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Interface documentation.

Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
�)�annotations)�
TYPE_CHECKING�Any�AnyStr�Callable�Iterable�List�Mapping�Optional�Sequence�Tuple�Type�Union)�	Attribute�	Interface)�Failure)�
    An address, e.g. a TCP C{(host, port)}.

    Default implementations are in L{twisted.internet.address}.
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__���=/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/internet/interfaces.pyr'r'>s��r.r'c�0�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)	�
    Object used to interface between connections and protocols.

    Each L{IConnector} manages one connection.
        Stop attempting to connect.
        Disconnect regardless of the connection state.

        If we are connected, disconnect, if we are trying to connect,
        stop trying.
        Try to connect to remote address.
        Return destination this will try to connect to.

        @return: An object which provides L{IAddress}.
        Nr-r-r.r/�getDestinationzIConnector.getDestinationbr4r.N��return�None�r<r')r)r*r+r,r3r6r8r:r-r.r/r1r1Is����
��
        Resolve the domain name C{name} into an IP address.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: The callback of the Deferred that is returned will be
            passed a string that represents the IP address of the
            specified name, or the errback will be called if the
            lookup times out.  If multiple types of address records
            are associated with the name, A6 records will be returned
            in preference to AAAA records, which will be returned in
            preference to A records.  If there are multiple records of
            the type to be returned, one will be selected at random.

        @raise twisted.internet.defer.TimeoutError: Raised
            (asynchronously) if the name cannot be resolved within the
            specified timeout period.
        Nr-��name�timeouts  r/�
Sequence[int]r<z'Deferred[str]')r)r*r+rEr-r.r/r@r@js��r.r@c�(�eZdZdZed�Zdd�Zy)�IHostResolutionz�
    An L{IHostResolution} represents represents an in-progress recursive query
    for a DNS name.

    @since: Twisted 17.1.0
        L{unicode}; the name of the host being resolved.
        Stop the hostname resolution in progress.
        Nr-r-r.r/�cancelzIHostResolution.cancel�r4r.Nr;)r)r*r+r,rrCrLr-r.r/rJrJ�s����	��D�r.rJc�(�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)	�IResolutionReceiverz�
    An L{IResolutionReceiver} receives the results of a hostname resolution in
    progress, initiated by an L{IHostnameResolver}.

    @since: Twisted 17.1.0
        A hostname resolution began.

        @param resolutionInProgress: an L{IHostResolution}.
        Nr-)�resolutionInProgresss r/�resolutionBeganz#IResolutionReceiver.resolutionBegan�r4r.c��y)a�
        An internet address.  This is called when an address for the given name
        is discovered.  In the current implementation this practically means
        L{IPv4Address} or L{IPv6Address}, but implementations of this interface
        should be lenient to other types being passed to this interface as
        well, for future-proofing.

        @param address: An address object.
        Nr-)�addresss r/�addressResolvedz#IResolutionReceiver.addressResolved�r4r.c��y)z�
        Resolution has completed; no further addresses will be relayed to
        Nr-r-r.r/�resolutionCompletez&IResolutionReceiver.resolutionComplete�r4r.N)rPrJr<r=)rSr'r<r=r;)r)r*r+r,rQrTrVr-r.r/rNrN�s����	�r.rNc�6�eZdZdZ			d											dd�Zy)�IHostnameResolverz�
    An L{IHostnameResolver} can resolve a host name and port number into a
    series of L{IAddress} objects.

    @since: Twisted 17.1.0
        Initiate a hostname resolution.

        @param resolutionReceiver: an object that will receive each resolved
            address as it arrives.
        @param hostName: The name of the host to resolve.  If this contains
            non-ASCII code points, they will be converted to IDNA first.
        @param portNumber: The port number that the returned addresses should
        @param addressTypes: An iterable of implementors of L{IAddress} that
            are acceptable values for C{resolutionReceiver} to receive to its
            L{addressResolved <IResolutionReceiver.addressResolved>}.  In
            practice, this means an iterable containing
            L{twisted.internet.address.IPv6Address}, both, or neither.
        @param transportSemantics: A string describing the semantics of the
            transport; either C{'TCP'} for stream-oriented transports or
            C{'UDP'} for datagram-oriented; see
            L{twisted.internet.address.IPv6Address.type} and

        @return: The resolution in progress.
portNumber�addressTypes�transportSemanticss     r/�resolveHostNamez!IHostnameResolver.resolveHostName�r4r.)rN�TCP)rZrNr[rGr\�intr]z"Optional[Sequence[Type[IAddress]]]r^rGr<rJ)r)r*r+r,r_r-r.r/rXrX�sO����;?�"'��/������9�	�
 ��
r.rXc���eZdZ						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z							dd�Z
						dd	�Z						dd
�Z						dd�Z
						dd�Z						dd
�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Z						dd�Zy)�	IResolverc��y)a&
        Dispatch C{query} to the method which can handle its type.

        @param query: The DNS query being issued, to which a response is to be
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-)�queryrDs  r/rezIResolver.query�r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an A record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�
        Perform an A6 record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupAddress6zIResolver.lookupAddress6r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an AAAA record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupIPV6AddresszIResolver.lookupIPV6Addressr4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an MX record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupMailExchangezIResolver.lookupMailExchange-r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an NS record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupNameserverszIResolver.lookupNameservers@r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform a CNAME record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupCanonicalNamezIResolver.lookupCanonicalNameSr4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an MB record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�
        Perform an MG record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupMailGroupzIResolver.lookupMailGroupyr4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an MR record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupMailRenamezIResolver.lookupMailRename�r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform a PTR record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�
        Perform an SOA record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupAuthorityzIResolver.lookupAuthority�r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform a NULL record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�
        Perform a WKS record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupWellKnownServicesz!IResolver.lookupWellKnownServices�r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform a HINFO record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupHostInfozIResolver.lookupHostInfo�r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an MINFO record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupMailboxInfozIResolver.lookupMailboxInfo�r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform a TXT record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�
        Perform an RP record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupResponsibilityzIResolver.lookupResponsibility$r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an AFSDB record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupAFSDatabasezIResolver.lookupAFSDatabase7r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform an SRV record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�
        Perform an ALL_RECORD lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupAllRecordszIResolver.lookupAllRecords]r4r.c��y)a�
        Perform a SPF record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupSenderPolicyzIResolver.lookupSenderPolicypr4r.c��y)a�
        Perform a NAPTR record lookup.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: Number of seconds after which to reissue the query.
            When the last timeout expires, the query is considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.  The first element of the
            tuple gives answers.  The second element of the tuple gives
            authorities.  The third element of the tuple gives additional
            information.  The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�lookupNamingAuthorityPointerz&IResolver.lookupNamingAuthorityPointer�r4r.c��y)aT
        Perform an AXFR record lookup.

        NB This is quite different from other DNS requests. See
        U{http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/axfr-notes.html} for more

        NB Unlike other C{lookup*} methods, the timeout here is not a
        list of ints, it is a single int.

        @param name: DNS name to resolve.
        @param timeout: When this timeout expires, the query is
            considered failed.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with a three-tuple of lists of
            L{twisted.names.dns.RRHeader} instances.
            The first element of the tuple gives answers.
            The second and third elements are always empty.
            The L{Deferred} may instead fail with one of the
            exceptions defined in L{twisted.names.error} or with
        Nr-rBs  r/�
lookupZonezIResolver.lookupZone�r4r.N)rez'Query'rDrHr<�/'Deferred[Tuple[RRHeader, RRHeader, RRHeader]]')rCrGrDrHr<r�)r)r*r+rergrirkrmrorqrsrurwryr{r}rr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r-r.r/rcrc�s������!.��	8��(���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8��&���)��	8�r.rcc�H�eZdZ										dd�Z												dd�Zy)�IReactorTCPc��y)a6
        Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port.

        @param port: a port number on which to listen
        @param factory: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory} instance
        @param backlog: size of the listen queue
        @param interface: The local IPv4 or IPv6 address to which to bind;
            defaults to '', ie all IPv4 addresses.  To bind to all IPv4 and IPv6
            addresses, you must call this method twice.

        @return: an object that provides L{IListeningPort}.

        @raise CannotListenError: as defined here
                                  if it cannot listen on this port (e.g., it
                                  cannot bind to the required port number)
        Nr-)�port�factory�backlog�	interfaces    r/�	listenTCPzIReactorTCP.listenTCP�r4r.c��y)a�
        Connect a TCP client.

        @param host: A hostname or an IPv4 or IPv6 address literal.
        @param port: a port number
        @param factory: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory} instance
        @param timeout: number of seconds to wait before assuming the
                        connection has failed.
        @param bindAddress: a (host, port) tuple of local address to bind
                            to, or None.

