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Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/internet/__pycache__/error.cpython-312.pyc


Ϫ�f�4���dZddlZddlmZddlmZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd	�d
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Gd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�de�ZGd�d e�ZGd!�d"e�ZGd#�d$e�ZGd%�d&e�ZGd'�d(e�ZGd)�d*e�ZGd+�d,e�Z	ddlZej:eej<eej>eiZ e!ed-�ree ejD<ee ejF<d.�Z%Gd/�d0e�Z&Gd1�d2e&�Z'Gd3�d4e'�Z(Gd5�d6e&�Z)Gd7�d8e'�Z*Gd9�d:e'�Z+Gd;�d<e,�Z-Gd=�d>e,�Z.Gd?�d@e/�Z0ejbedAdBdd�dCe2d@�GdD�dEe)�Z3GdF�dGe'�Z4GdH�dIe�Z5GdJ�dKe6�Z7GdL�dMe6�Z8GdN�dOe6�Z9GdP�dQe6�Z:GdR�dSe6�Z;GdT�dUe<�Z=GdV�dWe�Z>GdX�dYe�Z?GdZ�d[e�Z@Gd\�d]e�ZAGd^�d_e�ZBGd`�dae,�ZCgdb�ZDy#e$$riZ Y��8wxYw)cz<
Exceptions and errors for use in twisted.internet modules.
�N)�Version)�	deprecatec� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�	BindErrorz)An error occurred binding to an interface�returnc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|S�Nz{}: {}� �%s.��MESSAGE�args�format�join��self�ss  �8/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/internet/error.py�__str__zBindError.__str__�=���L�L���9�9�����3�8�8�D�I�I�#6�7�A��A�I����N��__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r
    This gets raised by a call to startListening, when the object cannotstart

    @ivar interface: the interface I tried to listen on
    @ivar port: the port I tried to listen on
    @ivar socketError: the exception I got when I tried to listen
    @type socketError: L{socket.error}
    c�^�tj||||�||_||_||_y�N)r�__init__�	interface�port�socketError)rr$r%r&s    rr#zCannotListenError.__init__&s,�����4��D�+�>�"�����	�&��rrc�p�|jxsd}dj||j|j�S)N�anyzCouldn't listen on {}:{}: {}.)r$rr%r&)r�ifaces  rrzCannotListenError.__str__,s4�����'�%��.�5�5��4�9�9�d�.�.�
rN)rrrrr#rrrrrr r s���'�
rr c��eZdZdZy)�MulticastJoinErrorz6
    An attempt to join a multicast group failed.
    N�rrrrrrrr+r+3���rr+c� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�MessageLengthErrorzMessage is too long to sendrc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|Sr	rrs  rrzMessageLengthError.__str__<rrNrrrrr/r/9s��5�5�G�g���rr/c� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�DNSLookupErrorzDNS lookup failedrc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|Sr	rrs  rrzDNSLookupError.__str__GrrNrrrrr2r2Ds��+�+�G�g���rr2c��eZdZdZy)�ConnectInProgressErrorz3A connect operation was started and isn't done yet.Nr,rrrr5r5Os��=rr5c�(�eZdZdxZZdd�Zdefd�Zy)�ConnectErrorz"An error occurred while connectingNc�>�||_tj||�yr")�osError�	Exceptionr#)rr9�strings   rr#zConnectError.__init__Ys��������4��(rrc��|j}|jr|�d|j��}|jdr|�d|jd��}d|z}|S)N�: rr)r
r9rrs  rrzConnectError.__str__]sW���L�L���<�<��#�R����~�&�A��9�9�Q�<��#�R��	�	�!��~�&�A��A�I���r)N�)rrrrr
Couldn't bindN�rrrrr
rrrr@r@gs��'�'�G�grr@c��eZdZdxZZy)�UnknownHostErrorzHostname couldn't be looked upNrArrrrCrCks��8�8�G�grrCc��eZdZdxZZy)�NoRouteErrorzNo route to hostNrArrrrErEos��*�*�G�grrEc��eZdZdxZZy)�ConnectionRefusedErrorz$Connection was refused by other sideNrArrrrGrGs���>�>�G�grrGc��eZdZdxZZy)�TCPTimedOutErrorzTCP connection timed outNrArrrrJrJws��2�2�G�grrJc��eZdZdxZZy)�BadFileErrorz$File used for UNIX socket is no goodNrArrrrLrL{rHrrLc��eZdZdxZZy)�ServiceNameUnknownErrorz%Service name given as port is unknownNrArrrrNrNs��?�?�G�grrNc��eZdZdxZZy)�	UserErrorzUser aborted connectionNrArrrrPrP�s��1�1�G�grrPc��eZdZdxZZy)�TimeoutErrorz&User timeout caused connection failureNrArrrrRrR�s��@�@�G�grrRc��eZdZdxZZy)�SSLErrorzAn SSL error occurredNrArrrrTrT�s��/�/�G�grrTc��eZdZdxZZy)�VerifyErrorz:Could not verify something that was supposed to be signed.NrArrrrVrV�s��T�T�G�grrVc��eZdZdxZZy)�PeerVerifyErrorz#The peer rejected our verify error.NrArrrrXrX�s��=�=�G�grrXc��eZdZdxZZy)�CertificateErrorz<We did not find a certificate where we expected to find one.NrArrrrZrZ�s��V�V�G�grrZ�WSAECONNREFUSEDc�*�t|t�r
|j}n|}	|\}}ttd�r!t|tj�rt}ntj|t�}|||�S#t$rt	|��cYSwxYw)z2Given a socket exception, return connection error.)r;�gaierror)�
ValueErrorr7�hasattr�socketr]rC�errnoMapping�get)�er�numberr;�klasss     r�getConnectErrorrg�s����!�Y���v�v����&������v�z�"�z�!�V�_�_�'E�!��� � ���6����� � ���&��1�%�%�&�s�A:�:B�Bc��eZdZdZy)�ConnectionClosedz@
    Connection was closed, whether cleanly or non-cleanly.
    Nr,rrrriri�r-rric� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�ConnectionLostzF
    Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion
    rc�*�|jj�j�dd}|jr;|j	d�|j	dj|j��|j	d�dj|�S)N�r=r
splitlinesr�appendrrs  rrzConnectionLost.__str__�sh���L�L��� �+�+�-�b�q�1���9�9�
�H�H�S�X�X�d�i�i�(�)�	����
    Connection was aborted locally, using

