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Classes and functions for dealing with MAC addresses, EUI-48, EUI-64, OUI, IAB
DictDotLookup)�eui48�eui64)�	mac_eui48)�
eui64_base)�	IPAddress)�_importlib_resources�_is_int�_is_strc�8�eZdZdZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
y	)
�BaseIdentifierz$Base class for all IEEE identifiers.)�_value�__weakref__c��d|_y�N�r��selfs �6/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/netaddr/eui/__init__.py�__init__zBaseIdentifier.__init__s	�����c��|jS�z):return: integer value of this identifierrrs r�__int__zBaseIdentifier.__int__����{�{�rc��|jSrrrs r�__long__zBaseIdentifier.__long__rrc�@�|jdk(ryd|jzS)z8:return: octal string representation of this identifier.r�0z0%orrs r�__oct__zBaseIdentifier.__oct__"s"���;�;�!����t�{�{�"�"rc� �d|jzS)z>:return: hexadecimal string representation of this identifier.z0x%xrrs r�__hex__zBaseIdentifier.__hex__)s������#�#rc��|jS)zx
        :return: return the integer value of this identifier when passed to
            hex(), oct() or bin().
        rrs r�	__index__zBaseIdentifier.__index__.s���{�{�rN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�	__slots__rrrr"r$r&�rrrrs(��.�)�I����#�$�
rrc�h��eZdZdZdZ�fd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
ed	��Zd
d�Zd�Z�xZS)�OUIz�
    An individual IEEE OUI (Organisationally Unique Identifier).

    For online details see - http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/

ntd|����td|����|j|jvr�tj t"d	�}|j|jD]I\}}|j%|�|j'|�j)d
t/d|�d���)z�

        :param oui: an OUI string ``XX-XX-XX`` or an unsigned integer.             Also accepts and parses full MAC/EUI-48 address strings (but not             MAC/EUI-48 integers)!
        r��ieee�-����z OUI int outside expected range: zunexpected OUI format: zoui.txt�UTF-8zOUI z not registered!N)�superr.r�netaddr.euir2r/�
isinstance�str�int�replacerr�
ValueError�	TypeError�	OUI_INDEXr�open_binary�__package__�seek�read�decode�_parse_data�closer)r�ouir2�fh�offset�size�data�	__class__s       �rrzOUI.__init__@s���	�c�4�!�#�	%�����c�3���c�k�k�#�r�2�B�7�D�K�
�S�\��C�#�8�#�!��� ��!N�O�O��3�@�A�A��;�;�$�.�.�(�%�1�1�+�y�I�B�"&�.�.����"=�
5����������w�w�t�}�+�+�G�4��� � ��v�t�4�
�H�H�J�$��%F�G�Grc��t|t�s	|j|�}|j
k(S#t$r	tcYSwxYwr�r:r.rM�	Exception�NotImplementedr�r�others  r�__eq__z
Ac��t|t�s	|j|�}|j
k7S#t$r	tcYSwxYwrrOrRs  r�__ne__z
OUI.__ne__orUrVc�2�|j|jfS)z+:returns: Pickled state of an `OUI` object.�rr/rs r�__getstate__zOUI.__getstate__ws���{�{�D�L�L�(�(rc�"�|\|_|_y)z;:param state: data used to unpickle a pickled `OUI` object.NrZ�r�states  r�__setstate__zOUI.__setstate__{s��$)�!���T�\rc�D�dddg||d�}|jd�D]h}|j�}|s�d|vr6|j|d<|jdd�d|d	<t|�|d
<�Pd|vr�U|dj	|��j|j
j	|�y)
z.Returns a dict record from raw OUI record datarr4)�idxrH�org�addressrJrK�
�(hex)raN�rbrH�	(base 16)rc)�split�striprr;�appendr/)rrLrJrK�record�lines      rrFzOUI._parse_datas���������

���J�J�t�$�	/�D��:�:�<�D����$�� $����u�
� $�
�4�� 3�A� 6��u�
� #�D�	��u�
���$���y�!�(�(��.�	/�	
�����F�#rc�,�t|j�S)z0Number of registered organisations with this OUI)�lenr/rs r�	reg_countz
OUI.reg_count�s���4�<�<� � rc�2�t|j|�S)a
        The IEEE registration details for this OUI.

