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Mini Shell

Direktori : /lib/python3.12/test/support/__pycache__/
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Current File : //lib/python3.12/test/support/__pycache__/threading_helper.cpython-312.pyc


���fq����ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZd�Z	d�Z
dd�Zejdd��ZGd	�d
�Zdefd�Ze�Zd
d�d�Zy)�N)�supportc�\�tj�ttj�fS�N)�_thread�_count�len�	threading�	_dangling���4/usr/lib/python3.12/test/support/threading_helper.py�threading_setuprs���>�>��S��!4�!4�5�5�5rc�b�|\}}d}tj|d��D]6}ttj�}tj�}||ks�6ydt_tjd|d�d|�d|�d	�dt���
|����y)Ng�?F��errorTz2threading_cleanup() failed to clean up threads in �.1fz  seconds
  before: thread count=z, dangling=z
  after: thread count=zDangling thread: )
r�sleeping_retry�listr	r
orig_count�orig_ndangling�timeout�_�dangling_threads�count�threads        r
9��� �	� 3� 3�4����� ���J����#'�G�������c�]�"�",��[��8H�I!�!&��{�3�7G�3H�2I�	K�L�
#�>����� 1�&��<�=�>rc�B��tj���fd��}|S)z�Use this function when threads are being used.  This will
    ensure that the threads are cleaned up even when the test fails.
    c�N��t�}	�|�t|�S#t|�wxYwr)rr)�args�key�funcs  �r
�	decoratorzreap_threads.<locals>.decorator>s)������	$���;��s�#���s�#�s��
$)�	functools�wraps)r$r%s` r
�reap_threadsr(:s(����_�_�T��$��$��rc#�K�|�tj}tj�}	d��t	j
�}tj|d��D]1}tj�tj�}||ks�1yt	j
�d|d�d|�d|�d	�	}t|��#t	j
�}tj|d��D]1}tj�tj�}||ks�1wt	j
�d|d�d|�d|�d	�	}t|��xYw�w)
    bpo-31234: Context manager to wait until all threads created in the with
    statement exit.

    Use _thread.count() to check if threads exited. Indirectly, wait until
    threads exit the internal t_bootstrap() C function of the _thread module.

    threading_setup() and threading_cleanup() are designed to emit a warning
    if a test leaves running threads in the background. This context manager
    is designed to cleanup threads started by the _thread.start_new_thread()
    which doesn't allow to wait for thread exit, whereas thread.Thread has a
    join() method.
    NFrz!wait_threads() failed to cleanup z threads after rz seconds (count: z
, old count: �))	r�
SHORT_TIMEOUTrr�time�	monotonicr�
gc_collect�AssertionError)r�	old_count�
start_timerr�dt�msgs       r
�wait_threads_exitr4Hsk�������'�'����� �I�&�
	&�A���� ��N�N�$�E��	�!��	
	&����!�J�.�B�6�u�y�7H�6I�J$�$&�s�8�,�#�W�M�)��A�?�C�!��%�%���^�^�%�
	&�A���� ��N�N�$�E��	�!��	
	&����!�J�.�B�6�u�y�7H�6I�J$�$&�s�8�,�#�W�M�)��A�?�C�!��%�%�s)�'E�C�AE�
8E�AE�8E�Ec��|�tj}|j|�|j�rd|d�d�}t	|��y)zcJoin a thread. Raise an AssertionError if the thread is still alive
    after timeout seconds.
    Nzfailed to join the thread in rz seconds)rr+�join�is_aliver/)rrr3s   r
����-�g�c�]�(�C���S�!�!�rc#�8K�	ddl}t|�}g}		|D]#}|j�|j	|��%	d��	|r|�tj�}tdd�D]�}|dz
js�ttdt|�|fz���|D�cgc]}|j�s�|��}}|r8|�|jt j"�t%dt|�z��y#t$rd}Y��^wxYw#t
jr"tdt|�t|�fz��xYwcc}wcc}w#|D�cgc]}|j�s�|��ncc}w}}|r8|�|jt j"�t%dt|�z��wxYw#	|r|�tj�}tdd�D]�}|dz
js�ztdt|�|fz���|D�cgc]}|j�s�|��ncc}w}}|r8|�|jt j"�t%dt|�z��w#|D�cgc]}|j�s�|��ncc}w}}|r8|�|jt j"�t%dt|�z��wxYwxYw�w)	Nrz/Can't start %d threads, only %d threads started���<g{�G�z�?z7Unable to join %d threads during a period of %d minuteszUnable to join %d threads)�faulthandler�ImportErrorr�start�appendr�verbose�printrr,r-�ranger6�maxr7�dump_traceback�sys�stdoutr/)�threads�unlockr=�started�t�endtimers       r
start_threadsrMwsZ�������7�m�G��G�Q�	��
"�����	����q�!�
"�	�	Q�����n�n�&�G� ��B�<�	
�� �B�A��F�F�3�w����)9�9�4�@�A�B�&-�>������1�>��>����?�?��'�*-�g�,��)@�A�B�	
B�#*�:�Q�Q�Z�Z�\�q�:�G�:���+� �/�/��
�;�$�%@�3�w�<�%O�P�P���C������	�����G��7�|�S��\�2�3�4���?��;��'�:�Q�Q�Z�Z�\�q�:��:�G�:���+� �/�/��
�;�$�%@�3�w�<�%O�P�P���!	Q�����n�n�&�G� ��B�<�	
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B�#*�:�Q�Q�Z�Z�\�q�:��:�G�:���+� �/�/��
�;�$�%@�3�w�<�%O�P�P���#*�:�Q�Q�Z�Z�\�q�:��:�G�:���+� �/�/��
N�(E*�H�A,F,�1F"�F"�F,�"F,�=N�F'�F'�=N�E'�#N�&E'�'N�*5F�H�"F,�'N�,H�1G�G�AH�N�N�A,L2�?J
�L2�6L2�N�K0�+K0�/AN�2N�7M�
M�AN�N�Nc�(�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zy)�catch_threading_exceptiona
    Context manager catching threading.Thread exception using

