM measurements.HRES_FVE_E_SECURE_KEY_REQUIREDNo secure key protection mechanism has been defined.This volume has not been provisioned for encryption.Requested action was denied by the full-volume encryption (FVE) control engine.HRES_FVE_E_AD_SCHEMA_NOT_INSTALLEDThe Active Directory forest does not contain the required attributes and classes to host FVE or TPM information.HRES_FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATATYPEThe type of data obtained from Active Directory was not expected.HRES_FVE_E_AD_INVALID_DATASIZEThe size of the data obtained from Active Directory was not expected.The attribute read from Active Directory has no (zero) values.The specified GUID could not be found.The control block for the encrypted volume is not valid.Not enough free space remaining on volume to allow encryption.The volume cannot be encrypted because it is required to boot the operating system.The volume cannot be encrypted because the file system is not supported.The file system is inconsistent. Run CHKDSK.This volume cannot be encrypted.Volume is not bound to the system.TPM must be owned before a volume can be bound to it.The volume specified is not a data volume.HRES_FVE_E_AD_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERThe buffer supplied to a function was insufficient to contain the returned data.A read operation failed while converting the volume.A write operation failed while converting the volume.One or more key protection mechanisms are required for this volume.HRES_FVE_E_CLUSTERING_NOT_SUPPORTEDCluster configurations are not supported.HRES_FVE_E_VOLUME_BOUND_ALREADYThe volume is already bound to the system.The boot OS volume is not being protected via FVE.HRES_FVE_E_PROTECTION_DISABLEDAll protection mechanisms are effectively disabled (clear key exists).HRES_FVE_E_RECOVERY_KEY_REQUIREDA recovery key protection mechanism is required.This volume cannot be bound to a TPM.The control block for the encrypted volume was updated by another thread. Try again.HRES_FVE_E_TPM_SRK_AUTH_NOT_ZEROThe SRK authentication of the TPM is not zero and, therefore, is not compatible.The volume encryption algorithm cannot be used on this sector size.HRES_FVE_E_FAILED_AUTHENTICATIONBitLocker recovery authentication failed.The volume specified is not the boot OS volume.Auto-unlock information for data volumes is present on the boot OS volume.The system partition boot sector does not perform TPM measurements.The system partition file system must be NTFS.HRES_FVE_E_POLICY_PASSWORD_REQUIREDGroup policy requires a recovery password before encryption can begin.HRES_FVE_E_CANNOT_SET_FVEK_ENCRYPTEDThe volume encryption algorithm and key cannot be set on an encrypted volume.HRES_FVE_E_CANNOT_ENCRYPT_NO_KEYA key must be specified before encryption can begin.A bootable CD/DVD is in the system. Remove the CD/DVD and reboot the system.An instance of this key protector already exists on the volume.The file cannot be saved to a relative path.HRES_FWP_E_CONDITION_NOT_FOUNDThe filter condition does not exist.HRES_FWP_E_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUNDThe provider context does not exist.An object with that GUID or LUID already exists.The object is referenced by other objects and, therefore, cannot be deleted.HRES_FWP_E_DYNAMIC_SESSION_IN_PROGRESSThe call is not allowed from within a dynamic session.The call was made from the wrong session and, therefore, cannot be completed.The call must be made from within an explicit transaction.The call is not allowed from within an explicit transaction.The explicit transaction has been forcibly canceled.The session has been canceled.The call is not allowed from within a read-only transaction.The call timed out while waiting to acquire the transaction lock.HRES_FWP_E_NET_EVENTS_DISABLEDCollection of network diagnostic events is disabled.The operation is not supported by the specified layer.The call is allowed for kernel-mode callers only.The call tried to associate two objects with incompatible lifetimes.The object is built in and, therefore, cannot be deleted.HRES_FWP_E_TOO_MANY_BOOTTIME_FILTERSThe maximum number of boot-time filters has been reached.HRES_FWP_E_NOTIFICATION_DROPPEDA notification could not be delivered because a message queue is at its maximum capacity.The traffic parameters do not match those for the security association context.HRES_FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SA_STATEThe call is not allowed for the current security association state.The flags field contains an invalid value.The time interval is not valid.An array that must contain at least one element that is zero-length.The displayData.name field cannot be null.HRES_FWP_E_INVALID_ACTION_TYPEThe action type is not one of the allowed action types for a filter.The filter weight is not valid.HRES_FWP_E_MATCH_TYPE_MISMATCHA filter condition contains a match type that is not compatible with the operands.An FWP_VALUE or FWPM_CONDITION_VALUE is of the wrong type.An integer value is outside the allowed range.HRES_FWP_E_DUPLICATE_CONDITIONA filter cannot contain multiple conditions operating on a single field.A policy cannot contain the same keying module more than once.HRES_FWP_E_ACTION_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_LAYERThe action type is not compatible with the layer.HRES_FWP_E_ACTION_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_SUBLAYERThe action type is not compatible with the sublayer.HRES_FWP_E_CONTEXT_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_LAYERThe raw context or the provider context is not compatible with the layer.HRES_FWP_E_CONTEXT_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_CALLOUTThe raw context or the provider context is not compatible with the callout.HRES_FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_AUTH_METHODThe authentication method is not compatible with the policy type.HRES_FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_DH_GROUPThe Diffie-Hellman group is not compatible with the policy type.An Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy cannot contain an Extended Mode policy.The enumeration template or subscription will never match any objects.HRES_FWP_E_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_MISMATCHThe provider context is of the wrong type.The maximum number of sublayers has been reached.HRES_FWP_E_CALLOUT_NOTIFICATION_FAILEDThe notification function for a callout returned an error.HRES_FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_AUTH_CONFIGThe IPsec authentication configuration is not compatible with the authentication type.HRES_FWP_E_INCOMPATIBLE_CIPHER_CONFIGThe IPsec cipher configuration is not compatible with the cipher type.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INTERFACE_CLOSINGThe binding to the network interface is being closed.An invalid version was specified.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_BAD_CHARACTERISTICSAn invalid characteristics table was used.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUNDFailed to find the network interface, or the network interface is not ready.Failed to open the network interface.The network interface has encountered an internal unrecoverable failure.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_FULLThe multicast list on the network interface is full.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_EXISTSAn attempt was made to add a duplicate multicast address to the list.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_MULTICAST_NOT_FOUNDAt attempt was made to remove a multicast address that was never added.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_REQUEST_ABORTEDThe network interface aborted the request.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_RESET_IN_PROGRESSThe network interface cannot process the request because it is being reset.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PACKETAn attempt was made to send an invalid packet on a network interface.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUESTThe specified request is not a valid operation for the target device.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_NOT_READYThe network interface is not ready to complete this operation.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_LENGTHThe length of the buffer submitted for this operation is not valid.The data used for this operation is not valid.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_BUFFER_TOO_SHORTThe length of the buffer submitted for this operation is too small.The network interface does not support this OID.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_ADAPTER_REMOVEDThe network interface has been removed.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIAThe network interface does not support this media type.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_GROUP_ADDRESS_IN_USEAn attempt was made to remove a token ring group address that is in use by other components.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_FILE_NOT_FOUNDAn attempt was made to map a file that cannot be found.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_ERROR_READING_FILEAn error occurred while the NDIS tried to map the file.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_ALREADY_MAPPEDAn attempt was made to map a file that is already mapped.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_RESOURCE_CONFLICTAn attempt to allocate a hardware resource failed because the resource is used by another component.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_MEDIA_DISCONNECTEDThe I/O operation failed because network media is disconnected or the wireless access point is out of range.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_ADDRESSThe network address used in the request is invalid.The offload operation on the network interface has been paused.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUNDThe network interface was not found.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_UNSUPPORTED_REVISIONThe revision number specified in the structure is not supported.The specified port does not exist on this network interface.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_INVALID_PORT_STATEThe current state of the specified port on this network interface does not support the requested operation.The network interface does not support this request.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLEDThe wireless local area network (LAN) interface is in auto-configuration mode and does not support the requested parameter change operation.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_MEDIA_IN_USEThe wireless LAN interface is busy and cannot perform the requested operation.HRES_ERROR_NDIS_DOT11_POWER_STATE_INVALIDThe wireless LAN interface is shutting down and does not support the requested operation.A requested object was not found.HRES_TRK_E_VOLUME_QUOTA_EXCEEDEDThe server received a CREATE_VOLUME subrequest of a SYNC_VOLUMES request, but the ServerVolumeTable size limit for the RequestMachine has already been reached.The server is busy, and the client should retry the request at a later time.The specified event is currently not being audited.The SID filtering operation removed all SIDs.HRES_ERROR_BIZRULES_NOT_ENABLEDBusiness rule scripts are disabled for the calling application.There is no connection established with the Windows Media server. The operation failed.Unable to establish a connection to the server.There is no file parser registered for this type of file.There is no data connection established.Failed to load the local play DLL.The server session limit was exceeded.The network connection already exists.There is no protocol or protocol version supported by both the client and the server.The server, a computer set up to offer multimedia content to other computers, could not handle your request for multimedia content in a timely manner. Please try again later.Error reading from the network.HRES_NS_E_FILE_ALLOCATION_FAILEDAn error was induced for testing purposes.Two Content Servers failed to communicate.HRES_NS_E_UNRECOGNIZED_STREAM_TYPEThe specified protocol is not recognized. Be sure that the file name and syntax, such as slashes, are correct for the protocol.HRES_NS_E_NETWORK_SERVICE_FAILUREThe network service provider failed.HRES_NS_E_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILUREAn attempt to acquire a network resource failed.The network connection has failed.The session is being terminated locally.The request is invalid in the current state.HRES_NS_E_INSUFFICIENT_BANDWIDTHThere is insufficient bandwidth available to fulfill the request.An operation requested for a particular time could not be carried out on schedule.Invalid or corrupt data was encountered.HRES_NS_E_FILE_BANDWIDTH_LIMITThe bandwidth required to stream a file is higher than the maximum file bandwidth allowed on the server.The client cannot have any more files open simultaneously.The server received invalid data from the client on the control connection.There is no more data in the stream.The specified server could not be found.The specified name is already in use.The specified address is already in use.HRES_NS_E_BAD_MULTICAST_ADDRESSThe specified address is not a valid multicast address.The specified adapter address is invalid.The specified delivery mode is invalid.The specified station does not exist.The specified stream does not exist.The specified archive could not be opened.The system cannot find any titles on the server.The system cannot find the client specified.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_BLACKHOLE_ADDRESSThe Blackhole Address is not initialized.The station does not support the stream format.The specified key is not valid.The specified port is not valid.The specified TTL is not valid.The request to fast forward or rewind could not be fulfilled.HRES_NS_E_MMSAUTOSERVER_CANTFINDWALKERUnable to load the appropriate file parser.Cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth limit.Invalid value for LogFilePeriod.Cannot exceed the maximum client limit.The maximum log file size has been reached.Cannot exceed the maximum file rate.The specified file, %1, cannot be loaded onto the specified server, %2.There was a usage error with file parser.The Title Server %1 has failed.Content Server %1 (%2) has failed.Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has failed.The NetShow data stream limit of %1 streams was reached.The NetShow Video Server was unable to allocate a %1 block file named %2.A Content Server was unable to page a block.Disk %1 has unrecognized control block version %2.Disk %1 has unsupported file system major version %2.Disk %1 has bad stamp number in control block.HRES_NS_E_PARTIALLY_REBUILT_DISKDisk %1 is partially reconstructed.HRES_MCMADM_E_REGKEY_NOT_FOUNDThe key was not found in the registry.The publishing point cannot be started because the server does not have the appropriate stream formats. Use the Multicast Announcement Wizard to create a new announcement for this publishing point.No reference URLs were found in an ASX file.Error opening wave device, the device might be in use.Unable to establish a connection to the NetShow event monitor service.No device driver is present on the system.No specified device driver is present.Netshow Events Monitor is not operational and has been disconnected.The specified adapter name is invalid.The application is not licensed for this feature.Maximum number of titles exceeded.Maximum size of a title exceeded.UDP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.TCP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.HTTP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.The product license has expired.Source file exceeds the per title maximum bitrate. See NetShow Theater documentation for more information.The program name cannot be empty.You need to define at least one station before this operation can complete.The index specified is invalid.Content Server %1 (%2) has failed its link to Content Server %3.Content Server %1 (%2) has incorrect uid %3.Server unreliable because multiple components failed.Content Server %1 (%2) is unable to communicate with the Media System Network Protocol.Not receiving data from the server.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_FORMATThe input media format is invalid.HRES_NS_E_MSAUDIO_NOT_INSTALLEDThe MSAudio codec is not installed on this system.HRES_NS_E_UNEXPECTED_MSAUDIO_ERRORAn unexpected error occurred with the MSAudio codec.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMATThe output media format is invalid.The object must be fully configured before audio samples can be processed.You need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file.This media file is corrupted or invalid. Contact the content provider for a new file.The license for this media file has expired. Get a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_LICENSE_INCORRECT_RIGHTSYou are not allowed to open this file. Contact the content provider for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLEDThe requested audio codec is not installed on this system.An unexpected error occurred with the audio codec.HRES_NS_E_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLEDThe requested video codec is not installed on this system.An unexpected error occurred with the video codec.HRES_NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSIONA new version of the SDK is needed to play the requested content.The requested URL is not available in offline mode.The requested URL cannot be accessed because there is no network connection.The encoding process was unable to keep up with the amount of supplied data.HRES_NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTYThe given property is not supported.HRES_NS_E_8BIT_WAVE_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player cannot copy the files to the CD because they are 8-bit. Convert the files to 16-bit, 44-kHz stereo files by using Sound Recorder or another audio-processing program, and then try again.There are no more samples in the current range.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_SAMPLING_RATEThe given sampling rate is invalid.HRES_NS_E_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_TOO_SMALLThe given maximum packet size is too small to accommodate this profile.)The packet arrived too late to be of use.The packet is a duplicate of one received before.The wrong number of preprocessing passes was used for the stream's output type.An attempt was made to add, modify, or delete a read only attribute.HRES_NS_E_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_ALLOWEDAn attempt was made to add attribute that is not allowed for the given media type.HRES_NS_E_DATA_UNIT_EXTENSION_TOO_LARGEThe Data Unit Extension data was too large to be used.An unexpected error occurred with a DMO codec.HRES_NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_GROUP_POLICYThis feature has been disabled by group policy.HRES_NS_E_FEATURE_DISABLED_IN_SKUThis feature is disabled in this SKU.There is no CD in the CD drive. Insert a CD, and then try again.Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. To switch to analog playback, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Devices tab. Double-click the CD drive, and then in the Playback area, click Analog. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try synchronizing the file again.HRES_NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_FORMATWindows Media Player cannot play the file. The portable device does not support the specified file type.Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, use the Devices tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help.An invalid line error occurred in the mixer.HRES_NS_E_MIXER_INVALID_CONTROLAn invalid control error occurred in the mixer.An invalid value error occurred in the mixer.HRES_NS_E_MIXER_UNKNOWN_MMRESULTAn unrecognized MMRESULT occurred in the mixer.User has stopped the operation.HRES_NS_E_MP3_FORMAT_NOT_FOUNDWindows Media Player cannot rip the track because a compatible MP3 encoder is not installed on your computer. Install a compatible MP3 encoder or choose a different format to rip to (such as Windows Media Audio).HRES_NS_E_CD_READ_ERROR_NO_CORRECTIONWindows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged. Turn on error correction, and then try again.Windows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged or the CD drive might be malfunctioning.For best performance, do not play CD tracks while ripping them.It is not possible to directly burn tracks from one CD to another CD. You must first rip the tracks from the CD to your computer, and then burn the files to a blank CD.Could not open a sound mixer driver.HRES_NS_E_REDBOOK_ENABLED_WHILE_COPYINGWindows Media Player cannot rip tracks from the CD correctly because the CD drive settings in Device Manager do not match the CD drive settings in the Player.Windows Media Player is busy reading the CD.A call was made to GetParseError on the XML parser but there was no error to retrieve.The XML Parser ran out of data while parsing.A generic parse error occurred in the XML parser but no information is available.HRES_NS_E_WMPXML_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUNDA call get GetNamedAttribute or GetNamedAttributeIndex on the XML parser resulted in the index not being found.A call was made go GetNamedPI on the XML parser, but the requested Processing Instruction was not found.Persist was called on the XML parser, but the parser has no data to persist.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PATH_ALREADY_IN_LIBRARYThis file path is already in the library.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FILESCANALREADYSTARTEDWindows Media Player is already searching for files to add to your library. Wait for the current process to finish before attempting to search again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_HME_INVALIDOBJECTIDWindows Media Player is unable to find the media you are looking for.A component of Windows Media Player is out-of-date. If you are running a pre-release version of Windows, try upgrading to a more recent version.HRES_NS_E_WMP_HME_NOTSEARCHABLEFORITEMSThis container does not support search on items.HRES_NS_E_WMP_ADDTOLIBRARY_FAILEDWindows Media Player encountered a problem while adding one or more files to the library. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_WINDOWSAPIFAILUREA Windows API call failed but no error information was available.HRES_NS_E_WMP_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWEDThis file does not have burn rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get burn rights.Windows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try to sync the file again.Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted.Windows Media Player encountered an error while attempting to access information in the library. Try restarting the Player.The file cannot be added to the library because it is smaller than the "Skip files smaller than" setting. To add the file, change the setting on the Library tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_MEDIA_LIBRARY_FAILEDWindows Media Player cannot create the library. You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to install the Player. For more information, contact your system administrator.The file is already in use. Close other programs that might be using the file, or stop playing the file, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_NO_ERROR_STRING_FOUNDWindows Media Player has encountered an unknown error.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_COREThe Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot connect to remote media services, but will continue with local media services.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_ACTIVE_COREThe requested method or property is not available because the Windows Media Player ActiveX control has not been properly activated.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_NOT_RUNNING_REMOTELYThe Windows Media Player ActiveX control is not running in remote mode.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_NO_REMOTE_WINDOWAn error occurred while trying to get the remote Windows Media Player window.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLEWindows Media Player was not closed properly. A damaged or incompatible plug-in might have caused the problem to occur. As a precaution, all optional plug-ins have been disabled.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FOLDERWindows Media Player cannot find the specified path. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the path does not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the path is located is not available.HRES_NS_E_WMP_STREAMING_RECORDING_NOT_ALLOWEDWindows Media Player cannot save a file that is being streamed.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PLUGINDLL_NOTFOUNDWindows Media Player cannot find the selected plug-in. The Player will try to remove it from the menu. To use this plug-in, install it again.Action requires input from the user.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_PLAYER_NOT_DOCKEDThe Windows Media Player ActiveX control must be in a docked state for this action to be performed.HRES_NS_E_WMP_EXTERNAL_NOTREADYThe Windows Media Player external object is not ready.Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action. Your computer's time and date might not be set correctly.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBCONTROLSNOTSUPPORTEDThe control (%s) does not support creation of sub-controls, yet (%d) sub-controls have been specified.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UI_VERSIONMISMATCHVersion mismatch: (%.1f required, %.1f found).HRES_NS_E_WMP_UI_NOTATHEMEFILEThe layout manager was given valid XML that wasn't a theme file.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UI_SUBELEMENTNOTFOUNDThe %s subelement could not be found on the %s object.An error occurred parsing the version tag. Valid version tags are of the form: <?wmp version='1.0'?>.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UI_VIEWIDNOTFOUNDThe view specified in for the 'currentViewID' property (%s) was not found in this theme file.This error used internally for hit testing.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UI_OBJECTNOTFOUNDAttributes were specified for the %s object, but the object was not available to send them to.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UI_SECONDHANDLERThe %s event already has a handler, the second handler was ignored.No .wms file found in skin archive.HRES_NS_E_WMP_URLDOWNLOADFAILEDWindows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SKINThe Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot load the requested uiMode and cannot roll back to the existing uiMode.Windows Media Player encountered a problem with the skin file. The skin file might not be valid.Windows Media Player cannot send the link because your email program is not responding. Verify that your email program is configured properly, and then try again. For more information about email, see Windows Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_LOCKEDINSKINMODEWindows Media Player cannot switch to full mode because your computer administrator has locked this skin.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_FILEWindows Media Player encountered a problem while saving the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player cannot overwrite a read-only file. Try using a different file name.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_SAVE_PLAYLISTWindows Media Player encountered a problem while creating or saving the playlist. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_WMDWindows Media Player cannot open the Windows Media Download file. The file might be damaged.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CANT_PLAY_PROTECTEDThe file cannot be added to the library because it is a protected DVR-MS file. This content cannot be played back by Windows Media Player.HRES_NS_E_SHARING_STATE_OUT_OF_SYNCMedia sharing has been turned off because a required Windows setting or component has changed. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCX_REMOTE_PLAYER_ALREADY_RUNNINGExclusive Services launch failed because the Windows Media Player is already running.HRES_NS_E_WMP_RBC_JPGMAPPINGIMAGEJPG Images are not recommended for use as a mappingImage.JPG Images are not recommended when using a transparencyColor.The Max property cannot be less than Min property.The Min property cannot be greater than Max property.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CS_JPGPOSITIONIMAGEJPG Images are not recommended for use as a positionImage.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CS_NOTEVENLYDIVISIBLEThe (%s) image's size is not evenly divisible by the positionImage's size.The ZIP reader opened a file and its signature did not match that of the ZIP files.The ZIP reader has detected that the file is corrupted.GetFileStream, SaveToFile, or SaveTemp file was called on the ZIP reader with a file name that was not found in the ZIP file.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_FILETYPE_UNSUPPORTEDHRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAGE_INVALID_FORMATHRES_NS_E_WMP_GIF_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILEUnexpected end of file. GIF file might be corrupt.HRES_NS_E_WMP_GIF_INVALID_FORMATHRES_NS_E_WMP_GIF_BAD_VERSION_NUMBERInvalid GIF version. Only 87a or 89a supported.HRES_NS_E_WMP_GIF_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILEHRES_NS_E_WMP_PNG_INVALIDFORMATInvalid PNG image file format.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_BITDEPTHHRES_NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSIONCompression format defined in PNG file not supported,HRES_NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_FILTERFilter method defined in PNG file not supported.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_INTERLACEInterlace method defined in PNG file not supported.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_BAD_CRCHRES_NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_BITMASKHRES_NS_E_WMP_BMP_TOPDOWN_DIB_UNSUPPORTEDHRES_NS_E_WMP_BMP_BITMAP_NOT_CREATEDHRES_NS_E_WMP_BMP_COMPRESSION_UNSUPPORTEDCompression format defined in BMP not supported.HRES_NS_E_WMP_BMP_INVALID_FORMATHRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_JERR_ARITHCODING_NOTIMPLJPEG Arithmetic coding not supported.HRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_INVALID_FORMATHRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_VERSION_NUMBERInternal version error. Unexpected JPEG library version.HRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_BAD_PRECISIONInternal JPEG Library error. Unsupported JPEG data precision.HRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_CCIR601_NOTIMPLHRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_NO_IMAGE_IN_FILEHRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPLJPEG Fractional sampling not supported.HRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_IMAGE_TOO_BIGJPEG image too large. Maximum image size supported is 65500 X 65500.HRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNEXPECTED_ENDOFFILEUnexpected end of file reached in JPEG file.HRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_SOF_UNSUPPORTEDUnsupported JPEG SOF marker found.HRES_NS_E_WMP_JPG_UNKNOWN_MARKERHRES_NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_OPEN_IMAGEWindows Media Player cannot display the picture file. The player either does not support the picture type or the picture is corrupted.