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Ϫ�f�]��,�dZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZmZmZddl	m
ddlmZddl
mZmZd�Zdd	�ZGd
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j(�Gd�d��ZGd�dej4�Zee�Gd�de��Zee
j(�Gd�d��Zee�Gd�de��Zy)zD
Support for aliases(5) configuration files.

@author: Jp Calderone
�N)�implementer)�defer�protocol�reactor)�smtp)�IAlias)�failure�logc�x�|jdd�D�cgc]}|j���}}t|�dk7rd}||f}tj||z�y|\}}	|j|j�g�j
ttj|	jd���ycc}w)a�
    Parse a line from an aliases file.

    @type result: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{list} of L{bytes}
    @param result: A dictionary mapping username to aliases to which
        the results of parsing the line are added.

    @type line: L{bytes}
    @param line: A line from an aliases file.

    @type filename: L{bytes}
    @param filename: The full or relative path to the aliases file.

    @type lineNo: L{int}
    @param lineNo: The position of the line within the aliases file.
    �:��z+Invalid format on line %d of alias file %s.�,N)	�split�strip�lenr
�3�� 2�3�1�Q�W�W�Y�3�E�3�
�5�z�Q��;���x� ������c�	�����e����$�*�*�,��+�2�2�3�s�y�y�%�+�+�c�BR�3S�T��
t|dd�}d}d}	|D]q}|dz
}|j�}|j�j	d�r�8|j	d	�s|j	d
�r||z}�`|rt||||�|}�s	|r|j
�	|rt||||�|j�D]\}}	t|	||�||<�|S#|r|j
    Load a file containing email aliases.

    Lines in the file should be formatted like so::

         username: alias1, alias2, ..., aliasN

    Aliases beginning with a C{|} will be treated as programs, will be run, and
    the message will be written to their stdin.

    Aliases beginning with a C{:} will be treated as a file containing
    additional aliases for the username.

    Aliases beginning with a C{/} will be treated as the full pathname to a file
    to which the message will be appended.

    Aliases without a host part will be assumed to be addresses on localhost.

    If a username is specified multiple times, the aliases for each are joined
    together as if they had all been on one line.

    Lines beginning with a space or a tab are continuations of the previous

    Lines beginning with a C{#} are comments.

    @type domains: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{IDomain} provider
    @param domains: A mapping of domain name to domain object.

    @type filename: L{bytes} or L{None}
    @param filename: The full or relative path to a file from which to load
        aliases. If omitted, the C{fp} parameter must be specified.

    @type fp: file-like object or L{None}
    @param fp: The file from which to load aliases. If specified,
        the C{filename} parameter is ignored.

    @rtype: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{AliasGroup}
    @return: A mapping from username to group of aliases.
    FT�namez	<unknown>r�r
�#� �	)	�open�getattr�rstrip�lstrip�
loadAliasFiler83s��R�F��E�	�z�
�(�^�����2�v�{�3��	�A�
	���H�H�J���v�t�X�q�)�����.���1��q�'�1�-��q�	�.��M��
��H�H�J��s�A6C+�+Dc�$�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zdd�Zy)�	AliasBasez�
    The default base class for aliases.

    @ivar domains: See L{__init__}.

    @type original: L{Address}
    @ivar original: The original address being aliased.
        @type domains: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{IDomain} provider
        @param domains: A mapping of domain name to domain object.

        @type original: L{bytes}
        @param original: The original address being aliased.
        N)r2r�Address�original)�selfr2r=s   r"�__init__zAliasBase.__init__�s��������X�.��
        Return the domain associated with original address.

        @rtype: L{IDomain} provider
        @return: The domain for the original address.
        )r2r=�domain�r>s r"rBzAliasBase.domain�s���|�|�D�M�M�0�0�1�1r@Nc�b�|�i}t|�|vryd|t|�<|j�S�aY
        Map this alias to its ultimate destination.

        @type aliasmap: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{AliasBase}
        @param aliasmap: A mapping of username to alias or group of aliases.

        @type memo: L{None} or L{dict} of L{AliasBase}
        @param memo: A record of the aliases already considered in the
            resolution process.  If provided, C{memo} is modified to include
            this alias.

