Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/__pycache__/failure.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f�m � �p � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z mZmZ ddl Z ddlmZ ede def � � Zdad Z G d� de� Zd"d �ZdZ G d� de� Zd� Z G d� d� Z G d� d� Z G d� d� Zg Zdedefd�Z G d� de� Z d� Z!dZ"dddde jF fd �Z$d!� Z%y)#z9 Asynchronous-friendly error mechanism. See L{Failure}. � N)�getmro)�StringIO)�Callable�NoReturn�TypeVar)�reflect�_T_Callable.)�bound� c � � e Zd Zy)�DefaultExceptionN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__� � �8/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/failure.pyr r # s � �r r c �V � |dvrt d|�d�� �|}|dk( r| D ] \ }}}}} ||� d|� d|� d�� � y|dk( rM| D ]G \ }}}}} |d|� d |� d |� d�� |dt j ||� j � z � �I y|dk( r$| D ] \ }}}}} |d |||fz � � |d� y|dk( rp| D ]j \ }}}}} |d |||fz � |d� |D ] \ } } |d| � dt | � � d�� � |d� |D ] \ } } |d| � dt | � � d�� � �l yy)a� Format and write frames. @param frames: is a list of frames as used by Failure.frames, with each frame being a list of (funcName, fileName, lineNumber, locals.items(), globals.items()) @type frames: list @param write: this will be called with formatted strings. @type write: callable @param detail: Four detail levels are available: default, brief, verbose, and verbose-vars-not-captured. C{Failure.printDetailedTraceback} uses the latter when the caller asks for verbose, but no vars were captured, so that an explicit warning about the missing data is shown. @type detail: string )�default�brief�verbose�verbose-vars-not-capturedzKDetail must be default, brief, verbose, or verbose-vars-not-captured. (not �)r �:� r z File "z", line z, in z %s r z%s:%d: %s(...) zA [Capture of Locals and Globals disabled (use captureVars=True)] r z [ Locals ] z z : z ( Globals ) N)� ValueError� linecache�getline�strip�repr)�frames�write�detail�w�method�filename�lineno� localVars� globalVars�name�vals r � format_framesr, '