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DAI_SONGTOOSHORTWindows Media Player cannot compute a Digital Audio Id for the song. It is too short.Windows Media Player cannot play the file at the requested speed.HRES_NS_E_WMG_PLUGINUNAVAILABLEThe rendering or digital signal processing plug-in cannot be instantiated.The file cannot be queued for seamless playback.HRES_NS_E_WMG_PREROLLLICENSEACQUISITIONNOTALLOWEDWindows Media Player cannot download media usage rights for a file in the playlist.HRES_NS_E_WMG_UNEXPECTEDPREROLLSTATUSWindows Media Player encountered an error while trying to queue a file.HRES_NS_E_WMG_INVALID_COPP_CERTIFICATEWindows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player cannot verify that the connection to your video card is secure. Try installing an updated device driver for your video card.HRES_NS_E_WMG_COPP_SECURITY_INVALIDWindows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player detected that the connection to your hardware might not be secure.HRES_NS_E_WMG_COPP_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player output link protection is unsupported on this system.Operation attempted in an invalid graph state.HRES_NS_E_WMG_SINKALREADYEXISTSA renderer cannot be inserted in a stream while one already exists.The Windows Media SDK interface needed to complete the operation does not exist at this time.HRES_NS_E_WMG_NOTALLOUTPUTSRENDEREDWindows Media Player cannot play a portion of the file because it requires a codec that either could not be downloaded or that is not supported by the Player.HRES_NS_E_WMG_FILETRANSFERNOTALLOWEDFile transfer streams are not allowed in the standalone Player.HRES_NS_E_WMR_UNSUPPORTEDSTREAMWindows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player does not support the format you are trying to play.An operation was attempted on a pin that does not exist in the DirectShow filter graph.HRES_NS_E_WMR_WAITINGONFORMATSWITCHSpecified operation cannot be completed while waiting for a media format change from the SDK.Specified operation cannot be completed because the source filter does not exist.The specified type does not match this pin.HRES_NS_E_WMR_NOCALLBACKAVAILABLEThe WMR Source Filter does not have a callback available.HRES_NS_E_WMR_SAMPLEPROPERTYNOTSETThe specified property has not been set on this sample.HRES_NS_E_WMR_CANNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAMA plug-in is required to correctly play the file. To determine if the plug-in is available to download, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMG_LICENSE_TAMPEREDWindows Media Player cannot play the file because your media usage rights are corrupted. If you previously backed up your media usage rights, try restoring them.HRES_NS_E_WMR_WILLNOT_RENDER_BINARY_STREAMWindows Media Player cannot play protected files that contain binary streams.HRES_NS_E_WMX_UNRECOGNIZED_PLAYLIST_FORMATWindows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid.A later version of Windows Media Player might be required to play this playlist.HRES_NS_E_ASX_INVALID_REPEAT_BLOCKThe format of a REPEAT loop within the current playlist file is not valid.HRES_NS_E_ASX_NOTHING_TO_WRITEWindows Media Player cannot save the playlist because it does not contain any items.HRES_NS_E_URLLIST_INVALIDFORMATHRES_NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe specified attribute does not exist.HRES_NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_EXISTSThe specified attribute already exists.HRES_NS_E_WMX_ATTRIBUTE_UNRETRIEVABLECannot retrieve the specified attribute.HRES_NS_E_WMX_ITEM_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe specified item does not exist in the current playlist.HRES_NS_E_WMX_ITEM_TYPE_ILLEGALItems of the specified type cannot be created within the current playlist.The specified item cannot be set in the current playlist.Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the playlist does not contain any items.HRES_NS_E_MLS_SMARTPLAYLIST_FILTER_NOT_REGISTEREDThe specified auto playlist contains a filter type that is either not valid or is not installed on this computer.HRES_NS_E_WMX_INVALID_FORMAT_OVER_NESTINGWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist contains too many nested playlists.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_NOSOURCEURLSTRINGWindows Media Player cannot find the file. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file might not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored might not be available.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_COCREATEFAILEDFORGITOBJECTFailed to create the Global Interface Table.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_FAILEDTOGETMARSHALLEDEVENTHANDLERINTERFACEFailed to get the marshaled graph event handler interface.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_BUFFERTOOSMALLBuffer is too small for copying media type.The current state of the Player does not allow this operation.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALIDPLAYLISTMODEThe playlist manager does not understand the current play mode (for example, shuffle or normal).HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_ITEMNOTINPLAYLISTWindows Media Player cannot play the file because it is not in the current playlist.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTEMPTYThere are no items in the playlist. Add items to the playlist, and then try again.The web page cannot be displayed because no web browser is installed on your computer.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA_URLWindows Media Player cannot find the specified file. Verify the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file does not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored is not available.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_GRAPH_NOT_IN_LISTGraph with the specified URL was not found in the prerolled graph list.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EMPTY_OR_SINGLE_MEDIAWindows Media Player cannot perform the requested operation because there is only one item in the playlist.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORSINKNOTREGISTEREDAn error sink was never registered for the calling object.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_ERRORMANAGERNOTAVAILABLEThe error manager is not available to respond to errors.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WEBHELPFAILEDThe Web Help URL cannot be opened.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ERROR_RESUME_FAILEDCould not resume playing next item in playlist.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_REF_IN_ENTRYWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist does not contain any items or the playlist is not valid.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EMPTYAn empty string for playlist attribute name was found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ILLEGALA playlist attribute name that is not valid was found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EMPTYAn empty string for a playlist attribute value was found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ILLEGALAn illegal value for a playlist attribute was found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EMPTYAn empty string for a playlist item attribute name was found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ILLEGALAn illegal value for a playlist item attribute name was found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_LIST_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_EMPTYAn illegal value for a playlist item attribute was found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_LIST_ENTRY_NO_REFThe playlist does not contain any items.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MISNAMED_FILEWindows Media Player cannot play the file. The file is either corrupted or the Player does not support the format you are trying to play.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_TRUSTEDThe codec downloaded for this file does not appear to be properly signed, so it cannot be installed.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_NOT_FOUNDWindows Media Player cannot play the file. One or more codecs required to play the file could not be found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_CODEC_DOWNLOAD_NOT_ALLOWEDWindows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer. To try downloading the codec, turn on the "Download codecs automatically" option.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_ERROR_DOWNLOADING_PLAYLISTWindows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the playlist. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_FAILED_TO_BUILD_PLAYLISTHRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_NONEPlaylist has no alternates to switch into.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_EXHAUSTEDNo more playlist alternates available to switch to.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_NAME_NOT_FOUNDCould not find the name of the alternate playlist to switch into.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_MORPH_FAILEDFailed to switch to an alternate for this media.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_ITEM_ALTERNATE_INIT_FAILEDFailed to initialize an alternate for the media.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_ALTERNATE_REF_EMPTYNo URL specified for the roll over Refs in the playlist file.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_NO_EVENT_NAMEEncountered a playlist with no name.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_ABSENTA required attribute in the event block of the playlist was not found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EVENT_EMPTYNo items were found in the event block of the playlist.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_STACK_EMPTYNo playlist was found while returning from a nested playlist.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_CURRENT_MEDIA_NOT_ACTIVEThe media item is not active currently.Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because you chose to cancel it.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_EMPTYWindows Media Player encountered a problem with the playlist. The format of the playlist is not valid.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_START_MEDIA_NONEMedia object corresponding to start of a playlist repeat block was not found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_REPEAT_END_MEDIA_NONEMedia object corresponding to the end of a playlist repeat block was not found.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_INVALID_PLAYLIST_URLThe playlist URL supplied to the playlist manager is not valid.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MISMATCHED_RUNTIMEHRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_IMPORT_FAILED_NO_ITEMSWindows Media Player cannot add the playlist to the library because the playlist does not contain any items.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_VIDEO_TRANSFORM_FILTER_INSERTIONAn error has occurred that could prevent the changing of the video contrast on this media.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_UNAVAILABLEWindows Media Player cannot play the file. If the file is located on the Internet, connect to the Internet. If the file is located on a removable storage card, insert the storage card.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_WMX_ENTRYREF_NO_REFThe playlist contains an ENTRYREF for which no href was parsed. Check the syntax of playlist file.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_NO_PLAYABLE_MEDIA_IN_PLAYLISTWindows Media Player cannot play any items in the playlist. To find information about the problem, click the Now Playing tab, and then click the icon next to each file in the List pane.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_PLAYLIST_EMPTY_NESTED_PLAYLIST_SKIPPED_ITEMSWindows Media Player cannot play some or all of the items in the playlist because the playlist is nested.Windows Media Player cannot play the file at this time. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_CHILD_PLAYLIST_UNAVAILABLEThere is no child playlist available for this media item at this time.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_NO_CHILD_PLAYLISTThere is no child playlist for this media item.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_FILE_NOT_FOUNDWindows Media Player cannot find the file. The link from the item in the library to its associated digital media file might be broken. To fix the problem, try repairing the link or removing the item from the library.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_TEMP_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe temporary file was not found.Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device needs to be updated.Windows Media Player cannot play the video because there is a problem with your video card.HRES_NS_E_DISPLAY_MODE_CHANGE_FAILEDWindows Media Player failed to change the screen mode for full-screen video playback.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_CONTAINS_ERRORSWindows Media Player cannot play one or more files. For additional information, right-click an item that cannot be played, and then click Error Details.Cannot change the proxy name if the proxy setting is not set to custom.Cannot change the proxy port if the proxy setting is not set to custom.HRES_NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_EXCEPTIONLISTCannot change the proxy exception list if the proxy setting is not set to custom.HRES_NS_E_CHANGING_PROXYBYPASSCannot change the proxy bypass flag if the proxy setting is not set to custom.HRES_NS_E_CHANGING_PROXY_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUNDCannot find the specified protocol.HRES_NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGECannot change the language settings. Either the graph has no audio or the audio only supports one language.HRES_NS_E_GRAPH_NOAUDIOLANGUAGESELECTEDThe graph has no audio language selected.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_MEDIA_URL_TOO_LONGWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the URL is too long.HRES_NS_E_WMPFLASH_CANT_FIND_COM_SERVERTo play the selected item, you must install the Macromedia Flash Player. To download the Macromedia Flash Player, go to the Adobe website.HRES_NS_E_WMPFLASH_INCOMPATIBLEVERSIONTo play the selected item, you must install a later version of the Macromedia Flash Player. To download the Macromedia Flash Player, go to the Adobe website.HRES_NS_E_WMPOCXGRAPH_IE_DISALLOWS_ACTIVEX_CONTROLSWindows Media Player cannot play the file because your Internet security settings prohibit the use of ActiveX controls.The use of this method requires an existing reference to the Player object.Windows Media Player cannot play the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged.HRES_NS_E_IE_DISALLOWS_ACTIVEX_CONTROLSHRES_NS_E_FLASH_PLAYBACK_NOT_ALLOWEDFlash playback has been turned off in Windows Media Player.HRES_NS_E_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_RIP_LOCATIONWindows Media Player cannot rip the CD because a valid rip location cannot be created.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_SOME_CODECS_MISSINGWindows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer.Windows Media Player cannot rip one or more tracks from the CD.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FAILED_TO_RIP_TRACKWindows Media Player encountered a problem while ripping the track from the CD. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player encountered a problem while erasing the disc. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player encountered a problem while formatting the device. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_BURN_NON_LOCAL_FILEThis file cannot be burned to a CD because it is not located on your computer.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FILE_TYPE_CANNOT_BURN_TO_AUDIO_CDIt is not possible to burn this file type to an audio CD. Windows Media Player can burn the following file types to an audio CD: WMA, MP3, or WAV.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FILE_DOES_NOT_FIT_ON_CDThis file is too large to fit on a disc.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FILE_NO_DURATIONIt is not possible to determine if this file can fit on a disc because Windows Media Player cannot detect the length of the file. Playing the file before burning might enable the Player to detect the file length.Windows Media Player encountered a problem while burning the file to the disc. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_ABORT_BURNWindows Media Player cannot burn the audio CD because some items in the list that you chose to buy could not be downloaded from the online store.HRES_NS_E_WMPCORE_DEVICE_DRIVERS_MISSINGWindows Media Player cannot play the file. Try using Windows Update or Device Manager to update the device drivers for your audio and video cards. For information about using Windows Update or Device Manager, see Windows Help.Windows Media Player has detected that you are not connected to the Internet. Connect to the Internet, and then try again.The attempt to connect to the Internet was canceled.The attempt to connect to the Internet failed.HRES_NS_E_WINSOCK_ERROR_STRINGWindows Media Player has encountered an unknown network error.No window is currently listening to Backup and Restore events.Your media usage rights were not backed up because the backup was canceled.Your media usage rights were not restored because the restoration was canceled.An error occurred while backing up or restoring your media usage rights. A required web page cannot be displayed.Windows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights from the specified location. Choose another location, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMPBR_BACKUPRESTOREFAILEDWindows Media Player cannot backup or restore your media usage rights.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_FAILEDWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_ERRORURLWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the content provider prohibits it. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_NO_RIGHTS_NOERRORURLHRES_NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_FILE_CORRUPTWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The file might not be valid.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNAVAILABLE_ERRORURLWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, click Web Help to display the website of the company that provided the file.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNAVAILABLE_NOERRORURLWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CONVERT_PLUGIN_UNKNOWN_FILE_OWNERHRES_NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_NSWindows Media Player cannot play this DVD. Try installing an updated driver for your video card or obtaining a newer video card.HRES_NS_E_DVD_DISC_COPY_PROTECT_OUTPUT_FAILEDThis DVD's resolution exceeds the maximum allowed by your component video outputs. Try reducing your screen resolution to 640 x 480, or turn off analog component outputs and use a VGA connection to your monitor.HRES_NS_E_DVD_NO_SUBPICTURE_STREAMWindows Media Player cannot display subtitles or highlights in DVD menus. Reinstall the DVD decoder or contact the DVD drive manufacturer to obtain an updated decoder.Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because there is a problem with digital copy protection between your DVD drive, decoder, and video card. Try installing an updated driver for your video card.HRES_NS_E_DVD_AUTHORING_PROBLEMWindows Media Player cannot play the DVD. The disc was created in a manner that the Player does not support.HRES_NS_E_DVD_INVALID_DISC_REGIONWindows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the disc prohibits playback in your region of the world. You must obtain a disc that is intended for your geographic region.HRES_NS_E_DVD_COMPATIBLE_VIDEO_CARDWindows Media Player cannot play the DVD because your video card does not support DVD playback.Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because it is not possible to turn on analog copy protection on the output display. Try installing an updated driver for your video card.HRES_NS_E_DVD_SYSTEM_DECODER_REGIONWindows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the region assigned to your DVD drive does not match the region assigned to your DVD decoder.HRES_NS_E_DVD_DISC_DECODER_REGIONWindows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings.Windows Media Player cannot play DVD audio. Verify that your sound card is set up correctly, and then try again.Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. Close any open files and quit any other programs, and then try again. If the problem persists, restart your computer.Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because a compatible DVD decoder is not installed on your computer.Windows Media Player cannot play the scene because it has a parental rating higher than the rating that you are authorized to view.Windows Media Player cannot skip to the requested location on the DVD.HRES_NS_E_DVD_DEVICE_CONTENTIONWindows Media Player cannot play the DVD because it is currently in use by another program. Quit the other program that is using the DVD, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_DVD_CANNOT_COPY_PROTECTEDWindows Media Player cannot rip the DVD because it is copy protected.HRES_NS_E_DVD_REQUIRED_PROPERTY_NOT_SETOne of more of the required properties has not been set.HRES_NS_E_DVD_INVALID_TITLE_CHAPTERThe specified title and/or chapter number does not exist on this DVD.Windows Media Player cannot burn the files because the Player cannot find a burner. If the burner is connected properly, try using Windows Update to install the latest device driver.Windows Media Player does not detect storage media in the selected device. Insert storage media into the device, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_PDA_UNSUPPORTED_FORMATWindows Media Player cannot sync this file. The Player might not support the file type.Windows Media Player does not detect a portable device. Connect your portable device, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_PDA_UNSPECIFIED_ERRORWindows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with the device. The storage card on the device might be full, the device might be turned off, or the device might not allow playlists or folders to be created on it.Windows Media Player encountered an error while burning a CD.HRES_NS_E_PDA_FAIL_SELECT_DEVICEWindows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with a portable device or CD drive.HRES_NS_E_PDA_FAIL_READ_WAVE_FILEWindows Media Player cannot open the WAV file.HRES_NS_E_IMAPI_LOSSOFSTREAMINGWindows Media Player failed to burn all the files to the CD. Select a slower recording speed, and then try again.There is not enough storage space on the portable device to complete this operation. Delete some unneeded files on the portable device, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_FAIL_LAUNCH_ROXIO_PLUGINWindows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that your burner is connected properly, and then try again. If the problem persists, reinstall the Player.HRES_NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_FULL_IN_SESSIONWindows Media Player did not sync some files to the device because there is not enough storage space on the device.HRES_NS_E_IMAPI_MEDIUM_INVALIDTYPEThe disc in the burner is not valid. Insert a blank disc into the burner, and then try again.Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the device does not support sync.HRES_NS_E_PDA_PARTNERSHIPNOTEXISTTo perform the requested action, you must first set up sync with the device.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_CREATE_ADDITIONAL_SYNC_RELATIONSHIPYou have already created sync partnerships with 16 devices. To create a new sync partnership, you must first end an existing partnership.HRES_NS_E_PDA_NO_TRANSCODE_OF_DRMWindows Media Player cannot sync the file because protected files cannot be converted to the required quality level or file format.HRES_NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODECACHEFULLThe folder that stores converted files is full. Either empty the folder or increase its size, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILE_COLLISIONSThere are too many files with the same name in the folder on the device. Change the file name or sync to a different folder.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODEWindows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device.HRES_NS_E_PDA_TOO_MANY_FILES_IN_DIRECTORYYou have reached the maximum number of files your device allows in a folder. If your device supports playback from subfolders, try creating subfolders on the device and storing some files in them.HRES_NS_E_PROCESSINGSHOWSYNCWIZARDWindows Media Player is already trying to start the Device Setup Wizard.HRES_NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_NOT_PERMITTEDWindows Media Player cannot convert this file format. If an updated version of the codec used to compress this file is available, install it and then try to sync the file again.HRES_NS_E_PDA_INITIALIZINGDEVICESWindows Media Player is busy setting up devices. Try again later.Your device is using an outdated driver that is no longer supported by Windows Media Player. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because a file with the same name already exists on the device. Change the file name or try to sync the file to a different folder.HRES_NS_E_PDA_DEVICESUPPORTDISABLEDAutomatic and manual sync have been turned off temporarily. To sync to a device, restart Windows Media Player.HRES_NS_E_PDA_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLEThis device is not available. Connect the device to the computer, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_PDA_ENCODER_NOT_RESPONDINGWindows Media Player cannot sync the file because an error occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. If the problem persists, remove the file from the list of files to sync.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_LOCATIONWindows Media Player cannot sync the file to your device. The file might be stored in a location that is not supported. Copy the file from its current location to your hard disk, add it to your library, and then try to sync the file again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PROTOCOL_PROBLEMWindows Media Player cannot open the specified URL. Verify that the Player is configured to use all available protocols, and then try again.Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.The server denied access to the file. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CANNOT_FIND_FILEWindows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted.HRES_NS_E_WMP_SERVER_INACCESSIBLEWindows Media Player cannot connect to the server. The server name might not be correct, the server might not be available, or your proxy settings might not be correct.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UNSUPPORTED_FORMATWindows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DSHOW_UNSUPPORTED_FORMATWindows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or a required codec might not be installed on your computer.Windows Media Player cannot create the playlist because the name already exists. Type a different playlist name.Windows Media Player cannot delete the playlist because it contains items that are not digital media files. Any digital media files in the playlist were deleted.The playlist cannot be opened because it is stored in a shared folder on another computer. If possible, move the playlist to the playlists folder on your computer.Windows Media Player is already in use. Stop playing any items, close all Player dialog boxes, and then try again.Windows Media Player encountered an error while burning. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged.Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error with your portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_4CCA codec is required to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CODEC_NEEDED_WITH_FORMATTAGAn audio codec is needed to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_MSSAP_NOT_AVAILABLETo play the file, you must install the latest Windows service pack. To install the service pack from the Windows Update website, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INTERFACEDEADWindows Media Player no longer detects a portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_WMDM_NOTCERTIFIEDWindows Media Player cannot sync the file because the portable device does not support protected files.HRES_NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_NOTEXISTThis file does not have sync rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get sync rights.HRES_NS_E_WMP_WMDM_LICENSE_EXPIREDWindows Media Player cannot sync the file because the sync rights have expired. Go to the content provider's online store to get new sync rights.The portable device is already in use. Wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the portable device, and then try again.Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the content provider or device prohibits it. You might be able to resolve this problem by going to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.HRES_NS_E_WMP_WMDM_INCORRECT_RIGHTSThe content provider has not granted you the right to sync this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.Windows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD. Verify that the disc is clean and not damaged. If necessary, select a slower recording speed or try a different brand of blank discs.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_NOTPRESENTWindows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_BUSYWindows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_LOSS_OF_STREAMINGWindows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD.HRES_NS_E_WMP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLEWindows Media Player cannot play the file. The server might not be available or there might be a problem with your network or firewall settings.HRES_NS_E_WMP_FILE_OPEN_FAILEDWindows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player must connect to the Internet to verify the file's media usage rights. Connect to the Internet, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NOT_RESPONDINGWindows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_CORRUPT_BACKUPWindows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights because it could not find any backed up rights on your computer.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_UNAVAILABLEWindows Media Player cannot download media usage rights because the server is not available (for example, the server might be busy or not online).HRES_NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_FIREWALLWindows Media Player cannot play the file. A network firewall might be preventing the Player from opening the file by using the UDP transport protocol. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:").HRES_NS_E_WMP_NO_REMOVABLE_MEDIAInsert the removable media, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUTWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the proxy server is not responding. The proxy server might be temporarily unavailable or your Player proxy settings might not be valid.To play the file, you might need to install a later version of Windows Media Player. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates, and then follow the instructions. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_HW_PROBLEMWindows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.HRES_NS_E_WMP_INVALID_PROTOCOLWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:").HRES_NS_E_WMP_INVALID_LIBRARY_ADDWindows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the file format is not supported.HRES_NS_E_WMP_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTEDWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, "mms:").HRES_NS_E_WMP_NO_PROTOCOLS_SELECTEDWindows Media Player cannot play the file because there are no streaming protocols selected. Select one or more protocols, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_GOFULLSCREEN_FAILEDWindows Media Player cannot switch to Full Screen. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try setting Hardware acceleration to Full.Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available (for example, the server is busy or not online) or you might not be connected to the network.Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the server is not responding. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later.HRES_NS_E_WMP_MULTICAST_DISABLEDWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the multicast protocol is not enabled. On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Network tab, and then select the Multicast check box. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_WMP_SERVER_DNS_TIMEOUTWindows Media Player cannot play the file because a network problem occurred. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later.Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the network proxy server cannot be found. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_TAMPERED_CONTENTYour computer is running low on memory. Quit other programs, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLEDWindows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the file because a required audio codec is not installed on your computer.HRES_NS_E_WMP_VIDEO_CODEC_NOT_INSTALLEDWindows Media Player cannot play the file because the required video codec is not installed on your computer.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_DEVICE_INVALIDTYPEWindows Media Player cannot burn the files. If the burner is busy, wait for the current task to finish. If necessary, verify that the burner is connected properly and that you have installed the latest device driver.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILUREWindows Media Player cannot play the protected file because there is a problem with your sound device. Try installing a new device driver or use a different sound device.HRES_NS_E_WMP_NETWORK_RESOURCE_FAILUREWindows Media Player encountered a network error. Restart the Player.HRES_NS_E_WMP_UPGRADE_APPLICATIONWindows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player.Windows Media Player encountered an unknown error. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required codec is not valid.The CD drive is in use by another user. Wait for the task to complete, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEEDS_AUTHORIZATIONWindows Media Player cannot play, sync, or burn the protected file because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. You might need to connect to the Internet to update your DRM components. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there might be a problem with your sound or video device. Try installing an updated device driver.Windows Media Player cannot access the file. The file might be in use, you might not have access to the computer where the file is stored, or your proxy settings might not be correct.HRES_NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_RESTRICTSThe content provider prohibits this action. Go to the content provider's online store to get new media usage rights.Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action at this time.HRES_NS_E_WMP_CD_STASH_NO_SPACEWindows Media Player cannot burn the files because there is not enough free disk space to store the temporary files. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_NEW_HARDWAREYour media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer.The required Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component cannot be validated. You might be able resolve the problem by reinstalling the Player.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_CANNOT_RESTOREYou have exceeded your restore limit for the day. Try restoring your media usage rights tomorrow.HRES_NS_E_WMP_BURN_DISC_OVERFLOWSome files might not fit on the CD. The required space cannot be calculated accurately because some files might be missing duration information. To ensure the calculation is accurate, play the files that are missing duration information.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_GENERIC_LICENSE_FAILUREWindows Media Player cannot verify the file's media usage rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get the necessary rights.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_SECURE_CLOCKIt is not possible to sync because this device's internal clock is not set correctly. To set the clock, select the option to set the device clock on the Privacy tab of the Options dialog box, connect to the Internet, and then sync the device again. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the protected file because you do not have the appropriate rights.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_INDIV_FAILEDWindows Media Player encountered an error during upgrade.HRES_NS_E_WMP_SERVER_NONEWCONNECTIONSWindows Media Player cannot connect to the server because it is not accepting any new connections. This could be because it has reached its maximum connection limit. Please try again later.HRES_NS_E_WMP_MULTIPLE_ERROR_IN_PLAYLISTA number of queued files cannot be played. To find information about the problem, click the Now Playing tab, and then click the icon next to each file in the List pane.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_FAILWindows Media Player encountered an error while erasing the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAPI2_ERASE_DEVICE_BUSYWindows Media Player cannot erase the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_COMPONENT_FAILUREA Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component encountered a problem. If you are trying to use a file that you obtained from an online store, try going to the online store and getting the appropriate usage rights.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_NO_DEVICE_CERTIt is not possible to obtain device's certificate. Please contact the device manufacturer for a firmware update or for other steps to resolve this problem.HRES_NS_E_WMP_SERVER_SECURITY_ERRORWindows Media Player encountered an error when connecting to the server. The security information from the server could not be validated.HRES_NS_E_WMP_AUDIO_DEVICE_LOSTAn audio device was disconnected or reconfigured. Verify that the audio device is connected, and then try to play the item again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_IMAPI_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLEWindows Media Player could not complete burning because the disc is not compatible with your drive. Try inserting a different kind of recordable media or use a disc that supports a write speed that is compatible with your drive.Windows Media Player cannot save the sync settings because your device is full. Delete some unneeded files on your device and then try again.HRES_NS_E_SYNCWIZ_CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTINGSIt is not possible to change sync settings at this time. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_TRANSCODE_DELETECACHEERRORWindows Media Player cannot delete these files currently. If the Player is synchronizing, wait until it is complete and then try again.Windows Media Player could not use digital mode to read the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog mode. To switch back to digital mode, use the Devices tab. For additional assistance, click Web Help.HRES_NS_E_CD_EMPTY_TRACK_QUEUENo CD track was specified for playback.The CD filter was not able to create the CD reader.HRES_NS_E_CD_MEDIA_CATALOG_NUMBER_INVALIDHRES_NS_E_SLOW_READ_DIGITAL_WITH_ERRORCORRECTIONWindows Media Player cannot play audio CDs correctly because the CD drive is slow and error correction is turned on. To increase performance, turn off playback error correction for this drive.HRES_NS_E_CD_SPEEDDETECT_NOT_ENOUGH_READSWindows Media Player cannot estimate the CD drive's playback speed because the CD track is too short.HRES_NS_E_CD_QUEUEING_DISABLEDCannot queue the CD track because queuing is not enabled.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSEWindows Media Player cannot download additional media usage rights until the current download is complete.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIREDThe media usage rights for this file have expired or are no longer valid. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIREDWindows Media Player cannot download the media usage rights for the file. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLEDThe media usage rights for this file are not yet valid. To see when they will become valid, right-click the file in the library, click Properties, and then click the Media Usage Rights tab.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLEThe media usage rights for this file are not valid. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for assistance.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKEDThe content provider has revoked the media usage rights for this file. If you obtained this file from an online store, ask the store if a new version of the file is available.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAPThe media usage rights for this file require a feature that is not supported in your current version of Windows Media Player or your current version of Windows. Try installing the latest version of the Player. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSEWindows Media Player cannot download media usage rights at this time. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_WMP_LICENSE_REQUIREDWindows Media Player cannot play, burn, or sync the file because the media usage rights are missing. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_WMP_PROTECTED_CONTENTHRES_NS_E_WMP_POLICY_VALUE_NOT_CONFIGUREDWindows Media Player cannot read a policy. This can occur when the policy does not exist in the registry or when the registry cannot be read.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_FROM_INTERNETWindows Media Player cannot sync content streamed directly from the Internet. If possible, download the file to your computer, and then try to sync the file.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_SYNC_INVALID_PLAYLISTThis playlist is not valid or is corrupted. Create a new playlist using Windows Media Player, then sync the new playlist instead.HRES_NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_SYNCHRONIZE_FILEWindows Media Player encountered a problem while synchronizing the file to the device. For additional assistance, click Web Help.Windows Media Player encountered an error while synchronizing to the device.Windows Media Player cannot delete a file from the device.HRES_NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_FILEWindows Media Player cannot copy a file from the device to your library.HRES_NS_E_PDA_DEVICE_NOT_RESPONDINGWindows Media Player cannot communicate with the device because the device is not responding. Try reconnecting the device, resetting the device, or contacting the device manufacturer for updated firmware.HRES_NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_TRANSCODE_PHOTOWindows Media Player cannot sync the picture to the device because a problem occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. The original file might be damaged or corrupted.HRES_NS_E_PDA_FAILED_TO_ENCRYPT_TRANSCODED_FILEWindows Media Player cannot convert the file. The file might have been encrypted by the Encrypted File System (EFS). Try decrypting the file first and then synchronizing it. For information about how to decrypt a file, see Windows Help and Support.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_AUDIOYour device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing audio, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to an audio format that is supported by the device.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_VIDEOYour device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing video, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a video format that is supported by the device.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CANNOT_TRANSCODE_TO_IMAGEYour device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support displaying pictures, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a picture format that is supported by the device.HRES_NS_E_PDA_RETRIEVED_FILE_FILENAME_TOO_LONGWindows Media Player cannot sync the file to your computer because the file name is too long. Try renaming the file on the device.HRES_NS_E_PDA_CEWMDM_DRM_ERRORWindows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device is not responding. This typically occurs when there is a problem with the device firmware. For additional assistance, click Web Help.It is not possible to perform the requested action because sync is in progress. You can either stop sync or wait for it to complete, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_PDA_SYNC_LOGIN_ERRORWindows Media Player cannot sync the subscription content because you are not signed in to the online store that provided it. Sign in to the online store, and then try again.HRES_NS_E_PDA_TRANSCODE_CODEC_NOT_FOUNDWindows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device. One or more codecs required to convert the file could not be found.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_DRM_TO_NON_JANUS_DEVICEIt is not possible to sync subscription files to this device.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_SYNC_PREVIOUS_SYNC_RUNNINGYour device is operating slowly or is not responding. Until the device responds, it is not possible to sync again. To return the device to normal operation, try disconnecting it from the computer or resetting it.The Windows Media Player download manager cannot function properly because the Player main window cannot be found. Try restarting the Player.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WRONG_NO_FILESWindows Media Player encountered a download that has the wrong number of files. This might occur if another program is trying to create jobs with the same signature as the Player.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_COMPLETECANCELLEDJOBWindows Media Player tried to complete a download that was already canceled. The file will not be available.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CANCELCOMPLETEDJOBWindows Media Player tried to cancel a download that was already completed. The file will not be removed.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_NOJOBPOINTERWindows Media Player is trying to access a download that is not valid.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALIDJOBSIGNATUREThis download was not created by Windows Media Player.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILED_TO_CREATE_TEMPFILEThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot create a temporary file name. This might occur if the path is not valid or if the disk is full.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDINITIALIZEThe Windows Media Player download manager plug-in cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_PLUGIN_FAILEDTOMOVEFILEThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot move the file.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCFAILEDThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the system has no resources to allocate.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCTIMEOUTThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the task took too long to run.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_CALLFUNCENDEDThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the Player is terminating the service. The task will be recovered when the Player restarts.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_WMDUNPACKFAILEDThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot expand a WMD file. The file will be deleted and the operation will not be completed successfully.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_FAILEDINITIALIZEThe Windows Media Player download manager cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources.HRES_NS_E_INTERFACE_NOT_REGISTERED_IN_GITWindows Media Player cannot access a required functionality. This might occur if the wrong system files or Player DLLs are loaded.HRES_NS_E_BKGDOWNLOAD_INVALID_FILE_NAMEWindows Media Player cannot get the file name of the requested download. The requested download will be canceled.HRES_NS_E_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILEDWindows Media Player encountered an error while downloading an image.Windows Media Player cannot update your media usage rights because the Player cannot verify the list of activated users of this computer.HRES_NS_E_WMP_DRM_NOT_ACQUIRINGWindows Media Player is trying to acquire media usage rights for a file that is no longer being used. Rights acquisition will stop.HRES_NS_E_WMP_AUTOPLAY_INVALID_STATEThe state is not valid for this request.HRES_NS_E_WMP_COMPONENT_REVOKEDWindows Media Player cannot play this file until you complete the software component upgrade. After the component has been upgraded, try to play the file again.The URL is not safe for the operation specified.The URL contains one or more characters that are not valid.HRES_NS_E_CURL_INVALIDHOSTNAMEThe URL contains a host name that is not valid.The URL contains a path that is not valid.The URL contains a scheme that is not valid.Windows Media Player cannot play the file. If you clicked a link on a web page, the link might not be valid.HRES_NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTADIRECTORYThe URL contains characters that cannot be decoded. The URL might be truncated or incomplete.HRES_NS_E_CURLHELPER_NOTRELATIVEThe specified URL is not a relative URL.HRES_NS_E_CURL_INVALIDBUFFERSIZEThe buffer is smaller than the size specified.HRES_NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_PLAYBACK_DISALLOWEDThe content provider has not granted you the right to play this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get play rights.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_BUY_OR_DOWNLOAD_FROM_MULTIPLE_SERVICESWindows Media Player cannot purchase or download content from multiple online stores.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_BUY_OR_DOWNLOAD_CONTENTThe file cannot be purchased or downloaded. The file might not be available from the online store.HRES_NS_E_NOT_CONTENT_PARTNER_TRACKThe provider of this file cannot be identified.HRES_NS_E_TRACK_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRES_ALBUM_PURCHASEThe file is only available for download when you buy the entire album.HRES_NS_E_TRACK_DOWNLOAD_REQUIRES_PURCHASEYou must buy the file before you can download it.HRES_NS_E_TRACK_PURCHASE_MAXIMUM_EXCEEDEDYou have exceeded the maximum number of files that can be purchased in a single transaction.HRES_NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_LOGIN_FAILEDWindows Media Player cannot sign in to the online store. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password. If the problem persists, the store might be temporarily unavailable.HRES_NS_E_SUBSCRIPTIONSERVICE_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUTWindows Media Player cannot download this item because the server is not responding. The server might be temporarily unavailable or the Internet connection might be lost.HRES_NS_E_CONTENT_PARTNER_STILL_INITIALIZINGContent Partner still initializing.HRES_NS_E_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER_FAILEDThe folder could not be opened. The folder might have been moved or deleted.HRES_NS_E_ADVANCEDEDIT_TOO_MANY_PICTURESWindows Media Player could not add all of the images to the file because the images exceeded the 7 megabyte (MB) limit.The client redirected to another server.The streaming media description is no longer current.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_PERSISTIt is not possible to create a persistent namespace node under a transient parent node.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_TYPEIt is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different value type.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_CONFLICTIt is not possible to remove the root namespace node.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_NODE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified namespace node could not be found.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLThe buffer supplied to hold namespace node string is too small.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_TOO_MANY_CALLBACKSThe callback list on a namespace node is at the maximum size.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_CALLBACKIt is not possible to register an already-registered callback on a namespace node.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_CALLBACK_NOT_FOUNDCannot find the callback in the namespace when attempting to remove the callback.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_NAME_TOO_LONGThe namespace node name exceeds the allowed maximum length.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_DUPLICATE_NAMECannot create a namespace node that already exists.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_EMPTY_NAMEThe namespace node name cannot be a null string.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_INDEX_TOO_LARGEFinding a child namespace node by index failed because the index exceeded the number of children.The namespace node name is invalid.HRES_NS_E_NAMESPACE_WRONG_SECURITYIt is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different security type.HRES_NS_E_CACHE_ARCHIVE_CONFLICTThe archive request conflicts with other requests in progress.HRES_NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_NOT_FOUNDThe specified origin server cannot be found.HRES_NS_E_CACHE_ORIGIN_SERVER_TIMEOUTThe specified origin server is not responding.The internal code for HTTP status code 412 Precondition Failed due to not broadcast type.HRES_NS_E_CACHE_CANNOT_BE_CACHEDThe internal code for HTTP status code 403 Forbidden due to not cacheable.The internal code for HTTP status code 304 Not Modified.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PUBLISHING_POINTIt is not possible to remove a cache or proxy publishing point.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_REMOVE_PLUGINIt is not possible to remove the last instance of a type of plug-in.HRES_NS_E_WRONG_PUBLISHING_POINT_TYPECache and proxy publishing points do not support this property or method.HRES_NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LOAD_TYPEThe plug-in does not support the specified load type.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PLUGIN_LOAD_TYPE_CONFIGURATIONThe plug-in does not support any load types. The plug-in must support at least one load type.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAMEThe publishing point name is invalid.HRES_NS_E_TOO_MANY_MULTICAST_SINKSOnly one multicast data writer plug-in can be enabled for a publishing point.HRES_NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_INVALID_REQUEST_WHILE_STARTEDThe requested operation cannot be completed while the publishing point is started.HRES_NS_E_MULTICAST_PLUGIN_NOT_ENABLEDA multicast data writer plug-in must be enabled in order for this operation to be completed.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSIONThis feature requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.HRES_NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_REMOVEDThe requested operation cannot be completed because the specified publishing point has been removed.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINT_START_REQUESTPush publishing points are started when the encoder starts pushing the stream. This publishing point cannot be started by the server administrator.HRES_NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGEThe specified language is not supported.Windows Media Services will only run on Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition and Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.HRES_NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_STOPPEDThe operation cannot be completed because the publishing point has been stopped.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_ALREADY_PLAYINGThe playlist entry is already playing.The playlist or directory you are requesting does not contain content.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_PARSE_FAILUREThe server was unable to parse the requested playlist file.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRYThe requested operation is not supported for this type of playlist entry.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_NOT_IN_PLAYLISTCannot jump to a playlist entry that is not inserted in the playlist.Cannot seek to the desired playlist entry.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_RECURSIVE_PLAYLISTSCannot play recursive playlist.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_TOO_MANY_NESTED_PLAYLISTSThe number of nested playlists exceeded the limit the server can handle.Cannot execute the requested operation because the playlist has been shut down by the Media Server.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_END_RECEDINGThe playlist has ended while receding.The data path does not have an associated data writer plug-in.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_TEMPLATEThe specified push template is invalid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PUSH_PUBLISHING_POINTThe specified push publishing point is invalid.The requested operation cannot be performed because the server or publishing point is in a critical error state.The content cannot be played because the server is not currently accepting connections. Try connecting at a later time.The version of this playlist is not supported by the server.The command does not apply to the current media header user by a server component.HRES_NS_E_PUSH_DUPLICATE_PUBLISHING_POINT_NAMEThe specified publishing point name is already in use.There is no script engine available for this file.HRES_NS_E_PLUGIN_ERROR_REPORTEDThe plug-in has reported an error. See the Troubleshooting tab or the NT Application Event Log for details.HRES_NS_E_SOURCE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUNDNo enabled data source plug-in is available to access the requested content.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUNDNo enabled playlist parser plug-in is available to access the requested content.HRES_NS_E_DATA_SOURCE_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe data source plug-in does not support enumeration.HRES_NS_E_MEDIA_PARSER_INVALID_FORMATThe server cannot stream the selected file because it is either damaged or corrupt. Select a different file.HRES_NS_E_SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_NOT_INSTALLEDThe plug-in cannot be enabled because a compatible script debugger is not installed on this system. Install a script debugger, or disable the script debugger option on the general tab of the plug-in's properties page and try again.HRES_NS_E_FEATURE_REQUIRES_ENTERPRISE_SERVERThe plug-in cannot be loaded because it requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.Another wizard is currently running. Please close the other wizard or wait until it finishes before attempting to run this wizard again.Invalid log URL. Multicast logging URL must look like "http://servername/isapibackend.dll".Invalid MTU specified. The valid range for maximum packet size is between 36 and 65507 bytes.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PLAY_STATISTICSInvalid play statistics for logging.HRES_NS_E_LOG_NEED_TO_BE_SKIPPEDHRES_NS_E_HTTP_TEXT_DATACONTAINER_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe size of the data exceeded the limit the WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin can handle.One usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again.One usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services (such as IIS) or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again.HRES_NS_E_HTTP_TEXT_DATACONTAINER_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSEThe WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin was unable to receive the remote server's response.The archive plug-in has reached its quota.HRES_NS_E_ARCHIVE_ABORT_DUE_TO_BCASTThe archive plug-in aborted because the source was from broadcast.HRES_NS_E_ARCHIVE_GAP_DETECTEDThe archive plug-in detected an interrupt in the source.HRES_NS_E_AUTHORIZATION_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe mark-in time should be greater than 0 and less than the mark-out time.The mark-out time should be greater than the mark-in time and less than the file duration.HRES_NS_E_NOMATCHING_MEDIASOURCENo matching media type is found in the source %1.HRES_NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_SOURCETYPEThe specified source type is not supported.It is not possible to specify more than one audio input.It is not possible to specify more than two video inputs.No matching element is found in the list.HRES_NS_E_MISMATCHED_MEDIACONTENTThe profile's media types must match the media types defined for the session.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_DELETE_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUPIt is not possible to remove an active source while encoding.It is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because it is currently in use.HRES_NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_UNEXPECTEDIt is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because an unexpected error has occurred.HRES_NS_E_AUDIODEVICE_BADFORMATThe audio capture device does not support the specified audio format.It is not possible to open the specified video capture device because it is currently in use.HRES_NS_E_VIDEODEVICE_UNEXPECTEDIt is not possible to open the specified video capture device because an unexpected error has occurred.HRES_NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_RUNNINGThis operation is not allowed while encoding.HRES_NS_E_NO_PROFILE_IN_SOURCEGROUPNo profile is set for the source.HRES_NS_E_VIDEODRIVER_UNSTABLEThe video capture driver returned an unrecoverable error. It is now in an unstable state.It was not possible to start the video device.HRES_NS_E_VIDSOURCECOMPRESSIONThe video source does not support the requested output format or color depth.The video source does not support the requested capture size.It was not possible to obtain output information from the video compressor.It was not possible to create a video capture window.There is already a stream active on this video device.HRES_NS_E_NO_MEDIAFORMAT_IN_SOURCENo media format is set in source.HRES_NS_E_NO_VALID_OUTPUT_STREAMCannot find a valid output stream from the source.HRES_NS_E_NO_VALID_SOURCE_PLUGINIt was not possible to find a valid source plug-in for the specified source.HRES_NS_E_NO_ACTIVE_SOURCEGROUPNo source is currently active.No script stream is set in the current source.HRES_NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ARCHIVAL_RUNNINGThis operation is not allowed while archiving.The setting for the maximum packet size is not valid.HRES_NS_E_PLUGIN_CLSID_INVALIDThe plug-in CLSID specified is not valid.HRES_NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVETYPEThis archive type is not supported.HRES_NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVEOPERATIONThis archive operation is not supported.HRES_NS_E_ARCHIVE_FILENAME_NOTSETThe local archive file name was not set.HRES_NS_E_SOURCEGROUP_NOTPREPAREDThe source is not yet prepared.Profiles on the sources do not match.HRES_NS_E_INCORRECTCLIPSETTINGSThe specified crop values are not valid.No statistics are available at this time.HRES_NS_E_INVALIDCALL_WHILE_ENCODER_STOPPEDThis operation is only allowed during encoding.This SourceGroupCollection doesn't contain any SourceGroups.This source does not have a frame rate of 30 fps. Therefore, it is not possible to apply the inverse telecine filter to the source.It is not possible to display your source or output video in the Video panel.One or more codecs required to open this content could not be found.HRES_NS_E_ARCHIVE_SAME_AS_INPUTThe archive file has the same name as an input file. Change one of the names before continuing.The source has not been set up completely.HRES_NS_E_NO_REALTIME_TIMECOMPRESSIONIt is not possible to apply time compression to a broadcast session.HRES_NS_E_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODER_DEVICEIt is not possible to open this device.HRES_NS_E_UNEXPECTED_DISPLAY_SETTINGSIt is not possible to start encoding because the display size or color has changed since the current session was defined. Restore the previous settings or create a new session.No audio data has been received for several seconds. Check the audio source and restart the encoder.One or all of the specified sources are not working properly. Check that the sources are configured correctly.HRES_NS_E_WME_VERSION_MISMATCHThe supplied configuration file is not supported by this version of the encoder.HRES_NS_E_NO_REALTIME_PREPROCESSIt is not possible to use image preprocessing with live encoding.HRES_NS_E_NO_REPEAT_PREPROCESSIt is not possible to use two-pass encoding when the source is set to loop.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_PAUSE_LIVEBROADCASTIt is not possible to pause encoding during a broadcast.A DRM profile has not been set for the current session.HRES_NS_E_DUPLICATE_DRMPROFILEThe profile ID is already used by a DRM profile. Specify a different profile ID.The setting of the selected device does not support control for playing back tapes.HRES_NS_E_SPEECHEDL_ON_NON_MIXEDMODEYou must specify a mixed voice and audio mode in order to use an optimization definition file.HRES_NS_E_DRM_PASSWORD_TOO_LONGThe specified password is too long. Type a password with fewer than 8 characters.HRES_NS_E_DEVCONTROL_FAILED_SEEKIt is not possible to seek to the specified mark-in point.HRES_NS_E_INTERLACE_REQUIRE_SAMESIZEWhen you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must match the input video size.HRES_NS_E_TOO_MANY_DEVICECONTROLOnly one device control plug-in can control a device.HRES_NS_E_NO_MULTIPASS_FOR_LIVEDEVICEYou must also enable storing content to hard disk temporarily in order to use two-pass encoding with the input device.An audience is missing from the output stream configuration.HRES_NS_E_AUDIENCE_CONTENTTYPE_MISMATCHAll audiences in the output tree must have the same content type.HRES_NS_E_MISSING_SOURCE_INDEXA source index is missing from the output stream configuration.HRES_NS_E_NUM_LANGUAGE_MISMATCHThe same source index in different audiences should have the same number of languages.The same source index in different audiences should have the same languages.The same source index in different audiences should use the same VBR encoding mode.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_AUDIENCE_INDEXThe bit rate index specified is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_LANGUAGEThe specified language is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_INPUT_STREAMThe specified source type is not valid.HRES_NS_E_EXPECT_MONO_WAV_INPUTThe source must be a mono channel .wav file.HRES_NS_E_INPUT_WAVFORMAT_MISMATCHAll the source .wav files must have the same format.The hard disk being used for temporary storage of content has reached the minimum allowed disk space. Create more space on the hard disk and restart encoding.HRES_NS_E_NO_PAL_INVERSE_TELECINEIt is not possible to apply the inverse telecine feature to PAL content.HRES_NS_E_ACTIVE_SG_DEVICE_DISCONNECTEDA capture device in the current active source is no longer available.HRES_NS_E_ACTIVE_SG_DEVICE_CONTROL_DISCONNECTEDA device used in the current active source for device control is no longer available.HRES_NS_E_NO_FRAMES_SUBMITTED_TO_ANALYZERNo frames have been submitted to the analyzer for analysis.HRES_NS_E_INPUT_DOESNOT_SUPPORT_SMPTEThe source video does not support time codes.HRES_NS_E_NO_SMPTE_WITH_MULTIPLE_SOURCEGROUPSIt is not possible to generate a time code when there are multiple sources in a session.The voice codec optimization definition file cannot be found or is corrupted.HRES_NS_E_INTERLACEMODE_MISMATCHThe same source index in different audiences should have the same interlace mode.HRES_NS_E_NONSQUAREPIXELMODE_MISMATCHThe same source index in different audiences should have the same nonsquare pixel mode.The same source index in different audiences should have the same time code mode.Either the end of the tape has been reached or there is no tape. Check the device and tape.HRES_NS_E_NO_MEDIA_IN_AUDIENCENo audio or video input has been specified.The profile must contain a bit rate.You must specify at least one audio stream to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.Using a VBR encoding mode is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.You must specify a profile name.