Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/orca/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/orca/__pycache__/messages.cpython-312.pyc |
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These have been put in their own module so that we can present them in the correct language when users change the synthesizer language on the fly without having to reload a bunch of modules.z$Id$z $Revision$z$Date$zRCopyright (c) 2004-2009 Sun Microsystems Inc.Copyright (c) 2010-2013 The Orca Team�LGPL� )�_�C_�ngettext)�versionzgeneric name�applicationzBattery status unknownz Battery: %d%%�Batteryz plugged inznot plugged in�blank�boldzbookmark enteredzbookmarks savedzbookmarks could not be savedzNo bookmarks found.zBookmark not found.zBypass mode enabled.z Unable to get calculator displayzcapitalization style�iconz!Capitalization style set to icon.�nonez!Capitalization style set to none.�spellz"Capitalization style set to spell.z)The application is controlling the caret.z+The screen reader is controlling the caret.zCell %s�cellz%s selectedz%s through %s selectedz%s through %s unselectedz %s unselectedzPrevent use of optionzForce use of option�OPTIONzOptional argumentszUsage: zThe following are not valid: z$Print the known running applicationszLoad profilezProfile could not be loaded: %szHCannot start the screen reader because it cannot connect to the Desktop.z1Could not activate the settings manager. Exiting.u� Another screen reader process is already running for this session. Run “orca --replace” to replace that process with a new one.�NAMEz,Use alternate directory for user preferences�DIRz Speech systemu5 Speech system “%s” is unavailable (available: %s)zVersion of this applicationz:Replace a currently running instance of this screen readerzShow this help message and exitz2Send debug output to debug-YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS.outz'Send debug output to the specified file�FILEz&Set up user preferences (text version)z%Set up user preferences (GUI version)z<Report bugs on https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/orca/-/issues.zCut selection to clipboard.� clipboard�cutzCopied selection to clipboard.�copiedzPasted contents from clipboard.�pastedz-Do not announce when your buddies are typing.z&announce when your buddies are typing.zMessage from chat room %szNew chat tab %szDo not speak chat room name.zspeak chat room name.z4Do not provide chat room specific message histories.z-Provide chat room specific message histories.z%xz%d/%mz%m/%dz%d/%m/%Yz%m/%d/%Yz%Y/%m/%dz %A, %-d %Bz %A, %B %-dz%A, %-d %B, %Yz%A, %B %-d, %Yz%Y. %B %-d, %Az %a, %-d %bz %a, %b %-dz%a, %-d %b, %Yz%a, %b %-d, %Yz%Y. %b %-d, %a�contentzdeletion startzdeletion endzinsertion startz insertion endzhighlight startz highlight endzsuggestion endzEnd of container.zNot in a container.zall items selectedzCPU and memory usage unknownzCPU: %d%%. Memory: %d%%zDefault button is %szDefault button is %s. GrayedzDefault button not foundz subscript %sz superscript %szNot in a dialogzentire document selectedzentire document unselectedz&document selected from cursor positionz(document unselected from cursor positionz$document selected to cursor positionz&document unselected to cursor positionz$Dynamic column header set for row %dzDynamic column header cleared.z$Dynamic row header set for column %szDynamic row header cleared.�emptyz%.2f kilobytesz%.2f megabyteszNo files found.zAppended contents to clipboard.zCopied contents to clipboard.zNot using flat review.zEntering flat review.zLeaving flat review.z,Flat review restricted to the current objectzFlat review unrestrictedzhas formulazopens dialogz opens gridz opens listboxz opens menuz opens treezopens popupzimage map linkz&The key entered is already bound to %sz)Key captured: %s. Press enter to confirm.zThe new key is: %sz,Key binding deleted. Press enter to confirm.z The keybinding has been removed.z enter new keyzkey echo�keyzEcho set to key.�NonezEcho set to None.zkey and wordzEcho set to key and word.�sentencezEcho set to sentence.�wordzEcho set to word.zword and sentencezEcho set to word and sentence.zmath enclosurezEnclosed by: %szan actuarial symbolza boxza circleza long division signz a radicalz a rounded boxza horizontal strikeza vertical strikeza down diagonal strikezan up diagonal strikeza northeast arrowza line at the bottomza line on the leftza line on the rightza line at the topza phasor anglezan arabic factorial symbol�andzfraction startzfraction without bar, startz math fraction�overzfraction endzsquare root ofzcube root ofzroot ofz root startzroot endzmath script generic� subscript�superscriptzmath scriptz pre-subscriptzpre-superscript�underscript� overscriptz math tablez table endznested table end�inaccessiblezindentation and justification�Disabledz3Speaking of indentation and justification disabled.�Enabledz2Speaking of indentation and justification enabled.z"Learn mode. Press escape to exit.u7 Entering learn mode. Press any key to hear its function. To view the screen reader’s documentation, press F1. To get a list of the screen reader’s default shortcuts, press F2. To get a list of the screen reader’s shortcuts for the current application, press F3. To exit learn mode, press the escape key.zleaving blockquote.zleaving details.