Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/__pycache__/pdfmetrics.cpython-312.pyc |
� ��e�t � �n � d Z dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z mZmZm Z mZmZmZmZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZmZ dd lmZ d Zej4 j7 � ej8 Zej: Zi Zi Zi Z i Z! G d� de"� Z# G d � de"� Z$d� Z% G d� d� Z&d6d�Z'd� Z( G d� d� Z)g Z* G d� d� Z+ e,d� Z- e,d� Z. e,d� Z/ e,d� Z0d� Z1da2 G d� de&� Z3d� Z4d � Z5d7d!�Z6d"� Z7d#� Z8d$� Z9d%� Z:d&� Z; e;d'� Z<e*j{ e;d(� e<g� d6d)�Z>d6d*�Z?d6d+�Z@d,� ZAd8d-�ZBd.� ZCd/� ZDd0� ZEd1� ZF eGej� � ej� � e j� � e!j� � �2� fd3�ZIdd4lmJZJ eJeI� [JeKd5k( r eF� eE� yy)9z3.3.0a� This provides a database of font metric information and efines Font, Encoding and TypeFace classes aimed at end users. There are counterparts to some of these in pdfbase/pdfdoc.py, but the latter focus on constructing the right PDF objects. These classes are declarative and focus on letting the user construct and query font objects. The module maintains a registry of font objects at run time. It is independent of the canvas or any particular context. It keeps a registry of Font, TypeFace and Encoding objects. Ideally these would be pre-loaded, but due to a nasty circularity problem we trap attempts to access them and do it on first access. � N)� _fontdata)�warnOnce)� rl_isfile�rl_glob�rl_isdir� open_and_read�open_and_readlines�findInPaths�isSeq�isStr)�defaultEncoding�T1SearchPath)� unicode2T1�instanceStringWidthT1)� rl_codecs� nc � � e Zd Zy)� FontErrorN��__name__� __module__�__qualname__� � �>/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/pdfmetrics.pyr r '