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Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/samba/netcmd/__pycache__/contact.cpython-312.pyc


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attrgetter)�system_session)�SamDB)�credentials�dsdb)�Net)�Command�CommandError�SuperCommand�Option)�	get_bytes�)�commonc���eZdZdZdZedddedd��ed	d
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																			d*d)�Zy()+�cmd_adda�Add a new contact.

    This command adds a new contact to the Active Directory domain.

    The name of the new contact can be specified by the first argument
    'contactname' or the --given-name, --initial and --surname arguments.
    If no 'contactname' is given, contact's name will be made up of the given
    arguments by combining the given-name, initials and surname. Each argument
    is optional. A dot ('.') will be appended to the initials automatically.

    samba-tool contact add "James T. Kirk" --job-title=Captain \
        -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com -UAdministrator%Passw1rd

    The example shows how to add a new contact to the domain against a remote
    LDAP server.

    samba-tool contact add --given-name=James --initials=T --surname=Kirk

    The example shows how to add a new contact to the domain against a local
    server. The resulting name is "James T. Kirk".
    z%prog [contactname] [options]�-H�--URL�%LDB URL for database or target server�URL�H��help�type�metavar�destz--ouz�DN of alternative location (with or without domainDN counterpart) in which the new contact will be created. E.g. 'OU=<OU name>'. Default is the domain base.�rr�	--surnamezContact's surname�--given-namezContact's given name�
--initialszContact's initials�--display-namezContact's display namez--job-titlezContact's job titlez--departmentzContact's departmentz	--companyzContact's companyz
--descriptionzContact's description�--mail-addresszContact's email addressz--internet-addresszContact's home pagez--telephone-numberzContact's phone numberz--mobile-numberzContact's mobile phone numberz--physical-delivery-officezContact's office locationzfullcontactname?��	sambaopts�credopts�versionoptsNc�,�|j�}|j|�}	t|t�||��}|j	|||||	|
|||
d|��d}~wwxYw)N��url�session_infor�lp)�fullcontactname�ou�surname�	givenname�initials�displayname�jobtitle�
department�company�description�mailaddress�internetaddress�telephonenumber�mobilenumber�physicaldeliveryofficezFailed to add contactz Contact '%s' added successfully
)	�get_loadparm�get_credentialsrr�
newcontact�	Exceptionr�outf�write)�selfr-r%r&r'rr.r/�
given_namer1�display_name�	job_titler4r5r6�mail_address�internet_address�telephone_number�
mobile_number�physical_delivery_officer,�creds�samdb�ret_name�es                         �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/samba/netcmd/contact.py�runzcmd_add.runjs���*�
%���(�(��,��	;��a�'5�'7�&+��!�E��'�'� /���$�!�(�"�%��'�(� 0� 0�*�'?�(�A�H�&	
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__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�synopsisr�str�
takes_args�options�SambaOptions�CredentialsOptions�VersionOptions�takes_optiongroupsrP��rOrr+sj���0/�H�	�t�W�#J���S�	2��v�3��	�	�{�!4�3�?��~�$:��E��|�"6�S�A���&>�S�I��}�#8�s�C��~�$:��E��{�!4�3�?���%<�3�G���&?�c�J��#�*?�c�J��#�*B��M�� �3��	�	�+�/��	�/�M�8%�%�J��)�)��.�.��-�-���!���������������!�!��%)�'0Hr`rc��eZdZdZdZedddedd��gZd	gZe	je	je	jd
d�Zy)�
cmd_deletea4Delete a contact.

    This command deletes a contact object from the Active Directory domain.

