Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/python/__pycache__/compat.cpython-312.pyc |
� Ϫ�f�A � �X � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlZddl m Z ddlmZ ddl mZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ ddlmZ dd lmZmZ dd lmZmZm Z ddlm!Z"m#Z$ ddl%m&Z& dd l'm(Z(m)Z) ejT � dk( rdZ+ndZ+eZ, e) e&dddd� de-d� e.Z. e) e&dddd� de-d� e/Z0 e) e&dddd� de-d� e1Z2 e) e&dddd� de-d� e3Z4 e) e&dddd� de-d� e5Z5 e) e&dddd� de-d� e6Z7 e) e&dddd� d e-d!� e8Z8 e) e&dddd� d"e-d#� e9Z: e) e&dddd� d$e-d%� e;Z< e) e&dddd� d&e-d'� e9Z= e) e&dddd� d$e-d(� e5Z> e) e&dddd� de-d)� e( e&dddd� d*�+� d,� � Z? e( e&dddd� d-�+� d.� � Z@ e( e&dddd� d/�+� d0� � ZAd]d1e3d2efd3�ZBd^d4�ZCd5e/d6e/d2e3fd7�ZDd8� ZEe9fd9�ZFd:ed2e9fd;�ZGd<� ZH e( e&dddd� d=�+� d>� � ZId?� ZJ e( e&dddd� d@�+� dAe3d2eKfdB�� ZLd_dC�ZMd:e9d2eKfdD�ZN e( e&dddd� dE�+� dF� � ZOdG� ZPd^dH�ZQdI� ZR eR� e) e&dddd� dJe-dK� e) e&dddd� dLe-dM� e) e&dddd� dNe-dO� e) e&dddd� dPe-dQ� e) e&dddd� dRe-dS� e) e&dddd� dTe-dU� e) e&dddd� dVe-dW� e) e&dddd� dXe-dY� e) e&dddd� dZe-d[� g d\�ZSy)`a) Compatibility module to provide backwards compatibility for useful Python features. This is mainly for use of internal Twisted code. We encourage you to use the latest version of Python directly from your code, if possible. @var unicode: The type of Unicode strings, C{unicode} on Python 2 and C{str} on Python 3. @var NativeStringIO: An in-memory file-like object that operates on the native string type (bytes in Python 2, unicode in Python 3). @var urllib_parse: a URL-parsing module (urlparse on Python 2, urllib.parse on Python 3) � N)�Sequence)�reduce)�escape)� cookiejar)�IOBase�StringIO� TextIOBase)�intern)� FrameType� MethodType)�Any�AnyStr�cast)�quote�unquote)�Version)� deprecated�deprecatedModuleAttribute�PyPyTF�Twisted� � zObsolete alias for io.IOBase�FileTypez)Obsolete alias for frozenset builtin type� frozensetz)Old-style classes don't exist in Python 3�InstanceTypez Obsolete alias for zip() builtin�izipz#Obsolete alias for int builtin type�longz"Obsolete alias for range() builtin�rangez"Obsolete alias for input() builtin� raw_inputz#Obsolete alias for set builtin type�setz#Obsolete alias for str builtin type� StringTypez Obsolete alias for chr() builtin�unichr�unicode�xrangez d.items())�replacementc �"