    @since: 11.1
    zBConnection was aborted locally using ITCPTransport.abortConnectionNrArrrrsrs�s���V�Grrsc� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�ConnectionDonezConnection was closed cleanlyrc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|Sr	rrs  rrzConnectionDone.__str__�rrNrrrrruru�s��7�7�G�g���rruc��eZdZdZdZy)�FileDescriptorOverrunaw
    A mis-use of L{IUNIXTransport.sendFileDescriptor} caused the connection to
    be closed.

    Each file descriptor sent using C{sendFileDescriptor} must be associated
    with at least one byte sent using L{ITransport.write}.  If at any point
    fewer bytes have been written than file descriptors have been sent, the
    connection is closed with this exception.
    zRA mis-use of IUNIXTransport.sendFileDescriptor caused the connection to be closed.NrArrrrxrx�s���	'�rrxc��eZdZdxZZy)�ConnectionFdescWentAway�UhNrArrrrzrz�s����G�grrzc� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�
AlreadyCalledz'Tried to cancel an already-called eventrc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|Sr	rrs  rrzAlreadyCalled.__str__rrNrrrrr}r}�s��A�A�G�g���rr}c� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�AlreadyCancelledz*Tried to cancel an already-cancelled eventrc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|Sr	rrs  rrzAlreadyCancelled.__str__rrNrrrrr�r�s��D�D�G�g���rr�c��eZdZdZdZy)�PotentialZombieWarningz�
    Emitted when L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess} is called in a way which may
    result in termination of the created child process not being reported.

