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Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/web/__pycache__/_flatten.cpython-312.pyc


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Context-free flattener/serializer for rendering Python objects, possibly
complex or arbitrarily nested, as strings.
GeneratorType)�Any�Callable�	Coroutine�	Generator�List�Mapping�Optional�Sequence�Tuple�TypeVar�Union�cast)�Deferred�ensureDeferred)�nativeString)�Failure)�CDATA�CharRef�Comment�Tag�slot�voidElements)�FlattenerError�UnfilledSlot�UnsupportedType)�IRenderable�IRequest�T.Nic��t|t�r|jd�}|jdd�jdd�jdd�}|S)a�
    Escape some character or UTF-8 byte data for inclusion in an HTML or XML
    document, by replacing metacharacters (C{&<>}) with their entity
    equivalents (C{&amp;&lt;&gt;}).

    This is used as an input to L{_flattenElement}'s C{dataEscaper} parameter.

    @param data: The string to escape.

    @return: The quoted form of C{data}.  If C{data} is L{str}, return a utf-8
        encoded string.
isinstance�str�encode�replace��datas �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/web/_flatten.py�escapeForContentr2GsK���$����{�{�7�#���<�<��h�'�/�/��g�>�F�F�t�W�U�D��K�c�H�t|t�r|jd�S|S)aG
    Escape some character or UTF-8 byte data for inclusion in the top level of
    an attribute.  L{attributeEscapingDoneOutside} actually passes the data
    through unchanged, because L{writeWithAttributeEscaping} handles the
    quoting of the text within attributes outside the generator returned by
    L{_flattenElement}; this is used as the C{dataEscaper} argument to that
    L{_flattenElement} call so that that generator does not redundantly escape
    its text output.

    @param data: The string to escape.

    @return: The string, unchanged, except for encoding.
    r&)r+r,r-r/s r1�attributeEscapingDoneOutsider5Zs"���$����{�{�7�#�#��Kr3c���d�fd�}|S)aU
    Decorate a C{write} callable so that all output written is properly quoted
    for inclusion within an XML attribute value.

    If a L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{x} is flattened within the context
    of the contents of another L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{y}, the
    metacharacters (C{<>&"}) delimiting C{x} should be passed through
    unchanged, but the textual content of C{x} should still be quoted, as
    usual.  For example: C{<y><x>&amp;</x></y>}.  That is the default behavior
    of L{_flattenElement} when L{escapeForContent} is passed as the

    However, when a L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} C{x} is flattened within
    the context of an I{attribute} of another L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}
    C{y}, then the metacharacters delimiting C{x} should be quoted so that it
    can be parsed from the attribute's value.  In the DOM itself, this is not a
    valid thing to do, but given that renderers and slots may be freely moved
    around in a L{twisted.web.template} template, it is a condition which may
    arise in a document and must be handled in a way which produces valid
    output.  So, for example, you should be able to get C{<y attr="&lt;x /&gt;"
    />}.  This should also be true for other XML/HTML meta-constructs such as
    comments and CDATA, so if you were to serialize a L{comment
    <twisted.web.template.Comment>} in an attribute you should get C{<y
    attr="&lt;-- comment --&gt;" />}.  Therefore in order to capture these
    meta-characters, flattening is done with C{write} callable that is wrapped
    with L{writeWithAttributeEscaping}.

    The final case, and hopefully the much more common one as compared to
    serializing L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>} and arbitrary L{IRenderable}
    objects within an attribute, is to serialize a simple string, and those
    should be passed through for L{writeWithAttributeEscaping} to quote
    without applying a second, redundant level of quoting.

    @param write: A callable which will be invoked with the escaped L{bytes}.

    @return: A callable that writes data with escaping.
    c�H���t|�jdd��y)N�"s&quot;)r2r.)r0�writes �r1�_writez*writeWithAttributeEscaping.<locals>._write�s���
��t�$�,�,�T�9�=�>r3)r0�bytes�return�None�)r9r:s` r1�writeWithAttributeEscapingr?ms���R?��Mr3c�h�t|t�r|jd�}|jdd�S)z�
    Escape CDATA for inclusion in a document.

    @param data: The string to escape.

    @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8
        encoded string.
    r&�]]>s]]]]><![CDATA[>r*r/s r1�escapedCDATArB�s.���$����{�{�7�#���<�<�� 2�3�3r3c��t|t�r|jd�}|jdd�}|r
    Within comments the sequence C{-->} can be mistaken as the end of the comment.
    To ensure consistent parsing and valid output the sequence is replaced with C{--&gt;}.
    Furthermore, whitespace is added when a comment ends in a dash. This is done to break
    the connection of the ending C{-} with the closing C{-->}.

    @param data: The string to escape.