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VBR_WITH_UNCOMPIt is not possible to use a VBR encoding mode with uncompressed audio or video.HRES_NS_E_MULTIPLE_VBR_AUDIENCESIt is not possible to use MBR encoding with VBR encoding.HRES_NS_E_UNCOMP_COMP_COMBINATIONIt is not possible to mix uncompressed and compressed content in a session.HRES_NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_CODECSAll audiences must use the same audio codec.HRES_NS_E_MULTIPLE_AUDIO_FORMATSAll audiences should use the same audio format to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.HRES_NS_E_AUDIO_BITRATE_STEPDOWNThe audio bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATEThe audio peak bit rate setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_PEAKRATE_2The audio peak bit rate setting must be greater than the audio bit rate setting.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_AUDIO_BUFFERMAXThe setting for the maximum buffer size for audio is not valid.HRES_NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_CODECSAll audiences must use the same video codec.HRES_NS_E_MULTIPLE_VIDEO_SIZESAll audiences should use the same video size to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BITRATEThe video bit rate setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_VIDEO_BITRATE_STEPDOWNThe video bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATEThe video peak bit rate setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_PEAKRATE_2The video peak bit rate setting must be greater than the video bit rate setting.The video width setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHTThe video height setting is not valid.The video frame rate setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_KEYFRAMEThe video key frame setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_IQUALITYThe video image quality setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_CQUALITYThe video codec quality setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERThe video buffer setting is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAXThe setting for the maximum buffer size for video is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_BUFFERMAX_2The value of the video maximum buffer size setting must be greater than the video buffer size setting.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH_ALIGNThe alignment of the video width is not valid.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_HEIGHT_ALIGNThe alignment of the video height is not valid.HRES_NS_E_MULTIPLE_SCRIPT_BITRATESAll bit rates must have the same script bit rate.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_SCRIPT_BITRATEThe script bit rate specified is not valid.HRES_NS_E_MULTIPLE_FILE_BITRATESAll bit rates must have the same file transfer bit rate.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_FILE_BITRATEThe file transfer bit rate is not valid.HRES_NS_E_SAME_AS_INPUT_COMBINATIONAll audiences in a profile should either be same as input or have video width and height specified.This source type does not support looping.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_FOLDDOWN_COEFFICIENTSThe fold-down value needs to be between -144 and 0.The specified DRM profile does not exist in the system.The specified time code is not valid.HRES_NS_E_NO_AUDIO_TIMECOMPRESSIONIt is not possible to apply time compression to a video-only session.HRES_NS_E_NO_TWOPASS_TIMECOMPRESSIONIt is not possible to apply time compression to a session that is using two-pass encoding.HRES_NS_E_TIMECODE_REQUIRES_VIDEOSTREAMIt is not possible to generate a time code for an audio-only session.HRES_NS_E_NO_MBR_WITH_TIMECODEIt is not possible to generate a time code when you are encoding content at multiple bit rates.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACEMODEThe video codec selected does not support maintaining interlacing in video.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_INTERLACE_COMPATMaintaining interlacing in video is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_NONSQUAREPIXEL_COMPATAllowing nonsquare pixel output is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_SOURCE_WITH_DEVICE_CONTROLOnly capture devices can be used with device control.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_GENERATE_BROADCAST_INFO_FOR_QUALITYVBRIt is not possible to generate the stream format file if you are using quality-based VBR encoding for the audio or video stream. Instead use the Windows Media file generated after encoding to create the announcement file.HRES_NS_E_EXCEED_MAX_DRM_PROFILE_LIMITIt is not possible to create a DRM profile because the maximum number of profiles has been reached. You must delete some DRM profiles before creating new ones.HRES_NS_E_DEVICECONTROL_UNSTABLEThe device is in an unstable state. Check that the device is functioning properly and a tape is in place.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIOThe pixel aspect ratio value must be between 1 and 255.HRES_NS_E_AUDIENCE__LANGUAGE_CONTENTTYPE_MISMATCHAll streams with different languages in the same audience must have same properties.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_PROFILE_CONTENTTYPEThe profile must contain at least one audio or video stream.HRES_NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUNDThe transform plug-in could not be found.HRES_NS_E_TRANSFORM_PLUGIN_INVALIDThe transform plug-in is not valid. It might be damaged or you might not have the required permissions to access the plug-in.HRES_NS_E_EDL_REQUIRED_FOR_DEVICE_MULTIPASSTo use two-pass encoding, you must enable device control and setup an edit decision list (EDL) that has at least one entry.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_VIDEO_WIDTH_FOR_INTERLACED_ENCODINGWhen you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must be a multiple of 4.Markin/Markout is unsupported with this source type.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPLICATIONA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_ERRORLicense storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_ERRORSecure storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_SAVE_ERRORLicense acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_UNLOCK_ERRORA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_LICENSEThe license is corrupted. Acquire a new license.The license is corrupted or invalid. Acquire a new licenseLicenses cannot be copied from one computer to another. Use License Management to transfer licenses, or get a new license for the media file.HRES_NS_E_DRM_ENUM_LICENSE_FAILEDHRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_REQUESTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZEHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSEThe license could not be acquired. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_ACQUIREDThe requested operation cannot be performed on this file.The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INVALID_XMLHRES_NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATIONHRES_NS_E_DRM_ALREADY_INDIVIDUALIZEDYou already have the latest security components. No upgrade is necessary at this time.HRES_NS_E_DRM_ACTION_NOT_QUERIEDThe application cannot perform this action. Contact product support for this application.HRES_NS_E_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSEYou cannot begin a new license acquisition process until the current one has been completed.You cannot begin a new security upgrade until the current one has been completed.HRES_NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_FAILUREHRES_NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_REQUEST_IDBad Request ID in Backup-Restore.HRES_NS_E_DRM_PARAMETERS_MISMATCHEDHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LICENSE_OBJECTA license cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INDI_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_ENCRYPT_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DECRYPT_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PROPERTIES_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZE_ERRORThe security upgrade failed. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_OPEN_ERRORHRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CLOSE_ERRORHRES_NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSE_ERRORHRES_NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSESTRING_ERRORHRES_NS_E_DRM_GET_CONTENTSTRING_ERRORA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_PARAMETERThe application has made an invalid call to the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA_VERSIONLicenses are already backed up in this location.One or more backed-up licenses are missing or corrupt.HRES_NS_E_DRM_BACKUPRESTORE_BUSYYou cannot begin a new backup process until the current process has been completed.HRES_NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_BAD_DATABad Data sent to Backup-Restore.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLEThe license is invalid. Contact the content provider for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROPERTYA required property was not set by the application. Contact product support for this application.HRES_NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_NOT_FOUNDA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component of this application. Try to acquire a license again.HRES_NS_E_DRM_CACHED_CONTENT_ERRORA license cannot be found for this media file. Use License Management to transfer a license for this file from the original computer, or acquire a new license.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION_INCOMPLETEA problem occurred during the security upgrade. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURECertified driver components are required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware.HRES_NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_MSSAPOne or more of the Secure Audio Path components were not found or an entry point in those components was not found.Status message: Reopen the file.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_DIGIOUT_FAILURECertain driver functionality is required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SECURESTORE_PASSWORDYou cannot restore your license(s).HRES_NS_E_DRM_HARDWARE_INCONSISTENTThe licenses for your media files are corrupted. Contact Microsoft product support.To transfer this media file, you must upgrade the application.HRES_NS_E_DRM_SDMI_NOMORECOPIESYou cannot make any more copies of this media file.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_HEADER_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_KEYS_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIREDHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CODING_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_STATE_DATA_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLThe buffer supplied is not sufficient.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTYThe property requested is not supported.HRES_NS_E_DRM_ERROR_BAD_NET_RESPHRES_NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLSTOREDSome of the licenses could not be stored.HRES_NS_E_DRM_SECURITY_COMPONENT_SIGNATURE_INVALIDThe Digital Rights Management security upgrade component could not be validated. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_POLICY_DISABLE_ONLINEThe Windows Media Digital Rights Management system cannot perform the requested action because your computer or network administrator has enabled the group policy Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access. For assistance, contact your administrator.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_AUTHENTICATION_OBJECTNot all of the necessary properties for DRM have been set.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ACTIVATION_CANCELEDThe portable device does not have the security required to copy protected files to it. To obtain the additional security, try to copy the file to your portable device again. When a message appears, click OK.HRES_NS_E_BACKUP_RESTORE_TOO_MANY_RESETSToo many resets in Backup-Restore.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DEBUGGING_NOT_ALLOWEDRunning this process under a debugger while using DRM content is not allowed.HRES_NS_E_DRM_OPERATION_CANCELEDThe user canceled the DRM operation.HRES_NS_E_DRM_RESTRICTIONS_NOT_RETRIEVEDThe license you are using has assocaited output restrictions. This license is unusable until these restrictions are queried.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLAYLIST_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PLAYLIST_BURN_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_METERING_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_TRACK_EXCEEDED_PLAYLIST_RESTICTIONThe specified track has exceeded it's specified playlist burn limit in this playlist.HRES_NS_E_DRM_TRACK_EXCEEDED_TRACKBURN_RESTRICTIONThe specified track has exceeded it's track burn limit.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_DEVICE_CERTA problem has occurred in obtaining the device's certificate. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_SECURE_CLOCKA problem has occurred in obtaining the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_SECURE_CLOCKA problem has occurred in setting the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_GET_SECURE_CLOCK_FROM_SERVERA problem has occurred in obtaining the secure clock from server. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_POLICY_METERING_DISABLEDThis content requires the metering policy to be enabled.HRES_NS_E_DRM_TRANSFER_CHAINED_LICENSES_UNSUPPORTEDTransfer of chained licenses unsupported.HRES_NS_E_DRM_SDK_VERSIONMISMATCHThe Digital Rights Management component is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LIC_NEEDS_DEVICE_CLOCK_SETThe file could not be transferred because the device clock is not set.HRES_NS_E_LICENSE_HEADER_MISSING_URLThe content header is missing an acquisition URL.HRES_NS_E_DEVICE_NOT_WMDRM_DEVICEThe current attached device does not support WMDRM.HRES_NS_E_DRM_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_PETITIONThe client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM petition.HRES_NS_E_DRM_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_CHALLENGEThe client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM challenge.HRES_NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_FAILEDSecure storage protection error. Restore your licenses from a previous backup and try again.HRES_NS_E_DRM_BB_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZEA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management root of trust. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_HARDWARE_IDA problem has occurred in retrieving the Digital Rights Management machine identification. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_DATA_STOREA problem has occurred in opening the Digital Rights Management data storage file. Contact Microsoft product.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DATASTORE_CORRUPTThe Digital Rights Management data storage is not functioning properly. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INMEMORYSTORE_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_STUBLIB_REQUIREDA secured library is required to access the requested functionality.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_CERTIFICATE_OBJECTHRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_NOT_ONLINEA problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MIGRATION_IMAGEHRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_TARGET_STATES_CORRUPTEDHRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_IMPORTER_NOT_AVAILABLEHRES_NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_UPGRADE_WITH_DIFF_SIDHRES_NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_SOURCE_MACHINE_IN_USEThe Digital Rights Management component is in use during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_TARGET_MACHINE_LESS_THAN_LHLicenses are being migrated to a machine running XP or downlevel OS. This operation can only be performed on Windows Vista or a later OS. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_DRM_E_MIGRATION_IMAGE_ALREADY_EXISTSMigration Image already exists. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_HARDWAREID_MISMATCHThe requested action cannot be performed because a hardware configuration change has been detected by the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_DRMV2CLT_STUBLIBThe wrong stublib has been linked to an application or DLL using drmv2clt.dll.HRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_INVALID_LEGACYV2_DATAThe legacy V2 data being imported is invalid.HRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_LICENSE_ALREADY_EXISTSThe license being imported already exists.HRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_INVALID_LEGACYV2_SST_PASSWORDThe password of the Legacy V2 SST entry being imported is incorrect.HRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDMigration is not supported by the plugin.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_MIGRATION_IMPORTER_OBJECTA migration importer cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application.HRES_NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_MISMATCHHRES_NS_E_DRM_CHECKPOINT_CORRUPTHRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OPERATION_CANCELLEDMigration was canceled by the user.HRES_NS_E_DRM_MIGRATION_OBJECT_IN_USEMigration object is already in use and cannot be called until the current operation completes.HRES_NS_E_DRM_MALFORMED_CONTENT_HEADERThe content header does not comply with DRM requirements and cannot be used.The license for this file has expired and is no longer valid. Contact your content provider for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLEDThe license for this file is not valid yet, but will be at a future date.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APPSECLOWThe license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player.The license cannot be stored as it requires security upgrade of Digital Rights Management component.HRES_NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLOWEDYour machine does not meet the requirements for storing the license.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APP_NOTALLOWEDThe license for this file requires an upgraded version of your player or a different player.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CERT_EXPIREDThe license server's certificate expired. Make sure your system clock is set correctly. Contact your content provider for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKEDThe content owner for the license you just acquired is no longer supporting their content. Contact the content owner for a newer version of the content.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_NOT_REGISTEREDThe content owner for the license you just acquired requires your device to register to the current machine.The license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.The license for this file requires Windows Driver Model (WDM) audio drivers. Contact your sound card manufacturer for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTRUSTEDCODECHRES_NS_E_DRM_SOURCEID_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe license for this file is not supported by your current player. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.HRES_NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_UPGRADE_TEMPFILEAn updated version of your media player is required to play the selected content.A new version of the Digital Rights Management component is required. Contact product support for this application to get the latest version.HRES_NS_E_DRM_SIGNATURE_FAILUREFailed to either create or verify the content header.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_INFO_MISSINGCould not read the necessary information from the system registry.The DRM subsystem is currently locked by another application or user. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_PD_TOO_MANY_DEVICESThere are too many target devices registered on the portable media.The security upgrade cannot be completed because the allowed number of daily upgrades has been exceeded. Try again tomorrow.The security upgrade cannot be completed because the server is unable to perform the operation. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INDIV_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEThe security upgrade cannot be performed because the server is not available. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEWindows Media Player cannot restore your licenses because the server is not available. Try again later.HRES_NS_E_DRM_CLIENT_CODE_EXPIREDWindows Media Player cannot play the protected file. Verify that your computer's date is set correctly. If it is correct, on the Help menu, click Check for Player Updates to install the latest version of the Player.HRES_NS_E_DRM_NO_UPLINK_LICENSEThe chained license cannot be created because the referenced uplink license does not exist.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INITIALIZATION_ERRORLicense initialization did not work. Contact Microsoft product support.The uplink license of a chained license cannot itself be a chained license.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHMThe specified encryption algorithm is unsupported.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_DELETION_ERRORLicense deletion did not work. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CERTIFICATEThe client's certificate is corrupted or the signature cannot be verified.HRES_NS_E_DRM_CERTIFICATE_REVOKEDThe client's certificate has been revoked.HRES_NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNAVAILABLEThere is no license available for the requested action.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHEDThe maximum number of devices in use has been reached. Unable to open additional devices.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_PROXIMITYThe proximity detection procedure could not confirm that the receiver is near the transmitter in the network.The client must be registered before executing the intended operation.The client must be approved before executing the intended operation.The client must be revalidated before executing the intended operation.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROXIMITY_RESPONSEThe response to the proximity detection challenge is invalid.The requested session is invalid.The device must be opened before it can be used to receive content.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DEVICE_ALREADY_REGISTEREDDevice registration failed because the device is already registered.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONUnsupported WMDRM-ND protocol version.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_ACTIONThe requested action is not supported.HRES_NS_E_DRM_CERTIFICATE_SECURITY_LEVEL_INADEQUATEThe certificate does not have an adequate security level for the requested action.HRES_NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PORTUnable to open the specified port for receiving Proximity messages.The message format is invalid.The Certificate Revocation List is invalid or corrupted.HRES_NS_E_DRM_ATTRIBUTE_TOO_LONGThe length of the attribute name or value is too long.HRES_NS_E_DRM_EXPIRED_LICENSEBLOBThe license blob passed in the cardea request is expired.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSEBLOBThe license blob passed in the cardea request is invalid. Contact Microsoft product support.HRES_NS_E_DRM_INCLUSION_LIST_REQUIREDThe requested operation cannot be performed because the license does not contain an inclusion list.HRES_NS_E_DRM_DRMV2CLT_REVOKEDHRES_NS_E_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player does not support the level of output protection required by the content.HRES_NS_E_COMPRESSED_DIGITAL_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital video.HRES_NS_E_UNCOMPRESSED_DIGITAL_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital video.HRES_NS_E_ANALOG_VIDEO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for analog video.HRES_NS_E_COMPRESSED_DIGITAL_AUDIO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital audio.HRES_NS_E_UNCOMPRESSED_DIGITAL_AUDIO_PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital audio.HRES_NS_E_OUTPUT_PROTECTION_SCHEME_UNSUPPORTEDWindows Media Player does not support the scheme of output protection required by the content.Installation was not successful and some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer.Installation was not successful. To continue, you must restart your computer.Installation was not successful.HRES_NS_E_SETUP_DRM_MIGRATION_FAILEDSetup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components.HRES_NS_E_SETUP_IGNORABLE_FAILURESome skin or playlist components cannot be installed.HRES_NS_E_SETUP_DRM_MIGRATION_FAILED_AND_IGNORABLE_FAILURESetup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components. In addition, some skin or playlist components cannot be installed.Installation is blocked because your computer does not meet one or more of the setup requirements.The specified protocol is not supported.The client is redirected to a proxy server.HRES_NS_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORThe server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.The request could not be understood by the server.The proxy experienced an error while attempting to contact the media server.The proxy did not receive a timely response while attempting to contact the media server.The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.The server is refusing to fulfill the requested operation.The server is not a compatible streaming media server.The content cannot be streamed because the Multicast protocol has been disabled.The server redirected the player to an invalid location.HRES_NS_E_ALL_PROTOCOLS_DISABLEDThe content cannot be streamed because all protocols have been disabled.HRES_NS_E_MSBD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTEDThe MSBD protocol is no longer supported. Please use HTTP to connect to the Windows Media stream.The proxy server could not be located. Please check your proxy server configuration.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_PROXYUnable to establish a connection to the proxy server. Please check your proxy server configuration.Unable to locate the media server. The operation timed out.Unable to locate the proxy server. The operation timed out.Media closed because Windows was shut down.HRES_NS_E_CANNOT_READ_PLAYLIST_FROM_MEDIASERVERUnable to read the contents of a playlist file from a media server.HRES_NS_E_REQUIRE_STREAMING_CLIENTContent requires a streaming media client.HRES_NS_E_PLAYLIST_ENTRY_HAS_CHANGEDA command applies to a previous playlist entry.The proxy server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.HRES_NS_E_PROXY_SOURCE_ACCESSDENIEDThe proxy could not provide valid authentication credentials to the media server.The network sink failed to write data to the network.Packets are not being received from the server. The packets might be blocked by a filtering device, such as a network firewall.The MMS protocol is not supported. Please use HTTP or RTSP to connect to the Windows Media stream.The Windows Media server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.The Publishing Point or file on the Windows Media Server is no longer available.HRES_NS_E_NO_EXISTING_PACKETIZERThere is no existing packetizer plugin for a stream.HRES_NS_E_BAD_SYNTAX_IN_SERVER_RESPONSEThe response from the media server could not be understood. This might be caused by an incompatible proxy server or media server.HRES_NS_E_RESET_SOCKET_CONNECTIONThe Windows Media Server reset the network connection.The request could not reach the media server (too many hops).HRES_NS_E_TOO_MUCH_DATA_FROM_SERVERThe server is sending too much data. The connection has been terminated.It was not possible to establish a connection to the media server in a timely manner. The media server might be down for maintenance, or it might be necessary to use a proxy server to access this media server.HRES_NS_E_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUTIt was not possible to establish a connection to the proxy server in a timely manner. Please check your proxy server configuration.HRES_NS_E_PACKETSINK_UNKNOWN_FEC_STREAMUnable to establish a connection to the server. Ensure Windows Media Services is started and the HTTP Server control protocol is properly enabled.HRES_NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PUSH_SERVERThe Server service that received the HTTP push request is not a compatible version of Windows Media Services (WMS). This error might indicate the push request was received by IIS instead of WMS. Ensure WMS is started and has the HTTP Server control protocol properly enabled and try again.The playlist has reached its end.HRES_NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_OPERATORHRES_NS_E_INVALID_QUERY_PROPERTYHRES_NS_E_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe property is not supported.HRES_NS_E_SCHEMA_CLASSIFY_FAILURESchema classification failure.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe metadata format is not supported.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_NO_EDITING_CAPABILITYHRES_NS_E_METADATA_CANNOT_SET_LOCALEHRES_NS_E_METADATA_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPORTEDThe language is not supported in the format.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_NO_RFC1766_NAME_FOR_LOCALEThere is no RFC1766 name translation for the supplied locale id.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLEThe metadata (or metadata item) is not available.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_CACHE_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLEThe cached metadata (or metadata item) is not available.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_INVALID_DOCUMENT_TYPEThe metadata document is invalid.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_IDENTIFIER_NOT_AVAILABLEThe metadata content identifier is not available.HRES_NS_E_METADATA_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_FROM_OFFLINE_CACHECannot retrieve metadata from the offline metadata cache.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR_CHECKSUMChecksum of the obtained monitor descriptor is invalid.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_STANDARD_TIMING_BLOCKMonitor descriptor contains an invalid standard timing block.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_WMI_DATABLOCK_REGISTRATION_FAILEDWindows Management Instrumentation (WMI) data block registration failed for one of the MSMonitorClass WMI subclasses.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER_MONDSC_BLOCKProvided monitor descriptor block is either corrupted or does not contain the monitor's detailed serial number.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_USER_FRIENDLY_MONDSC_BLOCKProvided monitor descriptor block is either corrupted or does not contain the monitor's user-friendly name.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_NO_MORE_DESCRIPTOR_DATAThere is no monitor descriptor data at the specified (offset, size) region.HRES_ERROR_MONITOR_INVALID_DETAILED_TIMING_BLOCKMonitor descriptor contains an invalid detailed timing block.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_OWNERExclusive mode ownership is needed to create unmanaged primary allocation.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INSUFFICIENT_DMA_BUFFERThe driver needs more direct memory access (DMA) buffer space to complete the requested operation.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_DISPLAY_ADAPTERSpecified display adapter handle is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_WAS_RESETSpecified display adapter and all of its state has been reset.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_DRIVER_MODELThe driver stack does not match the expected driver model.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_MODE_CHANGEDPresent happened but ended up into the changed desktop mode.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_OCCLUDEDNothing to present due to desktop occlusion.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PRESENT_DENIEDNot able to present due to denial of desktop access.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANNOTCOLORCONVERTNot able to present with color conversion.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDEO_MEMORYNot enough video memory available to complete the operation.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_LOCK_MEMORYCould not probe and lock the underlying memory of an allocation.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_BUSYThe allocation is currently busy.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_TOO_MANY_REFERENCESAn object being referenced has reach the maximum reference count already and cannot be referenced further.