        @return: An object which provides L{IConnector}. This connector will
                 call various callbacks on the factory when a connection is
                 made, failed, or lost - see
                 docs for details.
        Nr-)�hostr�r�rD�bindAddresss     r/�
r�rar��'ServerFactory'r�rar�rGr<�'IListeningPort')r�rGr�rar��'ClientFactory'rD�floatr��Optional[Tuple[str, int]]r<r1)r)r*r+r�r�r-r.r/r�r��sl�����+��69��FI��	��*�����!���	�
/��
r.r�c�P�eZdZ														dd�Z												dd�Zy)�IReactorSSLc��y)aQ
        Connect a client Protocol to a remote SSL socket.

        @param host: a host name
        @param port: a port number
        @param factory: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory} instance
        @param contextFactory: a L{twisted.internet.ssl.ClientContextFactory} object.
        @param timeout: number of seconds to wait before assuming the
                        connection has failed.
        @param bindAddress: a (host, port) tuple of local address to bind to,
                            or L{None}.

        @return: An object which provides L{IConnector}.
        Nr-)r�r�r��contextFactoryrDr�s      r/�
        Connects a given protocol factory to the given numeric TCP/IP port.
        The connection is a SSL one, using contexts created by the context

        @param port: a port number on which to listen
        @param factory: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.ServerFactory} instance
        @param contextFactory: an implementor of L{IOpenSSLContextFactory}
        @param backlog: size of the listen queue
        @param interface: the hostname to bind to, defaults to '' (all)
        Nr-)r�r�r�r�r�s     r/�	listenSSLzIReactorSSL.listenSSL�r4r.N)r�rGr�rar�r�r�z'ClientContextFactory'rDr�r�r�r<r1)r�rar�r�r�z'IOpenSSLContextFactory'r�rar�rGr<r�)r)r*r+r�r�r-r.r/r�r��s��������!��/�	�
��/�
��.��� ��1���	�
��
r.r�c�L�eZdZdZ										dd�Z												dd�Zy)�IReactorUNIXz
    UNIX socket methods.
        Connect a client protocol to a UNIX socket.

        @param address: a path to a unix socket on the filesystem.
        @param factory: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory} instance
        @param timeout: number of seconds to wait before assuming the connection
            has failed.
        @param checkPID: if True, check for a pid file to verify that a server
            is listening.  If C{address} is a Linux abstract namespace path,
            this must be C{False}.

        @return: An object which provides L{IConnector}.
        Nr-)rSr�rD�checkPIDs    r/�connectUNIXzIReactorUNIX.connectUNIXr4r.c��y)a�
        Listen on a UNIX socket.

        @param address: a path to a unix socket on the filesystem.
        @param factory: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.Factory} instance.
        @param backlog: number of connections to allow in backlog.
        @param mode: The mode (B{not} umask) to set on the unix socket.  See
            platform specific documentation for information about how this
            might affect connection attempts.
        @param wantPID: if True, create a pidfile for the socket.  If C{address}
            is a Linux abstract namespace path, this must be C{False}.

        @return: An object which provides L{IListeningPort}.
        Nr-)rSr�r��mode�wantPIDs     r/�
rSrGr�r�rDr�r��boolr<r1)rSrGr�z	'Factory'r�rar�rar�r�r<r�)r)r*r+r,r�r�r-r.r/r�r�
si������.��9>��JN��	��"���(��36��>A��LP��	�r.r�c�L�eZdZdZ												dd�Z										dd�Zy)�IReactorUNIXDatagramz'
    Datagram UNIX socket methods.
        Connect a client protocol to a datagram UNIX socket.

        @param address: a path to a unix socket on the filesystem.
        @param protocol: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.ConnectedDatagramProtocol} instance
        @param maxPacketSize: maximum packet size to accept
        @param mode: The mode (B{not} umask) to set on the unix socket.  See
            platform specific documentation for information about how this
            might affect connection attempts.

        @param bindAddress: address to bind to

        @return: An object which provides L{IConnector}.
maxPacketSizer�r�s     r/�connectUNIXDatagramz(IReactorUNIXDatagram.connectUNIXDatagram;r4r.c��y)a

        Listen on a datagram UNIX socket.

        @param address: a path to a unix socket on the filesystem.
        @param protocol: a L{twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol} instance.
        @param maxPacketSize: maximum packet size to accept
        @param mode: The mode (B{not} umask) to set on the unix socket.  See
            platform specific documentation for information about how this
            might affect connection attempts.

        @return: An object which provides L{IListeningPort}.
        Nr-)rSr�r�r�s    r/�listenUNIXDatagramz'IReactorUNIXDatagram.listenUNIXDatagramQr4r.N)rSrGr�z'ConnectedDatagramProtocol'r�rar�rar�r�r<r1)
rSrGr��'DatagramProtocol'r�rar�rar<r�)r)r*r+r,r�r�r-r.r/r�r�6sq������-�����	�
/��
�,��� 2��CF��NQ��	�r.r�c� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�IReactorWin32Eventsz3
    Win32 Event API methods

    @since: 10.2
        Add a new win32 event to the event loop.

        @param event: a Win32 event object created using win32event.CreateEvent()
        @param fd: an instance of L{twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor}
        @param action: a string that is a method name of the fd instance.
                       This method is called in response to the event.
        Nr-)�event�fd�actions   r/�addEventzIReactorWin32Events.addEventir4r.c��y)z�
        Remove an event.

        @param event: a Win32 event object added using L{IReactorWin32Events.addEvent}

        @return: None
        Nr-)r�s r/�removeEventzIReactorWin32Events.removeEventsr4r.N)r��objectr�z'FileDescriptor'r�rGr<r=)r�r�r<r=)r)r*r+r,r�r�r-r.r/r�r�bs����r.r�c�,�eZdZdZ										dd�Zy)�IReactorUDPz
    UDP socket methods.
        Connects a given L{DatagramProtocol} to the given numeric UDP port.

        @param port: A port number on which to listen.
        @param protocol: A L{DatagramProtocol} instance which will be
            connected to the given C{port}.
        @param interface: The local IPv4 or IPv6 address to which to bind;
            defaults to '', ie all IPv4 addresses.
        @param maxPacketSize: The maximum packet size to accept.

        @return: object which provides L{IListeningPort}.
        Nr-)r�r�r�r�s    r/�	listenUDPzIReactorUDP.listenUDP�r4r.N)
r�rar�r�r�rGr�rar<r�)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r�}s4������/��<?��PS��	�r.r�c�0�eZdZdZ												dd�Zy)�IReactorMulticastz�
    UDP socket methods that support multicast.

    IMPORTANT: This is an experimental new interface. It may change
    without backwards compatibility. Suggestions are welcome.
        Connects a given
        L{DatagramProtocol<twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol>} to the
        given numeric UDP port.

        @param listenMultiple: If set to True, allows multiple sockets to
            bind to the same address and port number at the same time.

        @returns: An object which provides L{IListeningPort}.

        @see: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IMulticastTransport}
        @see: U{http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/udp.html}
        Nr-)r�r�r�r��listenMultiples     r/�listenMulticastz!IReactorMulticast.listenMulticast�r4r.N)r�rar�r�r�rGr�rar�r�r<r�)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��sD������$�����	�
��
r.r�c�\�eZdZdZ								dd�Z								dd�Z										dd�Zy)	�IReactorSocketa
    Methods which allow a reactor to use externally created sockets.

    For example, to use C{adoptStreamPort} to implement behavior equivalent
    to that of L{IReactorTCP.listenTCP}, you might write code like this::

        from socket import SOMAXCONN, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, socket
        portSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
        # Set FD_CLOEXEC on port, left as an exercise.  Then make it into a
        # non-blocking listening port:
        portSocket.bind(('', 12345))

        # Now have the reactor use it as a TCP port
        port = reactor.adoptStreamPort(
            portSocket.fileno(), AF_INET, YourFactory())

        # portSocket itself is no longer necessary, and needs to be cleaned
        # up by us.

        # Whenever the server is no longer needed, stop it as usual.
        stoppedDeferred = port.stopListening()

    Another potential use is to inherit a listening descriptor from a parent
    process (for example, systemd or launchd), or to receive one over a UNIX
    domain socket.

    Some plans for extending this interface exist.  See:

        - U{http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/6594}: AF_UNIX SOCK_DGRAM ports
        Add an existing listening I{SOCK_STREAM} socket to the reactor to
        monitor for new connections to accept and handle.

        @param fileDescriptor: A file descriptor associated with a socket which
            is already bound to an address and marked as listening.  The socket
            must be set non-blocking.  Any additional flags (for example,
            close-on-exec) must also be set by application code.  Application
            code is responsible for closing the file descriptor, which may be
            done as soon as C{adoptStreamPort} returns.
        @param addressFamily: The address family (or I{domain}) of the socket.
            For example, L{socket.AF_INET6}.
        @param factory: A L{ServerFactory} instance to use to create new
            protocols to handle connections accepted via this socket.