        :param index: the index of record (may contain multiple registrations)
            (Default: 0 - first registration)

        :return: Objectified Python data structure containing registration
        )rr/)r�indexs  r�registrationzOUI.registration�s���T�\�\�%�0�1�1rc�H�|j}d|dz	dz|dz	dz|dzfzS)z*:return: string representation of this OUI�%02X-%02X-%02Xr5��r�r�int_vals  r�__str__zOUI.__str__�s<���+�+����B��$�&��A���%��$��# � �	 rc��d|zS)�@:return: executable Python string to recreate equivalent object.z	OUI('%s')r,rs r�__repr__zOUI.__repr__��
__classcell__�rMs@rr.r.7sR�����I�%H�N+�+�)�*�$�6�!��!�
2� �"rr.c�l��eZdZdZ	dZed
�fd�	Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
d�Zd	�Zd
d�Zd�Z�xZS)�IAB)i�PiU�@)rkc���|dz	|jvr|dfSd}d|z}|dz	}||z|z
}|dz	|jvr"|r|dk7rtdt|�z��||fStdt|�z��)z�
        :param eui_int: a MAC IAB as an unsigned integer.

        :param strict: If True, raises a ValueError if the last 12 bits of
            IAB MAC/EUI-48 address are non-zero, ignores them otherwise.
            (Default: False)
        �ri�����z%r is not a strict IAB!z%r is not an IAB address!)�IAB_EUI_VALUESr>�hex)�cls�eui_int�strict�	user_mask�iab_mask�iab_bits�	user_bitss       r�
�r�M�c�0�0�0��A�:���	��9�,���b�=���x�'�8�3�	���N�s�1�1�1��)�q�.� �!:�S��^�!K�L�L���"�"��8�3�w�<�G�H�Hrc���tt|��ddlm}dddgddd�|_t
|t�r:t|jdd�d�}|j||��\}}||_n8t|�r|j||��\}}||_ntd|�d	���|j|jvr�tj t"d
�}|j|jd\}}	||j
d<|	|j
d<|j%|�|j'|	�j)d
||	�|j-�yt/d|�d���)a�

        :param iab: an IAB string ``00-50-C2-XX-X0-00`` or an unsigned             integer. This address looks like an EUI-48 but it should not             have any non-zero bits in the last 3 bytes.

        :param strict: If True, raises a ValueError if the last 12 bits             of IAB MAC/EUI-48 address are non-zero, ignores them otherwise.             (Default: False)
        rr1r4)ra�iabrbrcrJrKr3r5)r�zunexpected IAB format: �!ziab.txtrJrKr7zIAB z not unregistered!N)r8r�rr9r2rkr:r;r<r=r�rrr?�	IAB_INDEXrrArBrCrDrErFrGr)rr�r�r2rx�iab_int�user_intrIrJrKrLrMs           �rrzIAB.__init__�sW���	�c�4�!�#�	%�������

����c�3���#�+�+�c�2�.��3�G� $� 2� 2�7�6� 2� J��G�X�!�D�K�
�S�\� $� 2� 2�3�v� 2� F��G�X�!�D�K��C�A�B�B��;�;�$�.�.�(�%�1�1�+�y�I�B�!�^�^�D�K�K�8��;�N�V�T�$*�D�K�K��!�"&�D�K�K����G�G�F�O��7�7�4�=�'�'��0�D����T�6�4�0��H�H�J�$�3�%H�I�Irc��t|t�s	|j|�}|j
k(S#t$r	tcYSwxYwr�r:r�rMrPrQrrRs  rrTz
IAB.__eq__rUrVc��t|t�s	|j|�}|j
k7S#t$r	tcYSwxYwrr�rRs  rrXz
IAB.__ne__rUrVc�2�|j|jfS)z+:returns: Pickled state of an `IAB` object.�rrkrs rr[zIAB.__getstate__ s���{�{�D�K�K�'�'rc�"�|\|_|_y)z;:param state: data used to unpickle a pickled `IAB` object.Nr�r]s  rr_zIAB.__setstate__$s��#(� ���T�[rc�L�|jd�D]�}|j�}|s�d|vrT|j|jd<|jdd�d|jd<t	|�|jd<�nd|vr�s|jd	j|���y)
z.Returns a dict record from raw IAB record datardreraNrfrbr�rgrc)rhrirrkr;rj)rrLrJrKrls     rrFzIAB._parse_data(s����J�J�t�$�	4�D��:�:�<�D����$��%)�[�[����E�"�%)�Z�Z��a�%8��%;����E�"�%(��Y����E�"���$�����I�&�-�-�d�3�	4rc�,�t|j�S)z*The IEEE registration details for this IAB)rrkrs rrrzIAB.registration8s���T�[�[�)�)rc�j�|jdz}d|dz	dz|dz	dz|dz	dz|dz	dz|dzfzS)z*:return: string representation of this IAB�z%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-00� ru�r5rvrrws  rryzIAB.__str__<sY���+�+��"��,��B��$�&��B��$�&��B��$�&��A���%��$��0 � �	 rc��d|zS)r{z	IAB('%s')r,rs rr|zIAB.__repr__Gr}r)F)r'r(r)r�r+�classmethodr�rrTrXr[r_rFrrryr|rr�s@rr�r��sU���)�N���I��#��#�02J�h+�+�(�)�4� *�	 �"rr�c�n��eZdZdZdZd(�fd�	Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	e
ee	dd	�Zd
�Zd�Z
d�Ze
eedd
d��Z e
d��Z!d �Z"d!�Z#d"�Z$d#�Z%e
    An IEEE EUI (Extended Unique Identifier).

