Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/test/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/test/__pycache__/test_log.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�fq� � �� � d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl m Z mZ ddlm Z mZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZmZmZ dd lmZ dd lmZmZ ddlmZ ddl m!Z! G d � de"� Z# G d� de!jH � Z% G d� de!jH � Z& G d� dee' � Z( e jR e(� G d� d� Z* G d� d� Z+ G d� de*e+� Z, G d� de� Z- G d� d� Z. G d� d e.e!jH � Z/ G d!� d"e.e!jH � Z0 G d#� d$e!jH � Z1 G d%� d&e!jH � Z2 G d'� d(e!jH � Z3 G d)� d*e!jH � Z4y)+z" Tests for L{twisted.python.log}. � )�annotationsN)�IOBase�StringIO)�Callable�List)�implementer)�Protocol)�ILogObserver�LogBeginner�LoggingFile�LogLevel�LogPublisher)�handlerAndBytesIO)�failure�log)r )�unittestc � � e Zd ZdZy)�FakeWarningz A unique L{Warning} subclass used by tests for interactions of L{twisted.python.log} with the L{warnings} module. N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__� � �7/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/test/test_log.pyr r # s � �r r c �@ � e Zd ZdZd d�Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Zd d�Z y) �TextFromEventDictTestsz) Tests for L{textFromEventDict}. c �j � t d�� }t j |� }| j |d� y)zj The C{"message"} value, when specified, is concatenated to generate the message. )�a�b�c)�messageza b cN��dictr �textFromEventDict�assertEqual��self� eventDict�texts r �test_messagez#TextFromEventDictTests.test_message/ s. � � ��1� ��$�$�Y�/������w�'r c �p � t dddd�� }t j |� }| j |d� y)zW The C{"format"} value, when specified, is used to format the message. r r zHello, %(foo)s!�dude)r"