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K�e�q���dZddlZddlmZddlZddlmZddlZddlZddl	Z	ddl
mZddlm
ddlmZmZmZddlmZdd	lmZdd
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Common API for all public keys.
�N)�	unhexlify)�md5)�default_backend)�
algorithms�modes�Cipher)�util)�o600)�u�b�encodebytes�decodebytes�string_types)�SSHException�PasswordRequiredException)�Messagesopenssh-key-v1c��|d}d|cxkrdkr|S|dkDrtd��t|�D]}|||z
|dzk7s�td��|d|S)N���� ��zInvalid key�)r�range)�data�padding_length�is   �//usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/paramiko/pkey.py�_unpad_opensshr.s~���"�X�N��~�$��$���%�����=�)�)�
"�.����N�"�#�q�1�u�,��}�-�-�.�� �.��!�!�c���eZdZdZej
ddejd�ejddejd�d�Z	dZ
d	Zejd
�Zejd�Zd)d
�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zed��Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd*d�Zd�Zed*d��Z ed*d��Z!d*d�Z"d*d�Z#d*d�Z$d*d �Z%d!�Z&d"�Z'd#�Z(d$�Z)d*d%�Z*d*d&�Z+d'�Z,d(�Z-y)+�PKeyz%
    Base class for public keys.
    �)�cipher�keysize�	blocksize�moder��)zAES-128-CBCzAES-256-CBCzDES-EDE3-CBCr�z3^-{5}BEGIN (RSA|DSA|EC|OPENSSH) PRIVATE KEY-{5}\s*$z1^-{5}END (RSA|DSA|EC|OPENSSH) PRIVATE KEY-{5}\s*$Nc��y)a[
        Create a new instance of this public key type.  If ``msg`` is given,
        the key's public part(s) will be filled in from the message.  If
        ``data`` is given, the key's public part(s) will be filled in from
        the string.

        :param .Message msg:
            an optional SSH `.Message` containing a public key of this type.
        :param str data: an optional string containing a public key
            of this type

        :raises: `.SSHException` --
            if a key cannot be created from the ``data`` or ``msg`` given, or
            no key was passed in.
        N�)�self�msgrs   r�__init__z
r c��t�S)z�
        Return a string of an SSH `.Message` made up of the public part(s) of
        this key.  This string is suitable for passing to `__init__` to
        re-create the key object later.
        ��bytes�r-s r�asbyteszPKey.asbytesps���w�r c�"�|j�S�N)r4r3s r�__str__zPKey.__str__xs���|�|�~�r c��t|�}t|�}||k7rt||�St|j�|j��S)aB
        Compare this key to another.  Returns 0 if this key is equivalent to
        the given key, or non-0 if they are different.  Only the public parts
        of the key are compared, so a public key will compare equal to its
        corresponding private key.

        :param .PKey other: key to compare to.
        )�hash�cmpr4)r-�other�hs�hos    r�__cmp__zPKey.__cmp__~sB���$�Z��
��8��r�2�;���4�<�<�>�5�=�=�?�3�3r c�X�t|t�xr|j|jk(Sr6)�
isinstancer"�_fields�r-r;s  r�__eq__zPKey.__eq__�s!���%��&�H�4�<�<�5�=�=�+H�Hr c�,�t|j�Sr6)r9rAr3s r�__hash__z
PKey.__hash__�s���D�L�L�!�!r c��t�r6)�NotImplementedErrorr3s rrAzPKey._fields�s��!�!r c��y)z�
        Return the name of this private key implementation.

            name of this private key type, in SSH terminology, as a `str` (for
            example, ``"ssh-rsa"``).
        �r,r3s r�get_namez
PKey.get_name�s��r c��y)z�
        Return the number of significant bits in this key.  This is useful
        for judging the relative security of a key.

        :return: bits in the key (as an `int`)
        rr,r3s r�get_bitsz
PKey.get_bits�s��r c��y)zf
        Return ``True`` if this key has the private part necessary for signing
        Fr,r3s r�can_signz
r c�P�t|j��j�S)z�
        Return an MD5 fingerprint of the public part of this key.  Nothing
        secret is revealed.

            a 16-byte `string <str>` (binary) of the MD5 fingerprint, in SSH
        )rr4�digestr3s r�get_fingerprintzPKey.get_fingerprint�s���4�<�<�>�"�)�)�+�+r c�f�tt|j���jdd�S)a+
        Return a base64 string containing the public part of this key.  Nothing
        secret is revealed.  This format is compatible with that used to store
        public key files or recognized host keys.