�rolez leaving feed.zleaving figure.z leaving form.zleaving banner.zleaving complementary content.zleaving information.zleaving main content.zleaving navigation.zleaving region.zleaving search.z leaving list.zleaving panel.zleaving table.zleaving tooltip.zleaving abstract.zleaving acknowledgments.zleaving afterword.zleaving appendix.zleaving bibliography.zleaving chapter.zleaving colophon.zleaving conclusion.zleaving credit.zleaving credits.zleaving dedication.zleaving endnotes.zleaving epigraph.zleaving epilogue.zleaving errata.zleaving example.zleaving foreword.zleaving glossary.zleaving index.zleaving introduction.zleaving page list.z leaving part.zleaving preface.zleaving prologue.zleaving pullquote.zleaving QNA.zleaving suggestion.zleaving table of contents.z'line selected down from cursor positionz%line selected up from cursor positionz)line unselected down from cursor positionz'line unselected up from cursor positionzExiting learn mode.z4line selected from start to previous cursor positionz2line selected to end from previous cursor position�linkz same pagez same sitezdifferent sitez%(uri)s link to %(file)sz%s linkzvisited %s linkzAUse Up and Down Arrow to navigate the list. Press Escape to exit.zAll live regions set to offz'live regions politeness levels restoredzpoliteness level %sz setting live region to assertivezsetting live region to offzsetting live region to politezsetting live region to rudezLive regions monitoring offzLive regions monitoring onzno live message savedzLive region support is off�locationz Not foundz Could not find current location.zlocking key state�off�on� misspelledzMisspelled word: %sz Context is %szBrowse modez Focus modezTo enable focus mode press %s.zFocus mode is sticky.zBrowse mode is sticky.zLayout mode.zObject mode.zPointer moved to object.zMouse over object not found.zMouse review disabled.zMouse review enabled.z(Error: Could not create list of objects.zNo children.zNo next.z No parent.zNo previous.zSimplified navigation enabled.zSimplified navigation disabled.zNesting level %dzNew item has been addedzNo actions found on: %szNo focuszNo application has focus.zNo more blockquotes.zNo more buttons.zNo more check boxes.zNo more large objects.zNo more clickables.zNo more combo boxes.zNo more entries.zNo more form fields.zNo more headings.zNo more headings at level %d.zNo more internal frames.zNo more images.zNo landmark found.zNo more links.zNo more lists.zNo more list items.zNo more live regions.zNo more paragraphs.zNo more radio buttons.zNo more separators.zNo more tables.zNo more unvisited links.zNo more visited links.zNo selected text.zNot on a link.�Notification�notification�Bottom�TopzNo notification messagesznumber style�digitszSpeak numbers as digits.�wordszSpeak numbers as words.zLoading. Please wait.zFinished loading.zFinished loading %s.zPage %dzPage has %s.z"page selected from cursor positionz page selected to cursor positionz$page unselected from cursor positionz"page unselected to cursor positionz,paragraph selected down from cursor positionz*paragraph selected up from cursor positionz.paragraph unselected down from cursor positionz,paragraph unselected up from cursor positionzjYou already have an instance of an Orca preferences dialog open. Please close it before opening a new one.zslide %(position)d of %(count)dzProfile set to %s.zNo profiles found.zProgress bar %d.zspoken punctuation�AllzPunctuation level set to all.�MostzPunctuation level set to most.zPunctuation level set to none.�SomezPunctuation level set to some.z Searching.zSearch complete.z Screen reader settings reloaded.zSelected text is: %szSelection deleted.zSelection restored.zText unselected.zSize: %d, %d. Location: %d, %d.z1Width: %d. Height: %d. %d from left. %d from top.zSpeech disabled.zSpeech enabled.zSleep mode disabled for %s.zSleep mode enabled for %s.zfaster.zslower.zhigher.zlower.zlouder.zsofter.�SpeechzVerbosity level: briefzVerbosity level: verbosez dot dot dotzNot in a spreadsheet.zScreen reader on.zScreen reader off.zSpeech is unavailable.z status barzStatus bar not foundzstring not foundzStructural navigation keys off.zStructural navigation keys on.zstructural navigationzRow %(row)d, column %(column)d.zEnd of tablez Speak cellz Speak rowzNon-uniformzNot in a table.zTable navigation disabled.zTable navigation enabled.zColumns reorderedzRows reorderedz column %dzcolumn %(index)d of %(total)dzBottom of column.zTop of column.zColumn %s selectedzColumns %s through %s selectedz Columns %s through %s unselectedzColumn %s unselectedzrow %dzrow %(index)d of %(total)dzBeginning of row.zEnd of row.zRow deleted.zLast row deleted.z Row inserted.z%Row inserted at the end of the table.zRow %s selectedzRows %s through %s selectedzRows %s through %s unselectedzRow %s unselected�text�selected� unselectedz%Xz%H:%M:%Sz%H:%Mz%I:%M %pz%I:%M:%S %pz#%H hours, %M minutes and %S secondsz%H hours and %M minutesz Unicode %s�command�undo�redozScreen reader version %s.zwhite spacezWrapping to bottom.zWrapping to top.z0 itemsc � � d}|dkD r*| dkD r%t dd| � | z }|t dd|� |z z }|S |dkD rt dd|� |z }|S | dkD rt dd| � | z }|S ) N� r zCell spans %d rowzCell spans %d rowsz %d columnz %d columnszCell spans %d columnzCell spans %d columns�r )�rowspan�colspan� spanStrings �//usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/orca/messages.py�cellSpanrD K s� � ��J��!��'�A�+� �1�2�%�'�)0�1� � �h�|�,�&�(�*1�2� 2� �$ �� �A�+� �4�5�%�'�)0�1� � �� �A�+� �1�2�%�'�)0�1� � �� c �"