    The contactname specified on the command is the common name or the
    distinguished name of the contact object. The distinguished name of the
    contact can be specified with or without the domainDN component.

    samba-tool contact delete Contact1 \
        -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com \
        --username=Administrator --password=Passw1rd

    The example shows how to delete a contact in the domain against a remote
    LDAP server.
    �%prog <contactname> [options]rrrrrr�contactnamer$Nc��|j�}|j|d��}t|t�||��}|j	�}	t
j}
	|j|�}		|j|	|
|d	g�
t'd	���D]*}|j(j+d|jz��,td|z��	|j-|�|j(j+d|z�y#t$r}td|�d|����d}~wwxYw#t $rtd|z��wxYw#t$r}td|z|��d}~wwxYw)NT��fallback_machiner)�!(&(objectClass=contact)(name=%s))�CN=�(objectClass=contact)�Invalid dn "�": �dn��base�scope�
expression�attrsr�Unable to find contact "%s"r��key�
found: %s
�FMultiple results for contact '%s'
Please specify the contact's full DNzFailed to remove contact "%s"zDeleted contact %s
)r<r=rr�	domain_dn�ldb�
SCOPE_BASE�normalize_dn_in_domainr?r�searchrm�
contact_dn�msgs                rOrPzcmd_delete.run�s����
%���(�(��d�(�C���!�#1�#3�"'�����/�/�#���!�!��5��#�#�K�0�1������)�)�%�0�,�F��N�N�E�
	N��,�,�G�%*�*0�&*�V��-�C��Q����J��s�8�a�<��c�z�$�'7�8�
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de��ed
dddd��gZejejejd�Z						dd�Z
y)�cmd_listzList all contacts.
    z%prog [options]rrrrrrz-bz	--base-dnzSpecify base DN to use.rz	--full-dn�full_dnF�
store_truez.Display contact's full DN instead of the name.)r�default�actionrr$Nc� �|j�}|j|d��}t|t�||��}	|	j	�}
|r|	j|�}
|	j
tjddg��}t|�dk(ry|rDt|td��	�D]*}|jjd
|jz��,y|D]3}|jdd��}
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)�idx)r<r=rrrxrr�ryrzr�r�rr@rArm�get)rBr%r&r'rr�r�r,rKrL�	search_dnr�r��contact_names              rOrPzcmd_list.runs���
�O�O�%�	���4�4�W�=�I��l�l�9�!$�!2�!2�&=�"(���+��
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e��gZdgZe	je	je	jd
					dd�Zy)�cmd_editaHModify a contact.

    This command will allow editing of a contact object in the Active Directory
    domain. You will then be able to add or change attributes and their values.

    The contactname specified on the command is the common name or the
    distinguished name of the contact object. The distinguished name of the
    contact can be specified with or without the domainDN component.

    The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid.

    The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote

    samba-tool contact edit Contact1 -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com \
        -U Administrator --password=Passw1rd

    Example1 shows how to edit a contact's attributes in the domain against a
    remote LDAP server.

    The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server.

    samba-tool contact edit CN=Contact2,OU=people,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com

    Example2 shows how to edit a contact's attributes in the domain against a
    local server. The contact, which is located in the 'people' OU,
    is specified by the full distinguished name.

    samba-tool contact edit Contact3 --editor=nano

    Example3 shows how to edit a contact's attributes in the domain against a
    local server using the 'nano' editor.
    rcrrrrrrz--editorzQEditor to use instead of the system default, or 'vi' if no system default is set.rrdr$Nc�R�|j�}|j|d��}t|t�||��}	|	j	�}
j}dtj|�z}|j�jd�r$d}t
j}	|	j|�}
	|	j|
||�	�}|d
j}t#|�dkDrQt%|t'd
���D]*}|j(j+d|jz��,td|z��|D]�}t-j.|	|�}|�#t0j2j5d�}|�d}t7j8d��5}|j+t;|��|j=�	t?||j@g�tE|j@�5}|jG�}ddd�ddd���|	jI�}tK|�d}|	jM|�}t#|�d
k(r|j(j+d�y	|	jO|�|j(j+d|z�y#t$r}
wwxYw#t $rtd|z��wxYw#tB$r}
wwxYw)NTrfr)rhrirjrkrl)rorprqrrsrrmrtrvrw�EDITOR�viz.tmp)�suffixzERROR: zNothing to do
zFailed to modify contact '%s': z#Modified contact '%s' successfully
)(r<r=rrrxryrzr{r|r}r~rr?rr�rmr�r�r�rr@rAr�get_ldif_for_editor�os�environr��tempfile�NamedTemporaryFiler�flushrr�r�open�read�
msg_edited�res_msg_diffs                        rOrPzcmd_edit.runqs���
%���(�(��d�(�C���!�.�*:�"'�B�0���/�/�#���!�!��5��$�$�[�1�2������)�)�%�0�,�F��N�N�E�
	N��,�,�G�%*�*0��2�C��Q����J��s�8�a�<��c�z�$�'7�8�
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KNr`r�c��eZdZdZdZedddedd��ed	d
ed��gZd
gZe	je	je	jd�Z
					dd�Zy)�cmd_showa�Display a contact.