    Both EUI-48 (used for layer 2 MAC addresses) and EUI-64 are supported.

    Input parsing for EUI-48 addresses is flexible, supporting many MAC

    )�_module�_dialectNc���tt|��d|_t	|t�rZ|�$||jj
d��|j|_|j|_|j|_y|�0|dk(rt|_n]|dk(rt|_nLt
d|z��t|�r3d|cxkrdkrnnt|_nd|cxkrdkrnnt|_||_||_y)	a2

        :param addr: an EUI-48 (MAC) or EUI-64 address in string format or             an unsigned integer. May also be another EUI object (copy             construction).

        :param version: (optional) the explicit EUI address version, either             48 or 64. Mainly used to distinguish EUI-48 and EUI-64 identifiers             specified as integers which may be numerically equivalent.

        :param dialect: (optional) the mac_* dialect to be used to configure             the formatting of EUI-48 (MAC) addresses.
        Nz2cannot switch EUI versions using copy constructor!�0�@zunsupported EUI version %rrr�l����)
r8r�rr�r:�versionr>r�dialect�_eui48�_eui64r�value)r�addrr�r�rMs    �rrzEUI.__init__Xs����	�c�4�!�#�����d�C� ��"�w�$�,�,�2F�2F�'F� �"(�)�)��<�<�D�L��+�+�D�K��<�<�D�L�����"�}�%����B��%��� �!=��!G�H�H��t�}���.��.�#)�D�L�#�d�@�.@�@�#)�D�L���
���rc�\�|j|jj|jfS)z+:returns: Pickled state of an `EUI` object.)rr�r�r�rs rr[zEUI.__getstate__�s!���{�{�D�L�L�0�0�$�,�,�>�>rc��|\}}}||_|dk(rt|_||_y|dk(rt|_||_yt	d|����)zN
        :param state: data used to unpickle a pickled `EUI` object.

