Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/__pycache__/pdfdoc.cpython-312.pyc |
� ��e0` � � � d Z dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZm Z mZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZ ddlmZmZmZmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ G d� d e � Z!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ' e(d�� Z)d� Z*d�d�Z+d� Z,e,Z- G d� d� Z. G d� d� Z/ G d� de/� Z0 G d� d e/� Z1d!Z2d"Z3d#Z4 G d$� d%e/� Z5d&� Z6ddl7Z7 e7jp d'� Z9[7d(� Z:d)� Z; G d*� d+e/� Z< e=d,� e=d-� fd.�Z> G d/� d0e/� Z? G d1� d2� Z@d3� ZA G d4� d5e?� ZB G d6� d7eB� ZC G d8� d9� ZD eD� ZE G d:� d;� ZF eF� ZG G d<� d=e/� ZHd�d>�ZId?ZJ G d@� dAe/� ZK G dB� dCeK� ZL G dD� dEe/� ZM G dF� dGe/� ZN G dH� dIe/� ZO G dJ� dKe/� ZP G dL� dMe/� ZQ G dN� dOe/� ZR G dP� dQe/� ZS G dR� dSeS� ZT G dT� dUeS� ZU G dV� dWe � ZV G dX� dYeS� ZW G dZ� d[eS� ZXd\� ZYd]ZZ G d^� d_e/� Z[ G d`� dae/� Z\ G db� dce/� Z]d�dd�Z^deZ_ G df� dge/� Z` G dh� die/� Za G dj� dkea� Zb G dl� dmea� Zc G dn� doea� Zd G dp� dqed� Zedr� Zf G ds� dte/� Zg G du� dve/� Zh G dw� dxe/� Zi G dy� dze/� Zj G d{� d|e/� Zk G d}� d~ek� Zl G d� d�e/� Zm G d�� d�em� Zn G d�� d�e/� Zo G d�� d�eo� Zp G d�� d�e/� Zq G d�� d�e/� Zr G d�� d�e/� Zs G d�� d�es� Zt G d�� d�e/� Zu G d�� d�e/� Zvd�d�d�d��Zw G d�� d�e/� Zx G d�� d�� Zy G d�� d�e/� Zz G d�� d�ez� Z{ G d�� d�ez� Z| G d�� d�e/� Z} G d�� d�e}� Z~ G d�� d�e}� Z G d�� d�e}� Z�e�d�k( r e�d�� yy)�z3.6.0a_ The module pdfdoc.py handles the 'outer structure' of PDF documents, ensuring that all objects are properly cross-referenced and indexed to the nearest byte. The 'inner structure' - the page descriptions - are presumed to be generated before each page is saved. pdfgen.py calls this and provides a 'canvas' object to handle page marking operators. piddlePDF calls pdfgen and offers a high-level interface. The classes within this generally mirror structures in the PDF file and are not part of any public interface. Instead, canvas and font classes are made available elsewhere for users to manipulate. � N)�OrderedDict)�pdfutils)� rl_config) � open_for_read�makeFileName�isSeq�isBytes� isUnicode� _digester�isStr�bytestr�annotateException� TimeStamp)� escapePDF�fp_str�asciiBase85Encode�asciiBase85Decode)� pdfmetrics)�md5)�stderrc � � e Zd Zy)�PDFErrorN��__name__� __module__�__qualname__� � �:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/pdfbase/pdfdoc.pyr r � � �r r �__InternalName__�__RefOnly__�__Comment__� BasicFonts�Pages)� � )r&