Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/dist_info.cpython-312.pyc |
� _�d� � � � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z dd lmZ G d � de � Zd� Zd � Zy)zD Create a dist_info directory As defined in the wheel specification � N)�contextmanager)�log)�Command)�Path� )�_normalization)�SetuptoolsDeprecationWarningc �X � e Zd ZdZdZg d�ZddgZddiZd� Zd� Z e d ed efd�� Z d� Zy )� dist_infoz� This command is private and reserved for internal use of setuptools, users should rely on ``setuptools.build_meta`` APIs. z@DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY, INTERNAL ONLY: create .dist-info directory))z egg-base=�ezjdirectory containing .egg-info directories (default: top of the source tree) DEPRECATED: use --output-dir.)zoutput-dir=�ozYdirectory inside of which the .dist-info will becreated (default: top of the source tree))�tag-date�dz0Add date stamp (e.g. 20050528) to version number)z tag-build=�bz-Specify explicit tag to add to version number)�no-date�Dz"Don't include date stamp [default])� keep-egg-infoNz,*TRANSITIONAL* will be removed in the futurer r r c �f � d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d| _ y )NF)�egg_base� output_dir�name� dist_info_dir�tag_date� tag_build� keep_egg_info)�selfs �>/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/command/dist_info.py�initialize_optionszdist_info.initialize_options1 s5 � ��� ������ �!����� ����"��� c �x � | j r8d}t j |d�� | j xs | j | _ | j }|j xs t j }t | j xs |� | _ | j d� }t | j � |_ | j r| j |_ n|j | _ | j r| j |_ n|j | _ |j � || _ t j |j# � � }t j$ |j'