Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/words/test/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/words/test/__pycache__/test_jabberjid.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f� � � � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ G d� dej � Z G d� dej � Z G d� d ej � Zy )z2 Tests for L{twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid}. � )�unittest)�jidc �D � e Zd Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Z y) �JIDParsingTestsNc �� � | j t j d� d� | j t j d� d� | j t j d� d� | j t j d� d� | j t j d � d � | j t j d� d� | j t j d � d� | j t j d� d� | j t j d� d� | j t j d� d� y)z/ Test different forms of JIDs. �user@host/resource��user�host�resource� user@host�r r Nr �Nr N� host/resource�Nr r zfoo/bar@baz)N�foo�bar@bazzboo@foo/bar@baz)�boor r zboo@foo/bar/baz)r r zbar/bazzboo/foo@bar@baz)Nr zfoo@bar@bazzboo/foo/bar)Nr zfoo/barzboo//foo)Nr z/fooN)�assertEqualr �parse��selfs �C/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/words/test/test_jabberjid.py� test_parsezJIDParsingTests.test_parse s � � ������#7�8�:V�W�������;�/�1G�H�������6�*�,@�A�������?�3�5O�P� ������=�1�3K�L�������#4�5�7P�Q�������#4�5�7P�Q�������#4�5�7S�T�������=�1�3K�L�������:�.�0E�F� c �b � | j t j t j d� y)z3 Test for failure on no host part. zuser@N��assertRaisesr � InvalidFormatr r s r �test_noHostzJIDParsingTests.test_noHost s � � ���#�+�+�S�Y�Y��@r c �b � | j t j t j d� y)z� Test for failure on double @ signs. This should fail because @ is not a valid character for the host part of the JID. z user@@hostNr r s r � test_doubleAtzJIDParsingTests.test_doubleAt% s � � ���#�+�+�S�Y�Y��Er c �b � | j t j t j d� y)z� Test for failure on two @ signs. This should fail because @ is not a valid character for the host part of the JID. zuser@host@hostNr r s r �test_multipleAtzJIDParsingTests.test_multipleAt. s! � � ���#�+�+�S�Y�Y�8H�Ir c �R � | j t j ddd� d� y)z@ Test case mapping of the user part of the JID. �UsErr r r N�r r �prepr s r �test_prepCaseMapUserz$JIDParsingTests.test_prepCaseMapUser: �% � � ����H�H�V�V�Z�0�2N� r c �R � | j t j ddd� d� y)z@ Test case mapping of the host part of the JID. r �hoSTr r Nr'