        @return: An object providing L{IListeningPort}.

        @raise twisted.internet.error.UnsupportedAddressFamily: If the
            given address family is not supported by this reactor, or
            not supported with the given socket type.
        @raise twisted.internet.error.UnsupportedSocketType: If the
            given socket type is not supported by this reactor, or not
            supported with the given socket type.
addressFamilyr�s   r/�adoptStreamPortzIReactorSocket.adoptStreamPort�r4r.c��y)a
        Add an existing connected I{SOCK_STREAM} socket to the reactor to
        monitor for data.

        Note that the given factory won't have its C{startFactory} and
        C{stopFactory} methods called, as there is no sensible time to call
        them in this situation.

        @param fileDescriptor: A file descriptor associated with a socket which
            is already connected.  The socket must be set non-blocking.  Any
            additional flags (for example, close-on-exec) must also be set by
            application code.  Application code is responsible for closing the
            file descriptor, which may be done as soon as
            C{adoptStreamConnection} returns.
        @param addressFamily: The address family (or I{domain}) of the socket.
            For example, L{socket.AF_INET6}.
        @param factory: A L{ServerFactory} instance to use to create a new
            protocol to handle the connection via this socket.

        @raise UnsupportedAddressFamily: If the given address family is not
            supported by this reactor, or not supported with the given socket
        @raise UnsupportedSocketType: If the given socket type is not supported
            by this reactor, or not supported with the given socket type.
        Nr-r�s   r/�adoptStreamConnectionz$IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection�r4r.c��y)a�
        Add an existing listening I{SOCK_DGRAM} socket to the reactor to
        monitor for read and write readiness.

        @param fileDescriptor: A file descriptor associated with a socket which
            is already bound to an address and marked as listening.  The socket
            must be set non-blocking.  Any additional flags (for example,
            close-on-exec) must also be set by application code.  Application
            code is responsible for closing the file descriptor, which may be
            done as soon as C{adoptDatagramPort} returns.
        @param addressFamily: The address family or I{domain} of the socket.
            For example, L{socket.AF_INET6}.
        @param protocol: A L{DatagramProtocol} instance to connect to
            a UDP transport.
        @param maxPacketSize: The maximum packet size to accept.

        @return: An object providing L{IListeningPort}.

        @raise UnsupportedAddressFamily: If the given address family is not
            supported by this reactor, or not supported with the given socket
        @raise UnsupportedSocketType: If the given socket type is not supported
            by this reactor, or not supported with the given socket type.
        Nr-)r�r�r�r�s    r/�adoptDatagramPortz IReactorSocket.adoptDatagramPort
r�rar�r�r�r�r�rar<r�)r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r-r.r/r�r��s��� �D���,;��FU��	��8���,;��FU��	
��:���&��%���	�

�r.r�c�H�eZdZ						d																			dd�Zy)�IReactorProcessNc	��y)a
        Spawn a process, with a process protocol.

        Arguments given to this function that are listed as L{bytes} or
        L{unicode} may be encoded or decoded depending on the platform and the
        argument type given.  On UNIX systems (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS) and
        Python 2 on Windows, L{unicode} arguments will be encoded down to
        L{bytes} using the encoding given by L{sys.getfilesystemencoding}, to be
        used with the "narrow" OS APIs.  On Python 3 on Windows, L{bytes}
        arguments will be decoded up to L{unicode} using the encoding given by
        L{sys.getfilesystemencoding} (C{utf8}) and given to Windows's native "wide" APIs.

        @param processProtocol: An object which will be notified of all events
            related to the created process.

        @param executable: the file name to spawn - the full path should be

        @param args: the command line arguments to pass to the process; a
            sequence of strings.  The first string should be the executable's

        @param env: the environment variables to pass to the child process.
            The resulting behavior varies between platforms.  If:

                - C{env} is not set:
                  - On POSIX: pass an empty environment.
                  - On Windows: pass L{os.environ}.
                - C{env} is L{None}:
                  - On POSIX: pass L{os.environ}.
                  - On Windows: pass L{os.environ}.
                - C{env} is a L{dict}:
                  - On POSIX: pass the key/value pairs in C{env} as the
                    complete environment.
                  - On Windows: update L{os.environ} with the key/value
                    pairs in the L{dict} before passing it. As a
                    consequence of U{bug #1640
                    <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/1640>}, passing
                    keys with empty values in an effort to unset
                    environment variables I{won't} unset them.

        @param path: the path to run the subprocess in - defaults to the
            current directory.

        @param uid: user ID to run the subprocess as.  (Only available on POSIX

        @param gid: group ID to run the subprocess as.  (Only available on
            POSIX systems.)

        @param usePTY: if true, run this process in a pseudo-terminal.
            optionally a tuple of C{(masterfd, slavefd, ttyname)}, in which
            case use those file descriptors.  (Not available on all systems.)

        @param childFDs: A dictionary mapping file descriptors in the new child
            process to an integer or to the string 'r' or 'w'.

            If the value is an integer, it specifies a file descriptor in the
            parent process which will be mapped to a file descriptor (specified
            by the key) in the child process.  This is useful for things like
            inetd and shell-like file redirection.

            If it is the string 'r', a pipe will be created and attached to the
            child at that file descriptor: the child will be able to write to
            that file descriptor and the parent will receive read notification
            via the L{IProcessProtocol.childDataReceived} callback.  This is
            useful for the child's stdout and stderr.

            If it is the string 'w', similar setup to the previous case will
            occur, with the pipe being readable by the child instead of
            writeable.  The parent process can write to that file descriptor
            using L{IProcessTransport.writeToChild}.  This is useful for the
            child's stdin.

            If childFDs is not passed, the default behaviour is to use a
            mapping that opens the usual stdin/stdout/stderr pipes.

        @see: L{twisted.internet.protocol.ProcessProtocol}

        @return: An object which provides L{IProcessTransport}.

        @raise OSError: Raised with errno C{EAGAIN} or C{ENOMEM} if there are
            insufficient system resources to create a new process.
        Nr-)	�processProtocol�
executable�args�env�path�uid�gid�usePTY�childFDss	         r/�spawnProcesszIReactorProcess.spawnProcess.r4r.)NNNNFN)r�z'IProcessProtocol'r�zUnion[bytes, str]r�zSequence[Union[bytes, str]]r�z!Optional[Mapping[AnyStr, AnyStr]]r�zUnion[None, bytes, str]r��
Optional[int]r�r�r�r�r�z'Optional[Mapping[int, Union[int, str]]]r<�'IProcessTransport')r)r*r+r�r-r.r/r�r�-s���
26�(,�!�!��<@�^�+�^�%�^�*�^�/�	^�
&�^��
^��^��^�:�^�
�^r.r�c�<�eZdZdZdd�Z										dd�Zdd�Zy)	�IReactorTimez7
    Time methods that a Reactor should implement.
        Get the current time in seconds.

        @return: A number-like object of some sort.
        Call a function later.

        @param delay: the number of seconds to wait.
        @param callable: the callable object to call later.
        @param args: the arguments to call it with.
        @param kwargs: the keyword arguments to call it with.

        @return: An object which provides L{IDelayedCall} and can be used to
                 cancel the scheduled call, by calling its C{cancel()} method.
                 It also may be rescheduled by calling its C{delay()} or
                 C{reset()} methods.
        Nr-)�delay�callabler��kwargss    r/�	callLaterzIReactorTime.callLater�r4r.c��y)zQ
        See L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorTime.getDelayedCalls}
r�r�r��Callable[..., Any]r�r�r�r�r<z'IDelayedCall')r<zSequence['IDelayedCall'])r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r-r.r/r�r��s>������� 2��;A��MS��	��"r.r�c�8�eZdZdZdd�Zd	d�Zd
d�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)
�IDelayedCallz�
    A scheduled call.

    There are probably other useful methods we can add to this interface;
    suggestions are welcome.
        Get time when delayed call will happen.

        @return: time in seconds since epoch (a float).
        Cancel the scheduled call.

        @raises twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalled: if the call has already
        @raises twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCancelled: if the call has already
            been cancelled.
        Delay the scheduled call.

        @param secondsLater: how many seconds from its current firing time to delay

        @raises twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalled: if the call has already
        @raises twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCancelled: if the call has already
            been cancelled.
        Nr-)�secondsLaters r/r�zIDelayedCall.delay�r4r.c��y)a�
        Reset the scheduled call's timer.

        @param secondsFromNow: how many seconds from now it should fire,
            equivalent to C{.cancel()} and then doing another
            C{reactor.callLater(secondsLater, ...)}

        @raises twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalled: if the call has already
        @raises twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCancelled: if the call has already
            been cancelled.
        Nr-)�secondsFromNows r/�resetzIDelayedCall.reset�r4r.c��y)zx
        @return: True if this call is still active, False if it has been
                 called or cancelled.
        Nr-r-r.r/�activezIDelayedCall.active�r4r.Nr�r;)rr�r<r=)rr�r<r=�r<r�)	r)r*r+r,r�rLr�rrr-r.r/r�r��s �����
��r.r�c�(�eZdZdZ								dd�Zy)�IReactorFromThreadsz�
    This interface is the set of thread-safe methods which may be invoked on
    the reactor from other threads.