        @rtype: L{IMessage <smtp.IMessage>} or L{None}
        @return: A message receiver for the ultimate destination or None for
            an invalid destination.
        N)r�createMessageReceiver�r>�aliasmap�memos   r"�resolvezAliasBase.resolve�s9�� �<��D��t�9������S��Y���)�)�+�+r@�N)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r?rBrJ�r@r"r:r:{s���	/�2�,r@r:c�0�eZdZdZd�Zdefd�Zd�Zdd�Zy)	�AddressAliasz�
    An alias which translates one email address into another.

    @type alias : L{Address}
    @ivar alias: The destination address.
        @type alias: L{Address}, L{User}, L{bytes} or object which can be
            converted into L{bytes}
        @param alias: The destination address.

        @type args: 2-L{tuple} of (0) L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{IDomain}
            provider, (1) L{bytes}
        @param args: Arguments for L{AliasBase.__init__}.
        N)r:r?rr<r!)r>r!�argss   r"r?zAddressAlias.__init__�s'��	���4�'�$�'��\�\�%�(��
        Build a string representation of this L{AddressAlias} instance.

        @rtype: L{bytes}
        @return: A string containing the destination address.
        z	<Address �>)r!rCs r"�__str__zAddressAlias.__str__�s���4�:�:�,�a�(�(r@c�f�|j�jt|j��S)z�
        Create a message receiver which delivers a message to
        the destination address.

        @rtype: L{IMessage <smtp.IMessage>} provider
        @return: A message receiver.
        )rB�existsrr!rCs r"rFz"AddressAlias.createMessageReceiver�s#���{�{�}�#�#�C��
�O�4�4r@Nc	��|�i}t|�|vryd|t|�<	|j�jtj|j
ddd�|��S#tj$rYnwxYw|j
jj||�SyrE)	rrBrZr�Userr!�SMTPBadRcpt�localrJrGs   r"rJzAddressAlias.resolve�s��� �<��D��t�9������S��Y��	�V�4�;�;�=�'�'��	�	�$�*�*�d�D�$�(O�QU�V�X�X�����	��	���:�:���x�'��D�J�J�,�,�-�5�5�h��E�E�s�AA'�'A=�<A=rK)	rLrMrNrOr?rrXrFrJrPr@r"rRrR�s"���)�)��)�5�r@rRc�4�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zdefd�Z	y)	�FileWrappera
    A message receiver which delivers a message to a file.

    @type fp: file-like object
    @ivar fp: A file used for temporary storage of the message.

    @type finalname: L{bytes}
    @ivar finalname: The name of the file in which the message should be
        @type filename: L{bytes}
        @param filename: The name of the file in which the message should be
TemporaryFiler3�	finalname)r>rs  r"r?zFileWrapper.__init__s���(�(�*���!��r@c�@�|jj|dz�y)z�
        Write a received line to the temporary file.

        @type line: L{bytes}
        @param line: A received line of the message.
N)r3�write�r>rs  r"�lineReceivedzFileWrapper.lineReceiveds��	
�d�T�k�"r@c���|jjdd�	t|jd�}|5|j|jj��|jj�ddd�tj|j�S#t$r*tjtj��cYSwxYw#1swY�^xYw)ac
        Handle end of message by writing the message to the file.

        @rtype: L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>} which successfully results in
        @return: A deferred which succeeds with the name of the file to which
            the message has been stored or fails if the message cannot be
            saved to the file.
BaseExceptionr�failr	�Failurerg�readr/�succeed)r>�fs  r"�eomReceivedzFileWrapper.eomReceiveds���	
�����Q���	1��T�^�^�S�)�A��	�
�G�G�D�G�G�L�L�N�#��G�G�M�M�O�	��}�}�T�^�^�,�,���	1��:�:�g�o�o�/�0�0�	1��	�	�s�B!�AC�!0C�C�C c�F�|jj�d|_y)zG
        Close the temporary file when the connection is lost.
        N)r3r/rCs r"�connectionLostzFileWrapper.connectionLost-s��	
        Build a string representation of this L{FileWrapper} instance.

        @rtype: L{bytes}
        @return: A string containing the file name of the message.
<FileWrapper rW)rdrCs r"rXzFileWrapper.__str__4s���t�~�~�.�a�0�0r@N�
rLrMrNrOr?rirrrtrrXrPr@r"r`r`�s'��	�"�#�-�,�1��1r@r`c�(�eZdZdZd�Zdefd�Zd�Zy)�	FileAliasz_
    An alias which translates an address to a file.

    @ivar filename: See L{__init__}.
        @type filename: L{bytes}
        @param filename: The name of the file in which to store the message.

