Direktori : /lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/__pycache__/uri_validate.cpython-312.pyc |
� �Mc� � � � d Z ddlZdZdZdZd e� z Zd e� z ZdZd Z d e� z Z d e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Z d e� z ZdZd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z Zd e� z ZdZd e� z Zd e� z Z d e� z Z!d! e� z Z"d" e� z Z#d# e� z Z$d$ e� z Z%d% e� z Z&d& e� z Z'd'� Z(d(� Z)d)� Z*y)*a Regex for URIs These regex are directly derived from the collected ABNF in RFC3986 (except for DIGIT, ALPHA and HEXDIG, defined by RFC2234). They should be processed with re.VERBOSE. Thanks Mark Nottingham for this code - https://gist.github.com/138549 � Nz[\x30-\x39]z[\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A]z[\x30-\x39A-Fa-f]z %% %(HEXDIG)s %(HEXDIG)sz-(?: %(ALPHA)s | %(DIGIT)s | \- | \. | _ | ~ )z#(?: : | / | \? | \# | \[ | \] | @ )zI(?: ! | \$ | & | ' | \( | \) | \* | \+ | , | ; | = )z?(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s | : | @ )z%(?: %(gen_delims)s | %(sub_delims)s )z5%(ALPHA)s (?: %(ALPHA)s | %(DIGIT)s | \+ | \- | \. )*z�(?: %(DIGIT)s | [\x31-\x39] %(DIGIT)s | 1 %(DIGIT)s{2} | 2 [\x30-\x34] %(DIGIT)s | 25 [\x30-\x35] ) z@%(dec_octet)s \. %(dec_octet)s \. %(dec_octet)s \. %(dec_octet)sz#([A-Fa-f0-9:]+[:$])[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}z;v %(HEXDIG)s+ \. (?: %(unreserved)s | %(sub_delims)s | : )+z+\[ (?: %(IPv6address)s | %(IPvFuture)s ) \]z8(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s )*z;(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s | : )z5(?: %(IP_literal)s | %(IPv4address)s | %(reg_name)s )z(?: %(DIGIT)s )*z.(?: %(userinfo)s @)? %(host)s (?: : %(port)s)?z %(pchar)s*z %(pchar)s+z<(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s | @ )+z(?: / %(segment)s )*z,/ (?: %(segment_nz)s (?: / %(segment)s )* )?z&%(segment_nz_nc)s (?: / %(segment)s )*z#%(segment_nz)s (?: / %(segment)s )*� z�(?: %(path_abempty)s | %(path_absolute)s | %(path_noscheme)s | %(path_rootless)s | %(path_empty)s ) z(?: %(pchar)s | / | \? )*z�(?: (?: // %(authority)s %(path_abempty)s ) | %(path_absolute)s | %(path_rootless)s | %(path_empty)s ) z�(?: (?: // %(authority)s %(path_abempty)s ) | %(path_absolute)s | %(path_noscheme)s | %(path_empty)s ) z:%(relative_part)s (?: \? %(query)s)? (?: \# %(fragment)s)?zM^(?: %(scheme)s : %(hier_part)s (?: \? %(query)s )? (?: \# %(fragment)s )? )$z"^(?: %(URI)s | %(relative_ref)s )$z6^(?: %(scheme)s : %(hier_part)s (?: \? %(query)s )? )$c �T � t j t | t j � S �N)�re�match�URI�VERBOSE��uris �7/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/uri_validate.py�is_urir � s � � �8�8�C��b�j�j�)�)� c �T � t j t | t j � S r )r r � URI_referencer r s r �is_uri_referencer � s � � �8�8�M�3�� � �3�3r c �T � t j t | t j � S r )r r �absolute_URIr r s r �is_absolute_urir � s � � �8�8�L�#�r�z�z�2�2r )+�__doc__r �DIGIT�ALPHA�HEXDIG�locals�pct_encoded� unreserved� gen_delims� sub_delims�pchar�reserved�scheme� dec_octet�IPv4address�IPv6address� IPvFuture� IP_literal�reg_name�userinfo�host�port� authority�segment� segment_nz� segment_nz_nc�path_abempty� path_absolute� path_noscheme� path_rootless� path_empty�path�query�fragment� hier_part� relative_part�relative_refr r r r r r � r r �<module>r: s7 �� � � ���� �� +�V�X�5�� >��� H� � 4� �.� � K�V� N� �� 4�f�h�>�� B�F�H� L�� � �h� � � R�TZ� U� �� 5�� K�V�X�U� � <�f�h� F� � G���Q�� J�F� M� �� @�&�(�J�� �V�X�%�� >���H� � �&�(� "�� �V�X� %� � P�RX�RZ�Z� � '���1�� @�&�(�J� � :�F�H�D� � 7���A� � � �� �h� �� %�v�x�/�� (�&�(�2�� � �h� � �� �h�� � M�v� P� �� W�Y_� Z� �� 6���@� � I�6� L� ��*�4�3r