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f�)�Z3	d+							d.d*�Z4y)/ah
Deprecation framework for Twisted.

To mark a method, function, or class as being deprecated do this::

    from incremental import Version
    from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated

    @deprecated(Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0))
    def badAPI(self, first, second):
        Docstring for badAPI.

    @deprecated(Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0))
    class BadClass:
        Docstring for BadClass.

The newly-decorated badAPI will issue a warning when called, and BadClass will
issue a warning when instantiated. Both will also have  a deprecation notice
appended to their docstring.

To deprecate properties you can use::

    from incremental import Version
    from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedProperty

    class OtherwiseUndeprecatedClass:

        @deprecatedProperty(Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0))
        def badProperty(self):
            Docstring for badProperty.

        def badProperty(self, value):
            Setter sill also raise the deprecation warning.

To mark module-level attributes as being deprecated you can use::

    badAttribute = "someValue"


        Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0),
        "Use goodAttribute instead.",

The deprecated attributes will issue a warning whenever they are accessed. If
the attributes being deprecated are in the same module as the
L{deprecatedModuleAttribute} call is being made from, the C{__name__} global
can be used as the C{moduleName} parameter.

To mark an optional, keyword parameter of a function or method as deprecated
without deprecating the function itself, you can use::

    @deprecatedKeywordParameter(Version("Twisted", 22, 10, 0), "baz")
    def someFunction(foo, bar=0, baz=None):

See also L{incremental.Version}.

@var DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT: The default deprecation warning string format
    to use when one is not provided by the user.
warn_explicit)�Version�getVersionString)�	ParamSpec�_P�_Rz&%(fqpn)s was deprecated in %(version)sc�0�	|j}tj|�stj
|�r|j}|�d|��Stj|�r|j�d|j��S|S#t$r|j}Y��wxYw)z�
    Return the fully qualified name of a module, class, method or function.
    Classes and functions need to be module level ones to be correctly

    @rtype: C{str}.
    �.)�__qualname__�AttributeError�__name__�inspect�isclass�
moduleNames   �:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/deprecate.py�_fullyQualifiedNamer*ss�����������s��w�1�1�#�6��^�^�
���Q�t�f�%�%�	�	�	�#�	��.�.�!��3�#3�#3�"4�5�5��K�����|�|���s�A=�=B�Bztwisted.python.reflect�fullyQualifiedNamec�:�t|�rt|�}d|�d�S)a

    Surround a replacement for a deprecated API with some polite text exhorting
    the user to consider it as an alternative.

    @type replacement: C{str} or callable

    @return: a string like "please use twisted.python.modules.getModule
    zplease use z instead)�callabler*��replacements r)�_getReplacementStringr0�s%�����)�+�6��
    Generate an addition to a deprecated object's docstring that explains its

    @param version: the version it was deprecated.
    @type version: L{incremental.Version}

    @param replacement: The replacement, if specified.
    @type replacement: C{str} or callable

    @return: a string like "Deprecated in Twisted 27.2.0; please use
        twisted.timestream.tachyon.flux instead."
    zDeprecated in �; r)rr0)�versionr/�docs   r)�_getDeprecationDocstringr6�s;��
    Return a string indicating that the Python name was deprecated in the given

    @param fqpn: Fully qualified Python name of the thing being deprecated
    @type fqpn: C{str}

    @param version: Version that C{fqpn} was deprecated in.
    @type version: L{incremental.Version}

    @param format: A user-provided format to interpolate warning values into, or
        <twisted.python.deprecate.DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT>} if L{None} is
    @type format: C{str}

    @param replacement: what should be used in place of C{fqpn}. Either pass in
        a string, which will be inserted into the warning message, or a
        callable, which will be expanded to its full import path.
    @type replacement: C{str} or callable

    @return: A textual description of the deprecation
    @rtype: C{str}
    )�fqpnr4z{}; {})�DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMATr�formatr0)r8r4r:r/�
warningStrings     r)�_getDeprecationWarningStringr<�sG��2�~�+���d�7G��7P�Q�Q�M�� ����0��=�
��r1c�0�tt|�|||�S)ak
    Return a string indicating that the callable was deprecated in the given

    @type callableThing: C{callable}
    @param callableThing: Callable object to be deprecated

    @type version: L{incremental.Version}
    @param version: Version that C{callableThing} was deprecated in.

