Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/test/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/test/__pycache__/test_logfile.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f(G � � � d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dl m Z mZ d dlm Z G d� de � Z G d� d e j � Z G d � de � Zy)� )�annotationsN)�skipIf)�logfile�runtime)�TestCasec �� � e Zd ZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Z dd�Z dd �Zdd �Zdd�Z dd�Zdd �Zdd�Zdd�Z eej( j+ � d� dd�� Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)�LogFileTestsz% Test the rotating log file. c �� � | j � | _ t j | j � d| _ t j j | j | j � | _ y )Nztest.log��mktemp�dir�os�makedirs�name�path�join��selfs �;/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/test/test_logfile.py�setUpzLogFileTests.setUp sD � ��;�;�=��� ���D�H�H���� ��G�G�L�L����4�9�9�5�� � c �� � t j | j d� t j j | j � r!t j | j d� yy)z� Restore back write rights on created paths: if tests modified the rights, that will allow the paths to be removed easily afterwards. � N)r �chmodr r �existsr s r �tearDownzLogFileTests.tearDown sA � � ������5�!� �7�7�>�>�$�)�)�$��H�H�T�Y�Y��&� %r c �� � t j | j | j � }| j |j � | j t |j � y)zf L{BaseLogFile.shouldRotate} is abstract and must be implemented by subclass. N) r �BaseLogFiler r � addCleanup�close�assertRaises�NotImplementedError�shouldRotate�r �logs r �test_abstractShouldRotatez&LogFileTests.test_abstractShouldRotate$ sE � � �!�!�$�)�)�T�X�X�6������ � �"����-�s�/?�/?�@r c �� � t j t j | j | j � � 5 }|j d� |j d� |j � |j d� ddd� t | j � 5 }| j |j � d� ddd� y# 1 sw Y �HxY w# 1 sw Y yxY w)zn Log files can be written to, flushed and closed. Closing a log file also flushes it. �123�456�7890N� 1234567890)� contextlib�closingr �LogFiler r �write�flush�openr �assertEqual�read�r r% �fs r �test_writingzLogFileTests.test_writing- s� � � � � ����� � �4�8�8� D� E� ���I�I�e���I�I�e���I�I�K��I�I�f�� � �$�)�)�_� 5�����Q�V�V�X�|�4� 5� 5� � �� 5� 5�s �AC �!C� C�Cc �j � t j t j | j | j d�� � 5 }|j d� |j d� |j d� | j t j j | j � d�� � | j t j j | j � d�� � |j d� | j t j j | j � d�� � | j t j j | j � d�� � | j t j j | j � d �� � |j d � | j t j j | j � d �� � |j � | j t j j | j � d �� � | j t j j | j � d�� � ddd� | j j � g d �� y# 1 sw Y �,xY w)zq Rotating log files autorotate after a period of time, and can also be manually rotated. � )�rotateLengthr( �4567890�11111111111�.1�.2� �.3�3�.4N)� � � )r, r- r r. r r r/ � assertTruer r r �assertFalse�rotater2 �listLogsr$ s r � test_rotationzLogFileTests.test_rotation; s� � � � � ��O�O�D�I�I�t�x�x�b�A� � ?� ��I�I�e���I�I�i� ��I�I�h���O�O�B�G�G�N�N�d�i�i�[��+;�<�=����R�W�W�^�^�t�y�y�k��,<�=�>��I�I�b�M��O�O�B�G�G�N�N�d�i�i�[��+;�<�=��O�O�B�G�G�N�N�d�i�i�[��+;�<�=����R�W�W�^�^�t�y�y�k��,<�=�>��I�I�c�N����R�W�W�^�^�t�y�y�k��,<�=�>� �J�J�L��O�O�B�G�G�N�N�d�i�i�[��+;�<�=����R�W�W�^�^�t�y�y�k��,<�=�>�' ?�* ��������3�+ ?� ?�s � H>J)�)J2c �4 � t j t j | j | j � � 5 }|j d� ddd� t j | j | j � }| j |j � | j |j d� | j |j j � |j � |j d� | j |j d� | j |j j � |j � |j }|j dd� | j |j � d� y# 1 sw Y ��?xY w)a Log files can be written to, closed. Their size is the number of bytes written to them. Everything that was written to them can be read, even if the writing happened on separate occasions, and even if the log file was closed in between. � 0123456789Nr8 �abc� r s 0123456789abc)r, r- r r. r r r/ r r r2 �size�_file�tell�seekr3 r4 s r �test_appendzLogFileTests.test_appendX s � � � � ����� � �4�8�8� D� E� $���I�I�l�#� $� �o�o�d�i�i����2������ � �"�������2�&���������)�3�8�8�4�� � �%��������2�&���������)�3�8�8�4��I�I�� ���q�!���������#3�4� $� $�s �F � Fc � � t j | j | j � }| j |j � |j d� |j d� |j � |j d� |j � | j |j � dg� t j |j � � 5 }|j j d� | j |j! � dg� | j |j! � g � ddd� t j |j# d� � 5 }| j |j! � ddg� | j |j! � g � ddd� | j% t&