    @since: 15.4
        Cause a function to be executed by the reactor thread.

        Use this method when you want to run a function in the reactor's thread
        from another thread.  Calling L{callFromThread} should wake up the main
        thread (where L{reactor.run() <IReactorCore.run>} is executing) and run
        the given callable in that thread.

        If you're writing a multi-threaded application the C{callable}
        may need to be thread safe, but this method doesn't require it as such.
        If you want to call a function in the next mainloop iteration, but
        you're in the same thread, use L{callLater} with a delay of 0.
        Nr-�r�r�r�s   r/�callFromThreadz"IReactorFromThreads.callFromThread�r4r.N�r�r�r�r�r�r�r<r=)r)r*r+r,rr-r.r/r	r	�s,����$��-3��?E��	
�r.r	c�(�eZdZdZ								dd�Zy)�IReactorInThreadsz�
    This interface contains the methods exposed by a reactor which will let you
    run functions in another thread.

    @since: 15.4
        Run the given callable object in a separate thread, with the given
        arguments and keyword arguments.
        Nr-rs   r/�callInThreadzIReactorInThreads.callInThreadr4r.Nr
)r)r*r+r,rr-r.r/rrs,����$��-3��?E��	
�r.rc� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�IReactorThreadsz}
    Dispatch methods to be run in threads.

    Internally, this should use a thread pool and dispatch methods to them.
        Return the threadpool used by L{IReactorInThreads.callInThread}.
        Create it first if necessary.
        Suggest the size of the internal threadpool used to dispatch functions
        passed to L{IReactorInThreads.callInThread}.
        Nr-)�sizes r/�suggestThreadPoolSizez%IReactorThreads.suggestThreadPoolSize$r4r.N)r<z'ThreadPool')rrar<r=)r)r*r+r,rrr-r.r/rrs����r.rc��eZdZdZed�Zd
d�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Z	dd�Z
dd�Z												dd	�Zdd
								dd�Zy)�IReactorCorez5
    Core methods that a Reactor must implement.
    zjA C{bool} which is C{True} from I{during startup} to I{during shutdown} and C{False} the rest of the time.c��y)zc
        Return a L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred} that will resolve
        a hostname.
        Nr-rBs  r/�resolvezIReactorCore.resolve5r4r.c��y)z�
        Fire 'startup' System Events, move the reactor to the 'running'
        state, then run the main loop until it is stopped with C{stop()} or
        Fire 'shutdown' System Events, which will move the reactor to the
        'stopped' state and cause C{reactor.run()} to exit.
        Stop the main loop *immediately*, without firing any system events.

        This is named as it is because this is an extremely "rude" thing to do;
        it is possible to lose data and put your system in an inconsistent
        state by calling this.  However, it is necessary, as sometimes a system
        can become wedged in a pre-shutdown call.
        Run the main loop's I/O polling function for a period of time.

        This is most useful in applications where the UI is being drawn "as
        fast as possible", such as games. All pending L{IDelayedCall}s will
        be called.

        The reactor must have been started (via the C{run()} method) prior to
        any invocations of this method.  It must also be stopped manually
        after the last call to this method (via the C{stop()} method).  This
        method is not re-entrant: you must not call it recursively; in
        particular, you must not call it while the reactor is running.
        Nr-)r�s r/�iteratezIReactorCore.iterateRr4r.c��y)z�
        Fire a system-wide event.

        System-wide events are things like 'startup', 'shutdown', and
        Nr-)�	eventTypes r/�fireSystemEventzIReactorCore.fireSystemEventar4r.c��y)a%
        Add a function to be called when a system event occurs.

        Each "system event" in Twisted, such as 'startup', 'shutdown', and
        'persist', has 3 phases: 'before', 'during', and 'after' (in that
        order, of course).  These events will be fired internally by the

        An implementor of this interface must only implement those events
        described here.

        Callbacks registered for the "before" phase may return either None or a
        Deferred.  The "during" phase will not execute until all of the
        Deferreds from the "before" phase have fired.

        Once the "during" phase is running, all of the remaining triggers must
        execute; their return values must be ignored.

        @param phase: a time to call the event -- either the string 'before',
                      'after', or 'during', describing when to call it
                      relative to the event's execution.
        @param eventType: this is a string describing the type of event.
        @param callable: the object to call before shutdown.
        @param args: the arguments to call it with.
        @param kwargs: the keyword arguments to call it with.

        @return: an ID that can be used to remove this call with
        Nr-)�phaser&r�r�r�s     r/�addSystemEventTriggerz"IReactorCore.addSystemEventTriggerir4r.c��y)a�
        Removes a trigger added with addSystemEventTrigger.

        @param triggerID: a value returned from addSystemEventTrigger.

        @raise KeyError: If there is no system event trigger for the given
        @raise ValueError: If there is no system event trigger for the given
        @raise TypeError: If there is no system event trigger for the given
        Nr-)�	triggerIDs r/�removeSystemEventTriggerz%IReactorCore.removeSystemEventTrigger�r4r.c��y)a
        Call a function when the reactor is running.

        If the reactor has not started, the callable will be scheduled
        to run when it does start. Otherwise, the callable will be invoked

        @param callable: the callable object to call later.
        @param args: the arguments to call it with.
        @param kwargs: the keyword arguments to call it with.

        @return: None if the callable was invoked, otherwise a system
                 event id for the scheduled call.
        Nr-rs   r/�callWhenRunningzIReactorCore.callWhenRunning�r4r.NrFr;)r�r�r<r=)r&rGr<r=)r)rGr&rGr�r�r�r�r�r�r<r)r,rr<r=)r�r�r�r�r�r�r<z
Optional[Any])r)r*r+r,r�runningrrr r"r$r'r*r-r/r-r.r/rr+s�����	@��G�
����
��#��#��#�%�#��	#�
�#�

#�J��$��-3��?E��	�r.rc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�IReactorPluggableResolvera
    An L{IReactorPluggableResolver} is a reactor which can be customized with
    an L{IResolverSimple}.  This is a fairly limited interface, that supports
    only IPv4; you should use L{IReactorPluggableNameResolver} instead.

    @see: L{IReactorPluggableNameResolver}
        Set the internal resolver to use to for name lookups.

        @param resolver: The new resolver to use.

        @return: The previously installed resolver.
        Nr-��resolvers r/�installResolverz)IReactorPluggableResolver.installResolver�r4r.N)r5r@r<r@)r)r*r+r,r6r-r.r/r2r2�s���r.r2c�(�eZdZdZed�Zdd�Zy)�IReactorPluggableNameResolverzx
    An L{IReactorPluggableNameResolver} is a reactor whose name resolver can be
    set to a user-supplied object.
        Read-only attribute; the resolver installed with L{installResolver}.
        An L{IHostnameResolver}.
        Set the internal resolver to use for name lookups.

        @param resolver: The new resolver to use.

        @return: The previously installed resolver.
        Nr-r4s r/�installNameResolverz1IReactorPluggableNameResolver.installNameResolver�r4r.N)r5rXr<rX)r)r*r+r,r�nameResolverr:r-r.r/r8r8�s���
�	��L�r.r8c� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�IReactorDaemonizea�
    A reactor which provides hooks that need to be called before and after

       - This interface SHOULD NOT be called by applications.
       - This interface should only be implemented by reactors as a workaround
         (in particular, it's implemented currently only by kqueue()).
         For details please see the comments on ticket #1918.
        Hook to be called immediately before daemonization. No reactor methods
        may be called until L{afterDaemonize} is called.
        Hook to be called immediately after daemonization. This may only be
        called after L{beforeDaemonize} had been called previously.
        Nr-r-r.r/�afterDaemonizez IReactorDaemonize.afterDaemonize�r4r.Nr;)r)r*r+r,r?rAr-r.r/r=r=�s��	��r.r=c�H�eZdZdZd
d�Zdd�Zdd�Zd
d�Z	dd�Z
y	)�
    Implement me to be able to use L{IFileDescriptor} type resources.

    This assumes that your main-loop uses UNIX-style numeric file descriptors
    (or at least similarly opaque IDs returned from a .fileno() method)
        I add reader to the set of file descriptors to get read events for.

        @param reader: An L{IReadDescriptor} provider that will be checked for
                       read events until it is removed from the reactor with
        Nr-��readers r/�	addReaderzIReactorFDSet.addReader�r4r.c��y)a
        I add writer to the set of file descriptors to get write events for.