        @type args: 2-L{tuple} of (0) L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{IDomain}
            provider, (1) L{bytes}
        @param args: Arguments for L{AliasBase.__init__}.
        N)r:r?r)r>rrTs   r"r?zFileAlias.__init__Fs��	���4�'�$�'� ��
        Build a string representation of this L{FileAlias} instance.

        @rtype: L{bytes}
        @return: A string containing the name of the file.
        z<File rW)rrCs r"rXzFileAlias.__str__Rs����
        Create a message receiver which delivers a message to the file.

        @rtype: L{FileWrapper}
        @return: A message receiver which writes a message to the file.
        )r`rrCs r"rFzFileAlias.createMessageReceiver[s���4�=�=�)�)r@N)rLrMrNrOr?rrXrFrPr@r"rxrx>s���
    An error indicating that a timeout occurred while waiting for a process
    to complete.
d�Zd�Z	d�Z
d�Zd	�Zd
defd�Zy)�MessageWrapperaF
    A message receiver which delivers a message to a child process.

    @type completionTimeout: L{int} or L{float}
    @ivar completionTimeout: The number of seconds to wait for the child
        process to exit before reporting the delivery as a failure.

    @type _timeoutCallID: L{None} or
        L{IDelayedCall <twisted.internet.interfaces.IDelayedCall>} provider
    @ivar _timeoutCallID: The call used to time out delivery, started when the
        connection to the child process is closed.

    @type done: L{bool}
    @ivar done: A flag indicating whether the child process has exited
        (C{True}) or not (C{False}).

    @type reactor: L{IReactorTime <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime>}
    @ivar reactor: A reactor which will be used to schedule timeouts.

    @ivar protocol: See L{__init__}.

    @type processName: L{bytes} or L{None}
    @ivar processName: The process name.

    @type completion: L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>}
    @ivar completion: The deferred which will be triggered by the protocol
        when the child process exits.
        @type protocol: L{ProcessAliasProtocol}
        @param protocol: The protocol associated with the child process.

        @type process: L{bytes} or L{None}
        @param process: The process name.

        @type reactor: L{None} or L{IReactorTime
            <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime>} provider
        @param reactor: A reactor which will be used to schedule timeouts.
        N)	�processNamerr�Deferred�
_processEndedr)r>r�processrs    r"r?zMessageWrapper.__init__�s[��#��� ��
�������� 2� 2�3���"�D�L�r@c�p�d|_|j�"|jj�d|_y|S)a�
        Record process termination and cancel the timeout call if it is active.

        @type result: L{Failure <failure.Failure>}
        @param result: The reason the child process terminated.

        @rtype: L{None} or L{Failure <failure.Failure>}
        @return: None, if the process end is expected, or the reason the child
            process terminated, if the process end is unexpected.
        TN)�done�_timeoutCallID�cancel)r>rs  r"r�zMessageWrapper._processEnded�s:����	����*�
���&�&�(�"&�D���Mr@c�n�|jry|jjj|dz�y)z�
        Write a received line to the child process.

        @type line: L{bytes}
        @param line: A received line of the message.
        Nrf)r�r�	transportrgrhs  r"rizMessageWrapper.lineReceived�s*���9�9���
���%�%�d�T�k�2r@c���|jsY|jjj�|jj|j|j�|_|jS)z�
        Disconnect from the child process and set up a timeout to wait for it
        to exit.

        @rtype: L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>}
        @return: A deferred which will be called back when the child process
r�rr��loseConnectionr�	callLater�completionTimeout�_completionCancelr�r�rCs r"rrzMessageWrapper.eomReceived�sU���y�y��M�M�#�#�2�2�4�"&�,�,�"8�"8��&�&��(>�(>�#�D�����r@c��d|_|jjjd�t	d|j
        Handle the expiration of the timeout for the child process to exit by
        terminating the child process forcefully and issuing a failure to the
        L{completion} deferred.
        N�KILLzNo answer after z seconds)r�rr��
signalProcessr}r�r�r��errbackr	rn)r>�excs  r"r�z MessageWrapper._completionCancel�sf��#����
����������� 4�5r@c��y)z9
        Ignore notification of lost connection.
        NrPrCs r"rtzMessageWrapper.connectionLost�s�r@rUc�"�d|j�d�S)z�
        Build a string representation of this L{MessageWrapper} instance.