    @return: The quoted form of C{data}. If C{data} is unicode, return a utf-8
        encoded string.
    r&�-->s--&gt;���N�-� r*r/s r1�escapedCommentrH�sJ���$����{�{�7�#���<�<��	�*�D���R�S�	�T�!������Kr3c�\�t|�D]}|��||vs�||cS|�|St|��)zK
    Find the value of the named slot in the given stack of slot data.
    )�reversedr )�name�slotData�default�	slotFrames    r1�
_getSlotValuerO�sG���h�'�!�	�� �T�Y�%6��T�?�"�!����N��4� � r3c�b���t�fd���d�fd�}d�fd�}�j||��S)z�
    Create a new L{Deferred} based on C{d} that will fire and fail with C{d}'s
    result or error, but will not modify C{d}'s callback type.
    c�$���j�S�N)�cancel)�_�ds �r1�<lambda>z_fork.<locals>.<lambda>�s
�������r3c�*���j|�|SrR)�callback)�result�d2s �r1rXz_fork.<locals>.callback�s���
r3c�*���j|�|SrR)�errback)�failurerZs �r1r\z_fork.<locals>.errback�s���
�7���r3)rYr$r<r$)r]rr<r)r�addCallbacks)rUrXr\rZs`  @r1�_forkr_�s/���
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    Make C{root} slightly more flat by yielding all its immediate contents as
    strings, deferreds or generators that are recursive calls to itself.

    @param request: A request object which will be passed to

    @param root: An object to be made flatter.  This may be of type C{unicode},
        L{str}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple}, L{list},
        L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or an object that implements

    @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced
        by flattening C{root}.

    @param slotData: A L{list} of L{dict} mapping L{str} slot names to data
        with which those slots will be replaced.

    @param renderFactory: If not L{None}, an object that provides

    @param dataEscaper: A 1-argument callable which takes L{bytes} or
        L{unicode} and returns L{bytes}, quoted as appropriate for the
        rendering context.  This is really only one of two values:
        L{attributeEscapingDoneOutside} or L{escapeForContent}, depending on
        whether the rendering context is within an attribute or not.  See the
        explanation in L{writeWithAttributeEscaping}.

    @return: An iterator that eventually writes L{bytes} to C{write}.
        It can yield other iterators or L{Deferred}s; if it yields another
        iterator, the caller will iterate it; if it yields a L{Deferred},
        the result of that L{Deferred} will be another generator, in which
        case it is iterated.  See L{_flattenTree} for the trampoline that
        consumes said values.
renderFactoryr9�requestrLs    ��r1�	keepGoingz"_flattenElement.<locals>.keepGoings�����W�e�X�}�k�
r3c�&��|j��SrR)�addCallback)rYrgs �r1�keepGoingAsyncz'_flattenElement.<locals>.keepGoingAsyncs����!�!�)�,�,r3s	<![CDATA[rAs<!--rDNz$Tag wants to be rendered by method "z)" but is not contained in any IRenderableFr(�asciirGs=")r9r8r)s</s />z&#%d;)re)
rc�Flattenablerd�$Callable[[Union[bytes, str]], bytes]re�Optional[IRenderable]r9�Callable[[bytes], object]r<z@Generator[Union[Flattenable, Deferred[Flattenable]], None, None])rY�Deferred[Flattenable]r<rp).r+r;r,rrOrKrMrrBr0rrHr�appendrL�render�
providedByr!)rf�rootr9rLrerdrj�	slotValue�rendererName�	rootClone�renderMethodrYrw�k�v�element�escapedrgs`  `             @r1rbrb�sn�����b=H�/<�+0�	

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    Make C{root} into an iterable of L{bytes} and L{Deferred} by doing a depth
    first traversal of the tree.

    @param request: A request object which will be passed to

    @param root: An object to be made flatter.  This may be of type C{unicode},
        L{bytes}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple},
        L{list}, L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or something providing

    @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced
        by flattening C{root}.

    @return: A C{Deferred}-returning coroutine that resolves to C{None}.
��tk\r��yyrR)rq�len�BUFFER_SIZE)�bs�buf�bufSize�flushBuffers ���r1�
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StopIterationrv�	Exception�f_localsrrr)
rfr�r9r��stack�framer��e�roots�	generatorr�r�r�s
  `       @@@r1�_flattenTreer�ss#�����(
�C��G���	���}�b�$�@P�Q�-�E��	"��"�I�&�&�E��5��9�o�G��'�8�,��
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B��L�L�����/�0� ��E�:�h�j��m�+D�E�E��
    Incrementally write out a string representation of C{root} using C{write}.

    In order to create a string representation, C{root} will be decomposed into
    simpler objects which will themselves be decomposed and so on until strings
    or objects which can easily be converted to strings are encountered.

    @param request: A request object which will be passed to the C{render}
        method of any L{IRenderable} provider which is encountered.

    @param root: An object to be made flatter.  This may be of type L{str},
        L{bytes}, L{slot}, L{Tag <twisted.web.template.Tag>}, L{tuple},
        L{list}, L{types.GeneratorType}, L{Deferred}, or something that
        provides L{IRenderable}.

    @param write: A callable which will be invoked with each L{bytes} produced
        by flattening C{root}.

    @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with C{None} when C{root}
        has been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked
        if an unexpected exception occurs.
    )rr�)rfr�r9s   r1�flattenr��s��2�,�w��e�<�=�=r3c���t��t||�j�}|j�fd��t	t
t|�S)a�
    Collate a string representation of C{root} into a single string.

    This is basically gluing L{flatten} to an L{io.BytesIO} and returning
    the results. See L{flatten} for the exact meanings of C{request} and

    @return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back with a single UTF-8 encoded
        string as its result when C{root} has been completely flattened or which
        will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs.
    c�$���j�SrR)�getvalue)rT�ios �r1rVzflattenString.<locals>.<lambda>�s
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0