        @param writer: An L{IWriteDescriptor} provider that will be checked for
                       write events until it is removed from the reactor with
        Nr-��writers r/�	addWriterzIReactorFDSet.addWriterr4r.c��y)zG
        Removes an object previously added with L{addReader}.
        Nr-rEs r/�removeReaderzIReactorFDSet.removeReaderr4r.c��y)zG
        Removes an object previously added with L{addWriter}.
        Nr-rIs r/�removeWriterzIReactorFDSet.removeWriterr4r.c��y)z�
        Remove all readers and writers.

        Should not remove reactor internal reactor connections (like a waker).

        @return: A list of L{IReadDescriptor} and L{IWriteDescriptor} providers
                 which were removed.
        Nr-r-r.r/�	removeAllzIReactorFDSet.removeAllr4r.c��y)z�
        Return the list of file descriptors currently monitored for input
        events by the reactor.

        @return: the list of file descriptors monitored for input events.
getReaderszIReactorFDSet.getReaders r4r.c��y)z�
        Return the list file descriptors currently monitored for output events
        by the reactor.

        @return: the list of file descriptors monitored for output events.
getWriterszIReactorFDSet.getWriters(r4r.N)rFz'IReadDescriptor'r<r=)rJz'IWriteDescriptor'r<r=)r<z2List[Union['IReadDescriptor', 'IWriteDescriptor']])r<zList['IReadDescriptor'])r<zList['IWriteDescriptor'])r)r*r+r,rGrKrMrOrQrSrUr-r.r/rCrC�s*������
��r.rCc�(�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)	�IListeningPortz
    A listening port.
        Start listening on this port.

        @raise CannotListenError: If it cannot listen on this port (e.g., it is
                                  a TCP port and it cannot bind to the required
                                  port number).
        Stop listening on this port.

        If it does not complete immediately, will return Deferred that fires
        upon completion.
        Get the host that this port is listening for.

        @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
        Nr-r-r.r/�getHostzIListeningPort.getHostGr4r.Nr;�r<zOptional['Deferred[None]']r>)r)r*r+r,rYr[r]r-r.r/rWrW1s�����r.rWc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�ILoggingContextz^
    Give context information that will be used to log events generated by
    this item.
        @return: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context.
        Nr-r-r.r/�	logPrefixzILoggingContext.logPrefixUr4r.N�r<rG)r)r*r+r,rbr-r.r/r`r`Os���
r.r`c� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�IFileDescriptorzI
    An interface representing a UNIX-style numeric file descriptor.
        @return: The platform-specified representation of a file descriptor
            number.  Or C{-1} if the descriptor no longer has a valid file
            descriptor number associated with it.  As long as the descriptor
            is valid, calls to this method on a particular instance must
            return the same value.
        Called when the connection was lost.

        This is called when the connection on a selectable object has been
        lost.  It will be called whether the connection was closed explicitly,
        an exception occurred in an event handler, or the other end of the
        connection closed it first.

        See also L{IHalfCloseableDescriptor} if your descriptor wants to be
        notified separately of the two halves of the connection being closed.

        @param reason: A failure instance indicating the reason why the
                       connection was lost.  L{error.ConnectionLost} and
                       L{error.ConnectionDone} are of special note, but the
                       failure may be of other classes as well.
        Nr-��reasons r/�connectionLostzIFileDescriptor.connectionLostir4r.N�r<r��rjrr<r=)r)r*r+r,rgrkr-r.r/rere[s����r.rec��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�IReadDescriptorzz
    An L{IFileDescriptor} that can read.

    This interface is generally used in conjunction with L{IReactorFDSet}.
        Some data is available for reading on your descriptor.

        @return: If an error is encountered which causes the descriptor to
            no longer be valid, a L{Failure} should be returned.  Otherwise,
        Nr-r-r.r/�doReadzIReadDescriptor.doRead�r4r.N�r<zOptional[Failure])r)r*r+r,rqr-r.r/roro|����r.roc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�IWriteDescriptorz{
    An L{IFileDescriptor} that can write.

    This interface is generally used in conjunction with L{IReactorFDSet}.
        Some data can be written to your descriptor.

        @return: If an error is encountered which causes the descriptor to
            no longer be valid, a L{Failure} should be returned.  Otherwise,
    An L{IFileDescriptor} that can both read and write.
    Nr(r-r.r/ryry�s��r.ryc� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�IHalfCloseableDescriptorz/
    A descriptor that can be half-closed.
        Indicates write connection was lost.
        Nr-ris r/�writeConnectionLostz,IHalfCloseableDescriptor.writeConnectionLost�r4r.c��y)z5
        Indicates read connection was lost.
        Nr-ris r/�readConnectionLostz+IHalfCloseableDescriptor.readConnectionLost�r4r.Nrm)r)r*r+r,r}rr-r.r/r{r{������
    An object that wraps a networking OS-specific handle.
        Return a system- and reactor-specific handle.

        This might be a socket.socket() object, or some other type of
        object, depending on which reactor is being used. Use and
        manipulate at your own risk.

        This might be used in cases where you want to set specific
        options not exposed by the Twisted APIs.
        Nr-r-r.r/�	getHandlezISystemHandle.getHandle�r4r.Nrl)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��s���
r.r�c�(�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)	�	IConsumerz3
    A consumer consumes data from a producer.
        Register to receive data from a producer.

        This sets self to be a consumer for a producer.  When this object runs
        out of data (as when a send(2) call on a socket succeeds in moving the
        last data from a userspace buffer into a kernelspace buffer), it will
        ask the producer to resumeProducing().

        For L{IPullProducer} providers, C{resumeProducing} will be called once
        each time data is required.

        For L{IPushProducer} providers, C{pauseProducing} will be called
        whenever the write buffer fills up and C{resumeProducing} will only be
        called when it empties.  The consumer will only call C{resumeProducing}
        to balance a previous C{pauseProducing} call; the producer is assumed
        to start in an un-paused state.

        @param streaming: C{True} if C{producer} provides L{IPushProducer},
            C{False} if C{producer} provides L{IPullProducer}.

        @raise RuntimeError: If a producer is already registered.
        Nr-)�producer�	streamings  r/�registerProducerzIConsumer.registerProducer�r4r.c��y)zM
        Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting.
        The producer will write data by calling this method.

        The implementation must be non-blocking and perform whatever
        buffering is necessary.  If the producer has provided enough data
        for now and it is a L{IPushProducer}, the consumer may call its
        C{pauseProducing} method.
        Nr-��datas r/�writezIConsumer.write�r4r.N)r�z'IProducer'r�r�r<r=r;�r��bytesr<r=)r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r-r.r/r�r��s����0�
r.r�c��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�	IProducerz�
    A producer produces data for a consumer.

    Typically producing is done by calling the C{write} method of a class
    implementing L{IConsumer}.
        Stop producing data.

        This tells a producer that its consumer has died, so it must stop
        producing data for good.
stopProducingzIProducer.stopProducing�r4r.Nr;)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��s���r.r�c� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�
    A push producer, also known as a streaming producer is expected to
    produce (write to this consumer) data on a continuous basis, unless
    it has been paused. A paused push producer will resume producing
    after its C{resumeProducing()} method is called.   For a push producer
    which is not pauseable, these functions may be noops.
        Pause producing data.

        Tells a producer that it has produced too much data to process for
        the time being, and to stop until C{resumeProducing()} is called.
        Resume producing data.

        This tells a producer to re-add itself to the main loop and produce
        more data for its consumer.
        Nr-r-r.r/�resumeProducingzIPushProducer.resumeProducingr4r.Nr;)r)r*r+r,r�r�r-r.r/r�r�s����r.r�c��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�
    A pull producer, also known as a non-streaming producer, is
    expected to produce data each time L{resumeProducing()} is called.
        Produce data for the consumer a single time.

        This tells a producer to produce data for the consumer once
        (not repeatedly, once only). Typically this will be done
        by calling the consumer's C{write} method a single time with
        produced data. The producer should produce data before returning
        from C{resumeProducing()}, that is, it should not schedule a deferred
        Nr-r-r.r/r�zIPullProducer.resumeProducing$r4r.Nr;)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r�s���

r.r�c�,�eZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zd	d�Zy)
�	IProtocolc��y)a2
        Called whenever data is received.

        Use this method to translate to a higher-level message.  Usually, some
        callback will be made upon the receipt of each complete protocol

        Please keep in mind that you will probably need to buffer some data
        as partial (or multiple) protocol messages may be received!  We
        recommend that unit tests for protocols call through to this method
        with differing chunk sizes, down to one byte at a time.

        @param data: bytes of indeterminate length
        Nr-r�s r/�dataReceivedzIProtocol.dataReceived2r4r.c��y)as
        Called when the connection is shut down.

