Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/test/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/test/__pycache__/test_fakepwd.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f[; � �4 � d Z ddlZeZ ddlZeZddlZddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZm Z ddlmZ dZd� Z e� Z G d � d � Z G d� dee� Z G d � dee� Z G d� d� Z G d� dee� Z G d� dee� Zy# e$ r dZY �w xY w# e$ r dZY ��w xY w)z& Tests for L{twisted.python.fakepwd}. � N)�getitem)�_PYPY)�ShadowDatabase�UserDatabase)�TestCasei� c �x � t } t � t j | � | dz } �| S # t $ r Y | S w xY w)a� By convention, UIDs less than 1000 are reserved for the system. A system which allocated every single one of those UIDs would likely have practical problems with allocating new ones, so let's assume that we'll be able to find one. (If we don't, this will wrap around to negative values and I{eventually} find something.) @return: a user ID which does not exist on the local system. Or, on systems without a L{pwd} module, return C{SYSTEM_UID_MAX}. � )�SYSTEM_UID_MAX�pwd�getpwuid�KeyError)�guesss �B/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/test/test_fakepwd.py�findInvalidUIDr sT � � �E� ��� ����U�#� �� �� � �L�� � �� �L� �s �, � 9�9c �: � e Zd ZdZd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Z d� Z y ) �UserDatabaseTestsMixina^ L{UserDatabaseTestsMixin} defines tests which apply to any user database implementation. Subclasses should mix it in, implement C{setUp} to create C{self.database} bound to a user database instance, and implement C{getExistingUserInfo} to return information about a user (such information should be unique per test method). c � � t d� D ]� }| j � \ }}}}}}}| j j |� } | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� �� y)zc I{getpwuid} accepts a uid and returns the user record associated with it. � N)�range�getExistingUserInfo�databaser �assertEqual�pw_name� pw_passwd�pw_uid�pw_gid�pw_gecos�pw_dir�pw_shell� �self�i�username�password�uid�gid�gecos�dir�shell�entrys r � test_getpwuidz$UserDatabaseTestsMixin.test_getpwuidC s� � � �q�� 4�A�>B�>V�>V�>X�;�H�h��S�%��e� �M�M�*�*�3�/�E����U�]�]�H�5����U�_�_�h�7����U�\�\�3�/����U�\�\�3�/����U�^�^�U�3����U�\�\�3�/����U�^�^�U�3� 4� c �b � | j t | j j t � y)zu I{getpwuid} raises L{KeyError} when passed a uid which does not exist in the user database. N)�assertRaisesr r r �INVALID_UID�r! s r �test_noSuchUIDz%UserDatabaseTestsMixin.test_noSuchUIDV s � � ���(�D�M�M�$:�$:�K�Hr, c � � t d� D ]� }| j � \ }}}}}}}| j j |� } | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� | j | j |� �� y)zh I{getpwnam} accepts a username and returns the user record associated with it. r N)r r r �getpwnamr r r r r r r r r s r � test_getpwnamz$UserDatabaseTestsMixin.test_getpwnam] s� � � �q�� 4�A�>B�>V�>V�>X�;�H�h��S�%��e� �M�M�*�*�8�4�E����U�]�]�H�5����U�_�_�h�7����U�\�\�3�/����U�\�\�3�/����U�^�^�U�3����U�\�\�3�/����U�^�^�U�3� 4r, c �v � t }t rt }| j || j j d� y)zN L{getpwnam} rejects a non-L{str} username with an exception. � i-am-bytesN)� TypeErrorr � Exceptionr. r r3 )r! �exc_types r �test_getpwnamRejectsBytesz0UserDatabaseTestsMixin.test_getpwnamRejectsBytesp s/ � � ��� !�H����(�D�M�M�$:�$:�M�Jr, c �Z � | j t | j j d� y)zz I{getpwnam} raises L{KeyError} when passed a username which does not exist in the user database. z.nosuchuserexiststhenameistoolongandhasinittooN)r. r r r3 r0 s r �test_noSuchNamez&UserDatabaseTestsMixin.test_noSuchName{ s'