    This command displays a contact object with it's attributes in the Active
    Directory domain.

    The contactname specified on the command is the common name or the
    distinguished name of the contact object. The distinguished name of the
    contact can be specified with or without the domainDN component.

    The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid.

    The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote

    samba-tool contact show Contact1 -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com \
        -U Administrator --password=Passw1rd

    Example1 shows how to display a contact's attributes in the domain against
    a remote LDAP server.

    The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server.

    samba-tool contact show CN=Contact2,OU=people,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com

    Example2 shows how to display a contact's attributes in the domain against
    a local server. The contact, which is located in the 'people' OU, is
    specified by the full distinguished name.

    samba-tool contact show Contact3 --attributes=mail,mobile

    Example3 shows how to display a contact's mail and mobile attributes.
    rcrrrrrrz--attributesz:Comma separated list of attributes, which will be printed.�
contact_attrs)rrrrdr$Nc��|j�}|j|d��}t|t�||��}	|	j	�}
j}d}|r|jd�}dtj|�z}
j}	|	j|�}
	|	j|
||�
�}|dj }t%|�d
kDrQt'|t)d���D]*}|j*j-d|j z��,td|z��|D]3}t/j0|	|�}|j*j-|��5y#t$r}td|�d	|����d}~wwxYw#t"$rtd|z��wxYw)NTrfr)�,rhrirjrkrl)rorqrprrrrsrrmrtrvzAMultiple results for contact '%s'
Please specify the contact's DN)r<r=rrrxryrz�splitr{r|r}r~rr?rr�rmr�r�r�rr@rArr�)rBrdr%r&r'rr�r,rKrLr�rprrr�rNr�r�r��contact_ldifs                   rOrPzcmd_show.run�s����
%���(�(��d�(�C���!�#1�#3�"'�����/�/�#���!�!�����!�'�'��,�E�5��#�#�K�0�1������)�)�%�0�,�F��N�N�E�
	N��,�,�G�*0�%*�%*��,�C��Q����J��s�8�a�<��c�z�$�'7�8�
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gZe	je	je	jd�Z
�Zy)�cmd_movea]Move a contact object to an organizational unit or container.

    The contactname specified on the command is the common name or the
    distinguished name of the contact object. The distinguished name of the
    contact can be specified with or without the domainDN component.

    The name of the organizational unit or container can be specified as the
    distinguished name, with or without the domainDN component.

    The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid.

    The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote

    samba-tool contact move Contact1 'OU=people' \
        -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com -U Administrator

    Example1 shows how to move a contact Contact1 into the 'people'
    organizational unit on a remote LDAP server.

    The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server.

