Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/spread/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/spread/__pycache__/jelly.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f�� � �| � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z mZmZmZmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZmZmZ dd lmZmZ efZdZ dZ!d Z"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'dZ(dZ)dZ*dZ+dZ, e edddd� ddd� dZ-i a.i a/d� Z0d� Z1d � Z2d!� Z3d"� Z4d8d#�Z5d$� Z6d%� Z7 G d&� d'� Z8 e e� G d(� d)� � Z9 e e� G d*� d+� � Z: G d,� d-� Z; G d.� d/� Z< G d0� d1e=� Z> G d2� d3� Z? G d4� d5� Z@ e@� ZAeAj� � e?� ddfd6�ZC e?� ddfd7�ZDy)9aM S-expression-based persistence of python objects. It does something very much like L{Pickle<pickle>}; however, pickle's main goal seems to be efficiency (both in space and time); jelly's main goals are security, human readability, and portability to other environments. This is how Jelly converts various objects to s-expressions. Boolean:: True --> ['boolean', 'true'] Integer:: 1 --> 1 List:: [1, 2] --> ['list', 1, 2] String:: "hello" --> "hello" Float:: 2.3 --> 2.3 Dictionary:: {'a': 1, 'b': 'c'} --> ['dictionary', ['b', 'c'], ['a', 1]] Module:: UserString --> ['module', 'UserString'] Class:: UserString.UserString --> ['class', ['module', 'UserString'], 'UserString'] Function:: string.join --> ['function', 'join', ['module', 'string']] Instance: s is an instance of UserString.UserString, with a __dict__ {'data': 'hello'}:: ["UserString.UserString", ['dictionary', ['data', 'hello']]] Class Method: UserString.UserString.center:: ['method', 'center', ['None'], ['class', ['module', 'UserString'], 'UserString']] Instance Method: s.center, where s is an instance of UserString.UserString:: ['method', 'center', ['instance', ['reference', 1, ['class', ['module', 'UserString'], 'UserString']], ['dictionary', ['data', 'd']]], ['dereference', 1]] The Python 2.x C{sets.Set} and C{sets.ImmutableSet} classes are serialized to the same thing as the builtin C{set} and C{frozenset} classes. (This is only relevant if you are communicating with a version of jelly running on an older version of Python.) @author: Glyph Lefkowitz � N)�reduce)�implementer)�Version)�NotKnown� _Container�_Dereference�_DictKeyAndValue�_InstanceMethod�_Tuple)�nativeString)�deprecatedModuleAttribute)�namedAny�namedObject�qual)� IJellyable�IUnjellyable� None� class� module� functions dereferences persistents references dictionarys list� sets tuples instance� frozenset�Twisted� z'instance_atom is unused within Twisted.ztwisted.spread.jelly� instance_atoms unpersistablec �F � t | t � r| j | � S y)a� Given an object, if that object is a type, return a new, blank instance of that type which has not had C{__init__} called on it. If the object is not a type, return L{None}. @param cls: The type (or class) to create an instance of. @type cls: L{type} or something else that cannot be instantiated. @return: a new blank instance or L{None} if C{cls} is not a class or type. N)� isinstance�type�__new__)�clss �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/spread/jelly.py�_createBlankr"