    @type format: C{str}
    @param format: A user-provided format to interpolate warning values into,
        <twisted.python.deprecate.DEPRECATION_WARNING_FORMAT>} if L{None} is

    @param replacement: what should be used in place of the callable. Either
        pass in a string, which will be inserted into the warning message,
        or a callable, which will be expanded to its full import path.
    @type replacement: C{str} or callable

    @return: A string describing the deprecation.
    @rtype: C{str}
callableThingr4r:r/s    r)rr�s��2(��M�*�G�V�[��r1c�V�|jr|jj�}ng}t|�dk(r|j|�nJt|�dk(r|j	d|dg�n'|j�}|j	d||z|g�dj
    Append the given text to the docstring of C{thingWithDoc}.

    If C{thingWithDoc} has no docstring, then the text just replaces the
    docstring. If it has a single-line docstring then it appends a blank line
    and the message text. If it has a multi-line docstring, then in appends a
    blank line a the message text, and also does the indentation correctly.
splitlines�len�append�extend�pop�join)�thingWithDoc�textToAppend�docstringLines�spacess    r)�_appendToDocstringrN�s������%�-�-�8�8�:����
�>��a�����l�+�	�^�	��	!����r�<��4�5��#�#�%�����r�6�L�#8�&�A�B��9�9�^�4�L�r1c����d��fd�}|S)a�
    Return a decorator that marks callables as deprecated. To deprecate a
    property, see L{deprecatedProperty}.

    @type version: L{incremental.Version}
    @param version: The version in which the callable will be marked as
        having been deprecated.  The decorated function will be annotated
        with this version, having it set as its C{deprecatedVersion}

    @param replacement: what should be used in place of the callable. Either
        pass in a string, which will be inserted into the warning message,
        or a callable, which will be expanded to its full import path.
    @type replacement: C{str} or callable
    c�����t��d���t��d��fd��}t|t�����|_|S)zA
        Decorator that marks C{function} as deprecated.
stacklevel�r�DeprecationWarning��args�kwargs�functionr;s  ��r)�deprecatedFunctionzDdeprecated.<locals>.deprecationDecorator.<locals>.deprecatedFunction%� ����� 2�q�A��T�,�V�,�,r1)rYz_P.argsrZz	_P.kwargs�returnr)rr
rNr6�deprecatedVersion)r[r\r;r/r4s` @��r)�deprecationDecoratorz(deprecated.<locals>.deprecationDecoratorsX���4��g�t�[�
�x��	-�
�	-�	�� 8��+� N�	
�07��,�!�!r1)r[�Callable[_P, _R]r^ra�)r4r/r`s`` r)rr
s���&"�& �r1c�8����Gd�dt�����fd�}|S)a
    Return a decorator that marks a property as deprecated. To deprecate a
    regular callable or class, see L{deprecated}.

    @type version: L{incremental.Version}
    @param version: The version in which the callable will be marked as
        having been deprecated.  The decorated function will be annotated
        with this version, having it set as its C{deprecatedVersion}

    @param replacement: what should be used in place of the callable.
        Either pass in a string, which will be inserted into the warning
        message, or a callable, which will be expanded to its full import
    @type replacement: C{str} or callable

    @return: A new property with deprecated setter and getter.
    @rtype: C{property}

    @since: 16.1.0
        Extension of the build-in property to allow deprecated setters.
        c�2���t����fd��}|S)Nc�L��t�jtd���|i|��SrR)rr;rW)rYrZr[�selfs  ��r)r\z^deprecatedProperty.<locals>._DeprecatedProperty._deprecatedWrapper.<locals>.deprecatedFunctionPs,�����&�&�&� ��
 ��0��0�0r1r)rhr[r\s`` r)�_deprecatedWrapperzBdeprecatedProperty.<locals>._DeprecatedProperty._deprecatedWrapperOs!���
1�&�%r1c�L�tj||j|��S�N)�property�setterri)rhr[s  r)rmz6deprecatedProperty.<locals>._DeprecatedProperty.setter[s���?�?�4��)@�)@��)J�K�Kr1N)r r$rrCrirmrbr1r)�_DeprecatedPropertyreJs��	�
	&�	Lr1rnc�����t��d���t����fd��}t|t�����|_�|�}�|_|S)Nc�8��t�td���|i|��SrRrVrXs  ��r)r\zLdeprecatedProperty.<locals>.deprecationDecorator.<locals>.deprecatedFunctioncr]r1)rr
rNr6r_r;)r[r\�resultr;rnr/r4s`  @���r)r`z0deprecatedProperty.<locals>.deprecationDecorator^sh���3��g�t�[�
�x��	-�
�	-�	�� 8��+� N�	
r1)rl)r4r/r`rns`` @r)rr3s���.L�h�L�(�& �r1c��tS)zR
    Return the warning method currently used to record deprecation warnings.
    �rrbr1r)rrts	���Kr1c��|ay)z�
    Set the warning method to use to record deprecation warnings.