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_TRY_AGAIN_LATERA problem could not be solved due to some currently existing condition. The problem should be tried again later.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_TRY_AGAIN_NOWA problem could not be solved due to some currently existing condition. The problem should be tried again immediately.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_INVALIDHRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNSWIZZLING_APERTURE_UNAVAILABLENo more unswizzling apertures are currently available.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNSWIZZLING_APERTURE_UNSUPPORTEDThe current allocation cannot be unswizzled by an aperture.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_EVICT_PINNED_ALLOCATIONThe request failed because a pinned allocation cannot be evicted.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_USAGEThe allocation cannot be used from its current segment location for the specified operation.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_RENDER_LOCKED_ALLOCATIONA locked allocation cannot be used in the current command buffer.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_CLOSEDThe allocation being referenced has been closed permanently.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_INSTANCEAn invalid allocation instance is being referenced.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ALLOCATION_HANDLEAn invalid allocation handle is being referenced.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_WRONG_ALLOCATION_DEVICEThe allocation being referenced does not belong to the current device.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ALLOCATION_CONTENT_LOSTThe specified allocation lost its content.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_GPU_EXCEPTION_ON_DEVICEGraphics processing unit (GPU) exception is detected on the given device. The device is not able to be scheduled.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TOPOLOGYSpecified video present network (VidPN) topology is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY_NOT_SUPPORTEDSpecified VidPN topology is valid but is not supported by this model of the display adapter.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY_CURRENTLY_NOT_SUPPORTEDSpecified VidPN topology is valid but is not supported by the display adapter at this time, due to current allocation of its resources.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPNSpecified VidPN handle is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_SOURCESpecified video present source is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_TARGETSpecified video present target is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_MODALITY_NOT_SUPPORTEDSpecified VidPN modality is not supported (for example, at least two of the pinned modes are not cofunctional).HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_SOURCEMODESETSpecified VidPN source mode set is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TARGETMODESETSpecified VidPN target mode set is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_FREQUENCYSpecified video signal frequency is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_ACTIVE_REGIONSpecified video signal active region is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_TOTAL_REGIONSpecified video signal total region is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_SOURCE_MODESpecified video present source mode is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEO_PRESENT_TARGET_MODESpecified video present target mode is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PINNED_MODE_MUST_REMAIN_IN_SETPinned mode must remain in the set on VidPN's cofunctional modality enumeration.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_ALREADY_IN_TOPOLOGYSpecified video present path is already in the VidPN topology.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_ALREADY_IN_MODESETSpecified mode is already in the mode set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEOPRESENTSOURCESETSpecified video present source set is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDEOPRESENTTARGETSETSpecified video present target set is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_ALREADY_IN_SETSpecified video present source is already in the video present source set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_ALREADY_IN_SETSpecified video present target is already in the video present target set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATHSpecified VidPN present path is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_RECOMMENDED_VIDPN_TOPOLOGYMiniport has no recommendation for augmentation of the specified VidPN topology.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_FREQUENCYRANGESETSpecified monitor frequency range set is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_FREQUENCYRANGESpecified monitor frequency range is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_FREQUENCYRANGE_NOT_IN_SETSpecified frequency range is not in the specified monitor frequency range set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_FREQUENCYRANGE_ALREADY_IN_SETSpecified frequency range is already in the specified monitor frequency range set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_STALE_MODESETSpecified mode set is stale. Reacquire the new mode set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_SOURCEMODESETSpecified monitor source mode set is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITOR_SOURCE_MODESpecified monitor source mode is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_RECOMMENDED_FUNCTIONAL_VIDPNMiniport does not have any recommendation regarding the request to provide a functional VidPN given the current display adapter configuration.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUEID of the specified mode is already used by another mode in the set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_EMPTY_ADAPTER_MONITOR_MODE_SUPPORT_INTERSECTIONSystem failed to determine a mode that is supported by both the display adapter and the monitor connected to it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDEO_PRESENT_TARGETS_LESS_THAN_SOURCESNumber of video present targets must be greater than or equal to the number of video present sources.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGYSpecified present path is not in the VidPN topology.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_SOURCEDisplay adapter must have at least one video present source.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_TARGETDisplay adapter must have at least one video present target.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITORDESCRIPTORSETSpecified monitor descriptor set is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MONITORDESCRIPTORSpecified monitor descriptor is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITORDESCRIPTOR_NOT_IN_SETSpecified descriptor is not in the specified monitor descriptor set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITORDESCRIPTOR_ALREADY_IN_SETSpecified descriptor is already in the specified monitor descriptor set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITORDESCRIPTOR_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUEID of the specified monitor descriptor is already used by another descriptor in the set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TARGET_SUBSET_TYPESpecified video present target subset type is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_RESOURCES_NOT_RELATEDTwo or more of the specified resources are not related to each other, as defined by the interface semantics.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUEID of the specified video present source is already used by another source in the set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_ID_MUST_BE_UNIQUEID of the specified video present target is already used by another target in the set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_AVAILABLE_VIDPN_TARGETSpecified VidPN source cannot be used because there is no available VidPN target to connect it to.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITOR_COULD_NOT_BE_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ADAPTERNewly arrived monitor could not be associated with a display adapter.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_VIDPNMGRDisplay adapter in question does not have an associated VidPN manager.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_ACTIVE_VIDPNVidPN manager of the display adapter in question does not have an active VidPN.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_STALE_VIDPN_TOPOLOGYSpecified VidPN topology is stale. Re-acquire the new topology.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MONITOR_NOT_CONNECTEDThere is no monitor connected on the specified video present target.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_SOURCE_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGYSpecified source is not part of the specified VidPN topology.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PRIMARYSURFACE_SIZESpecified primary surface size is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VISIBLEREGION_SIZESpecified visible region size is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_STRIDEHRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PIXELFORMATSpecified pixel format is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_COLORBASISSpecified color basis is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PIXELVALUEACCESSMODESpecified pixel value access mode is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_TARGET_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGYSpecified target is not part of the specified VidPN topology.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_DISPLAY_MODE_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORTFailed to acquire display mode management interface.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_SOURCE_IN_USESpecified VidPN source is already owned by a display mode manager (DMM) client and cannot be used until that client releases it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CANT_ACCESS_ACTIVE_VIDPNSpecified VidPN is active and cannot be accessed.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PATH_IMPORTANCE_ORDINALSpecified VidPN present path importance ordinal is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PATH_CONTENT_GEOMETRY_TRANSFORMATIONSpecified VidPN present path content geometry transformation is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PATH_CONTENT_GEOMETRY_TRANSFORMATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDSpecified content geometry transformation is not supported on the respective VidPN present path.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_GAMMA_RAMPSpecified gamma ramp is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_GAMMA_RAMP_NOT_SUPPORTEDSpecified gamma ramp is not supported on the respective VidPN present path.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MULTISAMPLING_NOT_SUPPORTEDMultisampling is not supported on the respective VidPN present path.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MODE_NOT_IN_MODESETSpecified mode is not in the specified mode set.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_VIDPN_TOPOLOGY_RECOMMENDATION_REASONSpecified VidPN topology recommendation reason is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_PATH_CONTENT_TYPESpecified VidPN present path content type is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_COPYPROTECTION_TYPESpecified VidPN present path copy protection type is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_UNASSIGNED_MODESET_ALREADY_EXISTSNo more than one unassigned mode set can exist at any given time for a given VidPN source or target.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_SCANLINE_ORDERINGThe specified scan line ordering type is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_TOPOLOGY_CHANGES_NOT_ALLOWEDTopology changes are not allowed for the specified VidPN.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NO_AVAILABLE_IMPORTANCE_ORDINALSAll available importance ordinals are already used in the specified topology.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INCOMPATIBLE_PRIVATE_FORMATSpecified primary surface has a different private format attribute than the current primary surface.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INVALID_MODE_PRUNING_ALGORITHMSpecified mode pruning algorithm is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_SPECIFIED_CHILD_ALREADY_CONNECTEDSpecified display adapter child device already has an external device connected to it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHILD_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe display adapter child device does not support reporting a descriptor.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_A_LINKED_ADAPTERThe display adapter is not linked to any other adapters.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_LEADLINK_NOT_ENUMERATEDLead adapter in a linked configuration was not enumerated yet.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_ENUMERATEDSome chain adapters in a linked configuration were not enumerated yet.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ADAPTER_CHAIN_NOT_READYThe chain of linked adapters is not ready to start because of an unknown failure.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_STARTEDAn attempt was made to start a lead link display adapter when the chain links were not started yet.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_CHAINLINKS_NOT_POWERED_ONAn attempt was made to turn on a lead link display adapter when the chain links were turned off.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_INCONSISTENT_DEVICE_LINK_STATEThe adapter link was found to be in an inconsistent state. Not all adapters are in an expected PNP or power state.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_POST_DEVICE_DRIVERThe driver trying to start is not the same as the driver for the posted display adapter.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe driver does not support Output Protection Manager (OPM).HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_COPP_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe driver does not support Certified Output Protection Protocol (COPP).HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_UAB_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe driver does not support a user-accessible bus (UAB).HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_ENCRYPTED_PARAMETERSThe specified encrypted parameters are invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_PARAMETER_ARRAY_TOO_SMALLAn array passed to a function cannot hold all of the data that the function wants to put in it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_NO_VIDEO_OUTPUTS_EXISTThe GDI display device passed to this function does not have any active video outputs.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_NO_DISPLAY_DEVICE_CORRESPONDS_TO_NAMEThe protected video path (PVP) cannot find an actual GDI display device that corresponds to the passed-in GDI display device name.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NOT_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOPThis function failed because the GDI display device passed to it was not attached to the Windows desktop.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_MIRRORING_DEVICES_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe PVP does not support mirroring display devices because they do not have video outputs.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_POINTERThe function failed because an invalid pointer parameter was passed to it. A pointer parameter is invalid if it is null, it points to an invalid address, it points to a kernel mode address, or it is not correctly aligned.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal error caused this operation to fail.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_HANDLEThe function failed because the caller passed in an invalid OPM user mode handle.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_NO_MONITORS_CORRESPOND_TO_DISPLAY_DEVICEThis function failed because the GDI device passed to it did not have any monitors associated with it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_INVALID_CERTIFICATE_LENGTHA certificate could not be returned because the certificate buffer passed to the function was too small.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_SPANNING_MODE_ENABLEDA video output could not be created because the frame buffer is in spanning mode.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_THEATER_MODE_ENABLEDA video output could not be created because the frame buffer is in theater mode.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PVP_HFS_FAILEDThe function call failed because the display adapter's hardware functionality scan failed to validate the graphics hardware.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_INVALID_SRMThe High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) System Renewability Message (SRM) passed to this function did not comply with section 5 of the HDCP 1.1 specification.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_OUTPUT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_HDCPThe video output cannot enable the HDCP system because it does not support it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_OUTPUT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_ACPThe video output cannot enable analog copy protection because it does not support it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_OUTPUT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_CGMSAThe video output cannot enable the Content Generation Management System Analog (CGMS-A) protection technology because it does not support it.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_HDCP_SRM_NEVER_SETIOPMVideoOutput's GetInformation() method cannot return the version of the SRM being used because the application never successfully passed an SRM to the video output.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_RESOLUTION_TOO_HIGHIOPMVideoOutput's Configure() method cannot enable the specified output protection technology because the output's screen resolution is too high.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_ALL_HDCP_HARDWARE_ALREADY_IN_USEIOPMVideoOutput's Configure() method cannot enable HDCP because the display adapter's HDCP hardware is already being used by other physical outputs.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_NO_LONGER_EXISTSThe operating system asynchronously destroyed this OPM video output because the operating system's state changed. This error typically occurs because the monitor physical device object (PDO) associated with this video output was removed, the monitor PDO associated with this video output was stopped, the video output's session became a nonconsole session or the video output's desktop became an inactive desktop.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_OPM_SESSION_TYPE_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESSIOPMVideoOutput's methods cannot be called when a session is changing its type. There are currently three types of sessions: console, disconnected and remote (remote desktop protocol [RDP] or Independent Computing Architecture [ICA]).HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe monitor connected to the specified video output does not have an I2C bus.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTNo device on the I2C bus has the specified address.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_TRANSMITTING_DATAAn error occurred while transmitting data to the device on the I2C bus.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_I2C_ERROR_RECEIVING_DATAAn error occurred while receiving data from the device on the I2C bus.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_VCP_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe monitor does not support the specified Virtual Control Panel (VCP) code.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_DATAThe data received from the monitor is invalid.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_MONITOR_RETURNED_INVALID_TIMING_STATUS_BYTEA function call failed because a monitor returned an invalid Timing Status byte when the operating system used the Display Data Channel Command Interface (DDC/CI) Get Timing Report and Timing Message command to get a timing report from a monitor.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INVALID_CAPABILITIES_STRINGThe monitor returned a DDC/CI capabilities string that did not comply with the ACCESS.bus 3.0, DDC/CI 1.1 or MCCS 2 Revision 1 specification.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal Monitor Configuration API error occurred.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_COMMANDAn operation failed because a DDC/CI message had an invalid value in its command field.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTHThis error occurred because a DDC/CI message length field contained an invalid value.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_INVALID_MESSAGE_CHECKSUMThis error occurred because the value in a DDC/CI message checksum field did not match the message's computed checksum value. This error implies that the data was corrupted while it was being transmitted from a monitor to a computer.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PMEA_INVALID_MONITORThe HMONITOR no longer exists, is not attached to the desktop, or corresponds to a mirroring device.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_PMEA_INVALID_D3D_DEVICEThe Direct3D (D3D) device's GDI display device no longer exists, is not attached to the desktop, or is a mirroring display device.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_DDCCI_CURRENT_CURRENT_VALUE_GREATER_THAN_MAXIMUM_VALUEA continuous VCP code's current value is greater than its maximum value. This error code indicates that a monitor returned an invalid value.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INVALID_VCP_VERSIONThe monitor's VCP Version (0xDF) VCP code returned an invalid version value.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_MONITOR_VIOLATES_MCCS_SPECIFICATIONThe monitor does not comply with the Monitor Control Command Set (MCCS) specification it claims to support.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_MCCS_VERSION_MISMATCHThe MCCS version in a monitor's mccs_ver capability does not match the MCCS version the monitor reports when the VCP Version (0xDF) VCP code is used.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_UNSUPPORTED_MCCS_VERSIONThe Monitor Configuration API only works with monitors that support the MCCS 1.0 specification, the MCCS 2.0 specification, or the MCCS 2.0 Revision 1 specification.HRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_INVALID_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_RETURNEDHRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_MCA_UNSUPPORTED_COLOR_TEMPERATUREHRES_ERROR_GRAPHICS_ONLY_CONSOLE_SESSION_SUPPORTEDThis function can be used only if a program is running in the local console session. It cannot be used if the program is running on a remote desktop session or on a terminal server session.The caller specified WaitAny for WaitType and one of the dispatcher objects in the Object array has been set to the signaled state.The caller attempted to wait for a mutex that has been abandoned.A user-mode APC was delivered before the given Interval expired.The delay completed because the thread was alerted.The given Timeout interval expired.The operation that was requested is pending completion.A reparse should be performed by the Object Manager because the name of the file resulted in a symbolic link.Returned by enumeration APIs to indicate more information is available to successive calls.Indicates not all privileges or groups that are referenced are assigned to the caller. This allows, for example, all privileges to be disabled without having to know exactly which privileges are assigned.Some of the information to be translated has not been translated.An open/create operation completed while an opportunistic lock (oplock) break is underway.This success level status indicates that the transaction state already exists for the registry subtree but that a transaction commit was previously aborted. The commit has now been completed.Indicates that a notify change request has been completed due to closing the handle that made the notify change request.Indicates that a notify change request is being completed and that the information is not being returned in the caller's buffer. The caller now needs to enumerate the files to find the changes.{No Quotas} No system quota limits are specifically set for this account.{Connect Failure on Primary Transport} An attempt was made to connect to the remote server %hs on the primary transport, but the connection failed. The computer WAS able to connect on a secondary transport.The page fault was a transition fault.The page fault was a demand zero fault.The page fault was satisfied by reading from a secondary storage device.The cached page was locked during operation.The crash dump exists in a paging file.The specified buffer contains all zeros.The translator has translated these resources into the global space and no additional translations should be performed.The directory service evaluated group memberships locally, because it was unable to contact a global catalog server.The current process is a cloned process.The file was locked and all users of the file can only read.The file was locked and at least one user of the file can write.The specified ResourceManager made no changes or updates to the resource under this transaction.An operation is blocked and waiting for an oplock.Debugger handled the exception.The file is temporarily unavailable.The share is temporarily unavailable.A threadpool worker thread entered a callback at thread affinity %p and exited at affinity %p. This is unexpected, indicating that the callback missed restoring the priority.{Object Exists} An attempt was made to create an object but the object name already exists.{Thread Suspended} A thread termination occurred while the thread was suspended. The thread resumed, and termination proceeded.{Working Set Range Error} An attempt was made to set the working set minimum or maximum to values that are outside the allowable range.{Image Relocated} An image file could not be mapped at the address that is specified in the image file. Local fixes must be performed on this image.{Segment Load} A virtual DOS machine (VDM) is loading, unloading, or moving an MS-DOS or Win16 program segment image. An exception is raised so that a debugger can load, unload, or track symbols and breakpoints within these 16-bit segments.{Local Session Key} A user session key was requested for a local remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The session key that is returned is a constant value and not unique to this connection.{Invalid Current Directory} The process cannot switch to the startup current directory %hs. Select OK to set the current directory to %hs, or select CANCEL to exit.{Serial IOCTL Complete} A serial I/O operation was completed by another write to a serial port. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER reached zero.){Registry Recovery} One of the files that contains the system registry data had to be recovered by using a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful.{Redundant Read} To satisfy a read request, the Windows NT operating system fault-tolerant file system successfully read the requested data from a redundant copy. This was done because the file system encountered a failure on a member of the fault-tolerant volume but was unable to reassign the failing area of the device.{Redundant Write} To satisfy a write request, the Windows NT fault-tolerant file system successfully wrote a redundant copy of the information. This was done because the file system encountered a failure on a member of the fault-tolerant volume but was unable to reassign the failing area of the device.{Serial IOCTL Timeout} A serial I/O operation completed because the time-out period expired. (The IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER had not reached zero.){Password Too Complex} The Windows password is too complex to be converted to a LAN Manager password. The LAN Manager password that returned is a NULL string.{Machine Type Mismatch} The image file %hs is valid but is for a machine type other than the current machine. Select OK to continue, or CANCEL to fail the DLL load.A Win32 process already exists.An exception status code that is used by the Win32 x86 emulation subsystem.{Machine Type Mismatch} The image file %hs is valid but is for a machine type other than the current machine.The device has detected a CardBus card in its slot.The CPUs in this multiprocessor system are not all the same revision level. To use all processors, the operating system restricts itself to the features of the least capable processor in the system. If problems occur with this system, contact the CPU manufacturer to see if this mix of processors is supported.Windows has detected that the system firmware (BIOS) was updated [previous firmware date = %2, current firmware date %3].A device driver is leaking locked I/O pages and is causing system degradation. The system has automatically enabled the tracking code to try and catch the culprit.The ALPC message being canceled has already been retrieved from the queue on the other side.The receive operation was successful. Check the ALPC completion list for the received message.The directory service is shutting down.Debugger cannot provide a handle.Debugger terminated the thread.Debugger terminated the process.Debugger obtained control of C.Debugger printed an exception on control C.Debugger received a RIP exception.Debugger received a control break.The Client Drive Mapping Service has connected on Terminal Connection.The Client Drive Mapping Service has disconnected on Terminal Connection.{Display Driver Recovered From Failure} The %hs display driver has detected a failure and recovered from it. Some graphical operations might have failed. The next time you restart the machine, a dialog box appears, giving you an opportunity to upload data about this failure to Microsoft.The specified buffer is not big enough to contain the entire requested dataset. Partial data is populated up to the size of the buffer. The caller needs to provide a buffer of the size as specified in the partially populated buffer's content (interface specific).No mode is pinned on the specified VidPN source/target.The specified mode set does not specify a preference for one of its modes.The specified dataset (for example, mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, or topology) is empty.The specified dataset (for example, mode set, frequency range set, descriptor set, or topology) does not contain any more elements.The specified content transformation is not pinned on the specified VidPN present path.The child device presence was not reliably detected.Starting the lead adapter in a linked configuration has been temporarily deferred.Starting the adapter has been temporarily deferred.The request will be completed later by an NDIS status indication.{EXCEPTION} Guard Page Exception A page of memory that marks the end of a data structure, such as a stack or an array, has been accessed.{EXCEPTION} Alignment Fault A data type misalignment was detected in a load or store instruction.{EXCEPTION} Breakpoint A breakpoint has been reached.{EXCEPTION} Single Step A single step or trace operation has just been completed.{Buffer Overflow} The data was too large to fit into the specified buffer.{No More Files} No more files were found which match the file specification.{Kernel Debugger Awakened} The system debugger was awakened by an interrupt.{Non-Inheritable ACL} An access control list (ACL) contains no components that can be inherited.{GUID Substitution} During the translation of a globally unique identifier (GUID) to a Windows security ID (SID), no administratively defined GUID prefix was found. A substitute prefix was used, which will not compromise system security. However, this might provide a more restrictive access than intended.Because of protection conflicts, not all the requested bytes could be copied.{Out of Paper} The printer is out of paper.{Device Power Is Off} The printer power has been turned off.{Device Offline} The printer has been taken offline.{Device Busy} The device is currently busy.{No More EAs} No more extended attributes (EAs) were found for the file.{Illegal EA} The specified extended attribute (EA) name contains at least one illegal character.{Inconsistent EA List} The extended attribute (EA) list is inconsistent.{Invalid EA Flag} An invalid extended attribute (EA) flag was set.{Verifying Disk} The media has changed and a verify operation is in progress; therefore, no reads or writes can be performed to the device, except those that are used in the verify operation.