Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/trial/test/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/trial/test/__pycache__/skipping.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f� � �� � d Z ddlmZmZmZmZ G d� d� Z G d� dee� Z G d� dee� Z G d � d � Z G d� de e� Z G d � de e� Z G d� d� Z G d� dee� Z G d� dee� Z G d� d� Z G d� dee� Z G d� dee� Z G d� d� Z G d� dee� Z G d� d ee� Z G d!� d"� Z G d#� d$ee� Z G d%� d&ee� Z G d'� d(� Z G d)� d*ee� Z G d+� d,ee� Z G d-� d.� Z G d/� d0ee� Z G d1� d2ee� Z G d3� d4� Z G d5� d6ee� Z G d7� d8ee� Z G d9� d:� Z! G d;� d<e!e� Z" G d=� d>e!e� Z# G d?� d@e� Z$yA)Ba$ Definitions of test cases with various interesting behaviors, to be used by L{twisted.trial.test.test_tests} and other test modules to exercise different features of trial's test runner. See the L{twisted.trial.test.test_tests} module docstring for details about how this code is arranged. � )�FailTest�SkipTest�SynchronousTestCase�TestCasec �: � e Zd Zd� Zd� Zde_ d� Zde_ y)� SkippingMixinc � � t d� ��N�skip1�r ��selfs �=/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/trial/test/skipping.py� test_skip1zSkippingMixin.test_skip1 � � ��w��� c � � t d� �)NzI should not get raised��RuntimeErrorr s r � test_skip2zSkippingMixin.test_skip2 s � ��4�5�5r �skip2c �&