    The callable should take message, category and stacklevel. The return
    value is ignored.
    Nrs)�	newMethods r)rr{s	���Dr1c�"�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zy)�_InternalStatez�
    An L{_InternalState} is a helper object for a L{_ModuleProxy}, so that it
    can easily access its own attributes, bypassing its logic for delegating to
    another object that it's proxying for.

    @ivar proxy: a L{_ModuleProxy}
    c�2�tj|d|�y�N�proxy)�object�__setattr__)rhrzs  r)�__init__z_InternalState.__init__�s�����4��%�0r1c�V�tjtj|d�|�Sry)r{�__getattribute__)rhr's  r)rz_InternalState.__getattribute__�s"���&�&�v�'>�'>�t�W�'M�t�T�Tr1c�X�tjtj|d�||�Sry)r{r|r)rhr'�values   r)r|z_InternalState.__setattr__�s%���!�!�&�"9�"9�$��"H�$�PU�V�Vr1N)r r$rrCr}rr|rbr1r)rwrw�s���1�U�Wr1rwc�*�eZdZdZd�Zdd�Zd�Zd�Zy)�_ModuleProxya�
    Python module wrapper to hook module-level attribute access.

    Access to deprecated attributes first checks
    L{_ModuleProxy._deprecatedAttributes}, if the attribute does not appear
    there then access falls through to L{_ModuleProxy._module}, the wrapped
    module object.

    @ivar _module: Module on which to hook attribute access.
    @type _module: C{module}

    @ivar _deprecatedAttributes: Mapping of attribute names to objects that
        retrieve the module attribute's original value.
    @type _deprecatedAttributes: C{dict} mapping C{str} to

    @ivar _lastWasPath: Heuristic guess as to whether warnings about this
        package should be ignored for the next call.  If the last attribute
        access of this module was a C{getattr} of C{__path__}, we will assume
        that it was the import system doing it and we won't emit a warning for
        the next access, even if it is to a deprecated attribute.  The CPython
        import system always tries to access C{__path__}, then the attribute
        itself, then the attribute itself again, in both successful and failed
    @type _lastWasPath: C{bool}
    c�D�t|�}||_i|_d|_y)NF)rw�_module�_deprecatedAttributes�_lastWasPath)rh�module�states   r)r}z_ModuleProxy.__init__�s#���t�$����
        Get a string containing the type of the module proxy and a
        representation of the wrapped module object.
        �<z module=�>)rw�typer r�)rhr�s  r)�__repr__z_ModuleProxy.__repr__�s3��
        Set an attribute on the wrapped module object.
        FN)rwr��setattrr�)rhr'r�r�s    r)r|z_ModuleProxy.__setattr__�s&���t�$��"�����
�t�U�+r1c���t|�}|jrd}n|jj|�}|�|j�}nt	|j
|�}|dk(r	d|_|Sd|_|S)aG
        Get an attribute from the module object, possibly emitting a warning.

        If the specified name has been deprecated, then a warning is issued.
        (Unless certain obscure conditions are met; see
        L{_ModuleProxy._lastWasPath} for more information about what might quash
        such a warning.)
        N�__path__TF)rwr�r��get�getattrr�)rhr'r��deprecatedAttributer�s     r)rz_ModuleProxy.__getattribute__�s����t�$�����"&��"'�"=�"=�"A�"A�$�"G���*�(�+�+�-�E��E�M�M�4�0�E��:��!%�E����"'�E���r1N)r^�str)r r$rrCr}r�r|rrbr1r)r�r��s���6#�C�,�r1r�c��eZdZdZd�Zd�Zy)�_DeprecatedAttributeaE
    Wrapper for deprecated attributes.

    This is intended to be used by L{_ModuleProxy}. Calling
    L{_DeprecatedAttribute.get} will issue a warning and retrieve the
    underlying attribute's value.

