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Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/lib/corp.py |
#! /usr/bin/python3 #Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details __version__='3.3.0' __doc__="""Generate ReportLab logo in a variety of sizes and formats. This module includes some reusable routines for ReportLab's 'Corporate Image' - the logo, standard page backdrops and so on - you are advised to do the same for your own company!""" from reportlab.lib.units import inch,cm from reportlab.lib.validators import * from reportlab.lib.attrmap import * from reportlab.lib.formatters import DecimalFormatter from reportlab.graphics.shapes import definePath, Group, Drawing, Rect, PolyLine, String from reportlab.graphics.widgetbase import Widget from reportlab.lib.colors import Color, black, white, ReportLabBlue from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth class RL_CorpLogo(Widget): '''Dinu's fat letter logo as hacked into decent paths by Robin''' _attrMap = AttrMap( x = AttrMapValue(isNumber,'Logo x-coord'), y = AttrMapValue(isNumber,'Logo y-coord'), angle = AttrMapValue(isNumber,'Logo rotation'), strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, 'Logo lettering stroke color'), fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone, 'Logo lettering fill color'), strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber,'Logo lettering stroke width'), background = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc="Logo background color"), border = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc="Logo border color"), borderWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc="Logo border width (1)"), shadow = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc="None or fraction of background for shadowing" ), width = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="width in points of the logo (default 129)"), height = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="height in points of the logo (default 86)"), skewX = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="x-skew of the logo (default 10)"), skewY = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="y-skew of the logo (default 0)"), showPage = AttrMapValue(EitherOr((isBoolean,SequenceOf(isBoolean,lo=2,hi=2))), desc="If true or (true(top),true(bottom)) show the page lines"), xFlip = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc="If true do x reversal"), yFlip = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc="If true do y reversal"), oColors = AttrMapValue(NoneOr(EitherOr((isColor,SequenceOf(isColorOrNone,lo=2,hi=2)))),desc="None or fill/stroke colors for the o in ReportLab"), pageColors = AttrMapValue(NoneOr(EitherOr((isColor,SequenceOf(isColorOrNone,lo=2,hi=2)))),desc="None or fill/stroke colors for the page outline"), prec = AttrMapValue(NoneOr(isInt),desc="None or precision negative means strip excess"), ) def __init__(self): self.fillColor = white self.strokeColor = None self.strokeWidth = 0.1 self.background = ReportLabBlue self.border = None self.borderWidth = 1 self.shadow = 0.5 self.height = 86 self.width = 130 self.x = self.y = self.angle = self.skewY = self._dx = 0 self.skewX = 10 self._dy = 35.5 self.showPage = 1 self.oColors = None #ie use the default self.pageColors = None #ie use the default self.prec = None def demo(self): D = Drawing(self.width, self.height) D.add(self) return D def _paintLogo(self, g, dx=0, dy=0, strokeColor=None, strokeWidth=0.1, fillColor=white, _ocolors=None, _pagecolors=None): OP = [('moveTo' ,62.10648,6.51392 ), ('curveTo' ,62.10648,4.44205 ,61.47118,2.79288 ,60.2003,1.56631 ), ('curveTo' ,58.92971,0.33978 ,57.22626,-0.27348 ,55.08965,-0.27348 ), ('curveTo' ,52.99018,-0.27348 ,51.31914,0.35221 ,50.07595,1.60362 ), ('curveTo' ,48.8419,2.8633 ,48.22517,4.55394 ,48.22517,6.67551 ), ('curveTo' ,48.22517,8.79709 ,48.85575,10.50016 ,50.1175,11.78472 ), ('curveTo' ,51.36982,13.07755 ,53.03172,13.72396 ,55.1035,13.72396 ), ('curveTo' ,57.28608,13.72396 ,58.99866,13.08168 ,60.24185,11.79712 ), ('curveTo' ,61.48503,10.51259 ,62.10648,8.75154 ,62.10648,6.51392 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,56.73358,6.67551 ), ('curveTo' ,56.73358,7.17276 ,56.69675,7.62236 ,56.62308,8.02428 ), ('curveTo' ,56.54942,8.42623 ,56.44334,8.77016 ,56.30544,9.05607 ), ('curveTo' ,56.16724,9.34198 ,56.00134,9.56369 ,55.80804,9.72113 ), ('curveTo' ,55.61474,9.8786 ,55.39817,9.95733 ,55.1589,9.95733 ), ('curveTo' ,54.68921,9.95733 ,54.31174,9.65898 ,54.02621,9.06229 ), ('curveTo' ,53.74068,8.54018 ,53.59807,7.75702 ,53.59807,6.71282 ), ('curveTo' ,53.59807,5.68515 ,53.74068,4.90202 ,54.02621,4.36332 ), ('curveTo' ,54.31174,3.76663 ,54.69392,3.46828 ,55.17275,3.46828 ), ('curveTo' ,55.62388,3.46828 ,55.99692,3.7625 ,56.29159,4.35088 ), ('curveTo' ,56.58625,5.0056 ,56.73358,5.78047 ,56.73358,6.67551 ), 'closePath'] P = [ ('moveTo' ,15.7246,0 ), ('lineTo' ,9.49521,0 ), ('lineTo' ,6.64988,6.83711 ), ('curveTo' ,6.62224,6.95315 ,6.57391,7.10646 ,6.50485,7.29708 ), ('curveTo' ,6.43578,7.48767 ,6.35059,7.71559 ,6.24931,7.98079 ), ('lineTo' ,6.29074,6.71282 ), ('lineTo' ,6.29074,0 ), ('lineTo' ,0.55862,0 ), ('lineTo' ,0.55862,19.19365 ), ('lineTo' ,6.45649,19.19365 ), ('curveTo' ,9.05324,19.19365 ,10.99617,18.73371 ,12.28532,17.8138 ), ('curveTo' ,13.92439,16.63697 ,14.7439,14.96293 ,14.7439,12.79161 ), ('curveTo' ,14.7439,10.47114 ,13.64354,8.86755 ,11.44276,7.98079 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,6.31838,10.30542 ), ('lineTo' ,6.70513,10.30542 ), ('curveTo' ,7.36812,10.30542 ,7.92062,10.53331 ,8.36261,10.98912 ), ('curveTo' ,8.80461,11.44491 ,9.0256,12.02504 ,9.0256,12.72947 ), ('curveTo' ,9.0256,14.16321 ,8.19227,14.88004 ,6.52556,14.88004 ), ('lineTo' ,6.31838,14.88004 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,25.06173,4.54978 ), ('lineTo' ,30.47611,4.45033 ), ('curveTo' ,30.08951,2.88402 ,29.33668,1.70513 ,28.21787,0.91369 ), ('curveTo' ,27.09906,0.12223 ,25.63726,-0.27348 ,23.83245,-0.27348 ), ('curveTo' ,21.69611,-0.27348 ,20.02024,0.32322 ,18.80475,1.5166 ), ('curveTo' ,17.59846,2.72658 ,16.99531,4.37988 ,16.99531,6.47662 ), ('curveTo' ,16.99531,8.6065 ,17.64451,10.34269 ,18.94286,11.68527 ), ('curveTo' ,20.24124,13.03612 ,21.91711,13.71152 ,23.97056,13.71152 ), ('curveTo' ,26.01482,13.71152 ,27.64466,13.06096 ,28.86015,11.75985 ), ('curveTo' ,30.07566,10.45042 ,30.68326,8.71423 ,30.68326,6.5512 ), ('lineTo' ,30.65586,5.66859 ), ('lineTo' ,22.53407,5.66859 ), ('curveTo' ,22.59855,4.29287 ,23.03132,3.60503 ,23.83245,3.60503 ), ('curveTo' ,24.45861,3.60503 ,24.86837,3.91994 ,25.06173,4.54978 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,25.18604,8.35371 ), ('curveTo' ,25.18604,8.60235 ,25.15384,8.83024 ,25.08937,9.03742 ), ('curveTo' ,25.02489,9.24463 ,24.93514,9.42278 ,24.82001,9.57197 ), ('curveTo' ,24.70492,9.72113 ,24.56911,9.83923 ,24.41255,9.92624 ), ('curveTo' ,24.25603,10.01326 ,24.08568,10.05678 ,23.90152,10.05678 ), ('curveTo' ,23.51474,10.05678 ,23.20169,9.89725 ,22.96225,9.57819 ), ('curveTo' ,22.72283,9.25913 ,22.60314,8.85096 ,22.60314,8.35371 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,38.36308,-5.99181 ), ('lineTo' ,32.82428,-5.99181 ), ('lineTo' ,32.82428,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,38.36308,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,38.23873,11.53608 ), ('curveTo' ,38.46886,11.93387 ,38.70371,12.27159 ,38.94327,12.54922 ), ('curveTo' ,39.18254,12.82685 ,39.44037,13.05268 ,39.71676,13.22671 ), ('curveTo' ,39.99286,13.40074 ,40.28988,13.52712 ,40.60753,13.60585 ), ('curveTo' ,40.92518,13.68459 ,41.27759,13.72396 ,41.66419,13.72396 ), ('curveTo' ,43.10068,13.72396 ,44.2702,13.07755 ,45.17246,11.78472 ), ('curveTo' ,46.06588,10.50844 ,46.51229,8.81368 ,46.51229,6.70038 ), ('curveTo' ,46.51229,4.55394 ,46.08415,2.85502 ,45.22785,1.60362 ), ('curveTo' ,44.38983,0.35221 ,43.23416,-0.27348 ,41.76084,-0.27348 ), ('curveTo' ,40.41659,-0.27348 ,39.24235,0.42679 ,38.23873,1.82739 ), ('curveTo' ,38.2847,1.40472 ,38.31239,1.04007 ,38.32153,0.73345 ), ('curveTo' ,38.34923,0.41851 ,38.36308,0.04146 ,38.36308,-0.3978 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,40.7802,6.84954 ), ('curveTo' ,40.7802,7.72802 ,40.66734,8.40964 ,40.44193,8.89448 ), ('curveTo' ,40.21621,9.37929 ,39.89621,9.62168 ,39.48191,9.62168 ), ('curveTo' ,38.62533,9.62168 ,38.19718,8.68108 ,38.19718,6.79983 ), ('curveTo' ,38.19718,4.87712 ,38.61177,3.91581 ,39.44037,3.91581 ), ('curveTo' ,39.85466,3.91581 ,40.18174,4.1727 ,40.42101,4.68654 ), ('curveTo' ,40.66057,5.20037 ,40.7802,5.92135 ,40.7802,6.84954 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,69.78629,0 ), ('lineTo' ,64.2475,0 ), ('lineTo' ,64.2475,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,69.78629,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,69.49605,10.81507 ), ('curveTo' ,70.33407,12.77921 ,71.71988,13.76126 ,73.65346,13.76126 ), ('lineTo' ,73.65346,8.16725 ), ('curveTo' ,73.04586,8.4656 ,72.5302,8.61478 ,72.10647,8.61478 ), ('curveTo' ,71.36068,8.61478 ,70.78756,8.37236 ,70.38711,7.88755 ), ('curveTo' ,69.98637,7.40274 ,69.78629,6.69623 ,69.78629,5.76804 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,81.55427,0 ), ('lineTo' ,76.00163,0 ), ('lineTo' ,76.00163,9.42278 ), ('lineTo' ,74.42725,9.42278 ), ('lineTo' ,74.42725,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,76.00163,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,76.00163,17.39113 ), ('lineTo' ,81.55427,17.39113 ), ('lineTo' ,81.55427,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,83.39121,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,83.39121,9.42278 ), ('lineTo' ,81.55427,9.42278 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,95.17333,0 ), ('lineTo' ,85.09024,0 ), ('lineTo' ,85.09024,19.19365 ), ('lineTo' ,90.85002,19.19365 ), ('lineTo' ,90.85002,4.61196 ), ('lineTo' ,95.17333,4.61196 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,110.00787,0 ), ('lineTo' ,104.45523,0 ), ('curveTo' ,104.5012,0.44754 ,104.53803,0.87433 ,104.56573,1.2804 ), ('curveTo' ,104.59313,1.68651 ,104.62083,2.01385 ,104.64853,2.26246 ), ('curveTo' ,103.69087,0.57182 ,102.40644,-0.27348 ,100.79492,-0.27348 ), ('curveTo' ,99.39527,-0.27348 ,98.28557,0.35637 ,97.46611,1.61605 ), ('curveTo' ,96.65578,2.86746 ,96.25062,4.59952 ,96.25062,6.81227 ), ('curveTo' ,96.25062,8.95041 ,96.66963,10.63276 ,97.50765,11.8593 ), ('curveTo' ,98.34538,13.10242 ,99.4872,13.72396 ,100.93312,13.72396 ), ('curveTo' ,102.41557,13.72396 ,103.61249,12.92008 ,104.52418,11.31231 ), ('curveTo' ,104.50591,11.47806 ,104.49206,11.62309 ,104.48293,11.74741 ), ('curveTo' ,104.4735,11.87173 ,104.46437,11.9753 ,104.45523,12.05819 ), ('lineTo' ,104.39983,12.84135 ), ('lineTo' ,104.35858,13.43804 ), ('lineTo' ,110.00787,13.43804 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,104.39983,6.88685 ), ('curveTo' ,104.39983,7.38409 ,104.37921,7.80676 ,104.33766,8.15481 ), ('curveTo' ,104.29641,8.5029 ,104.22952,8.78672 ,104.13758,9.00636 ), ('curveTo' ,104.04535,9.22598 ,103.92572,9.38341 ,103.77839,9.47874 ), ('curveTo' ,103.63106,9.57403 ,103.45161,9.62168 ,103.23974,9.62168 ), ('curveTo' ,102.30036,9.62168 ,101.83096,8.49875 ,101.83096,6.25285 ), ('curveTo' ,101.83096,4.64508 ,102.24967,3.8412 ,103.0877,3.8412 ), ('curveTo' ,103.96255,3.8412 ,104.39983,4.85641 ,104.39983,6.88685 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,118.22604,0 ), ('lineTo' ,112.5629,0 ), ('lineTo' ,112.5629,20.99616 ), ('lineTo' ,118.10169,20.99616 ), ('lineTo' ,118.10169,13.63694 ), ('curveTo' ,118.10169,13.01538 ,118.07399,12.30268 ,118.01889,11.49877 ), ('curveTo' ,118.52542,12.31096 ,119.03636,12.88693 ,119.55202,13.22671 ), ('curveTo' ,120.08625,13.55821 ,120.75838,13.72396 ,121.5687,13.72396 ), ('curveTo' ,123.07885,13.72396 ,124.24837,13.09827 ,125.07697,11.84686 ), ('curveTo' ,125.90586,10.60373 ,126.32015,8.85099 ,126.32015,6.5885 ), ('curveTo' ,126.32015,4.42546 ,125.89201,2.74314 ,125.03571,1.54147 ), ('curveTo' ,124.18826,0.3315 ,123.01432,-0.27348 ,121.51331,-0.27348 ), ('curveTo' ,120.78608,-0.27348 ,120.16905,-0.12432 ,119.66252,0.17403 ), ('curveTo' ,119.41383,0.3315 ,119.15835,0.54283 ,118.8961,0.80803 ), ('curveTo' ,118.63356,1.07322 ,118.36866,1.40472 ,118.10169,1.80252 ), ('curveTo' ,118.11112,1.64505 ,118.12025,1.51039 ,118.12939,1.3985 ), ('curveTo' ,118.13852,1.28662 ,118.14766,1.19339 ,118.15709,1.11881 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,120.58806,6.70038 ), ('curveTo' ,120.58806,8.62306 ,120.11837,9.5844 ,119.17898,9.5844 ), ('curveTo' ,118.35039,9.5844 ,117.93609,8.67693 ,117.93609,6.86198 ), ('curveTo' ,117.93609,4.96417 ,118.36424,4.01526 ,119.22053,4.01526 ), ('curveTo' ,120.13222,4.01526 ,120.58806,4.91027 ,120.58806,6.70038 ), 'closePath', ] showPage = self.showPage PP = [] if showPage: if not isSeq(showPage): showPage = (showPage,showPage) if showPage[0]: #top PP.extend([('moveTo' ,32.70766,14.52164 ), ('lineTo' ,32.70766,47.81862 ), ('lineTo' ,80.14849,47.81862 ), ('lineTo' ,90.46172,37.21073 ), ('lineTo' ,90.46172,20.12025 ), ('lineTo' ,85.15777,20.12025 ), ('lineTo' ,85.15777,30.72814 ), ('lineTo' ,73.66589,30.72814 ), ('lineTo' ,73.66589,42.22002 ), ('lineTo' ,38.30626,42.22002 ), ('lineTo' ,38.30626,14.52164 ), 'closePath', ('moveTo' ,79.2645,36.32674 ), ('lineTo' ,85.15777,36.32674 ), ('lineTo' ,79.2645,42.22002 ), 'closePath']) if showPage[1]: #bottom PP.extend([('moveTo',38.30626,-7.28346),('lineTo',38.30626,-25.55261),('lineTo',85.15777,-25.55261),('lineTo',85.15777,-1.39019),('lineTo',90.46172,-1.39019),('lineTo',90.46172,-31.15121),('lineTo',32.70766,-31.15121),('lineTo',32.70766,-7.28346), 'closePath']) if _ocolors: OP = self.applyPrec(OP,self.prec) g.add(definePath(OP,strokeColor=_ocolors[0],strokeWidth=strokeWidth,fillColor=_ocolors[1], dx=dx, dy=dy)) else: P += OP if self.showPage and _pagecolors: PP = self.applyPrec(PP,self.prec) g.add(definePath(PP,strokeColor=_pagecolors[0],strokeWidth=strokeWidth,fillColor=_pagecolors[1], dx=dx, dy=dy)) else: P += PP P = self.applyPrec(P,self.prec) g.add(definePath(P,strokeColor=strokeColor,strokeWidth=strokeWidth,fillColor=fillColor, dx=dx, dy=dy)) @staticmethod def applyPrec(P,prec): if prec is None: return P R = [].append f = DecimalFormatter(places=prec) for p in P: if isSeq(p): n = [].append for e in p: if isinstance(e,float): e = float(f(e)) n(e) p = n.