        :return: a base64 `string <str>` containing the public part of the key.
rI)rrr4�replacer3s r�
get_base64zPKey.get_base64�s'����T�\�\�^�,�-�5�5�d�B�?�?r c��t�S)a�
        Sign a blob of data with this private key, and return a `.Message`
        representing an SSH signature message.

        :param str data:
            the data to sign.
        :param str algorithm:
            the signature algorithm to use, if different from the key's
            internal name. Default: ``None``.
        :return: an SSH signature `message <.Message>`.

        .. versionchanged:: 2.9
            Added the ``algorithm`` kwarg.
        r1)r-r�	algorithms   r�
sign_ssh_datazPKey.sign_ssh_data�s���w�r c��y)a\
        Given a blob of data, and an SSH message representing a signature of
        that data, verify that it was signed with this key.

        :param str data: the data that was signed.
        :param .Message msg: an SSH signature message
            ``True`` if the signature verifies correctly; ``False`` otherwise.
        Fr,)r-rr.s   r�verify_ssh_sigzPKey.verify_ssh_sig�s��r c��|||��}|S)a�
        Create a key object by reading a private key file.  If the private
        key is encrypted and ``password`` is not ``None``, the given password
        will be used to decrypt the key (otherwise `.PasswordRequiredException`
        is thrown).  Through the magic of Python, this factory method will
        exist in all subclasses of PKey (such as `.RSAKey` or `.DSSKey`), but
        is useless on the abstract PKey class.

        :param str filename: name of the file to read
        :param str password:
            an optional password to use to decrypt the key file, if it's
        :return: a new `.PKey` based on the given private key

        :raises: ``IOError`` -- if there was an error reading the file
        :raises: `.PasswordRequiredException` -- if the private key file is
            encrypted, and ``password`` is ``None``
        :raises: `.SSHException` -- if the key file is invalid
        )�filename�passwordr,)�clsr\r]�keys    r�from_private_key_filezPKey.from_private_key_file�s��*�8�h�7���
r c��|||��}|S)a
        Create a key object by reading a private key from a file (or file-like)
        object.  If the private key is encrypted and ``password`` is not
        ``None``, the given password will be used to decrypt the key (otherwise
        `.PasswordRequiredException` is thrown).

        :param file_obj: the file-like object to read from
        :param str password:
            an optional password to use to decrypt the key, if it's encrypted
        :return: a new `.PKey` based on the given private key

        :raises: ``IOError`` -- if there was an error reading the key
        :raises: `.PasswordRequiredException` --
            if the private key file is encrypted, and ``password`` is ``None``
        :raises: `.SSHException` -- if the key file is invalid
        )�file_objr]r,)r^rbr]r_s    r�from_private_keyzPKey.from_private_key�s��$�8�h�7���
r c��td��)a�
        Write private key contents into a file.  If the password is not
        ``None``, the key is encrypted before writing.

        :param str filename: name of the file to write
        :param str password:
            an optional password to use to encrypt the key file

        :raises: ``IOError`` -- if there was an error writing the file
        :raises: `.SSHException` -- if the key is invalid
        �Not implemented in PKey��	Exception)r-r\r]s   r�write_private_key_filezPKey.write_private_key_files���1�2�2r c��td��)a�
        Write private key contents into a file (or file-like) object.  If the
        password is not ``None``, the key is encrypted before writing.

        :param file_obj: the file-like object to write into
        :param str password: an optional password to use to encrypt the key

        :raises: ``IOError`` -- if there was an error writing to the file
        :raises: `.SSHException` -- if the key is invalid
        rerf)r-rbr]s   r�write_private_keyzPKey.write_private_keys���1�2�2r c�p�t|d�5}|j|||�}ddd�|S#1swYSxYw)a�
        Read an SSH2-format private key file, looking for a string of the type
        ``"BEGIN xxx PRIVATE KEY"`` for some ``xxx``, base64-decode the text we
        find, and return it as a string.  If the private key is encrypted and
        ``password`` is not ``None``, the given password will be used to
        decrypt the key (otherwise `.PasswordRequiredException` is thrown).

        :param str tag: ``"RSA"`` or ``"DSA"``, the tag used to mark the
            data block.
        :param str filename: name of the file to read.
        :param str password:
            an optional password to use to decrypt the key file, if it's
        :return: data blob (`str`) that makes up the private key.