{Too Much Information} The specified access control list (ACL) contained more information than was expected.This warning level status indicates that the transaction state already exists for the registry subtree, but that a transaction commit was previously aborted. The commit has NOT been completed but has not been rolled back either; therefore, it can still be committed, if needed.{No More Entries} No more entries are available from an enumeration operation.{Filemark Found} A filemark was detected.{Media Changed} The media has changed.{I/O Bus Reset} An I/O bus reset was detected.{End of Media} The end of the media was encountered.The beginning of a tape or partition has been detected.A tape access reached a set mark.During a tape access, the end of the data written is reached.The specified connection has already been disconnected.{Registry Hive Recovered} The registry hive (file): %hs was corrupted and it has been recovered. Some data might have been lost.The application is loading executable code from the module %hs. This is secure but might be incompatible with previous releases of the operating system. An alternative, %hs, is available. Should the application use the secure module %hs?The device has indicated that cleaning is necessary.The device has indicated that its door is open. Further operations require it closed and secured.Windows discovered a corruption in the file %hs. This file has now been repaired. Check if any data in the file was lost because of the corruption.The file cannot be recovered because there is a handle still open on it.{Display Driver Stopped Responding and recovered} The %hs display driver has stopped working normally. The recovery had been performed.{Buffer too small} The buffer is too small to contain the entry. No information has been written to the buffer.Volume metadata read or write is incomplete.BitLocker encryption keys were ignored because the volume was in a transient state.{Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful.{Not Implemented} The requested operation is not implemented.{Invalid Parameter} The specified information class is not a valid information class for the specified object.The specified information record length does not match the length that is required for the specified information class.The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s.The instruction at 0x%08lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0x%08lx.The page file quota for the process has been exhausted.An invalid HANDLE was specified.An invalid initial stack was specified in a call to NtCreateThread.An invalid initial start address was specified in a call to NtCreateThread.An invalid client ID was specified.An attempt was made to cancel or set a timer that has an associated APC and the specified thread is not the thread that originally set the timer with an associated APC routine.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function.A device that does not exist was specified.{File Not Found} The file %hs does not exist.The end-of-file marker has been reached. There is no valid data in the file beyond this marker.{Wrong Volume} The wrong volume is in the drive. Insert volume %hs into drive %hs.{No Disk} There is no disk in the drive. Insert a disk into drive %hs.{Unknown Disk Format} The disk in drive %hs is not formatted properly. Check the disk, and reformat it, if needed.{Sector Not Found} The specified sector does not exist.{Still Busy} The specified I/O request packet (IRP) cannot be disposed of because the I/O operation is not complete.{Not Enough Quota} Not enough virtual memory or paging file quota is available to complete the specified operation.{Conflicting Address Range} The specified address range conflicts with the address space.The address range to unmap is not a mapped view.The virtual memory cannot be freed.The specified section cannot be deleted.An invalid system service was specified in a system service call.{EXCEPTION} Illegal Instruction An attempt was made to execute an illegal instruction.{Invalid Lock Sequence} An attempt was made to execute an invalid lock sequence.{Invalid Mapping} An attempt was made to create a view for a section that is bigger than the section.{Bad File} The attributes of the specified mapping file for a section of memory cannot be read.{Already Committed} The specified address range is already committed.{Access Denied} A process has requested access to an object but has not been granted those access rights.{Buffer Too Small} The buffer is too small to contain the entry. No information has been written to the buffer.{Wrong Type} There is a mismatch between the type of object that is required by the requested operation and the type of object that is specified in the request.{EXCEPTION} Cannot Continue Windows cannot continue from this exception.An invalid exception disposition was returned by an exception handler.An attempt was made to unlock a page of memory that was not locked.A device parity error on an I/O operation.An attempt was made to decommit uncommitted virtual memory.An attempt was made to change the attributes on memory that has not been committed.The length of the message that was passed to NtRequestPort or NtRequestWaitReplyPort is longer than the maximum message that is allowed by the port.An invalid combination of parameters was specified.{Corrupt Disk} The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Run the Chkdsk utility on the volume %hs.The object name already exists.An attempt was made to send a message to a disconnected communication port.The object path component was not a directory object.{Path Not Found} The path %hs does not exist.{Data Overrun} A data overrun error occurred.{Data Late} A data late error occurred.{Data Error} An error occurred in reading or writing data.{Bad CRC} A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum error occurred.{Section Too Large} The specified section is too big to map the file.The NtConnectPort request is refused.The type of port handle is invalid for the operation that is requested.A file cannot be opened because the share access flags are incompatible.Insufficient quota exists to complete the operation.The specified page protection was not valid.An attempt to release a mutant object was made by a thread that was not the owner of the mutant object.An attempt was made to release a semaphore such that its maximum count would have been exceeded.An attempt was made to set the DebugPort or ExceptionPort of a process, but a port already exists in the process, or an attempt was made to set the CompletionPort of a file but a port was already set in the file, or an attempt was made to set the associated completion port of an ALPC port but it is already set.An attempt was made to query image information on a section that does not map an image.An attempt was made to suspend a thread whose suspend count was at its maximum.An attempt was made to suspend a thread that has begun termination.An attempt was made to set the working set limit to an invalid value (for example, the minimum greater than maximum).A section was created to map a file that is not compatible with an already existing section that maps the same file.A view to a section specifies a protection that is incompatible with the protection of the initial view.An operation involving EAs failed because the file system does not support EAs.An EA operation failed because the EA set is too large.An EA operation failed because the name or EA index is invalid.The file for which EAs were requested has no EAs.The EA is corrupt and cannot be read.A requested read/write cannot be granted due to a conflicting file lock.A requested file lock cannot be granted due to other existing locks.A non-close operation has been requested of a file object that has a delete pending.An attempt was made to set the control attribute on a file. This attribute is not supported in the destination file system.Indicates a revision number that was encountered or specified is not one that is known by the service. It might be a more recent revision than the service is aware of.Indicates that two revision levels are incompatible.Indicates a particular security ID cannot be assigned as the owner of an object.Indicates a particular security ID cannot be assigned as the primary group of an object.A mandatory group cannot be disabled.No logon servers are currently available to service the logon request.The specified user account is already in the specified group account. Also used to indicate a group cannot be deleted because it contains a member.Indicates the requested operation would disable or delete the last remaining administration account. This is not allowed to prevent creating a situation in which the system cannot be administrated.When trying to update a password, this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is not correct.When trying to update a password, this return status indicates that the value provided for the new password contains values that are not allowed in passwords.When trying to update a password, this status indicates that some password update rule has been violated. For example, the password might not meet length criteria.The attempted logon is invalid. This is either due to a bad username or authentication information.Indicates a referenced user name and authentication information are valid, but some user account restriction has prevented successful authentication (such as time-of-day restrictions).The user account has time restrictions and cannot be logged onto at this time.The user account is restricted so that it cannot be used to log on from the source workstation.The user account password has expired.The referenced account is currently disabled and cannot be logged on to.None of the information to be translated has been translated.The number of LUIDs requested cannot be allocated with a single allocation.Indicates there are no more LUIDs to allocate.Indicates the sub-authority value is invalid for the particular use.Indicates the ACL structure is not valid.Indicates the SID structure is not valid.Indicates the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure is not valid.Indicates the specified procedure address cannot be found in the DLL.{Bad Image} %hs is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist. This is typically done by referencing the token that is associated with a thread when the thread is not impersonating a client.Indicates that an attempt to build either an inherited ACL or ACE was not successful. This can be caused by a number of things. One of the more probable causes is the replacement of a CreatorId with a SID that did not fit into the ACE or ACL.The range specified in NtUnlockFile was not locked.An operation failed because the disk was full.The GUID allocation server is disabled at the moment.The GUID allocation server is enabled at the moment.Too many GUIDs were requested from the allocation server at once.The GUIDs could not be allocated because the Authority Agent was exhausted.No more authority agent values are available for the particular identifier authority value.An invalid volume label has been specified.A mapped section could not be extended.Specified section to flush does not map a data file.Indicates the specified image file did not contain a resource section.Indicates the specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.Indicates the specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.{EXCEPTION} Array bounds exceeded.{EXCEPTION} Floating-point denormal operand.{EXCEPTION} Floating-point division by zero.{EXCEPTION} Floating-point inexact result.{EXCEPTION} Floating-point invalid operation.{EXCEPTION} Floating-point overflow.{EXCEPTION} Floating-point stack check.{EXCEPTION} Floating-point underflow.{EXCEPTION} Integer division by zero.{EXCEPTION} Privileged instruction.An attempt was made to install more paging files than the system supports.The volume for a file has been externally altered such that the opened file is no longer valid.When a block of memory is allotted for future updates, such as the memory allocated to hold discretionary access control and primary group information, successive updates might exceed the amount of memory originally allotted. Because a quota might already have been charged to several processes that have handles to the object, it is not reasonable to alter the size of the allocated memory. Instead, a request that requires more memory than has been allotted must fail and the STATUS_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED error returned.Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API.An attempt has been made to open a DFS exit path control file.There are bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.There is bad cabling, non-termination, or the controller is not able to obtain access to the hard disk.Virtual memory cannot be freed because the base address is not the base of the region and a region size of zero was specified.An attempt was made to free virtual memory that is not allocated.The working set is not big enough to allow the requested pages to be locked.{Write Protect Error} The disk cannot be written to because it is write-protected. Remove the write protection from the volume %hs in drive %hs.{Drive Not Ready} The drive is not ready for use; its door might be open. Check drive %hs and make sure that a disk is inserted and that the drive door is closed.The specified attributes are invalid or are incompatible with the attributes for the group as a whole.A specified impersonation level is invalid. Also used to indicate that a required impersonation level was not provided.An attempt was made to open an anonymous-level token. Anonymous tokens cannot be opened.The type of a token object is inappropriate for its attempted use.An attempt was made to execute an instruction at an unaligned address and the host system does not support unaligned instruction references.The maximum named pipe instance count has been reached.An instance of a named pipe cannot be found in the listening state.The named pipe is not in the connected or closing state.The specified pipe is set to complete operations and there are current I/O operations queued so that it cannot be changed to queue operations.The specified handle is not open to the server end of the named pipe.The specified named pipe is in the disconnected state.The specified named pipe is in the closing state.The specified named pipe is in the connected state.The specified named pipe is in the listening state.The specified named pipe is not in message mode.{Device Timeout} The specified I/O operation on %hs was not completed before the time-out period expired.The specified file has been closed by another process.The file that was specified as a target is a directory, and the caller specified that it could be anything but a directory.This remote computer is not listening.A duplicate name exists on the network.The network path cannot be located.An I/O adapter hardware error has occurred.The network responded incorrectly.Space to store the file that is waiting to be printed is not available on the server.The requested print file has been canceled.{Incorrect Network Resource Type} The specified device type (LPT, for example) conflicts with the actual device type on the remote resource.{Network Name Not Found} The specified share name cannot be found on the remote server.The name limit for the network adapter card of the local computer was exceeded.File sharing has been temporarily paused.No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because the computer has already accepted the maximum number of connections.Print or disk redirection is temporarily paused.A network data fault occurred.{Incorrect Volume} The destination file of a rename request is located on a different device than the source of the rename request.The specified file has been renamed and thus cannot be modified.{Network Request Timeout} The session with a remote server has been disconnected because the time-out interval for a request has expired.Indicates an attempt was made to operate on the security of an object that does not have security associated with it.Used to indicate that a read operation was done on an empty pipe.Configuration information could not be read from the domain controller, either because the machine is unavailable or access has been denied.Indicates the Sam Server was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation.Indicates the domain was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation.This operation is only allowed for the primary domain controller of the domain.The specified domain did not exist.An attempt was made to exceed the limit on the number of domains per server for this release.An error status returned when the opportunistic lock (oplock) request is denied.An error status returned when an invalid opportunistic lock (oplock) acknowledgment is received by a file system.This error indicates that the requested operation cannot be completed due to a catastrophic media failure or an on-disk data structure corruption.Indicates generic access types were contained in an access mask which should already be mapped to non-generic access types.Indicates a security descriptor is not in the necessary format (absolute or self-relative).An access to a user buffer failed at an expected point in time. This code is defined because the caller does not want to accept STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION in its filter.If an I/O error that is not defined in the standard FsRtl filter is returned, it is converted to the following error, which is guaranteed to be in the filter. In this case, information is lost; however, the filter correctly handles the exception.If an MM error that is not defined in the standard FsRtl filter is returned, it is converted to one of the following errors, which are guaranteed to be in the filter. In this case, information is lost; however, the filter correctly handles the exception.An attempt has been made to start a new session manager or LSA logon session by using an ID that is already in use.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the first argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the second argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the third argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the fourth argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the fifth argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the sixth argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the seventh argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the eighth argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the ninth argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the tenth argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the eleventh argument.An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function as the twelfth argument.An attempt was made to access a network file, but the network software was not yet started.An attempt was made to start the redirector, but the redirector has already been started.A new guard page for the stack cannot be created.Indicates the specified environment variable name was not found in the specified environment block.Indicates that the directory trying to be deleted is not empty.{Corrupt File} The file or directory %hs is corrupt and unreadable. Run the Chkdsk utility.A requested opened file is not a directory.An internal LSA error has occurred. An authentication package has requested the creation of a logon session but the ID of an already existing logon session has been specified.A specified name string is too long for its intended use.The user attempted to force close the files on a redirected drive, but there were opened files on the drive, and the user did not specify a sufficient level of force.The user attempted to force close the files on a redirected drive, but there were opened directories on the drive, and the user did not specify a sufficient level of force.RtlFindMessage could not locate the requested message ID in the message table resource.An attempt was made to duplicate an object handle into or out of an exiting process.Indicates an invalid value has been provided for the LogonType requested.Indicates that an attempt has been made to impersonate via a named pipe that has not yet been read from.Indicates that the specified image is already loaded.Indicates that an attempt was made to change the size of the LDT for a process that has no LDT.Indicates that an attempt was made to grow an LDT by setting its size, or that the size was not an even number of selectors.The specified image file did not have the correct format. It appears to be NE format.Indicates that the transaction state of a registry subtree is incompatible with the requested operation. For example, a request has been made to start a new transaction with one already in progress, or a request has been made to apply a transaction when one is not currently in progress.Indicates an error has occurred during a registry transaction commit. The database has been left in an unknown, but probably inconsistent, state. The state of the registry transaction is left as COMMITTING.An attempt was made to map a file of size zero with the maximum size specified as zero.Too many files are opened on a remote server. This error should only be returned by the Windows redirector on a remote drive.An attempt has been made to remove a file or directory that cannot be deleted.Indicates a name that was specified as a remote computer name is syntactically invalid.An I/O request other than close was performed on a file after it was deleted, which can only happen to a request that did not complete before the last handle was closed via NtClose.Indicates an operation that is incompatible with built-in accounts has been attempted on a built-in (special) SAM account. For example, built-in accounts cannot be deleted.The operation requested cannot be performed on the specified group because it is a built-in special group.The operation requested cannot be performed on the specified user because it is a built-in special user.Indicates a member cannot be removed from a group because the group is currently the member's primary group.An I/O request other than close and several other special case operations was attempted using a file object that had already been closed.An attempt was made to operate on a thread within a specific process, but the specified thread is not in the specified process.An attempt was made to establish a token for use as a primary token but the token is already in use. A token can only be the primary token of one process at a time.The page file quota was exceeded.{Out of Virtual Memory} Your system is low on virtual memory. To ensure that Windows runs correctly, increase the size of your virtual memory paging file. For more information, see Help.The specified image file did not have the correct format: it appears to be LE format.The specified image file did not have the correct format: it did not have an initial MZ.The specified image file did not have the correct format: it did not have a proper e_lfarlc in the MZ header.The specified image file did not have the correct format: it appears to be a 16-bit Windows image.The time at the primary domain controller is different from the time at the backup domain controller or member server by too large an amount.The SAM database on a Windows Server operating system is significantly out of synchronization with the copy on the domain controller. A complete synchronization is required.{Unable To Locate Component} This application has failed to start because %hs was not found. Reinstalling the application might fix this problem.The NtCreateFile API failed. This error should never be returned to an application; it is a place holder for the Windows LAN Manager Redirector to use in its internal error-mapping routines.{Ordinal Not Found} The ordinal %ld could not be located in the dynamic link library %hs.{Entry Point Not Found} The procedure entry point %hs could not be located in the dynamic link library %hs.{Virtual Circuit Closed} The network transport on your computer has closed a network connection. There might or might not be I/O requests outstanding.{Virtual Circuit Closed} The network transport on a remote computer has closed a network connection. There might or might not be I/O requests outstanding.{Insufficient Resources on Remote Computer} The remote computer has insufficient resources to complete the network request. For example, the remote computer might not have enough available memory to carry out the request at this time.{Virtual Circuit Closed} An existing connection (virtual circuit) has been broken at the remote computer. There is probably something wrong with the network software protocol or the network hardware on the remote computer.{Virtual Circuit Closed} The network transport on your computer has closed a network connection because it had to wait too long for a response from the remote computer.The connection handle that was given to the transport was invalid.The address handle that was given to the transport was invalid.{DLL Initialization Failed} Initialization of the dynamic link library %hs failed. The process is terminating abnormally.{Incorrect System Call Level} An invalid level was passed into the specified system call.{Incorrect Password to LAN Manager Server} You specified an incorrect password to a LAN Manager 2.x or MS-NET server.{EXCEPTION} A real-mode application issued a floating-point instruction and floating-point hardware is not present.The pipe operation has failed because the other end of the pipe has been closed.{The Registry Is Corrupt} The structure of one of the files that contains registry data is corrupt; the image of the file in memory is corrupt; or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupt.An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed and cannot be recovered. The registry could not read in, write out, or flush one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry.The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Be sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupt.A requested type of logon (for example, interactive, network, and service) is not granted by the local security policy of the target system. Ask the system administrator to grant the necessary form of logon.The maximum number of secrets that can be stored in a single system was exceeded. The length and number of secrets is limited to satisfy U.S. State Department export restrictions.The length of a secret exceeds the maximum allowable length. The length and number of secrets is limited to satisfy U.S. State Department export restrictions.The local security authority (LSA) database contains an internal inconsistency.During a logon attempt, the user's security context accumulated too many security IDs. This is a very unusual situation. Remove the user from some global or local groups to reduce the number of security IDs to incorporate into the security context.A user has requested a type of logon (for example, interactive or network) that has not been granted. An administrator has control over who can logon interactively and through the network.The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, and the specified file is not in the format of a registry file.An attempt was made to change a user password in the security account manager without providing the necessary Windows cross-encrypted password.A Windows Server has an incorrect configuration.An attempt was made to explicitly access the secondary copy of information via a device control to the fault tolerance driver and the secondary copy is not present in the system.A configuration registry node that represents a driver service entry was ill-formed and did not contain the required value entries.An illegal character was encountered. For a multibyte character set, this includes a lead byte without a succeeding trail byte. For the Unicode character set this includes the characters 0xFFFF and 0xFFFE.The Unicode character is not defined in the Unicode character set that is installed on the system.{Floppy Disk Error} While accessing a floppy disk, an ID address mark was not found.{Floppy Disk Error} While accessing a floppy disk, the track address from the sector ID field was found to be different from the track address that is maintained by the controller.{Floppy Disk Error} The floppy disk controller reported an error that is not recognized by the floppy disk driver.{Floppy Disk Error} While accessing a floppy-disk, the controller returned inconsistent results via its registers.{Hard Disk Error} While accessing the hard disk, a recalibrate operation failed, even after retries.{Hard Disk Error} While accessing the hard disk, a disk operation failed even after retries.{Hard Disk Error} While accessing the hard disk, a disk controller reset was needed, but even that failed.An attempt was made to open a device that was sharing an interrupt request (IRQ) with other devices. At least one other device that uses that IRQ was already opened. Two concurrent opens of devices that share an IRQ and only work via interrupts is not supported for the particular bus type that the devices use.{FT Orphaning} A disk that is part of a fault-tolerant volume can no longer be accessed.The basic input/output system (BIOS) failed to connect a system interrupt to the device or bus for which the device is connected.The tape could not be partitioned.When accessing a new tape of a multi-volume partition, the current blocksize is incorrect.The tape partition information could not be found when loading a tape.An attempt to lock the eject media mechanism failed.An attempt to unload media failed.The physical end of tape was detected.{No Media} There is no media in the drive. Insert media into drive %hs.An illegal operation was attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion.The system could not allocate the required space in a registry log.An attempt was made to change a user password in the security account manager without providing the necessary LM cross-encrypted password.An attempt was made to create a symbolic link in a registry key that already has subkeys or values.An attempt was made to create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.The I/O device is configured incorrectly or the configuration parameters to the driver are incorrect.An error was detected between two drivers or within an I/O driver.The device is not in a valid state to perform this request.The I/O device reported an I/O error.A protocol error was detected between the driver and the device.The log file space is insufficient to support this operation.A write operation was attempted to a volume after it was dismounted.The workstation does not have a trust secret for the primary domain in the local LSA database.The SAM database on the Windows Server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.The logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.The logon request failed because the trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.The Eventlog log file is corrupt.No Eventlog log file could be opened. The Eventlog service did not start.The network logon failed. This might be because the validation authority cannot be reached.An attempt was made to logon, but the NetLogon service was not started.{EXCEPTION} Possible deadlock condition.The log file has changed between reads.The name or SID of the specified domain is inconsistent with the trust information for that domain.Indicates that the specified image is already loaded as a DLL.Short name settings cannot be changed on this volume due to the global registry setting.Short names are not enabled on this volume.The security stream for the given volume is in an inconsistent state. Please run CHKDSK on the volume.A requested file lock operation cannot be processed due to an invalid byte range.The specified access control entry (ACE) contains an invalid condition.The subsystem needed to support the image type is not present.The specified file already has a notification GUID associated with it.A remote open failed because the network open restrictions were not satisfied.The remote user session has been deleted.Indicates the specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file.Insufficient server resources exist to complete the request.The size of the buffer is invalid for the specified operation.The transport rejected the specified network address as invalid.The transport rejected the specified network address due to invalid use of a wildcard.The transport address could not be opened because all the available addresses are in use.The transport address could not be opened because it already exists.The transport address is now closed.The transport connection is now disconnected.The transport connection has been reset.The transport cannot dynamically acquire any more nodes.The transport aborted a pending transaction.The transport timed out a request that is waiting for a response.The transport did not receive a release for a pending response.The transport did not find a transaction that matches the specific token.The transport had previously responded to a transaction request.The transport does not recognize the specified transaction request ID.The transport does not recognize the specified transaction request type.The transport can only process the specified request on the server side of a session.The transport can only process the specified request on the client side of a session.