__self__ R(p) return R.__self__ def draw(self): fillColor = self.fillColor strokeColor = self.strokeColor g = Group() bg = self.background bd = self.border bdw = self.borderWidth shadow = self.shadow x, y = self.x, self.y if bg: if shadow is not None and 0<=shadow<1: shadow = Color(bg.red*shadow,bg.green*shadow,bg.blue*shadow) self._paintLogo(g,dy=-2.5, dx=2,fillColor=shadow) self._paintLogo(g,fillColor=fillColor,strokeColor=strokeColor, _ocolors=self.oColors or None,_pagecolors=self.pageColors or None) g.skew(kx=self.skewX, ky=self.skewY) g.shift(self._dx,self._dy) G = Group() G.add(g) _w, _h = 130, 86 w, h = self.width, self.height if bg or (bd and bdw): G.insert(0,Rect(0,0,_w,_h,fillColor=bg,strokeColor=bd,strokeWidth=bdw)) if w!=_w or h!=_h: G.scale(w/float(_w),h/float(_h)) angle = self.angle if self.angle: w, h = w/2., h/2. G.shift(-w,-h) G.rotate(angle) G.shift(w,h) xFlip = getattr(self,'xFlip',0) and -1 or 0 yFlip = getattr(self,'yFlip',0) and -1 or 0 if xFlip or yFlip: sx = xFlip or 1 sy = yFlip or 1 G.shift(sx*x+w*xFlip,sy*y+yFlip*h) G = Group(G,transform=(sx,0,0,sy,0,0)) else: G.shift(x,y) return G class RL_CorpLogoReversed(RL_CorpLogo): def __init__(self): RL_CorpLogo.__init__(self) self.background = white self.fillColor = ReportLabBlue class RL_CorpLogoThin(Widget): """The ReportLab Logo. New version created by John Precedo on 7-8 August 2001. Based on bitmapped imaged from E-Id. Improved by Robin Becker.""" _attrMap = AttrMap( x = AttrMapValue(isNumber), y = AttrMapValue(isNumber), height = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone), width = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone), fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone), strokeColor = AttrMapValue( isColorOrNone) ) _h = 90.5 _w = 136.5 _text='R e p o r t L a b' _fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold' _fontSize = 16 def __init__(self): self.fillColor = ReportLabBlue self.strokeColor = white self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.height = self._h self.width = self._w def demo(self): D = Drawing(self.width, self.height) D.add(self) return D def _getText(self, x=0, y=0, color=None): return String(x,y, self._text, fontName=self._fontName, fontSize=self._fontSize, fillColor=color) def _sw(self,f=None,l=None): text = self._text if f is None: f = 0 if l is None: l = len(text) return stringWidth(text[f:l],self._fontName,self._fontSize) def _addPage(self, g, strokeWidth=3, color=None, dx=0, dy=0): x1, x2 = 31.85+dx, 80.97+dx fL = 10 # fold length y1, y2 = dy-34, dy+50.5 L = [[x1,dy-4,x1,y1, x2, y1, x2, dy-1], [x1,dy+11,x1,y2,x2-fL,y2,x2,y2-fL,x2,dy+14], [x2-10,y2,x2-10,y2-fL,x2,y2-fL]] for l in L: g.add(PolyLine(l, strokeWidth=strokeWidth, strokeColor=color, strokeLineJoin=0)) def draw(self): sx = 0.5 fillColor = self.fillColor strokeColor = self.strokeColor shadow = Color(fillColor.red*sx,fillColor.green*sx,fillColor.blue*sx) g = Group() g2= Group() g.add(Rect(fillColor=fillColor, strokeColor=fillColor, x=0, y=0, width=self._w, height=self._h)) sx = (self._w-2)/self._sw() g2.scale(sx,1) self._addPage(g2,strokeWidth=3,dx=2,dy=-2.5,color=shadow) self._addPage(g2,strokeWidth=3,color=strokeColor) g2.scale(1/sx,1) g2.add(self._getText(x=1,y=0,color=shadow)) g2.add(self._getText(x=0,y=1,color=strokeColor)) g2.scale(sx,1) g2.skew(kx=10, ky=0) g2.shift(0,38) g.add(g2) g.scale(self.width/self._w,self.height/self._h) g.shift(self.x,self.y) return g class ReportLabLogo: """vector reportlab logo centered in a 250x by 150y rectangle""" def __init__(self, atx=0, aty=0, width=2.5*inch, height=1.5*inch, powered_by=0): self.origin = (atx, aty) self.dimensions = (width, height) self.powered_by = powered_by def draw(self, canvas): from reportlab.graphics import renderPDF canvas.saveState() (atx,aty) = self.origin (width, height) = self.dimensions logo = RL_CorpLogo() logo.width, logo.height = width, height renderPDF.draw(logo.demo(),canvas,atx,aty,0) canvas.restoreState() class RL_BusinessCard(Widget): """Widget that creates a single business card. Uses RL_CorpLogo for the logo. For a black border around your card, set self.border to 1. To change the details on the card, over-ride the following properties: self.name, self.position, self.telephone, self.mobile, self.fax, self.email, self.web The office locations are set in self.rh_blurb_top ("London office" etc), and self.rh_blurb_bottom ("New York office" etc). """ # for items where it 'isString' the string can be an empty one... _attrMap = AttrMap( fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone), strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone), altStrokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone), x = AttrMapValue(isNumber), y = AttrMapValue(isNumber), height = AttrMapValue(isNumber), width = AttrMapValue(isNumber), borderWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber), bleed=AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone), cropMarks=AttrMapValue(isBoolean), border=AttrMapValue(isBoolean), name=AttrMapValue(isString), position=AttrMapValue(isString), telephone=AttrMapValue(isString), mobile=AttrMapValue(isString), fax=AttrMapValue(isString), email=AttrMapValue(isString), web=AttrMapValue(isString), rh_blurb_top=AttrMapValue(isListOfStringsOrNone), rh_blurb_bottom=AttrMapValue(isListOfStringsOrNone) ) _h = 5.35*cm _w = 8.5*cm _fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold' _strapline = "strategic reporting solutions for e-business" def __init__(self): self.fillColor = ReportLabBlue self.strokeColor = black self.altStrokeColor = white self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.height = self._h self.width = self._w self.borderWidth = self.width/6.15 self.bleed=0.2*cm self.cropMarks=1 self.border=0 #Over-ride these with your own info self.name="Joe Cool" self.position="Freelance Demonstrator" self.telephone="020 8545 7271" self.mobile="-" self.fax="020 8544 1311" self.email="info@reportlab.com" self.web="www.reportlab.com" self.rh_blurb_top = ["London office:", "ReportLab Europe Ltd", "Media House", "3 Palmerston Road", "Wimbledon", "London SW19 1PG", "United Kingdom"] def demo(self): D = Drawing(self.width, self.height) D.add(self) return D def draw(self): fillColor = self.fillColor strokeColor = self.strokeColor g = Group() g.add(Rect(x = 0, y = 0, fillColor = self.fillColor, strokeColor = self.fillColor, width = self.borderWidth, height = self.height)) g.add(Rect(x = 0, y = self.height-self.borderWidth, fillColor = self.fillColor, strokeColor = self.fillColor, width = self.width, height = self.borderWidth)) g2 = Group() rl=RL_CorpLogo() rl.height = 1.25*cm rl.width = 1.9*cm rl.draw() g2.add(rl) g.add(g2) g2.shift(x=(self.width-(rl.width+(self.width/42))), y=(self.height - (rl.height+(self.height/42)))) g.add(String(x = self.borderWidth/5.0, y = ((self.height - (rl.height+(self.height/42)))+((38/90.5)*rl.height)), fontSize = 6, fillColor = self.altStrokeColor, fontName = "Helvetica-BoldOblique", textAnchor = 'start', text = self._strapline)) leftText=["Tel:", "Mobile:", "Fax:", "Email:", "Web:"] leftDetails=[self.telephone,self.mobile,self.fax,self.email,self.web] leftText.reverse() leftDetails.reverse() for f in range(len(leftText),0,-1): g.add(String(x = self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0), y = (self.borderWidth/5.0)+((f-1)*(5*1.2)), fontSize = 5, fillColor = self.strokeColor, fontName = "Helvetica", textAnchor = 'start', text = leftText[f-1])) g.add(String(x = self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0)+self.borderWidth, y = (self.borderWidth/5.0)+((f-1)*(5*1.2)), fontSize = 5, fillColor = self.strokeColor, fontName = "Helvetica", textAnchor = 'start', text = leftDetails[f-1])) ty = (self.height-self.borderWidth-(self.borderWidth/5.0)+2) # g.add(Line(self.borderWidth, ty, self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0), ty)) # g.add(Line(self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0), ty, self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0), # ty+(self.borderWidth/5.0))) # g.add(Line(self.borderWidth, ty-10, # self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0), ty-10)) rightText=self.rh_blurb_top for f in range(1,(len(rightText)+1)): g.add(String(x = self.width-(self.borderWidth/5.0), y = ty-((f)*(5*1.2)), fontSize = 5, fillColor = self.strokeColor, fontName = "Helvetica", textAnchor = 'end', text = rightText[f-1])) g.add(String(x = self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0), y = ty-10, fontSize = 10, fillColor = self.strokeColor, fontName = "Helvetica", textAnchor = 'start', text = self.name)) ty1 = ty-10*1.2 g.add(String(x = self.borderWidth+(self.borderWidth/5.0), y = ty1-8, fontSize = 8, fillColor = self.strokeColor, fontName = "Helvetica", textAnchor = 'start', text = self.position)) if self.border: g.add(Rect(x = 0, y = 0, fillColor=None, strokeColor = black, width = self.width, height = self.height)) g.shift(self.x,self.y) return g def test(formats=['pdf','eps','jpg','gif','svg']): """This function produces a pdf with examples. """ #white on blue rl = RL_CorpLogo() rl.width = 129 rl.height = 86 D = Drawing(rl.width,rl.height) D.add(rl) D.__dict__['verbose'] = 1 D.save(fnRoot='corplogo_whiteonblue',formats=formats) #blue on white rl = RL_CorpLogoReversed() rl.width = 129 rl.height = 86 D = Drawing(rl.width,rl.height) D.add(rl) D.__dict__['verbose'] = 1 D.save(fnRoot='corplogo_blueonwhite',formats=formats) #gray on white rl = RL_CorpLogoReversed() rl.fillColor = Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) rl.width = 129 rl.height = 86 D = Drawing(rl.width,rl.height) D.add(rl) D.__dict__['verbose'] = 1 D.save(fnRoot='corplogo_grayonwhite',formats=formats) rl = RL_BusinessCard() rl.x=25 rl.y=25 rl.border=1 D = Drawing(rl.width+50,rl.height+50) D.add(rl) D.__dict__['verbose'] = 1 D.save(fnRoot='RL_BusinessCard',formats=formats) if __name__=='__main__': test()