        :raises: ``IOError`` -- if there was an error reading the file.
        :raises: `.PasswordRequiredException` -- if the private key file is
            encrypted, and ``password`` is ``None``.
        :raises: `.SSHException` -- if the key file is invalid.
        �rN)�open�_read_private_key)r-�tagr\r]�frs      r�_read_private_key_filezPKey._read_private_key_file+s>��*�(�C�
 �	<�A��)�)�#�q�(�;�D�	<���	<���s�+�5c� �|j�}|stdj|���d}|jj	||�}t|�dz
}|jj	||�}||kr|s�+|dz
d�nd}|t|�k\s|�tdj|���|}	|jj	||	�}|	|kr-|s+|	dz
}	|jj	||	�}|	|kr|s�+||k(r#|j||	|�}
fS|dk(r%|j|||	|�}
fStdj||���)Nzno lines in {} private key filerrznot a valid {} private key file�OPENSSHz#encountered {} key, expected {} key)�	readlinesr�format�	BEGIN_TAG�match�len�group�END_TAG�_read_private_key_pem�_PRIVATE_KEY_FORMAT_ORIGINAL�_read_private_key_openssh�_PRIVATE_KEY_FORMAT_OPENSSH)r-rorpr]�lines�start�m�
line_range�keytype�endr�pkformats            rrnzPKey._read_private_keyDs������
����@�G�G��L�M�M����N�N� � ��u��.����Z�!�^�
��j� ���Q�J�E����$�$�U�5�\�2�A��j� ��	��
�� !�!�'�'�!�*�t���C��J��'�/��@�G�G��L�M�M����L�L���u�S�z�*���J��q��1�H�C����"�"�5��:�.�A��J��q��c�>��-�-�e�S�(�C�D��8�8�H���~���	�
!��1�1�%��c�2B�H�M�D��7�7�H���~��	�5�<�<�W�c�J��
r c�d�d}t|j|jj|���)Nz={}._read_private_key() spat out an unknown key format id '{}')rru�	__class__�__name__)r-�id_�errs   r�_got_bad_key_format_idzPKey._got_bad_key_format_idis'��M���3�:�:�d�n�n�&=�&=�s�C�D�Dr c	�6�d}i}|dz
}|t|�kr�^	t	tdj
|||���}d|vr|S|d}	|	dk7rtdj|	���	|d	jd
|jvrtdj|
d}|j|
d}tt|��}tj t"|||
�}t%||�||�t'���j)�}|j+|�|j-�zS#tjj$r}tdj|���d}~wwxYw#td��xYw)Nrrz: rI�base64 decoding error: {}z	proc-typez4,ENCRYPTEDz"Unknown private key structure "{}"zdek-info�,z(Can't parse DEK-info in private key filezUnknown private key cipher "{}"zPrivate key file is encryptedr$r%r')�backend)rx�split�strip�lowerrr
�generate_key_bytesrr	r�	decryptor�update�finalize)r-rr�r]r��headers�liner�e�	proc_type�encryption_type�saltstrr$r%r'�saltr_r�s                  rr{zPKey._read_private_key_pemms*������
���c�%�j� ���<�%�%�d�+�D��4�y�A�~��'+�A�w�}�}��G�D��G�M�M�O�$��Q�J�E��c�%�j� �	F��q�����u�S�)9�!:�;�<�D��g�%��K��K�(�	��
�	K�'.�z�':�'@�'@��'E�$�O�W��$�"4�"4�4��1�8�8��I��
��+�,K�L�L��#�#�O�4�X�>���$�$�_�5�i�@���!�!�/�2�6�:����7��$���%�%�c�4��7�C����3�K��d��_�->�
�)�+�	�����%�	�(:�(:�(<�<�<��?���$�$�	F��:�A�A�!�D�E�E��	F��	K��I�J�J�s$�7&G�H�H�)H�H�
Hc��	ttdj|���}|dd}|tk7rt
d��|j|ddd�}|\}}}	}
d��|j|d	�\}}
�k(�r |td�k(rtj}nH|td�k(rtj}n)t
j|jd����|�td��|j|	d�\}}tj t|�t|�d|d��}|dd}|dd}t#t%j&|�||�t)��j+�}|j-|
        Read the new OpenSSH SSH2 private key format available
        since OpenSSH version 6.5
        rIr�Nrz)unexpected OpenSSH key header encountered�sssurrz.unsupported: private keyfile has multiple keys�ss�bcryptz
aes256-ctrz,unknown cipher `{}` used in private key filezutf-8zprivate key file is encrypted�su�0T)�ignore_few_roundsr�nonez.unknown cipher or kdf used in private key file�uusrz/OpenSSH private key file checkints do not match)rr
r�r�r�r�rru�OPENSSH_AUTH_MAGIC�_uint32_cstruct_unpackr�CBC�CTR�decoderr��kdfr	r�AESrr�r�r�r)r-rr]rr��
auth_magic�cstructr$�kdfname�kdf_options�num_pubkeys�	remainder�pubkey�privkey_blobr'r��rounds�key_ivr_�ivr��decrypted_privkey�	checkint1�	checkint2r��keydatas                          rr}zPKey._read_private_key_openssh�sf��	F��q������0�1�D�
��+�+��J�K�K��-�-�d�2�3�i��A��?F�<����k�9���?��@��
� $�:�:�9�d�K�����a��k�!���<��(��y�y���1�\�?�*��y�y��"�B�I�I��
�!*� 0� 0�� >����!3�!3�!5�5��
 �W��&�	�%9� ,���@��
�-�-�.?��H��18�.�	�9�g�w��	�!��A��
��g�&�&��W���$�$�	F��:�A�A�!�D�E�E��	F�s�#H
I	�*I�I	c�t�g}d}	|D]�}|dk(rBtjd|||dz�d}|dz
}tj|d�}|j|���|dk(r6tjd|||dz�d}	|dz
}|j|	���|dk(s��||d	}|j|�nt|�S#t
���d	}
        Used to read new OpenSSH private key format.
        Unpacks a c data structure containing a mix of 32-bit uints and
        variable length strings prefixed by 32-bit uint size field,
        according to the specified format. Returns the unpacked vars
        in a tuple.
        Format strings:
          s - denotes a string
          i - denotes a long integer, encoded as a byte string
          u - denotes a 32-bit unsigned integer
          r - the remainder of the input string, returned as a string
        r�sz>L�rTrrlN)	�struct�unpack�appendr
�inflate_longrgr�str�tuple)r-r�	strformat�arr�idxrp�s_sizer�rrr�s           rr�zPKey._uint32_cstruct_unpack�sf������	'��
�>�S�z����	'��s�1�v�&�&��		'�s�C*D�1D�	D7�D2�2D7c�P�tjtjztjztg}tj
tj|g|���d�5}tj|t�|j||||��ddd�y#1swYyxYw)a�
        Write an SSH2-format private key file in a form that can be read by
        paramiko or openssh.  If no password is given, the key is written in
        a trivially-encoded format (base64) which is completely insecure.  If
        a password is given, DES-EDE3-CBC is used.