{Data Not Accepted} The TDI client could not handle the data received during an indication.{Unable to Retrieve Browser Server List} The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.NTVDM encountered a hard error.{Reply Message Mismatch} An attempt was made to reply to an LPC message, but the thread specified by the client ID in the message was not waiting on that message.{Mapped View Alignment Incorrect} An attempt was made to map a view of a file, but either the specified base address or the offset into the file were not aligned on the proper allocation granularity.{Bad Image Checksum} The image %hs is possibly corrupt. The header checksum does not match the computed checksum.The user password must be changed before logging on the first time.A transaction recovery failed.The attempt to insert the ID in the index failed because the ID is already in the index.The attempt to set the object ID failed because the object already has an ID.Internal OFS status codes indicating how an allocation operation is handled. Either it is retried after the containing oNode is moved or the extent stream is converted to a large stream.The request needs to be retried.The attempt to find the object found an object on the volume that matches by ID; however, it is out of the scope of the handle that is used for the operation.The bucket array must be grown. Retry the transaction after doing so.The specified property set does not exist on the object.A domain controller for this domain was not found.The user account has been automatically locked because too many invalid logon attempts or password change attempts have been requested.NtClose was called on a handle that was protected from close via NtSetInformationObject.The transport-connection attempt was refused by the remote system.The transport connection was gracefully closed.The transport endpoint already has an address associated with it.An address has not yet been associated with the transport endpoint.An operation was attempted on a nonexistent transport connection.An invalid operation was attempted on an active transport connection.The remote network is not reachable by the transport.The remote system is not reachable by the transport.The remote system does not support the transport protocol.No service is operating at the destination port of the transport on the remote system.The transport connection was aborted by the local system.The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user mapped section open.{UP/MP Image Mismatch} The image %hs has been modified for use on a uniprocessor system, but you are running it on a multiprocessor machine. Reinstall the image file.{Invalid DLL Entrypoint} The dynamic link library %hs is not written correctly. The stack pointer has been left in an inconsistent state. The entry point should be declared as WINAPI or STDCALL. Select YES to fail the DLL load. Select NO to continue execution. Selecting NO might cause the application to operate incorrectly.The server received the messages but did not send a reply.{Low On Registry Space} The system has reached the maximum size that is allowed for the system part of the registry. Additional storage requests will be ignored.The contacted server does not support the indicated part of the DFS namespace.The service being accessed is licensed for a particular number of connections. No more connections can be made to the service at this time because the service has already accepted the maximum number of connections.You have attempted to load a legacy device driver while its device instance had been disabled.{Driver Entry Point Not Found} The %hs device driver could not locate the ordinal %ld in driver %hs.{Driver Entry Point Not Found} The %hs device driver could not locate the entry point %hs in driver %hs.{Application Error} The application attempted to release a resource it did not own. Click OK to terminate the application.The specified file has been relocated to offline storage.{Windows Evaluation Notification} The evaluation period for this installation of Windows has expired. This system will shutdown in 1 hour. To restore access to this installation of Windows, upgrade this installation by using a licensed distribution of this product.{Illegal System DLL Relocation} The system DLL %hs was relocated in memory. The application will not run properly. The relocation occurred because the DLL %hs occupied an address range that is reserved for Windows system DLLs. The vendor supplying the DLL should be contacted for a new DLL.{License Violation} The system has detected tampering with your registered product type. This is a violation of your software license. Tampering with the product type is not permitted.{Unable to Load Device Driver} %hs device driver could not be loaded. Error Status was 0x%x.DFS is unavailable on the contacted server.An operation was attempted to a volume after it was dismounted.An internal error occurred in the Win32 x86 emulation subsystem.Win32 x86 emulation subsystem floating-point stack check.The NTFS file or directory is not a reparse point.The Windows I/O reparse tag passed for the NTFS reparse point is invalid.The Windows I/O reparse tag does not match the one that is in the NTFS reparse point.The user data passed for the NTFS reparse point is invalid.The layered file system driver for this I/O tag did not handle it when needed.The NTFS symbolic link could not be resolved even though the initial file name is valid.The NTFS directory is a reparse point.The specified medium changer source element contains no media.The specified medium changer destination element already contains media.The specified medium changer element does not exist.The specified element is contained in a magazine that is no longer present.The device requires re-initialization due to hardware errors.The file encryption attempt failed.The file decryption attempt failed.There is no encryption recovery policy configured for this system.There are no EFS keys defined for the user.The policy object does not exist when it should.The requested policy information only lives in the Ds.The volume must be upgraded to enable this feature.The server process is running under a SID that is different from the SID that is required by client.The requested operation did not satisfy one or more constraints that are associated with the class of the object.The directory service cannot perform the requested operation on the Relatively Defined Name (RDN) attribute of an object.An error occurred while performing a cross domain move operation.Unable to contact the global catalog server.The reparse attribute cannot be set because it is incompatible with an existing attribute.A group marked "use for deny only" cannot be enabled.{EXCEPTION} Multiple floating-point faults.{EXCEPTION} Multiple floating-point traps.A directory service resource limit has been exceeded.{System Standby Failed} The driver %hs does not support standby mode. Updating this driver allows the system to go to standby mode.Mutual Authentication failed. The server password is out of date at the domain controller.{EXCEPTION} Alignment Error A data type misalignment error was detected in a load or store instruction.{EXCEPTION} Register NaT consumption faults. A NaT value is consumed on a non-speculative instruction.The transport element of the medium changer contains media, which is causing the operation to fail.Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %hs Error Status: 0x%x. Click OK to shut down this system and restart in Directory Services Restore Mode. Check the event log for more detailed information.The device will not start without a reboot.The power state of the current device cannot support this request.In a mixed domain, no nesting of a global group if the group is security enabled.In a mixed domain, cannot nest local groups with other local groups, if the group is security enabled.A local group cannot have another cross-domain local group as a member.Cannot change to a security-disabled group because primary members are in this group.The WMI operation is not supported by the data block or method.The Security Accounts Manager needs to get the boot password.The Security Accounts Manager needs to get the boot key from the floppy disk.The directory service cannot start.The directory service could not start because of the following error: %hs Error Status: 0x%x. Click OK to shut down this system and restart in Directory Services Restore Mode. Check the event log for more detailed information.The Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %hs Error Status: 0x%x. Click OK to shut down this system and restart in Safe Mode. Check the event log for more detailed information.The requested operation can be performed only on a global catalog server.Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %hs Error Status: 0x%x. Click OK to shut down the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %hs Error Status: 0x%x. Click OK to shut down the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.The client is trying to negotiate a context and the server requires user-to-user but did not send a TGT reply.An object ID was not found in the file.Unable to accomplish the requested task because the local machine does not have any IP addresses.The supplied credential handle does not match the credential that is associated with the security context.The crypto system or checksum function is invalid because a required function is unavailable.The local machine must be a Kerberos KDC (domain controller) and it is not.The other end of the security negotiation requires strong crypto but it is not supported on the local machine.The client certificate does not contain a valid UPN, or does not match the client name in the logon request. Contact your administrator.The WMI GUID is no longer available.Collection or events for the WMI GUID is already disabled.Collection or events for the WMI GUID is already enabled.The master file table on the volume is too fragmented to complete this operation.Copy protection error—DVD CSS Authentication failed.Copy protection error—The specified sector does not contain a valid key.Copy protection error—DVD session key not established.Copy protection error—The read failed because the sector is encrypted.Copy protection error—The region of the specified DVD does not correspond to the region setting of the drive.Copy protection error—The region setting of the drive might be permanent.The Kerberos protocol encountered an error while validating the KDC certificate during smart card logon. There is more information in the system event log.The Kerberos protocol encountered an error while attempting to use the smart card subsystem.The target server does not have acceptable Kerberos credentials.The transport determined that the remote system is down.The encryption algorithm that is used on the source file needs a bigger key buffer than the one that is used on the destination file.An attempt to remove a processes DebugPort was made, but a port was not already associated with the process.An attempt to do an operation on a debug port failed because the port is in the process of being deleted.This version of Windows is not compatible with the behavior version of the directory forest, domain, or domain controller.The machine account was created prior to Windows NT 4.0 operating system. The account needs to be recreated.The specified image file did not have the correct format; it appears to be a 32-bit Windows image.The specified image file did not have the correct format; it appears to be a 64-bit Windows image.The client's supplied SSPI channel bindings were incorrect.The client session has expired; so the client must re-authenticate to continue accessing the remote resources.The AppHelp dialog box canceled; thus preventing the application from starting.The driver was not loaded because the system is starting in safe mode.Access to %1 has been restricted by your Administrator by the default software restriction policy level.Access to %1 has been restricted by your Administrator by location with policy rule %2 placed on path %3.Access to %1 has been restricted by your Administrator by software publisher policy.Access to %1 has been restricted by your Administrator by policy rule %2.The device object parameter is either not a valid device object or is not attached to the volume that is specified by the file name.Driver %2 has been blocked from loading.There was error [%2] processing the driver database.System hive size has exceeded its limit.A dynamic link library (DLL) referenced a module that was neither a DLL nor the process's executable image.The system was not able to allocate enough memory to perform a stack switch.An incorrect PIN was presented to the smart card.The requested certificate does not exist on the smart card.The requested keyset does not exist.A communication error with the smart card has been detected.The smart card certificate used for authentication has been revoked. Contact your system administrator. There might be additional information in the event log.An untrusted certificate authority was detected while processing the smart card certificate that is used for authentication. Contact your system administrator.The revocation status of the smart card certificate that is used for authentication could not be determined. Contact your system administrator.The smart card provider could not perform the action because the context was acquired as silent.The delegated trust creation quota of the current user has been exceeded.The delegated trust deletion quota of the current user has been exceeded.The requested object has a non-unique identifier and cannot be retrieved.Kerberos sub-protocol User2User is required.The Kerberos subsystem encountered an error. A service for user protocol request was made against a domain controller which does not support service for user.An attempt was made by this server to make a Kerberos constrained delegation request for a target that is outside the server realm. This action is not supported and the resulting error indicates a misconfiguration on the allowed-to-delegate-to list for this server. Contact your administrator.The revocation status of the domain controller certificate used for smart card authentication could not be determined. There is additional information in the system event log. Contact your system administrator.An untrusted certificate authority was detected while processing the domain controller certificate used for authentication. There is additional information in the system event log. Contact your system administrator.The system has failed to hibernate (The error code is %hs). Hibernation will be disabled until the system is restarted.Logon Failure: The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine.%hs is a 16-bit application. You do not have permissions to execute 16-bit applications. Check your permissions with your system administrator.An invalid parameter was passed to a C runtime function.The authentication failed because NTLM was blocked.The source object's SID already exists in destination forest.The domain name of the trusted domain already exists in the forest.The flat name of the trusted domain already exists in the forest.The User Principal Name (UPN) is invalid.There has been an assertion failure.A user mode unwind is in progress.%2 has been blocked from loading due to incompatibility with this system. Contact your software vendor for a compatible version of the driver.Illegal operation attempted on a registry key which has already been unloaded.The hash for image %hs cannot be found in the system catalogs. The image is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering.The requested operation is out of order with respect to other operations.The required security context does not exist.The PKU2U protocol encountered an error while attempting to utilize the associated certificates.The operation was attempted beyond the valid data length of the file.The attempted write operation encountered a write already in progress for some portion of the range.The page fault mappings changed in the middle of processing a fault so the operation must be retried.The attempt to purge this file from memory failed to purge some or all the data from memory.The remote server sent an invalid response for a file being opened with Client Side Encryption.Client Side Encryption is not supported by the remote server even though it claims to support it.File is encrypted and should be opened in Client Side Encryption mode.The SMB client requested a CSE FSCTL on a non-CSE file.Indicates a particular Security ID cannot be assigned as the label of an object.The process hosting the driver for this device has terminated.This boot application must be restarted.Insufficient NVRAM resources exist to complete the API.  A reboot might be required.No ranges for the specified operation were able to be processed.The storage device does not support Offload Write.Data cannot be moved because the source device cannot communicate with the destination device.The token representing the data is invalid or expired.The file server is temporarily unavailable.A callback has requested to bypass native code.A fail fast exception occurred. Exception handlers will not be invoked and the process will be terminated immediately.Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file. The signing certificate for this file has been revoked.The ALPC message requested is no longer available.The ALPC message supplied is invalid.The ALPC message has been canceled.Invalid recursive dispatch attempt.No receive buffer has been supplied in a synchronous request.The connection port is used in an invalid context.The ALPC port does not accept new request messages.The resource requested is already in use.Status 0x%08x was returned, waiting on handle 0x%x for wait 0x%p, in waiter 0x%p.After a callback to 0x%p(0x%p), a completion call to Set event(0x%p) failed with status 0x%08x.After a callback to 0x%p(0x%p), a completion call to ReleaseSemaphore(0x%p, %d) failed with status 0x%08x.After a callback to 0x%p(0x%p), a completion call to ReleaseMutex(%p) failed with status 0x%08x.After a callback to 0x%p(0x%p), a completion call to FreeLibrary(%p) failed with status 0x%08x.The thread pool 0x%p was released while a thread was posting a callback to 0x%p(0x%p) to it.A thread pool worker thread is impersonating a client, after a callback to 0x%p(0x%p). This is unexpected, indicating that the callback is missing a call to revert the impersonation.A thread pool worker thread is impersonating a client, after executing an APC. This is unexpected, indicating that the APC is missing a call to revert the impersonation.The client certificate account mapping is not unique.Indicates that the specified string is not valid for IDN normalization.No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.The provided callback is already registered.The provided context did not match the target.The specified port already has a completion list.A threadpool worker thread entered a callback at thread base priority 0x%x and exited at priority 0x%x. This is unexpected, indicating that the callback missed restoring the priority.An invalid thread, handle %p, is specified for this operation. Possibly, a threadpool worker thread was specified.A threadpool worker thread entered a callback, which left transaction state. This is unexpected, indicating that the callback missed clearing the transaction.A threadpool worker thread entered a callback, which left the loader lock held. This is unexpected, indicating that the callback missed releasing the lock.A threadpool worker thread entered a callback, which left with preferred languages set. This is unexpected, indicating that the callback missed clearing them.A threadpool worker thread entered a callback, which left with background priorities set. This is unexpected, indicating that the callback missed restoring the original priorities.The attempted operation required self healing to be enabled.The operation could not be completed due to bad clusters on disk.The operation could not be completed because the volume is dirty. Please run the Chkdsk utility and try again.Access Denied. Before opening files in this location, you must first browse to the e.g. site and select the option to log on automatically.The operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus.The resources required for this device conflict with the MCFG table.The operation did not complete successfully because it would cause an oplock to be broken. The caller has requested that existing oplocks not be broken.The cryptographic signature is invalid.The cryptographic provider does not support HMAC.The neighbor discovery queue overflowed.An Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) hop limit exceeded error was received.The protocol is not installed on the local machine.{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs; the data has been lost. This error might be caused by network connectivity issues. Try to save this file elsewhere.{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file %hs; the data has been lost. This error might be caused if the device has been removed or the media is write-protected.Windows was unable to parse the requested XML data.An error was encountered while processing an XML digital signature.This indicates that the caller made the connection request in the wrong routing compartment.This indicates that there was an AuthIP failure when attempting to connect to the remote host.OID mapped groups cannot have members.The specified OID cannot be found.Hash generation for the specified version and hash type is not enabled on server.The hash requests is not present or not up to date with the current file contents.A file system filter on the server has not opted in for Offload Read support.A file system filter on the server has not opted in for Offload Write support.Offload read operations cannot be performed on: Compressed files Sparse files Encrypted files File system metadata filesOffload write operations cannot be performed on: Compressed files Sparse files Encrypted files File system metadata filesThe debugger did not perform a state change.The debugger found that the application is not idle.The object UUID was not found.The object UUID has already been registered.Insufficient resources are available to complete this operation.No RPCs are active on this thread.The RPC server does not support the transfer syntax.The type UUID is not supported.No network address is available to construct a UUID.The operation cannot be performed.No more endpoints are available from the endpoint mapper.An internal error occurred in the RPC.The RPC server attempted to divide an integer by zero.A floating point operation at the RPC server caused a divide by zero.A floating point underflow occurred at the RPC server.A floating point overflow occurred at the RPC server.No principal name was registered.The list of RPC servers available for auto-handle binding has been exhausted.The file designated by DCERPCCHARTRANS cannot be opened.A null context handle is passed as an [in] parameter.The context handle does not match any known context handles.The context handle changed during a call.The stub is unable to get the call handle.The RPC pipe object is invalid or corrupt.A device is missing in the system BIOS MPS table. This device will not be used. Contact your system vendor for a system BIOS update.An IRQ translator failed to translate resources.Driver %2 returned an invalid ID for a child device (%3).Reissue the given operation as a cached I/O operationThe protocol driver %1 is invalid.The protocol driver %1 was not found in the system path.A close operation is pending on the terminal connection.No free output buffers are available.The modem (%1) was not found in the MODEM.INF file.The modem did not respond to the command sent to it. Verify that the modem cable is properly attached and the modem is turned on.Carrier detection has failed or the carrier has been dropped due to disconnection.A dial tone was not detected within the required time. Verify that the phone cable is properly attached and functional.A busy signal was detected at a remote site on callback.A voice was detected at a remote site on callback.The system has reached its licensed logon limit. Try again later.The requested operation cannot be completed because the terminal connection is currently processing a connect, disconnect, reset, or delete operation.A process has requested access to a session, but has not been granted those access rights.The terminal connection driver %1 is invalid.The terminal connection driver %1 was not found in the system path.The requested session cannot be controlled remotely. You cannot control your own session, a session that is trying to control your session, a session that has no user logged on, or other sessions from the console.The RDP protocol component %2 detected an error in the protocol stream and has disconnected the client.Your request to connect to this terminal server has been rejected. Your terminal server client license number has not been entered for this copy of the terminal client. Contact your system administrator for help in entering a valid, unique license number for this terminal server client. Click OK to continue.Your request to connect to this terminal server has been rejected. Your terminal server client license number is currently being used by another user. Contact your system administrator to obtain a new copy of the terminal server client with a valid, unique license number. Click OK to continue.Your interactive logon privilege has been disabled. Contact your system administrator.The resource loader failed to find an MUI file.The resource loader failed to load an MUI file because the file failed to pass validation.The RC manifest is corrupted with garbage data, is an unsupported version, or is missing a required item.The RC manifest has and invalid ultimate fallback name.An attempt was made to run an invalid AML opcode.The AML interpreter stack has overflowed.An inconsistent state has occurred.An attempt was made to access an array outside its bounds.A required argument was not specified.An invalid SuperName was specified.An argument with an incorrect type was specified.An object with an incorrect type was specified.A target with an incorrect type was specified.An incorrect number of arguments was specified.An address failed to translate.An incorrect event type was specified.A handler for the target already exists.Invalid data for the target was specified.An invalid region for the target was specified.An attempt was made to access a field outside the defined range.The global system lock could not be acquired.An attempt was made to reinitialize the ACPI subsystem.The ACPI subsystem has not been initialized.An incorrect mutex was specified.The mutex is not currently owned.An attempt was made to access the mutex by a process that was not the owner.An error occurred during an access to region space.An attempt was made to use an incorrect table.The registration of an ACPI event failed.An ACPI power object failed to transition state.The requested section is not present in the activation context.Windows was unble to process the application binding information. Refer to the system event log for further information.The referenced assembly is not installed on the system.A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version that is already active.A component used by the isolation facility has requested that the process be terminated.The component store has become corrupted.The identities of the manifests are identical, but their contents are different.One or more required transaction members are not present.The SMI primitive installer failed during setup or servicing.A generic command executable returned a result that indicates failure.A component is missing file verification information in its manifest.The transaction handle associated with this operation is invalid.Transaction support within the specified file system resource manager was not started or was shut down due to an error.The resource manager attempted to prepare a transaction that it has not successfully joined.The specified directory does not contain a file system resource manager.The requested log size for the file system resource manager is invalid.The remote server sent mismatching version number or Fid for a file opened with transactions.It is too late to perform the requested operation, because the transaction has already been aborted.It is too late to perform the requested operation, because the transaction has already been committed.The buffer passed in to NtPushTransaction or NtPullTransaction is not in a valid format.The object (file, stream, or link) that corresponds to the handle has been deleted by a transaction savepoint rollback.A miniversion can be opened only in the context of the transaction that created it.The handle has been invalidated by a transaction. The most likely cause is the presence of memory mapping on a file or an open handle when the transaction ended or rolled back to savepoint.The operation cannot be performed because another transaction is depending on this property not changing.The operation would involve a single file with two transactional resource managers and is, therefore, not allowed.The operation would leave a transactional resource manager in an inconsistent state and is therefore not allowed.A rollback could not be scheduled because a previously scheduled rollback has already executed or been queued for execution.The transactional metadata attribute on the file or directory %hs is corrupt and unreadable.Memory mapping (creating a mapped section) a remote file under a transaction is not supported.This file is open for modification in an unresolved transaction and can be opened for execute only by a transacted reader.The target volume is not a snapshot volume. This operation is valid only on a volume mounted as a snapshot.The savepoint operation failed because files are open on the transaction, which is not permitted.The call to create a transaction manager object failed because the Tm Identity that is stored in the log file does not match the Tm Identity that was passed in as an argument.The specified transaction was unable to be opened because it was not found.The specified resource manager was unable to be opened because it was not found.The specified enlistment was unable to be opened because it was not found.The specified transaction manager was unable to be opened because it was not found.The specified transaction manager was unable to create the objects contained in its log file in the Ob namespace. Therefore, the transaction manager was unable to recover.The call to create a superior enlistment on this transaction object could not be completed because the transaction object specified for the enlistment is a subordinate branch of the transaction. Only the root of the transaction can be enlisted as a superior.Because the associated transaction manager or resource manager has been closed, the handle is no longer valid.The compression operation could not be completed because a transaction is active on the file.The specified operation could not be performed on this superior enlistment because the enlistment was not created with the corresponding completion response in the NotificationMask.The specified operation could not be performed because the record to be logged was too long. This can occur because either there are too many enlistments on this transaction or the combined RecoveryInformation being logged on behalf of those enlistments is too long.The link-tracking operation could not be completed because a transaction is active.This operation cannot be performed in a transaction.The kernel transaction manager had to abort or forget the transaction because it blocked forward progress.The handle is no longer properly associated with its transaction.  It might have been opened in a transactional resource manager that was subsequently forced to restart.  Please close the handle and open a new one.The specified operation could not be performed because the resource manager is not enlisted in the transaction.The log service found an invalid log sector.The log service user-log marshaling buffers are exhausted.The log service encountered an attempt to erroneously allocate or dispose reservation space.The log service cannot delete the log file or the file system container.The log space cannot be reclaimed because the log is pinned by the archive tail.A new or existing archive tail or the base of the active log is invalid.The operation failed because the log is dedicated.The operation requires a nonephemeral log, but the log is ephemeral.