        r�r�z$unpickling failed for object state: N)rr�r�r�r>r�)rr^r�r�r�s     rr_zEUI.__setstate__�s^��
#(���w������b�=�!�D�L����
�������
rc��|jSrrrs r�
_get_valuezEUI._get_value�s���{�{�rc��|j�KttfD]!}	|j|�|_||_n|j�td|����yt|�r"	|jj|�|_ydt
$rP	dt
$r%td||jjfz��wxYw)Nrzfailed to detect EUI version: zaddress %r is not an EUIv%dzbad address format: )r�r�r��
r�)rr��modules   r�
��|�|�#�%��'� � �$�
��"'�9�)�*G� �$�,�,�"6�"6�7�+8�9�9�9�sA�C�$ D+�	D(�8D�D(�	D!�D(� D!�!D(�'D(�+.EzBa positive integer representing the value of this EUI indentifier.c��|jSr)r�rs r�_get_dialectzEUI._get_dialect�s���}�}�rc��|�|jturtStSt	|d�rt	|d�r|Std��)N�	word_size�word_fmtz*custom dialects should subclass mac_eui48!)r�r�r	r�hasattrr?�rr�s  r�_validate_dialectzEUI._validate_dialect�sC���=��|�|�v�%� � � � ��u�k�*�w�u�j�/I���� L�M�Mrc�0�|j|�|_yr)r�r�r�s  r�_set_dialectzEUI._set_dialect�s���.�.�u�5��
rzXa Python class providing support for the interpretation of various MAC
 address formats.c��|jtk(rt|jdz	�S|jtk(rt|jdz	�Sy)z:The OUI (Organisationally Unique Identifier) for this EUI.r��(N)r�r�r.r�r�rs rrHzEUI.oui�sI���<�<�6�!��t�z�z�R�'�(�(�
#��t�z�z�R�'�(�(�$rc��|jtk(rdt|dd�zS|jtk(rdt|dd�zSy)z*The EI (Extension Identifier) for this EUIrt��z%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02XrvN)r�r��tupler�rs r�eizEUI.ei�sM���<�<�6�!�#�e�D��1�I�&6�6�6�
#�-��d�1�Q�i�0@�@�@�$rc�@�|jdz	tjvS)z<:return: True if this EUI is an IAB address, False otherwiser�)rr�r�rs r�is_iabz
EUI.is_iab�s�����r�!�c�&8�&8�8�8rc�T�|j�rt|jdz	�Sy)zr
        If is_iab() is True, the IAB (Individual Address Block) is returned,
        ``None`` otherwise.
        r�N)r�r�rrs rr�zEUI.iab�s&���;�;�=��t�{�{�b�(�)�)�rc�.�|jjS)z/The EUI version represented by this EUI object.)r�r�rs rr�zEUI.version�s���|�|�#�#�#rc��t|�ro|jj}||cxkr|dz
kstd��td��|jj|j|j�|St|t�ra|jj|j|j�}t|jt|���D�cgc]}||��	c}Std|�d���cc}w)z�
        :return: The integer value of the word referenced by index (both             positive and negative). Raises ``IndexError`` if index is out             of bounds. Also supports Python list slices for accessing             word groups.
        �z!index out range for address type!zunsupported type r�)
rr��	num_words�
IndexErrorr��int_to_wordsrr:�slice�range�indicesrnr?)rrar��words�is     r�__getitem__zEUI.__getitem__s����3�<��
�/�/�I��J�3�9�9�q�=�9� �!D�E�E�:� �!D�E�E��<�<�,�,�T�[�[�$�-�-�H��M�M�
#��L�L�-�-�d�k�k�4�=�=�I�E�&+�S�[�[��U��-D�&E�F��E�!�H�F�F��c�;�<�<��Gs�C;c�>�t|t�rtd��t|�st	d��d|cxkr|j
jdz
ksntd|fz��t|�st	d��d|cxkr|j
y)	z=Set the value of the word referenced by index in this addressz"settable slices are not supported!zindex not an integer!rr�z'index %d outside address type boundary!zvalue not an integer!z.value %d outside word size maximum of %d bits!N)r:r��NotImplementedErrorrr?r�r�r��max_wordr��listr�r�r�words_to_int)rrar�r�s    r�__setitem__zEUI.__setitem__s����c�5�!�%�&J�K�K��s�|��3�4�4��C�8�D�M�M�3�3�a�7�8��F�#��O�P�P��u�~��3�4�4��E�3�T�]�]�3�3�3��M��$�-�-�1�1�2�3�4�
��l�l�/�/��6��rc�D�t|j|jf�S)zA:return: hash of this EUI object suitable for dict keys, sets etc)�hashr�rrs r�__hash__zEUI.__hash__+s���T�\�\�4�;�;�/�0�0rc���t|t�s	|j|�}|j
|jf|j
|jfk(S#t$r	tcYSwxYw�zy
        :return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically the same as other,             ``False`` otherwise.
        �r:r�rMrPrQr�rrRs  rrTz
&����u�-�����d�k�k�*�u�}�}�e�l�l�.K�K�K���
&���A�A&�%A&c���t|t�s	|j|�}|j
|jf|j
|jfk7S#t$r	tcYSwxYwr�r�rRs  rrXz
EUI.__ne__;r�r�c���t|t�s	|j|�}|j
|jf|j
|jfkS#t$r	tcYSwxYw)z�
        :return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically lower in value than             other, ``False`` otherwise.
        r�rRs  r�__lt__z
&����u�-�����d�k�k�*�e�m�m�U�\�\�-J�J�J���
&�r�c���t|t�s	|j|�}|j
|jf|j
|jfkS#t$r	tcYSwxYw)z�
        :return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically lower or equal in             value to other, ``False`` otherwise.
        r�rRs  r�__le__z
EUI.__le__Sr�r�c���t|t�s	|j|�}|j
|jf|j
|jfkDS#t$r	tcYSwxYw)z�
        :return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically greater in value             than other, ``False`` otherwise.
        r�rRs  r�__gt__z
EUI.__gt___r�r�c���t|t�s	|j|�}|j
|jf|j
|jfk\S#t$r	tcYSwxYw)z�
        :return: ``True`` if this EUI object is numerically greater or equal             in value to other, ``False`` otherwise.
        r�rRs  r�__ge__z
        :param word_sep: (optional) the separator to insert between words.             Default: None - use default separator for address type.