        Clear any circular references here, and any external references
        to this Protocol.  The connection has been closed. The C{reason}
        Failure wraps a L{twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone} or
        L{twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost} instance (or a subclass
        of one of those).
        Nr-ris r/rkzIProtocol.connectionLostBr4r.c��y)z@
        Make a connection to a transport and a server.
        Nr-)�	transports r/�makeConnectionzIProtocol.makeConnectionMr4r.c��y)a�
        Called when a connection is made.

        This may be considered the initializer of the protocol, because
        it is called when the connection is completed.  For clients,
        this is called once the connection to the server has been
        established; for servers, this is called after an accept() call
        stops blocking and a socket has been received.  If you need to
        send any greeting or initial message, do it here.
        Nr-r-r.r/�connectionMadezIProtocol.connectionMadeRr4r.Nr�rm)r�z'ITransport'r<r=r;)r)r*r+r�rkr�r�r-r.r/r�r�1s��� 	��

r.r�c�8�eZdZdZdd�Zd	d�Zd
d�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)�IProcessProtocolz7
    Interface for process-related event handlers.
        Called when the process has been created.

        @param process: An object representing the process which has been
            created and associated with this protocol.
        Nr-)�processs r/r�zIProcessProtocol.makeConnectiondr4r.c��y)z�
        Called when data arrives from the child process.

        @param childFD: The file descriptor from which the data was
        @param data: The data read from the child's file descriptor.
        Nr-��childFDr�s  r/�childDataReceivedz"IProcessProtocol.childDataReceivedlr4r.c��y)z�
        Called when a file descriptor associated with the child process is

        @param childFD: The file descriptor which was closed.
        Nr-)r�s r/�childConnectionLostz$IProcessProtocol.childConnectionLostur4r.c��y)aI
        Called when the child process exits.

        @param reason: A failure giving the reason the child process
            terminated.  The type of exception for this failure is either
            L{twisted.internet.error.ProcessDone} or

        @since: 8.2
        Nr-ris r/�
        Called when the child process exits and all file descriptors associated
        with it have been closed.

        @param reason: A failure giving the reason the child process
            terminated.  The type of exception for this failure is either
            L{twisted.internet.error.ProcessDone} or
        Nr-ris r/�processEndedzIProcessProtocol.processEnded�r4r.N)r�r�r<r=�r�rar�r�r<r=)r�rar<r=rm)	r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r�r�r-r.r/r�r�_s ������
�	r.r�c� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�IHalfCloseableProtocolaA
    Implemented to indicate they want notification of half-closes.

    TCP supports the notion of half-closing the connection, e.g.
    closing the write side but still not stopping reading. A protocol
    that implements this interface will be notified of such events,
    instead of having connectionLost called.
        Notification of the read connection being closed.

        This indicates peer did half-close of write side. It is now
        the responsibility of the this protocol to call
        loseConnection().  In addition, the protocol MUST make sure a
        reference to it still exists (i.e. by doing a callLater with
        one of its methods, etc.)  as the reactor will only have a
        reference to it if it is writing.

        If the protocol does not do so, it might get garbage collected
        without the connectionLost method ever being called.
        Notification of the write connection being closed.

        This will never be called for TCP connections as TCP does not
        support notification of this type of half-close.
�r.r�c��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�IHandshakeListeneraC
    An interface implemented by a L{IProtocol} to indicate that it would like
    to be notified when TLS handshakes complete when run over a TLS-based

    This interface is only guaranteed to be called when run over a TLS-based
    transport: non TLS-based transports will not respect this interface.
        Notification of the TLS handshake being completed.

        This notification fires when OpenSSL has completed the TLS handshake.
        At this point the TLS connection is established, and the protocol can
        interrogate its transport (usually an L{ISSLTransport}) for details of
        the TLS connection.

        This notification *also* fires whenever the TLS session is
        renegotiated. As a result, protocols that have certain minimum security
        requirements should implement this interface to ensure that they are
        able to re-evaluate the security of the TLS session if it changes.
        Nr-r-r.r/�handshakeCompletedz%IHandshakeListener.handshakeCompleted�r4r.Nr;)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��s���
    Protocols may implement L{IFileDescriptorReceiver} to receive file
    descriptors sent to them.  This is useful in conjunction with
    L{IUNIXTransport}, which allows file descriptors to be sent between
    processes on a single host.
        Called when a file descriptor is received over the connection.

        @param descriptor: The descriptor which was received.

        @return: L{None}
descriptors r/�fileDescriptorReceivedz.IFileDescriptorReceiver.fileDescriptorReceived�r4r.N�r�rar<r=)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��s���r.r�c�(�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)�IProtocolFactoryz+
    Interface for protocol factories.
        Called when a connection has been established to addr.

        If None is returned, the connection is assumed to have been refused,
        and the Port will close the connection.

        @param addr: The address of the newly-established connection

        @return: None if the connection was refused, otherwise an object
                 providing L{IProtocol}.
        Nr-��addrs r/�
        Called every time this is connected to a Port or Connector.
        Called every time this is unconnected from a Port or Connector.
        Nr-r-r.r/�doStopzIProtocolFactory.doStop�r4r.N)r�r'r<zOptional[IProtocol]r;)r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r-r.r/r�r��s�����
r.r�c�8�eZdZdZdd�Zd	d�Zd
d�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)�
    I am a transport for bytes.

    I represent (and wrap) the physical connection and synchronicity
    of the framework which is talking to the network.  I make no
    representations about whether calls to me will happen immediately
    or require returning to a control loop, or whether they will happen
    in the same or another thread.  Consider methods of this class
    (aside from getPeer) to be 'thrown over the wall', to happen at some
    indeterminate time.
        Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a
        non-blocking fashion.

        If possible, make sure that it is all written.  No data will
        ever be lost, although (obviously) the connection may be closed
        before it all gets through.

        @param data: The data to write.
        Nr-r�s r/r�zITransport.write
        Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection.

        If possible, make sure that all of the data is written to
        the socket at once, without first copying it all into a
        single byte string.

        @param data: The data to write.
        Nr-r�s r/�
        Close my connection, after writing all pending data.

        Note that if there is a registered producer on a transport it
        will not be closed until the producer has been unregistered.
        Get the remote address of this connection.

        Treat this method with caution.  It is the unfortunate result of the
        CGI and Jabber standards, but should not be considered reliable for
        the usual host of reasons; port forwarding, proxying, firewalls, IP
        masquerading, etc.

        @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
        Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the

        @return: An L{IAddress} provider.
        Nr-r-r.r/r]zITransport.getHost8r4r.Nr�)r�zIterable[bytes]r<r=r;r>)	r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r�r]r-r.r/r�r�s ��
�	��
�r.r�c�P�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zd
d�Zdd�Zd
d�Z	dd�Z
dd	�Zy
    A TCP based transport.
        Half-close the write side of a TCP connection.

        If the protocol instance this is attached to provides
        IHalfCloseableProtocol, it will get notified when the operation is
        done. When closing write connection, as with loseConnection this will
        only happen when buffer has emptied and there is no registered
        Close the connection abruptly.

        Discards any buffered data, stops any registered producer,
        and, if possible, notifies the other end of the unclean

        @since: 11.1
        Return if C{TCP_NODELAY} is enabled.
        Enable/disable C{TCP_NODELAY}.

        Enabling C{TCP_NODELAY} turns off Nagle's algorithm. Small packets are
        sent sooner, possibly at the expense of overall throughput.
        Nr-��enableds r/�
        Return if C{SO_KEEPALIVE} is enabled.
        Enable/disable C{SO_KEEPALIVE}.

        Enabling C{SO_KEEPALIVE} sends packets periodically when the connection
        is otherwise idle, usually once every two hours. They are intended
        to allow detection of lost peers in a non-infinite amount of time.
        Nr-r�s r/�setTcpKeepAlivezITCPTransport.setTcpKeepAlivenr4r.c��y�z;
        Returns L{IPv4Address} or L{IPv6Address}.
        Nr-r-r.r/r]zITCPTransport.getHostwr4r.c��yr�r-r-r.r/r�zITCPTransport.getPeer|r4r.Nr;r�r�r�r<r=�r<z#Union['IPv4Address', 'IPv6Address'])r)r*r+r,r�r�r�r�r�r�r]r�r-r.r/r�r�As/���	�	��
��
��
    Transport for stream-oriented unix domain connections.
        Send a duplicate of this (file, socket, pipe, etc) descriptor to the
        other end of this connection.

        The send is non-blocking and will be queued if it cannot be performed
        immediately.  The send will be processed in order with respect to other
        C{sendFileDescriptor} calls on this transport, but not necessarily with
        respect to C{write} calls on this transport.  The send can only be
        processed if there are also bytes in the normal connection-oriented send
        buffer (ie, you must call C{write} at least as many times as you call

        @param descriptor: An C{int} giving a valid file descriptor in this
            process.  Note that a I{file descriptor} may actually refer to a
            socket, a pipe, or anything else POSIX tries to treat in the same
            way as a file.
        Nr-r�s r/�sendFileDescriptorz!IUNIXTransport.sendFileDescriptor�r4r.Nr�)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��s���r.r�c� �eZdZdZ				dd�Zy)�IOpenSSLServerConnectionCreatoraX
    A provider of L{IOpenSSLServerConnectionCreator} can create
    L{OpenSSL.SSL.Connection} objects for TLS servers.