        @rtype: L{bytes}
        @return: A string containing the name of the process.
        z<ProcessWrapper rW)r�rCs r"rXzMessageWrapper.__str__�s��"�$�"2�"2�!3�1�5�5r@�NN)rLrMrNrOr�r�r�rr?r�rirrr�rtrrXrPr@r"rrlsH���<�D����N��G�#�*�,	3�� 
6��
    A process protocol which errbacks a deferred when the associated
    process ends.

    @type onEnd: L{None} or L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>}
    @ivar onEnd: If set, a deferred on which to errback when the process ends.
        Call an errback.

        @type reason: L{Failure <failure.Failure>}
        @param reason: The reason the child process terminated.
        N)r�r�)r>�reasons  r"�processEndedz!ProcessAliasProtocol.processEnded�s%���:�:�!��J�J���v�&�"r@)rLrMrNrOr�r�rPr@r"r�r��s���
�E�'r@r�c�2�eZdZdZeZd�Zdefd�Zd�Zd�Z	y)�ProcessAliasa6
    An alias which is handled by the execution of a program.

    @type path: L{list} of L{bytes}
    @ivar path: The arguments to pass to the process. The first string is
        the executable's name.

    @type program: L{bytes}
    @ivar program: The path of the program to be executed.

    @type reactor: L{IReactorTime <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime>}
        and L{IReactorProcess <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorProcess>}
    @ivar reactor: A reactor which will be used to create and timeout the
        child process.
        @type path: L{bytes}
        @param path: The command to invoke the program consisting of the path
            to the executable followed by any arguments.

        @type args: 2-L{tuple} of (0) L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{IDomain}
            provider, (1) L{bytes}
        @param args: Arguments for L{AliasBase.__init__}.
        rN)r:r?r�path�program)r>r�rTs   r"r?zProcessAlias.__init__s3��	���4�'�$�'��J�J�L��	��y�y��|��r@rUc�"�d|j�d�S)z�
        Build a string representation of this L{ProcessAlias} instance.

        @rtype: L{bytes}
        @return: A string containing the command used to invoke the process.
        z	<Process rW)r�rCs r"rXzProcessAlias.__str__.s���4�9�9�+�Q�'�'r@c�<�|jj|||�S)aP
        Spawn a process.

        This wraps the L{spawnProcess
        <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorProcess.spawnProcess>} method on
        L{reactor} so that it can be customized for test purposes.

        @type proto: L{IProcessProtocol
            <twisted.internet.interfaces.IProcessProtocol>} provider
        @param proto: An object which will be notified of all events related to
            the created process.

        @type program: L{bytes}
        @param program: The full path name of the file to execute.

        @type path: L{list} of L{bytes}
        @param path: The arguments to pass to the process. The first string
            should be the executable's name.

        @rtype: L{IProcessTransport
            <twisted.internet.interfaces.IProcessTransport>} provider
        @return: A process transport.
        )r�spawnProcess)r>�protor�r�s    r"r�zProcessAlias.spawnProcess7s��0�|�|�(�(����>�>r@c��t�}t||j|j�}|j	||j|j
        Launch a process and create a message receiver to pass a message
        to the process.

        @rtype: L{MessageWrapper}
        @return: A message receiver which delivers a message to the process.
        )r�rr�rr�r�)r>r�ms   r"rFz"ProcessAlias.createMessageReceiverQsA��
!�"���1�d�l�l�D�L�L�9�����!�T�\�\�4�9�9�5��r@N)
$�(��(�?�4r@r�c�4�eZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zdefd�Z	y)	�MultiWrapperz�
    A message receiver which delivers a single message to multiple other
    message receivers.

    @ivar objs: See L{__init__}.
        @type objs: L{list} of L{IMessage <smtp.IMessage>} provider
        @param objs: Message receivers to which the incoming message should be
        N)�objs)r>r�s  r"r?zMultiWrapper.__init__hs����	r@c�H�|jD]}|j|��y)z�
        Pass a received line to the message receivers.

        @type line: L{bytes}
        @param line: A line of the message.
        N)r�ri)r>r�os   r"rizMultiWrapper.lineReceivedps#�����	!�A�
�N�N�4� �	!r@c��tj|jD�cgc]}|j���c}�Scc}w)aG
        Pass the end of message along to the message receivers.