        :param str tag:
            ``"RSA"`` or ``"DSA"``, the tag used to mark the data block.
        :param filename: name of the file to write.
        :param str data: data blob that makes up the private key.
        :param str password: an optional password to use to encrypt the file.

        :raises: ``IOError`` -- if there was an error writing the file.
        �w)r]N)	�os�O_WRONLY�O_TRUNC�O_CREATr�fdopenrm�chmod�_write_private_key)r-r\r_rur]�argsrps       r�_write_private_key_filezPKey._write_private_key_file#s���.���b�j�j�(�2�:�:�5�t�<��
5�	G���H�H�X�t�$��#�#�A�s�F�X�#�F�	G�	G�	G�s�#0B�B%c��|�tj�}ntjt|��}|j	|jtjj||�j��yr6)	r�NoEncryption�BestAvailableEncryptionr
encryptions      rr�zPKey._write_private_keyAs^����&�3�3�5�J�&�>�>�q��{�K�J�	�������&�&�*�*�F�J�
r c��|}|}t|t�r|g}t|t�r|g}|�td��|j�|j	�}||vry||vr9|jt
        Perform message type-checking & optional certificate loading.

        This includes fast-forwarding cert ``msg`` objects past the nonce, so
        that the subsequent fields are the key numbers; thus the caller may
        expect to treat the message as key material afterwards either way.

        The obtained key type is returned for classes which need to know what
        it was (e.g. ECDSA.)
        NzKey object may not be emptyz%Invalid key (class: {}, data type: {})r@rr�rewind�get_text�load_certificaterr4�
get_stringrur�r�)r-r.�key_type�	cert_type�	key_types�
cert_types�type_r�s        r�_check_type_and_load_certzPKey._check_type_and_load_certMs����	��
��h��-�"��I��j�,�/�$��J��;��<�=�=�	�
��������I����j�
�!�!�'�#�+�+�-�"8�9�
�N�N��9�C��s�z�z�$�.�.�*A�*A�5�I�J�Jr c�h�t|t�rd}n$tjj	|�rd}nd}tt|�|�}|jj|j��s5d}t|j|j|j����||_y)a5
        Supplement the private key contents with data loaded from an OpenSSH
        public key (``.pub``) or certificate (``-cert.pub``) file, a string
        containing such a file, or a `.Message` object.