{Display Driver Stopped Responding} The %hs display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the computer, a dialog box will allow you to upload data about this failure to Microsoft.This is an internal error code used by the filter manager to determine if a fast I/O operation should be forced down the input/output request packet (IRP) path. Minifilters should never return this value.The Filter Manager was not initialized when a filter tried to register. Make sure that the Filter Manager is loaded as a driver.The Filter Manager had an internal error from which it cannot recover; therefore, the operation has failed. This is usually the result of a filter returning an invalid value from a pre-operation callback.A nonpaged pool must be used for this type of context.The specified transaction context is already enlisted in a transaction.A monitor descriptor could not be obtained.This release does not support the format of the obtained monitor descriptor.The checksum of the obtained monitor descriptor is invalid.The monitor descriptor contains an invalid standard timing block.WMI data-block registration failed for one of the MSMonitorClass WMI subclasses.The provided monitor descriptor block is either corrupted or does not contain the monitor's detailed serial number.The provided monitor descriptor block is either corrupted or does not contain the monitor's user-friendly name.There is no monitor descriptor data at the specified (offset or size) region.The monitor descriptor contains an invalid detailed timing block.Monitor descriptor contains invalid manufacture date.Exclusive mode ownership is needed to create an unmanaged primary allocation.The driver needs more DMA buffer space to complete the requested operation.The specified display adapter handle is invalid.The specified display adapter and all of its state have been reset.Present redirection is disabled (desktop windowing management subsystem is off).Previous exclusive VidPn source owner has released its ownershipNot enough video memory is available to complete the operation.An object being referenced has already reached the maximum reference count and cannot be referenced further.A problem could not be solved due to an existing condition. Try again later.A problem could not be solved due to an existing condition. Try again now.A GPU exception was detected on the given device. The device cannot be scheduled.The specified VidPN topology is invalid.The specified VidPN topology is valid but is not supported by this model of the display adapter.The specified VidPN topology is valid but is not currently supported by the display adapter due to allocation of its resources.The specified VidPN handle is invalid.The specified video present source is invalid.The specified video present target is invalid.The specified VidPN modality is not supported (for example, at least two of the pinned modes are not co-functional).The specified VidPN source mode set is invalid.The specified VidPN target mode set is invalid.The specified video signal frequency is invalid.The specified video signal active region is invalid.The specified video signal total region is invalid.The specified video present source mode is invalid.The specified video present target mode is invalid.The pinned mode must remain in the set on the VidPN's co-functional modality enumeration.The specified video present path is already in the VidPN's topology.The specified mode is already in the mode set.The specified video present source set is invalid.The specified video present target set is invalid.The specified video present source is already in the video present source set.The specified video present target is already in the video present target set.The specified VidPN present path is invalid.The miniport has no recommendation for augmenting the specified VidPN's topology.The specified monitor frequency range set is invalid.The specified monitor frequency range is invalid.The specified frequency range is not in the specified monitor frequency range set.The specified frequency range is already in the specified monitor frequency range set.The specified mode set is stale. Reacquire the new mode set.The specified monitor source mode set is invalid.The specified monitor source mode is invalid.The miniport does not have a recommendation regarding the request to provide a functional VidPN given the current display adapter configuration.The ID of the specified mode is being used by another mode in the set.The system failed to determine a mode that is supported by both the display adapter and the monitor connected to it.The number of video present targets must be greater than or equal to the number of video present sources.The specified present path is not in the VidPN's topology.The display adapter must have at least one video present source.The display adapter must have at least one video present target.The specified monitor descriptor set is invalid.The specified monitor descriptor is invalid.The specified descriptor is not in the specified monitor descriptor set.The specified descriptor is already in the specified monitor descriptor set.The ID of the specified monitor descriptor is being used by another descriptor in the set.The specified video present target subset type is invalid.The ID of the specified video present source is being used by another source in the set.The ID of the specified video present target is being used by another target in the set.The specified VidPN source cannot be used because there is no available VidPN target to connect it to.The newly arrived monitor could not be associated with a display adapter.The particular display adapter does not have an associated VidPN manager.The VidPN manager of the particular display adapter does not have an active VidPN.The specified VidPN topology is stale; obtain the new topology.No monitor is connected on the specified video present target.The specified source is not part of the specified VidPN's topology.The specified primary surface size is invalid.The specified visible region size is invalid.The specified stride is invalid.The specified pixel format is invalid.The specified color basis is invalid.The specified pixel value access mode is invalid.The specified target is not part of the specified VidPN's topology.Failed to acquire the display mode management interface.The specified VidPN source is already owned by a DMM client and cannot be used until that client releases it.The specified VidPN is active and cannot be accessed.The specified VidPN's present path importance ordinal is invalid.The specified VidPN's present path content geometry transformation is invalid.The specified content geometry transformation is not supported on the respective VidPN present path.The specified gamma ramp is invalid.The specified gamma ramp is not supported on the respective VidPN present path.The specified mode is not in the specified mode set.The specified VidPN topology recommendation reason is invalid.The specified VidPN present path content type is invalid.The specified VidPN present path copy protection type is invalid.Only one unassigned mode set can exist at any one time for a particular VidPN source or target.The topology changes are not allowed for the specified VidPN.All available importance ordinals are being used in the specified topology.The specified primary surface has a different private-format attribute than the current primary surface.The specified mode-pruning algorithm is invalid.The specified monitor-capability origin is invalid.The specified monitor-frequency range constraint is invalid.The maximum supported number of present paths has been reached.The miniport requested that augmentation be canceled for the specified source of the specified VidPN's topology.The specified client type was not recognized.The client VidPN is not set on this adapter (for example, no user mode-initiated mode changes have taken place on this adapter).The specified display adapter child device already has an external device connected to it.The lead adapter in a linked configuration was not enumerated yet.Some chain adapters in a linked configuration have not yet been enumerated.An attempt was made to start a lead link display adapter when the chain links had not yet started.The adapter link was found in an inconsistent state. Not all adapters are in an expected PNP/power state.An operation is being attempted that requires the display adapter to be in a quiescent state.The driver does not support OPM.The driver does not support COPP.The driver does not support UAB.The GDI display device passed to this function does not have any active protected outputs.The PVP cannot find an actual GDI display device that corresponds to the passed-in GDI display device name.The PVP does not support mirroring display devices because they do not have any protected outputs.The function failed because an invalid pointer parameter was passed to it. A pointer parameter is invalid if it is null, is not correctly aligned, or it points to an invalid address or a kernel mode address.An internal error caused an operation to fail.The function failed because the caller passed in an invalid OPM user-mode handle.DxgkDdiOpmCreateProtectedOutput() could not create a protected output because the video present yarget is in spanning mode.DxgkDdiOpmCreateProtectedOutput() could not create a protected output because the video present target is in theater mode.The function call failed because the display adapter's hardware functionality scan (HFS) failed to validate the graphics hardware.The HDCP SRM passed to this function did not comply with section 5 of the HDCP 1.1 specification.The protected output cannot enable the HDCP system because it does not support it.The protected output cannot enable analog copy protection because it does not support it.The protected output cannot enable the CGMS-A protection technology because it does not support it.DxgkDdiOPMGetInformation() cannot return the version of the SRM being used because the application never successfully passed an SRM to the protected output.DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput() cannot enable the specified output protection technology because the output's screen resolution is too high.DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput() cannot enable HDCP because other physical outputs are using the display adapter's HDCP hardware.The operating system asynchronously destroyed this OPM-protected output because the operating system state changed. This error typically occurs because the monitor PDO associated with this protected output was removed or stopped, the protected output's session became a nonconsole session, or the protected output's desktop became inactive.OPM functions cannot be called when a session is changing its type. Three types of sessions currently exist: console, disconnected, and remote (RDP or ICA).The DxgkDdiOPMGetCOPPCompatibleInformation, DxgkDdiOPMGetInformation, or DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput function failed. This error is returned only if a protected output has OPM semantics. DxgkDdiOPMGetCOPPCompatibleInformation always returns this error if a protected output has OPM semantics. DxgkDdiOPMGetInformation returns this error code if the caller requested COPP-specific information. DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput returns this error when the caller tries to use a COPP-specific command.The DxgkDdiOPMGetInformation and DxgkDdiOPMGetCOPPCompatibleInformation functions return this error code if the passed-in sequence number is not the expected sequence number or the passed-in OMAC value is invalid.The function failed because an unexpected error occurred inside a display driver.The DxgkDdiOPMGetCOPPCompatibleInformation, DxgkDdiOPMGetInformation, or DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput function failed. This error is returned only if a protected output has COPP semantics. DxgkDdiOPMGetCOPPCompatibleInformation returns this error code if the caller requested OPM-specific information. DxgkDdiOPMGetInformation always returns this error if a protected output has COPP semantics. DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput returns this error when the caller tries to use an OPM-specific command.The DxgkDdiOPMGetCOPPCompatibleInformation and DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput functions return this error if the display driver does not support the DXGKMDT_OPM_GET_ACP_AND_CGMSA_SIGNALING and DXGKMDT_OPM_SET_ACP_AND_CGMSA_SIGNALING GUIDs.The DxgkDdiOPMConfigureProtectedOutput function returns this error code if the passed-in sequence number is not the expected sequence number or the passed-in OMAC value is invalid.The monitor does not support the specified VCP code.A function call failed because a monitor returned an invalid timing status byte when the operating system used the DDC/CI get timing report and timing message command to get a timing report from a monitor.A monitor returned a DDC/CI capabilities string that did not comply with the ACCESS.bus 3.0, DDC/CI 1.1, or MCCS 2 Revision 1 specification.This error occurred because a DDC/CI message had an invalid value in its length field.This error occurred because the value in a DDC/CI message's checksum field did not match the message's computed checksum value. This error implies that the data was corrupted while it was being transmitted from a monitor to a computer.This function failed because an invalid monitor handle was passed to it.The operating system asynchronously destroyed the monitor that corresponds to this handle because the operating system's state changed. This error typically occurs because the monitor PDO associated with this handle was removed or stopped, or a display mode change occurred. A display mode change occurs when Windows sends a WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message to applications.This function can be used only if a program is running in the local console session. It cannot be used if a program is running on a remote desktop session or on a terminal server session.This function cannot find an actual GDI display device that corresponds to the specified GDI display device name.The function failed because the specified GDI display device was not attached to the Windows desktop.This function does not support GDI mirroring display devices because GDI mirroring display devices do not have any physical monitors associated with them.The function failed because an invalid pointer parameter was passed to it. A pointer parameter is invalid if it is null, is not correctly aligned, or points to an invalid address or to a kernel mode address.This function failed because the GDI device passed to it did not have a monitor associated with it.An array passed to the function cannot hold all of the data that the function must copy into the array.The function failed because the current session is changing its type. This function cannot be called when the current session is changing its type. Three types of sessions currently exist: console, disconnected, and remote (RDP or ICA).Not enough free space remains on the volume to allow encryption.The partition cannot be encrypted because the file system is not supported.The file system is inconsistent. Run the Check Disk utility.The file system does not extend to the end of the volume.This operation cannot be performed while a file system is mounted on the volume.The requested action was denied by the FVE control engine.The data supplied is malformed.The volume is not bound to the system.The volume specified is not the boot operating system volume.The BitLocker startup key or recovery password could not be read from external media.The BitLocker startup key or recovery password file is corrupt or invalid.The BitLocker encryption key could not be obtained from the startup key or the recovery password.The authorization data for the SRK of the TPM is not zero.The system boot information changed or the TPM locked out access to BitLocker encryption keys until the computer is restarted.The BitLocker encryption key could not be obtained from the TPM.The BitLocker encryption key could not be obtained from the TPM and PIN.A boot application hash does not match the hash computed when BitLocker was turned on.The Boot Configuration Data (BCD) settings are not supported or have changed because BitLocker was enabled.Boot debugging is enabled. Run Windows Boot Configuration Data Store Editor (bcdedit.exe) to turn it off.The BitLocker encryption key could not be obtained.The metadata disk region pointer is incorrect.The backup copy of the metadata is out of date.No action was taken because a system restart is required.No action was taken because BitLocker Drive Encryption is in RAW access mode.BitLocker Drive Encryption cannot enter RAW access mode for this volume.This feature of BitLocker Drive Encryption is not included with this version of Windows.Group policy does not permit turning off BitLocker Drive Encryption on roaming data volumes.Bitlocker Drive Encryption failed to recover from aborted conversion. This could be due to either all conversion logs being corrupted or the media being write-protected.The requested virtualization size is too big.The drive is too small to be protected using BitLocker Drive Encryption.The object is referenced by other objects and cannot be deleted.The call was made from the wrong session and cannot be completed.The collection of network diagnostic events is disabled.The object is built-in and cannot be deleted.The maximum number of callouts has been reached.A notification could not be delivered because a message queue has reached maximum capacity.An array that must contain at least one element has a zero length.An IKE policy cannot contain an Extended Mode policy.A policy cannot contain the same auth method more than once.The TCP/IP stack is not ready.The injection handle is being closed by another thread.The injection handle is stale.The classify cannot be pended.Failed to find the network interface or the network interface is not ready.The length of the submitted buffer for this operation is too small.The network interface does not support this object identifier.An error occurred while NDIS tried to map the file.The I/O operation failed because the network media is disconnected or the wireless access point is out of range.The miniport adapter is in a lower power state.The TCP connection is not offloadable because of a local policy setting.The TCP connection is not offloadable by the Chimney offload target.The IP Path object is not in an offloadable state.The wireless LAN interface is in auto-configuration mode and does not support the requested parameter change operation.The wireless LAN interface is power down and does not support the requested operation.The list of wake on LAN patterns is full.The list of low power protocol offloads is full.The SPI in the packet does not match a valid IPsec SA.The packet was received on an IPsec SA whose lifetime has expired.The packet was received on an IPsec SA that does not match the packet characteristics.The packet sequence number replay check failed.The IPsec header and/or trailer in the packet is invalid.The IPsec integrity check failed.IPsec dropped a clear text packet.IPsec dropped an incoming ESP packet in authenticated firewall mode.  This drop is benign.IPsec dropped a packet due to DOS throttle.IPsec Dos Protection matched an explicit block rule.IPsec Dos Protection received an IPsec specific multicast packet which is not allowed.IPsec Dos Protection received an incorrectly formatted packet.IPsec Dos Protection failed to lookup state.IPsec Dos Protection failed to create state because there are already maximum number of entries allowed by policy.IPsec Dos Protection received an IPsec negotiation packet for a keying module which is not allowed by policy.IPsec Dos Protection failed to create per internal IP ratelimit queue because there is already maximum number of queues allowed by policy.The system does not support mirrored volumes.The system does not support RAID-5 volumes.A virtual disk support provider for the specified file was not found.The specified disk is not a virtual disk.The chain of virtual hard disks is inaccessible. The process has not been granted access rights to the parent virtual hard disk for the differencing disk.The chain of virtual hard disks is corrupted. There is a mismatch in the virtual sizes of the parent virtual hard disk and differencing disk.The chain of virtual hard disks is corrupted. A differencing disk is indicated in its own parent chain.The chain of virtual hard disks is inaccessible. There was an error opening a virtual hard disk further up the chain.NT_STATUS_OPLOCK_BREAK_IN_PROGRESSNT_STATUS_NO_QUOTAS_FOR_ACCOUNTNT_STATUS_PRIMARY_TRANSPORT_CONNECT_FAILEDNT_STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_TRANSITIONNT_STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_DEMAND_ZERONT_STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_COPY_ON_WRITENT_STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_GUARD_PAGENT_STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_PAGING_FILENT_STATUS_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_CHANGEDNT_STATUS_TRANSLATION_COMPLETENT_STATUS_DS_MEMBERSHIP_EVALUATED_LOCALLYNT_STATUS_NOTHING_TO_TERMINATENT_STATUS_VOLSNAP_HIBERNATE_READYNT_STATUS_FSFILTER_OP_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLYNT_STATUS_INTERRUPT_VECTOR_ALREADY_CONNECTEDNT_STATUS_INTERRUPT_STILL_CONNECTEDNT_STATUS_FILE_LOCKED_WITH_ONLY_READERSNT_STATUS_FILE_LOCKED_WITH_WRITERSNT_STATUS_RESOURCEMANAGER_READ_ONLYNT_STATUS_DBG_EXCEPTION_HANDLEDNT_STATUS_CALLBACK_RETURNED_THREAD_AFFINITYNT_STATUS_THREAD_WAS_SUSPENDEDNT_STATUS_WORKING_SET_LIMIT_RANGENT_STATUS_SEGMENT_NOTIFICATIONNT_STATUS_LOCAL_USER_SESSION_KEYNT_STATUS_BAD_CURRENT_DIRECTORYNT_STATUS_FT_READ_RECOVERY_FROM_BACKUPNT_STATUS_SERIAL_COUNTER_TIMEOUTNT_STATUS_IMAGE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCHNT_STATUS_RECEIVE_PARTIAL_EXPEDITEDNT_STATUS_CHECKING_FILE_SYSTEMNT_STATUS_SERVICE_NOTIFICATIONNT_STATUS_WX86_EXCEPTION_CONTINUENT_STATUS_WX86_EXCEPTION_LASTCHANCENT_STATUS_WX86_EXCEPTION_CHAINNT_STATUS_IMAGE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH_EXENT_STATUS_TIMER_RESUME_IGNOREDNT_STATUS_ARBITRATION_UNHANDLEDNT_STATUS_CARDBUS_NOT_SUPPORTEDNT_STATUS_MP_PROCESSOR_MISMATCHNT_STATUS_DRIVERS_LEAKING_LOCKED_PAGESNT_STATUS_SYSTEM_POWERSTATE_TRANSITIONNT_STATUS_ALPC_CHECK_COMPLETION_LISTNT_STATUS_SYSTEM_POWERSTATE_COMPLEX_TRANSITIONNT_STATUS_ACCESS_AUDIT_BY_POLICYNT_STATUS_BIZRULES_NOT_ENABLEDNT_STATUS_DBG_UNABLE_TO_PROVIDE_HANDLENT_STATUS_DBG_TERMINATE_THREADNT_STATUS_DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESSNT_STATUS_DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_CNT_STATUS_DBG_COMMAND_EXCEPTIONNT_STATUS_SXS_RELEASE_ACTIVATION_CONTEXTNT_STATUS_VIDEO_DRIVER_DEBUG_REPORT_REQUESTNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_PARTIAL_DATA_POPULATEDNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_DRIVER_MISMATCHNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_MODE_NOT_PINNEDNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_NO_PREFERRED_MODENT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_DATASET_IS_EMPTYNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_NO_MORE_ELEMENTS_IN_DATASETNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_PATH_CONTENT_GEOMETRY_TRANSFORMATION_NOT_PINNEDNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_UNKNOWN_CHILD_STATUSNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_LEADLINK_START_DEFERREDNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_POLLING_TOO_FREQUENTLYNT_STATUS_GRAPHICS_START_DEFERREDNT_STATUS_NDIS_INDICATION_REQUIREDNT_STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATIONNT_STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENTNT_STATUS_WAKE_SYSTEM_DEBUGGERNT_STATUS_GUID_SUBSTITUTION_MADENT_STATUS_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENTNT_STATUS_EXTRANEOUS_INFORMATIONNT_STATUS_RXACT_COMMIT_NECESSARYNT_STATUS_REDIRECTOR_HAS_OPEN_HANDLESNT_STATUS_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLESNT_STATUS_ALREADY_DISCONNECTEDNT_STATUS_CLEANER_CARTRIDGE_INSTALLEDNT_STATUS_PLUGPLAY_QUERY_VETOEDNT_STATUS_REGISTRY_HIVE_RECOVEREDNT_STATUS_DLL_MIGHT_BE_INSECURENT_STATUS_DLL_MIGHT_BE_INCOMPATIBLENT_STATUS_DEVICE_REQUIRES_CLEANINGNT_STATUS_DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLEDNT_STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_UPNT_STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_DOWNNT_STATUS_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_ONLINENT_STATUS_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_OFFLINENT_STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_MEMBERNT_STATUS_COULD_NOT_RESIZE_LOGNT_STATUS_CANT_RECOVER_WITH_HANDLE_OPENNT_STATUS_TXF_METADATA_ALREADY_PRESENTNT_STATUS_TRANSACTION_SCOPE_CALLBACKS_NOT_SETNT_STATUS_VIDEO_HUNG_DISPLAY_DRIVER_THREAD_RECOVEREDNT_STATUS_FLT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLNT_STATUS_FVE_PARTIAL_METADATANT_STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCHNT_STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUESTNT_STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIREDNT_STATUS_CONFLICTING_ADDRESSESNT_STATUS_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_SECTIONNT_STATUS_INVALID_SYSTEM_SERVICENT_STATUS_INVALID_LOCK_SEQUENCENT_STATUS_INVALID_FILE_FOR_SECTIONNT_STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCHNT_STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTIONNT_STATUS_INVALID_UNWIND_TARGETNT_STATUS_UNABLE_TO_DECOMMIT_VMNT_STATUS_INVALID_PORT_ATTRIBUTESNT_STATUS_PORT_MESSAGE_TOO_LONGNT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_MIXNT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUNDNT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISIONNT_STATUS_DEVICE_ALREADY_ATTACHEDNT_STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUNDNT_STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BADNT_STATUS_PORT_CONNECTION_REFUSEDNT_STATUS_INVALID_PAGE_PROTECTIONNT_STATUS_SEMAPHORE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDNT_STATUS_SUSPEND_COUNT_EXCEEDEDNT_STATUS_THREAD_IS_TERMINATINGNT_STATUS_BAD_WORKING_SET_LIMITNT_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_MAPNT_STATUS_NONEXISTENT_EA_ENTRYNT_STATUS_CTL_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTEDNT_STATUS_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUPNT_STATUS_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKENNT_STATUS_CANT_DISABLE_MANDATORYNT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSIONNT_STATUS_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAMENT_STATUS_PASSWORD_RESTRICTIONNT_STATUS_TOO_MANY_LUIDS_REQUESTEDNT_STATUS_INVALID_SUB_AUTHORITYNT_STATUS_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCRNT_STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMATNT_STATUS_TOO_MANY_GUIDS_REQUESTEDNT_STATUS_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITYNT_STATUS_INVALID_VOLUME_LABELNT_STATUS_SECTION_NOT_EXTENDEDNT_STATUS_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUNDNT_STATUS_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUNDNT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUNDNT_STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDEDNT_STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERANDNT_STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERONT_STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULTNT_STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATIONNT_STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERONT_STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTIONNT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code 0x%08xIncorrect function.Access is denied.The handle is invalid.The environment is incorrect.The access code is invalid.The data is invalid.There are no more files.The media is write-protected.The device is not ready.The printer is out of paper.Reached the end of the file.The disk is full.The request is not supported.The network is busy.The print queue is full.Network access is denied.The file exists.Fail on INT 24.The parameter is incorrect.Insert the disk for drive %1.The pipe has been ended.The file name is too long.The disk has no volume label.The directory is not empty.Cannot create another thread.A signal is already pending.Cannot run %1 in Win32 mode.The ring 2 stack is in use.The pipe is local.The pipe state is invalid.All pipe instances are busy.The pipe is being closed.More data is available.The session was canceled.The wait operation timed out.No more data is available.The oplock request is denied.The restart operation failed.Unwind exception code.Profiling not started.Profiling not stopped.Page file quota was exceeded.WOW assertion error.Debugger will reply later.Debugger terminated thread.Debugger terminated process.Debugger got control C.Checking file system on %wZ.{Fatal Application Exit} %hs.The system has awoken.Debugger handled exception.Debugger continued.Invalid flags.No more data is on the tape.Unable to unload the media.The I/O bus was reset.No media in drive.The device is not connected.Element not found.The request was aborted.No more local devices.A transaction recover failed.The group cannot be disabled.No more LUIDs are available.The ACL structure is invalid.The SID structure is invalid.An internal error occurred.Invalid window handle.Invalid menu handle.Invalid cursor handle.Invalid hook handle.Cannot find window class.Class already exists.Class does not exist.Class still has open windows.Invalid index.Invalid icon handle.No wildcards were found.Hot key is not registered.Control ID not found.Height must be less than 256.Invalid hook procedure type.Invalid hook procedure.Invalid message box style.Screen already locked.Invalid GW_* command.Invalid thread identifier.Pop-up menu already active.A menu item was not found.Hook type not allowed.Invalid monitor handle.Incorrect size argument.The event log file is full.User canceled installation.Feature ID not registered.Component ID not registered.Unknown property.Product is uninstalled.Record field does not exist.The device has been removed.The string UUID is invalid.No endpoint was found.The manager type is unknown.The interface is unknown.There are no bindings.The RPC failed.The tag is invalid.The array bounds are invalid.The name syntax is invalid.The endpoint is a duplicate.The string is too long.The entry is invalid.The entry name is incomplete.There are no more members.There is nothing to unexport.The interface was not found.The entry already exists.The entry is not found.The byte count is too small.The stub received bad data.The network logon failed.The printer name is invalid.The printer already exists.There are no more bindings.The RPC was canceled.The thread is not canceled.Unsupported RPC pipe version.The pixel format is invalid.The queue is empty.A remote API error occurred.The event name is invalid.The printer does not exist.The print job does not exist.The spooler is not running.The service table is full.The service name is invalid.The service control is busy.The service ended abnormally.Network logons are paused.The group already exists.A disk I/O failure occurred.This asg_type is invalid.A write fault occurred.This device is not shared.This device cannot be shared.This device was not open.Log file %1 is full.Log file %1 is corrupt.The source path is illegal.The alert table is full.The file below is corrupt.A disk I/O error occurred.Profile record was not found.Adapter record was not found.Vendor record was not found.Unable to create a link.The server is not DFS-aware.DFS internal error.The account is locked out.The password is too long.The spool file was not found.No printers were found.The SKU is not licensed.The database is full.The object already exists.The cluster log is corrupt.A cluster resource failed.The cluster node is down.The cluster node is up.The cluster node is paused.The log space is exhausted.Log archival is in progress.The log data is corrupt.Transport driver error.An operations error occurred.A protocol error occurred.Inappropriate authentication.Inappropriate matching.There is an alias problem.The object is a leaf object.A loop has been detected.There is a naming violation.The result set is too large.A local error has occurred.No results were returned.The user buffer is too small.Chaining is not permitted.Directory object not found.The name has too many parts.The name is too long.The name value is too long.The schema is not loaded.DNS server failure.DNS name does not exist.DNS operation refused.DNS bad key.Bad DNS packet.No DNS packet.DNS error, check rcode.Unsecured DNS packet.Invalid DNS type.Invalid IP address.Invalid property.DNS name is entirely numeric.DNS zone does not exist.DNS zone is locked.DNS zone creation failed.DNS zone already exists.Invalid DNS zone type.DNS zone not secondary.Need secondary IP address.WINS initialization failed.Need WINS servers.Invalid delete of SOA.DNS record does not exist.DNS record format error.Node creation failure in DNS.Unknown DNS record type.DNS record timed out.Name not in DNS zone.CNAME loop detected.Node is a CNAME DNS record.DNS record already exists.DNS domain was undeleted.DNS zone transfer failed.Added local WINS server.Too many open sockets.Cannot translate name.Ran out of quota.Ran out of disk quota.No such host is known.There are no senders.There are no receivers.Reserve has been confirmed.Unknown or conflicting style.General processing error.Negotiation timed out.An unknown error occurred.Invalid certificate type.Invalid header.No policy configured.Failed to verify signature.Invalid payload received.Soft SA loaded.Soft SA torn down.Invalid cookie received.Failed to load SECURITY.DLL.Given filter is invalid.Memory allocation failed.Invalid policy.Invalid situation.Diffie-Hellman failure.Invalid Diffie-Hellman group.Error encrypting payload.Error decrypting payload.Policy match error.Unsupported ID.Hash verification failed.Invalid hash algorithm.Invalid hash size.Invalid encryption algorithm.Load failed.Deleted by using an RPC call.Configuration error.Locale installation failed.NT_STATUS_OKNT_STATUS(0x%08x)NT code 0x%08xlibcli/util/errmap_unix.c:280%s: 32 bit codes: code=%08x
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0