    samba-tool contact move Contact1 OU=Contacts,DC=samdom,DC=example,DC=com

    Example2 shows how to move a contact Contact1 into the OU=Contacts
    organizational unit on the local server.
    z-%prog <contactname> <new_parent_dn> [options]rrrrrrrd�
new_parent_dnr$Nc��|j�}|j|d��}t|t�||��}	|	j	�}
j}dtj|�z}|j�jd�r$d}t
j}	|	j|�}
	|	j|
||d	g�
kDrQt%|t'd	���D]*}|j(j+d|jz��,td|z��	|	j|�}tj,|	t/|��}|j1t#|�d
�|j3|�	|	j5||�|j(j+d|�d|�d��y#t$r}
wwxYw#t $rtd|z��wxYw#t$r}
wwxYw)NTrfr)rhrirjrkrlrmrnrrsrrtrvrwzInvalid new_parent_dn "zFailed to move contact "%s"zMoved contact "z" into "z"
)r<r=rrrxryrzr{r|r}r~rr?rr�rmr�r�r�rr@rA�DnrW�remove_base_components�add_base�rename)rBrdr�r%r&r'rr,rKrLr�rpr�rNr�r�r��full_new_parent_dn�full_new_contact_dns                   rOrPzcmd_move.runbs]���
%���(�(��d�(�C���!�#1�#3�"'�����/�/�#���!�!��5��#�#�K�0�1������)�)�%�0�,�F��N�N�E�
	N��,�,�G�%*�*0�&*�V��-�C��Q����J��s�8�a�<��c�z�$�'7�8�
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			d d�Zy)!�
cmd_renamea�Rename a contact and related attributes.

    This command allows to set the contact's name related attributes.
    The contact's new CN will be made up by combining the given-name, initials
    and surname. A dot ('.') will be appended to the initials automatically, if
    Use the --force-new-cn option to specify the new CN manually and the
    --reset-cn option to reset this changes.

    Use an empty attribute value to remove the specified attribute.

    The contactname specified on the command is the CN.

    The command may be run locally from the root userid or another authorized

    The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote

    samba-tool contact rename "John Doe" --surname=Bloggs \

    Example1 shows how to change the surname ('sn' attribute) of a contact
    'John Doe' to 'Bloggs' and change the CN to 'John' on the local server.

    samba-tool contact rename "J Doe" --given-name=John
        -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com -U administrator

    Example2 shows how to rename the given name of a contact 'J Doe' to
    'John'. The contact's cn will be renamed automatically, based on
    the given name, initials and surname, if the previous CN is the
    standard combination of the previous name attributes.
    The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server.
    rcrrrrrrrzNew surnamerr zNew given namer!zNew initialsz--force-new-cnz^Specify a new CN (RDN) instead of using a combination of the given name, initials and surname.�NEW_CN)rrrz
--reset-cnz�Set the CN (RDN) to the combination of the given name, initials and surname. Use this option to reset the changes made with the --force-new-cn option.r�)rr�r"zNew display namer#zNew email addressrdr$Nc
	��|	r
|rtd��|	dk(rtd��|j�}
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kD}|j+�	|dk(r|j-|�|r|j/||�|j5�|r%|j6j9d|�d|�d|�d��|re|j6j9d|z�|j;�D]3}|dk(r�	|j6j9|�d||r||nd�d���5yy#t$rtd|z��wxYw#t0$r$}|j3�td|z|��d}~wwxYw) NzEIt is not allowed to specify --force-new-cn together with --reset-cn.�z:Failed to rename contact - delete protected attribute 'CN'Trfr)rh)r��sn�	givenName�cnr1�displayName�mailrnrrsr�)�	old_attrsrCr1r/)r�zCN=%sz�Failed to rename contact '%s' - can not set an empty CN (please use --force-new-cn to specify a different CN or --given-name, --initials or --surname to set name attributes)r�r�r1r�r�zFailed to rename contact "%s"zRenamed CN of contact "z" from "z" to "z" successfully
zEFollowing attributes of contact "%s" have been changed successfully:
rmz: z	[removed]�
)rr<r=rrryr�rxr{r�rzrmr��parent�fullname_from_namesrW�boolr��Message�prepare_attr_replacer��transaction_startr�r�r?�transaction_cancel�transaction_commitr@rA�keys)rBrdr&r%r'rr/rCr1�force_new_cnrDrF�reset_cnr,rKrLrxr�r��old_contactr��contact_parent_dn�old_cn�new_cn�excepted_cn�must_change_cn�new_contact_dnr��contact_attributes_changedrN�attrs                               rOrPzcmd_rename.run�s����H�� ;�<�
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0