    @see: L{twisted.internet.ssl}

    @note: Creating OpenSSL connection objects is subtle, error-prone, and
        security-critical.  Before implementing this interface yourself,
        consider using L{twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions} as your
        C{contextFactory}.  (For historical reasons, that class does not
        actually I{implement} this interface; nevertheless it is usable in all
        Twisted APIs which require a provider of this interface.)
        Create a connection for the given server protocol.

        @return: an OpenSSL connection object configured appropriately for the
            given Twisted protocol.
        Nr-��tlsProtocols r/�serverConnectionForTLSz6IOpenSSLServerConnectionCreator.serverConnectionForTLS�r4r.N�r�z'TLSMemoryBIOProtocol'r<z'OpenSSLConnection')r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��s����+��	�r.r�c� �eZdZdZ				dd�Zy)�IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreatora�
    A provider of L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator} can create
    L{OpenSSL.SSL.Connection} objects for TLS clients.

    @see: L{twisted.internet.ssl}

    @note: Creating OpenSSL connection objects is subtle, error-prone, and
        security-critical.  Before implementing this interface yourself,
        consider using L{twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS} as your
        Create a connection for the given client protocol.

        @param tlsProtocol: the client protocol making the request.

        @return: an OpenSSL connection object configured appropriately for the
            given Twisted protocol.
        Nr-r�s r/�clientConnectionForTLSz6IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator.clientConnectionForTLS�r4r.Nr�)r)r*r+r,r�r-r.r/r�r��s��
�	�
    A provider of L{IProtocolNegotiationFactory} can provide information about
    the various protocols that the factory can create implementations of. This
    can be used, for example, to provide protocol names for Next Protocol
    Negotiation and Application Layer Protocol Negotiation.

    @see: L{twisted.internet.ssl}
        Returns a list of protocols that can be spoken by the connection
        factory in the form of ALPN tokens, as laid out in the IANA registry
        for ALPN tokens.

        @return: a list of ALPN tokens in order of preference.
        Nr-r-r.r/�acceptableProtocolsz/IProtocolNegotiationFactory.acceptableProtocols�r4r.N)r<zList[bytes])r)r*r+r,rr-r.r/rr�����r.rc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�IOpenSSLContextFactorya5
    A provider of L{IOpenSSLContextFactory} is capable of generating
    L{OpenSSL.SSL.Context} classes suitable for configuring TLS on a
    connection. A provider will store enough state to be able to generate these
    contexts as needed for individual connections.

    @see: L{twisted.internet.ssl}
        Returns a TLS context object, suitable for securing a TLS connection.
        This context object will be appropriately customized for the connection
        based on the state in this object.

        @return: A TLS context object.
getContextz!IOpenSSLContextFactory.getContext�r4r.N)r<z'OpenSSLContext')r)r*r+r,rr-r.r/rr�rr.rc� �eZdZdZ				dd�Zy)�
    A TCP transport that supports switching to TLS midstream.

    Once TLS mode is started the transport will implement L{ISSLTransport}.
        Initiate TLS negotiation.

        @param contextFactory: An object which creates appropriately configured
            TLS connections.

            For clients, use L{twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS}; for
            servers, use L{twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions}.

        @type contextFactory: L{IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator} or
            L{IOpenSSLServerConnectionCreator}, depending on whether this
            L{ITLSTransport} is a server or not.  If the appropriate interface
            is not provided by the value given for C{contextFactory}, it must
            be an implementor of L{IOpenSSLContextFactory}.
        Nr-)r�s r/�startTLSzITLSTransport.startTLS�r4r.N)r�zGUnion[IOpenSSLClientConnectionCreator, IOpenSSLServerConnectionCreator]r<r=)r)r*r+r,rr-r.r/r
�s ����
��
�	r.r
    A SSL/TLS based transport.
        Return an object with the peer's certificate info.
        Nr-r-r.r/�getPeerCertificatez ISSLTransport.getPeerCertificate	r4r.Nrl)r)r*r+r,rr-r.r/rr	s���r.rc� �eZdZdZed�Zy)�INegotiatedz�
    A TLS based transport that supports using ALPN/NPN to negotiate the
    protocol to be used inside the encrypted tunnel.
        The protocol selected to be spoken using ALPN/NPN. The result from ALPN
        is preferred to the result from NPN if both were used. If the remote
        peer does not support ALPN or NPN, or neither NPN or ALPN are available
        on this machine, will be L{None}. Otherwise, will be the name of the
        selected protocol as C{bytes}. Note that until the handshake has
        completed this property may incorrectly return L{None}: wait until data
        has been received before trusting it (see
        N)r)r*r+r,r�negotiatedProtocolr-r.r/rr	s���
#�		��r.rc� �eZdZdZed�Zy)�ICipherz
    A TLS cipher.
    z5The fully qualified name of the cipher in L{unicode}.N)r)r*r+r,r�fullNamer-r.r/rr3	s����P�Q�Hr.rc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�IAcceptableCiphersz9
    A list of acceptable ciphers for a TLS context.
        Choose which ciphers to allow to be negotiated on a TLS connection.

        @param availableCiphers: A L{tuple} of L{ICipher} which gives the names
            of all ciphers supported by the TLS implementation in use.

        @return: A L{tuple} of L{ICipher} which represents the ciphers
            which may be negotiated on the TLS connection.  The result is
            ordered by preference with more preferred ciphers appearing
        Nr-)�availableCipherss r/�
selectCiphersz IAcceptableCiphers.selectCiphers@	r4r.N)r�Tuple[ICipher]r<r)r)r*r+r,rr-r.r/rr;	s���r.rc�X�eZdZdZed�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Z	d
dd�Zdd	�Zy
    A process transport.
    z�From before L{IProcessProtocol.makeConnection} is called to before L{IProcessProtocol.processEnded} is called, C{pid} is an L{int} giving the platform process ID of this process.  C{pid} is L{None} at all other times.c��y)zB
        Close stdin after all data has been written out.
closeStdinzIProcessTransport.closeStdinZ	r4r.c��y)z
        Close stdout.
        Nr-r-r.r/�closeStdoutzIProcessTransport.closeStdout_	r4r.c��y)z
        Close stderr.
        Nr-r-r.r/�closeStderrzIProcessTransport.closeStderrd	r4r.c��y)z�
        Close a file descriptor which is connected to the child process, identified
        by its FD in the child process.
        Nr-r�s r/�closeChildFDzIProcessTransport.closeChildFDi	r4r.c��y)a�
        Similar to L{ITransport.write} but also allows the file descriptor in
        the child process which will receive the bytes to be specified.

        @param childFD: The file descriptor to which to write.
        @param data: The bytes to write.

        @raise KeyError: If C{childFD} is not a file descriptor that was mapped
            in the child when L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess} was used to create
        Nr-r�s  r/�writeToChildzIProcessTransport.writeToChildo	r4r.c��y)z1
        Close stdin, stderr and stdout.
        Nr-r-r.r/r�z IProcessTransport.loseConnection|	r4r.c��y)a*
        Send a signal to the process.

        @param signalID: can be
          - one of C{"KILL"}, C{"TERM"}, or C{"INT"}.
              These will be implemented in a
              cross-platform manner, and so should be used
              if possible.
          - an integer, where it represents a POSIX
              signal ID.

        @raise twisted.internet.error.ProcessExitedAlready: If the process has
            already exited.
        @raise OSError: If the C{os.kill} call fails with an errno different
            from C{ESRCH}.
        Nr-)�signalIDs r/�
signalProcesszIProcessTransport.signalProcess�	r4r.Nr;r�r�)r+zUnion[str, int]r<r=)
r)r*r+r,r�pidr r"r$r&r(r�r,r-r.r/rrN	s;����	��C��
���
    An object which provides access to a collection of services.
        Retrieve the named service from this application.

        Raise a C{KeyError} if there is no such service name.
        Nr-)�serviceNames r/�getServiceNamedz"IServiceCollection.getServiceNamed�	r4r.c��y)z3
        Add a service to this collection.
        Nr-��services r/�
addServicezIServiceCollection.addService�	r4r.c��y)z8
        Remove a service from this collection.
        Nr-r4s r/�
removeServicez IServiceCollection.removeService�	r4r.N)r1rGr<r�)r5r�r<r=)r)r*r+r,r2r6r8r-r.r/r/r/�	s�����
r.r/c�@�eZdZdZd	d�Zd
d�Zdd�Zdd�Zd
d�Zdd�Z	y)�
    Transport for UDP DatagramProtocols.
        Write packet to given address.