        The .pub contents adds no real value, since the private key
        file includes sufficient information to derive the public
        key info. For certificates, however, this can be used on
        the client side to offer authentication requests to the server
        based on certificate instead of raw public key.


        Note: very little effort is made to validate the certificate contents,
        that is for the server to decide if it is good enough to authenticate
        �from_message�	from_file�from_stringz0PublicBlob type {} incompatible with key type {}N)
ValueErrorru�public_blob)r-�value�constructor�blobr�s     rr�zPKey.load_certificate|s���&�e�W�%�(�K�
�t�}�}��G�H�H���r )NNr6).r��
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rr�rr��	TripleDESr�r|r~�re�compilervrzr/r4r7r>rCrE�propertyrArJrLrNrQrUrXrZ�classmethodr`rcrhrjrqrnr�r{r}r�r�r�r�r�r,r rr"r"=sY���!�n�n����I�I�	
��M�($%� �"#����
4�I�"��"��"����	,�@��"
�����.����(3�3��2#�JE�-=�^T'�l/�bG�<

�-K�^ r r"c�Z�eZdZdZd
d�Zed��Zed��Zed��Zd�Z	d�Z
d	�Zy)r�a�
    OpenSSH plain public key or OpenSSH signed public key (certificate).

    Tries to be as dumb as possible and barely cares about specific
    per-key-type data.

    .. note::

        Most of the time you'll want to call `from_file`, `from_string` or
        `from_message` for useful instantiation, the main constructor is
        basically "I should be using ``attrs`` for this."
        Create a new public blob of given type and contents.

        :param str type_: Type indicator, eg ``ssh-rsa``.
        :param blob: The blob bytes themselves.
        :param str comment: A comment, if one was given (e.g. file-based.)
        N)r��key_blob�comment)r-r�r�rs    rr/zPublicBlob.__init__�s����
���r c��t|�5}|j�}ddd�|j�S#1swY�xYw)zO
        Create a public blob from a ``-cert.pub``-style file on disk.
        N)rm�readr�)r^r\rp�strings    rr�zPublicBlob.from_file�s<��
�(�^�	�q��V�V�X�F�	����v�&�&�	�	�s�6�?c��|jdd�}t|�dkrd}t|j|���|d}t	t|d��}	|dj
�}t|�}|j�}||k7r,dj||�}	tdj|	���||||��S#t$rd}Y�dwxYw)	zI
        Create a public blob from a ``-cert.pub``-style string.
        Nr*z%Not enough fields for public blob: {}rrz!key type={!r}, but blob type={!r}zInvalid PublicBlob contents: {})r�r�r)
r^r	�fieldsr.r�rrr��	blob_type�deetss
���d�A�&���v�;��?�9�C��S�Z�Z��/�0�0��!�9���q����|�,��	��Q�i�o�o�'�G�

�H����J�J�L�	��� �7�>�>��)��E��>�E�E�e�L�M�M����'�B�B���	��G�	�s�C�C�Cc�R�|j�}|||j���S)z�
        Create a public blob from a network `.Message`.

        Specifically, a cert-bearing pubkey auth packet, because by definition
        OpenSSH-style certificates 'are' their own network representation."
        )r�r�)r�r4)r^�messager�s   rr�zPublicBlob.from_message�s&��� � �"����W�_�_�%6�7�7r c��dj|j�}|jr|dj|j�z
}|S)Nz{} public key/certificatez- {})rur�r)r-�rets  rr7zPublicBlob.__str__�s9��)�0�0����?���<�<��6�=�=����.�.�C��
r c�D�|xr|xr|j|jk(Sr6)rrBs  rrCzPublicBlob.__eq__�s���A��A�$�-�-�5�>�>�"A�Ar c��||k(Sr6r,rBs  r�__ne__zPublicBlob.__ne__�s���5�=� � r r6)r�r�r�r�r/rr�r�r�r7rCrr,r rr�r��sZ���
��'��'��C��C�4�8��8��B�!r r�)&r�r�r�rr��hashlibrr�r�r��cryptography.hazmat.backendsr�cryptography.hazmat.primitivesr�&cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphersrrr	�paramikor
�paramiko.commonr�paramiko.py3compatrr
rrr�paramiko.ssh_exceptionrr�paramiko.messagerr�r�objectr"r�r,r r�<module>r si��&���	��	�
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0