    @type module: C{module}
    @ivar module: The original module instance containing this attribute

    @type fqpn: C{str}
    @ivar fqpn: Fully qualified Python name for the deprecated attribute

    @type version: L{incremental.Version}
    @ivar version: Version that the attribute was deprecated in

    @type message: C{str}
    @ivar message: Deprecation message
        Initialise a deprecated name wrapper.
        rN)r�r r8r4�message)rhr�r'r4r�s     r)r}z_DeprecatedAttribute.__init__�s5�������
��O�O�c�)�D�0��	������r1c���t|j|j�}t|j|j
tdz|jz�}t|td��|S)zU
        Get the underlying attribute value and issue a deprecation warning.
        z: �rT)
r�r�r r<r8r4r9r�rrW)rhrqr�s   r)r�z_DeprecatedAttribute.getsT������d�m�m�4��.��I�I�t�|�|�%?�$�%F����%U�
r1N)r r$rrCr}r�rbr1r)r�r��s���(�
    Mark a module-level attribute as being deprecated.

    @type proxy: L{_ModuleProxy}
    @param proxy: The module proxy instance proxying the deprecated attributes

    @type name: C{str}
    @param name: Attribute name

    @type version: L{incremental.Version}
    @param version: Version that the attribute was deprecated in

    @type message: C{str}
    @param message: Deprecation message
    r�r�N)r{rr�)rzr'r4r�r��attrr�s       r)�_deprecateAttributer�sG�� �%�%�e�Y�7�G����w��@�D�#�3�3�E�;R�S��"&��$�r1c��tj|}t|t�s,t	t
    Declare a module-level attribute as being deprecated.

    @type version: L{incremental.Version}
    @param version: Version that the attribute was deprecated in

    @type message: C{str}
    @param message: Deprecation message

    @type moduleName: C{str}
    @param moduleName: Fully-qualified Python name of the module containing
        the deprecated attribute; if called from the same module as the
        attributes are being deprecated in, using the C{__name__} global can
        be helpful

    @type name: C{str}
    @param name: Attribute name to deprecate
isinstancer�rrr�)r4r�r(r'r�s     r)r	r	0sI��&�[�[��
$�F��f�l�+��j�,�v�"6�7��"(����J�����g�w�7r1c��tj|j}t|ttj|�td�t|j�D��|j|jjdi�d��y)a�
    Issue a warning string, identifying C{offender} as the responsible code.

    This function is used to deprecate some behavior of a function.  It differs
    from L{warnings.warn} in that it is not limited to deprecating the behavior
    of a function currently on the call stack.

    @param offender: The function that is being deprecated.

    @param warningString: The string that should be emitted by this warning.
    @type warningString: C{str}

    @since: 11.0
lineNumbers   r)�	<genexpr>z$warnAboutFunction.<locals>.<genexpr>ds"����
getabsfile�maxr�__code__r �__globals__�
setdefault)�offenderr;�offenderModules   r)�warnAboutFunctionr�Ksy��(�[�[��!4�!4�5�N���#��#�#�N�3��
�&�&��%�%�0�0�1F��K��r1c��i}t|j�t|�z
}|j�ix}||j<|dkr<|j�t	d��|t|j�d||j<t|j|�D]
\}}|||<�|j
�D]D\}}||jvr||vrt	d��|||<�)|j�||<�;t	d��|S)a�
    Take an I{inspect.ArgSpec}, a tuple of positional arguments, and a dict of
    keyword arguments, and return a mapping of arguments that were actually
    passed to their passed values.

    @param argspec: The argument specification for the function to inspect.
    @type argspec: I{inspect.ArgSpec}

    @param positional: The positional arguments that were passed.
    @type positional: L{tuple}

    @param keyword: The keyword arguments that were passed.
    @type keyword: L{dict}

    @return: A dictionary mapping argument names (those declared in C{argspec})
        to values that were passed explicitly by the user.
    @rtype: L{dict} mapping L{str} to L{object}
    Nr�Too many arguments.�Already passed.�
no such param)rErY�keywords�varargs�	TypeError�zip�items)�argspec�
positional�keywordrq�unpassedrZr'r�s        r)�_passedArgSpecr�os��&!#�F��7�<�<� �3�z�?�2�H����#�,.�.����(�(�)��!�|��?�?�"��1�2�2�&0��W�\�\�1B�1D�&E�F�7�?�?�#��7�<�<��4����e���t����}�}��-���e��7�<�<���v�~�� 1�2�2� �F�4�L�
)� �F�4�L��O�,�,�-��Mr1c��i}d}d}t|jj��D�]b\}\}}|jtj
jk(r||d||<t||�dz}�K|jtj
jk(rtd|����|j||<��Jtd|�d|j����t|�|kDrtd��|j�D]H\}}	||jj�vr||vrtd��|	||<�7|�|	||<�?td	��|S)
    Take an L{inspect.Signature}, a tuple of positional arguments, and a dict of
    keyword arguments, and return a mapping of arguments that were actually
    passed to their passed values.

