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Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/cred/__pycache__/strcred.cpython-312.pyc


Ϫ�f� ����dZddlZddlmZmZmZddlmZmZddl	m
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Support for resolving command-line strings that represent different
checkers available to cred.

 - passwd:/etc/passwd
 - memory:admin:asdf:user:lkj
 - unix
�N)�Optional�Sequence�Type)�	Attribute�	Interface)�
getPlugins)�usagec�V�eZdZdZed�Zed�Zed�Zed�Zd�Z	y)�ICheckerFactoryz�
    A factory for objects which provide

    It's implemented by twistd plugins creating checkers.
    z0A tag that identifies the authentication method.zmA detailed (potentially multi-line) description of precisely what functionality this CheckerFactory provides.z=A short (one-line) description of the argument string format.z@A list of credentials interfaces that this factory will support.c��y)z}
        Return an L{twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker} provider using the supplied
        argument string.
        N�)�	argstrings �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/twisted/cred/strcred.py�generateCheckerzICheckerFactory.generateChecker2s��N)
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r�authType�authHelp�argStringFormat�credentialInterfacesrr
rrrrsG����K�L�H��	;��H�
 �G��O�%�J���rrc��eZdZdZy)�StrcredExceptionz+
    Base exception class for strcred.
    Raised when a user provides an invalid identifier for the
    authentication plugin (known as the authType).
    Raised by an authentication plugin when the argument string
    provided is formatted incorrectly.
    Raised when an application is given a checker to use that does not
    provide any of the application's supported credentials interfaces.
rrr#r#Mrrr#z<WARNING: This authType is not supported by this application.c� �tt�S)z=
    Find all objects that implement L{ICheckerFactory}.
rr�findCheckerFactoriesr%Ys���o�&�&rc�\�t�D]}|j|k(s�|cSt|��)zJ
    Find the first checker factory that supports the given authType.
    )r%rr)r�factorys  r�findCheckerFactoryr(`s6��(�)������x�'��N���(�
    Returns an L{twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker} based on the
    contents of a descriptive string. Similar to
    �:��)�splitr(r)�descriptionrrs   r�makeCheckerr/jsC���k��)�/�/��Q�7���)����	��h�'�7�7�	�B�Brc�t�eZdZUdZdZeeeee	d<e
jZd�Z
d�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd	�Zd
    Defines helper methods that can be added on to any
    L{usage.Options} subclass that needs authentication.

    This mixin implements three new options methods:

    The opt_auth method (--auth) will write two new values to the
    'self' dictionary: C{credInterfaces} (a dict of lists) and
    C{credCheckers} (a list).

    The opt_help_auth method (--help-auth) will search for all
    available checker plugins and list them for the user; it will exit
    when finished.

    The opt_help_auth_type method (--help-auth-type) will display
    detailed help for a particular checker plugin.

    @cvar supportedInterfaces: An iterable object that returns
       credential interfaces which this application is able to support.

    @cvar authOutput: A writeable object to which this options class
        will send all help-related output. Default: L{sys.stdout}
        Returns whether a particular credentials interface is supported.
        N)r2)�self�	interfaces  r�supportsInterfacez!AuthOptionMixin.supportsInterface�s%���'�'�4�/�X�9��@X�@X�3X�Xrc�L�|jD]}|j|�s�yy)z�
        Returns whether a checker factory will provide at least one of
        the credentials interfaces that we care about.
        TF)rr6�r4r'r5s   r�supportsCheckerFactoryz&AuthOptionMixin.supportsCheckerFactory�s/��
!�5�5�	�I��%�%�i�0��	�rc�r�g}|j�
|j}n4|jD]%}|j|�s�|j|��'|st	|j��d|vri|d<d|vrg|d<|dj|�|D]&}|dj|g�j|��(y)zM
        Supply a supplied credentials checker to the Options class.
        N�credInterfaces�credCheckers)r2rr6�appendr#�
setdefault)r4�checker�	supportedr5s    r�
�	��#�#�+��4�4�I�$�9�9�
0�	��)�)�)�4��$�$�Y�/�
0��'��(D�(D�E�E��4�'�%'�D�!�"���%�#%�D�� ��^��#�#�G�,�"�	M�I��!�"�-�-�i��<�C�C�G�L�	Mrc�P�	|jt|��y#t$r*}tjd|j
dz��d}~wt$r*}tjd|j
        Specify an authentication method for the server.
        zAuth plugin not supported: %srNzAuth plugin not recognized: %szUnexpected error: %s)rAr/r#r	�
UsageError�argsr�	Exception)r4r.�es   r�opt_authzAuthOptionMixin.opt_auth�s���	?��O�O�K��4�5��$�	P��"�"�#B�Q�V�V�A�Y�#N�O�O���	Q��"�"�#C�a�f�f�Q�i�#O�P�P���	?��"�"�#9�A�#=�>�>��	?�s,��	B%�%A�B%�%A<�<B%�B � B%c#�zK�t�D]*}|jD]}|j|�s�|���*�,y�w)z�
        Return a list of which authTypes will be displayed by --help-auth.
        This makes it a lot easier to test this module.
        N)r%rr6r8s   r�_checkerFactoriesForOptHelpAuthz/AuthOptionMixin._checkerFactoriesForOptHelpAuth�sE����
,�-�	�G�$�9�9�
�	��)�)�)�4�!�M��
�	�s�.;�
        Show all authentication methods available.
        z#Usage: --auth AuthType[:ArgString]
z-For detailed help: --help-auth-type AuthType
  %%-%is	%%s
)�AuthTypezArgString format)z========z================)�
SystemExit)r4�firstLengthr'�formatStrings    r�
�����D�E������N�O������d�#����;�;�=�	4�G��7�#�#�$�{�2�!�'�"2�"2�3��	4�)�;�6�������l�-M�M�N������l�-M�M�N��;�;�=�	�G��O�O�!�!��� 0� 0�'�2I�2I�J�J�
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        Show help for a particular authentication type.
        zInvalid auth type: %szUsage: --auth %s[:ArgString]
zArgString format: %s
rKz  %s
r)r(rr	rCrMrNrr�strip�
splitlines�rstripr9�notSupportedWarningrP)r4r�cf�lines    r�opt_help_auth_typez"AuthOptionMixin.opt_help_auth_type�s��	G�#�H�-�B�	
�����>��I�J������6��9K�9K�K�L������d�#��K�K�%�%�'�2�2�4�	<�D��O�O�!�!�(�T�[�[�]�":�;�	<������d�#��*�*�2�.��O�O�!�!�(�-@�"@�A��O�O�!�!�$�'���m����	G��"�"�#:�X�#E�F�F�	G�s�D;�;"E)rrrrr2rrrr�__annotations__�sys�stdoutrMr6r9rArGrIrSr[r
rrr1r1xsR���0@D���(�4�	�?�";�<�C����J�Y��M�.?�	��,rr1)rr]�typingrrr�zope.interfacerr�twisted.pluginr�twisted.pythonr	rrErrr!r#rXr%r(r/r1r
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0