Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/lib/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/reportlab/lib/__pycache__/corp.cpython-312.pyc |
� ��ej � � � d Z dZddlmZmZ ddl� ddl� ddlmZ ddl m Z mZmZm Z mZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZmZ dd lmZ G d � de� Z G d� d e� Z G d� de� Z G d� d� Z G d� de� Zg d�fd�Zedk( r e� yy)z3.3.0z�Generate ReportLab logo in a variety of sizes and formats. This module includes some reusable routines for ReportLab's 'Corporate Image' - the logo, standard page backdrops and so on - you are advised to do the same for your own company!� )�inch�cm)�*)�DecimalFormatter)� definePath�Group�Drawing�Rect�PolyLine�String)�Widget)�Color�black�white� ReportLabBlue)�stringWidthc � � e Zd ZdZ ed5i d eed� �d eed� �d eed� �d eed � �d eed� �d eed � �d eed�� �d eed�� �d eed�� �d eed�� �d eed�� �d eed�� �d eed�� �d eed�� �d e e e ee d d �!� f� d"�� �d# ee d$�� �d% ee d&�� �d' e e e e eed d �!� f� � d(�� �d) e e e e eed d �!� f� � d*�� �d+ e ee� d,�� ��Zd-� Zd.� Zd/d/d0d1ed0d0fd2�Zed3� � Zd4� Zy0)6�RL_CorpLogoz;Dinu's fat letter logo as hacked into decent paths by Robin�xzLogo x-coord�yzLogo y-coord�anglez Logo rotation�strokeColorzLogo lettering stroke color� fillColorzLogo lettering fill color�strokeWidthzLogo lettering stroke width� backgroundzLogo background color)�desc�borderzLogo border color�borderWidthzLogo border width (1)�shadowz,None or fraction of background for shadowing�widthz)width in points of the logo (default 129)�heightz)height in points of the logo (default 86)�skewXzx-skew of the logo (default 10)�skewYzy-skew of the logo (default 0)�showPage� )�lo�hiz7If true or (true(top),true(bottom)) show the page lines�xFlipzIf true do x reversal�yFlipzIf true do y reversal�oColorsz1None or fill/stroke colors for the o in ReportLab� pageColorsz/None or fill/stroke colors for the page outline�precz-None or precision negative means strip excessc �, � t | _ d | _ d| _ t | _ d | _ d| _ d| _ d| _ d| _ dx| _ x| _ x| _ x| _ | _ d| _ d| _ d| _ d | _ d | _ d | _ y ) N皙�����?� � �?�V � r � g �A@)r r r r r r r r r r! r r r r r# �_dxr"