    @param signature: The signature of the function to inspect.
    @type signature: L{inspect.Signature}

    @param positional: The positional arguments that were passed.
    @type positional: L{tuple}

    @param keyword: The keyword arguments that were passed.
    @type keyword: L{dict}

    @return: A dictionary mapping argument names (those declared in
        C{signature}) to values that were passed explicitly by the user.
    @rtype: L{dict} mapping L{str} to L{object}
    Nrr@zmissing keyword arg �'z' parameter is invalid kind: r�r�r�)�	enumerate�
�	signaturer�r�rqrZ�
�F��M�%�i�&:�&:�&@�&@�&B�C�Q���=�D�%��:�:��*�*�9�9�9�%�a�b�>�F�4�L���t��-��1�M�
8�$&�&�F�V�D�\�
�Z�Z����3�3����-�-�
��3�z�?�"�)�!�}��t����"�
9��7�"��=�=�G�$5�$5�$;�$;�;�#�&:�4�&�$A�B�B�#(�=�=�F�4�L��a��v�%B�5�:�:�,�O�P�P�-Q�0�:���&��-�.�.��}�}��-���e��9�'�'�,�,�.�.��v�~�� 1�2�2� �F�4�L�
� �F�4�L��O�,�,�-��Mr1c����fd�}|S)a�
    Decorator which causes its decoratee to raise a L{TypeError} if two of the
    given arguments are passed at the same time.

    @param argumentPairs: pairs of argument identifiers, each pair indicating
        an argument that may not be passed in conjunction with another.
    @type argumentPairs: sequence of 2-sequences of L{str}

    @return: A decorator, used like so::

            @_mutuallyExclusiveArguments([["tweedledum", "tweedledee"]])
            def function(tweedledum=1, tweedledee=2):
                "Don't pass tweedledum and tweedledee at the same time."

    @rtype: 1-argument callable taking a callable and returning a callable.
    c�p�����tj���t�t������fd��}|S)Nc�����||�}�D],\}}||vs�||vs�td|�d|�dt���d����|i|��S)N�The z and z arguments to z are mutually exclusive.)r�r*)	rYrZ�	arguments�this�that�_passed�
argumentPairs�spec�wrappees	     ����r)�wrappedz=_mutuallyExclusiveArguments.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.wrapped�se�����d�F�3�I�+�
��D�+�F�+�+r1)r!r�r�r
)r�r�r�r�r�s` @@�r)�wrapperz,_mutuallyExclusiveArguments.<locals>.wrapper�s5���� � ��)��"��	�w��	,�
�	,��r1rb)r�r�s` r)�_mutuallyExclusiveArgumentsr��s���$�"�Nr1�_Tc.)�boundc�����d���fd�}|S)aw
    Return a decorator that marks a keyword parameter of a callable
    as deprecated. A warning will be emitted if a caller supplies
    a value for the parameter, whether the caller uses a keyword or
    positional syntax.

    @type version: L{incremental.Version}
    @param version: The version in which the parameter will be marked as
        having been deprecated.

    @type name: L{str}
    @param name: The name of the deprecated parameter.

    @type replacement: L{str}
    @param replacement: Optional text indicating what should be used in
        place of the deprecated parameter.

    @since: Twisted 21.2.0
    c�������td��dt�����	����dj�t�	��}�r|dzt	��z}|dz
}tj��j}�|vrM|�jt
jjk(r#t|�j�������fd�}n���fd�}ttt��|��}t!||�|S)	Nr�z parameter to r.z'The {!r} parameter was deprecated in {}r3rc�\��t|��kDs�|vrt�td���|i|��SrR)rErrW)rYrZr'�parameterIndexr;r�s  ����r)�checkDeprecatedParameterzMdeprecatedKeywordParameter.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.checkDeprecatedParameter+s2����t�9�~�-������(:�q�I���/��/�/r1c�@���|vrt�td���|i|��SrRrV)rYrZr'r;r�s  ���r)r�zMdeprecatedKeywordParameter.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.checkDeprecatedParameter2s'����6�>���(:�q�I���/��/�/r1)r<r*r:rr0r!r�r�r�r�r��list�indexrr�r
r�r5�paramsr��	decoratedr�r;r'r/r4s
`    @@���r)r�z+deprecatedKeywordParameter.<locals>.wrappers����4��4�(�.�)<�W�)E�(F�G��#�
�8�>�>���W�%�
�����*�4�[�A�A�C��s�
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0