        @rtype: L{DeferredList <defer.DeferredList>} whose successful results
            are L{bytes} or L{None}
        @return: A deferred list which triggers when all of the message
            receivers have finished handling their end of message.
        )r�DeferredListr�rr�r>r�s  r"rrzMultiWrapper.eomReceivedzs-���!�!�D�I�I�"F�q�1�=�=�?�"F�G�G��"Fs�<c�F�|jD]}|j��y)zQ
        Inform the message receivers that the connection has been lost.
        N)r�rtr�s  r"rtzMultiWrapper.connectionLost�s#�����	�A�
����	r@rUc�>�dtt|j��d�S)z�
        Build a string representation of this L{MultiWrapper} instance.

        @rtype: L{bytes}
        @return: A string containing a list of the message receivers.
        z<GroupWrapper rW)rrr�rCs r"rXzMultiWrapper.__str__�s�� ��C���� 3�6�a�8�8r@NrvrPr@r"r�r�_s(����!�	H��9��9r@r�c�:�eZdZdZeZd�Zd�Zdefd�Z	d�Z
d	d�Zy)
    An alias which points to multiple destination aliases.

    @type processAliasFactory: no-argument callable which returns
    @ivar processAliasFactory: A factory for process aliases.

    @type aliases: L{list} of L{AliasBase} which implements L{IAlias}
    @ivar aliases: The destination aliases.
    c��tj|g|���g|_|�rn|j�j	�}|jd�rh	t
|dd�}|5dj|D�cgc]}|j	���c}�}ddd�|j|jd��n�|jd�r0|jj|j|ddg|����n�|jd�r[tj j#|�rtjd	�nK|jjt%|g|����n%|jjt'|g|����|r��myycc}w#1swY��xYw#t$rtjd|dd���Y�>wxYw)
        Create a group of aliases.

        Parse a list of alias strings and, for each, create an appropriate
        alias object.

        @type items: L{list} of L{bytes}
        @param items: Aliases.

        @type args: n-L{tuple} of (0) L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{IDomain}
            provider, (1) L{bytes}
        @param args: Arguments for L{AliasBase.__init__}.
        rr
Nr(rzInvalid filename in alias file �|�/z Directory delivery not supported)r:r?�aliases�poprr.r*�joinrrrlr
r�append�processAliasFactory�osr��isdirrxrR)r>r0rT�addrrq�ls      r"r?zAliasGroup.__init__�st��	���4�'�$�'������9�9�;�$�$�&�D����s�#�2��T�!�"�X��A��@�"�x�x�A�(>�q�����(>�?��@��L�L����C��1�����%����#�#�$<�D�$<�$<�T�!�"�X�$M��$M�N�����%��7�7�=�=��&��G�G�>�?��L�L�'�'�	�$�(>��(>�?����#�#�L��$=��$=�>�'��)?�@�@��%�L��G�G�=�d�1�2�h�\�J�K�L�s0�F"�!F�1F
�F�F�F�"$G	�G	c�,�t|j�S)z�
        Return the number of aliases in the group.

        @rtype: L{int}
        @return: The number of aliases in the group.
        )rr�rCs r"�__len__zAliasGroup.__len__�s���4�<�<� � r@rUc�Z�ddjtt|j��zS)z�
        Build a string representation of this L{AliasGroup} instance.

        @rtype: L{bytes}
        @return: A string containing the aliases in the group.
        z<AliasGroup [%s]>z, )r�rrr�rCs r"rXzAliasGroup.__str__�s#��#�d�i�i��C����0F�&G�H�Hr@c�n�t|jD�cgc]}|j���c}�Scc}w)a,
        Create a message receiver for each alias and return a message receiver
        which will pass on a message to each of those.

        @rtype: L{MultiWrapper}
        @return: A message receiver which passes a message on to message
            receivers for each alias in the group.
        )r�r�rF)r>r7s  r"rFz AliasGroup.createMessageReceiver�s*������M�1�Q�4�4�6�M�N�N��Ms�2Nc��|�i}g}|jD]#}|j|j||���%tt	d|��S)a�
        Map each of the aliases in the group to its ultimate destination.

        @type aliasmap: L{dict} mapping L{bytes} to L{AliasBase}
        @param aliasmap: A mapping of username to alias or group of aliases.

        @type memo: L{None} or L{dict} of L{AliasBase}
        @param memo: A record of the aliases already considered in the
            resolution process.  If provided, C{memo} is modified to include
            this alias.

        @rtype: L{MultiWrapper}
        @return: A message receiver which passes the message on to message
            receivers for the ultimate destination of each alias in the group.
        N)r�r�rJr��filter)r>rHrI�rr7s     r"rJzAliasGroup.resolve�sN�� �<��D������	0�A�
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0