    Deprecated in Twisted 10.0.
    z�spawnProcess called, but the SIGCHLD handler is not installed. This probably means you have not yet called reactor.run, or called reactor.run(installSignalHandler=0). You will probably never see this process finish, and it may become a zombie process.NrArrrr�r�s���	�rr��Twisted�
z4There is no longer any potential for zombie process.c��eZdZdxZZd�Zy)�ProcessDonez+A process has ended without apparent errorsc�Z�tj|d�d|_d|_||_y)Nz!process finished with exit code 0r)r:r#�exitCode�signal�status)rr�s  rr#zProcessDone.__init__0s(�����4�!D�E���
    A process has ended with a probable error condition

    @ivar exitCode: See L{__init__}
    @ivar signal: See L{__init__}
    @ivar status: See L{__init__}
    Nc��||_||_||_d}|�|d|zz}|�|d|zz}tj	||�y)a�
        @param exitCode: The exit status of the process.  This is roughly like
            the value you might pass to L{os._exit}.  This is L{None} if the
            process exited due to a signal.
        @type exitCode: L{int} or L{None}

        @param signal: The exit signal of the process.  This is L{None} if the
            process did not exit due to a signal.
        @type signal: L{int} or L{None}

        @param status: The exit code of the process.  This is a platform
            specific combination of the exit code and the exit signal.  See
            L{os.WIFEXITED} and related functions.
        @type status: L{int}
process endedNz with exit code %sz
 by signal %s)r�r�r�r:r#)rr�r�r�rs     rr#zProcessTerminated.__init__@sY�� !��
������������(�8�3�3�A����O�f�,�,�A����4��#r)NNNr�rrrr�r�7s����G�g�$rr�c��eZdZdZy)�ProcessExitedAlreadyzd
    The process has already exited and the operation requested can no longer
    be performed.
    Nr,rrrr�r�[���rr�c� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�NotConnectingErrorzEThe Connector was not connecting when it was asked to stop connectingrc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|Sr	rrs  rrzNotConnectingError.__str__grrNrrrrr�r�bs��	P�P�G����rr�c� �eZdZdxZZdefd�Zy)�NotListeningErrorz>The Port was not listening when it was asked to stop listeningrc��|j}|jr+dj|dj|j��}d|z}|Sr	rrs  rrzNotListeningError.__str__rrrNrrrrr�r�os��X�X�G�g���rr�c��eZdZdZy)�ReactorNotRunningzJ
    Error raised when trying to stop a reactor which is not running.
    Error raised when trying to run a reactor which was stopped.
    Error raised when trying to start the reactor multiple times.
    Could not install reactor because one is already installed.
    An C{Exception} that will be raised when an L{IStreamClientEndpoint} is
    cancelled before it connects.

    @ivar address: The L{IAddress} that is the destination of the
        cancelled L{IStreamClientEndpoint}.
        @param address: The L{IAddress} that is the destination of the
            L{IStreamClientEndpoint} that was cancelled.
        N)r:r#�address)rr�s  rr#z!ConnectingCancelledError.__init__�s��
	���4��)���rN�rrrrr#rrrr�r��s���rr�c��eZdZdZy)�
    An C{Exception} that will be raised when the factory given to a
    L{IStreamClientEndpoint} returns L{None} from C{buildProtocol}.
    An attempt was made to use a socket with an address family (eg I{AF_INET},
    I{AF_INET6}, etc) which is not supported by the reactor.
    An attempt was made to use a socket of a type (eg I{SOCK_STREAM},
    I{SOCK_DGRAM}, etc) which is not supported by the reactor.
    An attempt was made to listen on a file descriptor which can only be
    listened on once.
    An invalid address was specified (i.e. neither IPv4 or IPv6, or expected
    one and got the other).

    @ivar address: See L{__init__}
    @ivar message: See L{__init__}
    c� �||_||_y)z�
        @param address: The address that was provided.
        @type address: L{bytes}
        @param message: A native string of additional information provided by
            the calling context.
        @type address: L{str}
        N)r��message)rr�r�s   rr#zInvalidAddressError.__init__�s�������rNr�rrrr�r��s���	rr�)(rr r+r/r2r5r7r@rCrErGrJrLrNrPrRrTrVrXrZrgrirkrurzr}r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�)Erra�incrementalr�twisted.pythonrr:rr r+r/�IOErrorr2r5r7r@rCrErGrJrLrNrPrRrTrVrXrZ�errno�ENETUNREACH�ECONNREFUSED�	ETIMEDOUTrbr`r[�WSAENETUNREACH�ImportErrorrgrirkrsrurxrzr_r}r��Warningr��deprecatedModuleAttributerr�r�r��RuntimeErrorr�r�r�r�r��AssertionErrorr�r�r�r�r�r�r��__all__rrr�<module>r�s����
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0