        :return: human-readable binary digit string of this address.
        )r��int_to_bitsr)r�word_seps  r�bitszEUI.bitsws���|�|�'�'����X�>�>rc�L�|jj|j�S)z8The value of this EUI address as a packed binary string.)r��
int_to_packedrrs r�packedz
EUI.packed�s���|�|�)�)�$�+�+�6�6rc�L�|jj|j�S)z<A list of unsigned integer octets found in this EUI address.)r�r�rrs rr�z	EUI.words�s���|�|�(�(����5�5rc�L�|jj|j�S)z�
        The value of this EUI adddress in standard Python binary
        representational form (0bxxx). A back port of the format provided by
        the builtin bin() function found in Python 2.6.x and higher.
int_to_binrrs r�binzEUI.bin�s���|�|�&�&�t�{�{�3�3rc��|jdk(r*|jdz	}|jdz}|dzdz|z}n|j}|j|d��S)a2
        - If this object represents an EUI-48 it is converted to EUI-64             as per the standard.
        - If this object is already an EUI-64, a new, numerically             equivalent object is returned instead.

        :return: The value of this EUI object as a new 64-bit EUI object.
last_three�	new_values    rrz	EUI.eui64�s^���<�<�2���+�+��+�K����x�/�J�$��*�l�:�Z�G�I����I��~�~�i��~�4�4rc�P�|j�}|xjdzc_|S)z�
        - create a new EUI object with a modified EUI-64 as described in RFC 4291 section 2.5.1

        :return: a new and modified 64-bit EUI object.
        l)rr)rrs  r�modified_eui64zEUI.modified_eui64�s#���
���
���:�:���rc�f�t|�t|j��z}t|d��S)a5
        .. note:: This poses security risks in certain scenarios.             Please read RFC 4941 for details. Reference: RFCs 4291 and 4941.

        :param prefix: ipv6 prefix

        :return: new IPv6 `IPAddress` object based on this `EUI`             using the technique described in RFC 4291.
)r�prefixrxs   r�ipv6zEUI.ipv6�s-���f�+��D�$7�$7�$9� :�:����!�,�,rc�$�|jd�S)a
        .. note:: This poses security risks in certain scenarios.             Please read RFC 4941 for details. Reference: RFCs 4291 and 4941.

        :return: new link local IPv6 `IPAddress` object based on this `EUI`             using the technique described in RFC 4291.
        l	@�)rrs r�ipv6_link_localzEUI.ipv6_link_local�s���y�y�;�<�<rc��d|jj�i}|j�r|jj�|d<t	|�S)z�
        A record dict containing IEEE registration details for this EUI
        (MAC-48) if available, None otherwise.
        r.r�)rHrrr�r�r)rrLs  r�infozEUI.info�sE���t�x�x�,�,�.�/���;�;�=��(�(�/�/�1�D��K��T�"�"rc�p�|j|�}|jj|j|�S)a"
        Format the EUI into the representational format according to the given

        :param dialect: the mac_* dialect defining the formatting of EUI-48             (MAC) addresses.

        :return: EUI in representational format according to the given dialect
int_to_strr)rr��validated_dialects   r�formatz
EUI.format�s1��!�2�2�7�;���|�|�&�&�t�{�{�4E�F�Frc�b�|jj|j|j�S)z':return: EUI in representational format)r�rrr�rs rryzEUI.__str__�s!���|�|�&�&�t�{�{�D�M�M�B�Brc��d|zS)r{z	EUI('%s')r,rs rr|zEUI.__repr__�r}r)NNr)+r'r(r)r*r+rr[r_r�r�r~r�r�r�r�r�rHr�r�r�r�r�r�r�rTrXr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�rrrrr
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0