    Attributes set when an exception is caught:

    * exc_type
    * exc_value
    * exc_traceback
    * thread

    See threading.excepthook() documentation for these attributes.

    These attributes are deleted at the context manager exit.


        with threading_helper.catch_threading_exception() as cm:
            # code spawning a thread which raises an exception

            # check the thread exception, use cm attributes:
            # exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, thread

        # exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, thread attributes of cm no longer
        # exists at this point
        # (to avoid reference cycles)
    c�J�d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_yr)�exc_type�	exc_value�
exc_tracebackr�	_old_hook��selfs r
����!��������rc��|j|_|j|_|j|_|j|_yr)rQrRrSr)rVr"s  r
������!�/�/����k�k��rc�Z�tj|_|jt_|Sr)r	�
excepthookrTrYrUs r
�	__enter__z#catch_threading_exception.__enter__�s ��"�-�-���#�z�z�	���rc�>�|jt_|`|`|`|`yr)rTr	r[rQrRrSr)rV�exc_infos  r
�__exit__z"catch_threading_exception.__exit__�s#��#�~�~�	���M��N����KrN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rWrYr\r_rrr
rOrO�s���<�"��
rrO�returnc��tjdk(rtjjStjdk(ryy)ayDetect whether Python can start new threads.

    Some WebAssembly platforms do not provide a working pthread
    implementation. Thread support is stubbed and any attempt
    to create a new thread fails.

    - wasm32-wasi does not have threading.
    - wasm32-emscripten can be compiled with or without pthread
      support (-s USE_PTHREADS / __EMSCRIPTEN_PTHREADS__).
emscripten�wasiFT)rF�platform�_emscripten_info�pthreadsrrr
�_can_start_threadrk�s6���|�|�|�#��#�#�,�,�,�	����	��rF)�modulec�v�d}|rtstj|��ytjt|�S)z�Skip tests or modules that require working threading.

    Can be used as a function/class decorator or to skip an entire module.
    zrequires threading supportN)�can_start_thread�unittest�SkipTest�
skipUnless)rlr3s  r
���#�#�C�(�(� ��"�"�#3�S�9�9rr)r�
contextlibr&rFr	r,ro�testrrrr(�contextmanagerr4r8rMrO�boolrkrnrrrrr
�����6�>�<����&��&�D	"����'Q��'Q�T6�6�r�4��&%�&��).�

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0