        @param addr: a tuple of (ip, port). For connected transports must
                     be the address the transport is connected to, or None.
                     In non-connected mode this is mandatory.

        @raise twisted.internet.error.MessageLengthError: C{packet} was too
        Nr-��packetr�s  r/r�zIUDPTransport.write�	r4r.c��y)a�
        Connect the transport to an address.

        This changes it to connected mode. Datagrams can only be sent to
        this address, and will only be received from this address. In addition
        the protocol's connectionRefused method might get called if destination
        is not receiving datagrams.

        @param host: an IP address, not a domain name ('', not 'localhost')
        @param port: port to connect to.
        Nr-)r�r�s  r/r8zIUDPTransport.connect�	r4r.c��y)zk
        Get this port's host address.

        @return: an address describing the listening port.
        Nr-r-r.r/r]zIUDPTransport.getHost�	r4r.c��y)z�
        Stop listening on this port.

        If it does not complete immediately, will return L{Deferred} that fires
        upon completion.
        Nr-r-r.r/r[zIUDPTransport.stopListening�	r4r.c��y)zo
        Set whether this port may broadcast.

        @param enabled: Whether the port may broadcast.
        Nr-r�s r/�setBroadcastAllowedz!IUDPTransport.setBroadcastAllowed�	r4r.c��y)z{
        Checks if broadcast is currently allowed on this port.

        @return: Whether this port may broadcast.
        Nr-r-r.r/�getBroadcastAllowedz!IUDPTransport.getBroadcastAllowed�	r4r.N)r=r�r�r�r<r=)r�rGr�rar<r=r�r^r�r)
r)r*r+r,r�r8r]r[rBrDr-r.r/r:r:�	s%���
�����r.r:c� �eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zy)�IUNIXDatagramTransportz,
    Transport for UDP PacketProtocols.
        Write packet to given address.
        Nr-r<s  r/r�zIUNIXDatagramTransport.write�	r4r.c��y�z)
        Returns L{UNIXAddress}.
        Nr-r-r.r/r]zIUNIXDatagramTransport.getHost�	r4r.N)r=r�r�rGr<r=�r<z
'UNIXAddress')r)r*r+r,r�r]r-r.r/rFrF�	r�r.rFc�(�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zy)�IUNIXDatagramConnectedTransportz5
    Transport for UDP ConnectedPacketProtocols.
        Write packet to address we are connected to.
        Nr-)r=s r/r�z%IUNIXDatagramConnectedTransport.write�	r4r.c��yrIr-r-r.r/r]z'IUNIXDatagramConnectedTransport.getHost
r4r.N)r=r�r<r=rJ)r)r*r+r,r�r]r�r-r.r/rLrL�	s����
r.rLc�P�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zd
d�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Z	dd�Z
dd	�Zy
    Additional functionality for multicast UDP.
        Return interface of outgoing multicast packets.
        Set interface for outgoing multicast packets.

        Returns Deferred of success.
        Nr-r�s r/�setOutgoingInterfacez(IMulticastTransport.setOutgoingInterface
        Return if loopback mode is enabled.
        Set if loopback mode is enabled.
        Nr-)r�s r/�setLoopbackModez#IMulticastTransport.setLoopbackMode"
        Get time to live for multicast packets.
        Set time to live on multicast packets.
        Nr-)�ttls r/�setTTLzIMulticastTransport.setTTL,
        Join a multicast group. Returns L{Deferred} of success or failure.

        If an error occurs, the returned L{Deferred} will fail with
        Nr-�r�r�s  r/�	joinGroupzIMulticastTransport.joinGroup1
        Leave multicast group, return L{Deferred} of success.
        Nr-r`s  r/�
r4r.Nrc)r�rGr<r=r)r�r�r<r=)r<ra)r]rar<r=)r�rGr�rGr<z'Deferred[None]')r)r*r+r,rSrUrWrYr[r^rarcr-r.r/rQrQ
s/����
��
�r.rQc��eZdZdZdd�Zy)�IStreamClientEndpointz�
    A stream client endpoint is a place that L{ClientFactory} can connect to.
    For example, a remote TCP host/port pair would be a TCP client endpoint.

    @since: 10.1
        Connect the C{protocolFactory} to the location specified by this
        L{IStreamClientEndpoint} provider.

        @param protocolFactory: A provider of L{IProtocolFactory}

        @return: A L{Deferred} that results in an L{IProtocol} upon successful
            connection otherwise a L{Failure} wrapping L{ConnectError} or
            L{NoProtocol <twisted.internet.error.NoProtocol>}.
        Nr-��protocolFactorys r/r8zIStreamClientEndpoint.connectG
s���
    A stream server endpoint is a place that a L{Factory} can listen for
    incoming connections.

    @since: 10.1
        Listen with C{protocolFactory} at the location specified by this
        L{IStreamServerEndpoint} provider.

        @param protocolFactory: A provider of L{IProtocolFactory}

        @return: A L{Deferred} that results in an L{IListeningPort} or an
        Nr-rgs r/�listenzIStreamServerEndpoint.listen\
s���	r.rjc�8�eZdZdZed�Z								dd�Zy)�!IStreamServerEndpointStringParserz�
    An L{IStreamServerEndpointStringParser} is like an
    L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor}, except for
    L{IStreamServerEndpoint}s instead of clients.  It integrates with
    L{endpoints.serverFromString} in much the same way.
        A C{str}, the description prefix to respond to.  For example, an
        L{IStreamServerEndpointStringParser} plugin which had C{"foo"} for its
        C{prefix} attribute would be called for endpoint descriptions like
        C{"foo:bar:baz"} or C{"foo:"}.
        Parse a stream server endpoint from a reactor and string-only arguments
        and keyword arguments.

        @see: L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor.parseStreamClient}

        @return: a stream server endpoint
        Nr-��reactorr�r�s   r/�parseStreamServerz3IStreamServerEndpointStringParser.parseStreamServery
s=����	��F�
�	�
r.rnc�8�eZdZdZed�Z								dd�Zy)�,IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactora�
    An L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor} is a parser which can
    convert a set of string C{*args} and C{**kwargs} into an
    L{IStreamClientEndpoint} provider.

    This interface is really only useful in the context of the plugin system
    for L{endpoints.clientFromString}.  See the document entitled "I{The
    Twisted Plugin System}" for more details on how to write a plugin.

    If you place an L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor} plugin in
    the C{twisted.plugins} package, that plugin's C{parseStreamClient} method
    will be used to produce endpoints for any description string that begins
    with the result of that L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor}'s
    prefix attribute.
        L{bytes}, the description prefix to respond to.  For example, an
        L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor} plugin which had
        C{b"foo"} for its C{prefix} attribute would be called for endpoint
        descriptions like C{b"foo:bar:baz"} or C{b"foo:"}.
        This method is invoked by L{endpoints.clientFromString}, if the type of
        endpoint matches the return value from this
        L{IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor}'s C{prefix} method.

        @param reactor: The reactor passed to L{endpoints.clientFromString}.
        @param args: The byte string arguments, minus the endpoint type, in the
            endpoint description string, parsed according to the rules
            described in L{endpoints.quoteStringArgument}.  For example, if the
            description were C{b"my-type:foo:bar:baz=qux"}, C{args} would be
            C{(b'foo', b'bar')}
        @param kwargs: The byte string arguments from the endpoint description
            passed as keyword arguments.  For example, if the description were
            C{b"my-type:foo:bar:baz=qux"}, C{kwargs} would be

        @return: a client endpoint
        Nr-rps   r/�parseStreamClientz>IStreamClientEndpointStringParserWithReactor.parseStreamClient�
s=��� �	��F����&,��8>��	�r.ruc� �eZdZdZed�Zy)�_ISupportsExitSignalCapturinga
    An implementor of L{_ISupportsExitSignalCapturing} will capture the
    value of any delivered exit signal (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGBREAK) for which
    it has installed a handler.  The caught signal number is made available in
    the _exitSignal attribute.
        C{int} or C{None}, the integer exit signal delivered to the
        application, or None if no signal was delivered.
s����	��Kr.ryN){r,�
__future__r�typingrrrrrr	r
rrr
rr�zope.interfacerr�twisted.python.failurer�socketr�OpenSSL.SSLr�OpenSSLConnectionr�OpenSSLContext�ImportErrorr��twisted.internet.abstractr�twisted.internet.addressrrr�twisted.internet.deferr�twisted.internet.protocolrrrrr�twisted.internet.sslr �twisted.names.dnsr!r"�twisted.protocols.tlsr#�twisted.python.runtimer$�supportsThreads�twisted.python.threadpoolr%r'r1r@rJrNrXrcr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r	rrrr2r8r=rCrWr`reroruryr{r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�rrr
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0